Thomson 2-9917 900 MHz Cordless Phone User Manual 8

Thomson Inc. 900 MHz Cordless Phone 8



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Date Submitted1999-08-23 00:00:00
Date Available1998-09-23 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-04 17:12:32
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Document Title8

FCC ID: G9H2-9917
Marslech Report No. 98278D
(FCC Ref. 2.1033cb)(3))
"Installatlon and Operating Instructions
Furnished to the User“
900MHz Hands-free
Cordless Telephone
User's Guide
We bring good things to life.
“an/«momma | * magnum I
FCC ID: G9H2-9917
Marstech Report #98278A
'£|— ¢r _H:
Vow as no we cam-u Tchphm is autism m gin you fi-n'bifiv m
use and high qua-my padbmnne. To an Ihl mu! hm war new coma;
Isltphl‘lnl. w- .wgp-n that you uk- 1 lbw minuku righl now w mad
mmugh this Inmahn manuil.
‘nn follwwinp ix imp-mun: infatuation "gaming an an of your card-n
- Diem-I Smn‘w 5mm:
; Man you plus an Hondm in the but. ml mum“: in steam code
which pm Mu ringing hm other Null“: Nathan-s. ARV a
pow-r “use ar battery upIm-m. yvu should place m Mindset in m
but hr about 20 “and,“ rue! lbs code-
~ WPOR YANT: You Showdown I Non-Ca! flirts mom l' 90
Because was phonu operate vn elearieity, vw sham hive at last
é. um pncne in your name lhll is net camera, in we nu min you: Q.
Mme goes out
- Insnllla'an Note
Some catch-s nlephenes sperm 1! Maintain that my aunt
harm-net to loamy TV: and VCR; To lnl'nlmizl 61 pm: m
humans». m: but ohh- anion ulnphenl should not In alum! nnr
or on map of. ‘N ”van lumen huff-ruse- mum-s. mm “Wm
{cl-yum huh" “my «on lthVor VCR.
Wu and m M" up: modular jack. wh‘dl
in nu mmammon lune sf phenojaek
ana mighlbut m- m- an: punt-d hen. If
van den? hm I mum-Eta all your
(on! phone manta find scum: In 91:
ans inmuoi
_H """ ' $- ""“”“' Il—
FCC ID: 09112-9917 ,
Man-tech Report mm»
Your GE 900 MHz Cordless Telephone is designed to give you its brlity in
use and high quality pertormmoe. To get the most from your new cordless
telephone‘ we suggeot that you take a low minutes right now to road
through this instrunion manual.
the following is important information regmfing the use of your cordless
- DigiralSccurity System
When you place the Handset in the ban, the unit vnrifios it’s security code
which prevents false ringing from other cordless telephones. Alter a
power outage or battery rapt-manly you should place the Handset in the
base for about 20 suonds to reset the code.
‘ IMPDR TANT: You Should Own a NanACol dless Phone T 00
Because cordless phones operate on electricity, you should have at least
one phone in your home that is not cordless, in can the powerin your
home goes out.
- Installation Nara
Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause
interference to nearby TVs and VCR; to minimize or prevent such
Interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not he placed near
or on top of a TV or VCR, If such interference continues. move the cordless
telephone farther away from the TV or VCR.
Modular Jock Requirements
You need an RJll type modular jack, which
is the most common type of phone lack
and might look like the one pietured here. If
you don‘t have a modular jock, call your
local phone company to find out how to get
0 no installed
—‘ | at...“ 1 e mm, "55 m
FCC 1D: GQH2—9917
Mat-steel: Report #98278A
TOTRL 9.54
Vour as mlepnone uqulpmln! ls liqlsflltfl wrdi me Fuduwl Communruuonscpmmlssion lrld is in mmplloneu wnn
pens |5 end all Fcc Rules end Roguleuons
| NM no n hum-phen- Comm
On Ihl bottom olilus nuuipmemis a label druunp. emunp omer inloimeuon. mo FCC mglsiflllon numb" And
Ring" Equivalenpu Numoor [REM lor die lqulpmnnl Vou must. upon roouusl, pleyide mrs inlornn- on no ypul
iolepnpne mmpany.
rm HEN is useul In flerzvmlmng me numb" oldeyiees you may mnnemo your lelepnone llns Ind sllII Mve llII
ohms: devlmsvlnq whe you: mlopnons number lsmllud ln mesiioulnol ulll lln ms sum nllhe KENS ol all
dsyrees wnntfled tn one he snuuld noiexmud 5 Tu o. eeneln on». number oldoyuzs you my oonnmre you
ll"! as flemlmlned byme REM, you should mnlanyour local mephone cflmnznv
- nus equlnmzfllmay nnlbl used on coin selvlm pioylded by me mlupnpne oempeny
- Perry lines e wblea lo slaw mills, and moielero. you may nolbe pols lo us! you own in pnono equipmenlil
you no on u puny line chm mm vuul Ioul hltnhone campnlw
- Nouoo musioe plyen lo lilo mlzphnna mmpany upon perm-nenl disconnmion olyoui iolupnone iron. your
2 Flam: com-Telephon- con-puny
should your souipm l muse ueuole on your line whim may nerrn in. ulspnono neiwork, me lolepnene
oompnny snoll,mm nucliuhlo, nouly you mniumpo ydlleonliuu oe olsemeo may on requil.d.wno
prier nofiu is neipnclruoln and [M cilwmsmlc wuueni sum ounn, lne manhunt oompnny may nempn
discondnus selvlm immodimly. in cm olsuoi mmporuiy discnntmuanu. me nlzpnon- company musl; ll
plum dy norm you clud‘ umnoulv disconunu-noo, my mom you me opponunny In 001mm in. siulauon
lal maxim you olypur iipnlio hung a compluull so me Commlssmfl Dulsuanl Io premdures mlonn ln Suhplrl E
ol Fan 55, FCC Rules and Repuuuonn
Th. o-lepnons company mey mull! manna; m ux oommumuuens llmllnes, equipment, npulallons pl prooedurs;
where sudl znmn ls inquired m mo opmuon olns buslnsss and nollnounuismnlwrm FCC Rulosznd Regulaimns.
"muse lounges ere expsmd lo nflaulhe use or p-rlulmsnpo olyeuuolephons equipmenl, me l-lepnene
mmniny musl pm you ndzqut! Mum, in Mlllnq, lo allow you lo mernlem unlnisnupled semen,
Imnrzmwcs INFORMATION ©-
rms flawed eemplies mm Pan ls ol me FCC Rules aou 'on is suojecl In no lollowmp ml) pondrnons: llmus
aeyrm may no: muss harmfill lntnl'elenlx; end lzmus devil)! musl poeepl eny mlerhmnce lllzlved. including
imufnlunlz man may onus. undesired opmuon
Yms equipmem has has" dump and lound io camply wnn in; llnulslp. a Class B d-enpl devlee, pursuuni m Par|15 oi
in: rcc Rull$.Thesa lrmns pie designed in nmvlfll reasonable prnienion ep-lnsi nermrul mmfllrena ln . luldemlnl
Thlsequlpmemgenaums, uses, and un udnu udm llequsncyt my and, line snlled and used in amordeneu
mm me lniuuc‘mns. my unit hnlmml lnmrhuna io lanio wmmunlullnns Hawsvur, mm is no gunrlmu lhl!
inwchlenu wlll nol ncmf m - vamwin! insull-iron
Ilmis nouipmemdoos emu nerrnlul lnlfllhltnm m udlo eruleyis-on ismpoon. whim can In dammlned oy
Nmmg me aquipmemnflanfl on, me um is Enmul ged unry ln cull-awe lnhl‘ulenlx oy an; or male olmo
following measulus.
moi igloo-ls me lelzlvmg inlennx (lhllithe Inmnna lpr radm er wlevislon mulls “vaulving' me
no: ienosl
- Reolianl or lemmw unn mucus: m “Damion hclwezrl me ulsmmmumauons eourpmenund lee-lying
- Connenme mlammmunlmlmns uqulpmem mlo en nullflan a nllmiifllmmnlfiom mud whim in. aiming
lnmnnl is airman-do
- Consuluhe deal»! or an experieneud rueiorw mdmlmln lor nuip.
ll lhas! musnl's de M! eliminele me lnlurluuncd, plmu eonsuli your osalor pi an - purencod rudienoleyisron
noon n lor eddnronel suguusupns,Also, m: rodml Cnmmunitallnns Commission nu pupered . ndlplul
booklu, Howfo ldennly Ind Rnolve Radio/TV lnmleronoe proolemsrrnis hooklol nu nole «em in. u s
Gnvnlnmcnt Prlmmg Office,Wnshlnglun, DC, m2 Plouse ”25ch snow numhll mommy“ wnul
arduring conies.
HEARING Am Comm'mmm
nus mlepnene svsmm menu rcc mndnvds lor Nuullng Aid Cnmplllblllllv
INmoDucnon ........
Charging the Battery
GEmNG Swarm
Installation 81 Setu
Placing or Receiving calls
Yhu Memory Feature 10
Storing a Number in Memory A 10
Changing a Stored Number. . 10
., 11
Storing a Pause in Memory ......11
. 12
. 12
, 13
. 13
Storing a redial number,
Dialing a Stored Number
Chain Dialing lrcm Memory
Battery Safety Precautions
Changing The Battery ..
In Use Ind ntors
Base Unit ,
Buttons and Features
Volume V and A
Sznvms ...... 15
Ch el B “on GENERAL Pnonucr CARE 16
arm u ' Causes of Poor Recuption ‘lG @
Memory Button
nge’ Adlus ACCESSORY ORDER FonM.............. 19
Flash Button
Radial Button
Tern porary Tone Feature
saw-flu A
omwwlno- mm maul-nu!
nu mm
“mg n x
qnlu a...
num- val a
WARNING: m PIEVB" FIE » 10 mm. um
missus-mums! “mu gmrn mm- imam:
fimfiamm mnmmmmmm
awn/wow was 1 5/29/95. um AM
Your GE 900 MHz CordlessTeIephone ts designed to give you flexibility in
use and high quality performance.To get the most from your new cordless
telephone, we suggest that you take a few minutes right now to read
through this instruction manual.
The following is important information regarding the use of your cordless
0 DigthSemritv Mm
When you place the Handset in the base, the unit verifies it’s security code
whim prevents false ringing from other cordless telephones. After a power
outage or battery replacement, you should place the Handset in the base
for about 20 seconds to reset the code.
- Vbu Should Own a Non-Cordless Phone'l'oo
Because oordless phones operate on electricity, you should have at least
one phone in your home that is not cordless, in case the power in your
home goes out.
. Installation Note
Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause
interference to nearbyTVs and VCFls.To minimize or prevent such
interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near
or on top of aTV or VCR If such interference continues, move the cordless
telephone farther away from theTV or VCR.
Modular Jadt Requirements
You need an RJfl type modular jack, whrdw
is the most common type of phone jack and
might look Irke the one pictured here. If you
don‘t have a modular jack, call your local
phone company to find out how to get one
a-sswte DOM in E 4 we. nae AM
[— @m|
Make sure your package lflCludES the items shown here.
g % AC power mpm
Telzphnne line and
7. Plug the power supply cord Into the
POWER 12V DC jack on the base and imo
an AC outlet.
2. Place Handset or just the battery ilself
inm the base to charge for 12 hours‘The
CHARGE/IN USE light (on the base)
comes on to indicate max the battery is
charging. "you don't dame the
Handset battery properly (hr 12
hours) when you first set up the
phom, perfomwnee oflha musty
will be compromised.
mm ms DOM is s 5 § 6/29/95. u-ua AM
|m| @
1, Make sure thtat the power supply cord |s plugged into the POWER 12V
DC jack on the base and lnto an AC outlet
2. Plug the telephone line cord into IheTEL LlNE jack on the base and lnto
a modular jack.
3. Set theTONE/PULSE switdl toTONE (or much-tone service, or PULSE
for pulse (rotary) service. If you don’t know which type of service you
have, check with the phone company.
4. Slide the base RlNGER switchto ON it you want the base to ring on
incoming calls (The RINGEH switch is located on the same side of the
base as the antenna.)
5. Ralse the base antenna.
NOTE Use only the Thomson 5xxxx power supply that (am: with [his un
Usmg other adaplers may damage the un
Helms DOM lB E a 5mm was AM
1m] Q—i
Whether you are placing or renewing a call,
you just need to the know the iollowing
i You need to use the headset to listen
and talk.
° Press the PHONE button on the Handset
to get a dial tone and to hang up,
- Placing the Handset in base wiil also
hang up.
In Use Indie-non
The IN USE indicator on the base unit
comes on whenever the phone is in use, or
when the Handset battery is diarging in the
The IN USE indicator on the Handset
comes on whenever the phone is in use, or
when the battery power gets low,
men/woo“ iBE 7 eras/as. u-oe AM
l—.~ i @
Use the Volume buttons to increase or
decrease the headset volume.
The MUTE button to interrupta phone
conversation to talk privately with
someone else in the room.
1. Press MUTE to activate mute feature
2. Press MUTE again to turn it oil.
If you ever experience any interference
or don't have clear voice quality, press
the CHANNEL button on the Handset to
advance to another mannel,
Enables you to save phone numbers in
memory and to quickly dial them later.
Use the PAUSE button to place a pause
in the dialing sequence when storing a
number in memory (see “Memory
Feature” for more information).
This feature allows you to control the
ringer volume (high, medium, low) (or
the Handset. Press the RINGER ADJUST
button until you reach a comfortable
ringer level.
zwrrnsoomae a smmmrnsw
|—Ij emi
Use the FLASH button to activate custom
calling services sudt es call waiting or call
transfer, whidi are available through your
local phone company,
The REDlAL button allows you to easily
redial the last number you called.When
you get a dial tone press HEDIAL,
This feature enables pulse lrotaryl service
phone users to access touch—tone services
offered by banks. credit card companies, To“ sum" “uh Rid-in!
etc., by pressing theTONE button to Button 3mm"
temporarily make the phone touch-tone
compatible.To get information about your
bank account, for example, you would: @
1, Press the PHONE button.
2. Call the bank‘s information line.
3. Press theTONE button after your cell is
4. Follow the voice instructions to complete
your transaction,
5. Hang up when linished.The phone
returns to pulse (rotary) service.
m: If you press the
PHONE button to activate
custom calling services such
as call wailing, you'll hang
up the phone. Press FlASH
2—9917/la00MmE 9 5/29/95 ”new
Press the PAGE/FIND button on the
base to locate a misplaced Handset,
‘l. Press the PAG EIFIND button. It
the handset is in range of the
base it will begin beeping.
2. Press the PHONE button to make
the handset stop ringing.
Store up to 10 numbers in memory
for quick dialing.
it Press the MEMORV button
2. Dial the number to be stored lup
to 24 digitsl
3, Press MEMORY.
4. Press any number key (09) to
store the phone number in that
memory location.
Use the same procedure to change
a stored number as you do to store
a number— vou're Just moving the
phone number to a different
memory location.
z-sswne DOM IE 5 m
J @
Page/Find button
Available Memory Numbers
61mm n 05 AM
1—» @_-|
STORING A “mm "mm“ m ifyou need a longer paus
1. Press MEMORY. press PAUSE seven
2. Press PAUSE.
3. Press MEMORY.
4. Press any number key (09) to
store the phone number in that
memory location.
Use the PAUSE button to insert a
pause when a delay is needed in
the dialing sequence (for example,
when you must dial a 9 to get an
outside line or when you must
enter codes to access your bank's
information fine).
If you need to diet 910 get an
outside line and want to store a
number in memory without having
to dial 9 eadi time, you would:
1. Press MEMORY. “Amman“ Pause Button
2. Press 9.
3. Press PAUSE.
4, Die! the phone number you want
to store in memory.
5. Press MEMORY.
6 Press any number key (09) to
store the phone number in that
memory location.
mew/mow use n Size/gm it new
J @
1. Press the PHONE button to get a dral
2. Press MEMORY and then press the
number ior ma! memory location.
Available Memory Numbm
Use this Feature to make calls whidr require a sequence 0! numbers, for
instance ii you use a calling card for a frequently called long distance
number. Basically, you dial each part of the sequence from mem ory,The
following example shows how you can use chain dialing to make a call
through a long distance service:
The Number For Memory Location
Long distance access number 7
Authorizatiun code 8
Frequently called long distance number 9
l. Press me PHONE butten in get a dial tone.
2. Press the MEMORY button and then press 7.
3. When you hear the access tune, press MEMORV and then press 8.
4. At the next access (one, press MEMORY and then 9.
239mm DOM re E rz 5/29/93. runs AM
l_"-l @ ml
- Don't disassemble, mutilate, puncture,
wet, or dispose of battery in tire. Like other
batteries 01 this type, it it is burned or
punctured, it could release toxic materials
whim can cause injury.
' Keep batteries out of the reach of children.
Follow these steps to change the battery
1. Grasp the battery cartridge, pulling down
and away hunt the phone.
2. Place the catridge in the recharge cradle.
3. Insertthe new battery cartridge.
Anamthe Mndsatinthsbasew
marge. Ifyou don’t charge the
handset battery mpeflv (for 12
hours) when yull fimm up the
phone and/or when you install a new
battery pad the battery: long-tam
perbmunce will be compromised.
NOTE: The make seal on the battery used in yuur’fltommn
Consumer Elecuunim product indicatcs that we are parlictpaung in
a program m (tilled and re(yclc Nlckel Cadmium batmrics
Ihroughnut the United Slates. Please call lflMfl-BA‘IT‘ERY fur
mfurmauon or conuu your local recycling Center.
299t7/lflDOMiEE n mmmnem
l_I] @ m}
In case of difficulty, please check the followingTroubleshouting Guide
before seeking service.
Fran/em Solution
Nu dlal lune - Cheek lnsrallarlon:
~ rs lhe base power cord mnnecled m a worklng ouner?
— ls PHONE Ilgm an?
— ls the telephone llne cord connecred to the base unir and
mo wall ladd
- Disconnocr rhe base 1mm the wall look and connecl another
phone to the same jali lr more ls no dial tone in the second
phone, mo prublem might be your wirlng or local sen/me.
- ls rho Handset our or lhe base unrr's ranger Move closer ro
the base unll
- Make sure the battery rs properly merged (12 hours!
- Is lhe battery pack rnsrallen correctly?
- lnhe phone 50" does nor work, dlsconnecl rhe Dower ooro
and remove rho banory paolnlhon reconnect the power card
and remsflll the battery part. Place Handset In (he base {or
‘0 wounds |c allow r! to relnrriallze.
Dlal lone ls OK, but - Make sure rheTONE/PULSE mm on rho base is sar $—
can't dlal our oorroorly,
Handset does nol ring - You may have 100 many extension phones on your line Try
unplugging some phones.
. see sorunons ror “Nu dial tone."
Cannot hear phone - Adjust lhe volume oonrrol on Handsel.
You experience srarlc, - Chonqo manhole
nurse, or raorng ln - Is Harrow our or range? Move closer ro rho base,
and our ~ Doeslne base need to be rammed?
' 056192 Hands»! balleryv
- Make sure base is not plugged mm on curler wirh another
huusehold apnllance.
Range is shorter ' P1355 CHANNEL burlerl during the mnversalion (n selem a
lhan normal new dunnel.
' Positlun lhe base antenna ugward.
29917/1800Ml85 m six/seminsAM
|—w ‘r e _-|
Problem Solution
Battery will not hold a - Be sure you are sufiiclemlv merging the banerv.thn the
merge orls ruuy merged battery has been merged lor lZ huurs, you can expecl
and the BAT tow lights approximately4hour5 or talk time,
' Check to be sure battery contacts on both the Handset and
the base are making contact and are clean; tree or dlrl or lint,
' When ma Handset is placed in the hue, dledt that the base
CHARGE/IN USE llght is on.
BAT LOW light stays on ' Place Handset ln base {or W seconds lo reset the phone. I!
that doesn’t work, charge battery for 12hours.
Memory Duirng - Did you program the memnrv location keys correctiyr
doesn't work - Did you touow proper dlsllng sequenosv
0 Make sureTONE/PULSE swltm ls Correctly set.
Unit looks up - it the “fill dnasn’t work, turn the puwer swnm on me Handset
Mt. Hold down digit 2 and 8 simultaneously and then turn the
power swudr on. Put the Handset hadr on the base and press
the PAGE button untii you hear a beep.
' I! a power outage omuu whlie the Handset is away lrom the
base, the Handset mus! be returned to the base when the
power returns I
Na link between base “3 ends between Handset and base Gould he lost. Follow I
and Hands.“ these lnsrructlons: Make sure pom. swiroh an we Handset ls
OFETurrl lhe power swilm ON while haldlng down digit 2
and 8 simultaneously. Put lhe Handsut down an Ihe baser
Press 'PAGE' butlun until beep sound comes out. Been
sound indicates rhar ID code is correctly restored.
The FCC requires this product to be serviced only by the manulacturer or its
authorized service agents, in accordance with FCC requirements, dtanges or
momrtcnnons not expressly approved byThomsnn Consumer Electronics could
void the user's authority to operate this product. For instructions on how to obtain
servrce. refer to the warranty included in this Guide.
Attach your sales receipt to the booklet lur iuture reierence or iol down the date
this product was purchased or received as a gimThls inlormatian will be valuable
If serv|ce should be required during the warranty period.
Purchase date Name or store
2»S§r7/|GDOMiEE I5 s/zs/seruoam
l—~ @—|
To keep your telephone working and looking good, follow
these guidelines:
' Avoid putting the phone near heating appliances and devices that
generate electrical noise (for example, motors or fluorescent lamps).
' DO NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisture.
- Avoid dropping the Handset, as well as other rough treatment to
the phone.
- Clean the phone with a soft cloth.
0 Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because this will
damage the Iinish.
' Retain the original packaging in case you need in ship the phone at a
later date,
- Periodically clean the marge contacts on the Handset and base with a
' Aluminum siding.
' Foil bad
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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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Create Date                     : 2001:06:04 17:12:32
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