Tomy 72030TX27 RC Toys User Manual

TOMY International, Inc. RC Toys

User Manual

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Document ID802673
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize42.68kB (533523 bits)
Date Submitted2007-06-13 00:00:00
Date Available2007-06-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-06-05 15:21:29
Document Lastmod2007-06-05 15:30:56
Document TitleUser Manual

l, v Bo!
2. Controller
3 Antenna
4, Palmer strap (for pomslyl: audio player)
5. 3.5mm mini-pin audio cable
V Bot Instruction Manual
9 0 9
- The v Em requires (6 my and (1) 9v battery for opornrion. (Batteries not included)
~ Battery covers are removable with or standard phlllips screwdriver.
Before getting started
Ramon/filo!" Ame” movers“ l
The v But includes a “Tn/emf," bunnn m dmnmlratc the exciting aulommd transfurmalion
while on display in the package. The “Try-me" button and batteries are connected to the v Bot
via a cord in the battery oomporrrnenl.
The card and baucry pack shmrld be removed pnm‘ to usmg V Bot.
Follow the inslmcliuns bclcw to remove the “Try—me" battery casc‘
ll Remove all contents from poololge.
2. You will sec 1 onltery oomporrment covers loaned on both mlves ofthe v Bot, The eonl
connecting the ”fry-me" box to the v Bot is located through the hole in the calf.
3s Unscrew 4 screws (2 on em. calf) wrli. a screwdriver and remove battery cover
4s In one battery oomodmnenl, you will see a card eonnoeted to n eonnector.
5. Firmly grasp cord as close to connector end as possible.
5 Pull oord to remove cannula) fmm the v sol. Be sure oonneetorand oord are detached fmm v Bol
7. Afici- rernoval, plcage dispos: ufbmclles in “Try~mc" box properly
" Please read entire manual prior to operation
‘ Keep manual for future reference
To learn more about V Bot, visit our websim at wwwjhcvbotrcom
Page 1 ' Page 2
— out Line
______ Fold Llrle
installing Ballerv
The v Bel rcquims (s) " cw SIR ballcncs for operaliorl (aouoiius are not included.)
1) Tum lht power swiicli on v Bar‘s back ilugli imo opp pusuion. (See Fig. i)
Power Swmch
Z)‘l‘hc banery compartments are messed by removing the screws on the battery doors,
(See Fig. 2)
Location of balmy door
Baueiy companmmlt view
Wiili bafiery door removed,
3) insert three (3) “C"slze bfifierles mm mn cmosmneui, malchmg (he polsmy symbols (+
and -) marked inside.
4) Snap the cover back in place.
sum the movers firmly with sosews.
- Keep uli batteries away film-l diiklmtl
- 170 mi dispose orbmi-iss in fire. moy may explode.
A no nos attempt io mohagp nmdmrgsble boos-m.
- 110110!le alkaline. soodosd (comm-w; oimhsrgmiomicksisodmium) bananas
To avoid bitten leakage:
~ as mm osposuysu b lmd 7 symbuis us indium! m hanely mpnmem
~ Navel mix old and mw batteries, mhnmefllle and non—mohameahle banen‘ex
~ Mwflys remove exbuniwd hnnelies film: (he omduci 1nd disposs ofpmperly.
~ Never me o mowdnm of any moi mi lo pry bamnzs sum oomoomusm, as domg so my
ilm circuit xupply mink.
- ONLY bsusdss onus 53m: o. emu! iyosomeooimood isms he used.
The Controller ioquirus one (1) “SN” ballcry and menus insollod. Follow the illslmctlons
below for lnslallahon oftlle baflenes and antenna
1) Make sure ihc powcrswiich is in (he elf
2) Place yourfingcron flit battery oompmmenl
cover glip on me back uflliz controller. and slide
dawn hunt“ the own unlalchm,
Fewer Swim!
3) Remove die cover and plans 0M (1 J w betray in thc compartment, numbing Lhc polarity
symbols (+ and -) marked inside.
4) Snap back (he covcr imo propor posimm uolil you hear clicking sound
5) Remove die mums from box.
6) Inger! the lhresded side ofthe antenna into a hole loomed at the (up affine controller
7) Tum the amino clockwise until it is firmly axbicliod lo the conimller.
*Db not ovenighlen. Ovenighmning the slums may cause breakage.
- Important Notes on Emery Norman ‘
‘Du not us: mohargeable boned-s m v Bot is dmsigncd [0 be used who regular batteries
xDispose ofolcl batteries pmmptly and properly.
"Du not bum oi bury batteries.
‘Usc Gilly fissli batteries of iliu required size and moummundod type.
*Dd not mix old will new bsmnes or dllferem types of batteries.
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Pogo 4
Amer-mg Audio thcr
When you wam your v Bar to play and move (0 your meme songs, you can Ellacll your own
portable audlu player. Simply attach llre included slrup and mm cable lu llre back ufyuur v
Bur. (May nol be oompatlble wifl1 all portable audio players)
I). Open «he cover on the back of v Bar by sliding it up. (see Fig 3 and F|g 4)
Fig 3 Fig 4
2). lusen cablelack imo audio mocplical. 3). Feed me fasreuur snap through llie slots
(see Fig 5) located mil side ufllie audio player
4 Connect lhe audio cuble m are player.
5. Place your portable audio player on «he audio player platform and much firmly. (sea Fig 7)
* Note in: Keep the myer um was removed in a
secure place. This cover is ta (7: used when audiu
player is no! in plaee.
' Note 142. Once you connect Ihe audio cable, it will
mm: all sound except (he sound fmm your audio
Fig7 G)
How to play
v Bot has lwu modes: “Vchlclc Mode" and “Robot Made". While you are in me Vehiclc
Made, you can drive ll as a normal remote controlled RC car In the Robot Mode, your V Bot
can perform sevcml mprogrzmmd moves with ussoeuied mechanical sound!
H . D .
Please refer m lhe chart bclow for opemling your V Bot.
No. Name Robln Mlnk Vdu‘clc Mode During During
Anion Transforming
l Up/Dfiwn Sfickcr Forward/Backward an‘ard/Backward “Ia nla
ll Lcfilfllfl‘llsuckcr Lea/Right Spm Len/Rub! Stet! n/a u/a
ll] 3Acnon Bumms Amen Transforming find Illa n/a
lV “calm Buttons Acriou n/a n/a n/a
v Transforming Transforming lu . “mm-nus lo mellmg Slop/Recover
Eminn Vuliiele Robot dance/amen
’ Note 4“. Transforming button works as cancel/stup/reoova' depending on situalion.
' Nole #2:Tl1c(C)But|on docs not have musre. This button is m pelfarm action in your
fixvonte song when audlo player IS lrlslalled.
_* Cu! LINE
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to mom Mode, your v Bot can perform 3 different action moves by pressing the A/B/C
button The v Bot will perform pre-pmgrammed action moves with sound (for roughly 20
seconds) when you press the A or B button. Pressmg the c human will make your v Bot
perform action moves wilhnut sound (for roughly 1 minute) Button c does not have a
pmrpmgrammed sound to allow you to play your favorite songs from the bulitrin speaker.
When you connect your portable audio player, with the included 35 mm mini-audio cable, the
v Bat mom to your favorite song'
» When performing action moves. A/BIC buttons are not selectable.
* When performing action moyec, buttons 1-6 are not selectable,
* To cancel action moves, press “1” transforming button.
* Left/Right and/or Up/Dowri sticks will not work during action moves,
* When audio cable is connected, only sounds from audio player writ be produced.
* in Robot mode , use on an surface.
* The audio player operation is no! nutornaue, The user must operate the audio player io play
their own songs
You are able to create your own unique acrion moves wiih ihe 51x preprogrammed buoons.
Simply press any attire ofl to 5 action buttons. pissing different combinations ofihese
buttons will allow yourv Bot to perform hundreds ofdifferent moi/eel The details ofeach
action is shown on the table below.
Action Button Action
1. Moon-mix wuh arm awrng
2, Beth arms straight up and Move forward
3, turn and leh nrni chop
4, Tum with lafi arm bent mat car and right arm mix
5. oiiearrnupand onearrndown
6. Rjghturm nae upward and mm (360 degree spin)
Lcfijbysn'ck mtrvo furwam and back
Right joystick steer Robin lch and right
‘To cancel any action, press the ‘T" transfomilng button during action.
”These 1-6 action butt/ans only function m Robot Mode. They will not work In Vclticla Mode,
‘Thcsc 1-6 anion buncms will not walk during transfom-u’ng, Al'BfC action moves. not 16 action
Th: "T" transforming button activates lbs most unique fimcnon of the V Bat, autumnttcilly-
mnsforming from car to mbot or fi'om robot to car, in the press on button.
Durlng action, this bumm 3130 Works as canceling moves (A/E/C), or actions (L6) anytime
you wish to stop it
"‘ No cuter buttons are Opemble whlle the V Bot ts transforming.
” During transforming, il'yoti ptcss “T“ nnce, it will hold VEot/Lransformlng Sh”
To recover. press “r again and v Bot will coniine transforming or go backto previous mode.
Vehicle Made
in this mode, you can play and drive the v Bot using the joysticks on the eoniroller. The lefi
joystick will move the v Bot forwards and backwards and the rightyeysiick will steer the v
Em led and right.
‘Action buttons will nut work ill thicle Mode
*AlB/C buiion enables you to transform from car (Vehicle Model to mbot(Rnhol Mode) and
perform action moves W/o pressmg “T" button.
Important Notes
there are three locations on the v Bot where components may detach irlhey encounter high
stress while transforming These components are dcsigted to dmtdt from the v Bot re avoid
breaking Should these components detach while the v hot is mnsfomting follow the steps
below to re-attach the components.
* Do ncttry to detach pans with your hand.
Two Robot Wings (car side roots) are attached to the main body with hexagon shaped
connectors. When they bcwm: demhed from the main body, please reamoh thorn matching
the hexagonal pattern on both ihe mbolwings and main body. (see Fig z and Fig 9)
Figs Fig9
‘ NOTE: there are gears inside ofthe main body for wing parts Even ifthe wings are
reattached in didererit position from its initial position, they will return to the proper position
after nnnstomiing a few times.
Rom gestaehinle Front)
Robot Chest/Car Front Bumper is anrehed to ihe main body wiih hinges at top and bootom if
it becomes decach, please rc-attnehnd from bottom side.
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The Rahal Support Arms are located on the back side ofth leg; . Ifthcy detach from main
body, slide hack arms into the com on the main body. (see Fig lo and Fig ll)
Fig m
* NOTE: The support is hidden in Vehicle Mode. These pens are required for v Bette stand
' The LED on the controller is a rough indication or battery strength it lights up when
controller is turned ON (steady light) and dine as the button, power decreases When the
controller is on and the LED is not lit, the battery does not have enough power to operate
controller. Replaee with a new “9 v" battery as needed.
' To conserve balmy life, tum alffile switch on both the V B0! and the controller when not in his»:
' lftrunstonnation will not complete within certain time, you will hear loud beeping with
red-green blinking on eye LED press ”rt hurton to monver
‘ The multiplier operatm at 27 MHz.
- Keep your v Box dry. liit gets wcL tyipe it dry immediately.
- Use and store your v But only In normal temperature environments.
~ operating your v Bot continuously for long periods may genemla host.
- Your v Bot is a highly sophisticated robot. Handle your v hot with care.
- Keep your v Bot awty from dust and dirt which might impair the v Bot's autommc
rmnsformatmn, Far normal maintenanoe, you can wipe it with a damp cloth occasionally to
keep it looking new.
Modification or tampering with your V Bol’s rummal comments can cause a malfunction
and might invalidate its wzmnty and void your FCC authorization to operate it. ltyour v Bot
is not pcrfvtming as it should, take both body and the controller to the store where you
purchased your v Bot or contact us rhraugh our web at wwaAQ@rc2col-p.eom
mg mm:
This equipmzni has Mm lesled and foundto comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuantto Part 15 ofihe FCC rules. These limits are desigicd to provide reasonablz
protection against harmful interference in uresidentrai installation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio fraqucncy energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with
the lusmrctlens, may cause harmful interference to radio communicationsr However. where is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. lfflus equipment does
cause harmfil] interference to radio or television receptmn, which can [75 dmrmincd by
turning the equipment ofiand on, the user is cncnursged to try to correct the interference by
one or more otthe following measures;
~ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit difierent from meat to which the receiver is
- Consult the dealer or an experienced Edie/TV technician for help,
Changes or modifications to this unit not exprmsly approved by the potty responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the eqtupment
FC memenc
This device complies with Part ls ofthe FCC Rules Operuticn is suhyeet to the following two
ccnditto - lnhis device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
aeeept any interterenee received, including interference that may cause undesired operation
thee H)
Warrarrtv Term
SD Day Limued Warmny
v BOT has been manufactured and engmeered m meet the highest quamy slandards, Pxense
follow the guidelines and safety mlcs scl fanhcm [his owner‘s manual in keep you V BOT at
It’s peak performance.
Your v BOT rs funy guaranteed agamsr any manufacturing defeers for a period of ninety (90)
days from are ongmfll dale ofpurcnase,
This expressed vmrmmy does NOT cover broken pans or damage resuuurg fmm muse,
accldeus, pad mndmmrimm, unauihonzed repairs, impmper storage or care or err: cf
warranty service.
For questions, mquirla or comments, please comer us ar
Cuswmer Sen/Ice: 800-704—8697
FAQ: www.FAQ@chm-p mm
mum Leormng Curve Brands, Inc.
03k Break, 11, 60523 (J S.A
All Rights Reserved,
Made in China
Jehrmy Lightning 15 a mglslered Imdmrk of
Learning Curve Brands, 1m.
Actual pmdua styling and colors may vary
All rights reserved.
Cur Lme
, Paid Line
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