MARSTECH LIMITED EXHIBIT A (FCC Ref. 2.1033(b)(3)) "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User" Tlmmson/2-9774(XXXX) EXHIBIT A FCC ID: (39142-9774 Marstech Report No. 98261D 0591 F216 49 1 fJUL71992 1821321 ADDENDUM: (3 DIgit-I Security System. What! you place (ho hlnwet in the base. the ‘i unit verifins its security code which prevents false ringing 0mm Other wordless telephones. After a power out-g: or battery replacemtnt, you should place the handset in the base 107 ahnut 20 seconds to vaset the code. <fi...._~,M.....-..W....,, 4 . Sistcma d- Seguridad Digit-l. Cuando Ud. ooloque Ia extensién mévil en ll base, In unidad verifica cu chdigo da sagaridad, el tual wit- los firnbmos talsos origin-do: nor owes teléfanos inalimbrloost Daspue's dc un spagdn o Iuego do reemplnur Ia bateria, debwla winner I: txtenlifin movil en la ban durante aproximadumontr 20 sewndvs para (epwgramar a! cedigo. u.) FCC 1D: G9HZ-9774 EXHIBIT A( l )-l Mzrstech chun Not 98261D 2.9774 25-Channel Cordless Speakerphone with Type II Caller ID and Dual LCD Display User’s Guide We bring good things to life. FCC 1D: com-9774 EXHIBIT A(I)-2 Marslech Rep-on No. 98261!) FCC REGImATlON INFORMATION You! GE mtphun- auu-pmm ls ruglsleuu w":- m. mm: Commumunons Cumin-mun mu m m cumuuam mm pl!“ xS-nn as. F c nuns ma R-gulanem. x Natlfit-linn w m. lac-l Ynlcphun- Comp-fly On m: bounm e! um um mam IS 1 n Imaunnng. mung mmn1onm-unn,m. FCC leflflnan numb" m1 Fungal Equmhnu Numb" (RENI hr me sqummem, You must. upon mum. would: mu mlulmmon in your “human. company Th. HEN .s mm m ummmmg me numb" Olfllvlcss you may norm-tun your manhunt hm ma sun have an mum names vmg whm ynuv monon- numb" I! called In mnsx (hul no! nu) mu, mu mm o! the REM; m an awn-s mnnemu 10 an: Iml shnulfl nouxma 51° man-m om. numbflefdnwns you run connecnn vmu |. s dflzvmmeu lay on HEN. you shuuld mm you. leul mwhm enmww Non: . nu eqummlm may m N um on aom sewn: “mum-a by m mumm- tomplny. . Pmy mu; m sublenm sun manna mute... van my nolbn m. m us! you! own nupnam equipmwfll you m on - pmv H chm mm yam local mumm- comp-fly. - Noun. mus! he gun in ma ullyhann camplny unen pllmlmmdlsconnnmun ulvnul “who... mom vow Iin . 2 mum. nl m. Tolnnhona temp-ny Should your equnpm-nl aus- ”nub“ rm you! Iml whim my mum m. mlopnon. n-mnrk. m til-shon- company mu mm pum'clhlc, now an mllnmnur y msmnu‘nunu am: a my b- m1 wnm Duel nuns: 1; nautical. lnd mu ulwmsnnu-x wtlunuum Anon‘m hphon. mmpmy may umpuu ly drsmnunue San/Inn mm-mmly, m as. amen nmpm ymsmnnnu-nu m luhphcu tnmnlnv mun: m plomnl’v many you mue- manor-w dvsunuwlnuu (21 man: you m opwmmry w cnlua me summon, am! (a ' fem you nivwv vi Mm Bung s numplamuu m- Cnmmm-o» uu-su-nm grandmas sll Iom m Suupm E 04 Pm se. FCC ulns ma inqulanons. m. must-one cnmplny mly mm mug“ in us mmmummnns hm! u. sun-mm, up-unons a! mandates mm sum mum u mm me operauun Mus husmus me no mnsnmnlwlm FCC Rules a a n. mmm. 1mm mugs; a . ulplmfl in that m we or net'nmunu cl yum mane... squ-ummz, m Elephone mmnlny mumgm vw mqum now. in wining, m zunw yuu m mm... umnmmnu lama INTERFERENCE INFORMATION Tm; “we! camp! 5 mm Pm |5 a! m. FCC Ruln Opunjan ls sum-n In m: lullawmg Mo whdlfiansz (II This new": may no! nun harmml‘ ulilvun . nd (2) "us diviu mus! 1mm lnvlmuhmlu luulvld, mduflmg mllrhnna ml! mlv uuu und siud up! mm This mmpmem his bun mum and band m coma" Mm m 1mm; In! 1 Chi: 5 mg ll 61 u, puma-nun Pm 1504 me FCC Rules. Th sl limiu lrl unsigned to plowdu rnsunlhlu prnucfiun lg hllmlll mmkunm m a luidumll malllllvon. Thu lumping"! gnu-um, nus. m an "0qu am hnqu-ncv cnllw m. w m mmuud um um In new no! mm m. mswcnflns. mlv can“ humml int-"tum: m u cnmmumutinnx. Haw-war, Inn is no gulunmn am mnrhnnfi will nu! bean in I vammlal mlulllnan. H mus Qqulumlm Hols uusl h-rmml Inhibit/tel m r em a! “luv-sum vlmnuon whlefi an bl dhulm' In! by mum: on lqmumlnl o" and on.“ uum meow-pa m nym um mm nu hllnu by an . mu 1 m- fol owmg mnsum: - mom-n av mean the Ila-Mug mum“ (mu ‘n. m m-nn- m vldm m ulcm‘un am is naiwim' an murky-nu]. ' R»! n! or "hum 1nd mun:- mo “all Inlnmn - Conn-n mu ulowmmumunnm minim-M in» an on“! an I mun! diR-rml Rom mu m mid! m Inn-MA; lnunnl u conflict-d. ' Cnnsull VI- “ l’ 0! In llplnunmd mum/TV hen/ii um u mum 5 do mn- vmmnu m nnrllunum “lawman hflmmln 7°! dmenll sun-mum Alla dtul Cummumunans Cnmmisxiuu nu pupa “I I n-Onml boon-L 'Now 10 Id! I!" In! lelv nn’V lawn-Inna Plum-nu This bunt!" us a" lbll ham um u.s. Ge unm (Pmm a O'fin, thmglon, 0.6. M, P! In in BM no“ numb" ”M3451 who“ urn-mug my 3, HEARING Am Com/mam nus 1l|lnhonl mum mun FCE standard; m u 2 rcc NUMBER ls LOCATED on THE CAEINET BOTTOM KEN NUMBER ls LOCATED rm THE CABINET BOTTOM n tum-n m. mmm muniauou lquipmanl ma lluxving n by main. - mnsull you: duh: w m mu g Me Community, TABLE or Comm-rs FCC REGISTRATION 1NroRMAY|oN . INYERFERENCE INEcRMAnou HEARING Am Comvmsnurv Immnucnou CALLEH m .. cALL wmmc CALLER ID wmc UH. WAmNE . 0mm sscumw svsvm lus'rAuAnou AND SErur MODULAR JACK REQUIREMENYS DESKTOP INSTALLATION WALL Mcum INSTALLATION TELEPHONE SETUP VQLuME RINGER swncu SErrwG YHE AREA ODE Fun CALLER [D TELEPNDNE 09mm" To MAKE A CALL AY THE BASE Umr To RECENE A CALL AT THE BASE Um‘r To MAKE A CALL FROM m5 HANDSEY RECEIMNG A CALL DLsnncnvE RING AUYU S'ANDBY 1 1 AuTaMATIc REDLAL 1 1 Ta REmAL m: LAsr NUMBEI CALLED Ar mt HMDSET ..... . 11 m IEDIAI. THE LAST uuuaER mLEn AY ow mmmvmmmhaaabmuu .10 10 11 mE nAsE 12 FAST REBIAI. A 12 MUTE . 12 CNANNEL 12 TEMPoRm TONE . 13 |NTERCOM 13 Yo AcrwArE muncw AT mE uAsE 14 m Acnvm lquRcou AT M mucosa m mst A CALL meE m mrERcDM FLASH PAGE . Uswc rRE PEAKERFHONE A 16 ANSWERING AND Pucmu CALLs 17 SwwcmNG EEYWEEN SPEAKEfi AND HANDSE' CALLEn ID OPERATION .. RECEMNG AND Smmuu CALLSL MESSAGE ERRoRs REVLEme MESSAGES DIALING A CALLER ID NuMlER . DELEnNc CALLEn ID REcoRosW. 20 DELETING ALL CALLED! ID RECORDS .. 2° Sroamn NAMES AND NUMEENS.. CALL WAmm: wnm CALLER ID. SpEcLAL FEAmREs................. |NSERTING A PAusE IN THE Dwma ,. SEQUENCE ..... CHANGING A 510qu NUMBER DIALING A STORED NuMBER CHAIN DIALING ERGM MEMORY FIEmewG AND DELEnNa SwREn NuMEERs VERv Iwcnmm PERsou (VIPI FEMURE 4 25 STORING A VIP NUMBER w MEMORV 4 25 CALLlNG A VIP NUMBER REMOVING A VIP NUMBER ERASING ALL VIP numERs MESSAGE InurcncRs GENERAL PRonucr CARE . BATTERY SAFETY PnEchlous . TaouuLEsnocnuu TIPS“. CALLER ID CALL WAmuG TELEPnonE .. CAuses or PooR REcErncm INTRODUCTION _______._.—.-————— Your GE cordless phone is designed to give you flexibility in use and high quality performance You can use this phone with basic telephone service, but it lully functions when equipped with me lollowing leatures: CALI-ER“) This leature allows you to see the number or name and number 01 the person calling belore you answer the phone CALI WAITING This feature allows you to answer incoming calls while you are talking on the phone. mum 1D wrrH CALL WAITING Also known as Type ll Caller ID, this feature allows you to see the name and number of a call that beep in while you are talking on the phone with someone else. DIGITAL ssctmrrv sverM When you place the handset in die base, the unit verifies its security code which prevents false ringing from other cordless telephones After a power outage or battery replacement, you should place the handset in the base for about 20 seconds to reset the code. CAUTION: Because cordless phones operate on electricity. you should have at least one phone in your home that isn't cordless, in case the power in your home goes out. STALLATION AND SETUP Make sure your package includes the items shown here. Short (elephant line card ac power supply Base Hand-"I wall mouul bucket Telephone um curd NOTE: Use only [ht Thomson power supply “52429 mar came with this unit. Using other adapters may damage the umt. MODULAR JACK Requmums You need an RJ11 type modular iack, which is the most common type of phune jack and might look like the one pictured here If you don’t have a modular jack, call your local phone company to find out how to get one installed. lNSl'ALLATlON NOTE Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interference to nut-by W5 and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base ufrhe cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of: TV or VCRA lfsuch interference continues. move the cordless tcleph one farther away from the TV or VCR. WARNING: to never" F|RE on summer. suocx "mun. no not mosems mount to mm on non-ma; “manna-inflame: Dmmop INSTAILATION P‘PE-‘N Set me TONE/PULSE switch to TONE for touch-tone service, or PULSE lor pulse (rotary) service. If you don‘t know which type of service you have, check with the phone company. Set the HlNGER switch to ON so the handset rings for incoming calls. Plug the power supply cord into the base and into an AC outlet. Raise the base antenna. Place handset in the base. Allow the phone to charge for 12 hours belore using the first time. The CHANG EIIN USE light comes on indicat- ing that the battery is charging. If you don’t charge the handset battery properly (for 1: hours) when you first set up the phone, performance of the battery will be compromised. After charging, connect the telephone line cord to the phone and than to the wall jack. NOTE a: only the Thomson power supply # 5-2429 that is compatible with Using other adapters may damage Lhe unit. WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION Because it is necessary to cradle the handset lor 12 hours prior to connecting lt lor use the first time, lt is better to leave the unit on a flat surface during inital charge before attempting to hang it on the wall. 1. Connect the power supply adapter to the DC ADAPTER jack on the back of the unit. 2. Place the handset in the basal Allow phone to charge for 12 hours before using the first timE. The CHARGE/IN USE light comes on. It you don’t charge the handset battery properly llor 12 hours) when you first set up are phone. the battery's performance will be compromised. 3. After charging, plug the short telephone line cord into the phone iack on the back of the unit and then to the wall jack. 4. Attach the wall mount by insert~ ing the two tabs atths top and then snapping the tab at the bottom into place. 5. Slip the mounting holes over the wall plate posts and slide the unit down firmly into place. (Wall plate not included.) prom Use only [ht Thomson power supply a 5.2429 that is compatible with this unit. Using other adapters may damage the umL TELEPHONE SETUP After charging the handset for an initial 12 hours: 1. Set the PULSE/TONE switch to TONE for touch-tune service or PULSE lor rotary service. Ii you don't know which type of service you have, check with the phone company. 2, Turn on the RlNGER switch so the handset rings for incoming calls. (D Puma/TONE Mm): RINGER swn-cu The hanset ringer switch can be set to ON or OFF. Also, the base has a 3-position switch (OFF, L0, and HI) that contrnls the unit's ringing ability. ll the switch is OFF, the unit will not ring. It the handset is in the cradle' only the base unit will ring. If both the unit and the handset are active and the handset is not in the cradle, both will ring. VOLUME The handset has a VOLUME button with two settings: HI and NORMAL. The base has a volume slide control, with HI and LOW settings. SE’ITmG THE AREA Coma FOR CALLER ID Setting your area code is necessary for proper caller ID operation. Once you set the code, the phone will automatically remove it from local calls within your area before it stores the number in memory. This will enable you to use the redial feature more efficiently because you will not have to remove the code each time you call that number. You must set the area code on both the handset and the base. To set your area code: 1. 2. Make sure rhe handset or speakerphone is OFF. Press ENTER. The Caller ID display prompts you to enter your area code, Enter your 3-digit area code by pressing the appropriate number keys. The phone emits 2 beeps to confirm it has accepted the area code entry. To change or enter your area code again. follow steps 1-3 above. TELEPHONE OPERATION To MAKE A CALL AT Tl-E BASE UNrr 1. Press SPEAKER. 2. Wait for dial tone. 3. Dial phone number. 4. When finished, press SPEAKER to hang up. To RECEIVE A CALL AT THE BASE UNIT 1, Press SPEAKER, 2. When finished, press SPEAKER to hang up. To MAKE A CALL FROM THE HANDSET After initial set up. put lllnds-l in the but far 12 hours to charge tho battery. To make a call, press the PHONE button before you dial. To hang up, press PHONE again or put the handset back on the base. hum: mores Rsmvmc A Cm m“ 1. Check the display to see who is calling. 10 2. Press the PHONE button to answer the call. Drs-rmcnve Rmc The base unit and the cordless handset are capable of receiving the distinctive ringing patterns generated through your local telephone company as a special service. This custom calling service is available only through your local telephone company. AUTO STANDBY While the handset is “on“, place it in the base and it will automatically hang up. AUTOMATIC Rmm. The handset and base each have one separate redial number. The number will remain in the redial memory until another number is dialed. To Know. 11-11: Last Numm CALLED ATTHE HANDszr 1. Pick up handset. 2. Press PHONE. 3. Wait for dial tone. 4. Press REDIAL. 11 T0 REDIAL Tm: [As-r NUMBER CALLED AT THE BASE §3§°§§§§§§§§§§§ 1. Press SPEAKER. §°°§35°° “fig 2. Wait lor dial tone. REDIAL 3 fl button 53 3. Press REDIAL. SS FAST REDIAL ll you want to keep dialing a busy number in rapid succession, you can do so with Fast Redial. When you hear the busy signal, just press me REDIAL button. The phone will go all-line, on~|ine and than redial the busy number. Press REDIAL to try again. MUTE To prevent the person you are speaking to from hearing you, press the MUTE button. Mute can be accessed from either base or handset, and "MUTE" will show in either display. Press MUTE again to cancel. CHANN'B. While talking, if you ever experience any interference or don't have clear voice quality, press and release the CHANNEL (CH) button on the handset to advance to another channel. 12 TEMPORARY Toms This feature enables pulse (rotary) service phone users to access touch-tone services altered by banks, credit card companies, etc., by pressing the TONE button to temporarily make the phone touch» tone compatible. To get information about your bank account, for example, you would: 1, Call the bank's information line. 2, Press the TONE button after your call is answered. 3. Follow the voice instructions to complete your transaction. A. Hang up when finishedr The phone returns to Pulse (rotary) service. INTERCOM The Intercom feature of your cordless phone allows you to have a two-way conversation between the handset and fits base unit without tying up the telephone line. Since the telephone Iin not being used. you can still recelve inooming calls. TONE bum accuse “38288 eeoo um“) bum lnlercnrm INTERCOM button 13 To ACTIVATE INTERCOM AT 11-11: BASE Press the INT buttan to activate and deactivate this feature, T0 AG'IVATE [NTERCOM AT THE HANDSET 1. Pvess iNTERCOM button on handsett 2. Speak into handset mic. 3. When finished, press INTERCOM to turn off. To ANSWER A CALL mu: IN INTERCOM Press the PHONE button on handset. This ends the intercom conversation and answers the incoming callt NOTE: Handset musl be wiLhin range of the base unit in order for Intercom to function. 14 Fuss Use the FLASH button to activate custom calling servtces. such as can waiting or cell transfer. These services are available through your local phone companvt The FLASH button is also used to entet a pause in the dialing sequence. TIP: Do nut use the PHONE or SPEAKER buttons to activate custom calling services, such as call waiting, at you will hang up the phone. Also, do not use the FLASH button to hang up the phone. HASH bunnn 15 PAGE Press the PAGE button on the base to momentarily locate a misplaced handset. When you press the PAGE button, the handset beeps and gives a series of tones for a short period. FAG/N6 YOU also shows on the handset display. To activate FIND, press and hold the PAGE button. You will hear a continuous series of tones until you find the handset.Press the TALK button when you locate it. USING nu: SPEAKERPHONE For best speakerphone performance, avoid the following: 0 Areas with high background noise. (The microphone might pick up these sounds and prevent the speakerphone from going into the receiving mode when you finish talking.) 0 Surfaces affected by vibration. ' Recessed areas such as in a corner, under a cupboard. or next to a cabinet, which can generate an echo effect. Note the following guidelines when you use the speakerphone: . The speakerphone works similar to a two-way radio in that you can only listen or talk one at a time. 16 - Stay reasonably close tn the phone so that you can be clearly heard by the person to whom you are speaking. - The speakerphone indicator light is on when the speakerphone is in use. ANSWERINC AND PLACING CALLS The phone wrll autematically answer it you just pick up the handset or press the SPEAKER button. Receiving a Call 1. Pick up handset and press PHONE pr press SPEAKER on base to answer an incoming call. 2. Press SPEAKER or replace handset to hang up the phone. Swn'cmnc BETWEEN SPEAKER AND Hamster Yuu can switch between speakerphone and handset atter dialing a number, or anytime during a conversation. . Speaker to Handset — Pick up the handset. ~ Handset to Speaker - Press SPEAKER, then hang up the handset 17 CALLER ID OPERATION VERY MORTANT: The Caller ID feature of lhis product requrrcs a subscrip- uon w Caller u) scmcc from Your telephone company. Tune Date Call sequence number 70:57"”- 8/ 77 ”EU CH“ # 25 234 55 “l 8901 JOHN SflITH Caller in phone number Caller ID name This caller ID cordless telephone receives and displays inlormation transmitted by your local phone company. This information can include the phone number, date and time; or the name, phone number, date and time. RECEIVING AND STORING CALLS When you receive a call, the inlormah‘on is transmined bv the phone company to your caller ID telephone between the first and second ring. - You can monitor the information as it is displayed and decide whether or not to answer the call. - ll you are not at home, the telephone stores the inlorman’on so that you can see who called while you were out. Note: The Caller ID memory holds 25 names and numbers. When the memory is full. only the most recent. all: are storedr 111: oldest stored number in memory is deleted to make room for the newest call, which will be designzlgd as all ms in the an“ 1D display. 18 REVEWING MESSAGES As calls are received and stored. the display is updated to let you know how many calls have been received. ' Press the arrow up A button to begin with the oldest cell and scroll toward more recent calls lhigher numbers). - Press the arrow down 7 button to begin wim the most recent call and scroll toward older calls (lower numbers). As you review calls, the display shows you the lollowing information: ' ”the telephone number ol the caller - .,.the number of the call, with regard to , Thixufltrlbmrdxlwmthat the Unit" received john Smifimflednlwtflmn.“ WILflIuiflIMZSIIImfl _ mediumandifilnw available in your area m1 ' ...rhe name of me caller, if this service is - t..time and date the call was received. A . . NOTE; Check WHh your local lime number does not fit in the display' pm": company "sawing press ENTER to see the rest of the Caller Mme “M" “Nahum lD information Mrssme ERRORS - If there is an error in the transmission of information to your caller ID phone, CALLER ID ERROR appears in me (3,453 In EEEUR fiisplav. - I! you have not subscribed to Caller ID service or it is not working, N0 CALLER ID will show in the display. 19 DEALING A Cum ID NUMBER - Make sure the phone is OFF. - Use the arrow buttons to display the desired caller ID record, ' Press the CALL BACK button ii the number is local. . Press the 0 key {DIAL H) to dial a long distance number or a number that requires you to dial '1"for proper connection. Dmrmc GAMER ID RECORDS To delete only the record in the display: 1. Press A or v to review CID records. 2, Select the record to delete. 3. Press DELETE. The display asks you to confirm the deletion 4. Press DELETE again to erase the record. Dust-mo Au. CALLER ID RECORDS To delete all the records in memory: l. Press A or v to review CID records. 2. Select the record to delete. 3. Press and hold DELETE. The display asks you to confirm that you want to erase all records, 4. Press DELETE again to erase all records. 20 new: 3)— one?! SPECIAL FFATURES CALL WAn'lNc wrm (hum ID Provided your telephone company is able to integrate Caller ID and Call Waiting services, you ref M 4/3 m w e is Will see who is calling you when you hear the call 109 575 SHE? waiting beep. The caller identification inlorman’on ”ME ”175 appears in the display alter you hear the (one. 0 Press the FLASH button to put the person to FLASH whom you're talking on hold and answer the incoming call. STORING Name AND NUMBERS You can store up to 20 numbers in memory lor quickdialing. The memory for the base and handset are separate, with 10 locations lor each. eeeacheachadditioMessage Indicators The handset or speakerphone must be OFF when you store numbers. MW“ 1. Press the MEMORY button. ENTER The display prompts you to "Enter Name. " 2. Press ENTER. 3. Use the keypad to store a name. More than one letter is stored in each of the number keys. For example, to enter Joe Smith: press 5 lor J: press 6 three times for 0; press 3 two u'mes for E; press 1 to enter a space before you start entering the last name; press 7 four times for 5; press 6 ior M; press 4three times for I; press Sfor T; and 4 two times for H. 0 If you are using two letters consecutively that are stared in the same number key, you must press ENTER between the letters. For ex- ample, if you enter Barb, press 2 two trm es lor 8; press ENTER; press 2 for A; 7 three times for R; and 2two times for B, You need to press enter between the B and the A since they are stored within the same number key. NOTE: To enter characters other than letters. press and scroll through the choice available on numbers 12.14.16 and E, 4. Press MEMORY. The display prompts you to “Enter Tel Number." 5. Use the keypad to enter the number you went to store (up to 24digits). 6. Press MEMORY end then press a number key 9 uzuunv (09) to store the dialed number in that memory location. 7. Record whose number is stored in the location on the memory directory card on the back of the handset. You will also be able to view the name and number in the display. NOTE: If you do not want to enter the name. skip Step 3. TIP: If you make a mistake while storing name: and numbers. you an use the DELETE human to backspace and correct errots. INSERTING A PAUSE iN THE DIALI'NG SEQUENCE Press the FLASH button to insert a delay in the dialing sequence vi a stored telephone number when a pause is needed to wait for a dial tone - for example, after you dial 9 for an outside line or to wait for a compurer access tone. Each pause counts as 1 digit in the dialing sequence. early morning or late evening. CHANGING A STORED NUMBER Use the same procedure to change a stored number as you do to store a num ber—in a sense, you are iust reassigning the memory location DIM—[NO A STORED NUMBER 1. Make sure the phone is ON by pressing the FHONE or SPEAKER button. Zr Press MEMORY 3 Press the number (09) for the desired memory location OR use the arrow buttons to scroll through the numbers stored in memory and press CALL BACK when you reach the desired number. VERY mom-m: "you make (est eaiis lo emergency numbers stored in memory, remain on the iine and briefly explain the reason for the call to the dispatcher. Also, il is a good idea io make these eaiii in ere-peak hours. such as FLASH man: a CALL IACK 23 CHAIN Dwmc mom MEMORY Use this leature tn make calls that require a sequence ol numbers, such as a calling card number used lor a frequently called long distance number. The following example shows how yuu can store each part of the long dialing sequence and use chain dialing to make a call through a long distance service: The Number For Mainon Location Long distance access number 7 Authnrizatiun code 8 Frequenfly called long distance number 9 TIP: Wait for the access (one: below pressing the 11le memory button or your call might no! go through. 2! Revn-zwmc AND Deu-rnNc STORED Numens ll Press MEMORY 2. While the entry is displayed, oress the DELETE key to delete the entry. The display asks you to confirm that you want to delete the entry. 3. Press DELETE a second time to delete the entry. To exit the memory review mode, press MEMORY. uzuonv DELETE VERY Imommvr PERSON (VIP) FEATURE You can designate 5 Caller ID records as VIP. Each time someone on the VIP list calls, you will hear a distinct ring. STORING A VIP mm m MEMORY 1. Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the Caller ID records for desired number. 24 Press VIP on the base or CHNlP on the handset.. 3. Press ENTER. The phone emits 2 beans to confirm it has transferred the number from Caller ID memory into VIP memory. CALLING A VIP NUMBER 1. Press the ViP button. 2 Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the WP listi VIP 25 3. When you see the desired name/number in the display, press CALL BACK for local calls. If the VIP number is long distance, just press I (DIAL HI. it automatically enters the ”I" needed to complete along distance call. Rmovmc A V1? NUMBER 1. Press VIP. 2, Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the VIP list. 3. When you sue the desired name/number in the display, press DELETE. Note: If name information is not in the caller ID record. the name will not be stored in the memory location. 4. ERASE CALLER ID? appears in the display. Press DELETE again‘ More ALL VIP was 1. Press VIP and the arrow ksys. 2. Press and hold the DELETE button. 3. ERASEALL VIP? appears in the display. 4. Press DELETE again. 26 CALL not VIP Qésm 10.5!" 5/11 ,,, ‘N les 339 5578901 JOHN SI’II TH DELETE VIP Q -© EEHSE BU. VIP? on“! 9? Message INDICATORS The iollowinu indicators show the status of a message or the unit. CALLER ID ERROR ENTER AREA CODE ENTER NAME ERASE ALL"! ERASE ALL VIP? ERASE CALL 107 ERASE MEMD7 NEW OUT OF AREA PAGING YOU PRIVATE REPT N0 CALLER lD Caller iniormatlon has been interrupted durlng lransmlssiun or the phone is excessively noisy. Prompt telling you to enter your area code. Promprtalling you to enter name into VIF memory or one of the 10 memory locations. Prompt asking you it you want to erase all Caller 1D records. Prompt asking you il you want to erase all 5 VIP records. Prompt asking you ii you want to erase the currentCailer ID record or VIP record that is shown on the display. Prompt asking you if you want to erase one Mitre 10 numbers stored in the phone‘s outgoing memory. Number of new calls since you last reviewed your messages. The incoming cell is irorn an area not servvoed by Caller lD or the iniorm alien was not sent Someone is pressing the PAGE button. The person is calling irom a number that has been blocked from caller ID transmission. Repeat call massage. Indicates that a new call from the same number was received more than once. There is an incoming call, but you have not ordered Caller ID service or it is not working properly. Z7 BATI'ERY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - Do not disassemble, mutilatei puncture, wet, or dispose of battery in iire. Like other batteries ol this type, it it ' burned or punctured, it could release toxic materials which can cause injury. ' Keep batteries out of the reach of children pro-re- Th: lumc seal on the battery used in your Thommn Consumer Electronic product indicates am w: are participating in a program in mum and recycle Nickel Cadmium ballet-its thrmtghoul [hr United Slalcs afAmenca, Ylezsz (all lam when for information or (or-tact your loci recycling mm G ERAL PRODUCT CARE To keep your telephone working and looking good, follow these guidelines: . Avoid putting the phone near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (tor example, motors or fluorescent lamps). - DO NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisture. - Avoid dropping the handset, as well as other rough treatment to the phone. - Clean the phone with a salt doth. - Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because this will damage the finish. - Retain the original packaging in case you need to ship the phone at a later date. - Periodically clean the charge contacts on the handset and base with a soft cloth 2! TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS CAULRID PROBLEM No Display Data Emu Message CALL WAITING PROBLEM You hear call waiting [one but number does not appear in display. SOLUTION -Try replacing the battery, Oll you are using AC power, make sure that the unit is connected to a non-switched electrical outlet. Disconnect the unit iron-i the plug and plug it in again . The unit displays this message if it detects anything other than valid Caller ID information during the silent period after the first ring. This message indicates either the presence of noises on the line, or that an invalid message has been sent from the telephone company. SOLUTION -You must subscribe to Call Waiting for unis feature to work. ‘Even if you have subscribed to both Call Waiting and Caller ID, you must call your phone company and tell them to integrate your Call Waiting and Caller ID services‘ TELEPHONE PROBLEM Na dial tone Dial tone is OK, but can 7 dial nut Handset does not ring 30 SOLUTION - Check installation: — Is the base power card connected to a working outlet? — ls the PHONE or SPEAKER lighten? — Is the telephone line cord connected to the base unit and the wall jack? ' Disconnecr the base from the wall iack and connect another phone to the same jack. If there is m: dial tone in the second phone, the problem might be your wiring or local service. -Is the handset out of range of the base? 'Make sure the battery is properly charged (12 hours). °ls the battery pack installed correctly? - Did the handset beep when you pressed the PHONE button? Did the thna-in—Use light come on? The battery may need to be charged. ~Make sure the TONE/PULSE switch on the base is correctly set. - Make sure the RlNGEFl switch on the handset is turned to ON. # burron does no! work You experience static, noise, or fading in and out Unit beeps Memory Dialing eVou may have too many extension phones on your line. Try unplugging some phones. -See solutions for ‘No dial tone." -Maka sure phone is set to TONE. - Change channels -Is handset out of range? Move closer to the base. eDoes the base need to be relocated? ' Charge batteryl - Make sure base is not plugged into an outlet with another household appliance - Place handset in base for 20 seconds to reset the security code. If that doesn’t work, charge battery for 12 hours. -Clean charging contacts on handset and base with a soft cloth, or an eraser. - See solutions for 'No dial tone.‘ 'Replacs hatteryr ODid you program the memory location keys correctly? -Did you follow the proper dialing sequence? - Make sure TONE/PU LSE switch is correctly set. -Did you reprogram numbers into memory after power outage or replacing battery? 11 Banzry I! you experience any 01 the following problems, even after fully recharging the battery, you may need to replace the battery pack: 'Shon talk time 'Poor sound quality - Limited range °CHARGEIIN USE light fails to light CAUSES OF POOR RECEPTION - Aluminum siding on the building 0 Foil backing on building insulation 0 Heating ducts and other metal construction can shield radio signals ' You’re too close to appliances such as microwaves, stoves, computers, etc. ' Atmospheric conditions, such as strong storms ' Base is installed in the basement or lower floor of the house 0 Base is plugged into an AC outlet with other electronic devices - Baby monitor is using the same frequency SERVICE The FCC requires this product to be serviced only by the manulacturer or its authorized service agents. In accordance with FCC requirements, changes or modifications not expresslv approved by Thomson Consumer Electronim could void the user's authority to operate mis product. For instructions on how to obtain service, refer to the warranty included in this Guide. Attach your sales receipt to the booklet for future reference or jot down the date this product was purchased or received as a gift. This information will be valuable if service should be required during the warranty period. Purchase date Name of store 31 REPLACING THE BATTERY The handset comes with a brand new, consumer-replaceable nickel cadmium lNiCad) battery pack. with normal use and recharging, a NiCed battery pack should last a full year. Use GE BT-12 replacement battery. To muce THY. tam-raw: I. Make sure phone is OFF before you replace battery. sum-y um‘ Snip 2. Slide open 3. Remove battery 4. Pull out the 5. Remove the the batterv strap. battery plug. battery pack. compartment doon annex/IN use indium 6. Replace and 7. Replace the 8. Replace the Dlufl in the 1“me W‘P- battery 9. Charge the new battery wmpflfl' battery (or pack. men! dom- 12 hours before use. 34 $15.58 S... 3.5 SE 3. En. 1.5.52... 1.5 53! La 3.5 u Eu 23255 uni-£3 5 E< . n 25.3 3 E... 3.5" 2.5 S: 53 ._ as. "5...- E5 5 22:3... HDHD ...!...==-a g... E. c. E... 5.53: 1.1.5 25: a. as 1.3.5 5; as. 2.5: Ess- ..._._._.s E; as 25 , 451.832... ix. 2.22 .s.x..i:=u.ia..=_>.s DMD ME HE is 3; 5; E... 553558” 235.126 i323 E-u - nucuaa o. 5 2. SHEE- si 2.- s-v <2. 4:23: 28 5:5 3 ES =5> 53... 23 3-5... t. 55.55 1 2.1124: — 5.11.3 i i 5.1 115.8 «3. 1. 1. ._ E 5 5.3 5.5:- 8 2.12.2. : 2.1... 50m $an >m0mwmuu< || | I | Van dz... nEDn 020.2 55 “zwichmau lllllllllllllllllll INDEX nturcom 15. T1 - Accessory 01d“ Form 35 Auto Standby Il Battery replacement 34 Bamry Safuy Precautions m Caller ID Call Waiting 4, 21 Delefing all records 20 Deleting records 20 Dialing 20 Massaga Errors 19 Operll'iun 18 Rec-i ng nnd sloring calls 13 Reviewing mung“ l9 Chain Dialing 1mm mamorv 24 cnnnging a armed number 23 cnannsi 12 Desktop Installation 5 Dialing a stand number 23 Disrincn‘ve Ring n FCC Haqistrlfinn Information 2 Flash 15 General Produn Cl" 23 Haarim Aid Comp-lib Installation 5 Damon 6 w-llvmwnt 7 36 lnterl‘erenu In'ormatiun 2 introduction 4 Memory Fflaturz Chain Dining 24 changing a stored numb-r 23 Deming mud numbuu 25 Dialing a stoma numb-r 23 Storing numbers 2| Storing a VIPnumbar 25 Message Indicators 21, 27 Mala 12 Pause 23 Poor Recaplien 33 Radial ll, |2 Ringer 5 Sucuritv 4 Sun/lea 33 Setting Area Coda 9 Setup 5 Speak-whom 15, 17 Spaniel Feawlss 21 Tau-phone Op nion to Tolephona Sump a Temporary Tan. 1: Trounissnuoung Tips 29 Vznv Iwowrmr Pusan (VIP) Fawn 25 Callmg a v1? number 25 Removing a WP number 26 Storing : VIP numbar 25 Volume 5 Will Mauntlnst-Ilafion 7 Wmmy as 17 LIMITED WARRANTY What your warranty savers: - Any defect in materials or workmanship. For how long after your purchase: - One year. (The warranty period ler rental units be ins with the ills! rental or 45 days from date ol shr mentto the rental firm, who ever comes lirsr.) What we wi do: - Provide you with a new or, at our option, a refurbished unit. - The exchange unit is under warranty lor the remainder of the original product’s warranty period. How tn make a warranty daim: ' Properly pack your unit. Include any gables, ete.,_which were originally provided With the product. We recommend using the original canon and padrmg materials. - lnclude in the package evidence at purphase date such as the bill ol sale. Also print your name End address and a description at die detect. Send standard UPS or in equtva en : Thomson Consumer Electronics. Inc. Product Exchange Center 325 Spur Drive El Peso.Texas 79906 . Pay any charges billed to you by the Exd’tange Center lor service not covered by the warranty. - Insure your shipment in case or loss or damage. Thomson accepts no Iiahility in case ol damage or less. - A new or relurbished unit will be shipped to you prepaid freight. What your warranty dou- norm-r: - Customer instruction. (Your Owner's Manual proyides inlormation regarding Swim)“ instructions and user annuals. For additional information, ask your ea 21. lnstallan'on and set-up service adjustments. Batteries. Damage lrom misuse or neglect. Products which have been modified or incorporated into other produm. Producs purchased or serviud outside the USA. Acts ol Gad, such as but not limited to lightning damage. Product Reglsu-atlen: . - Please complete and mall th- Product Registration Card packed with your unit. It _w|l| make it easier to contact you should I ever be necessary. The return of the card rs not re urred for warranty coverage. How state ew relates to this warranty: - This warranty gives you specific legal rights. and you may have other rights wh' vary from state to state. . if you pure-and your produet outside the USA: ' This warranty does not apply. Contact your dealer for warranty inlormation. Model 2~s77e " ismszo (Rev. 0 551 um Tradarn raul' Mgimrlfl Printed in cam- Memo-l.) ' «you-lat
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:05:30 09:53:59 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : VicodinES /CB /TNN Title : 55744.pdf Modify Date : 2001:05:30 09:54:18-04:00 Page Count : 40EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools