Thomson 2-6975 Two-Line Cordless Speakerphone With Call Waiting/C User Manual Users Guide
Thomson Inc. Two-Line Cordless Speakerphone With Call Waiting/C Users Guide
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Users Guide
MARS TECH LIMITED EXHIBIT A [FCC Ref. 2A1033(b)(3)] "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User" Thomson/26975 EXHIBIT A FCC ID: G9H2-6975 Marstech Report No. 99641 D 32-Channel Two-Line 900 MHz Caller ID with Call Waiting and Speakerphone Cordless Telephone User’s Guide We bring good things to life. 26975 FCC ID” (NIH-6975 Marslech Repon No. 996MB EXHIBIT A(l}-I FCC REGISTRATION INFORMATION Vour ielephone eouipmenr is regisiered wnri ihe Federal Communicaliuns Commission and is in compliance wuh pa sis and 53, FCC Rules and Regulanons i iior cation iii iii- Local T hon. Complny ' On ihe honom oi this equipmenl is a laoel indicaiing; among oiher iniormaiion, rha rcc hegisiraiion _ number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REM iori e eguiprneni. You musr, upon reguesi, provide this inioiniaiion to your ieiephona company . The HEN is useiui in deiermining ihe nurniier oi devices you may connect to your iaiephone line and siili have all oiihesa devices ring when your telephone number ii ed, in mosi ibur nor all) areas, rhesurn of ihe RENs oi all devices connected io one ine ariouid noi exceed 5. To oe cenhin oiiiie numbei oi devices you may conneci ro your line as determined by ihe REN, you should ooniaci your local reiephone company. mm - This equipmeni niay nor be used on coin service provided by The raiaphone company, - Pany lines are su reel to sine iariiis, and rhereiora, you may nor be able to use your own relephone equipmeni ii you are on e pany liner ohedr wirh your local ieiephone company - Nolice musi he given lo ihe ielephone company upon oerrnaneni disconnecrion oi your telephone ironi Voui line. 2 Rights oi ihe Tel-phone Company Should your equipmeni cause iioulile on your line which may harm iheielephone neiwork, ihe ialaohona company shall. where pracric-oie, noiiiy you ihaiiernporary disconlinuance of service may be required. Where prior noiice is nor preciicaoie and ihe circumsiancas warranl such aciion, ihe ielephone company may rernporariiy disconiinue service imrnedirueiy, in case of such rempora diaconiinuance, ihe ielephone company musr. iil prompiiy noiiiy you oi such lempornry discominuance772) aiiord you ihe opponuniiy io correei ihe siiuaiion; and ial iniorm you oi your rithT lo oiing a compiainr ro ihe Commiieion pursunnl ic procedures seiionh in Subpan E oi Pan es, rcc ules and Regulal' The Telephone company mly ninire chan es in hs communicaliona i. es, eouipmeni. operaiions oi procedures where such action is raguii in ihe operaiion of he business and nor inconsisianr wiih rcc Rules and hegui ns, li ihese changes are expected io aiieci ihe use or periorrnanca oi your ielaohone equipmenl. ihe relephcne company musr give you adaouaia nalioe, in wriiing,ro allow you no rna uninreriupied sen/roe INTERFERENCE INFORMATION Th device complies wirh Pan 15 oiihe FCC Rules. 0 eraiion is suliiecno ihe foilowmg iwo oond‘ ‘on in This dewce may nor cause harmful inieiierence; and zl T s device niusi aocepi any inrerierence received, including inierieience ihai may cause undesired opeiaiion. This equlpmenl has been reared and found io comply wiin ihe limiis ior a Class B digiial device, puisuani io Farr 15 oi ihe FCC Rules. These i are designed io provide reasonable proieciion againsi harmiul inierierence in a resideniial insraliaiion. This egoipmeni generales, uses, and can radiate radio lrequency energy and, ii noi inslalled and used in accordance wnh in sirucrions, may cause harniiul inrerierence re re oornmiinicaiions However, ihere is no guaranree ihai inierierence WI" not occur in a parocular insiailaiion. ii ih egoipnieni does cause harmiiil irnerfeienoeio radio orieievision recepi‘ion, which can be deieirnined gyiurnin ihe equipmenr ofi and on, ihe user is enoouraged ro iryio oorreciilie irneriereripe by one or more ihe iol owing measures: . aeoiieni or reiecaie ihe receiving enienna iihai is, ihe anienna Tor radio or relevision ihor is “receiving" ihe inierieienoel. - Reoi‘lem or relocate and increase rhe separation heiwean lhe ielecoinniunicarions equipmenr and receiving anienna - Connecr ihe Micmmmuniwlians equipmeni irno an ouiiei on a circuiidiiieiern from ihaiio which ihe receiving anienna is conneoied. ii ihese measures do nm eii ‘naie ihe inrerieience, please consuii your dealer or an experienced iadior leievision iechnician for add onai suggestions. Also, ihe Federal Communicaiions Commission has prepared a helpful loooirler, “How Toi e ‘ly and Resolve hadiorrv lnrerierence Problems." This cookiei is availaole from ihe u.s. Government P iing ciiice, Washingion, 0.6, 10402, Please speciiy slack number Owl—0000034574 when ordering copies, HEARING Am COMPATIBILITY This ielephone sysiem meeis FCC slandards ior Hearing Aid Oompaiiloiiiiy. FCC NUMBER ls LOCATED ON THE CABINET BOTTOM 2 REM NUMBER IS LOCATED ON THE CABINET BOTTOM TABLE or C NTENTS FCC FIEGlsTRATIoN INFORMATION. INTERFERENCE INFORMATlcN HEARlNG AID COMPAT|B|L|TV INTRODUBTIUN INSTALLATION AND SETUP . MODULAR JACK REQUIREMENTS . DlGrrAL SECURITV SVSYEM INSTALLATloN OPTloNs DESKTOP INSTALLATION WALL MOUNT |NSYALLATION SETUP SEmNa THE AREA Cone TONHPULSE DlAuNG . TONE PULSE SETTING THE RINGER SOUND 4 SETnNG THE TlME TELEmoNE OPERATmN RECEIVING A CALL MAKING A CALL LlNE INDtCATDR LIGNTS . AUTO $TANusv .. DUAL RINGER TONES. USING THE SPEAKERPNDNE ANSWERINE AND PLACING CALLS . RECEIVING A CALL ,, SWITCHING BETWEEN SPEAKER AND HANDSET INTERCOM USING INTERCOM FRDM THE HANDSET FROM THE BASE 4. WHEN You HAVE A CALL WARNING:T0 PREVENT FIRE oR ELEcTRchL snucx mum no nor EXPOSE nus pnanucv v0 nAm on molsTuRE, REDIAL .. FLASH Burton . 24 CHANNEL BUTTON 24 TEMPORARV TONE 25 HOLD . 26 CONFERENCE 4 FINDING THE HANDsET RINGER SWITCH VOLUME MUTE. VOICE MESSAGING CALLER ID FEATURES CALIER ID WITN CALL AIT‘ING RECEIVING AND STORING CAus REVIEWlNG MESSAGES DELETlNG RECORDS . DELETTNG TNE CURRENT EcoRD . DELEHNG ALL RECORDS DlAuNG A CALLER ID NUMBER . CHANGING THE NUMBER FORMAT . SYECIAI, FEATURES 4, CALLER ID WITH CALL WA|T|NG THE MEMDIV FEATmIE STORlNG A NUMBER IN MEMORY STORING A QUICK DIAL NUMBE CHANGING A STORED NUMBE DIALING A STORED NUMBER . DlAune A ONE-Toucn MEMORV D|AL NUMBER ,. (Table of Contents continued on the following page.) mum-summonmumuawn USING DlAL . CHAIN DlALlNG FROM MEMORV luszmme A PAUSE m we DIALING SEQUENCE ., REVIEWING AND DELETKNG YDRED NUMBERS CNAMGIMG (NE BANE“ BATTERV SAFEW PRECAUYIONS GENERAL Pnunucr CARE MESSAGE Inolcnons .. an 40 "was“ Sounn SIGNALS Tnounzsunnvma Tlrs CALLER |D TELEPHONE CAVEES or Pool Sim/ICE . Accessonv 0mm Few InnEx . Lmuun Wmunw .. INTRODUCTION ——_— Your Caller ID phone stores and displays specific information, provided by your local telephone company, to subscribers of Caller ID or similar caller identification services You must subscribe to one of these services in order to use this unit Your Caller ID phone enables you to: 0 Identify callers before you answerthe phone. - View the time and date of each incoming call. - Record up to 40 Caller ID messages sequentially. - Know who called while you were awavt To get the most from your new phone, we suggest that you take a few minutes right now to read through this user's guide REMIND '5 product requi s a subscription to Caller ID service from your telephone compan Check for name servl ava ab IMPORTANT: Because cordless phones operate On electricity, you should have at least one phone in your home that isn't cordless, in case the power in your home goes out. INSTALLATlON AND SETUP Make sure your package includes the items shown here. AC power supply lel maunl bucket. e@e@ Telephone line cord ste MODULAR JACK REQUIREMENTS You need an RJ14type modular jack or two HJ11 type jacks. HJll is the most common type of phone jack. Either might look like the one pictured here. If you don’t have a modular jack, call your local phone company to find out how to get one installed. INSTALLATION NOTE Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interference to nearby TVs and VCRs To minimize or prevent such interference. the has: oflhe cordless relephone should not be placed near or on top of a TV or VCR, If such interference continues, move the cordless telephone farther nwny from the TV or VCR. DIGITAL SECURITY Sysmvr Your cordless phone uses a digital security system to provide protection against false ringing, unauthorized access, and charges to your phone line When you place the handset in the base, the unit verifies its security code, After a power outage or battery replacement, you should place the handset in the base for about 20 seconds to reset the code INSTALLATION OPTIONS Although you can use your 2-Iine cordless telephone with a single phone line, you must have two lines (separate phone numbers) to use a two-line system. The following diagrams show two possible systems: Two Lines on Single Modular Jack One type of two-line phone system uses a single RJM modular jack which contains both phone lines. Connect the phone cord to the L1 + L2 jack. You must use a 4-conductor telephone line cord like the ones that are packed with your unit. Each Line on a Separate Modular Jack If you have two separate phone jacks, each with its own line. connect one of the phone cords to the L2 jack, and connectthe remain- ing phone cord to the L1+ L2 phone jack located on the back of the phone, “M2 NOTE: Connect the phone cord from the L] + L2jack w the outlet that you want to be line 1, NOTE: Two-line capabllily requires two-line sen/ice from your local telephone company. DESKTOP INSTALLATION (3 NOTE: For desktop charging only, [he handset is able to charge facing up or down. ® Two Lines on a Single Modular Jack 1, Make sure wall mount bracket is securely fastened. 2. Set RINGER switch ion the handset] to ON. 3. Plug the power supply cord into the POWER 12V DC jack on the base and into an AC outlet. 4, Place handset in the base to charge for 12 hours. The CHARGE/INT light ion the base) comes on to indicate that the battery is charging. If you don’t charge the handset battery properly (for 12 hours) when you first set up the phone, performance of the battery will be compromised. 5. Plug the telephone line cord into the L1 + L2 jack on the base and into a dual line modular jack. G. Raise the base antenna. NOTE: The phone automatically defaults to lonchionc dialing. To change to pulse (rotary) dialing, see “Tone/Pulse Dialing.”1fyou don't know which type ofservice you have check with the phone company. Each Line on 8 Separate Modular Jack 1. Make sure wall mount bracket is securely fastened. 2. Set RINGER switch (on the handset) to ON. 3. Plug the power supply cord into the POWER BV DC jack on the base and into an AC outlet. 4. Place handset in the base to charge for 12 hours. The CHARGE/INT light (on the base] comes on to indicate thatthe battery is charging. If you don’t charge the handset battery properly (for 12 hours) when you first set up the phone, performance of the battery will be compromised. 5. Plug one ofthe telephone line colds into the L2 jack and into a single line modular jack. Connect the remaining phone cord to the L1+ L2 phone iack located on the back ofthe phone and into a single line modular lock 6. Raise the base antenna. NOTE : The phone automatically defaults to touch-tone dialing. To change to pulse (rotary) dialing. see “Tone/Pulse Dialing.“ lryou don't know which type of service you have, check with the phone company. CAUTION Use only the Thomson ' g other power sup WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION Two Lines on a Single Modular Jack Because it is necessary to charge the handset for 12 hours priorto connecting the phone for use the first time, it is better to leave the unit on a flat surface during initial charge before attempting to hang it on the wall. 1. Make sure the wall mount bracket is securely fastened. 2. Set RINGER switch to ON. 3. Place the handset in the base. 4 Connectthe power supply cord into the base and the other end into an AC outlet. The CHARGE/INT light comes on, indicating the battery is charging. Allow the phone to charge for 12 hours hetero using the first time. If you don't charge the phone properly when you first set up the phone, perfomance of the battery will be compromised. (Installation continued on the following page.) 10 . Remove the wall mount bracket. Rotate it so that the bottom ofthe phone is flat. Reattach the wall mount bracket by inserting the tabs into the slots on the top of the unit first, and then snapping the bottom tabs into place. . Plug the telephone line cord into the jack marked L1 + L2 on the hack ofthe unit and plug the other end into a dual line modularwalljack. , Slip the mounting holes over the wall plate posts and slide the unit down firmly into place (Wall plate not included] . Remove the handset hookiturn it upside down, and put it back in the slot. You need to do this so the handset doesn’ttall out ofthe base. . Raise the base antenna, NOTE : The phone automatically defaults to touch-tone dialing. To change to pulse (rotary) dialing, see “Tone/Pulse Dialing." lfyou don’t know which type of service you have, checkwith the phone eompany. CAUTION: use only the Thomson 52470 power supply that is compatible with this unit. Using other power supplies may damage the unit. 11 Each Line on a Separate Modular Jack Because it is necessary to charge the handset for 12 hours prior to connecting the phonetorusethelirsttime,itis betterto leave the unit on a flat surface during initial charge before attempting to hang itonthe wall. 1. Make sure the wall mount bracket is securely fastened, 2. Set RINGER switch to ON. 3. Place the handset in the base. 4. Connectthe power supply cord into the base and the other end into an AC outlet.The CHARGE/lNT light comes on, indicating the battery is charging, Allow the phone to charge for 12 hours before using the first time. If you don't charge the phone properly when you first set up the phone. perfomanca of the battery will be compromised. (Installation continued on the following page.) 12 5. Remove the wall mount bracket. Rotate it so that the bottom ofthe phone is flat. Reattach the wall mount bracket by inserting the tabs into the slots on the top ofthe unit first, and then snapping the bottom tabs into place. 6. Plug the telephone line cord into the iack marked L1 + L2 on the back ofthe unit. 7, Plug the telephone line cord from the L1 + L2 jack into a single line modular jack that you want to be line 1. 8. Plug the other telephone line cord into the single line modular jack you want to be line 2, 9. Slip the mounting holes over the wall plate posts and slide the unit down firmly into place. (Wall plate not included.) 10.Hemvve the handset hook; turn it upside down, and put it back in the slot. You need to do this so the handsetdoesn’tfall outofthe base, 11.Raise the base antenna. NOTE : his phone aunomatlcally defaults I0 touch-tone dialing. To change to pul- (rotary) dialing, sec “Tone/Pulse Dialing," lfyou don't know which type ufslrwice you have, cheek wiLh the phone company. CAUTION: use only the Thomson 5-2470 power supply that is comp ’ble with this unit. Using other power supplies may damage the unit. 13 SETUP SETTING THE AREA CODE IMPORTANT: For pmptr Caller In operation, you must emeryour area code. 1. Make sure the phone is OFF. 2. Press the PROGRAM bunon on lhe base until ENTER AHEA L‘ODEshows on the display. 3. Enter your 3-digit area code using (he number keys. 4. Press FORM/HOLD lo confivm. PROGRAM TONE/PULSE DIALING This adjuslment allows you to select lone (touch-tone) on pulse lrotavvl mode dialing. The phone is automatically set for touch-tone use. 14 TONE 1. Make sure the phone is OFF. 2. Press and release the PROGRAM button on the base until 77/7 SETTING shows on the display. 3. Press TONE*, TONE/MODE shows on the display. 4. Press PGM/MUTE lo confirm. PUISE 1. Make sure the phone is OFF. 2. Press and release the PROGRAM button on the base until 77/7 SETTING shows on the display. 3, Press #. PULSE MODEshows on lhe display. 4, Press PGM/M UTE to confirm. TONE PROGRAM Immu- button DELETE hnlton PGM/ MUTE bullon 15
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