Thomson >
MARS TECH LIMITED EXHIBIT A [FCC Ref. zA1033(b)(3)] "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User" ATLINKS USA/25838XXX-A (Handset Unit) EXHIBIT A FCC ID: G9H2-5838AH Marstech Report No. 24005Dl 5.8 GHz CaI|Waiting Caller ID CordlessTelephOne User's Guide We bring gout] things to life EQUIPMENT APPROVAL INFORMATION mun. rrr. n r inpwvld lu wrlmulwllolh-Pumlzswllth ham Mamet .r.r r m wmnl nrr wllhparm rm, u,rcc nurrrrn lxgulalmnunfl rrrrrrrr r. nerurrrmrnrrrrrsnpnm Term trurrrrrrrruurrnrurrnm v mlIIk-llmmlmlu-Ifw tau-fly m. lhlhonom ql mu nrlulpm- r a lab-l lnflnallng, amnnfl mhel nlurrruurnnr USnumIvzl m Runny Ewlvaluncu Mummy lnzm lanm roll-pm. Van 1mm. upon "queer,rrwmunnrnlrrmsnenroyour manhunt (unlul'lv rnr win We uulul m flulevmmlnymtnumhll cluwlusvw "lav ronreurrruur uluphwt W km! on MW sll rlmrru l ILL! w when vwvldcphanc mmlbel u mllm In mml my mll all u v N7 mm 91 me eznrulsn «was Lam-tum": me lmeshonm no. «run 5 lr he eenur. ohm nmvu'dwlux you maywnntm In you: Hun suemrmrne em you uuulu zomacl ywl lml lelephmnwmpafiv Anlu “clamusnllmunmet!Imxnuulmtnllomlwl rwrw rugmaul-Mommlvmlklvlullmmfllv Ml wulluNeFCchnnulllnndveuulwmemxm mu ACVAAenmvll lleunhmemu 1nd mnwln nlunlx prwlueawnnlnnrruauu n rrmnrer Inh'wnmnnd re. wmpallblfl moduli! rm ml 4S 1159 wlnulunl Sn mnllllllon lmlmclwn luvdeulls Maw; . nru tau-pm, (7-1:va n. user: on u lze plnwldzfl nrrnrrrrmon. e um - Vanvllnlslusuhlnlloxu lanalmv-lovtrvauma nub muuvwrownleltphw- mulmnl livnu ue an n owl. cnru wllhvnw lee-n rerun. mow anlt‘unuu o. mum. ltllphonl emu-w upon nnmmlnl auurrrreuron nlkuzl-nhnm ham your r..e ~ Hyourllunlemuptmallymm rmeuuurmmnnsuruurnrmemrr nermrrrnrmu rnrn mrnrrrrrruuamnueuum rel-rmuuenwllvwnr anumnm nulwhalled-nh rum. Mummmn. eunxull yum lalanhonl mow r. . wrnuul rm... 7 mmume-Cmunv snuuavwruorlrnrnmr-«nu-m.unwurrrrumrmm-rnrrmunmermrnuwrnr ul mnlwny u l} rm... wmlwu. nmwvmlm lmolav ommrrurnu rl (twlc‘ Marv or m1 all Where final run rml wmluhie nndlh'arwmnmuxmmmwm rum. ulnwmeznmviw n-rv lelelr-lvdlnwlmuexewlnrmmnnvlnmuvfimlmnulvm nlrum ltl-lzp'lmltompiw MM mplumwvnwrly yulrol munwmwnlydmnll-mnw,mil 01-1vmlbekununlylamlrcnlhn nrunlun,a..rlzl.mrmvruumunanmr "vi-Mun lcommussmwlxu-mlcnlmluucntl loan Submit a mhn sum nulrr nnflfltfl mm phonuqlV-Dlxlym-ymanmqnmllunmmwu rum when-AW ,n autumn n lee-mu rum." nlcnolhx eurlrrrrrnrrrmmrruru-u mm mm: um NmLsnho-Wu "moms mum. lhnuxnmwflwnmnwulvwlldefihw lwlunl rne lflemmewmawmmulwvnulmmtnu wnlwrlollwwummdmmum-nm um. HEARING AID COMPATIBILITY gHAC! mu lelmhamsy‘unummficc inndardslulN-l “Mama-mull" us nwszn ls mmso owns 615an sworn nzn worsen ls memo owns crown Burma ANN“ USA. I“ mlWesr |fl31d 5: u on. s or woudules Mndclzssas Ind-anaunhsJNlS an mama law a Dnm El ©2004ATUNKS usA lnc ad ns maemrklsl ®R slated Pvlntud m Chum eruls] Rnnlslladahl INTRODUCTION CAUTIO wn 1uwhlgIglepllolleequlpnlknl,Lhel'lAu'nntbdbll Aalely mnxdmr“ rlml should mm be lolluworl Rt'fcrrrn llm IMPORTANT sum-v INSTRUCTIONS prmlllml wilh lhls prmlml unrl um llrrm (or fuzuru relerenca Your Call Wail-ng Caller ll) phone slums and displays spucrlrc rnlormal-on, nrovrded lay your local lelephone ccmpxny. m subsmhers or Caller ID or slmllar caller ldemlficaliun semces. Your Call Walilng Caller ll) ohonu unables vau lo. . ldenlllv callers before you answer me phone. . Vrew lne lime and dale ul ew- incomrng call, - Record up (a All Caller ll) messages scquemizllv - Knaw whn called whlle ynu were awavv To gel mu mosl fmm your nzw onunu, we suggesl lnrn vml rake a low minutes rrgm naw ro read lhmugh mi: user's quldz. IMPORTANT In mdcr m um .A|| olrlw, lea-um nlrlru urrll, vnu mu“ fiuhwnhe m eulrur Hm slandnrd Nellie/Number Caller ID Servllc or Call Waning Caner n) Scrum. Tr. know who u rr1|||ng whlk‘ ynu arr nn (hr' pllnm‘, vmx rrruu sllllscnhn ru Cull Wmung Caner lD Survuu IMPORTANT: Because (oldlfls phnncs operate ml rlerrrlrlr); mu should have at lean (me phone ln ymlr lrorur lhul lsn'l comm. lrr (Am rm pom lrr your We A A MEUENWWG mfixElAMmuN cAUTlaN CMmflN mnrouofme wmummo new "MW” 0" izéllmlfllm.‘rrr r ELECTRWAL SHOCK Alumna le HF "will Sim/lows w ' lwnmm WA“Dr°°N°’ A" “M EXPOSETHlS lNEi’RnnuU l mtfiau Cl PRODUCT 70 RAIN " OR MOISTURE dlsplzy qu/uflbatk lndlerlor ulk/ulllnclr hulmn CH) 0 CID-VOL 0 “no" VOL l i bum-n form-l hullrm nulls: huunn lrrrrlplrurrejrrn rial/than oullon mule blnlml r. r l. u """ y “ °" null/pure lmunn - all human ll pnuio humm prge bulinn charge/[n use ludiulor FCC [D Gollz-sxssAl-l Marslcch Repon No 2400501 EXHIBIT A“ 1 BEFORE YOU BEGIN PARTS CHECKLIST Mlke sure your Dudllqe includes the items shown here, U TM "mum Battery Bell tho Handset Line cord Ac potter compartment battery entrain dour Wall hle TELEPHONE JACK REQUIREMENTS O" To use this phone, you need an RN“: type modular (elephant! 1 jack, which might Itmk like the on! Dinumd hers, "mailed in MuduliY ‘ ‘ your hams, if you den‘l have a medularjack,cal1yuwlocal thwhoflfl i phone company to lrnu out haw lo get one installed, “Mini 0 DIGITAL SECURITY SYSTEM Your cordless phone uses a digital security tyttent to protect against latte ringing, unauthorized access, nnd charges to your phone line, When you place the hmdsal In the base, the unit verillee its security code. Aher power outage or tunerv replacement, you xhould nlzu the h-ndtet in the hose lot about 20 seconds to reset the code INSTALLATION NOTE: Sumc cordless Iolt'pherrcs npcialt‘ at (lvqttettdcs that may cause it». ion-nee In nmrhv Tvt mirlnwavt', ovtrnn and chs To mtntrtrire Or pluvunl wart rhttn tort-nth. the haw ol the cordltt“ telephone should not he plated tit-n. or on top eta W, lnicruwaw: uvellxt or VCR It tuck inter tererree tnntniot Inflw‘ thr» curd st tt-it-phonr lanhcr away trnnr thew npplianecc Curtorn Mhrt ctnrnnunrrouhns drvim may mist-r use the 5 it GI lr lli‘qur‘ncy [or tonnnunicaiion. nntl. rtnnt properly (cl. [hum dwimx maytnu-rtm- with t-ach other anti/or your new luh'phunu Itvcu t- Luna-mud vmh Inlm‘felmxc piemo ram Iu llli'nrwm-fx rra rat [or (IN (ll’vlwx on how lu pmpm'ly st-t channelstp avoid tnunionncc Typical drum that may use the 5 II GHr quuttncy Inrmmmtlmcmiwn tnciottt wheim dudm/vll‘lN) midi-tat 1m (Dmpulu nt'lwm ts. nnatia handQ‘l torditsa iclk’phonc sync-rm, and some hug dnge cordless telephone systmm INSTALLATION IMPORTANT INSTALLATION GUTDELINEs - Avoid sources at noise and heat, such as motors, fluorescent lighting, microwave ovens, heating appliances and direct sunlight, - Avoid areas at excesslve dust, moisture and low temperature. - Avnld other cordless telephones or personal computers . Never install telephone wrnng during a lightning storm. - Never install telephone tadts Il| wet locations unless drejarx is spemficaily designed tot wet locations. - Nevertoiror nanrnsulated telephone wires or terminals. unless the telephonehne has been disconnected at the network interteoe - Use caution when installing or mndtfving telephone lines INSTALLING THE PHONE 1 Choose an area near an electrical outlet and a telephone wall ink (lunch and place your cordless telephone on a level surlace, suth as a desktop or tabletop, or you may mount it on the wall, 2 install the handtet battery loorpvrsn ti st rrparitolewnhti ttnir NOTE Vuu mun oonnett the handsei pariery helote mu, NOTE: It the hanuset battery patk e not notatteu or properly commit-led mode the battery (omparmwnl, lhr hantlsvt tittptnys “Nam 7TERY,“ when the hartrtsct on Iht: hove cradle a Plug the battery pack cord into the jack located inside the battery oompanment, then place the banerv pack insroe the battery compartment, - Put the banery compartment door oadt on 3 Plug one end at the telephone Irne cord lnto the In LINE jark on the hadt ol the base and the other end into a modular jack. 4 Set the RINGER switch ion the handset) to GM 5, Plug the Ac power converter rnto the electncai outlet and the Dc connector into the |adt on the buck ot the base, a, Place the handset In the ease cradlerhe ohargehn use indicator turns on, verrlvrng the hanery is charging. 7 Allow the phone to charge ter 12 hours to lirstuse, ilyou don-t properly purge the phone, cattery pertormane compromised. CAUTION: Use only the ATLINKS UsA. Int; 5-2629 titrevl or 52501 thrash) petvur topverter that came Nth this unit, Using ullttrl pewter rmwrerwu may damage the unit NOTE : The phortr Is thrpped in mm‘ dieting rvmt'lr. from the nranulntnrrer WALL MOUNTING NOTE: For host results, charge rht» phnm- on a flat surface peters» mu mount it on the wz“ i slip the mounting holes (on the back oftha hasel over the wait plate posts, and slide the unit down into place. (Wall plate not included.) 2. Place the handset on the base. cradle. SET UP There are tour programmahle menus avatlataie- Language, Area Code, hingerIone, and Detach Setttng, noting pmgrimmtng. you may press the llash/prog button at any time to go to the next op nTo exit the meflu, keep the previous sening and return to the standby mode, press the mat bum)" DISPLAY LANGUAGE 1. Press the «lash/prep hunon until >1ENGZFRA 355? shows in the display IENG is the detautt. 2, Use the clnsvctL In or +) button or Ihetoud’flone pad on the handsetto enter your selection 3. Press hash/prep again to save. LOCAL AREA CODE 1. Press the llaah/prog hunon until AREA CODE- the delault shows in the display, - - - is 2. Use the toudr-tene pad on the handset to enter your three digit area code. NOT wrong In crew u RINGER TONE 1. Press the tlashrproo ourton until RINGER TONE i 1 shows in the display 1 is the default 2 Use the CID-VOL i— or 4) hunan or the mum-tone pad on the handset to scroll to r, z, or: 3. Pleat flash/Drug to save. DEEAULT SETTING l. Pless the fllsh/pmg bullon until DEFAULT r Nashows lnthe display Note the delault. 2 Use the CID»VOI. [~ or +1 tautton on the handset to scroll to YES or No 3 Press ilashlprog to save Vou will heara conlirrnation tone CORDLESS PHONE BASICS CHARGE/ IN USE INDICATOR The phone is ON when the indicator on the handset and the draroahn use indicator on the base ls iii The handset and can indicators llash when you receive a call. ANSWERING A CALL l, When the phone rings, pick up the handset and press the mk/callhfldi button. 2. When itnlshed, press the lalk/cullbadt bunch ol place the handset on the base cradle to hung up. MAKING A CALL l Fla up the handset and press the talk/callbldt buttonwnt tor the dial Ions.The call rlnier atartt counting mlnults and seconds in the display 2 mar atelephone number 3. When nnlshed. press the talk/callback bunch again or place the handset on the liase cradle to hang up. PRE-DLALING |. Make sum the phone is OFF (no! lnTALK made). 2. Dial a telephone numper (the number you dial shows in the display] NOTE ltyrn. makr a rniuairu tliahrlg the numhrr. no- the (Id/than bunt-m to bdrhputc and one tin wrnny nurniser. and enter um t'nrrhct nurntrer. 3. Press the laIk/callbadt button on the handsetThe number autnmaficflny dials and the call llmer starts count-no the minutes and seconds in the display. 4. When linished, press the Iaililcallhadt button again to hang up ( NOTE. on may enter up to 32 predrnl (llglrs 3 REDth Whlle the phone is an (irtTALK mode), press the redial button to redial the last number you dialed hip to clz digitst. OR. Whlle the phone is err tln standpy model, mass the redial button and then the talii/ calloadt human to redlai the last number. FLASH Use the flash/Drug outton to activate custom calling services such as call war no, which are avallaote through your local phone company. TIP: Di as tall nn use the talk/l allharh hurrnn to oulvale (uslnm ralllttg services such in; n. you'll hang o rht- pnnne CHANNEL BUTTON While talking on the phone, it may be necessary for you to manually change the channel to improve receptlon and reduce noise or static on the line. Prass and release the delrchan button to move to the next clear mannel. EXIT Press the 'ext( outton to cancel any command you ln ated FINDING THE HANDsET This feature halos lucala a misplaced handset Press the page launon on the me the handset beeps continuously tor about 2 minutes unrll you Diets the talk/calloack outton on the handset or the poor ltuiiori on the base. ( NOTE v yum page the handset when the ringer n all ) RINGER SWITCH Set the RINGER switch on the handset to choose the rlng level at the handset. You may choose ON ororr- VOLUME when the phone is ON |inTALK mode) press the CID-VOL t or ti billion to adjust the listening level Chou" irom tour volume settings. VOL 1 it the lowest volume and VOL 4 la the highest volume, MUTE use rrlute durlrlg a phone conversation to speak privately and oIi-line With a third party. 1, Press the mute bullarl. MUIE thaws in the display. The party on the lEIephone will not hear you. 2. Pie“ the mute hlmon when liniahed. LLER ID [CIDQ Thia unit receives and dlsplayt nlormet ri transmitted by your iocal phone company. This information can lrtoitide the phone number, date. and time; or the name. phone numbet, date, and time The urut can store up to do calls lpr later tevlew. Tlme Dare Numhe. at allt 70:38 at. III/EU new °‘“ " 0 317-555-1234 FRED PAGE Carter ID phmle numhn Caller ID name CALL WAITING CALLER ID Provided you sunscr- taller ll) servtce lrom your phone company. you are able to see whirls calling while you are on the phone when you hear the call waiting beep. The caller identification information appears in the display alter you hear the tone. ~ When you hear the call waiting heep in the handset receiver, press the flash/Drug button to put the current call on hold and answat the incoming call IMPORTANT: In order to ute Hm nnrt's Caller ID iearuret. you must subscribe in either iht: standard Name/Numnnr Caller ID Senna Or Call waiting Caller ID Smite. c knnrw who it (dump, whllc yntl are on rin- phone. you rntni ruincrroe to (all Waiting Caller”) Service RECEIVING AND STORING CID RECORDS When you receive a call. the intonnation is transmitted oy the phone company to your Caller ID telephone between the first and second nng. When the memory is lull, a new call automatically replaces the oldest call in memory. NEWapp-ars in the display for calls recelyed that have not been reviewed C NOTE: crock wlth your local phone r oinpany “gaming name mrvlw ayatiatniny ) REVIEWING CID RECORDS its calls are received and stored, the dlsplav is updated to let you know how many calls have heen received - Press the CIDVOI. l-l to scroll through the all records from the most recent to the oldest, . Press the CID—VOL lot to scroll through the call records trorrr the oldesrto the newest TRANSFERRING CALLER ID RECORDS IN MEMORY 1. Make sure the phone is OFF (in standby model. 2. Press the C|D~VDL l- on) button to scroll to the desired caller ID. 3. Press the memory button. 4. Press a number key it] ~ 9] to store the number In that memory location.You will hear a confirmation tone. NOTE: h is important that you rmmar the caller ID records correctly before xtnr ing in memory It ls not possible to rerormm caller ID records stored rn memory. To REPLACE AN OLD MEMORY WITH A New CID RECORD: 1. Repeat steps! through 3 inTransIerring Caller ID Records in Memory After entering the memory location, HEPLACE MEMO? shows in the display. 2. Press the memory button again, and the new CID record replaees the old memory in that locationYGu wiIl hear a confirmation tone. DELETING THE CURRENT CID RECORD 1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not inTALK mode). 2. Use the ClD-VOL (- or H button to scroll to the desired record. 3. Press dellchan,The display shows DELETE CALL ID? 4. Press dellchan again to erase the record and the next Caller ID record shows in the display.You will hear a confirmation tone, DELETING ALL CID RECORDS 1, Make sure the phone is OFF (not inTALK mode). 2. Use the CID-VOL [7 or s) button to display any Caller ID record. 3. Press and hold the del/chan button until DELETEALLZShnws in the display, 4. Press del/chan again to erase all reoords.Vuu will hear a confirmation tone.The display shows N0 CALLS. DIALING A CALLER ID NUMBER 1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not inTALK mode). 2. Use the CID-VOL (- or +1 button to display the desired record. 3. Press talk/callback.Th= number dials automatically. CHANGING THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FORMAT The format button lets you change (he Iormat of the displavsd telephone number. The available Iormats are as Iollows, 7—digit telephone number. 3~digrl area code 4 7rdigit telephone number. 1I-dlglt long distance code "I" + 3»digit area Ends f 7~digit telephone number. 1. Use the CIDVVOL I- or kl button to scroll to the number you want to call back. 2. Press talk/callback The number dials automaticall NOT If the re phone t the number mber cannot be are nd try again ress the for-mm bun 1 to MEMORY Store up to ten 24-digit lS-character numbers In memory tor quick dialing This memory Icalure is in addition to the CID memory log, which stores up to 40 CID records STORING A NAME AND NUMBER m MEMORY 1. Make sure the ohone is OFF (not inTALK model. 2. Press the memory button. 3. Press the desired memory location [0 through 5) or use C|D~VOL (0 or -I to scroll to the desired memory location. ( NOTE: rrrhe memory location ls orcuprea, me memory location number and in) contents Shaw m the display. 4. Press the memory button again.The display shows ENTER NAME. ( NOTE: rrym. dmft want to emor me name, slop step 5 ) 5 Use me loom-«one pao on Ihe nendser lo enler me name luo lo is dllnlclurs) and pressure memory bullon lo sovo. More man one lelrer ls slored ln eudl orlhe number keys. For exampIeJo enrerlhe name Blll Smirn, press me 2 key twice lor lire lellrr E. Pressure 4 key 3 limes lorlne lener I. Press me 5 key 3 limes rorrne lrller L. Wall lor one second Press fire 5 key 3 runes for me seoond lener L. Press me 1 key ro rnsen o speoe berween lhe L and me 5. Press me 7 key A llmss lorlhe lelrer 5; press me 6 key once lor lne loner M; press in 4 key 3 limes ror rne lener I, press me a key «or lire lenerT; press rrre 4 key rwroa lorrne lerreril. 5 Press lne memory bullon lo seve me name The display snows ENTER YEL NUMEFI. 7. Us; We loum'mne Dad ID Enter The Ielephone number you war" 10 5mm tup m 24 drgusl. a Press memory eooln ln srore rne number. Vou Wlll near e conlrrmnron lone NOTE: 11 you make a mlsulke pron rne rlel/rnao bullon lo be. kspale ond erase rnr- wrong ammo-rig) or nurnber(s) CHANGING A STORED NUMBER 1 Repeer sreps I lnrougn 7 in Sic-ring a Name and Number in Memory 2. Press Ihe memnry bunch, and ”REPLACE MEMO"v shows ln Ihe dISDIaV 3 Vress the memory bullDrl (a slore lhe number.Vou will hear a conflrmallon (one STORING A REDIAL NUMBER ‘l. Raves! 51995 1 Ihlough Girl Staring a Nam: and Numberln Memory. 2 Przsslhe redlal Mann. 3 Press Ihe memory bonnn ID slave lhe number You Will hear a canrlrmallon rune. To replac: an old number wllh a NEW radial number I Repeal slaps | Through G in Slorlng a Name and Number lrl Memory 2. Press the lzdlal bullorl. 3 Pressure mummy hunon, and “REPLACE MEMO?" shows In llle display 4. Press lrle memory burlon again lo replace lne old number wun Ihe new number, you wlll near a canlllmarlon rune. DIALING A STORED NUMBER 1 Make sure the phone ls ON by pressan the walk/callback human . Press in: memory hum)" Press lne memory locolion lo-sl The number dials aulomerrcelly. 4)“. Make sure lne phone is OFF lno TALK model. 2 Press me memory hurlon 3 Use me CID—VOL l- or r) bunon ro scroll lo me number you warn lo drel. 4 Press lalk/callbaeune number dials autumarically. INSERTING A PAUSE IN THE DlALING SEQUENCE OF A STORED NUMBER ll a pause rs needed [0 wan lor a dial or aeoesslone. pressure ll pause huuon ro lnsen a delay ln diallng seouenoa or a srored number «or Example, alrer you dial 9 lor an oursrde lure, or no wall Ior a eompurer access rone,l peuse snows ul rrre display as a P, and each peuse counrs as one digu In no dialing sequence REVIEWING AND DELETING STORED NUMBERS l. To revle'w srored numbers, press ma memory buuon, and use the CIDsVUI. l— or .l purron ro scroll lo one memory locerion, or pressure oorrespondnrg number key lor e desueo memory loeeuoo log). 2 When lne dola shows in llre dlspley, press lhe delldlarl bunon The display snows DELETE7 3 Press del/onan agaln lo delele me dola.Tne dlsplay shows DELETED. CHAIN DIALING FROM MEMORY Use llris ieolure lo make calls wnron require a sequenoe ol numbers, sour as calling card cells lo a lreouenrly called lono drsrance number. Eodr pm or me seouene is dialed irom memory. The rollowrng example shows you now ro use dram dlellnp lo make a call rnrouon a long dlsrance service: The Number For Memory Locolrcn Long drslonce mess number 7 Aurnorization code a Frequenrly called long dislanee number 9 1 Make sure lhs pnone ls ou (inTALk model, 2. Press memory and men press 7 3. When you neer me access lone, press memory and llren press 8 4. Al lire nexr access lone, press memory and men 9 TIP: Walr 1m rlu- nub» runes boron» nrcsxlrlg mo nL-xl memory burien. or you. eoll mlghr nor go rhrough HEADSET AND BELT CLIP OPERATION CONNECTING AN OPTIONAL HEADSET TO THE HANDSET For nends free operorion Headrcr jzck Hudxfl plug 1. Remove in»; rubber cap covering me needsel Jack. 2. Connecr ms nerdsel lo rne neodssr redr on {he handse‘ Th! handsal receiver ls disabled when the headser 15 connected. 3 Adrusl me needsex lo resr comronably on rop of your head and over your Eur. Move lhe mroropnone lo approx-merely lwo xo Ihvee roenes lrom your mourn 4. Press mo lelklcollbadr bullon on me nandm lo enswer a call or make calls wrlll me needsel 5, To return lo normal oporerlon. unplug the neadeor irorn me lack ATTACHING Tl-IE BELT CLIP To anann me belt clip, rnsen lhe sides or me bell clip inro me slols on each side or me handset Snap lne ends urine bell clip into place CHANGING THE BATTERY Make sure llle leluylhnne is OFF (nor lnTALK mode) before you replace battery \. Remove ore omen companmem door. 2. Dmmnnecnhe oord auached lo lne banery poor and remove lne banery padr lrom llle handsel 3. lnxon llre new barrerv pack and eonnecl lire card no llro look rnsrde lhe ballery companrnenl. 4. Pm me banery componmenr door back on 5. Place handsel in me base in dror e Allowdr- hanlle lull-rylo properly marge llor lz hours| pr“ r ro llm use or when you lrlslill a new broery pull. llynr do run properly charge rlu plooe, looery pM-rmarlu rri Ire mmpfllmlud. CAUTION n mdl e the use only me bar-er, lrsred in me NOTE: llrlu- harldm hancrv Dark is nor msralled ul plnpmly rororerrerl uulde rim burlery .~onlparrnrenr. me handsel duplzlys “ lvo runner,“ whml IhP bonrlsel is on rile base rrorlle BATTERY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ~ Do not burn, dlsossernple. murilore. or punclum omer oauerres ol nus rypo, loxic malzrlals could be released wruorr can cause n|ury - To reduce the rrsk omre or personal lmury, use only llre banery llsled in llre User's Guide. . Keep bananas oor ol me reaon or doldren. . Remove bunerles ll sronno over an days. NOTE: Tire RBRC mil on the battery used in yuur ATUNKS USA. lnc pmi-liirr lndll‘ilR‘S rlini we are pnnlflpfinng in a program in when and recyde Niikel Cadmium nail ies mrrmghnul iric Unircd SINGS Please call l—EDINLBATTERV rrri inlorniariuu ur Lunlacl your local i-rcycllng rpm”: DISPLAY MESSAGES Ine iolioiying messages snow rlie srarus oi lire phone or help you ser up and one yourpliene WOOMPLETE Caller inform ri is inierrupled during lrans ion or l7AIA ine phone line is excessively noisy. Emzn NAME Prompt telling you lo emer a name ror one olrne id memcry locaiicns DELEYE ALI] Prompi asking ii you weni lo erase all Caller ID recurds. DELEIE an ID? Prompr asking ll you wanr lo erase lne curreni caller ID record liiai is siiown on Me display DELETED Pmmm coniirniing a CID record is erased DELETE? Prompi asking il you wenl io erase one ol me in numbers srored in pro phone‘s oulgomg memory. END or List lnilicalcs lirere IS no addiiional iniorrnaiion in lire Caller ID memory log NEW lndicales cali or calls nave nor been reviewed. UNKNOWN ice incoming cail is from an area noi serviced liy Caller ID or NAME/CALLEH/ caller ioiormenon is nor senl. NUMBER PAGING Someone is paging Ins iiandsel lrom irie base. BLOCKED cALL Caller informarion is piocked irom lransmissien BLOCKED Caller name and numoer is biodied lrcm lmnsmlssmn NAME/NUMBER nzlfl Repeal call mesrage, lndicares inei a new call irom rlis nine number was received more rlian once, N0 DAIA No Caiier ID iniormarion was received. EMF“ indicaies a memory loearion is vaceni N0 CALLS indicaies no calla have been received MESSAGE lndicaies a message is available WArrlle OUT of RANGE Handsei is run lar away lrorn ins base Mover Lloul la rue laese Low BArrExv lridieares rne nandsel bauery is low and needs charging. uNAnLEro nlAL lnriicares llie CID or memory ccnlanls cannol he dialed. lmAsLEl’o STORE PnEssTALK KEV lndicales lire cu) number is a Diracloiy Dial Number IDDN) and cannol be lormaued Indreares rlie peuery is not installed or properly conneerad inside me narrery compenmem HANDSET SOUND SIGNALS lodrcales lire CID or memory ccnierirs cenncl be slored, N0 BA’I'I’EHV signal Meaning A long warming rorie (wllh linger onl Iliree snon beeps (several llmes) One beep eyery 7 seccnds signals an inwmrnq call Page signal Low ballerv warrilrlg TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS CALLER ID SOLUTIONS N0 dileaV - Fully criarge iler 12 iiciirsl or replace ihe oaoeiy. - ir you are using AC ielesiriaall power. make suierriaiuie unir is connesied lo a non— swilmed eleolrioal (Juliet Unplug lne AC power sonyener lrom rlie unll and plug ii back in. - To see Caller ID inlorineiion in you. display, you musl be subscrioed io Caller ID service rlirougn your local lelepnonc company caller ID incomplere . The unil displays lnis message il il delecls airylliing olrrer dara message inan valid Caller ID inlormalion during rhe siloni period ailer lne first ring This message indicales ilie presence or noise on the line. TELEPHONE SOLUTIONS N0 dial lone - Chedi or repeal insiallarion sleps - Make sure riie base power cord is connecled lo a working elecrncel ouliel - Make sure Ihe relepnooe iine cord is oonnecled ro rlie oase unii and "la modular plrone |ack? - Dlscanriecl (he has! [mm the wall phans jack and comma anamer phone to the same isolr. ii mere is no dial lone on riie second pnone, rlie prooiem rriigiir be your wiring or local service - The nandsei miglu be oul oi range ol rlre base. Move closer lo lire base . Make sure lire battery is properly merged llor 12 iioursl. - Ensure rhe nanery padr is inslalled correctly. - Did (he nandsel beep when you pressed lne rallr/caliback punonv Did lire in use indisaior porne cumin pauery may need lo pe diarged. Dial ions is OK, poi can‘l dial our ' Make sure the tone/pulse selling is programmed canefllv ilandsei does run ring - Make sure ine RINGER aim'idi on me nandsei is iurned lo ON - You may have loo many exrension phones on your line Iry unplugging some phones - See solurions lcr "No dial lone." Chargefin use lndicaror on rlre base lime: . Provided your pnone company oliers voice menigmg servrce and you suhscnbe lo ll, lne cnargenn use lndlcalor on irie bale llasries when lne phone is rioi in use 10 indicale More I! a message wailing. li slops liasriing lfiel rrie message m been reviewed. Phone won'i diei our wuh pulse seryice . Make sprains piionais in pulse dialing mode Vou experience sraric, noise, or fading in and oui - cnenge cnennels - The nendsel maybe our or range. Move closer in «he base - lielocaie irie base. - cnarge ins penery. - Make sure base is nol plugged inio an elacirical ourlel wrin anolner lrouselicid appliance. Unil peeps - Place handser in pass cradle for 20 seconds In resel rlie securirv code ll lhel doesn't work. cnaige liie bmerv lpr 12 hours - See soiuiipns lor ”Na oral lone" . Replace ine papery. Memory dialing - Make sure you coirecily program lne memory localrori keys. - Make sure you lollow lire proper dialing sequence. ~ you innsi reprogram niiiooers inro memory aiiei . power ourage or baiiorv reblacemenl’ Dul ol range . Moverlosorlorne base - Resel lhe uollery. Unplug rne balleiy and plug ii in again ailer live seconds. - Resellhe power supply. Unplug lhe supply and plug ii in again alrer five seconds. CAUSES OF POOR RECEPTXON - Alunirnurn siding . Foil hzdflng on iiisulallon. e Healing dams and oiner melal tunslmcnnn can shield radio signals. - Vnu're loo close lo appliances such as micrnwaves,s10ve$. Compulers,elc. ~ Alnrosprieilr. condiuons. suori as sirong slorrns. - Base ls lnsialled in me basemenr or lower lloor ol lhe house, - Base is plugged rnio an Ac oullel Wilh olrier elenronlc devices ~ Baby moniior is using lne same lreoueney - Randsel ballery is low. . Vou're our ol range or lhe base GENERAL PRODUCT CARE To keep your lelephone working and looking good, lollow lnese guideli us. . Avoid purring rne phone near healing appliances and devices rhar generalo eieclilcal noise llol examule, molars or lluorescunl lamps). - Do NOT expose ro direel sunlrgnl or inoislure ~ Avold dropping and alher rough lrealmenl (0 [he nhnne - Clean wrln a soil ololn - Never use a slrong cleaning agenl or abrasive powder because uns will damage lhe finishr ~ Rerarn The original oadraging in ease you need io ship lire phone at a laler dare. SERVICE *— Ii Trouble is exverlenced wilh trils equipmenl, lor rtpalr or warranly information. please uonlaol Cusrumer servme al locum—0319 ll lrie eouiprrienl is causing narnr lo the relephone nelworlr, lhe leiephone company may reques1 that you disconnen ihe suulpmenl unlil lhe problem is rexoived, inn producl may be Serviced only by me manulnmurer or iis aulnorlrad service agerus cnanges or niodilroarions nor expressly approved oy ATLINKS USA. lne. could void llie user's aulnorily lo operale lhis produel. For irialrueiiorrs on new lo oblaur service. reler lo llia warranly included in lnrs guide or rail eualonrer service al wall-neuron Dr velar Inquirlss la: ATLINKS USA. Inc. Manager. Consumer Relanoni P 0 Box 1975 lndranapolra. IN 45206 Anaeh your sales reoelpl ro lne booiler lor lulure relerenea or iol down lne dare inis producl we! purchased or received as I will This inlermallon Wlll be valuable ll service should be reourred during rhe warraruy period Rurunase dale 7 Name oialola INTERFERENCE INFORMATIO This devlca complies wrlh Perl ls oi lhe FCC Rules. Dperaiiori la subjen to in. iollowrng lwo eondilions lllThla device may not cause hormlul ieflsrlnce; and lzl This delrlce nlual accepi any rnlerlerence recalvll‘l, lncluding lnle nrence lhrl mnv Cause undesired operalion. This equipmenl has been lealed and lound lo comply wrlh lhe linirla lor 3 Glen B dlg‘ilal device, pursuanl lo Parr 15 oflhe FCC Rules These limilr are designed lo provide reasonable prulacllon against harmlul inlerferenca in a realdenllal inslalialion, This zqulpmenl generales, uses, and can radiere radio lreouenoy energy and, ii noi lnsiallad and used in accurdance wrin lire inslrueliona, may cause harnrlul lnierleronee re radio cammunicallons However. lhere is no guararuee lliar inlerlerenee WlII nor oeeur m a parueular inslailailon ll rhls suulpmenr does cause harmlui inlerlarenee lo radio or (zlavlslon rseeplionr which can be dererrnined bylurning lhe eouipmeruoll and on, lho useris enceurlged lorry lo sorroel lhe rnlnrlararloe by one or more ollhe lollowiug measures . Reo l or relooare lhe recervrng anlenna llnar is. me anlenna lor radio or ielevision lhal ls "retelvlng" lho inlerlerencei. - Reorienl or relnczte and increase the sepaialion belween lrie relemmmunlcaunns equipmenl and receiving anlenna - Connecl lhe relemmmunlczilons equipmenl inro an ouller on a eirouil differenl lroni lnallo whidn lhe receiving anlonna is conneoled these measures do nor olinnnale lhe inlerlarance, please oonsulr your dealer or an experienced radionelevision leulinieran lor addiuonal suggeslions. Also. lhe Federal Communloauons Commission has prepared a helpful booklel, 'liowTo Idenlirv and Resolve Radio/iv Interference Problemsrrhis booklel is available horn lire Us. Governmenl Priming Office,Washinglun, D.l:. zum. Please spooily slodr nurriher um—ouuonusd when ordering copies LIMITED WARRANTY When your wunmv mere; - Deleus in maienzls or werkminshlp. For horn long arm your purchusn. ' One veai, errrI date nf purchase. (The warranty parlnd lar renlal unils begins wilh the first rental or 45 days horn data al shipment to the rental firm. whlchever comes firs!) whar rue will do; - Provide you wnli a new or, or our oplion, a refurbished unu The exchange unlr is under warranly lor lire remainder of lire original product's warraruy period. How you yea service: - Properly pack your unil, lnolude any rabies, elo, whlch were originally provided with ihe produai. We recommend using lire ongrnal canon and peeling malenals - ~i=roofoipurdrasernllielorrn ol a on or sale or rucelmed lrrvoiaa whion is widence that lire produel la williio lrie warranly period, musl oe presenied m ooiain warranly service." Far renlal linns, proof of nrsi ronlai is also required. Also prinr your name and address and a descripllnn or me delen. Send via smndzrd UPS nr lls eunlvalenl lo: ArLles USA, lire. c/o'fllomsun “m BAlarneda Aye. Spoorrojeaas my - Pay any diarges billed no you by lne Exchange Cenrer «or service nor covered by ihe warranry, ‘ Insure your shipmenl lor Ines Or damage. ATLINKS incepls no Ilahllllv in case Bl darn-go or loss . A new or relurolshed uiill wrll be slilpped in you lreigru prapud wnal your wan-my does nolcnv . Curio-nor irrarrueriorr, lvour Owner'a Manual provides inloirnalron regarding operalmg inalruuuons and uaer oonuols. Any addllional iniorrnalion, would he oblairred lroin your dealerl 0 Inuallalinn and selup ssh/ice adjuumenia . Baueries. . Damage lroni misuse or negleea. . produrls wnlor have been modified or incorporaud iruo oilrer produals, . ivroduers purchased or Ian/Iced oulaidellre USA - Am ol ualure. suon as bur nol linrireo lo lionlnuig damage Fromm Reglnralio ' Please Wmvllle and mail lhs Prndunl fiegiilrallon Card parked Willi Vflllr unll. II will make ll eBSler Io Conlacl you should il aver be necessary The return of (he card is nor required lor warrarny coverage. I lion nanrnmv: - THE WARRANTY STATED ABOVE ISTHE ONLY WARRANTY APRLlCABLETOTHlS PRODUCT ALL OTHERWARRAerES, EXPRESS OR lMPLlED llNcLuDlNG ALL iMPLiEDWARRANTlEs OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FlTNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE HEREBY DISCLAlMED NOVERBAL ORWerTEN lNrORMATlON GIVEN BY ATLlNKs USA, INC, iTS AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A GUARANTY OR in ANY WAY lNCREAsE THE SCOPE OFTHlS WARRANTY ~ REPAlR DR REPLACEMENT As PROVlDED UNDERTHlsWARRANTY ISTHE ExcLUslvE REMEDY OrTNE CONSUMER ATLINKS USA. We SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR lNClDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTlAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROMTHE USE DFTHIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OFANY BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR iMPLlEDWARRANTY oNTle PRODUCTTRls BlsCLAiMER OF WARRANTlEs AND LlMlTEDWARRANTvARE GOVERNED RYTHE LAws OFTHE STATE OF lNDlANA, EXCEPTTOTHE EXTENT PRONlBlTED BY APPLchBLE LAW. ANY lM PLlEDWARRANTv or MERCHANTABlLlTV OR FITNESS FOR A PARTlClJLAR PURPOSE ON TRls PRODUCT ls LIMITEDTOTHE APPLchBLE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE How state law uIn-s to this warranty: - Some states do not allowthe exclusion not limitation ofincidemal or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you, - This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have olher rights that vary "0m state (0 state. If you purchased your product outside the USA: - This mnamv does not apply Conlacl your dealer tor warranty information. I ACCESSORY ORDER FORM nest-tumm- —Izilizmm Bolt ip Hmluuv) $2521 (blue) ll tint Slmlwltilel 5~1fl51hlzckl Ropl- mwllhllevv 57m 5508 mm lnlackl Pom. cult-nu To order, call I—lM-El—lmi (for accessories only) or cumulate lhis order form. for credit all purchases chr complete charge card numtrer, its exoiratron date and your signature are necessary to process all charge card orders. | Capy your complete account number lrom yourvlsA card. ' I—rl—D—rI—H—I—l—H—T—I My card expirts: | Copyvouroomplete accountnumherlmmvour Mme! card in liiscrruer DEJIZEDIIEDEDII Can the numbev above your name on lhe Mlmv cord, _I_|_ | My card expires: ' DID] Authorized Signature I "Ewan-whim!» claw- wlIh-ln will“r | Total Merchandise. rl lIlIIr room. all Iaulilv to whit: the wallvi lto EDD-when All Shipping/Handling Total Amount Enclosed Mail order torm and money order or meet (in U s. currensyl made payable to Thornton to: rhorrnrn liloil lira-r lllpimnm mt norms Huh, PAUSE-M1! Name Address Apt. cilv Stats ZlP Daytime Phone Numbert l vlnue nuke sure (hfl thlslolm has hem lillod ml! compI-(clv, CUSTOMER: CUT ALONG DO‘WED LINE. >< — —
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