MARSTECH LIMITED EXHIBIT A (FCC Ref 2.1033(b)(3)) "Immllntion and Operating Instructions Fumnshed to the User” Thonuon/2—9769(XXXX) EXHIBIT A FCC ID: G9I-I2-9769 Marstech Report No. 981MB Caller ID Telephone User's Guide We bring good things to life. FCC ID. 0914279759 EXHIBIT A(l] Marstcch Report No. 9813 ID FCC REGISTRATION INFORMATION Vouv GE lclenhcme equlpmem ls leglsleled wllh mo ngeul Communicalmns Commuslofl and .s m compliant! wnn pans !5 ano so FCC Rules and Regalmnrls | No on m lo the lull Ytlephona Camp-fly On We bonum ol if"; summer“ is a label mocaung. among olhel lnlolmauurl. 1M rcc Reglsnalmrl numbel and filngelE ulvalme Numnel lain) lo. me equlpmenl Vou musl, upon lequesl, ployloo nus .nloymallon lo your le ephlwe company The REN ls usolul ln dglwrmmng ma numbel ol flevlws you may normed lo ywv leleonone lung and sllll have all ol mesa oey.oos 1an when you, lelcononc number rs called ln mosl (ool nol all) was [he sum 0! lnc RENs ol all newt-25 com-mas (0 one l.nc shwld nol exceed 5 lo beset!!!" ol lnc mlrbel ol Gel/res you may mnnon lo you! hue as delemlned nylne REN you should coma youl local leleplmle oompany Nola: ~ ms L-qulprnzrll may nol be used on tum selynx omy-ooo by (he loloonone company - Parly Ilrlcs are somea lo slalolanns and lnolclove you may no! no able lo use vwv ownlelopnono mulpmen! ll yw uo on a pany one Chad mm youx local telephone company - Nollu musl be olyon lo me |elewhune company upcln pennanonl dlsconuedlon ol you. lclopnone llnm youl l-no y 2 Rights on also Telephone Comp-ny snoulo voul «mu-when! cause lionhle on yum "no whlch may harm lne Ielephane nzlwmk ms lolcpnone company shall, w ere placllcihle nomy you lnal Iempmirv olsoonnnuanoe ol semee may be lequllzd wnele pun! nulce I5 nol plxllcabll: and lnc cumslanscs wallanl such salon, lhc |elenhone company may nunpo-anly dlscommue sewlse lmmedlilely, ln case ol such lemomaly dlswnllwance, Ihe lelenhnnn oompcny must m plolnplly nomy you ol such |mpomry olsconllmanco lzl anolo you me opponunny loco-rm lne slluanon, aoo (ll .nlonn ou a! your n m lo bun a complilnlw1h2COMMIsslnn oulsuanl In Vlacedures w! lonn .n Subpflr! E ol 1“ as rcc me; and eglflallmls me lelopnone company may make cmn s In ll! Cnmmurllmlmns lacflllles. eoulpmenl, noelalluns ol pvomdules when! such acllon ls leqmle ln (he ODEHIIOH olus busmess and non lncunsismnl wnh FCC Rules and Regulzllons l! lncsc changes all: enpeded |0 allocl me use All perlolmance ol you! lolcpnono equlpmem‘ me leleonom mmpany mus! glue you adequzle mine, in wlmng lo allow you (0 mamzln umnmdmplcd se-yloc INTERFERENCE INFORMATION Thls deylce comvlles wlth Pall I5 0! the FCC Rules 0 eullon ls sub|ec|1n Imlol|qwlng lwc confllllens (H "ll; devlcg may no( cwse havmm| mlel'creme, and {5} Till; devm mus! accept any imefielznce lecazlvgd, lMIudlng mlellelenoe ml! may uusc unooslreo opulllcny Vhl: equl mull hli been [L‘sled and Ywnd I0 com N Wllh [he |ImI|S Vol 3 Class B dlgnal devlce, gunman! m Par! 15 o the FCC Rules Thek hmlls ale deslgn In pmylde vusonflble plnlecllan agamsl na-mlul "madam” ln 3 rtsnaellllal lnslalhllorl ths Bquleen! gmeralcs, uses. and can ”male who llequemy cnelgy 2nd. l! ml lnsxallco and used ln amordance wl!hm=lnslmc1lcfls,mzv cause harmful mler'elenm In lzdlo cammlmlca mm However. (hem ls m7 guaranlee lhn lnledeverlbe mu no! oouu m a plvlimlav lnslallallon ll Ihls equlpmen! does ausc nannlul lnlerlemnoe m moo on lcloy-s-on lecepllan. wnlon can be delelmlned hr lumlrl (ha cqulpmevll all and any the use! ls emlaged \B by (0 called lhe Madeleine by one nl male 0 me lol wmg musuves ~ neoncnl m relocate lhe melvlrlg anlenna um: ls lhe anlonna In: umo cl lelmslon am Is 'leoelvlm]' lnc monuml ' Refine"! 0! lelncam And lrlcrzase the senilahon belweerl me Ielecommumcalmrls equlpmerl! and mono; antenna ' Carmen me lglecorvlmunlcallnns eqmpmem mm In oullel on a cllwl! whale"! llom that m whlcrl [he vmlvmg Anmrlna ls conneclcu ' Consul! lire flezlev 0! an expellemxd ridloflVlschnlclin 10! help N new measulzs do nol ellminale |h£ mlellelenu, plain consul! you! Mllel m m experienczd lidlol telewslon lechrllcun lm addll rlal 943995!an Also. (he Feunl Cnmmurllcallorli erlm-ssifin has nreparefl a helpful! booklet, 'Nuw To! enllN and hsnlve Rama/TV Inledslonce Ploblemx.’ Thls houflz! I! lvlllable 0mm me U S Gnummom Fvlnung Ollme, Wishlllgmrl, D C 704471, Flease speclw smck numbol 00d 000002015 4 when ovdellng mules HEARING All) COMPATIBILITV Thls lclepnone syslem mcols rcc sundavds lo. Healing Alo Comp olilny FCC NUMBER 15 warm on m5 CABINET aonom REM NUMBER ls LOCATED ON ms CABlMEr BOTTOM INTRODUCTlON Your GE cordless phone Ls designed to give you flexibilny m use, and mgh quality performance. To get the most from your new phone, we suggest that you take a few minutes right now lo read through (th mslruclion manual TABLE OF CONTENTS FCC Rmsrmm lmrowmou. lmwmmcz mrqumnm HzAnwc An) COMPAnmuTv lumonucvwn |NSVALLAHON AND SETUP Monuun JAcx REamAEMEms DEsnow INSTALLATION WALL MOUNV |NSYALLAHON TELEPnoNE SETUP CALLEN ID SETUP TELEPNDNE OFERATIDN RECENIMG A CALL MAKJNG A CALL PNDNE LACK, RENAL Fusn Burrow CNANNEI BUTTON TEMPonAnv TONE PAGING INE HANDSET HLNGER SMICN .. 10 VOLuME SwncNL 10 CALLER ID OPERA'ION L 10 REcEwms Arm Smmun CALLs CALLER ID DlvaAv REleme MESSAGES , 11 MESSAGE Ennons Dszvmc Reno-ms DELEnNc mE CURRENT REchn DELEnNa ALL RECORDS 4. WARNINGzro PREVEN‘I nus OR ELECTfiICAL SP‘OCK HAZARD. DO NOV EXPOSE “IS PRODUCT m mm (m MOISTURE 13 14 v 14 15 1G 1G D|AL|NG A CALLER ID NUMBER Smmuc A NUMBER m Mmouv THE MEMORV FEA'URE .. CNANGING A SIORED NUMBER DIALING A STORED NUMBER CNAIN DiALlNE FRDM MEMORV INSENTING A PAUSE IN mE DIALING San-mm; ,. 17 REVIEwwc AND DELEIING STORED NUMBERS 17 CNANGING ME BATTERY. 18 BATIERV SAFEIV PRECAuncms A GENERAL PRODUC' CARE MESSAGE IchAvoAs HANDSET SOUND SIGNALS TucusLEsuunTwG TvPs. CALLEu Io TELEmoNE. TROUBLESNDOVING Tlrs . Tnoumssnourmc Tws . CAusEs ur Peon RECEPYION SEAvvcE.. , .. ACCEssonv ORDER FORM INDEX . ..... LIMKYED WAaRANTv. D'luvaK we mm (av:- INSTALLATION AND SETUP Make sure your package includes the ltems shown here. l)? AC power supply Short ll’ll‘phunt lmr turd , Tut-pr...“- lmc mm Base VERY IMPORTANT: 'l llh p. rulml reqmm Ti >l1bSrllpuon m mu” m wrwr‘c [mm wm mlcphmn (“lull-HIV MODUIARJACK REQUIREMENTS You need an RJ‘ll type modular jack, which is the most common type of phone iack and might look like the one pictured here ll you don't have a modular jack, call your local phone company to find out how to get one installed. [NSTALlATlON NOTE: SUN": (ordless telephrmcs operate at frequcnnts um maycausc interlcrvnzc to nearby TVs and VCR; To minimize or prevent such ulterfercncc, hm hm hi Ihc cordless telcpllnnt should not be placed near or on top on ’I\' or VCR. n such illltrlt‘rt‘ncr continues. "luv: the cordh‘s‘ tclcphone lanln-i Away rm." mew or VCR DESKTOP INSTALLATION G) rutsw‘romim-m 1. Set Ihe PULSE/TONE switch to TONE tor much—tone service, or PULSE (or rotary service. If you don’t know which type of servtce you have, check with the phone company. 2 Plug the telephone line card Ifl\0 the base and into a modular jack, 3. Plug the power supply cord tnto the base, tnto an AC outlett 4 Raise the base antenna. NOTE U mtly nu Thomwn pow r \upp|v um (amt M n um um. Uflng "um atlnpltfi mayd IMPORTANT- Ecrause cordless phones opmm on t'lcuncuy. you should have 11! km um» phunc in your mum» that an“! (urdlrss, in use lhc pnwcl m ynur humr gnu out WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION 1 Remove the base plate lrom the back by pressing down on the snap tabs located at the top, and then tilting the base plate aft 2 Plug the short phone Ime cord mto the phone iack or» the back at the unit and then’thread |t through the laottom of the base plate 3. Plug the power supply adapter into the POWER 12V DC jack on the back ol the unit, and then thread it through the bottom 01 the base 4 Replace base plate. 5 Slip the mounting holes overthe wall plate posts and sltde the unit down hrmly into place. (Wall plate not included.) 6. Connect the power supply adapter to an AC outlet 7 Plug the phone line cord into the modular jack. TELEPHONE Srz'n I’ 1. Set the PULSE/TONE switch (on the top at the untti to TONE tor touch—tone servtce, or PULSE For rotary service It you don't know which type of service you have, check with the phone company 2. Place handset tn Ihe base to charge for 12 hourszhe HARGE/ IN USE light comes on indicating that the battery is chargtng. 3 Turn on the RiNGER switch 50 the handset rtngs for incoming calls CAum [D SETUP ‘I. For proper Caller ID operation. you must enter your area code Make sure the phone IS OFF 2. Press and hold ENTER 10r3 seconds. The Caner ID dismay on the handset prompts you to enter your area code. 3. Enter your 37mg“ area code by pressing the appropriate number keys, The phnne emits 2 beeps to confirm tt has accepted the area code entry. 4A To change or enter your area code again, follow steps 173 above. (fl L\K(;[/IN use lxght if t PULSL/ mNE S‘fllth mun RINCEK snitch um. um TELEPHONE OPERATIO RF, we A CALL 1. Check the display to see who us calling. 2 Press the PHONE buttbn. MAKING A CALL To make a call, press I“ PHONE button before you dial and press it again to hang up. PHONE LIGHT Yuu knew the phone is on when you see the PHONE light on the handsel come on. REDIAL Press the REDlAL button to radial the last number you dialed. Fusu Burrow Use the FLASH button to activate custom calling services such as call waiting or call transfer, which are available through your local phene company. The FLASH button is also used [0 enter a pause in the dialing se— quence. CHANNEL BUTI‘ON While talking, you might need to manually change the channel in order to get rid of static, Press and release the CHANNEL button to advance to the next clear channel Duns mu BACK @@ may emu/mm TIP: Don't use PHONE huurm m mmm t mmmcr tullmg services man “s an wrung m you'll hung up me plume. rusn owwu Mmanv NEDlAL Temromv Tom: This leature enables Pulse (rotary) servrce phone users to access louch»tone services altered by banks. credit card companies, etc. by pressing the TONE button to temporarily makehe phone touch- tone compatible. To get information about your bank accopnl, lor example, you vyould: 1. Call the bank‘s mlormation line. 2. Press the TONE button (0) after your call is answered. 3. Follow the venue instructions to complete your transaction. 4. Hang up when finished. The phone returns to Pulse (rtaryl service. PAGING THE HANDSET Press the PAGE/FIND button on the base to get the attention of the person using the phone or to locate a misplaced handset, Remember that the HINGER switch must be ON for the handset to ring. lf you press and hold PAGE/FIND, the handset will continue to page until: 1. You release the button. 2. You press PHONE on the handset. PAGE/FIND button RINGER Smrcu The RINGER switch must be ON lor the handset to rmg during incoming calls (or when paging the handset), VOLUME smith VOLUME Sercn ,, Controls the volume at the handset‘s earpiece, KINGER switch CALLER ID OPERATION This Caller lD Cordless Telephone receives and displays inlormation transmitted by your local phone company, This information can include the phone number, dale. and time; or the name, phone number, date, and time. RECElVlNG AND STORING CALLs When you receive a call, the information is transmitted by the phone company to your Caller ID Telephone between the first and second ring. - Vou can monitor the inlormation as it is displayed and decide whether or not to answer the call. vmw IMPORTANT: The Caller ID feature of {NS product requlrcs A subscription to (Izller to service ' if You are ”01 Bl home, ll"? lmm your tclcphum‘ company, telephone stores the information so that you can see who called while you were oul. 10 CALLER ID DISPLAY Tune Dale (an “new "mum-r 117,513” 3/71 Eli“, £555 #85 51355550005 ' LAO/LI,” 5/7/75, (Idler m phom; number Caner ll) Mme REVIEWING MESSAGES As calls are received and stored, the dlsplay is updated to Iel you know how many calls have been received and how many have been reviewed. Use me a’m‘” mm?“ A W _V '° ch lm- (mm 11) mummy was 500" lhwugh We “St 0' lewwed 25 mum ml nnmln-n Wlm. (lu- calls. nwmnry n luII‘ un|v |hv "MN . presS the an“, up bum,” A m rccvnl mlluuv well Tm- ”my“ scroll toward more recent calls (higher numbers). mum number m nu’nlory l< dclclcd (n mm- mum lur lht' newcxl ml]. winds wlll m» donu- ~ Press the arrow down V lo nalcd '.\\ (All x25 m [he (Zullrr ll! scroll toward older calls (lower dISpLI)’. numbers). 11 As you revrew calls, the display shows you the lollowing information: ' The telephone number 0! the caller - The number of the call [with regard to the order received). whether it IS a new call (NEW), and if a call has been received more than once from the same number (RERT). ~ The name cl Ihe caller (ii this service is available m your area) If the information doesn't (it in the display, press ENTER to see the resl ol the Caller ID information MESSAGE Erma m; ll there is an error in the transmis- sion at information to your caller ID phone, CALLER lD ERROR appears in the display. DELI—TUNG RECORDS Use the DELETE button to erase the record currently shown in the display or all records. Deua'rlNc THE CURRENT RECORD 1, Press DELETE, The display asks you to confirm the deletion. 2, Press DELETE again to erase the record, 12 D95” lD/EE "fume M7} l23‘4 555 57119 JDE Snrrw This (Tallcr ID mcord dam-s [hat Joe Smuh filled zl 9.| 5 a." on 0mm 22m The u the ma (all “0er in memory and u n a new (all. NOTE: (mnrum rr|5|td|tlgrm|m xmnu .n.|l|.ll)|l|l\ (m. L EE‘ la EEPDR' CzIIL-r ll) mmmission error JRWL mm Hun lulu plume ©-@ EERSE CELL [DP Disphy an you to confirm the ddcuon. DELETING ALL RECORDS 1. Press and hold DELETE The dlsplay asks you lo conlrrm thal you wanna erase all records. 2. Press DELETE again lg erase all records. DIALINC A CALLER ID ,. NUMBER , - Make sure the phone IS ON - Use the arrow buncns to display the desired Caller lD record. 0 Press the CALL BACK buncn il the number is local - Press the it key (lo) lo dial a long distance number or a number that requires you to dial "1” lor proper connection, 924755 nLLF’ mm: mm EAHMCK -DO @-@ 4. 13 THE MEMORY FEATURE Store up to 10 16~digit numbers in memory {or quick dialing. This memory feature is in addition to the 25 Caller lD records and the 5 WP records that can be stored in memory. STORING A NUMBER IN MEMORY The phone must be OfF when you store numbers: 1 Press the MEMORY button 2 Press ENTER, The display will prompt you lo ENTER NAME." 3. Use the keypad to store a name (up to 15 characters). More than one letter is stored in each of the number keys. For example, to enter Joe Smith, press 5 for J? press 6 three times lor 0; press 3 two times for E; press 1 to enter a space belore you start entering the last name; press 7 four times for S; press 5 far M; press 4 three limes for I; press 8 lor T; and 4 two times (or H. Il you‘re using two letters consecutively that are stored in the same number key, you must press ENTER between the letters. For example, if you enter Barb, press 2 two times for B, press ENTER; press 2 for A; 7 three times lor R; and 2 two rmsw 04mm MfMDnv NEDA/u 14 limes for B. You need to press enter between the B and the A Since they are stored within the same number key, 4, Press MEMORV. The display wril prompr’you to "ENTER TEL NUMBER.“ 5. Use the keypad to enter the number you want {0 store (up to 32 digits). ' 6. Press MEMORY and then press a number key (079) to store the dialed number in that memory location 7. Record whose number is stored in the location on the memory directory card on the back of the handset. You will also be able to view the name and number in the phone‘s display. CHANGING A STORED NUMBER Use the same procedure to change a stored number as you do to store a number—in a sense, you‘re Just reassigning the memurv location. CAUTION: ll hm thr u x! “in n. r'itlr'lgr'nu urn-mm sunr'ri m Illlllllll),l1‘ilh|lil rm tlu'lliir’nnrl lmvih l'xpLun tlu- tcax‘un Irn mt- rm u. riu- «Ilsptlu hm. Alain in ., “ml "in. m rn.|k<- mm mitt m nu. [Hulk hunts. rm it in cm) "llnmnu ... in“. mtg ruse CNANNEL MEMORY RED/Al 15 DIALING A STORED NUMBER 1 Make sure the phone is ON by pressing the PHONE bulton. 2 Press MEMORY 3 Press the number 1079) for the desired memory locarron OR use the arrow burrons to scroll through the numbers stored in memory and press CALL BACK when you reach Ihe desired number, CHAIN DmuNc hum MEMORY Win um. cAuML-t OCODD r@ rmsn mum MEMOHV nmm mm mt." no 54:- @@Q Use this feature lo make calls which require a sequence of numbers such as using a calling card (or a frequently called long distance number. Basically, you dia| each part at the sequence from memory. The lollowing example shows how you can use chain dialing to make a call through a long distance service The Number For Long drstance access number Authorization code Frequently called long distance number 1. Make sure the phone rs ON. 2. Press MEMORY and then press 7 3. When you hear rhe access tone, press MEMORV and then press 8. 4. At the next access tone, press MEMORY and then 9, 16 Memory Location rLAsN 04mm MEMORY FEDrAt DDQPCJ TIP: Wail rm Ihc mm tones befirrz prcssrllg me next rnrrrurry button, or your (all mrghl not gr) through INSERTINC A PAUSE IN THE Dmuxc SEQUENCE Press the FLASH button to insert a delay in the dialing sequence of a stored telephone number when a pause IS needed to waitfor a dial tone (for example alter you dial 5 for an outside line, or to wait for a computer access tonal:- Each pause counts as 1 digit in the dialing sequence, Rewewmc AND DELfl'lNG STORED Numuens it Press MEMORY, then press the arrow keys to View the entry 2. While the entry is displayed, press the DELETE key to delete the army The display asks you to confirm that you want to delete the entry. 3 Press DELETE a second time to delete the entry. To exit the memory review mode, press the memory location button again. rusn (NANA/[l wuam REDIAL C) um ("who WW," «M ODQD +©@@* EEHS nfnaP Display 1sk~)0u|o confirm the deletion mm out" w W. ©@ 17 CHANGING THE BATTERY The handset runs on a consumer-replaceable nickel cadmtum battery pack. ll you experience any of the lollowrng problems. you may need to replace the battery pack: - Short talk time O vPoor sound quality ' Limlted range ' CHARGE/IN USE lighl lails to ltght Make sure phone ls Off before you replace battery. 1. Slide open 7 2 Unhtmk the strap 1 Pull out the 4. Remove the the battery holding the battery plug. banerv pack. compartment battery in place. door. B.t|rr\ IIt-Idmgsqul rt“; 5. Replace and 6 Reconnect the 7. Replace the 8. Charge the plug in the new strap to secure battery battery lor 12 battery PaCk- m9 DBHBW- compartment hours before [use GE BTAtz door use. replacement ll battery.) 18 BATTERY SAFETY PRECAUTlONS - Don't disassemble, mutilate, puncture, wet, or dispose of battery in lire. Like other batteries of this type, ll it is burned or punctured, it could release toxic materraIs which can cause Injury - Keep batteries out at the reach ol children. NOTE Ilu RllRlZuAItruthr'hrulrn umimmm 43, llltllt.tlt'< ”mum" (ntnumru l'lutlrrntu [u q“. ... ”mum g. 5 ,il|u| m- M |t.t|ur Mung. nurrumh \|tLr|(Lirlittllllrrlintlr-ttwtlrlrlttulirml iln-l murmur“ rump..." mmwlmt HRH»: iulntnmlmn ..n..m...r mm |n...| .. ttl|tl|grrltlrt GENERAL PRODUCT CARP To keep your telephone working and looking good, follow these guide— lines: - Avoid putting the phone near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or fluorescent lamps). - DO NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisture. - Avoid dropping the handset, as well as other rough treatment to the phone. - Clean the phone with a soft cloth - Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because [his erI damage the finish 0 Retain the original packaging in case you need to ship the phone at a later date. 0 Periodically clean the charge contacts on the handset and base with a soft cloth. 19 M ESSAGE INDICATORS The lollowmg rndicarars show me slalus of a message or lhe umrv CALLER IO ERROR ENTER AREA CODE ENTER NAME ERASE ALL7 ERASE CALL |D7 ERASE MEMO? END OF LIST MESSAGE WAITING NEW OUT OF AREA PAGING YOU PRIVATE REPT 20 Caller mlmmalron has been mlerrupled during rransmissron or the phone I5 excessively noisy ,Promp| telling you to enler your area code Fromm relling you to enrer name |n|0 VIP memory or one 0! the 10 memory Iocauons Promor asking you ll you warrr IO erase all Caller ID records. Prompr asking you ii you wani ro erase me current Caller ID record or VlP retard lhal is shown on [he display. Prompt asking you il yuu wznr [0 erase one of lhe 10 numbers stored in me phone's outgoing memory, Indicates lhal (here is no Eddlllonal lnlormallon m Caller |D memory. Somebody lelt a VOICE mall message. Note mar vorce mail is a subscriplion service: check will! your local telephone company lor ayauanrmy, Number cl new calls lor you to revrew The Incoming call is lrom an area no! servrced by Caller ID or [he inlormauon was no| senr Someone is pressing rhe PAGE lumen. The person is calling ham 3 number |har has been blocked rrom lransmlssron Repeal call message lndrczles mm a new call Imm rne same number was received more rhan once HANDSET SOUND SIGNALS Srgna! Meanmg Three long beeps Page signal A mug warblmg (one man finger on] ngnals an incommg call Fouv shorl beeps Oul or range warmng TROUBLESHOQTING TIPS CALLER ID Problem Somnon No Dismay - I! you are usmg bauerv power, "y rep|acing the Data Error Message bauerv - N you are using AC puwer, make sure mal the uni! zs connemed to a honrswitched electrical ouilel Dwsconned |he uni1 lrom the plug and p1ugmn again. - Du vau order CaHev ID serwce “cm vourloca1 (ewephone company7 The dismay won't work untess unless you order Caner ‘D service 7mm your phune company - The umt dlsplays (his message il n delecls anylhing other man va‘id Caller ‘D information during me swlem period alter the hrsr nng. Th|s message mmcalas enmer the presence of noises on me lme. 01 max an invalid message has been sem from (he leiephone comnany 21 TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS TELEPHONE Probwm Sufi/Mon Ne dia‘ (one ,.' Check msxaHallon — Is me base power cord connected to a womng mmefl f Is me PHONE hgh! un7 — Is me lslephone hne cord connected m the uase unn and the wall |ack7 ' Disconnecl the base From me waH lack and canned another phone (0 the same ,aek, u mere ws no dwal mne In me second phone, (he problem migm be your wmng or local semce No ma! (one (confirmed) ~ Is the handset Out 0! range of [he base? . Make sure Ihe banerv is properly charged (11 news]. . Is the battery pack mstaHEd ccrrecfly? . Did (he handsel beep when you pressed the PHONE button? Did the PhOHE'In-USE ugh! come on? The battery may need xo be charged Dwai lane 15 OK, but ' Make sure xhe TONE/PULSE Swilch on the base is can'l mal out cortecllv sel. Handset does nol nng - Make sure Ihe RINGER switch on the handsel is lumed (0 ON. - You may have ma many extensmn phones on your hne Try unplugging some phones - See solutions [or “No dial lane." 22 TROUBLESHOOTlNG TIPS Problem You expenence stanc, nowse, or «3qu m and 0m So/ulvon ~ Change channels ’ - ws handset am 0! range? Move closer m me base - Does the base need 10 be relocated? ' Charge bauerv - Make sure base IS nm plugged mm an ounel wnlh another household apphance um beeps ' P1359 handset in base (or 20 seconds K) rese\ lhe secumy code, I1\hatdoesn‘|work,charge battery for 12 hours, - Cwean charging comacxs on handset and base win a son cloth. or an eraser. ' See solutions [or ”No me! ions." ' Replace halterv, Memory Dialing - Did you program (he memow {ocauon keys carrec|ly7 - Drd you Inflow proper dlahng sequence7 ' Make sure TONE/PULSE swuch ls correctly set - Dwd you reprogram numbers inlo memory alley power oulage or repiacing battery? 23 CAUSES OF POOR RECEPTION ' Aluminum srdrng . Foil hacking on insulation ' Heating ducts and other metal construction can shield radio signals ' You're too close to appliances such as microwaves, stoves. computers, etc. ' Atmospheric conditions, such as strong storms - Base rs installed in the basement or lower floor of the house - Base is plugged into an AC outlet With other electronic devices ' Baby monitor is using the same frequency ' Handset battery is low ' You're out or range ol the base. SERWCE ___—__.——-—— The FCC requires this product to be serviced only by the manufacturer or its authorized service agents. In accordance with FCC requirements, changes or modifications not expressly approved bv Thomson Consumer Electronics could void the user's authority to operate this product. For instructions on how to obtain servrce, refer to the warranty included in this Guide Attach your sales receipt to the booklet lor future reference or jot down the date this product was purchased or received as a gilt. This information will be valuable if servrce should be required during the warranty period Purchase date Name of store ||||x mz: owton czcé Eu $2053 2222.8 <3 8,3 $2 my. as. as 55 93 9:5 33... 3a $334 2323 222.2 252 35: E; 22a 33 539 so; 2: 2: ES: is: 23.3 E 5.55 55 _..z 3... s 05 320 355535 52.9: 03525 an»... 55:3 m 3 c 35 a 55 3:2. v5 23. has is. m 8.55 255 ES ‘ w 8:32,Emaévfixdsfizw 33 E... E; 5 £93.12: 52. 55 as... ..= is... s m 5 33m 5:5 Jljl 3:53 23 34 |EL1 __ z s: 5 55: so. 52: 3.5... 2: £8 EEEEFE e. z 50> SE. 5.53. 233. 5395. 52 E3 HMS 5.5. 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[he qngmal ploduc! s wavlnnlv pen-m1 Now my make 1 wanamy my; - Properly wk yam um! lndude any cables. elc whnch weve ougmafly plowded mm lhe mum We vecommend usln§lhe ongmal canon and 9301an mammals - Induce in me package aymance cl pmchlse dale such as (he mu al sale use pnm you, name and iddless 1nd . descnpuon 01 me delecl Send sundzvd UPS m lls equwalen! 10 "10711547“ Continue! Electron-cs. m: mam Exchange Genny 3m 5901 min E1 Pasa, has 75395 - Pay any chavges mum to yuu by me Exchange Center la: sewlce nm comm by me wanamy - A new m le’ulbwshed mm wk” be smpped (o yau prepaid mum mm your wamnlv dues nolcour - Cusmma. inswclvon, (You: Owner‘s Manual provides mlmmnuon vegurdmg opemlng mslmclmns and uwcomwls, Fm addmonal mlmmzunn ask yam dean-n - mauuanan and sax-up samca idpuslmbnls - Bananas - Damive lvam mxsuse a. neglecl - Pmducls Wmm have been ("embed in mcnrpuumd mm mm. product: - Pladuds amcmsad or sevwcefl ouvsvde the USA - Acls 0! God such as um um nmum m kgmmng damage mam Regrsunion: ~ mass commm and ma.» ma Fmducl Regvsualwn Card packed mm you: umk n mu wait a easier [0 mman you should -| ever M necessaw The my". ol ma card .a nu! vequlvtd no. mnamy covey-ye New mu law relaxes w |h|s wan-my. - rm; wauamy gives ynu Suec m uagar "am and you may have omen ugms which vary Imm 5mm m sule u yau wvchlsnd vow produfl mm; a the USA - ma wanamv dons mu apply Comaan you" min «a- warranty mfinmalian 27 Model 2 9759 1) THOMSON eonsuum Harmonics wanna «m o as; no; so- ms, Indianapnlls, m 46:05 95.95 m was Thamsnn Consume! Ehclmmcs, Inc valefl m Cmna Vraaemuusm) Regmma Marca451® Ragmrm-[sl
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