Touchtronics M190 LF Initiator for Passive Keyless Entry System User Manual NST11872 1 C

Touchtronics Inc LF Initiator for Passive Keyless Entry System NST11872 1 C

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

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Document DescriptionExhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3
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Date Submitted2009-03-25 00:00:00
Date Available2009-03-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-03-11 19:19:11
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Document Lastmod2009-03-11 19:19:11
Document TitleNST11872-1_C.cdr
Document CreatorCorelDRAW
Document Author: Nat

Reading Truck Body
LatchMat i i"
Unlock Doors Lock Doors
All doors unlock automatically anytime the FOB is All doors LOCK automatically anytime ALL doors
detected. are closed and the FOB is NOT detected within
antenna range for GO—seconds.
The antenna range
The antenna range
averages 5 — 8 feet.
averages 5 — 8 feet.
The antenna is installed on
the Right rear quarter panel.
Anytime FOB is in range, .
Green LED flashes. FOB may be placed In \
pocket or on key ring. ‘\ »
Unlock Doors
Press Unlock button on FOB.
ALL doors Unlock and will NOT re—Iock
ALL doors will lock.
Doors will NOT auto lock it Hands Free
Latchmatic is in manual mode.
Compartment lights are installed in all compartments. Anytime a compartment
door is unlocked and opened using the Hands Free Latchmatic FOB, the cargo
light turns On ONLY in the open compartment.
The compartment light can be turned On or Off at anytime by pressing the Light
button on FOB. If lights are turned On manually, they will turn Off automatically
in 10—minutes.
The truck bed light will automatically turn On for 10—minutes anytime the
compartment doors are unlocked or if the light button on FOB is pressed.—>
The truck bed light will turn Off automatically or can be turned Off by pressing the
light button on FOB.
NST‘l‘lsTZ—‘l CDR REV c 200970341
Arming Security System Disarming Security System
Anytime ALL doors are closed AND locked using Anytime a compartment door is unlocked, the
either the hands free or manual method, the security system automatically disarms and will
security system is armed and the siren will chirp. chirp twice.
If the alarm has been triggered, it can be disarmed by pressing ANY button on the FOB.
Located near driver door on front truck body panel.
Single Flash Every 5 Seconds
Compartment doors locked and armed
Double Flash (One Time)
Compartment doors unlocked and unarmed
Rapid Flashing Until Disarmed
Alarm triggered
Located In the Fuse Block
Fuse 1 Fuse 1
Truck bed light and receiver logic are protected by a 7.5 Amp fuse ,»
Fuse 2 Fuse 2
Compartment lights are protected by a 15Amp fuse -
Fuse 3 Fuse 3
The lock and unlock outputs are each protected by 30 Amp fuse
Fuse 4 Fuse 4
The siren circuit is protected by a 5Amp fuse
Located Near Truck Battery or Power Fuse
Fuse 5
The main power wire has a Sealed 30 Amp in—Iine fuse
installed within 18-inches of truck battery or power fuse
Nsmm 1 cm m c znnsrusru
Q 2009 Touehrromes, lne. All Rights Reserved. TouchTrorlics, the TouehTronles logo, and other Touchl'mmcs marks are owned by TouchTrcnins and may he registered.
TouehTmmes assumes no responsibility foi any errors that may appear in this manual. informatiou contained heiein is sulneet to the-Ange Wllhout notice.
FCC Compliance nnd Advisory Slaiemenl. Th hardware deitiee erimplies W|Ih Pan ls orthe FCC Ru] Operation is suhyeet to the followmg lwu cundllmn\ 1) \h\\
device may rioteause harmful interference. and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. rhis equipment
has heen tested and round to comply wtth the limits for a C1 B dlgllal deyiee, puts ant In Part 15 or the FCC Rules These llm\l\ are designed to prayide rcaxunuhle
protection against harmful iriteiferenee in a residential installation. This equipment geneiates, uses, and can radiate iadio frequency energy and. if not installed or used in
aeeordanee with the instruetions, may eause harmful interfere-nee to radio eommunieations i-iowoyet, there is no guarnnlcc that tntert'erenee w|l| not oeeur in a partieular
installation. lfthis equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can he determined by tuiriing the equipment off and on, the user is
cncoumgcd to try to eorreet the interterenec by one or more ol’lhc following measures: 1) reorient or reloeatc the receiving antenna; 2) inerease the separation bclwccn the
equipment and the ieceiuer 3) connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different fiom that to which the teceiyei is connected; 4) consult the dealer or an experienced
mdlo/TV teehnieian for help. Any changes or modifieations net expressly approved by the party responsible for eomplianee eould void the uscx's authority to operate the
equipment. Where shielded interface cables have been ptoyiderl wuh the product or specified additional components or accessories elsewhere defined to he used With the
installation ofthe produet. they must lae used in order to ensure compliance Wllh FCC regulations,
Canadian uoc Statement. l'his digital device does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from dleiual apparatus specified in the iriterferencc-eausing
equipment standard entitled “Dlglml Apparat . ‘ICESVOM oithe Department ot'Communieations
This deuce complies Wflh RSSrZ! u or industry Canada, Upetauon is sulpect to the follnwmg two conditions. I) this device may not cause intei fetence, and 2) this device
must aecept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the dam
(o 2009 Toueh'l'rumes, ine. Tous droits réscrx es Touehrronies, le logo TouehTronies et les autres marques TouehTronies sont la propriett exclusive de Touehrronies et sont
susceptihles d‘étre des marques deposees. Toutes les auttes marques sout la propriete exclusive de leuts de'teuteuts respectifs, TouchTtoiues decline toute tesponsabilite en cas
d‘crrcurs dans ee manuel Lcs infomiations enoneees dans le present doeumcnt peuyent faire l‘objci de modifieations sans avis prealahle.
ne'elarafian ircci act equipemerit a ete teste' et declare eonforme a La sectlori 15 du réglcmcnt de la FC . Son fonetionnement est soumis aux conditions suivarites l)
l'e'quipemeiit eoiieeine no that pa auset d‘lnlerférencex dangerous s, et 2) ii doit neeeptet toute interference teeue, y eornpris les intei férencex rl\qu).ml d-engendter uri
fonctionriement indesiraole. Col e'quipemcrit a ete teste et declare eonfor me aux limiuations pie'yues dans le cadre de la catégoric B des appareils nume'riques définl par la
seetion ls duréglemenl de la FCC Ces llmllalmm soiit stipulees aux liii, de garantir une proteetion raisonnalile eontte les interrerenees genomes on installation resideittielle
Cet e'quipement genere, utilise et diffuse des ondes radio, et s‘il n'est pas installe' m utilise' en coriformite' avec les instructions dont il fait l‘cbjet. peut causer des interferences
genantes auee les ecmmunieations radio. Cependant, nous ne puuvuns vous garanur qu‘unc interferenee no se produira pas dans une installation partieuliere si eel equipement
produit des int tfeiences graves lors de receptions radio ou televisees qui peuyeut etre detectees en sllumsnt et en éteigiam l'e'quipement, vous etes inyites a les supprimer de
plu. ‘euis mani rcs: 1) Reorienter ou deplaeer l‘anlcnnc de reeeption; z) Augmcmcr la distanee separant l‘équipcmcnt et lc reeepteur 3) Conneeter l‘équipcmcnl a tin eireuit
diffeient de celui auquel le recepteur est counecte; A) Contactet yotte teuendeut ou un techuicien radio/TV qualifies, Toutes modifications ou tous eliaugements effectues saris
l-oecord expres de la partie responsahle dc la eonformi aux nonries pourraient contraindre l‘unlisflicur a ne plus utiliser son équlpcmcm. Afin d‘nssurcr la eonfot-mite avee les
réglemenls FCC, les e tiles d‘lnlcrface liliude's foumis avec le piorluit doiyent etre utilises, aiusi que tout autres composants ou acee oues égalemenl specifies, lots de
l-installatiori du produit,
Declaration du Ministers des Communications Canadien. ttet appareil riumerique est conformc aux limitations concemarit I‘émisslan d‘lmcrfércnccs radio par des appareils
numeriques tie eategone B, telles que stipulees dans la eadre de la nonrie Appareils numeriquet ICESVOLB edietee par le Ministere eanatlien dt: I‘mdmmc
Cet equipment a site declare ooniorme a la not-me RSS—Zl 0 edietee pai— ie Ministere oanadiei-i dc l'it-idusttte. Son i’onotioitiicmeiit est soul-tits aux conditions stiiyantcs: 1)
l'équlpement ccncemé lie dull pas causel d‘llltelférenccs, cl 2) H dcit accepter loute mlerfélellce revue. y campus les lnterfélences risquanl d‘engendrel un fnnctlcllnement
NST‘MNZ—‘l CDR REV c 200970341

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Author                          : Nat
Creator                         : CorelDRAW
Title                           : NST11872-1_C.cdr
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FCC ID Filing: IVSM190

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