Thomson 26980 Cordless Telephone User Manual Users Guide
Thomson Inc. Cordless Telephone Users Guide
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Users Guide
MARSTECH LIMITED EXHIBIT A (FCC Ref. 2I1033(b)(3)) "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User" Thomson/26980XXX-A EXHIBIT A FCC ID: G9H26980 Marsteoh Report No. 99270D 26980/26981 4 -Channel 900MHz Cordless Telephone and AM/FIVI Clock Radio rg§er’s Guide "/7/»‘//»//m We bring good things to life. FCC ID G9H26980 Mmslcch Repun No. 992700 EXHIBIT AU) FCC REGISTRATION INFORMATION Von! ulnnhnne "Miami!" [I n “laud W' in! Fidull Cummunlcllloiu Commluion Ina i; In nnmulilnce will: null I5 Ind GB, FCC Hula! Ind Duul ’ l» i mmmmuufl'mu company On "it hnnum nlmhmninmenl is - ||he|indlcl1hn, mnnwollm ininymiinn,iiie rcc iinyim nnn ling-r Equlvlllncv Numhev iiizm in. in. nnnip .Vou mun, upon iennesi, nmvidei lo VII!" illeuhnne com only. in; REM . unini in dmmininn the numher an a. 11 win my mnneci |u vouneizphnne Ilnz nnn niiii mm |II ni 1h 9 n in" iinn whgnvuulflltphonl num mil-d in mm (bulnn! niii um “lzxmn nun. mini. ldev esmnnnnud it) on. inuhonin nniexmn . nnmnninnfmnnin innyimyon my Enflnnlmvnuv In! I! dainmlned hv mg NEH, ynu Ihnlhhi mum vourlnul llhphnn'mmu my Mom - This equivmanl my not In uud an coin myiu nmviflzfl by |l|l lelrphnne unmplny. - va ' u nmsuhimm in, mi ihminye, vim my nulh! nnim mynninnn telaphnne nun mni if you m nn . n-ny iinn. chm with ynni Inc-I iehphonz cumulnv. - Molina mm b: yiyen in in: illenhune comnlny nynn unlmlnznl disconnmiun ol vnuvlzlenhonz imn Val” line 1 mm- M an. TbluDMlu Commiv 50min!!! vain Euulumlm ulna "Will: an ynln‘ II!!! which mlv him (In com-ny an." nnm nrmiunin n yon "in anyway a mum flu is nni punii Ad in. unlimlllncn yum-ii nu imp liily flismminue smiu min-am iy in n ni Illth lemnnu camplnv war 1] my“ nnniy ynu 0 Inch ininnmyy nimniinn ,l2| nun-n y "1 nnnnyinniiy |o numiihuiinniinn n is inionn yon nlvouniflhllu hlin ninn niiniheCnmm-mun nnunnniin plantain" m innh In Subu-rl E of ii." an, FCC um Ind min Theielephnnn mmulnv my mu nhlnnls in ils cannnnni hm nu e:,equlpmem. npemlnns ni umudlfles nimn Inch union in rlquiind in the onmiinn at n, inn-um lnd nni inwnsineni wiih rcc lulu .nn lewullflnnl, Illhuu chnnun m llpemd in Machine in“ n; “mum-m: ni ynurlalephunz equinmznl. ih-imnnnmmnnny nnm wit: you menu-in native, in mil' n,inniinnynninm' nunininnunienuryiu. nn nlllll bu ininnmiinn Dhnnn “Mull, I“! l! hunt ni unfit! my be m] a. cliim meillallhimz wmnlnv mv nniinunnue,in= ullphnng INTERFERENCE Imam-non Thin nuke cnmnliu wllh run 15 iii ih- m: Rnlu, Gym in whim in ihe (allowing in an in: (1) Thin device my nui cluu h-imiui iniIfiIunand (21m; dwiu mini umvi my inieiimm "wind. including IMHIHVHWE ih-i mlv nus; nnn imi opmiinn, 7M nnipmni h" hull tut-fl and fauna |o comply with m- iimiin hr - cl“. 5 uigii-l dnvlm, pnuumiio Pm |5 oi ml FCC iinin Thm iimm m desiwned in moi/Me mum-hie pmie inn mum hlvmliil inuiimnu in - midehii-i inmnniun. din lililunnnv my” unit, ii nol liulllhil nnix n it In iul inml- m: in mm: communlnilnm. owe Imliud by to Ind on, "I! um I lnnnl‘lluzfl In "V lo nnmcu l Inlelkllllnt by Mil or molt OHM [allow nn m sum - Innvllmuvulu nihnmiyinn nmnn- ||hu|i:,|l\ulniunnlhirldlooil inmimncei, - iiminni ny ulnule Ind mine-nth! saplulhm b-iwnn ihni-iaenmmnniniunnnqnininnni nnu "naivinn lnllflnl. - tnnnm "u telnnnmmuhicllianl nnninmni inin M in"!!! an - niunii din-mu lvnm lhll Io whlch ih- recelvlng lniehiu ls cunnechil. - Consuhlhndn Ilnlln proilmuduifln/‘TVinhhichn lnrhnlpi ii in“. mum do nni mine (maintains, plane canwll ynni denlemun eweriented unini i an uthnkiln inn. n onllsunnl Mu. Amy in mimi Communlclflini: cnmn' sinn h" n . h-inini hunllfl. ‘Nuw 1a Iden y Ind Nunlv! ii-mnnv ininiimnu P iii-inn ihin boolilul h . “mm in: us Eovnmmunl Pyiniinn 0m", Wuhinwhm, ILCJMM, PI- nn-niiy um nnmim om-oao-oosis-i when nmuinn anal-s. Vllinn inn [1 'vmivinn' in. HEARING Am Communlun Thu lelnphnn' lvlum mm rci: mnnnmn ion Nuiinn Aid Cnynnniinimy FCC NUMBER IS LOCATED ON THE CABINET BOTTOM 2 REM NUMBER Is mum) on TuE CABIN“ BOTTOM TABLE OF CONTENTS FCC REGISTRATWN lurowmou . INTERFiRENCE lmommon‘ HEARING Am CDMPAIIBILITV lumonucnon Baron: Vow Bzam PARTS Cnecxusv MonuLAA JACK Rsoulnmsm DIGlTAL Secumw Svsrm .. INSTALLING m5 BATTERY str 82mm; m5 Twe Amusnuc THE DISPlAv CLOCK RAND DrznAnon . AMYENNAS AM ANTENNA FM ANYENNA Powzn Ssmna INE BROADCAST B MAKING A CALL REDIAL Fusn Burrow CNANNEL Bum)" TEMPORANV Tons FINDING THE HAMDsEr. Rmesn Swmzu TONE/PULSE DlAL VoLuMe Vulcz MESSAGING . Tue Mme-w Puma: SromNG A Nuussn ‘ Sammy new SAfETV PnEcAmlnNs use: us POOR Recsrnou MEssAuE Innmmns HAnnsn Souun SIGNAL! Tnaunstuoo'rmu T's . TELEFNUNE . WARNINGn'o pnsvsur ms on ELECIRICAI. suncn MAIARII, no "01 areas nus monun TD mm on immune. INTRODUCTION Your 900 MHz Cordless Telephone is designed to give you flexibility in use and high quality performance. To getthe most from your new cordless telephone, we suggest that you take a few minutes right now to read through this instruction manuaL IMPORTANT: Because comm phones operate on electricity. you should have at least one phone in your home that isn't cordless. in case the pnwer in your home goes our, BEFORE You BEGIN PARIS CI-IEUGJSI‘ Make sure your package includes the items shown here. Qfiefi Herartttpmtaea l . witthDlonly) Q‘E't'i't'fir't“ Ac ”mum, @@ Telephene llne told MODUMRJACK REQUIREMENB You need an M11 type modulariack, which is the most com- mon type of phone jack and might look like the one pictured here. Iiyou don'l have a modular jack, call your local phone company to find out how to get one installed, INSTALLATION NOTF; Snme cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interference tn nearby TVs and vcxst To minimize or prevent such interference. the has: nrthe cordless leleplmne should not he placed near at on lop nfa TV or vca Usuch lnterIerenee enntlnnes. move the cordless telephone farther away from the TV or van DIGITAL SECURITYSYSI‘EM Your cordless phone uses a digital security system to provide protection against lalse ringing, unauthorized access, and charges to your phone fillet When you place the handset in the hase,the unit verifies its security code. After a power outage or battery replacement, you should place the handset in the base for about 20 seconds to reselthe code. ImmmBmm In the event of a power outage, a 9-volt battery (not included) enables the phone to retain numbers stored in memory and the clock to keep accu- rate time. To install the battery: 1. Remove the battery compartment door on the bottom ofthe unit by loosening the screw with a Phillips screwdriver. Lift the door. 2. Connect a fresh 9-volt alkaline battery (not included). The large end small contacts on the battery clip and the battery will interlock. Once connected, place the battery inside the battery compartment. 3. Replace the battery compartment door and tighten the screw. lMl’ORTANT: If a battery is nnl installed during a power oulage. the phone will lose all numbers in memmy arm 15 minutes. Ihllery m-p-nnem door Blllcry DESKTOP INSTALLATION NOTE: The handset is able to charge facing up or down. . Set the RINGER switch on the handset to ON. . Place the handset in the base. . Raise the base antenna. .Plug the power supply cord into the base and then into an AC outlet. The CHARGE/IN USE light comes on indicating that the battery is charging. Allow the phone to charge for 12 hours before uslng the first time. If you don't charge the phone properly (for 12 hours) when you first set up the phone, perfomnnce M the battery will be compromised. .Aftel charging. connect the telephone cord to the phone and then to the wolljack. NOTE l The phone automatically delaulu tn touch-tone dialing. To change to pulse (rotary) dialing. see “Tone/rune Dialing. liyou don 'l know which type ofsewice you have. check with the phone eompany. CAUTION that came SETUP SmMTr-ETM Follow these steps to set the clock manually. I. Turn the radio OFF. 2. Press and hold the TIME LOCK button for 2 seconds. The hour blinks on the display. 3. Use the REV or FWD TIME SET buttons to adjust the hour. 4. Press and release TIME LOCK. The minutes hlink on the display. 5. Use REV or FWD lo adiustthe minules. 6. Press and release TIME LOCK. nlsvuv 1er L0“ TIMESET i I) AM or PM blinks on the display. '“'"' "“°" '""‘“"‘ 7. Use REV or FWD to select AM or PM. 8. Press and release TIME LOCK to store the information and exit time setup. AqmnNGTr-aDISPLAY Use the DISPLAY button to adjust the brightness of the display. CLOCK RADIO OPERATION ANrENNs AMANTENNA ANTENNA A built-in ferrite rod antenna is used for AM reception. Rotating the unit slightly may also improve reception for distant AM stations. mANTSNNA The AC power cord acts as the FM antenna. For best recention, he sure the nower cord is stretched to its full length. Du not coil or bunch the cord together. Changing position of the power cord may also improve reception. I‘ll/AM RADIO ON/OPP POWER mm. hue- Use the RADIO ONIOFF hutton to turn the radio on or off. SErnNG THE Bmsmr BAND Use the FM/AM switch to select which broadcast hand you want the radio to receive. Vane/E Use the VOLUME buttons to adjust the radio volume. 0mm Smcns Use the SEEK buttons to change the radio stetion. When you hold down either hutton, the radio scans the stations automatically. Use the ABC STATION buttons to store radio stations you listen to frequently. You can store either an AM or FM station in each location 1. Set the FM/AM switch to the desired setting. 2. Use the SEEK buttons to find the station you want to preset. 3. Press end hold the memory location button where you went to store the station (A. B, or C) for 2 seconds. The unit confirms the station is preset. 10 H ABC STATION button SIlK intone V0]. Ml button UsmuumSmcm 1. Set the FMIAM switch to the setting of the desired preset station. 2. Press the memory location button where the station is stored (A, B, or C). The radio tunes to that station. WAKEAIAM You can set two different alarm times for the radio to wake you using the WAKE 1 and WAKE 2 buttons. Each alarm can he set to either music or standard alarm and lasts lorahoutl hour. SEmNG'l‘l-IEWAKETIME ' To set the radio to wake you with music, select the desired station, turn the radio OFF, and set the MUSIC/ALARM switch to MUSIC. . To set the radio to wake you with the standard alarm, turn the radio OFFand set the MUSlC/ ALARM switch to ALARM. WAKE I bum. I’M/AM ABC STATION WAKE 2 mile] button button M USE/ALARM twitch 11 1. Make surethe radio is OFF. 2. Press and hold the WAKE 1 or WAKE 2 butlon for 2 seconds. The hours blinks on the display. 3. Use the REV or FWD TIME SET buttons to adiusl lhe hour. Tm 100“ WAKE lhua- Milan 4. Press and release the HM LOCK bulton. The minules blink on the display. 5. Use REV or FWD to adjust the minutes. 6. Press and release TIME LOCK. AM or PM blinks on lhe display. 7. Use REV or FWD to selectAM or PM. 8. Press and release llME Lock (0 “C “um" store the mfprmetmn and exrl bullmu TIME s“ alarm setup. The alarm symbol wun bum-l on the display shows lhal the bullon alarm is seno come on at the time you set. Uschum Once a wake alarm has been set, you can turn it offer on by pressing and releasing lhe appropriate WAKE bullon. 12 SNOGZE Afterthe alarm comes on, you can use the SNOOZE button to delay the alarm from coming on again for 7 more minutes (up to 59 minutes total). SLEEP Use the SLEEP button to set the radio to automatically turn off after a chosen amount of time (up to 60 minutes). 1. Make surethe radio is OFF. 2. Press and hold the SLEEP button‘ The radio turns on automatically and SLEEP 01V 60 Mill/shows on the display. . 3. Use the REV and FWD TIME SET buttons to adjust the sleep time in 10 minute incrementst The radio plays (or the desired amount of time and then turns off. NOTE; To turn the radio oll‘bcfmc the mat sleep time has passed simply tum the radio OFthpmsing the RADIO ON/OFF button. Nma Lma Use the NITE LIGHT button to turn the nite lite on or off. NITS LIGHT hllon SNOOH button SLEEP httan Tlul SET hntuuu RADIO ON/OFF human 13 TELEPHONE OPERATION REEVMACML 1. Check the display to see who is calling. 2. Press the TALK button. MAKINGACALL To make a call, nress the TALK button before you dial and press it again to hang ug. RENAL Press the REDIAL button to redial the last number you dialed (up to 32 digits). If you get a busy signal, and “W want to keen dialing the number, "m" just press HEDIAL again (you don't have to turn the phone off and back on). RENAL billion FLASH BUI‘ION Use the FLASH button to activate custom calling services such as call waiting or call transfer, which are available through your local phone company. TIP: Don‘t we the TALK button to activate clumm calling services such as (all waiting. or you‘ll hang up [he phone. 14 CmBmm While talking, you might need to manually change the channel in order to get rid of static. Press and release the CHANNEL button to advance to the next clear channel. Tm Tc“: This feature enables Pulse (rotaryl service phone users to access touch- tone services offered by banks, credit card companies. etc., by pressing the TONE button to temporarily make the phone touch-tone compatible. To get information about your bank account, lorexample,you would: To“ 1, Call the bank's information line. hm“ 2. Press the TONE button l‘) after CHANNEL your cell is answered Illlul 3. Follow the voice instructions to complete your transaction. 4. Hang up when finished. The phone returns to Pulse (rotary) service. me'n—EHAMJSET This feature helps to locate a misplaced handset. Press and hold the PAGE/FIND button on the base. The handset beeps continuously for about 2 minutes or until you press any button on the handset PAGE/FIN B button 15 RmSwnu—r The RINGER switch must be ON for the handset to ring during incoming calls. TCNE/ PULSE Drum This ediustment Allows you to select tone (touch-tone) or pulse (rotary) mode dialing. The phone is automatically set for touch-tone use. TONE 1.Turn the phone off. 2. Press and hold the CHANNEL button until the phone beans. 3. Press TONE' PULsE 1. Turn the phone off. 2. Press and hold the CHANNEL button until the phone beens. 3. Press 3. VCIJJNE The VOLUME buttons control the volume afthe hondset's earpiece, with four listening levels. 16 TONE bumn CHANNEL button RI" 5 IR nriuh V0 LUKE bullet" V003 Mm Provided your phone company offers voice messaging service and you subscribe to it, lhe CHARGE/IN USE lighl on ihe base will flash when the phone is not in use lo indicate there is a message wailing. ll will step flashing after the message has been reviewed. CHARGE/IN USE light 17 THE MEMORY FEATURE Store up to ten ZA-digit numbers in memory for quick dialing. SmANlmmrN MEMRY The phone must he OFF when you store numbers. 1. Press the MEMORY button. 2. Press the memory location number (03). 3. Press MEMORY again. 4. Use the keypad to enter the number you went to store (up to 24 digilsl. 5. Press MEMORY again to store the number. 6. Record whose number is stored in the location on ma memory Iahel provided. CmASmNu/mt Use the same procedure to change a stored number as you do to store e number—you're iust replacing the phone number with a different one. 13 MEN ORV butlon DIAUNGAS'Ium) NM 1. Make sure lhe phone is ON by pressing the TALK button 2. Press MEMORY. 34 Press the number (O-SHurthe desired memory Iocalion. The number is dialed automatically. IMPORTANT: “you make text calls to emergency numbers stored in memory, remain on me line and briefly explain the reason for the call lo the dispatcher. Also. il's a good idea in make lhcst cans in (AH-peak bolus. such as early “m morning or lale evening Imun MEMORY huon 19 CHAIN DmuNc mom MEMORY Use this feature to make calls which require a sequence of numbers such as using a calling card for a frequently called long distance number. Basically, you dial each part ofthe sequence from memory. The following example shows how you can use chain dialing to make a call through a long distance service: The Numberfar Memory location Long distance access number 7 Authorization code it Frequently called long distance number 9 1. Make sure the phone is OIL 2. Press MEMORV and then press 7a 3. When you hear the access lone, press MEMORV and then press 8. 4. At the next access tone, press MEMORY and then 9. TIP: Wait for the accent tones before pressing the next memory button. or your call might not go through ImmaPALsrzm'n-re: Drum SEQUENCE Press the HEDIAL button to insert a delay in the dialing sequence ofe stored telephone numher when e “MAL pause is needed to wait lor a dial tone mm" (for example after you dial 9 for an outside line, or to wait for a computer access tone). Each pause counts as 1 digit in the dialing sequencer mg?“ 20 HEADSET AND BELT CLIP OPERATION CMIINGAl-FAIBEI‘TO "ix-lam For hands free conversation. connect the headset (provided with 26981 only] to the HEADSET jack as shown. The handset receiver and microphone are disabled when the headset is connected. Adjust the headset to rest comfortably on top of your head and over your ear. Move the microphone to anproximately Z to 3 inches from your mouth. ' Press the TALK button to answer or place a call before using the headset. CmNmrmmBmCm There are two slots, one on each side ofthe handset. ' Attach the helt clin (provided with 26981 only) by inserting the sides of the belt clip into the slots. Snap the ends ofthe belt clip into place. HEADSET juk Slnllox 51.1 m no ellp m. dip 21 CHANGING THE BATTERY Make sure the telephone is OFF before you replace battery. 1. Remove the battery compartment door. 2. Disconnect the cord attached to the battery pack and remove the battery pack from the handset. 3. Insert the new battery pack and connect the cord into the iack inside the handset. 4. Put the battery compartment door back on. (st Place handset in the base to charge. "you lnn’tcnrn the inlset hattery preperly ller I2 hours) when you first set up the phone eldlnrwhen you install a new hattery peck,|he battery's lung-tern perlurrmce will be compromised. Rm Sm Pmuncos - Do not burn, disassemble, mutilate, or puncture. Like other batteries of this type,toxic materials could be released which can cause injury. ~ To reduce the risk of fire or personal injury, use only the battery listed in the User's Guide. 0 Keep batteries out of the reach ofchildran. NOTE; The: new: ml on the haltery used in yum' Thummn (‘Arnnumer Elcclnmiut pmduct indium am we ate puniciputin in a pmgflm in when and recycle Nickel Cadmium bunnies thnmghrmt the United sum. Plume call imam‘remr fur inlm'maliun rrr cuntxct your luml recycling center. 22 CAUSES OF POOR RECEPTION 0 Aluminum siding. ' Foil tracking on insulation. ~ Heating ducts and other metal construction can shield radio signals. - Vou're too close to appliances such as microwaves, stoves, computers, elc. - Almosoheric conditions, such as strong storms. ~ Base is installed in the basement or Iowerfloor oilhe house. 0 Base is plugged into an AC outlet with other electronic devices. ' Baby monitor is using the same frequency. 0 Handset hattery is low. 0 You’re out of range oilhe base. 23 HANDSET SOUND SlGNALS S/g/m/ Meaning Along warhling (one [with ringsron) Signals an incoming call One shun been, one long heap (S tim as) Page signal "NBS shnnbeaps Ontolrange Fourshnnbeeps Low battery warning 24 TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS TELEPHONE Prob/am Sell/flan No dialtone - Check Inttallatien: — Is the base power cord connected to a working outlet? — Is the telephone line cord connected to the base unitend the walllaeki - Disconnect the base train the wall jack and connect anotherphene tn the same ink, Ifthere ie no dial tone In the second phone the problem might be your wiring erlocalservice, - It the handest auto! range oithe bane? ' Make sure the battery is properly charged [12 houni. - Ie the battery peck installed correctly? - Did the handtet beep when you pressed the TALK hutton7 Did the CHANGE! IN USE Indicator come on? The battery may need to he charged. Dieltane is OK, but can‘tdialout - M ake sure the TONE/PULSE setting is program rn ed correctly, Handset does not ring - Make sure the KING!!! switch on the handset is turned tn ON. ' You may have ten many extension phones un your line Try unplugging tome phones. ' See eelutinne ior ”No dial time” 25 Prob/em Von experience static, noise,orfading in and out Salt/lion - Change channelsr - Ia handset outot range7 Move cioserto the bare - Does the base need to be relocated? - Charge battery. - Make sure bare in not plugged into an outletwith another household appliance. Handsetbeepe continuoualy, as ilthe battery is low Memory Dialing 26 ' Place handaet in base for 10 seconds to reset the security code Ii that doesn’t work, charge battery for 11 hourst - Clean charging contacts on handset and baee with a soltclothmran eraser, - See solutions for "No dial tone." ' Replace battery. - Did you program the memory location keys correctly? - Did you lollow proper dialing sequence? . M aka sure the TONE/PULSE setting is program m ed correctly. - Did you reprogram number: into memory after power outage orbattary replacement? GENERAL PRODUCT CARE To keep your telephone working and looking good, follow these guidelines: ' Avoid putting the phone near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors orfluoreacent lamps]. - DO NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisturee - Avoid dropping the handset, as well as other rough treatment to the phone. 0 Clean the phone with a soft cloth ' Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because this will damagethe finish. t Retain the original packaging in case you need to ship the phone at a later dated ' Periodically clean the charge contacts on the handset and base with a clean pen or pencil erasert 27 INDEX A H Accessory Order Form 33 Handset sound eig na|5 25 Adjusting the Display 7 Headsm 23 AM Antenna 3 Headset and Belt Clip Opalmlon 23 Antenna: 3 I B Installation and eemp 5 Emery Installing the Battery : Installntloii 24 Installlng (he be Belt Cllp 23 C M Call Back 20 Chaln dlallng from memory 21 Changing smiens 9 Changing the fishery 24 Clock Radio Operation 3 Cunnecting a headset to r lnsenlng In dieiing sequence 22 Power 8 Revleiwlnu and deleting 510er numbers 22 Rlngur switch "3 23 Secumv 5 Setting the Broadcast Band 8 Seningme TIME 7 Setting the WakeTlms 10 Setup 7 Sleep 12 Snooze 12 Stored numbers 19 changlng 19 dlaling zo reviewing and deleting 22 Storing Stations!" Memory 9 Telephone opersflon 14 Temporary (one 15 Troubleshooting tips 27 Uslng Call Back 20 Uslng the Preset Stmlons |0 Uslnn Wake 11 Voice messaging 17 Volume 9 Volume switch 16 Wake Alarms 1o 29 SERVICE —_ FCC requires this productto be serviced only by the manufacturer or its authorized service agents. In accordance with FCC requiram ents, changes or modifications not expressly approved by Thomson Consumer Electronics could void the user's authority to operate this product For instructions on how to obtain service, call Consumer Information, Moons-0329. Attach your sales receintto the booklet lor future relerence or jot down the date this oroduct was purchased or received as a gifl. This information will be valuable if service should be required during the warranty period. Purchase date Name olstere __________________ 30 5.53.50 so 3... E; E. E... m... as E; 9.2. on... Sagan nontoxic. ||||_ 25:5: 2.9: ass-n ”- |||A_N Niall Eu Euz “5.93 23 E ._..E_..i. DUNE 51.12 5.6... E. 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How la in vumnlv cllln: - Pvnpflly nkyouruniuncloo. nnyosolu -t=.,wnlch wau orlglnully pvuvldod wllhiht product. o uconnmnno ulinn |ho anvmll on lnd picking m n. ' Includa evldlnvl o' plunhlle dlll inch Is in. bIII of Isl Alto all"! your lmn Ind “dun Ind l anuinlion of mu du'eclu Sand vi. llanduld UPS 0! I“ oqllivlltnl to: Thomlon can u." Elmvo- I. Int. "7“ I A Avou Socorro. T. "121 - Pny sny ovum mum to vnu by on. Exchlnuu Cmm lnl aervic- no! covered by an. win-my. - |nt a your lhlpmfinl vo- you or dlml Jnonn-on lcclpll no niooimy In me 00 «m. o or Inn on "Jul-m nonnsnn. - A MW 01 relurhilmd unit will no shippad no you «mom would. mm yourw- lnlv don "now - Cualamunnumcfinn.(Vnurowm nu-nonpnovmosInvormuuonrsosnoinu open-“no |mlrucliom ma ll!!!fll1ll'l‘0|9.fl)l lddlllonul informnlon, lsk your mm) Inn-Ilnlan and nI-np mm ualusnmunu. Bllluvln. Dim-vs lwm mlsuu or nooleol. ondum which no" man mndiliud uv|ncnruou|od mm mm momma. Produm punonuud or urvicud ouuido ms USA. 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