Thomson 2-7925 2-Line 2.4GHz Cordless Phone User Manual
Thomson Inc. 2-Line 2.4GHz Cordless Phone
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user manual
MARSTE CH LIMITED ATLINKS USA/27925XXX-A FCC ID: (MHZ-7925 Marstech Report Nos 21280D EXHIBIT A [FCC Ref. 2‘1033(b)(3)] "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User" EXHIBIT A 40-Channel 2.4 GHszo-Line Cordless Telephone with Headset User’s Guide We bring good things to life. FCC ID: G9H2-7925 Mnrstcch Report No. 2 IZSOD EXHIBIT A-l FCC REGISTRATION INFORMATION '£l M with th- Fedcul Commvlliuliotls Commiuion and is in complilm with Your telephone equipment is re r parts 15 and as, Fcc Rulet and equal one. i Notification to the Locelratephone Company ' On the bottom at this equipment is a lebel indicating, among other irttonnation, tire rcc hagiatraticn number and Ringer Equivalence Number (HEN) tor the equipment You must, upon request, provide lhia inlormation to your telephone company. The HEN is uutul in detannining the number ot devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have all ot these devices ring when your telephone number it celled in most (but not all) areas, the win ol the REM; at all devices connected to one line should not exceed 5. To be cetuin otlhenumberotdcvicesyw may connect to your line as determined bythe nzN,you should contect your local telephone company. Notes - This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. - Pony lines are subject to state taritts, and thereto-e, you may not be able to use your own telephone equipmenti you are on a party line. Check with your local telephone company. - Notic'a must be given to the telephone company upon permanent disconnection ol your telephone trom your the. z lllghoe ct tit-telephone Como-nit Should your equipment ceuse trouble on your line Mich rney herm the teleptrone networlt, the telephone company shall, where practicable, notify you that temporary discontinuance at service may be required. Where prior notice is not precticeble and the circumstances warrant surdt action, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue service immediately. lrt oese ot sum temporary discontinuance, the telephone compa must: ll) ptam notify you of such temporary discontinuance; (2) attord you the opportunity to correct situetiott; and (3 inlorm you at your ri to b a complaint to the Commission pursuantto ptocbdutbs m lonil in Snbpdn E of Pill 56. FCC idles Ind ullliotts The (alcoholic company mw mulls oh- " in Ill comm-m om licl tfibl, equ' uni, operations or procedures where such when is requir in the operah'on ot rts business nd not inconsistent with FCC ltules and Regulations. ltthesa changes are expetxed to attest the use or pertormance our telephone equipment. the telephone company muetoive you adequate notice in writing. to allowyou to mannain unintarnrpied service. Immnmcr. INFORMATION this device complies with PM |5 ot the rcc Rules Operation is subiact to the lollowing two conditio :(|)Thls device may not cause hauntul interterence; and tzlthis device must accept any rnterlerence received, including interference that may ceuse undesired operation, this eeuipment has been to ted and tound to comply with the limits tor a class is digital device, pursuant to Pm |5 ot the cc Rulu.TI'lustt ii in are designed to provide reasonable proteaion against harmtul rntarterence in a residential innatladon. Thrs equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio tr uenq anar end, it not installed and used in accordance with the innmaiom. may cause hanntul inra renca to re ie communications tlowever, there is no guarantee that interta-enca will not occur in a particular installation. ltthia equipment does cause hannhrl intertarance to radio or television reception, which can be detannined by turrnng the equipment on and on the um is once-ringed to ltv to correct the interteranoa by one or more ot the tollowtng measures: - lteorient or relocate the receiving antenna tthet it, the antenna tor radio or television that is "receiving“ the interterencet. - Reoriant or relocate and increase the separation between the telecommunications equip-nerd and receiving anunnl. - Connect the telecommunications equipment into an outlet on a circuit ditterent horn that to which the receiving antenna is connected. it the rnaasur do not elimin e the interterance, please consult your dealer or an experienced tldio/ taiev on techntcran tor additional su gas onst Also, the red at Communicetione Commission has _ prepared a halptul booklet 'HowTu entity and Resolve Ra rotiv lnterterence ttrotttems,~ This bootlet rs availeble trorn the u.s. Government Printing otrtce, Washington, 0.0. 20402, Please apecrly stoci number oat-mow“ when ordering copies. HEARING All) COMPATlBlu'lY This telephone system mam FCC sundatds tor Hating Aid Compatibiliwe FCC NUMBER IS LOCATED ONTHE CABINET BOTTOM 2 REM NUMBER IS IDCATED ON THE CABINET BOTTOM (4/ TABLE OF CONTENTS FCC Rsclsmmou lNFomAnoN INTERFEhENCE luronumou I HEARING Am COMPATIBILITV. Inmanucmn Ems ch Baa-u .. MODULAR JACK Hzoumemzms I DIGWAL Stcumrv 5mm lus‘rALLAuou Drums . DESKVDP |NSYALLATION WALL Mount INSTALLATION Canvass PHONE Bums. Tons/Plus; DIALING MAKING A CALL In Use lumcnon LINE |NDICATOR Llsms DUAL RINGERTONE . 15 REDIAL. ...... , 15 RECEMNG A CALL . . 16 N .. How CONFERENCE FAGING m5 HANDSET WARMNGJ'O PREVENT FIRE on ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD, Do NOT ExmsErms PRODUCT To RAIN on MOISTURE. we: CHAIN DIAL-m; mom Mmuw. HEADSET AND Bsu Cur crewman (OmouAL) Connemuu A HEADSET 10 ms NANDSEY Couuecnus ms BELr Cup . Cumulus m5 BArmw BATIERV Sven Pnecmnous. TmulLssnoorwa GuInE . GENERAL Pnonucr CARE Cmsss or Pom Rmzmon Same: INDEX Ami-890m 0mm Pom LII/Irvin WAmumv mum-um n- W! szmmwn Im Intmullmnfrmm (_/ INTRODUCTION Your 900 MHz CordlessTelephone is designed to give you flexibility in use and high quality performance.To get the most from your new cordless telephone, we suggest that you take a few minutes right now to read through this instruction manual. CAITI'ION: When using telephone equipment, there are basic safety a instructions that should always be followed. Refer to the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS provided with this product and save them for future reference. BEFORE You BEGIN Make sure your package includes the items shown here. ruse Handsel Wall mount AC power No telephone bracket mppiy line card: MODULARJACK REQUiREMEN'i-s You need an RJ‘M type modular phone jack or two RJ11 type phone jacks. HJii is the most common type of phone jack. Either might look like the one pictured here. If you don't have a modular jack, call your local phone company to find out how to ~ get one installed. 0° E190 DrorrAL Sacum'rv SYSTEM Your cordless phone uses a digital security system to provide protection against false ringing. unauthorized access, and charges to your phone line. When you place the handset in the base, the unit verifies its security code. After a power outage or battery replacement, you should place the handset in the base for about 20 seconds to reset the code. IMPORTANT: Because cordless phones opemte on electricity, you should have at least one phone in your home that isn‘t cordless, in case the power in your home goes out. INSTALLATION NOTE: Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interference to nearby TVs, microwave ovens, and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of an "IV, microwave oven, or VCR. If interference continues, moving the cordless telephone farther away from these appliances will often reduce or eliminate the interference. ‘m. INSTALLATION OPTIONS Although you can use your 2-iine cordless telephone with a single phone line, you must have two lines (separate phone numbers) to use a two-line system.The following diagrams show two possible systems: A Single Line on a Modular Jack If you want to only connect one line, plug one of the telephone line cords into either Line 2 or Line 112 iaoks. If you put the Line 2 jack into a dual modular phone jack, your will only use line two with this connection. Two Lines on a Singular Modular Jack One type of two line phone system uses a single modular phone jack, which contains both . phone lines. Connect the phone cord to the Line 1/2 iack. You must use a 4—conductor telephone line card like the one packed with your unit. (w,- Each Line on 3 Separate Modular Jack If you have (Wu separate phone jacks, each with its own line, connect one of the phone cords to the L2 jack, and connect the remaining phone cord to the L1 and L2 phone jack located on the back of the phone. NOTE: Connect the phone cord from the L1 and L2jack to the outlet that you want to be line 14 NOTE: Twoline capability requires two-line service from your local telephone company. DESKTOP INSTALLATION Two Lines on a Single Modular Jack 1. Make sure mounting bracket is securely fastened to bottom of base. 2. Set the RINGER switch (on the handset) to ON, and place handset in the cradle on the base. 3. Plug the power supply into an electrical outlet.The CHARGE/IN USE indicator comes on and indicates the battery is charging. Allow the phone to charge (or 12 hours prior to first use. It you don’t properly charge the phone, battery performance will be compromised. 4. Plug the telephone line cord into the L1 or L2 jack located on the back of the phone and into a dual line modular jack. S. Raise the base antenna. CAUTION: Use only the ATLINKS USA, Inc. power supply 52445(white)/5—2446(black}t.hat is compatible with this unit. Using other adapters may damage the unit. Each Line on a Separate Modular Jack 1. Remove the battery compartment door on the handset, insert the battery pack, plug the cord into the jack (inside the compartment), and replace the compartment door. 2. Make sure the wall mounting bracket is securely fastened to the bottom of the base. 3. Set the RINGER switch (on the handset) to ON, and place handset in the cradle on the base. 4. Plug the power supply into an electrical outlet.The CHARGE/IN USE indicator comes on and indicates the battery is charging. Allow the phone to charge for 12 hours prior to first use. If you don't properly charge the phone, battery performance will be compromised. 5, Plug one of the telephone line cords into the L2 iack and into a single line modular iack. Connect the remaining phone cord to the L1 and L2 phone jack located on the back of the phone and into a single line modular jack. G. Raise the base antenna. CAUTION: Use only the ATLINKS USA, Inc. power supply 52445Rec 9999 GHQ 55 31. EtiluzadlESS-gélfg as a: Lufisfii. i:.!.iflil!6!l¢u>1. i553 28 24 a! DMD Bu DMD HUD it ii. 1 Iii-I A... finish-$8. xi...- ih§.Is-uhfllnu_tflvfl E“ 655553 E3 52.5: E38. 232.3 59> 88 ‘4. ........... 5... “sum £85 28 355 =. 585 a. 523... 2. 5.5.3. $550.02 1.8. 50> E.- ..-v 5559.- .g 595... 28 556 8.358 55> axilllI-llitlilxt. Iii-[1.31181 .=:2 52° £5 32.53 a 55 3.5339» 3: is— =3 £65 3. 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ATL NKS USA, Inc. 0|-|7 Trude-fluids) Q Raglnered Printed In Ch|nl Mira“) Rwlltudllfl
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