Tobii Dynavox INDI Tablet PC User Manual

Tobii Dynavox LLC Tablet PC

Users manual

 User’s ManualProduct name:Tablet PCModel :Indi
User’s manual Version 1.001/2017All rights reserved.Copyright © Tobii AB (publ)No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means(electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable material and information allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software programs which are displayed on the screen such as screen displays, menus, etc.The information contained in this document is proprietary to Tobii Dynavox. Any reproduction in part or whole without prior written authorization by Tobii Dynavox is prohibited.Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.Content subject to change without notice.Please check Tobii Dynavox web site www.TobiiDynavox. com for updated versions of this document.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction. FCC ID: 2AAOV-INDI
Table of Contents1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 51.1 Explanation of Admonitions......................................................................................................51.2 Intended Use .........................................................................................................................51.3 Package Contents..................................................................................................................51.3.1 Tobii Dynavox Indi™ with Tobii Dynavox Communication Software .................................52 Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 72.1 Avoiding Hearing Damage.......................................................................................................72.2 Power Supply and Batteries.....................................................................................................72.3 Temperature..........................................................................................................................82.4 Mounting...............................................................................................................................82.5 Emergency............................................................................................................................82.6 Electricity ..............................................................................................................................92.7 Child Safety...........................................................................................................................92.8 Software ...............................................................................................................................92.9 Magnetic Field .......................................................................................................................92.10 Third Party.............................................................................................................................92.11 Environmental Control.............................................................................................................93 Overview of the Tobii Indi™ .......................................................................................................... 103.1 Key Features........................................................................................................................103.2 Product Layout.....................................................................................................................103.2.1 Ports, Sensors and Device Buttons .........................................................................113.3 Preinstalled Software............................................................................................................124 Batteries in the Tobii Dynavox Indi™.............................................................................................. 134.1 Batteries .............................................................................................................................134.2 Charging the Tablet..............................................................................................................134.2.1 Checking Charge Level..........................................................................................134.2.2 Power LED Behavior..............................................................................................135 Using the Tobii Dynavox Indi™...................................................................................................... 145.1 Starting the Device...............................................................................................................145.1.1 Password Information ............................................................................................145.1.2 The Discover Tobii Dynavox app..............................................................................145.2 Shutting Down the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ ...................................................................................145.3 Power Saving ......................................................................................................................145.4 Using the Cameras...............................................................................................................155.5 Adjusting the Volume............................................................................................................155.6 Adjusting the Sound .............................................................................................................155.7 Using the Microphones .........................................................................................................156 Product Care ............................................................................................................................... 166.1 Temperature & Humidity........................................................................................................166.1.1 General Use.........................................................................................................166.1.2 Transportation and Storage....................................................................................166.2 Cleaning .............................................................................................................................166.2.1 Cleaning of the Speakers.......................................................................................166.3 Placement...........................................................................................................................166.4 Transporting the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ Device............................................................................166.5 Disposing of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ Device............................................................................16
Appendix A Support, Warranty, Training Resources ......................................................................... 17Appendix B Compliance Information................................................................................................. 18Appendix C Technical Specifications................................................................................................ 19Appendix D Approved Accessories .................................................................................................. 21
1 IntroductionThank you for purchasing a Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device from Tobii Dynavox!To ensure the optimal performance of this product, please take the time to read this manual carefully.Tobii Dynavox Indi™ is a Tobii Dynavox speech tablet intended for use as an augmentative communication aid, for computer ac-cess and as an environmental control unit for those with speech, language, physical, and cognitive disabilities.1.1 Explanation of AdmonitionsIn this manual we use four (4) levels of admonitions as follows:Is used for notifying the user of something important or of something that needs special attention.Is used to inform of something that could cause harm to, or malfunction of, the equipment.Is used to inform of something in which there is a conceivable risk of harm to the user if the Warning is ignored.Is used to inform of something that can cause damage to hearing.1.2 IntendedUseTobii Dynavox Indi™ is a general purpose Windows tablet. The tablet includes communication software for people that havechallenges in their ability to speak due to injury, disability or illness. With the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ the user has the freedom andflexibility provided by the Microsoft® Windows operating system, as well as the option to control TVs and other household ap-pliances via the Infrared remote control functionality built in to the device.The Tobii Dynavox Indi™ is not durable medical equipment, nor registered as a medical device and should not be used for com-municating medical information of any kind. It should not be relied upon as means of communicating in case of emergency.The Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device does not sustain or support life.In case of failure of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device, the user cannot communicate using it.Intended use is primarily indoor environment.1.3 Package ContentsKeep the original packaging materials for the Tobii Dynavox Indi󰔣.In case the device needs to be returned to Tobii Dynavox for Warranty related issues or repair, it is required that theoriginal packaging (or equal equivalent) is used for shipping.1.3.1 Tobii Dynavox Indi™ with Tobii Dynavox Communication SoftwareThe items below are included with your Tobii Dynavox Indi™ with Tobii Dynavox Communication Software package:●1 Tobii Dynavox Indi™ Device●1 Power Supply for the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device●1 On the Go adapter cable (micro USB to USB)●1 Windows 10 license●1 Tobii Dynavox Snap™ or Tobii Dynavox Communicator 5 (pre-installed)●1 Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s Manual (on the device as a PDF document)Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US 1 Introduction 5
●1 Tobii Dynavox Indi™ Quick Start Manual (printed)●1 Safety and Compliance documents●1 Warranty Document61 Introduction Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US
2 SafetyThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device has been tested and approved as compliant to all the Specifications and Standards listed in Ap-pendixB ComplianceInformation,page18 of this manual and in the AppendixC TechnicalSpecifications,page19 . Neverthe-less, in order to ensure safe operation of your Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device, there are a few safety warnings to bear in mind:No modification of this equipment is allowedThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ is not to be used as a life supporting Device, and it shall not be relied on in case of loss offunction due to power loss or other causes.There could be a choking hazard risk if small parts detach from the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device.The Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device shall not be exposed to or used in rain or weather conditions outside the TechnicalSpecification of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device.The Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device shall only be used with Tobii Dynavox Indi™ specific Accessories that have a mountinginstruction included with the accessory.Young children or people with cognitive disabilities should not have access to, or the use of, the Tobii Dynavox Indi™device without parental or guardian supervision.The Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device shall be used with care when moving around.2.1 AvoidingHearing DamagePermanent hearing loss may occur if earphones, headphones or speakers are used at high volume. To prevent this,the volume should be set to a safe level. You can become desensitized over time to high sound levels which may thensound acceptable yet still could be damaging your hearing. If you experience symptoms such as ringing in your ears,please lower the volume or stop using the earphones/headphones. The louder the volume, the less time is requiredbefore your hearing could be affected.Hearing experts suggest the following measures to protect your hearing:●Limit the amount of time you use earphones or headphones at high volume.●Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings.●Turn the volume down if you cannot hear people speaking near you.To establish a safe volume level:●Set your volume control at a low setting.●Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, without distortion.2.2 Power Supply and BatteriesThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device contains a rechargeable battery. All rechargeable batteries degrade over time. Thusthe possible usage times for the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ after a full charge can become shorter over time than when thedevice was new.The Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device uses a Li-ion Polymer battery.If you are in a hot environment, be aware that it can affect the ability to charge the battery. The internal temperaturehas to be between 0 ℃/32 ℉and 45 ℃/113 ℉for the battery to charge. If the internal battery temperature raisesabove 45 ℃/113 ℉the battery will not charge at all.Move the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device to a cooler environment to let the battery charge properly.Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US 2 Safety 7
Avoid exposing the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device to fire or to temperatures above 60 ℃/140 ℉. These conditions maycause the battery to malfunction, generate heat, ignite or explode. Be aware that it is possible, in a worst case scenar-io, for temperatures to reach greater than those stated above in, for example, the trunk of a car on a hot day. So, stor-ing the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device, in a hot car trunk could conceivably lead to a malfunction.Only charge the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ battery in an ambient temperature of 0 ℃/32 ℉to 45 ℃/113 ℉.Use only the supplied power adapter to charge the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device. Using unauthorized power adaptersor Micro-USB cables may severely damage the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device.For safe operation of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device, use only charger and accessories approved by Tobii Dynavox.Do not open, or modify, the casing of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device or of the power supply, since you may be ex-posed to potentially hazardous electrical voltage. The device contains no serviceable parts. If the Tobii Dynavox Indi™device or it’s accessories are mechanically damaged, do not to use them.If the battery are not charged or the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ is not connected to the power supply, theTobii Dynavox Indi™ device will shut down.If the Power Supply Cord is damaged it needs to be replaced by Service Personnel only. Do not use the Power Sup-ply Cord until replaced.Only connect the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ to the Power adapters shipped with this device.The appliance coupler of the power supply is used as the Mains Disconnection Device, please do not position theTobii Dynavox Indi™ device so that it is difficult to operate the disconnection device.Special regulations apply to shipping devices containing Li-ion Polymer batteries. If dropped, crushed, or short-circuited, these batteries can release dangerous amounts of heat and may ignite, and are dangerous in fires.Please reference IATA regulations when shipping lithium metal or lithium ion batteries or cells: Power adapters shall not be used without an adult or Caregiver supervision.2.3 TemperatureDue to use in direct sunshine or in any other hot environment the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device may have hot surfaces.There is a built in temperature sensor that monitors the temperature. If the sensor detects to hot internal temperaturethe device will automatically trigger a Windows Shut Down or Hibernate (depending on Windows Power Button con-figuration). It may take a while before Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device can be restarted as the unit may first need time tocool down.2.4 MountingThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ should be mounted according to MANUFACTURER instructions of approved mounts.Tobii Dynavox or its agents are not liable for damage or injuries to a person or its property due to aTobii Dynavox Indi™ falling from a mounted configuration. The mounting of a Tobii Dynavox Indi™ is done entirely atthe user’s own risk.2.5 EmergencyDo not rely on the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device for emergency calls or banking transactions. We recommend havingmultiple ways to communicate in emergency situations. Banking transactions should only be carried out with a systemrecommended by, and approved according to the standards of your bank.82 Safety Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US
2.6 ElectricityDo not open the casing of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device, since you may be exposed to potentially hazardous electri-cal voltage. The device contains no user serviceable parts.2.7 Child SafetyThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ are advanced computer systems and electronic devices. As such they are composed of nu-merous separate, assembled parts. In the hands of a child certain of these parts have the possibility of being sepa-rated from the device, possibly constituting a choking hazard or another danger to the child.Young children should not have access to, or the use of, the device without parental or guardian supervision.2.8 SoftwareUsing an antivirus program is strongly recommended.Software other than that which is pre-installed on the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ is installed at the user's own risk. Externalsoftware could cause the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ to malfunction and might not be covered by the warranty.2.9 MagneticFieldThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device contains magnets. Magnetic fields may interfere with pacemakers, defibrillators, orother medical devices. As a general rule, maintain a minimum distance of 6 inches (15 centimeters) between any itemwith magnets and your heart device.If you suspect that the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device is interfering with your pacemaker or any other medical device, stopusing the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device and consult your physician for specific information about that affected medicaldevice.2.10 Third PartyAny use of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ outside the intended use and together with any third party software or hardwarethat changes the intended use is a risk and nothing that Tobii Dynavox can take any responsibility for.2.11 EnvironmentalControlThe Programmable IR Remote Control — Environmental Control Unit (ECU) is not to be relied on as the only methodof interaction with IR controlled devices.Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US 2 Safety 9
3 Overview of the Tobii Indi󰔣3.1 Key FeaturesThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ has several built-in features.●2 × Cameras●2 × Internal microphones●2 × Micro USB 2.0 connectors●1 × Micro USB 3.0 connector●2 × Internal speakers●1 × Head phone connector●1 × Bluetooth®●1 × WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)3.2 Product LayoutA Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device has a color Capacitive touch, LED Backlight screen. The Tobii Indi™ has an 10.1″screen with a1920 × 1200 pixel resolution.10 3 Overview of the Tobii Indi™ Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US
3.2.1 Ports, Sensors and Device ButtonsFigure3.1 TobiiDynavoxIndi󰔣TabletPosition Description Position Description1Power Button 7Head phone jack 3,5 mm2Ambient Light Sensor 8Power Connector3IR Remote Control 9Micro USB 3.0 connector4Webcam 5 MP Fixed Focus (FF) 10 Microphone5Volume Up and Down 11 Home/Windows Button6Power LEDTobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US 3 Overview of the Tobii Indi™ 11
Figure3.2 TobiiDynavoxIndi󰔣TabletPosition Description Position Description12 Micro USB 2.0 connector 14 Speakers13 Camera 8 MP Auto Focus (AF)Never force a connector into a port. If the connector and port do not join with reasonable ease, they probably do notmatch. Make sure that the connector matches the port and that you have positioned the connector correctly in relationto the port.Be extra careful with the USB connector.3.3 Preinstalled SoftwareThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device is delivered with all pre-ordered and required software installed and ready to use. Should a rein-stallation become necessary at any stage, perform a Factory Recovery.12 3 Overview of the Tobii Indi™ Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US
4 Batteries in the Tobii DynavoxIndi󰔣4.1 BatteriesThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device has one built-in battery. Microsoft Windows gives battery warnings at certain levels. If theTobii Dynavox Indi™ device is not charge or powered up by the power supply, the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device will shut down au-tomatically. For more information, see AppendixC TechnicalSpecifications,page19.4.2 Charging the Tablet1. Connect the Power cable to the Power Connector on the device.2. Connect the Power adapter to an electrical outlet and charge the tablet until the battery is fully charged.For battery storage and charging temperatures, see 2 Safety,page7 .4.2.1 Checking Charge LevelTo check the battery charge level of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™, use the battery monitor within Windows 10 Pro.4.2.2 Power LED BehaviorThe Power LED will shine with two colors:The Power LED will only shine when the Power adapter is plugged in.●Green — Fully charged●Red — ChargingTobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US 4 Batteries in the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ 13
5 Using the Tobii DynavoxIndi󰔣No skill other then reading is necessary for setting up the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device. Follow this User´s Manual and the QuickStart Manual.5.1 Starting the DeviceStart the device in one of the following ways:●Press the power button on the top of the device. (Position 1 in Figure3.1 TobiiDynavoxIndi󰔣Tablet,page11)5.1.1 Password InformationThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device is configured to start up, using the operating system present, without a password. Though un-usual, there are situations in which the password window could plausibly pop up; for example, when creating a new user in theoperating system, when returning from the operating system’s sleep mode or when downloading software updates from theinternet.Creating a new windows user and downloading updates from the internet could possibly compromise the system andsoftware settings of the operating system that have been set and installed at Tobii Technology.Should the password window pop up, requiring a password, the default password on all Tobii Dynavox Indi™ devices is, "Tobii "(case sensitive). In order to type in the password use the Windows On-Screen Keyboard or an external USB keyboard (notincluded).If you decide to change the password, be sure to write it down in a safe place for later use.Suggested place to keep new password: ________________________Without the operating system’s access password, Tobii Support may be unable to assist you with any future difficulties.5.1.2 The Discover Tobii Dynavox appWhen you start your Tobii Dynavox Indi™ Device for the first time you will be greeted by the Discover Tobii Dynavox app. Theguide is a setup wizard that will walk you through some steps that will help you make the most of your device.Follow the instructions and select Next to get to the next page of the Discover Tobii Dynavox app.5.2 Shutting Down the Tobii DynavoxIndi󰔣The device should be shut down using the following:●Use the start menu in Windows (recommended when possible).Should you be unable to shut the device down using the above, you can hold the power button on the top side of the devicedown for more than ten (10) seconds. The device will consequently shut down immediately, without waiting for open applica-tions to close.This is not considered a "clean" Windows shut down and is thus not recommended unless completely necessary be-cause it can harm you device.5.3 Power SavingThe Power saving settings in the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ tablet are preset to optimize the battery run-time. If needed, the time set-ting for sleep mode can be adjusted in Windows Power Options.14 5 Using the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US
5.4 Using the CamerasThe two built-in cameras allows you to take snapshots of items facing the backside of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device and alsofrom the display side.Use Tobii Dynavox Communication Software or other relevant software to operate the cameras.5.5 Adjustingthe VolumeTo adjust the volume use the Volume Up and Down buttons (Position 2) on top side of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device. For posi-tion references, see Figure3.1 TobiiDynavoxIndi󰔣Tablet,page11Volume adjustments can also be done in Tobii Dynavox Communication Software and in Windows.5.6 Adjustingthe SoundYou can configure the speakers using the Windows 10 Control Panel > Sound .We refer to Microsoft’s information on how to configure the sound in the Windows 10 Control Panel.Sound adjustments can also be done in Tobii Dynavox Communication Software .5.7 Using the MicrophonesThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ is equipped with 2 microphones. If the Rubber boot and keyguard are attached to the device, the per-formance of the microphones can be affected. If this is the case, an external microphone can be attached to the Head phonejack.Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US 5 Using the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ 15
6 Product Care6.1 Temperature & Humidity6.1.1 General UseThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ is best kept in dry conditions at room temperature. The recommended range for temperature and thehumidity value for the device is as follows:●Ambient temperature: 0℃to 35℃(32℉to 95℉)●Relative humidity: 10% to 90% (no condensation on the device)6.1.2 Transportation and StorageFor transportation and storage the recommended range for temperature and the humidity value for the device is as follows:●Temperature: -10℃to 60℃(14℉to 140℉)●Relative humidity: 5% to 95% (no condensation on the device)The Tobii Dynavox Indi™ is not waterproof or water resistant. The device should not be kept in excessively humid, damp or other-wise wet conditions. Do not submerge the device in water or in any other liquid. Be careful not to allow liquids to be spilled uponthe device especially in the connector areas.6.2 CleaningBefore cleaning the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device shut it down and unplug all cables. Use a soft, slightly damp lint-free cloth. Avoidgetting moisture in openings on the device. Don’t use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol,ammonia, or abrasives to clean the device.6.2.1 Cleaning of the SpeakersIf the openings for the speakers are clogged carefully use cotton sticks and/or a toothbrush to avoid damaging theTobii Dynavox Indi™ speakers.6.3 PlacementOnly use the recommended mounts specified by the your local reseller or sales representative and make sure that they aremounted and fastened correctly according to the instructions. Do not place the device on unstable and uneven surfaces.6.4 Transportingthe Tobii DynavoxIndi󰔣 DeviceDisconnect all the cables from the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ while carrying the device.When you transport the device for repair, shipment or traveling, use the original casing and packaging materials.Keep the original packaging materials for the Tobii Dynavox Indi󰔣.In case the device needs to be returned to Tobii Dynavox for Warranty related issues or repair, it is required that theoriginal packaging (or equal equivalent) is used for shipping.6.5 Disposing of the Tobii DynavoxIndi󰔣 DeviceDo not dispose of the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ Device in general household or office waste. Follow your local regulations for the dis-posal of electrical and electronic equipment.16 6 Product Care Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US
AppendixA Support, Warranty,TrainingResourcesA1 Customer SupportFor support, please contact your local representative or Support at Tobii Dynavox. In order to receive assistance as quickly aspossible, make sure you have access to your Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device and, if possible, an Internet connection. You shouldalso be able to supply the serial number of the device, which you will find on the Service tag label.For further product information and other support resources, please visit or WarrantyPlease read the Manufacturer’s Warranty paper included in the package.Please read this User’s Manual carefully before using the device. The warranty is only valid if the device is used according to theUser’s Manual. Disassembling the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device will void the warranty.Keep the original packaging materials for the Tobii Dynavox Indi󰔣.In case the device needs to be returned to Tobii Dynavox for Warranty related issues or repair, it is required that theoriginal packaging (or equal equivalent) is used for shipping.A3 TrainingResourcesTobii Dynavox offer a range of training resources for the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ products and related communication products.You can find them on the, or, including Getting Started Guides, webinarsand Quick guides. The Tobii Dynavox Indi™ Quick Start Manual is delivered with, and stored on, the Tobii Dynavox Indi™ device.Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US Appendix A Support, Warranty, Training Resources 17
AppendixB Compliance InformationB1 FCC StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device maynot cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.Modifications not expressly approved by Tobii Dynavox could void the user’s authority to operate the equipmentunder FCC rules.B2 CE StatementThe Tobii Dynavox Indi™ Device complies with the following Directives:●2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) - Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive●R&TTE 1999/5/EG (R&TTE) - European Radio equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive●2004/108/EC (EMC) - Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive●2006/95/EC (LVD) - Low Voltage DirectiveB3 Industry Canada StatementThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.B4 IECEE CB SchemeFor Tobii Dynavox Indi™, CB Scheme is pending for additional markets (Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Mexico, SouthAfrica, China...).18 Appendix B Compliance Information Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US
AppendixC Technical SpecificationsC1 Tobii DynavoxIndi󰔣 DeviceStandard Tobii Dynavox Type/Model IndiScreen 10.1″, Aspect ratio: 16:10, LED Backlight UnitScreen Resolution 1920 × 1200Touch Panel Multi point Capacitive TouchDimensions (WxHxD) 244 × 176 × 35 mm9.6 × 6.9 × 1.4 inchesWeight 565 g1.1 lbsSpeakers 2 × 31 mm 4 ohm, 4 WMicrophone 2× Analog MicrophoneProcessor Intel Atom Z8350 – 4 cores, 2 MB cache, 1.92 GhzRAM 4 GBOperating system Microsoft® Windows 10 Pro 64-BitFlash drive 64 GB eMMCSensors 3-axis gyro, accelerometer, compass, ambient light sensorConnectors1× DC in 12 VDC 2 A1 × 3.5 mm” Headset/Audio-out port (stereo) with jack detection (Headphone andmicrophone port)2 × Micro USB 2.01 × Micro USB 3.0Buttons 1 × Power On1 × Volume Up1 × Volume DownWLAN/BluetoothIEEE 802.11 a/b/g/nBluetooth® 4.0 / BLEIR Remote Control(Environmental Control Unit)Learning remote with integrated library of pre-programmed devicesCamera Rear-facing: 8 Mega pixelsFront-facing: 5 Mega pixelsBattery Run Time > 8 hours. normal usageBattery Technology Li-ion Polymer rechargeable batteryBattery Capacity ~30 WhBattery Charge Time < 4 hoursPower Supply 12 VDC 2A AC adapterTobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US Appendix C Technical Specifications 19
C2 Power AdapterItem SpecificationInput voltage 100 to 240 VACInput current (max) 0.5 AInput frequency 50 to 60 HzOutput current 2 ARated output voltage 12 VDC20 Appendix C Technical Specifications Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US
AppendixD ApprovedAccessoriesFor information about the latest approved Accessories for the Tobii Dynavox Indi™, please visit, or contact your local Tobii Dynavox reseller.Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US Appendix D Approved Accessories 21
Tobii Dynavox Indi™ User’s manual v.1.0 - en-USSupport for Your Tobii DynavoxDeviceGet HelpOnlineSee the product-specific Support page for your Tobii Dynavox device. It contains up-to-date information about issues and tips & tricks related to the product. Find our Support pages online at:www.TobiiDynavox.comor RepresentativeorResellerFor questions or problems with your product, contact your Tobii Dynavox sales representative or authorized reseller for assistance. They are most familiar with your personal setup and can besthelp you with tips and product training. For contact details, visit ©Tobii AB (publ). Illustrations and specifications do not necessarily apply to products and services offered in each local market. Technical specifications are subject to change without prior notice. All other trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners.

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