Thomson >
MARS TECH LIMITED EXHIBIT A [FCC Ref, 2.1033(b>(3)] “lnstallatiun and Operatmg Instrucnons Furnished to the User" ATLINKS USA/2793 BXXX-C (Base Unit) EXHIBIT A FCC ID: G9H2-7938C Marstech Repon NoI 23401D 27938 407Channcl 2 4 GHZ Caller ID with Ca” Waning CmdlessTelephone User's Guide (56) We [mug qnml things to My. EQUIPMENT APPROVAL INFORMATION (Mm-nu m4!womfmwnnuxlonmn-NumstmT-kpmmlhwo no 1: Moon. uuK'Emvsm om: Hutu-nu Newman! no mflmul liq-olwmlmstov rumuounuu Equwmn Mono oy Mk V umummfll‘tflqw Cum on Ilnhallnmallh ”no-m u . uou moo..." . nun, our." noun-on, u. Us nunouuonnou uuulnncuu nouuuzuw wimgnlvmmunmponnqun', Wu. (ms mlummmn wvaun phonumuw m m is him-1m onmnuu 17. mo. old-vim you truly oonmo In you Itiwmml lino mdsvlv Mun “mm nn'vmlnvMI-HWnimmh-lunllnd u. nus-0M! noun an“, un- Wm u. m. of onouuouuomo In on. nu. men-m not med 5 Voooom... elm-mmnlmmmmmmbmlimnmmwm“Maximum "you thohorz mow m. . m, owonm ouy no. o. uno on ouu umoo oyouoou by I?!» Moon-on onuouy . Pxny Imus on mm“! In one. "1. mt nuno you my on be nah Io risen-a mun Iel-phun-lomumnm uyou .n away In! and min younooonuuuoooo comp-W ~ nouo. nuu o. qmn m (ha I oonoou oomuuny upon ounuonuu. dummn 04 you' mzphmu hum you. NM 2 moon moan-mo. Damn-Irv suouu vow mum-n! ouso uuuu on you. fine um "my harm m-Hwflnnl “Emmi. mu nelepnom mmnflw nun mun o, mink, mmN you m-l nonoun.y fixammulrmo’snvlm my bum-M wh-r- nmx mints no onoumouuu u, rwmslarnn win-“mm my. val-199mm wmpaw my umwunlv moo-moo, mm. mommy. u. a! 01mm omoomy mswmmu-lncz. m. memen- oomouny man u) u onuny nouyy you man. Impnlvalv own.“ my mom you mocoooonunuy to tuna u, 51mm w’m uuouo you o vvur no to on . Moon. In! onnow. mu m uo 91002 N, on mm m sunpm s or 71" so rc hula and ououuuoou Meielepnnnemmnany may makemango;munonmuuuoomonlm mm mm! now u. mm", w». . no noon o nouou u u. ”mum u u‘ on you mu . wmrsml wuo m 7141sz um Haguhlmns 11 1M: mmgzs ale Expand Iu am In: urn mflnmame 00 vnuv xelcrflmn- tumnmml, m. Mmm mu», muu on. you moo-u m mwnlmg so slaw vflu o n..u.u. unnunouu Sam HFARING Am COMPATIBILITY mo Ielmhcflc xyllam mans rcc summer; 70! moonom Compuumhw us Mum“ o uomso ouuuo “awn oonou mo wuss»: v5 mmzooummmmonou AYuNKs USA. Inc 10‘Wefl mm sum Mu 1m Immune! mam uzuozmmx usA WM oz 27 momma» wuoonmo Prunes n (mu Maram ansuaflalfl INTRODUCI‘ION Your Call-r m nnnm um.- um dual-v: no. n, prov 00 By you- local l-iephnnn mmpuny, m womb-n 0! c." ur lmuhl c-u-v monunonmn "mic-won mun whom» |o on: 04 mm mam m old-1m we no uml Ymu Caller ID phono Mublcs you lo: - luenury canon homo you tmwar m- nhnnq. . Vmw m. m- and em ohm inbuminu cl" - mom up la tn Caller ID mnslgex xequtnlmfly . Know who am w ‘ you won muy VD on n- me)! from Van! new nheue, we suggm mu you uh o Iew mmuus nom flown)! o Ihmunh um: um ou IMPORTANT: ln 1mm m use all omue fraulmsofi mu unn, you mml subsulbt to cum me smndald Nam/Numb“ an" m Semu or one: u) wuh an Wmung sum. To know who u filling wliik you on on on: phone, you nun. mhwnbe (u Cullen H) mm Call Wild“! 5mm mronm'n “calm: (oMltyo plmmopemu on man uy, you mould hm uu um (um phone m ymlr humc ma! bn'x (unlleu. in nine m power u. ynnr home gm om cAU110N: When my lelzpllonc equipmrm, mm m om men A Amlruuiuns lhllshouki ulyan tn mum-d Rtfu (0 mo IMPOK‘HNT SAFEPIINb‘l‘RUmONSpmv-dtd unr- mu pmdln’lymd m mm on noun klewnm BEFORE You BEGlN Nov: <1 mu oouooy mt ouuuuy m MIN 0! u- woo-n Mlhwl mm "m may. wo suns»? 'smm copay moo MM w» imam m nu. uwgmg moms hump mum-om moon... Taleplmu peck”! mpyly llnemd PARTS CHECKLIST Mlk' nut you! 936090 Includes (h. tum: xhown h- “ Hand-u MODULAR JACK REQUIREMENTS You will noou an muc (you mnflulav phonu lam mm o mo mosl fl mmmnn uyoo 0! phone not and mith look ma ma one mum: hale u you don‘t hm : madular mi, call you. (ml phnn. camniny In find om how tn an on. immune lNSTALu’nDN NOTE Some Lmdle“ Il'lrphnnnopflalc m ficqnnluts um muycuumnueyrmmmun-hymn mw(n(>u,anleCR( rm... mm— mpn'vtmmdnnu‘vku-nrty1h; louu» unhuonum Mew! ( m m ..yn br phn'd "our or on mp oka w, nnrmnavc mom. vr vex Ilwn “(mun , (oumuwl mmv the wow lrlcphnnt mun r my Imm “Kw nyuuuuym (mu. ..m mm“ mmcunnv um mt mu 2 4 cu, unyyuunyl >1ullm4.«vul u um plupu'l‘x u-x nmnnum u)ullerluc nnnooo». foul/Mouu v\v1>¥r|‘|ml|(ll)x unuuuuonu will“: noon“. «l‘ ml" 10 meow.“ 5 annual 1m link «now un not no pmptrl) n. m'rlcn'mv Bpxmldl'wux um. .y.o nu Now our luv ulmmulmamm mrlmh‘ malt» audio/“(I , um wndru “ovum.”nonmmnunuuu (Iwumdlvounlxplmmgm» y thmm mug mug: comm xrleplmm x lclm DIGITAL Smumw SverM Vour oumless phone uses o nuguol semmv symn. (u pvovlde pmlzclmn agamu hm ungmu unnulhannd moss, onu ml'gao no you. phnnn hnu When you nlne (he nonosn m m» om, (he unu vgrl’lai us sncunly cod» Mm a now-v outage or box. -y mmacemgm. you should place nu.- nooum m Ibe has»: 0m mo and» In“ [D (j‘JlIZJ‘HXC Manswclu choleo 234010 EXHIBH Am IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INFORMATION I ANtvzl inn-II Ieltpnnm wilinq Gluing uhIniny sioim. A NN imlil-lommiodmnmlmllonwnleumoimisspacilio-ily flulflflld Ioi mi hu'ions. . mini mum minimum: gel-ohm. mm ol («min-Id, onl-mh- ul-nhone hm hm bun fllscnnmflefl anho "mom inler'loe. . Use which when iii5laliind or modifying Ielenhnne liiiu - Tomwlnly damn-cl any tnuipmnm confl‘flld in "I; ohmi- god- a! lax-s, olhlr phonos. oi modems INSTAIJJNG THE PHONE Voui I-I‘phonc should no olmd nii . you can mouiii ii oi. - mu A mix ma nhon- Nam Tordaklop Emir-Kan", In: hand-n may ix (Pulsed who” 1!»va INSTALLING ms mums-r mnsnv \ tl sth such - dull oi i-bl- mo. oi i.“ pedestal ls Dmlgtd quh Von! mire m mncmml handsflhanmy uni.- us. .iisimwwwmmwmm m... a (a 2 LM iiiu mm Emmi“, “vitamins; muanmdm G i . , nohiimwdidi "i NOTE ii is aw i io m m inside m mm CONNEcTINc me AC (ELECTRICAL) POWER Pl (m misupply cord mm In: powei led on his man of IM hm M "It olhtr and Into an ulnflllul mum (Maryann use indkalonum; on io ind nu |hl Biliary ll mlming whon lh. hznflsfl Is nlaud on me in" malt. Allow lh- mm to chm m 12 he... pilai lo Hm uu. n you mm may charge _m Mam. mm palm-m It commmlnd. CAUTION: u“ only a" A-nINxs HSA. Iiic szm (my; or new A mm) pom Supply Ihzl (amt vii-h ihii iiiiii. Uxing olher power Inppfi“ maydzmzue lhz imi- CONNEanG TI-IE NMONE LINE |. ma ih. om Ind ohhu KMIDMIIQ line will liilo INIlfll mavlled‘lfl. LINE on iii. hm Mme am and "It nlhur mi iiilo I modular mll phun' 1m. 2. $1! ih. HINGER xwiidi loii die hand-ell lo on, and puc- ihd hindm hi hi. cradle on ma hm. um I» phim “shimm- 1mm Ihe mmnimiim iii "mg dim... mm WALL MOUNTING NOTE: h»: in. mum. phont oi. I hm airm- inhiiq ii". him; the phone «in iiie mil. no.” I'M“ | “1mm. base em 2 Much "I: will mounlmfl pedzslal by iiisl winning an im on ihe open mg. oI Ihe pedestal iiiio lho slols oii ihe iowoi oumon oi the bonum ol (he imam push down and snap Ihe oedosial liilo olac. a. slid In: mwmlng holes loii me moi n! "It base m1 mun" we! me wall plate pom and unit (ha min down mm plm. lw," plan not includad] NCfl'I} inn-“mi win... iiii- cxlratrlcphmn him (ogcmvr, IdsmI wuli I Mr! lit. And flow Imldr Illl' AMI "in" i “mil Ml. wiiii iiiiimiium paiml SEI‘ UP smog mm Memennu tone/nil» DI: d, Ind Dlfiun Selling, mm.» Eefle, Rmvlflme, LANGUAGE SE’I‘I'TNG SELECTION l, Pun in: flushlpmwum minim uiiiil ”ENE 2m szsp' Ihnw! in lh! display. - Isms - u m 601ml! selling. 1mm Eldlvol l‘ m -i hulloll oi ih. hand .i numhov pad io "in. van! manic... :i mu flash/moqnm xo mu lalhc‘lifln. ARI-”A CODE SELECTION l Pm. lM'LlSh/meam hallo“ unlil wan cons lhl dehul! WNW. 'shvws min. alwllv -'I5 yllll male: mluak prairie channel/dame um um unk and rep?“ mo Iu crdx m ion, RINGER TONE SELEcnON I. m“ ih. Ilash/pmgram huhoii imul ”museums- mow: III me diwlay. ~v' 15 iii. Mum rating. 2. uu lh- clfllvol l. or -] hnhoii iii Ina hindm minim pad (0 mo" in I, z, oi a. 3, Pm“ "Iszroqvam lo noi- "he! ii. ToNE/PUIsE DIAUNO SELEL'I'ION l. Pimlh. flush/piogum minim umll wrong ZPL/LSE'th 'YTONE'!l|hE all-«II whiny. 2. use Iht Cid/vol b oi -| hulloii oi me hahdul number pod hi scroll lo nuns oi mass 3 Pm; "uh/910901" in slow Sdetllon. ihe display. DEFAULT SEATING SELECIION l, mm in. naxhioiooum minim iiiiiil DEFAUH shows iii ih- disolu Mai: (he dell-ill sailing. 2. Un iho cidNnI h oi ~l Man who handm viii-him Md la xcvofl in New YES 3. Pr'NlIiSh/pveflum lo More ulmiahyou WI" lim a mammalian Io". CORDLESS PHONE BASICS Di-phy Low-bi. an/vo l i mm 1 “HM bullnu Wm [WI-u him". ‘ ENE/ml ll PAUSE Immm bmwn mxpmmm (hm/duh: bull-m 5mm" mm "m m In...” RECEIVING A CALL i, choa lhz disoiw xo me who is callinv 2 Pics; IlieYAlKICALLEACK bullon. MAKINGACALL Io mm . ull, orm rn-IAlK/mlwncx ounon oolorr you dirl rnd nus: ii roeln ro nrno uo, Or you my ol 3 number. rnd riurn oieu IheTMK/CALLBACK ounorl. REDIAL wnrlo (h. ononoi on. or»: rne mml ounon lo ourolriy rodrnl rno lru numb" you dr d luoro 32 digluL ll you gar a busy Iiunal, and warn! ro eo dinlino rlro numhor, run pussvedill again lyou non'l nm lo lurn rno onon. on no boa onl Or you may or-sr rn. "dial ounon, rno liron pins lheTAlK/CALLBACK ounon, FLASH ilyou suimrilxro in. comolnod c "w; no Call-r ID sch/M from your local mloonom comorny, you mil Inc-Nu orner ID lMoimalion (i’ mil-ol-l on Crllw-irrlw cello During a onorle clll, you wrll nm a mo lo indlellt nnolnor all is walrlno on lnr llne and uller ID irnormrroon lov lilo wriuno all snow: on in. humor disoloylo owned lo rne wriono all. or-urn- llclh hunon on m. nrndo-l vrdvorrronolnriorll lo pol on nolo You my rwiral bodl rnd lorrn moonlne mall: oyomslno mfllath oulrorr, mr Dim'x Ilse llle TALK/CALLBACKh-iuorr In HIM-I: amour calling Invites mdl emu mung. or you'll l. In; My me pnone IN USE INDICATOR "Ia man. is on: wn-rr IM aroma rn uro lndimor on lilo om n I‘ll "It onnrouin or. inoicrror on riro bore nornor when you reooiye o call CHANNEL Bu'rI'ON wnllo nllrino you mronr mud in mmallv mnoe rno mannll ln ordor lo on rld oi antic Pren no role-u lne dllmld/deIM- ouuonlo oovrnroro rile nelrrclur orrnnrl. TEMPORARY TONE i sleolrm is unlul only ll you hula oulu dialing soryrcuemoornry‘rono iii-lino emhI-s oulu (Yulilvl varyioe pnone useu lo amenlnuth-Iona service: oilemo by banks, creoll card companies, can Forexlmple. Mun you all your bonlr you may nnd ro onx-r your bank ooooum numb-n romoorrniy swildnrng roIouonrono mndc rllom you ro sond your numorr r. lir-l rne muonom numo-r and won lor ril- lino lo oonnoor, 2, when your all i rnrwoud, puss rile walls/corral mm on ril- nnndr-r numoor prd ro romoornrlly mall“: irom PULSE dlaiino ioroldz dialinglflmnouly lune dillino mooo is dlspllved or o. 1 Follow rile lmomilnfl inslruaions (a gel lire iniormrrion you mad. o llnno up "It handsvlaim lir- phom euromrriully mums ro PULSE (mhrvl drollno mode. CANCEL Piss rno woue/onnm ounon lo ennui any oommrnd you min-rod, FINnrNG THE HANDSET inrr h-Iui- nolor in ioorro - moor-cod handul. P! s rn. PAGE ourron on lir- boron-o handsol beeps cuntlnuwsly lor ooorrr z rn ules orumll you sl ALKICALLBAEK burron on 1M ndu NU"; ire nnyerrrrler nor immune or in , featurcluwoi RINGER Swrrcn roe morn mo. milsI or on rorln. handsei Io rlrig dunru7 Inmming all: VOLUME ino Cid/vol lo oi ,, ouuon eonuols rne yolurn. oi lne namisel‘s clip-me Pross rne , ounon lo mamas: rne yolumr om] rno , ounon lo unless: in. yolurn. CALLmlIDFEnTURIzs coll-r ID ICID) lo a “qu mil-oi. lrom your local l-i-oirono cornonrry for aim in lo walk on lirls syuem, you muu subwllbe lo Cull" in "Nicola m or tailor lo iniorm lon ion callmlrlno call. you musl suiymloo m rno combined tailor ID Coll Wrmno urv wnen your lolconone rings, and you an ruorcrrlxd lo Crilor ID calw you will inc-in miormrrion lil av l-ol-l linmm ad by your loo ml none eomoenynlou will rlro melye C| ID rnlormolron lrorn crilWorrrno culls qu rec "y. an incnminfl all end you nlrrody on lilo oiron- r imp Indians in. oror-ne. olr CMIW: no cell on in n, and c- I: In inlormrriorl lor me c." w. no can show: onlne d ol.y Inir lnlommllofi mry rnoluo. in. mm number, dnro rrrd limo» r lno rum. none numb" end on. end limo iilo unrr slow: no lo 40 u!!- lor lmr nylow . Puss lilo oroorrm/ilasn ounorr ro pol (he curviem perrorr on nolo so lnnl you can mew-r rnr inoomino all Nmberolulll wig r 317-555-1234 Callum phone nrurroer mlorm name RECEIVING AND STORING CALLS wnon you rmlyo r all, m. iniorrnarion rs runsmmoo by in. onono mmpany ro your Cull" ID lol-onono anwt-n ms Gui-rid uoorrd migv wnun lnr memory l; lull, 1 new all rulomer liy reolooosln. old-n u" in m-mory NEW rourrr in lir- dixphyloi all: (mind inor nor bfin rammed, Non.- urern wrrn your lorrl phonz rompuny ngaidlng rum: servire milriuiiry. REVIEWING Rmonns A; cells or. meiyud and sloud, (ht displlv ir "Ddlwd lo ler you know now many call; nm ooen Mill-do - Purr lilo cid/yol— mum to scm" iirrouoir run all Immxllom me moxi rerenl lo lire oldrsi. - prors in. oidiyol l oorron lo roroll inrouqn me call records 1mm lilo oldm Ia lir- “mist Tnmsmxmc CID RECORDS T0 MEMORY You nuyrmrsler. Caller ll: r-rord royrrurooom mmorv. Nam lr re imporunr rim you rorrrru CID recoflk wutclly helm run mg rn memory. Ir n rlnrpomolr lo mlonmal cm rerrlror noted on mmm’y l Us» rile cidNOI l. or?) ounon Ia rcroll lo in. oosuro mom. 1. Pics lne mom ounon J. Pies; lnn oesrroo memory iocrrion, ixamvlt. megs rne numbel | loy ro slow rne record in memory location r you will in r a oonirrmorron lone Vo wool-re on old Mummy wiln - Nowell) iieeoro: | nepear mos l rnrooon flap 3 rn'nmiemno cro noeordsio Memory. 2 Air-r Onlmnn rne memory ioarron, ‘REPLAEE ills/war shows in in. olsolay a Press lire mem bulwrl lg and Ill: new cm mooro replaces inr old memory in rim Io:l|mn.¥w will in a conllrmolrorr rone DEer'NG RECORDS Use the charl/delele human to erase the record currently shown in me diwlay or all racords. DFLE’I‘ING THE CURRENT RECORD 1. Make sure (he phdnl is OFF [not in Ialk mode]. 2. Use lhe Cid/vol (d or ~) humans lo display the desired Cellar ID record. 3 Press marl/delete. The display shows DELETE CALL ID? 4. Press chanldelele again (0 erase the record and me nan Caller ID recnrd shows in (he display. You wlII hear a oonlirmzlion lone. DEu-z'nNG ALL RECORDS 1. Make sure inn phone is OFF lnor in talk mode) 2. Use lne clanrnl ls Or ,, bunans m display any Caller lD record. a. Press and hold manldelem burlen unirl DELETEALL? shows ln lna drsplav. a Press ohm/delete again in eras! all rawrds.¥ou will hear a mnfirmaxion lanerne display shows we CALLS. DlAlING A CALLER ID NUMBER l. Make sure (he pnbno is OFF (nor in lelk model. 2. Use lhe Cid/val lr pr -) burlons to display "is desirnd Caller lD rucnrd. 3. PressTALK/CALLBACK.TM number dials auromaiically. CHANGING THE CD) NUMBER FORMAT The FORMAT bunbn lets you change Ihe lprmai 0! me displayed CID number.The available lormnu are as rollnws, 741 an 1-diglr relupnone number. 104mm 3-dlgll area code + were lelepnone number. 11~dlult long disranee code “1" 0 Higil area code e 7-dinll relapnene number 1. Use lhe eld/vpl ls or 7) bunons lo scroll to lbe number you wanl lp callback z. ll lhe number will nol dial as shown, press the FORMAT hunon. Repeal ir neeessary, unrll llle eerreci number or dlgiie are snbwn. 1 PressTALK/CALLBACkThe number dials aulemallully. MEMORY Srore up in ten ufligii numbers in memory hr quick di ingJ’his memory harm is in Addition “1 Ihe 40 Caller ID records that can be stored in the Caller ID memory log. STORING A NAME AND NUMBER [N MEMORY 1. Make sure the phona is OFF (not in talk model. 2. Fran the mem human. 3. Press the desired memory localiun (0 Illrulrgh 9). 4. Press lire mem bunen again The display shows ENTER NAME. NOTE. ll you do l u re cnrr‘ rne nammkl le 5 Use lne number keys on me handser ro enler inn name (up io 15 durscrelnl and press rne memory mm id save. Mare lnan one lener n slored in seen bl the number keys For example, lo unier me name Blll Smilh, press run 2 key Mice lor me lener 3, Press me 4 key 3 limes lor lne lencr l. Press line 5 key 3 limes iur ibe lener L Wail for l second, and lllen priss me 5 key 3 lrmss rpr lhe second lener l. Press lire l key lb inserl a space between me L and me 5, Press me 7 key 4 irmes lor ins lennr 5; press Lhe a key once ler lne IeIler M; press me 4 key 3 runes rur rlne lener I; press me a key lpr ma IellerT‘, press rne 4 key lw'lce rpr lhe lener H NOTE: Tnn ulrmr will alllorrrnrlully lnovk- rn lhe ncxr pnsninn ll nnnlhrr number key rs pressed. 6 Press lire merrr bunon lo save me nemeihe display shows ENTER TEL NUMBER 7 Use lhe number keypad lo enrer me lelephone number you warn Io slpre lup lo 24 digllsl 8. Press mem again In slave the number You will hear a cnnllrmnllon lune CHANGING A STORED NUMBER | my Itltpm' "trough 7m S'ollna I Nnmc Ind Number In Memory/4 1 Fun lha mm hunch. um 1me MEMO!“ now: In (M diinhv. J Pun m rm. human w non m. "mammal. wm ham . cur-(llmlflon lam STORING A REDIAL NUMBER l. Rag-n mm | through 1 VI": me ndul when, 3 Prnuhu mm button to “on m numbor You mll r.. 70 Mnhu In Old Mmmv with I Min Refill MM L Run “109! l Ihmugh 6m SIohnn o Nam. and Numb" m thom 1 Fun Ih Ill button : Pins: m. m-m bunun. ml ‘REPLACE MEMO? mom m "In dllplw. 4 Puss m. m-m bum"- In vwlm ln- old mcmnrv wun mu um r. m numMnVfin wIII no" u mnfirmulion Inn. swung . Mum and Numb-r In M-mry. u mnlivmuicn lur- DIALING A STORED NUMBER 1 Make sure the 9mm: l‘l ON by pvnxlnglhn1ALK/CALLBACK bunon. z, Prm me mm blmon 3. Pm“ me rrurmm mm mm a“ d m-mory lar- Myth numb" al-ls uulum-linlly 4am 1 mm suit ma arm". a or; lnul m mk mwdv) 2 Pussm-m human 3. Usl lnr mm [A ur -) mum Io 1:le mmuuh m. Mmbels Moved in memory umv mo “mod nun-nu u mm A, PussrAwnALLaAcK The numbeu ulul uulnm- rally. worm“, “you (mule Inked]; 10 emergency numbenswnll rrr mum, remain on m. line and unmymrlym (he mm for lhe all m II": dhpnzher AM, "a; good mu u. make Ihele talk ... ”mum hflun. Ruth 1. Early morning lrr lam elemng, INSERTING A PAUSE IN THE DlALlNG SEQUENCE Plus mg n muss human to irrsrn I dilay lam dialing seq-um of. norm I-lwhnnl numb-v wn-n I put x nudld low. lur r dul “we (lnr nun-Me after you uirl s lur a. oulsmn Iim, ana mu lor a mmpfl rmmoml. muse mm or. m. display ls u ~ 'E-d| must mun“ u| um mm milmy uuurnn. REVIEWING AND DEImNG STORED NUMBERS | Press mum. um Ina lh: cldlvn‘ (u ar~| nulwnm viethl armyor m m. much mu. pad on your hands" m enm m. rumour Inc-non. z Whlle m. mvv it uimayrd, we“ mar-Meme Indel . m. ”IA/KM display 5mm DELETE! 3 hes manmI-I- u «com: m- to mm In: "my 1»; a-spl-y shuws DfLETED Van wrll lmr wulumahnn lone. CHAIN DIAuNG FROM MEMORY u r I: hall"; no make calls rum- ruqulre a sequence cl numbers snm as usmg a cxllmg um 1m r lr-uu-nlly "VI-d kmg mmrrcrr number Basically, yuu dial um um ohha seq-rum 1mm "1.1“anth lolbwmg m ple Show; howvnu m m cham diallng |u mlk: u call "110th a long mum service m Nu For Memory Loan-m Long nisunoe mes: numbev 7 MIMI m was rrruurrrlly ally! lung um..." number 9 | um mu m phom {SOM 1 Puss m-m Ind lm an" 7. 3. Wm you ll r Ihl mm mm, arm mun and mm runs: a, 4. AI we run mm lun- rm m-m mu mu 5. TAP: val. (or me Inc“ [ones heron plum-lg (he ml mam hllllnn, uryuumll mum nm ya Ihmngll HEADSET AND BELT CLIP OPERATION CONNECTING AN OmONAL HEADSET TO THE HANDSE’I‘ me mam can a: null wuh an opnuuul maul lormnu: lm amnion, l Comm me mum Io m. amuse? 1m an mo Ilse ol me mas-mm hlndul reulvlv Ind mlcmnnun r mum-u an m- mm ix comm z, Aflinm m r. an n: rm mmlomuy on m or yuur nd mr yuur a. Mm m mlcmvhnn- lrr annlollm-Mv Mu Io mm Ina-n from your mom. I. Puss mnultlulllnd mum lu lntwiv . call at rum all: mine mu mam, A, In mum w nnmul opemlnu, unpluq (ht mum ham Ih l a. Hex-inc m CONNIurnNG THE BELT Cu? To 1mm m. bullel m m- u u ul m bellch’n lnIn Illa slon on mlr um um. mum. Snag llrr no: m "I! hm tllp inIu pm. CHANGING THE BATTERY Mm sun mr lglwhonl iI OFF lulon Von "Elan! balmy |. Rumavt m. Inn-N camplnmm sour, 2 «main m. hlmrv Nun lrom III a insid- m. bm-ry compnnmem and umm (he balmy pm lvum lhn maul, 3. Insenlhu new balmy an and cannuame card to file at inuoc mu mum. 1mm; hungry wmpanmem dear m on. 5 ma more: inlh- basn lo lime- Anna-um-mnronHIc-ul-llalnmlmumm uwmmu-uu-mnmwmk vuln run-mm I'm- r... m ram-s- will I mum-v I munom To Mm um um ukfiye nrptrwna‘ "uuly, . use only me lumen/mud m Illa mum-urn book. Non.— mr lulu; seal! nn III: mum uud ... your Mun-ls USAy In: Pmdnu "101qu Iliatwf are pArnupa-ng in r. ymgmm mmllrfl ml r«yzlz Nkld earmuru lullcnn mruugluuu nu» Umml 5mm Hem (AI lmmnpnv lur mlol mamm m mum you. Ivml Icryrhng (tutu Nova Iflhz hallury IS nnl pmvofly installed or Ihe hamlselwllhoul pluggsd me bane-y we BATYERY' shuws ln dlsplay anew plat: me nanllsel m (he clIargmg undies BAmRY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ' Du ml bum d mtmbll. muillfle, or wncluit, his inner nannies nlihil Ivan. lnx‘ic rm" 5 could buy nwd which can cause miwy. ~ to room rh- viak oi me or Dersnnxl many. on omy in: may lisled in "It Um‘s Gur . » mo hunt" our nliheleuh olnmldr-n. ~ Runm' bmutiu n norino am so day! GENERAL PRODUCT CARE __..__——— To keen your roiephone working and Inukinfl good. ioiiow lhele fluid-1m" . Avoid puomo (M onon. nut nooiino luo‘ilml no any airman-1m- almuul none “oi Iumnle, mom or nuommr l-mw. ~ no new upon. in mm! wnlith or mummi- - Ayom dvuppmq ono omer moh imrmoni ro rho phnne. . Ci. n mm o 1001 claim . N-yn us. 1 wrong on. nino mm or lbrasivq nawdsr b-caun lhil wilt damw- me mush. . hmimh. original pnklumq in nu you nud I0 lhip rho phone or . nor-ram. W. . Numinom slam. - Fowl ommo on inmlmon ~ ammo ouornnd oihormuoroonnrurrion oonrhrnlu ru ouonam . You're roo do“ ro appliamui such a) micmwnus, mom, mmpnlct . Almownnric comment, ouch n mono Harms ~ am an inn-non m rho ooumm or low-v now owns mun, ~ Base 13 oluoooo mm in M: cull-l wnh oihor ol-cironic davicu. ‘ my momror is urrno lhc um. Ircquency. . Nandxel oonory Is low - Vw‘n mu 0! range a! me has. DISPLAY MESSAGES _.._._-..— nd nmvs shnw ma non» oh mossaoe or 04 rhe u Ci‘lnr inlolmznnn has oe-n iniunupr-o durum lvansmininn or me phane i. ums'rvelv n m. Promor romno ymu ro "nor o name In! an: or rho m momory Incal'mns. Pmmnl mung you in umor ihe telephone mmbev for ono of mo in momory in us. Fromm oskinu ri you worn ro ausl all c-livr ID mums, DELETE all In? onmm asking "you wlnl in sun rhn culrlm Cullel n) vewrd rnor is shown on the sow owns: Fromm nslmu .r you want to um one or mo 10 numbnrs stored m In: nhnne‘s nuigolnn memnrv. mo of usv mam-m rhoro rs no addmvni‘ mlmmlimn in rho Caller ID memolv loo NEW ind-cares call or calls hoy. nor bun (wiwmd unmavm Vho incoming o. - hom in my nor uw'mm oy CaHer m or lhz lmuvmihon ms nor sonr. mum; Snmenne has pvussud rho PAGE mm on rho om mum-m The person rs calbrnw irnrn | numbm man has their mocked 4mm "aflflmssvan Rm hoonor can mzssage. mums mat a new call from me same number was unwed more man on» no om No Caller ID rniormooon was vmwefl Misuse Indlcilgs o masszqg is ayariahle wamm: DELflED Fromm mam-awn] Mu Caller ID/Memnrv lecovd ii erased no ”may mum-m me osnory \5 mm pmveny inslnlled or ihu handset without ozuery. HANDSET SOUND SIGNALS Slynll Mummy Alomgwlmlinqmno signalnmmomlnqcnll (with nnoor on) Thin then map; Plan 139an (mull llmetl 0m bun ewlv 7 neonai law blmrv wlmmg TROUBLESHOOTING Tn>s ( u 1 m [D From somuou No Dixpiay . stmly “my munodicharg- lm nunwior 12 new: or moi. uh. hmevy. Mare meme balmy ls prop-«y insi- nnd comma. . iiyou m using Ac (oi-errmn oowrr. mm wre «nor ihn unir n beam-d io - nnn-mmfl mama onlkl. Dismnn-tl rh- unii hum ma uuo Ind oh: im . ~ An you wwrlbod ro CaH-r ID sewioelmm you! Ioul r-uphom oomu-mn CII|urlemmpI - ~ "it uniimnpiuyuhismmooo an. mus-o- ovum unyrhino om" rnun mm mm IDinlovm undurmn rho s‘ilum period mm m insr nnovnin muuvl mdiulu rho Dunn-2c M nuls- on (M I' TELEPHONE onmm Solution No um tone - Check inhuman: - u m hm pow-r cuvd conn-croo lo a working olmr AI outlefl » lsrh-tmhonu Iim cord oonneoioa in rho has: unii undrhe will phom lick? - mum-mi m- om 1mm lha wll| nhnn- your and connoci onoxnur phone ln rho um. mi. if than I; no aul mm on rho mono phone, rho uro om might in your wlnng or loan snrynz. - rh. hand"! rnrghz o. uum ronou OHM om Mwl away la in. bm. - mm sum rho battery is propenymorood «or u hnurs). - Enwu rho omry onrx ls srnrou windy. - nan mo homo-n imp when you nrassnd ma mlklcallhldi bulmn? mo rho in us. inuinror wmt comm own-y my noon w I» nomad. no: iono o ox, hm - Make sw- melomlwlu can“! u our win is nmummed oununry. Handset noes - Makz suu mo RINGER swan on me handset is run-earn UN. no. my, - yoo my hm ion mom, uxlensinn anon-s on yeuv lint \'rv uflvluaqinn sum- phunes. . SEE sol ons to. ‘No eye! In!!!" unwell" Us. - vamed your phone oompony ohm vain managing 991m Indium! on rm and you minnow n. me affirm" use mam-w on in: has: baseflnnes "Ishnwm rhn uhofle rs no! mm Io indlule more rs o mossugo wa bun mam-o Iulons nosnvno onor rho message has Pmm- dial: in nulso - Moro sumrho mung n mTCINE dialing mono wnn rono same: Plum-z won'mm our _ Malnsule rho Fnous is m PULSE dial 9 made mm ouiou sums: Von exDeliencl nlflc noise, or loam“ lll and nm . cllullys dl-uuols . m llsudsul msyllo uul ul llnql Mm tleur (0 IV}! m A liulosslu lllu use. - thug. ma lullmy. ~ Mal. va om is uol Dlngued imo m nlenlnal mill-l miller lousdlloid app llou. Urilbeevs s Pllclhlndmmbmcndk‘mlfl molldllolmme newly was. ll ml donn’l woll, wag. lll- bollsly la 12 hows. . clmlllls Chilginv 00nt lll. "I! llulldsol ulld on. will a soil zlo'h ol all mull - Sue wlunellslor‘No dul lone." - Rnptaca IM oulluy. Msmorv l you wool-m lll- m'mow lowlull lily: mlmuyl - Did you lououi lllu mover dlullllo nod-mi . Make sulu lhe lolluuulsu selling l, pmlummed Enlrlcl'y. - mm "Flog!!!“ llumbsls llllu memnrv mu Duwuv what in bmerv “918mm“? SERVICE mi. nlndlm m-y bd unmd only by the msllulmum or us luihnllnd service age-us ell-nos; u- modification] llul “pl-my lDDvuv-d uyAmllxs uyu ll": could vnid ma llscr's aulhomv lo opolaie INS nloduct Fm insuucfions on howlo uuulll "mu. m r (0 ul- w-vunly lMVud’d m "us you. in call cull-mil ulvlc- ul l-auwulm. Dr um um les lo. Avuuks USA, lnc. Manager, cllllsumul Relations P 0 Roll 1976 IndiantDMIt. IN moo All-ell your sulss nceipl lo lll. oooiil-l loll-ml pludua was vuvdlland ul imim n 0 gm Th ululmnlun will u. Vllu'hln ll sun/inn mould o. ltqnlllfl during lls wumllly pel‘lnfl mill-u dsls Nama oi Mow , INTERFERENCE INFORMATION This aw o complies willl Pm ls oilllu FCC Rules ooelalioll is suhpmin lM lollomlly le oolldulom llllllu devlce my nol uuss harmlul immune; and [Z] nus d v‘m mus: ace lunv "Heller-Ma he'll/ed, including {Medal-mu lll. may czud- undeuii-d op. on. ths equipmtm has bull mind and louud lo oomuly will. lll. llmill lol u Clus a dlu I dw a, pullllum in PM ls ullll. FCC liul-s rum limll mull-d |o ploylo. l. mulls plnmnion sgullm hllmfill lulullmm lll . tslflenxlal insllfllllfln. "lit wuipm‘nl g. mus, nus, ulld m lldllln ludlo ll-ou-nsyuu-lgy Ind, ll llol lMuIIEd ulld um ll mold-m will in. llln'ucllomy my cum havm'ul lnleflelel‘cl lll udlo commumeallons, Mowuvol, lllulu Is llo guunnwu lllul mini-fence wlll llol occur ill . pinizuln m“- ll |hl$ euulpm-lll duos um llllmlul inlerlzlarlce lu mdlu ul lelzvlslurl receplmn. much can bu dflevmmed oy lum g me Equipm'rll ull and on, H“! um is mom-god lo lly w uunm lll. lll-mum by oil. ol mou ol (ho lollowlng mmules - Mullen! ol Ieloclu llle leceiyulo amen". (ma! ls, IM mums lot udlu cl “ltvlsion lllsl is 'mulyluq' lll- mammal ~ Reollerll nr macaw and lame» lM separ equipmtnl and mall/lll, ullslllls ~ Column "12 lelecnmmumcallnns equinmenl mid all oullel on a Clmuil dlllerenl hem lllsl lo which lhn letnlvlflv lmemu ls summed on women [he Kelswmmumculluns W mew mean/V's do not l mini" lhe immoral-cm plans tong-ll! Your fin rm Ml expeliemd radiwlelevlslon lam clan lor addillonal suggesmms. Also (M Fudelal Communicallons Commltswn h]; pi ulnd I helyhll booklwl, “Howl‘o Mainly and lissolys Radio/TV llulllmm noolsmsflllls bunklel is available llom me uls. Government Plum-lg 0"lcl,thmgl0n. D x: 20402 mm smelly um mlmllll omnduum-l when uldermg teplzs 1mm WARRANTY mm you. w-nlnfy wan: . Delecls ill muloliuls lll wollmsllslliu. rul llm lanp ulm my pulls." . 01m szi, lium dzle ul Duvmzse. [TM warranty wind lol rnnul uniu heel-ls willl IM llml lanlal ol 45 davs lrum dlle olllllpmum lu llls lulllul film, wllialml cnmns rllsll wuslm will d - . Plov‘ldt you WI"! 0 mw or, al oulopuoll, a nlurhishefl ulliuu- exdmnfla ullll ls unflal walranly lui lll. nmiindu ul nu orig ml pulducfs w-mllly uuuod How you in “win: - Propodv moi your umlv ulcludu uly cool", cw” lll-lull will ollginallv nmvidgd lullll [he mamm lemmmfld nsmq (he Quaint] canon ulld puking milelllls. - "Proof M pulclln lht lolm ul - III ol ult ol (minted luvolu wlllol ls evidencu lll Hie ploduil is willlm l u wumllly pemd. "um ll. plus lllud lu ohllirl mil-y um: FM lnnul lums, olool oi lilsl Innlil u ulsu luq d. Also plinlyoul mm lllfl address uld adescllplidll null. defect. Send ylu nlnmvd urs ol III Inuwulenl (o: mllulls Us!» lm. cInThum-ou mllim-dl- um um s Alma. An, Summin- mu . Pay my nhilflss bllled lo you uylm Exdlangl c-luul lol um:- um wvtmd by ills wallaMV. - Insure your shipmemiol loss oi namugs. AiLlNKs accepls no Ilaolllly in ma ol damage ol lost - A nzw ol lsluruisllud ullll will be slumped lo you lmium unpaid. Whit vol" "IR-m 400!”th - Cuslumul mmucfion. iVoul 0mm Manual wuvldn imam-lion log-mm“ opslsluiq illsllusllolls and nurwfltloll Any ndduionll ullomlnuon, should be nhminad llum youi dual-l.) - Inslllla loll and mun my. o sdiusullulus . 5mm. . Damage llom misuse ul neglect. - Produnxwhich hm lmn modified or llloolpomlod illlll olllsl Dmdunu. ~ Plomlcll pulnlasod ol my‘leed oulside the USA. ~ Ans ol nalllu, suell as lm uol Iimllod ll) lidllulillu dnmanz. Mm Run nude-l: . Plnu oomplm we null "ll Producl mnislfll‘mll Card puck-d with yuulullil u will make il euslel lo sulllm you should il my o: nemnw m mum ol me End I! ml "quinfl lal millmycovmq umlmloll lll w-mmw . THE mummy sum: ABOVE lslllz 9va WARMNTV APPLICABLHOYNIS vacuum. ALI. OTHERWARRANTIES, EXPRESS on IMPLIED (IMCtUDING ALL lMPuEDWARRANTIES or MERcNANTABILIW on llmzss F001 A PARYICULAR runroselms nEaEsv bisculmm NOVERBAI. on WRITTEN lNromATloN GIVEN BY AYLINKS USA, INC., IYS mzms, on EMPLOYEES SMALL CREATE A GUARANTV on IN mvmv INCREASE mE SCOPE orlllls wmnmrv. . REPAIR on llmAcEMEm AS Pnovleo UNDEHYNiSWARRANTV ISYHE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY onus CONSUMER. ATLINKS usx mt. SHALL not a: mini Eon INCIDENTAL on CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING mamas use orlllls Plinnucl on ARISING ow or ANY BREACH OF ANV EXPRESS on lMPLIEDWARRANW ON mls mower. mis DisCLMMER OF WARRANYIES AND LIMITEDWARRANW ME sol/5mm BYYHE uws OFTNE sure or INDIANA EXCEVTTOTNE EXTENT PROHIBITED av APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARMNW of MERCHANTABILITY on rlmEss mix A PAHHCULAN mums: on ms vnonucr ls umnsmomz ”mums WARRnNTV PERlOD SET mum ABOVE. Now ml. uw nI-lu lo IN! mil-my - Some slates do nol allow (hi! lxduslon no! limllalion oi moldelllal oi tonsequenflul dumages, m umllallolls on how long all lmpllsd Wumnly lusls su llle above limllaliflns or zxclusions may nol apply lo you . Yllis wallallly glves you Sncdllt legal llyllls, and you also may have mhnl “ng lhal vary llom sllla ‘0 fill! lrydu purcnaw: Wurvroflllfl ounld- lh' USA, . lllls wuilsnly fines llol auuly. clllllm your dnlfl loi wulvsllly llllolmsllon
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