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Table of Contents
Cover Story

Steadfast, Simple, Strong: Rules to Live


and Work By

20 for 20


Canada: Small as a Goose, Strong as a Moose!


USA: Elevating the Channel


Brazil: A Journey of Discovery Through SMB

Smart Accessories: Banking on PowerHungry Mobile Apps


Russia: Running Russia with 802.11ac


Smart Phone: TP-Link Unveils New Neffos
Smartphone Brand as Part of Its IoT Vision



USA: My Vision to Build Our Brand in North


UK: Tesco, Talon and Talent, Oh My!


Japan: Sail for Dreams, Sail in Japan


Malaysia: Winning Telekom's Heart


India: My E-Commerce Story!


Hungary: Media Markt and the Path to Success


USA: E-Commerce and Amazon: A Business


France: Fueled by Football Fever!


India: #HappyInternetStory


Romania: Using Events to Propel Brand Image
and Build Community


Romania: How We Built a Network for 40K at
Comic Con


Australia: Team, Passion, Laughter, Inspiration
and Knowledge


Team Building Photo Gallery


Kiev Blues


Inspired Poems from Life Abroad

Cover Story

Steadfast, Simple, Strong: Rules to Live
and Work By
Jeffrey Chao

Inspired by our recent cooperation with Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, I read its founder David Ogilvy's
famous book, Confessions of an Advertising Man. One particular section captured my complete attention:

Ogilvy's expectations for his staff. This caught me in a time when I was considering the specific criteria
that makes qualified staff and the methods of building a working environment to best support them. I

was refreshed to see his words addressing that very need, and glad to see some of his viewpoints in
common with mine.

In my admiration, I dog-eared the page that listed the eight requirements for staff, which I often revisit:
1. I admire people who work hard, who bite the bullet. I dislike passengers who don’t pull their weight in the

boat. It is more fun to be overworked than to be underworked. There is an economic factor built into hard
work. The harder you work, the fewer employees we need, and the more profit we make. The more profit
we make, the more money becomes available for all of us.

2. I admire people with first-class brains, because you cannot run a great advertising agency without
brainy people. But brains are not enough unless they are combined with intellectual honesty.

3. I have an inviolable rule against employing nepots and spouses, because they breed politics.
4. I admire people who work with gusto. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, I beg you to find another job.
Remember the Scottish proverb, “Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.”

5. I despise toadies who suck up to their bosses; they are generally the same people who bully their

6. I admire self-confident professionals, the craftsmen who do their jobs with superlative excellence. They
always seem to respect the expertise of their colleagues. They don’t poach.

7. I admire people who hire subordinates who are good enough to succeed them. I pity people who are so
insecure that they feel compelled to hire inferiors as their subordinates.

8. I admire people who build up their subordinates, because this is the only way we can promote from

within the ranks. I detest having to go outside to fill important jobs, and I look forward to the day when that
will never be necessary.

Cover Story

In addition to those points, I offer two more that I believe resonates with our company's ambitions and

1. I admire people of integrity, honesty and responsibility over people full of tricks and schemes. There

is no perfect system, but it is wise to consciously avoid loopholes and shortcuts, and best to overcome
difficulties and improve your work. That is how respect is earned.

2. I admire people who are open-minded and tolerant of others. One should always keep calm and
peaceful regardless of circumstance, even when one’s previous subordinates succeed them or
colleagues have different ways of doing things.

Always one to practice what he preaches, Ogilvy follows his expectations for his staff with a list to
which he holds himself accountable:

1. I try to be fair and to be firm, to make unpopular decisions without cowardice, to create an atmosphere
of stability, and to listen more than I talk.

2. I try to sustain the momentum of the agency—its ferment, its vitality, its forward thrust.
3. I try to build the agency by landing new accounts.
4. I try to win the confidence of our clients at their highest level.
5. I try to make sufficient profits to keep you all from penury in old age.
6. I plan our policies far into the future.
7. I try to recruit people of the highest quality at all levels, to build the hottest staff in the agency business.
8. I try to get the best out of every man and woman in the agency.
Actually, these are all pretty basic tenets — no secrets here — but the difference is in truly adhering to
these principles, day-in, day-out. Success is the big goal, but it's no more than the sum of small efforts.

On our first day in our parcel of space in the Shenzhen Electronics Group Plaza, I could not have imagined
this company as it stands today. But now it's plain to see these 20 years of rapid development and global

reach is owed to TP-Linkers' approach both work and life with steadfast focus and simple determination.

It's what builds up our achievements and inspires us to develop further; it certainly drives me to bite
the bullet after hours. In the future, our further growth will inevitably present us many more difficulties,

challenges and even setbacks, but we shall be afraid of nothing as long as we pay close attention to every
detail of work, holding each other and ourselves to our high standards.

So to all my fellow TP-Linkers, I say to you: Let’s just keep it simple and carry on.

Cover Story

20 for 20

Christopher Tuazon, TP-Link Headquarters

How do you properly sum up the twenty-year history of an international company in a few pages?
What began as an original idea by two brothers in 1996 has evolved into a global, multibillion dollar

enterprise, offering a range of products to secure the networking industry's largest worldwide market for
five years running. In its twenty years, TP-Link has earned accomplishments, awards and the adoration of

loyal customers who value reliability. But from the first day to today, what has made this success possible
has always been one thing: the people. So we figured the only right way to share the history of our
company was to ask you, since you spend each day making the company what it is.

We asked five questions to hear your contributions to the TP-Link story, and here are twenty voices —
one for each year we've grown — from our global family, which we are proud to present.
This is TP-Link: 20 for 20.


Cover Story

From your first day in TP-Link to today, what has been the most significant change you've
noticed about yourself?

I've really become a calm person, thinking through the process of all projects in my
head. Before, I tried my best to do everything at once as fast as possible. Here, I've

learned to better prioritize my projects and focus as needed, which is ultimately a
much more efficient and tranquil method.

- Cemal Oguz, Retail Marketing Manager. DACH, 2015

Having previously worked in IT distribution for 15 years, it was a whole new

experience seeing the business from the vendor's side. The most interesting aspect
for me has been to balance distribution strategy to protect our achievements, while
opening new sales channels.

- Martin Rak, Distribution Channel Sales Manager. Czech Republic, 2011

I've appreciated my ability to adapt to the changes in the IT and business landscape,
where agility is an important skill in my day-to-day role. Without being flexible for my

customers and understanding the changes in the B2B reseller business, I would not
be able to reach my sales goals and ultimately succeed for my team.

- Kevin Wilton, B2B Account Manager. Canada, 2014

When I was a product manager for a previous distributor, a relationship with

customers was largely built through phone calls and emails, without ever actually
meeting. Since joining our company, I've had more opportunities to connect with
clients face-to-face and build a more direct, genuine relationship with individuals.

- Bryan Tan, Channel Sales Account Manager. Australia, 2015


Cover Story

What has been a significant learning experience?

Through our company culture, I’ve gained an ability to complete tasks with

meticulous attention to details. As you might know, we are a small group, running the
office and warehouse. Whatever we do represents the image of our company, and
with the trust of our General Manager we've achieved success.

- Joanne Liu, Sales & Administration Assistant. South Africa, 2015

In my mind, the development of strategic thinking has been most significant.
Prediction of long-term trends and projects that can bring the most tangible results
helps to redistribute efforts properly. This does not mean that forecasts always
come true, but you can always adjust the action plan to increase efficiency.

- Ihor Goraychuck, Project Manager. Ukraine, 2014

I've come to understand that challenges, difficult as they can be, is full of
opportunity. First, every problem has a solution; you just need to seek or even

create it, on your own or with the help of others. Also, you can only overcome these
challenges if you dedicate yourself to the task, which is only possible if you have
passion for what you do.

- Erick Velasco, Channel & SMB Manager. Mexico, 2011

The Chinese and the Greek civilizations truly share many common philosophical

notions about life. This is very important as we all know that culture plays a
significant role in how people work and live together. I experience this every day, as I
feel very close with my Chinese colleagues!

- Yiannis Louisidis, Channel Sales Manager. Greece & Cyprus, 2014


Cover Story

Who is one person who has truly helped you grow?

One of the sources of inspiration has been my direct line manager, who showed and
guided my career path by sharing his knowledge and resources, finding out what’s

valuable to me, making me aware of opportunities, giving transparent feedback and
helping me become a brand advocate.

- Shadab Khan, Sales Manager. Saudi Arabia, 2015

Growing is collective process borne from success and failure, so everyone has
helped in my journey. Our customers, who trusted our business. Our team, who
supported me. Our managers, who believed in me. And of course my family, who
were patient and supported me while I was far from home.

- Denny Liang, Regional Manager. MEA, 2009

I can't choose one person; it's impossible. I work in a stimulating environment

that enables me to learn and grow in my career. Because of this, it's only right to

conclude that every team member in this branch's office has helped me to grow,
since each one of them gives me their best every single day, which motivates me to
do the same.

- Santiago Guardiola, Retail & Distribution Sales Manager. Colombia, 2013

No one and everyone. A Chinese proverb says " 三人行,必有我師焉 ", which means

that you can learn many things from everyone. Too many individuals helped me
grow, such as a single customer who always teaches me something new. I thank
and owe my growth to everyone in TP-Link.

- Arc Chang, Technical Support Engineer. Taiwan, 2012


Cover Story

What keeps you motivated in your endeavors?

It may sound odd, but nothing motivates me more than external criticism.

Sometimes, it can be so difficult to hear that I've thought about quitting. However,
it gives me something valuable: a chance to reflect, and with the encouragement

from my colleagues, turn criticism into an impetus for my further development and
improved work.

- Shawn Tee Sheng Yao, ISP Development Manager. Malaysia, 2014

Everything about our company environment. Colleagues focus on doing their
best. Leaders are modest and are open to questions and change. Most of all, the
company provides opportunity. My responsibilities have expanded so much since I
started here nine years ago, broadening my vision and changing my life. I can't deny
my attachment to TP-Link.

- Thomas Zong, Technical Support Engineer. China, 2007

I've found that my role as a "cool aunt" to my nieces and nephews carries a strong
influence over them, since who's gonna listen to their parents when you can get

advice from cool Aunt Marianne? More than anything, I want to show them that
dedication, commitment and a proper work ethic will take them a long way.

- Marianne Huang, Account Executive. USA, 2013

Passion for what I do is what motivates me most. I'm passionate about the
opportunity to influence and guide people, establish new relationships, improve

constantly, develop business from different perspectives and boost my career.
These are the reasons I am completely dedicated to achieving my goals.

- Marcello Liviero, Channel Director. Brazil, 2016


Cover Story

What wishes do you have for the future?

“Dream big, stay hungry, stay foolish.” This is my motto. My dream at work is to make

creative, unique pieces of art in line with our brand identity, achieve even higher
education, earn recognition and awards for my work, and enjoy life to the fullest.

- Mehrak Neiat, Graphic Designer. Iran, 2015

As a member of TP-Link team, I want our products to be available in any part of
Russia. Individually, I'm in a place in my life where I am starting a family. I am getting
married this year, and I can't wait for the next step: children!

- Alexander Braginskiy, SOHO Products Team Leader. Russia, 2011

I would love to keep developing my career at TP-Link. I would like to continue

exploring new challenges and adding responsibilities, since doing so enables me to
learn about myself in the process. My new role has already given me so much, and I
always want to offer what I've learned to new colleagues.

- Lino Notaro, Retail Account Manager. UK, 2013

For TP-Link, my wish is a successful start, followed by a leading position in our
new Smart Home/IoT, category, while continuing to increase our SOHO & SMB

networking share. As for myself, the births of our daughter Fien and son Guus have

been overwhelming moments for my partner Ilse and me. Above all, we hope to see
our kids grow up in good health, enjoying life!

- Roel Brandenbarg, Business Unit Manager Consumer. Netherlands, 2013



Small as a Goose, Strong as a Moose!

Queenie Tse, TP-Link Canada

their go-to market provider of switches and access points

for their guest Wi-Fi solution across many Canadian hotels
and lodging partners. The Source has more than 600

kiosks and small-format stores in malls and airports across

Canada, and has solidified their partnership with TP-Link by
increasing their networking and power bank assortment in
Closing the deal at ChannelNEXT.

From left to right: Kevin Wilton, B2B Account

M a n a g e r ; R a f i L . I s l a m , I T a n d Pre -S a l e s
Engineering Manager; Sean Jennings of reseller
partner C.I.M. Solutions

At TP-Link Canada, we of ten joke

about our smaller scale with our bigger
American sibling in the south. Hockey
and football differences aside, we see

ourselves as an independent unit,
with the US and Canadian offices
collaborating to deliver a consistent and
unified brand to all our North American

customers. With a new office, larger

warehouse and expanded team, we

In addition to closing deals, TP-Link Canada’s team was
also busy generating leads by attending and hosting many

industry events. TP-Link Canada attended the ECNO

Conference to gain market share and presence in school
boards and academies. ChannelNEXT events provided TP-

Link with prospecting and workshop opportunities, allowing

our sales team to engage with numerous ISPs, MSPs and
VARs. TP-Link Canada also hosted our first pre-screening
training of Warcraft for one of our retailers. These events
were important accomplishments in securing partnerships

for the future, and could not have been executed if not for

our hard-working and cohesive team. Our sales team wins
business partnerships, our logistics team fulfills it and our
customer service team maintains and supports it.

at TP-Link Canada are preparing for

With new and experienced leadership, our team is confident

coming quarters.

in motion our strategy to build organic relationships with

tremendous growth in our market in the
Our key accomplishments last quarter

were establishing partnerships with
Intello, a guest Wi-Fi solutions provider
located in Quebec, and The Source,

a national computer and electronics
retailer. Intello has chosen TP-Link as

that no challenges are insurmountable. We have already set
our partners by offering resources and services that only
the people at TP-Link Canada can offer. A new addition to

our team is a reputable engineer with more than 15 years

of experience in the industry. As we look forward towards
another successful quarter, we continue to show that
although Canada may be viewed as little brother, we're
quickly filling some big shoes!


Elevating the Channel

Heidi Frost, TP-Link USA

Our Retail Channel Marketing team

A relatively new group at TP-Link, the US Channel Marketing

experience within the retail space.

Since then, our retail sales have grown 79% in revenue

i s re s p o n s i b l e fo r t h e c o n s u m e r

In the US, our list of national retail

partners includes Best Buy, Target,
Home Depot, Office Depot, and Wal-

Mart. Our regional retailers include Fry’s,

Micro Center, Conn’s, ABC Warehouse,
Electronic Express, Curacao and BJ’s

We wo r k c l o se l y w i t h o u r s a l e s

group was established during the second quarter of 2015.
compared to the previous time period.

We’ve helped support this growth by deploying 226
category management displays at six different retailer

Through our category management displays, we’ve been
able to provide in-store education, awareness, and branding
for our products and the networking category.

counterpar ts and other marketing

Some of the features that can be highlighted on the display

management, in-store displays, print

vs 11ac wireless protocols and an informative explanation

groups to execute categor y

include the benefits of a tri-band router, a comparison of 11n

ads, web materials and training.

of how a powerline adapter can significantly expand your

Designed for flexibility, the in-store display graphics can be
customized to fit the specific needs of each retailer.

Freestanding displays have also become a key contributor

to our revenue growth over the year. Typically, these displays

have a shorter in-store lifespan, lasting no more than
months. This makes them the perfect solution for driving

seasonal promotions such as back to school and holidays
or for when a retailer has limited shelf space available.

In the past year, we have produced 10 different freestanding

displays for over 10 different retailers. As a result, we were
able to leverage incremental placement within the TV
Our freestanding displays catch shoppers with
optimal location and attractive information


section where our cross-merchandising displays live.


All of our in-store visuals have been designed to make sure the average shopper understands, wants and walks home with simply
powerful TP-Link products.

In the current back to school season,

We are still in the planning stages for the holidays but

and BJ’s to drive incremental sell-in

feature the Archer C50 and the RE210 in 1,977 stores for

we’ve par tnered with Office Depot

have already received a commitment from Home Depot to
an incremental sell-in volume of almost 30,000 units.

At Office Depot, we’ve featured the TL-

As a resource for the sales team, we have published a

which led to an incremental sell-in of

concepts and capabilities. It’s an incredibly useful tool that

WA850RE in a total of 1,236 stores,
over 20,000 units.

At BJ’s, we’ve featured the Archer
C2600, RE350K, and TC-7610 in a

total of 210 stores, which lead to an
incremental sell-in of 5,400 units.


merchandising book that highlights a variety of in-store
helps drive business with retailers when engaging for shelf
or floor placement commitments.


A Journey of Discovery Through SMB

Gary Dong, TP-Link Brazil

Large, centralized events like the Abrint WISP forum allows TP-Link Brazil grow quickly in the SMB frontier.

TP-Linkers have been working hard

Brazil is a huge country of 200 million. With poor internet

for the last twenty years to earn our

facilities, low-cost outdoor networking solutions are popular

S O H O n e t w o r k i n g p ro v i d e r s . B y

dominated by Ubiquiti, who works with two big retailers

company a dominant position among

contrast, the SMB market is very much
new territory for us – our SMB team in
Brazil has been working on the frontline

for only a year. The path hasn’t always
been easy, and it’s true that we’ve faced
challenges along the way, but it seems
that Lady Luck is finally smiling upon us.

in remote areas. This USD$50 million market has long been

and 17 resellers in Brazil, as well as a number of Wireless

ISP customers. Their abundant product lines and powerful
software win them many supporters. Another competitor is

Brazil’s local brand, Intelbras, which has been growing rapidly
in the outdoor networking area, occuping half of the market,

with local production ensuring a price advantage on low-end
products. With security systems, television antennas and

wireless router product lines, Intelbras provides a variety of
low-cost solutions to customers.



by our pre-sales team. All these efforts aimed to prove that

TP-Link is not only a router manufacturer, but also a provider
of whole network solutions.

Aside from that, we have also joined Abrint, the largest WISP
association in Brazil. With over 2000 members, Abrint plays

a big role in South America’s WISP market. The association
Our SMB/Corporate Sales Manager, Rafael
Salgado, making new business friends at the
annual Abrint WISP forum this past June.

At the beginning of our SMB venture we
researched the customers of our two

competitors. The SOHO business area

sells only products. However, the SMB

holds an annual WISP forum to share information about

new government policies, economics and internet and
telecom technologies. We took part in the forum this year,

in which we presented a whole set of solutions, including
Outdoor, Fiber and Wireless Router products for WISP. Over

800 customers visited our exhibition stand, of which 200
registered an interest and left their contact details.

business WISP or SI (Service Integrator)

Through one year's endeavor, Brazil SMB team has made

access or solutions to customers. It is

Flytec, the largest distributer of Ubiquiti in South America, to

companies usually offer networking
crucial to win over WISP or SI customers
when they are choosing brands. Since

these companies have to maintain the
network and offer post-sales support,
products’ functions and reliability are
considered key, and they won’t change
their partners unless that company has

gained their full trust when it comes to
new products.

significant progress. In March, we successfully persuaded

cooperate with TP-Link on outdoor products – we received
orders for 10,000 units of CPE and 600 units of WBS.

In June, WDC, the largest distributer of Ubiquiti in Brazil,

started to cooperate with TP-Link on all product lines with
orders valued at USD$1.25 million, of which SMB products
accounted for 32 percent. Elsewhere, we have gained

quality customer resources by forging partnerships with
FasterNet, the largest WISP in Brazil, along with AD TK and
Binario, D-link’s two largest SI customers.

To g a i n t h e t r u s t o f W I S P a n d S I

“For an ideal that I hold dear, I'd die a thousand times.”

different strategies – advertising in

spirits high, sparing no effort to conquer this new business

customers, we have applied a few

professional engineering magazines,

email marketing based on the database
of competitors’ customers, free samples

for all visiting customers and complete
technical and business support provided

The Brazil SMB team will stick to our goals and keep our

territory. We will turn our ambition into sales and then
use these sales to win customers’ trust, enabling us to

march even further into the unfamiliar with confidence and


Tesco, Talon and Talent, Oh My!

Simon Buckingham & Emma Lattimer, TP-Link UK

Brand New Shelving POS for 150
Tesco Stores Nationwide

Founded in 1919, Tesco is the second

largest grocer y store in the world,

located in ten countries, offering

products in housewares, technology,
clothing and more. Partnership with this

retailing giant would offer incredible

exposure to any brand, and TP-Link UK
made sure to seize the opportunity.

After four months of intensive design
work and effective education elements,
Tesco is now rolling out custom-

Marketing Manager for the UK. "The combined efforts of

TP-Link UK and Tesco teams ensured a fantastic visual
display, but more importantly one that educates the
consumer to encourage even more sales and revenue.”

designed TP-Link shelving POS to 150

The display also includes dummy units to help further

hours were put in by our team designers,

WA850RE/RE200 and the Archer C2 Router. The display

Tesco Superstores across the UK. Many

like Helen Burrell, collaborating with
Tesco's buying and merchandising team

and our Retail Marketing teams with

various drafts and amendments towards

a perfect solution that caters to Tesco
consumers for a great ROI.

“This was my first major project since
starting in April, it was great exercise

in adapting existing designs to add
flourishes of informative material."
shared Simon Buckingham, Retail


promote various products: TL-WPA4220/TL-PA4010/TLalso shows other products within the ranges underneath for

sale. The next phase is for Tesco to implement colour-coded
shelf strips that match the main shelf category colours, thus

making it even easier for the consumer to understand and

Unleashing the Talon
Another victory for TP-Link UK has been the attraction from
our Talon AD7200, marking the first time TP-Link has been

the first to the UK market with a new technology. Since its

announcement at CES in January we have been inundated


with requests from technical journalists who want to test

the amazing data transfer speeds for themselves. However,
because it is a new wireless standard, there are very few

devices on the market that come AD ready. To get around
this issue the UK team invested in and imported an AD

ready laptop from the USA to set up a testing lab and invite
the press to our offices to see superfast Wi-Fi in action.

Freelance technical journalists are notoriously difficult to
get out of their homes, so we offered them the chance

to use or lab to individually test the Talon for themselves,

leaving with the foundations of an article ready to submit

to their editor or blog. Along with as testing the world’s
first AD router we took the opportunity to brief them on the
on the performance-enhancing features included in our

high-end AC routers. We believe that one-to-one briefings

will enable these key opinion formers to position TP-Link
devices in their rightful position in the market.



Winning Telekom's Heart

Shawn Tee Sheng Yao, TP-Link Malaysia

In its first-ever attempt towards an ISP

company, presenting an exciting challenge. Throughout the

bid to officially provide wireless routers

every step from application submission to shipment, with

partnership, TP-Link Malaysia has won a
to telecommunications giant Telekom
Malaysia. This contract is a crucial step

towards opening up a wider market

for TP-Link products in the country,
providing an opportunity to gain a better
understanding of the country’s internet

Te l e k o m M a l a y s i a B e r h a d i s
Malaysia’s largest landline and fiber-

optic telecommunications network.

Established in 1987, Telekom currently
has over 3 million users across all
regions of the country. In recent years,

they have developed their own 4G LTE

service, continuing to grow in their share
among wireless broadband providers.

Entirely retail-focused, this was the

first time TP-Link Malaysia has bid to
work alongside a telecommunications

six-month bidding process, the Malaysian office handled
support from the ISP team at Chinese HQ.

The final round took place at the end of March 2016, after

three weeks of extensive product trials. At this stage, only
Malaysia's top three networking companies remained:

D-Link, ASUS and TP-Link. In the end, it was our strong

technical support, superior product chipset and competitive
pricing that proved crucial in securing the deal. TP-Link will

now provide 50% of all Telekom Malaysia’s wireless routers
for the next 12 months.

This project has certainly presented our team with unique
challenges, but has also come with valuable rewards. For
one, designing specific firmware and packaging for products

to meet Telekom's requirements of has been particularly

testing. This created the opportunity to work alongside the

country's leading telecommunications company, giving us
access to the latest network information earlier, allowing
more time to ensure our products are up to standard. Our

team has gained unique skills, which can be applied to more
demanding tasks in the future.


Following this momentous contract,

and Celcom in April. Currently, we are working on our bid

a n d p ro d u c t i n q u i r i e s f ro m ot h e r

expanding ISP projects we are a step closer to achieving

we have received additional interest

te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s c o m p a n i e s ,

including Malaysia TIME Fiber, Maxis


for Telekom Malaysia’s latest XDSL tender. With these

our ultimate goal: having our products in every home to
provide better network access to the Malaysian people.


Media Markt and the Path to Success

Tamás Szécsényi , TP-Link Hungary

Let me start with the numbers: the yearon-year growth rate in the value of TP-

Link products sold in the Media Markt
retailer is over 74% based on the first

half of 2016. TP-Link’s market share

within this shop is around 75%, both in
value and number of products. This is a

result of careful negotiations, portfolio
analysis and, last but not least, the great

relationships that we have built with the
department managers of every store.
Let’s have a look at some details.

1. Media Markt's Position in the Hungarian Market
Media Markt was the first chain in Hungary during the mid-

90’s to open large stores selling consumer electronics
products. During the past 20 years the attempts of other

consumer electronics chains to set foot in the Hungarian

market have been met with very little success. Media
Markt’s offline presence is still unquestionably the strongest
in Hungary. As retail is important for our company, not only

to sell our products but also to boost brand awareness,

strengthening our presence in Media Markt was logical. In
2013, Media Markt opened their online business which has
been growing every year since. Fierce competition in that

field means that it is yet to be determined how successful
their online business will be. Our ratio of offline to online
product sales is currently 95% to 5%.
2. Media Markt Structure
Our country contains 21 Media Markt locations, each
independent from their company headquarters in many
ways. Ordering products and deciding the portfolio of

a product category are the responsibility of the stores.
However, the product portfolio can only be made up of

products that previously have been approved by their HQ.

The conclusion from the above was clear to us: it is essential
to keep on good terms with every store in order to achieve
To maintain strong footing in Media Markt, it's
important to check stock of every store no later
than biweekly.

our goals with Media Markt.
3. Path to Success

When I joined TP-Link in 2015 and became responsible
for Media Markt, the first thing I noticed was that the range



stores realized a higher margin on the new product mix and
1.5 times more products were sold than before. With that

change TP-Link gained their trust; they see us a brand that
it is worth doing business with. Also, there was now a much

larger variety of products available to customers, with twice

the number of TP-Link products available for purchase (and
twice as many as our competitors).

We had to take action in order to preserve a healthy stock
level in stores and provide continuous availability of our

products to the customers. We have established a visiting
system with the following rule: every store has to be visited

biweekly, that way the stores do not have to keep hold of
high value stock that is ruining their performance indicators,
and we can make sure that a product is never out of stock.
Another advantage that comes with frequent store visits is
Stock quality is just as important as quantity, so it

that we can monitor the placement of our products on the

was important to make sure that the products in

shelves and alter it if necessary.

to keep our customers and retailers happy.

To maximise the sales, we have tried several ideas.

of TP-Link products offered by the

be unnecessary. Even without it, TP-Link products occupy

each individual store is in line with local demand

stores did not meet the demands of the

customers. The product mix represented
cheap and mainly out-of-date products.
So it was no surprise that the customers
associated our brand with reliable but

cheap products without innovations.

To change that, I started to encourage

stores to order our up-to-date models
and high-end products. I reassured them
that if their sales should drop because of

the portfolio change, they could switch
back to their old portfolio. Of course it
never happened. On the contrary, the


Spending money to have dedicated shelf place proved to
2/3 of the available shelf space.

Instead, we have decided to buy as much space for product

displays as possible. These are placed in key locations,
making it easier for the customer to find our top selling
products. The other advantage is that we are making it
difficult for our competitors to show off their own products.
4. What the Future Holds
We are on the right track, but the hardest part is still to

come: maintaining our leading market position. If there’s
one thing I can promise, it’s that the Hungarian team will

keep up the hard work to ensure our market share is as
large as possible.


Fueled by Football Fever!

Mathis Lei, TP-Link France

In April we launched a massive promotion: a free power bank

offered with the purchase of a AV1200 Powerline, and a free
Wi-Fi adapter offered with the purchase of a dual band range
extender. We shared this promotion across several online

and offline retailers, including Amazon, Cdiscount, Auchan
24 European national teams, 51 brilliant
games, one prized trophy. The 15th
UEFA European Championship was

held in France from 10 June to 10 July
2016. The tournament captivated the

continent with the spirit of football and
national pride, and TP-Link France spent

no time on the sidelines, as we had our
own goal to score.

As early as March, we participated in a

sales incentive program coordinated

by Misco, one of the world's largest
corporate VARs, with over 70 offices

throughout France. Taking advantage of

and Eleclerc. Customers visited the TP-Link website to claim
their gift, of which we fulfilled 200 by June. At this time, we
also included SMB products, promoting POE switches and
EAP for the final month of Misco's program.

Our proudest creation was a series of three Euro Cupthemed advertising videos. Inspired and adventurous,

members of the TP-Link team were our volunteer actors,
using expatriate homes as the setting. The ad focused on a
protagonist trying to catch live UEFA matches on his laptop,
who solves his Wi-Fi problems with the Archer C3200,

boosting his Wi-Fi and maximizing the transfer rate, ending
with the slogan "Et Profitez de La Coupe D'Europe 2016"

(And Enjoy Euro Cup 2016). These videos were posted on
Facebook and YouTube to public acclaim, with the first video

UEFA excitement, Misco organized ways
for IT brands like Apple, Samsung, Sony,

Microsoft and TP-Link to motivate their
sales force. In this program, the highestperforming team would earn tickets to

the Euro Final. Our team was desperate
to breathe in the smell of the freshlycut pitch, and so we set out hungry for

Lights, camera, action! TP-Linkers played the stars of their own
advertisements, which were a huge hit for French and football fans alike.



alone recording 18k likes on Facebook.

Harnessing this reception, we entered
customers to win an Archer 3200, with

winners announced at the end of each

By organizing our promotions, social

media, and other marketing efforts
around Euro 2016, we enjoyed the spirit
of competition, using a national event as
the source of inspiration. Best of all, by
coinciding with the event, we succeeded

in boosting the popularity and loyalty of

TP-Link in the French market — a victory
by any standard.

Special offers, promotions gifts drew in more interest and sales for a
wildly successful UEFA season at TP-Link France.




Chaitali Puri, TP-Link India

The internet is integral to the lives of

people all over the world, and has come

to the rescue of many during troubled
times. Keeping this in mind, TP-Link

India launched a social media campaign

called #HappyInternetStory. People

were asked to share their experiences
of when the internet has saved them
from a sticky situation and their happy

memories that are associated with the

The campaign ran during a six-day

period from the 14th to the 19th of June
2016 and was launched on Facebook,

Twitter and Instagram. The campaign
was targeted to engage with customers

and fans present on our social media
channels to further enhance our social
media presence.

# H a p p y I n t e r n e t S t o r y re c e i v e d a

tremendous response on our social
media channels, especially on Twitter
and Facebook, where the campaign

saw huge participation levels from

What's your #HappyInternetStory?

We received more than 300 entries for the contest from

fans on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. TP-Link India
added 150 Twitter followers to their list in the first two

days of the contest – a major achievement as the Indian
population is still at the early stages of adopting Twitter as
a method of social media communication.

fans all over India. Conversations were
started around emotive themes like
using internet to prepare for exams,
connecting with loved ones using Skype
or shopping online for friends and family.


Never underestimate the power of a dedicated social media campaign.


We reached more than 152,000 unique

customers on Twitter and Instagram

Share of Posts

and our content was seen by more


than 900,000 people on Twitter &

Instagram combined. Out of the total
conversations around the hashtag

#HappyInternetStory, 49.8% was original
content posted by the twitter followers,



while the other 50.2% were retweets
and replies to the posts.

Facebook also saw a huge participation
from fans and engagement levels went

up considerably during this one week




Original Posts

With the reach generated from our
#HappyInternetStory, we have brought in
eager eyes and loyal customers to TP-Link.


Using Events to Propel Brand Image and
Build Community

Mara Andronescu, TP-Link Romania

in Romania. More importantly, through original messages

that reflected our brand's promises, as well as customercentered activities, we generated genuine discussion.
A Two-Way Conversation
Building interest always starts with how you engage
with the customer. Traditionally, we relied upon brand-

customer communication, in which the former asks and the
latter answers. Another method, however, is when either

proposes something interesting, and the other responds. In
this way, it is critical to consider:

• The brand and customer could want totally different
things, so it is up to us to make these one and the same.
Mara Andronescu, RO & BG Marketing Manager

shares some keys to success with building
genuine brand awareness.

So far in 2016, we have followed and
i m p l e m e n te d o u r c o re m a r ke t i n g
strategies, priorities and goals defined

at the beginning of the year, whilst

also paying very close attention to
market movements and on-the-spot
opportunities. We’ve been participating

in Romania's premier events, from

business and digital events to eSports

and gaming events. Everything has
been planned with the aim of increasing
the awareness and visibility of TP- Link


• The conversation should take place in a comfortable and
familiar place for the customer.

These points, as well as time and budget limits, led us
directly to the customers. For example, the organizers of
Bucharest Technology Week named TP-Link a trustworthy

and amenable partner, and were open to creative dialogue
to build their presence at the event.

“TP-Link understood very well the concept and the

purpose of Bucharest Technology Week, so their business
solutions were highly appreciated by the visitors. We
are looking forward to working with TP-Link for future

projects and finding out about their new and innovative
products and services.”

- Cristina Vaduva, Key Account Manager, Universum Events


With an intyeractive setup and conveniently placed power banks for free charging, guests of the Eastern European Comic Con
were drawn in and stayed glued to the TP-Link booth.

We p o s i t i o n e d T P- L i n k d ev i c e s

appropriately for each group of interest
and positioned our products by taking

into consideration the dynamic and
profile of that specific group. Other

Europe Festival) and Bucharest Technology Week
• Direct interaction with professionals, gaming enthusiasts,

geeks, IT lovers, developers, business owners and other
relevant participants in the field

results generated by our participation to

• A key, well-advertised role as “Official Networking Partner” for

• Increased awareness around the TP-

TP-Link, Official Networking Partner of ESL Arena @ 40K-Attendee East

• Continuity in the TP-Link brand actions

We continued a successful tradition with a third consecutive

events in Romania in this first part of

challenging participation yet. We wanted to be original and

ICEEfest (Interactive Central and Eastern


the events were:

Comic Con and ESL Romania

European Comic Con

Link brand

by attending three of the most important

year at the Eastern European Comic Con, our most technically

the year: East European Comic Con,

friendly, and at the same time efficient and relevant in our



Our graphic designer Vlad Craina and marketing assistant Andreea Irimia are a few of the all-star individuals that make up an
amazing team for these large events.

The result was a challenging, but

our newest products, including range extenders, smart

We created a "Wow!" factor by revealing

glued, we outfitted the race landscape with TP-Link power

ultimately successful interactive booth.

Talon, the first AD router in the world,
and achieved high interactivity with a
“racing table” we created from scratch.

These positioned TP-Link as a leading
technology brand and innovator and
created the “craving” for our visitors to
test drive our devices.
Hands ON
Our “piece de resistance” was the racing
table, where we ran almost 80% of our
booth activities, like the Hearth Stone

tournament, newsletter enrollment and
our most innovative: the TP-Link Droid
Race. This not only made for creative

entertainment, but also interaction with

plugs, IP Cameras and portable speakers. To keep visitors

banks, free to use. Now, what 's cooler than charging up
yourself and your smartphone at the race track?

It was innovation and interactivity, rather than size and scale,

that generated praise for our TP-Link booth from attendees
and organizers alike.

”The TP-Link booth was obviously one of the main
attractions of the weekend. The permanent interactivity

offered by contests and ability to test the products, made

it easily one of the most visited booths. The droid races
were especially fun and challenging!”

Marius Radu, Community Director @ ESL CIS and ESL Arena Product

The Interactive Central and Eastern Europe Festival valued

TP-Link’s dedication to R&D, innovation and creativity as a


perfect fit for 2016's ICEEfest, where
we fulfilled their wish of an engaging,

original presence. The organizers and
TP-Link pushed the limits of interactivity
with style and coolness, while raising the

bar in terms of content and quality of the
product delivered.

" TP-Link presented not only a

valuable set of networking devices,
premiering their 11AD Talon , but

also an entertaining proposal with a
very functional purpose – our 3500

participants had the possibility to try

the hip power banks while enjoying a
droid race. It was an unbeatable offer
that everyone appreciated and we,

the ICEEfest team, acknowledged it as
inspiring and challenging.”

Vlad Stefanescu, Client Partner @ ThinkDigital TD

When Team Perseverance Becomes
Team Performance

In our department we have a saying:

the “TP” from TP-Link comes from
Team Perseverance and that is the
“Link” to Team Performance. In TPLink Romania this saying is not just a

play on words, but the actual state of
the office, because in our endeavors

the key element is always our whole
team, from technical, sales, accounting

and product, all through marketing and
human resources, each playing a key

part in our success. This was recognized

Guests are engaged and excited to be part of the TP-Link conversation.

even by our event partners:
"We were running together the third major event in a row

without problems and this is mostly due to the hard work
and professionalism of TP-Link’s team. Thank you and see
you at next event!”

Marius Radu, Community Director @ ESL CIS and ESL Arena
Product Manager

I would like to offer my thanks to the entire TP-Link team,

both in Romania and HQ. You are amazing! My special

thanks goes to my team, including incredible marketing
squad, Andreea and Vlad.

Andreea Irimia joined TP-Link almost a year and a half ago

and is the most perseverant person I’ve had the honor to
work with. As a Marketing Assistant, Andreea has a great
ability to prioritize and complete tasks, qualities that helped
her to flawlessly execute her responsibilities for these
events and more.

Vlad Craina has only been with us six months, but during this

time has amazed us with his talent and creativity. He is our
Graphic Designer, but is also an exceptional photographer
and video editor. I am very glad that he has joined our team

and I looking forward to the next set of exciting projects and
events we’ll work on together.

A huge thank you to my team, you are the best!


How We Built a Network for 40K at
Comic Con

Sarmis Popescu, TP-Link Romania

The Eastern European Comic Con is

The organizers held major competitions simultaneously,

attracts thousands every year. TP-Link

viewers around the world. For this, we needed to comply

a three-day international event that
Romania provided Internet access via

cable and Wi-Fi for all participants at

Eastern European Comic Con 2016,
enabling the live streaming of video
game competitions. This is the third

time that our Technical Squad have
tackled the challenge and risen to the

occasion, once more showing off the
best that TP-Link devices have to offer.
We are very proud to share our story of

success – a story that helped to make
TP-Link the most trusted and reliable
partner in Romanian networking.
Event Challenges
Event partners and sponsors organize

competitions and activities, requiring

a fast and stable connection to the

Internet for their online gaming needs.
They also require a private wireless

streamed live on the Internet and seen by thousands of
with three major requests:

Coverage – The network must cover the entire event and
avoid any “dead zones."

Reliability – The connection must be stable and dependable.
Capacity – The network must be capable of providing
enough bandwidth to all clients.
2. Centralized Management
Network management must be intuitive and efficient,
allowing network administrators to easily manage and
monitor the entire network.

3. Large Distances Between Locations
A huge event needs more space for deployment, and
suitable areas were not readily available here. Nevertheless,

every space must be linked to the same network. Imagine
five kilometers of cable and you’ll have an idea!
4. Large Tasks for a Small Technical Team

connection that allows staff to access

The technical team in Romania is small. While installing the

major challenges:

arriving from customers by mail, phone or LiveChat. The

the internet securely. This presented six
1. Consistent High-Quality Internet


network and equipment, we must also address enquiries
goal was to succeed in network installation and offer
continuity in technical support for customers.


5 . S h o r t T i m e B e t we e n N e t wo r k
Deployment and Event Kickoff

Typically, the time allowed for network

and equipment setup is never enough
for these kind of events. It was vital that

our team should finish the setup with
maximum efficiency.

6. Fast Response Time
Given the size and dynamic nature of

this type of event, it’s impossible to
anticipate all incidents so be prepared
to offer a solution in the shortest time
possible and expect the unexpected.

7. Robust Wireless and Wired Security
Security is a must, not only to prevent

attacks on the net work , but more
importantly to allow for secure external
connections and information sharing.
8. Very High Traffic

• T L-SG5428 for some of the booths
• TL-SG3424 , T2600G-28TS (TL-SG3424), TL-SG2452
and T1600G-52TS (TL-SG2452) for some of the stands

• EAP 220 and EAP 320 with TL-SG1008PE for Free
Internet Access Zones and for another zone with a huge
number of Wi-Fi clients

• Archer C5, C7, C8, C9 and C2600 for private wireless

connection for employee internet access

Note: The quantity of each piece of equipment depended on the number
of devices connected to each stand (wired or wireless).

I n to t a l , o u r d e v i c e s s u s t a i n e d c o n n e c t i o n s fo r

approximately 250 devices on wired and around 1000
devices on wireless.

The traffic volume for whole event was approximately 2.5TB.
Our Partner, ESL Romania, commented that the “Network
was flawless” –

“If I am not mistaken, ESL Arena from East European Comic

Expect a very high volume of traffic,

Con is probably the largest network that has been set-

performs well under duress.

connected simultaneous and for this, excellent team

so it is essential to use equipment that
TP-Link Solution
We built a net work using Ethernet
cables, with redundancy in place for
each switch, using the following devices:
• T3700G-28TQ as a central point for

administration. All the services were
defined here.


up in an event in Romania. There are hundreds of devices
coordination and good equipment are necessary. I always

count on the TP-Link Romanian office team to help us pull
off an event without problems.”

- Marius Radu, Community Director @ ESL CIS and ESL Arena Product

Over 15 Sponsors were pleased by the quality of the
internet connections to their booth.


It Takes a Team

arising from customers by mail, phone or LiveChat.

Our devices made this monumental task

• Sarmis: Set up the equipment, installed the network cables

possible. But these tools are nothing
without the hands and hard work to

guide them. Let me introduce to you

the TP-Link Romania technical team and
everyone involved in the running of this

From left to right:
• Andrei: Ever busy setting up the
equipment and responding to the

customer claims by email, phone or
LiveChat. He responded quickly to all

and related equipment, quickly responded to all demands,
monitored the network and coordinated the team.

• Raz van: Installed the net work cables and related

equipment, and responded quickly to all unexpected issues
that came his way.

• Romeo: Installed the net work cables and related
equipment, and was on hand to solve problems during the

So what was the key to our success? Several aspects were

demands during the event.

1. Understanding the Equipment and Network Topology

• Mihai: While the rest of the team was

We set up the equipment and network together as a team

the equipment and responding quickly

network would operate.

occupied, participating in setting up
to issues, alone, he managed queries

so that each and every one of us understood how the


2. Focused Collaboration

4. Proactive Feedback with Customers

Success will only occur when people

Feedback is the key to ensuring any team stays on track,

Our team has people who work well

improve each day.

work together towards a common goal.
together, while bringing competence
and confidence to the table.
3. Clearly Defined Roles &

Each team member’s responsibilities

are interconnected and interdependent.

The team operates as a mosaic –

each person’s unique strengths and

differences create a powerful, united
picture when put together.


and more importantly provides opportunities for us to
5. Recognizing Hard Work

With proactive feedback comes acknowledgement. When
people are acknowledged, their work brings them greater
satisfaction and becomes more meaningful.


Banking on Power-Hungry Mobile Apps

Eve Szto, Smart Accessories

Power-intensive games' recent surge in
popularity has ushered a sales growth

in mobile power bank markets around
the world. Data from market research
firm NPD shows that within the first two

weeks since Pokémon GO went public,

mobile power bank sales totaled nearly
120 million units, marking a 101%
increase in comparison with that of the
same period last year.

In the era of Augmented Reality, is your mobile power

TP-Link has similarly ridden the wave of

power bank demand, showing a trend

The summer smash hit game Pokémon GO has been

of short supply across all of our product

unprecedented move of the gamer’s main battlefield from

and 10400mAh models, which were

of AR from a fun hit-or-miss app feature to an immersive,

From searching for the per fect

nothing short of a revolution. For one, it has facilitated the

lines, especially for our 5200mAh

indoors to the outside world. It has also turned the concept

completely sold out.

perspective-changing experience to live up to its name.
Simply put, AR is here to stay. So much for your battery life.

lunch spot through the lens of Yelp's

Monocle feature to translating foreign

Using AR apps such as Pokémon GO requires users to utilize

street signs in real time with Google

or 3G/4G internet connection, which makes for a power-

increased the demand for power bank

at the expense of a quickly drained phone battery. When

size, capacity, mobile power conversion

mobile usage, the latest AR games and apps deliver a 0%

have become even more closely linked

becomes an absolute must!

encounter as they dive into the world of

their mobile GPS and location services, as well as a Wi-Fi

Translate, frequent mobile usage has

hungry game that delivers distinctive reality expansion play

accessories. Over time, the design and

phone batteries just can't keep up with prolonged outdoor

rates and device safety of power banks

knockout. Therefore, the need for a portable power source

to the overall mobile experience users




In order to improve our product line in terms of battery

of AR games. By using high energy

diversity, we have implemented a product strategy that

TL-PB15600 models present a slim,

capacity, charging performance and industrial design

encompasses multiple battery capacity options. Today,
our product line is spread over the following series we feel

adequately meets the power demands of different users
With quality as the driving force behind our industrial

density batteries, our TL-PB10400 and
lightweight platform that maintains
optimum battery performance.

When in power-saving mode, the TLPB10400 can charge an iPhone 6S up

to four times, leaving players with more
than enough power support to spend

an entire day out and about with a useful
smartphone in hand. The power bank’s

Smart Charge feature can better detect

mobile hardware and deliver the most
adequate charge current to devices,
restoring a battery to continued use in
no time.

design, no compromise was made in order to manufacture

Smartphone AR is just another part in

and 6700mAh, which are so light that when placed in the

TP-Link Accessories will continue

treatment for both chic diamond texture of the TL-PB5200

artisans, crafting innovative products

strong impression, but also improves the handling grip of

mobile experiences that matter most.

extra lightweight products, particularly our 5200mAh

the future of an enriched mobile lifestyle.

packaging they are almost unnoticeable. The surface

to uphold the spirit of technological

and matte finish of the TL-PB6700 not only makes for a

that provide consumers with advanced

the devices, making them must-haves for many.

Apart from the surface treatment, color, design and device

portability, the battery capacity and charging efficiency
are the aspects most valued by users. After all, Pokémon

GO requires full-on mobile GPS, network connectivity and
camera usage, exhausting smartphone battery at a rate

of 30% per hour. Having enough power reserve on hand

will inevitably become a prerequisite for sustainable use



Running Russia with 802.11ac

Marina Schegolyaeva, TP-Link Russia

of creative promotions. In particular,

we focused on the advantages AC can
bring to HD streaming and gaming.
1. For gamers: Cooperation with

one of the top Russian online games
producers, Mail.Ru Games, led to a

promotion on their Armored Warfare

game – buy a router and get a tank for
free! The promotion, titled “Tank as a

Gift,” increased sales of featured models
Extraordinary growth in the volume and variety of WiFi devices sold in Russia, coupled with the popularity

in top Russian federal retailers by 17%
in low season.

of streaming HD videos, has created a market for more

2. For film lovers: Get two months of

faced with insufficient bandwidth when the internet is used

Archer router from an online retailer.

another a YouTube video on their tablet, and a third gaming

cooperated with the Russian online

sophisticated and efficient technology. People are often

free online TV with the purchase of an

by several devices – one watching a show on their smart TV,

To organize the promotion, TP-Link

and downloading large files on their computer. 802.11 ac is

cinema Ivi.Ru.

the new Wi-Fi standard, designed to meet these demands.

3. For computer geeks: An adapter

TP-Link Russia runs the country with the Archer range by

promotion – get a 50% discount on

network adapters and range extenders. Products are

purchasing an Archer router.

providing consumers with AC devices such as routers,

distributed all over the country, finding their way into federal
retail stores, online retailers and regional chains.

any Archer wireless adapter when

P ro m o t i o n s i m p ro v e d o u r b r a n d

position because of the cooperation

The marketing team supports sales by sharing knowledge

with companies from other sectors

technology can bring to their daily lives. To support this

wide-reaching media campaigns.

with end-users online, educating them on the benefits AC
idea and to push our top Archer models, we started a range


and increased brand awareness due to


During the last three months, more than 100 PR articles

and reviews for our Archer range were written in Russian
publications. During the PR campaign, TP-Link Archer

range products received positive feedback from journalists
and bloggers, and earned rewards from some of the most
popular and authoritative publications:
Archer C9: "Best of the Year" – PC Mag
Archer C2: Top position in reader’s voting at High-Tech Mail.
RE200: "Editor’s Choice" - 3DNews
According to GFK statistics, the Russian market for AC
devices has increased by 171% ifrom 2015 to 2016. TP-

Link Russia aims to tap into this expanding market and build

on our success by continuing to use creative strategies to
promote our Archer range models in the near future.


A free tank with an Archer C2? What a deal!


The host announcing the start of the event

TP-Link Unveils New Neffos Smartphone
Brand as Part of Its IoT Vision
Smart Phone Marketing Team, TP-Link HQ

T h e g l o b a l p re s s c o n fe re n c e fo r

the launch of the Neffos brand was
successfully held by the Smartphone

Business Unit at the Grand Hyatt Berlin.
At this event, TP-Link announced its
grand vision for the Internet of Things

with the official launch of its Neffos

Smartphone brand and the latest Neffos
series smartphones – Neffos X1 and
Guests arriving at the event

X1 Max – with a mission to be “Close to

You”. This reflects a new phase in TPLink’s transformation to grow beyond
networking to smart technologies,



providing users not only reliable Wi-Fi, but also a smarter

global customers,” said Chao, “The

life where everything can be connected through its smart

Neffos smartphones demonstrate our

reporters and channel vendor representatives from 15

technology and make life smar ter

home ecosystem. This unveiling attracted close to 100
different countries.

At 3 p.m., the curtain was raised during a speech given by
Chairman Jeffrey Chao. In his speech, Mr. Chao looked

determination to go beyond wireless
and easier for today ’s connected

customers with innovative products
and user-centric experiences.”

back on the company’s previous 20 years of development,

Shortly after Mr. Chao's introduction,

to the IoT. Mr. Chao then highlighted four pillars of the

Brand Director, Bai Chen, officially

and also highlighted the significance of the transformation
company’s roadmap for IoT: IoT routers as the device and
information hub, smartphones as the primary interface
between people and devices, cloud as the service platform,

together with various smart home product solutions. As

the central focus of TP-Link’s smart home ecosystem, the
Neffos smartphones will bring people closer to everything
and everyone around them.

“TP-Link has evolved to become much more than a

networking company over the past two decades as it

constantly strives to meet the changing demands of our

the Neffos brand was unveiled, as
introduced the “Close to You” vision
behind the brand to the guests and

media personnel attending the event.
As the part of TP-Link’s Smart Home

Ecosystem which stands out the most,
Neffos aims to make the most humancentered oriented mobile devices

available in the new digital era, and strive
to seamlessly connect people to each
other, and to the world around them.

Brand Director, Bai Chen, introducing the vision
behind the Neffos brand

Chairman of TP-Link, Jeffrey Chao, detailing TP-Link’s IoT Vision:
To Connect Everything



The unveiling of the brand meant that the press conference

industry at 2.75 mm, while the X1 has

a graceful yet vivid contemporary dance piece that

these remarkably thin edges even with

was now all about Neffos. After the performance of

encapsulated the brand theme, Director of Design,

Wang Xiaohan, revealed the secrets of the Neffos X

series phones, the X1 and X1 Max. When describing the
design principles and story behind the X series, Mr. Wang
explained how, by continuing Neffos’ human-orientated

spirit, the X series reveres nature and simplicity while also
preserving its own aesthetic characteristics. “We hope

that every detail is created to be smooth and rhythmic,
just like rocks smoothed by the water over time without

losing their mettle.” Mr. Wang explained one highlight of
the design is the dual-curved back that tapers towards

the sides and allows for a more ergonomic fit. The subtle
curves also make the X1 and X1 Max easier to hold and

operate one-handed compared to other devices of similar

The Neffos X1 Max has among the narrowest edges in the

edges of 2.95 mm. Both phones achieve

the side mute button. The X1 Max is also

incredibly slender at 7.75 mm, and the
X1 comes in at 7.95mm.

The X1 and X1 Max also have superthin bezels and smooth, chamfered

edges that measure only 0.6 mm. With

the length of the phones kept to a

minimum, screen-to-body ratio is high at
76 percent. The X1 Max screen utilizing

2.5D Corning Gorilla Glass to provide
excellent anti-scratch protection. This
also provides a natural touch and offers

a high 1,000:1 color contrast for display

results which are both accurate and

The attention to detail on the screen

ensures an excellent viewing experience
n o m a t te r t h e v i e w i n g a n g l e. M r.

Wang then demonstrated how the
components offer the functionality
of much larger devices such as a

camera or microphone, with careful
consideration given to the purpose of
each button. Neffos includes all of these
for elegant design and ease-of-use. This
Director of Design, Wang Xiaohan, explaining the design principles and
story behind the X series


allowed the audience members to see
how the X series lives up to its slogan:
“Everything is in the details.”


Following Mr. Wang's sharing of the X1 & X1 Max's
technical prowess, Retail Marketing Manager, Cemal Oguz,
described in great detail the selling points of the X1 and X1
Max from three different perspectives.
Top-Notch Cameras
The Neffos X series smartphones come with a rear

shooting, backed by a 13-megapixel Sony sensor with

backside illumination, 5P lens, and fast PDAF (phasedetection auto-focus) of just 0.2 seconds. It also features

an f/2.0 aperture lens for taking clearer shots in low light
and providing a shallow of depth of field.

The X1 and X1 Max feature Real-Time Night shooting,
so even in low light, the image users see is the image

they capture – taking the guesswork out of low-light

photography. The cameras also include standard features
such as HDR, Time Lapse, and Panorama.

The Live-Shooting mode crosses over to the 5-megapixel

Super-Fast Fingerprint Unlocking:
Neffos understands the importance

of mobile security in today’s
interconnected world. For this reason, all

X series phones come with a fingerprint
sensor on the back, which is much more
secure than setting a password. In fact,

the whole unlocking process only takes
0.2 seconds.

Because the sensor makes use of

sophisticated algorithms, X series

phones continuously refine fingerprint
data with use. This means that the more

a user unlocks their phone, the more
accurate and fast the unlocking process
becomes over time.

Uncompromised Performance:

front camera, and the real-time Beautify mode makes

Powering the X1 and X1 Max is the octa-

tap away with the X1 and X1 Max.

up to 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal

taking selfies more intuitive. The perfect selfie is just one

core MediaTek Helio P10 chipset with
storage (The highest specifications are

for the Neffos X1 Max.), which can be

expanded with a microSD card up to

128GB. The phone supports dual-band
Wi-Fi and multiple LTE bands for fast
internet access where available.

This means the X Series can handle

any thing from t ypical smar tphone
Retail Marketing Manger, Cemal Oguz, explaining the features of the X
series products

activities, like surfing and emailing,

to more intensive HD streaming and
gaming. It also means steadier and more

consistent wireless connections over
Wi-Fi or mobile data.


Chairman Jeffrey Chao announcing the prices of the two models in the X series

The long-lasting 3,000mAh battery inside the X1 Max can go through a full day's use and supports fast

charging of up to 50 percent on a 30-minute charge, which makes recharging the phone more convenient.
Both the X1 and X1 Max run on the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow software, which has been tweaked to
deliver a balance of ease-of-use, longer battery life, efficient multitasking and smooth app use.

Just before the end of the event, Mr. Chao once again took to the stage to disclose the price range
of the X series, explaining that prices start at €199 for the X1 and €249 for the X1 Max. The host then

announced that it was time for the guests to try the products for themselves. The reporters rushed to
take pictures and videos to be the first to get their stories in.



The Neffos area of the TP-Link stand at the IFA

Visitors to the Neffos stand try out a phone

With the success of the new product

launch and this initial unveiling at the
IFA, awareness of the Neffos brand has
Reporters taking pictures and videos
A model shows off the Neffos X1

The day after the product launch was the opening

ceremony of the IFA – one of the most influential
electronics shows in the world. On this day, the Neffos
area of the TP-Link booth received a constant stream of

visitors. As well as the recently announced X1 and X1 Max,

the Neffos C5 Max, C5, and Y5 models were on exhibit. Our

high-quality products and engaging display attracted a
large number of visitors who came to look and experience
what the models have to offer.


increased exponentially in the global
smartphone market. At the time of
writing, over 900 news reports from 18

different countries have been written
about the event.


My Vision to Build Our Brand in
North America
Lewis Wu, TP-Link North America

As we all know, much of our success as a company comes
from our channel partnerships. Consumers buy our

products because they are on the shelf, listed online or
carried by our distributors. However, to continue our rapid
growth in North America, we can no longer rely exclusively
on our channel partnerships. Sales efforts through price,

promotion and placement can only take us so far. These are
rooted in fleeting interactions, where the attention is often

bought rather than earned, short rather than long-term. To

meet the ambitious goals we have just set for our company,
we must develop in areas where long-term attention

can be earned: marketing and branding. Therefore, a key

component to our future success is a strong marketing

What we have done before is what’s on the surface: what

people see on the shelf, and what we say about ourselves.

However, marketing and branding taps into greater depth:
what we do for people, and what they say about us. This

builds genuine trust and loyalty through direct relationship
with our consumers. Once this relationship is earned, it can

All business inside the office, Lewis uses most

of his free time outside, where he can rock

climb to his heart's content. Answering the call

to adventure every week, a good day is spent
ascending boulders, leads and sport routes again
and again.

only go forward.

At TP-Link, we have a unique position in terms of branding:

exposure than other major players

than other brands. By reaching out to customers in

we can improve with a multifaceted

We have more conversations happening off channels

places like online reviews, we connect one-on-one to
listen to and address their needs, while giving our brand

a voice. And although we substantially have less media


in consumer electronics industr y,
approach of proactive PR, engaging

content, optimized search and positive
interactions with influencers. These


will amplify fans and win over detractors, leaving a good
impression on new consumers.

What kind of impression are we leaving now? The current

sentiment towards TP-Link is neutral-to-positive, with
products considered as a good all-around choice that
provide good value for money. The majority of interactions

found in monitored blogs and communities fall under the
Home category, with a small portion dedicated to SMB.

Taking a look at the competition, NETGEAR and Linksys
products are highly regarded for delivering excellent

performance in products that are worth the expensive

While our competitors' strong marketing has built a
respected quality in their products, their absence in

branding leaves the question: what does the brand mean
beyond their products? This affords us an incredible

opportunity to create and share our own story. Ultimately,
we want our end users going to channel partners and

asking for our products. With the marketing team's biggest

goal moving forward of earning TP-Link greater brand
awareness, we have a chance to shape a clear identity.
Building a strong brand is a promise we make to ourselves
as well as to our customers. It shapes TP-Link's personality
and affects every aspect of our work.


Our push to create a strong TP-Link
brand has begun in earnest with our

recent global rebranding. This new brand
launch will serve as a foundation from

which the marketing team will move

ahead. As it's a catalyst for the North
American team to work proactively to

reintroduce TP-Link and form longterm relationships with consumers, I am

likewise excited for every region to use
this launch accordingly. I am confident

our entire marketing team will play a
huge role in helping TP-Link reach its
goals, and I look forward to all of us
working to achieve them together.


Sail for Dreams, Sail in Japan
Simon Li, TP-Link Japan

mis amigos Colombianos, I hurried to
Japan following the Chinese New Year.
Stage One: Acquainting with the
Japanese Market

At the very beginning, the Japanese

market was a complete mystery to

me. Naturally, my colleague Brian and
I researched everything we could get

from Google, our Japanese competitors
Simon is a person always on the move. Dribbling down the lane or
attacking with a full-court press, he excels on the basketball court. A

known world traveler, he can share tales of destinations all over the
globe, most recently Tibet.

It was 2005 when TP-Link broke into the international
market. 10 years later, on January 4, I was just landing at

Colombia's the El Dorado International Airport when my life
took a new turn. On this special day, I stood waiting for my

luggage in the carousel as usual, when my phone chimed
with a new email. I would have to get on a plane again,
because I was transferring to Japan.

I remember that moment clearly, several feelings came to
my mind. I was deeply touched by our company’s trust on

me and was yearning for company’s decision of opening
up a new market. Nevertheless, I was reluctant to part with

and IT publications. Before I set off on
March 8th, a basic picture about our

competitors and channel agents was
formed, along with meetings arranged

with Amazon JP and a few agents of our

local competitors. After we had planned

our schedule and made a task list, Brian

and I set off, excited for this new mission
to begin.

Landing in Tokyo Haneda Airport, a
prerecorded voice and sign told us

“Welcome to Japan.” After ten years’
preparation, TP-Link is here, and I have

no idea what chapters we will write on
this land.

my Colombian team. But with many responsibilities and

The schedule for the two-week business

sentimental. After a transition and bittersweet goodbye to

investigation of Tokyo's computer

missions now on my shoulders, there was no time to be


trip was airtight: interactions with clients,


district Akihabara, research of in-store products and their

We left Japan on March 22. Seeing

our Japanese office registration. Each day was busier than

gained a wealth of information already .

prices, market exploration in Osaka, and legal meetings for
the last, but also full of meaning and promise.

Those two weeks were full of moments we often reminisce.
Upon landing, we were surprised to see there was only

every item on the task list checked, we

Even so, exploring the Japanese market

was only the first stage. In the coming
days, we had much more to do.

one taxi at the whole airport. When Brian and I traveled

Stage Two: Registration, Certification,

where we donned traditional Japanese nightgowns. By


to Osaka with an interpreter, we shared one tatami room,
chance, we troubleshot the routers inside the Economic

& Commercial Counsellor’s Office at the Chinese
Embassy. Particularly unforgettable was the slam of a

retail agent's door in our faces after knocking. We later
learned that it was customary to first arrange a meeting via

email, as directly coming at the door was quite brusque.
These moments are all reflections of the TP-Link spirit:
undaunted, unswerving and active.

It took time and sweat, but TP-Link Japan earned our Akihabara home.


Localization . . . and a Bit of

After returning from Japan, we entered
into a long period of preparation, as
product certification and localization

required effort and time. During the
process, we encountered two problems.

First , R&D and cer tification teams
consisted of green hands in a brand-

new Japanese market, drawing out


start of online sales moved me with

Stage Three: A Caramel Macchiato

Returning in September 2015, we hired

one office assistant and one online
salesman - both Japanese locals. Our

small staff grew, and we needed a
workspace, as we were without an office.

For three months, TP-Link Japan was
Our team grew into quite the family.

the certification process. Also, limited resources and the

fact that TP-Link had yet to sell on the Japanese market,
HQ did not prioritize this region. Added to this was the

complicated office registration, fraught with rules and
regulations on securing a visa and opening a bank account
as a foreigner.

This was a time of anxiety and worry. I often communicated

with certification staff to push progress, and gave product
feedback to senior managers for more localized models.

To our joy, the HQ came through with strategic support: the
Taiwan research institute assembled a team for Japanese
and Korean localization. On our part, we spared no effort

to gather information, gain support from local banks and

exert pressure on the law office. Finally, our Japanese
office earned registration by the end of October 2015.

Although we laid the necessary foundation to start
business in Japan, we had yet to sign any actual deals,

bringing great pressure. I often teased myself for having
idle hands for a businessman. Looking back, this made

for quite a calm time to enjoy, but the subsequent


housed in two Starbucks locations in

Akihabara. We arrived to "the office" on
time, grabbed a coffee, and started our

busy day: dealing with emails, pushing

the progress of localizing products,
contacting clients, meeting furnishing

In that period of time, I shuttled between

my shabby 10-square meter apartment
and the Starbucks with poor working
c o n d i t i o n , a n d fo r g o o d m e a s u re

squatting in a Lawson convenience
store for free Wi-Fi. Preparation steadily
became progress: our Amazon JP
vendor account, construction of

Rakuten and Yahoo self-supported

online stores, the completed furnishing
of our actual office, products stocked
in a third -party warehouse and the
incoming shipment of two localized

models. More than a business, this felt

like our baby that was arriving after


ten months of waiting: a little overdue, but nonetheless

Stage Four: Growing Into Our Akihabara Home
At the end of January 2016, we moved into the Akihabara

office; while not large, it was clean, bright and ours. The first
day we settled down, I stood at the window, overlooking

the bustling stream of people on the Akihabara Street, a

surge of excitement flowing from head to toe. A reminder
that TP-Linkers should never stop striving.

In early February, the first order for Amazon was ready,

marking the first step of TP-Link's journey into the
Japanese market. The following month, I perpetually
kept an eye on the sales and rankings of our products on

Amazon, even after work hours. Although the daily sales
were in the single digits, this became the barometer for

my mood. To assure each other, I told our new salesman
Revon: "When the daily sales reaches the hundreds and

thousands, we'll miss these days!”
We moved on in one direction: forward.
We focused on Amazon and major

products, optimizing product titles,
descriptions and pictures, designing A+
pages, handling customer reviews and

making cost-per-click ads. It turned out
that we made all the right moves. After

just one month of online presence, the
sales of Archer C7 totaled 1000. This

promotion also laid a foundation for
future sales and boosted confidence.

In the first three months when our

products were on Amazon, we had
a limited number of models, which
on one hand was a disadvantage for

competition, but on the other hand
propelled us into focused promotion.


When we saw an improvement in Amazon sales, we
directed our efforts to Rakuten and Yahoo, both requiring
more energy and time. But what else could we do? We had
to struggle our way out of difficulties. We learned from

the experience of the Korean team to optimize our pages

and products, posted our ads on different pages, and got
maximum free traffic from the platforms.

These first three months didn't just develop sales, but
our team, which now consisted of two Chinese and six

Japanese members. Although most of us were young
and inexperienced, what defined a new team exploring a

new market was not competence, but the willingness to

strive collectively for the company and co-develop with it.
That echoed into a shared sentiment "All people with one
purpose win."

Stage Five: Dawn Breaks Online, Deals Brew Offline
Online sales in June amounted to USD$200,000, with
a prediction that the sales in July would top $500,000,

showing potential in further growth. Would we stop striving?
Of course not.

Having won the initial battle in the field of online sales,
we started to develop offline markets, including agents

and retail stores that accounted for 70% of the whole

market. In a Japanese business world that only respects
the strong, the good momentum of our online sales

injected more confidence and assurance in dealing with
agents. The three largest agents - DIS, Softbank C&S and

SYNNEX - have expressed intention to cooperate. From the
disappointment of no agent replying introduction letters
months ago, to the sweet worry of which agent's offer

to accept today, this progress is a clear reflection of the
painstaking effort of every member of our team, HQ and


the Taiwan research institute.
However, we should stay calmer than

ever before: agents are a pivotal step
into the retail market, and we should

make every effort to see our products

on a store shelf. In the vast Japanese
market, what we have gained is only a
step in the long march. To offer more

products tailored to the need of local

consumers, rivaling competitors is the
key to our survival and development.

Looking back , ever y stage of the
Japanese office in the past 18 months

was forged with our efforts. The whole
p ro c e s s - m e e t i n g , re s e a rc h i n g ,

worrying, pushing, progressing - reminds
me of the similar experience during
my time in Colombia: contacting every

potential agent and visiting every store
in the computer city. Perhaps this is the
route every TP-Linker in every country
has taken.

This article is to commemorate the days
in the start of every TP-Link office, as
well as every TP-Linker who has shed
sweat and tears on foreign soil, never

stopping to strive for the rise of our
global brand.

S h a re o u r ex p e r i e n c e, s h a re o u r


My E-Commerce Story!
Lekha Jambaulikar, TP-Link India

The story began when I was recruited by Mr. Bill Ye, the
Country Manager for India, as a product assistant; I was

inclined towards marketing, but TP-Link India’s offer
was extremely interesting. A girl with an advertising and
marketing background with very little knowledge of
networking suddenly had to understand the anatomy of

a working router; sounds challenging, doesn’t it? I was a
blank book with nothing written in it and lots of blank pages

waiting to be written on. Just out of college, what could I
possibly understand in the training sessions?

Fifteen days of rigorous training on the working of
the products! OK, so now I could name a few of them,

understand why they are named that way and a little more
information. What I was unaware of was my fate at TP-Link.
In the next two days, I was shifted to the Marketing team.
TP-Link India’s General Manager – Marketing’s Mr. Kunal

Raul – recognized my potential; I couldn’t have been more

thankful. I was transferred to the E-commerce marketing
team, something I had never heard of but was nevertheless

excited about. I knew it would be challenging, more
challenging than brushing teeth while eating Oreos, but I was

ready. What I wanted was finally coming to me! E-commerce
Marketing assistant – fantabulous!

My main challenge as an E-commerce marketing assistant

was to improve the product display pages where we sell
our goods, and edit product names according to the brand
guidelines. Edit names? Had I not been in the product team,

I wouldn’t understand the process of correctly naming a


A part-time boxer with an MBA in Marketing,
Lekha is obnoxiously obsessed with dogs, nature

and stars. A total coffee addict and a die-hard
Game of Thrones fan.

product. "Everything happens for a
reason," I concluded! Initially I struggled

my way through the tasks; fumbled on

product names and jumbled the details.
But as they say, “Good things come to

those who wait, but only the things left
by those who hustle”. I hustled – I asked

questions, and then more questions,

until I understood everything to the
core. But what is learning without a good

teacher? I was handled with patience,

taught with care and appreciated with

dignity. The Boss, the team – I was
helped by all. My Boss and I worked
hard to bring elegance and class to the


product display pages. I stuck like a leech on the follow-

ups, on the exclusive launches, and on uploaded videos to
stay up-to-date with the latest innovations in E-commerce
marketing. An amateur boxer in my off-time, I imagined

myself round after round in the middle of a match, with each
new sales skill adding to my arsenal to become a better
fighter. And the results are as here:
A. Product Display Pages:
1. We looked into the “Big" content that educates and
motivates customers to buy TP-Link products online.

Hence, we updated the product display pages with rich
content imported from the TP-Link.com website.

2. Videos have proven attractive and moving information is

sure to grab eyeballs and lead into conversions. Hence, we
uploaded videos on product display pages.

3. Informative product images were added to the product

display pages, allowing less tech-savvy customers to gain a
greater understanding of our products.

storm, and when a storm strikes it’s best

to roll with it. TP-Link India has taken

4. The idea of shopping from your mobile is a rising trend.

the initiative by enhancing the look and

their look and make them more informative.

for the customers. But the hard work

The mobile product display pages were updated to improve
B. Exclusive Launches
For the exclusive launch of TL-WA855RE on Amazon.in, we
placed product banners all over the website with attractive

taglines. The conversions were impressive with the product
selling out within a week.

There is so much more to explore, so many innovations to
adapt. The idea of online shopping is taking the internet by


feel of the online shopping experience

doesn’t stop here. We will continue
to create innovative product launch

campaigns, further polishing the product
display pages. We aim to be better than

our competitors, striving each day to
reach even greater heights!


E-Commerce and Amazon:
A Business Philosophy
Bond Wang, John Chang and Tom Lei, TP-Link USA

market, now ranking above Linksys, a

renowned networking giant and fierce

We caught up with Ken after a long

conference call with Amazon. Although
a little weary, Ken still made time for this

Ken star ts by addressing several
points concerning the future growth of
The Amazon E-Commerce Team is led by Ken Tung, who
joined us with a wealth of experience. After graduating

from UC Santa Barbara, Ken has gone on to accumulate

over 10 years of sales experience with electronics, PC and
networking products. His CV includes spells with large

distributors such as Synnex Corporation, a leading DRAM
(Dynamic Random Access Memory) manufacturer, Kingston

and the renowned marketplace resellers, Newegg and PC
Club. Having joined TP-Link in September 2014, Ken is now
Team Leader for the US Ecommerce team and the National
Sales Manager for TP-Link’s USA branch.

In 2015, the sales revenue generated from TP-Link
products on the Amazon website exceeded USD$72.6

million. In the first six months of 2016, total sales revenue

rose even higher to $40 million – a more than 40% increase

on the previous year. The rapid expansion of our Amazon
business has promoted our branding and at the same time

propelled TP-Link to second place in the US networking

Amazon. “Online shopping will be the

future. Online shopping that’s not just
limited to tablets or desktops, but smart

phones as well, and Amazon’s platform

will be the center of it all. Amazon will
obtain this advantage because of its

Prime membership and massive buying
power.” The numbers back up Ken’s
point: in the year 2015, Amazon covered
24% of all online sales growth in the US.

TP-Link has already enjoyed a fruitful

long-term partnership with Amazon, and

if Amazon grows, so will TP-Link. TP-Link
can capitalize on Amazon’s enormous

traffic flow for branding opportunities,
so more people will become familiar with
the TP-Link name and new products.

Additionally, sales revenue and growth
are also guaranteed.


Ken also knows that challenges lead to opportunities. With
the progression from 802.11n to 802.11ac, traditional

methods like using a low selling price to attract volume

sales are not enough to stimulate the next step in TPLink’s growth. The sales need to come from external

traffic, whether it’s achieved from marketing programs, or
by thinking of and employing strategies that are one step

ahead of our competitors. Most importantly, in order to do
this, the team in charge has to consistently work at high

efficiency. In the coming year, the continued growth of
Amazon sales will be built on this foundation.
External Traffic:
Sources like social media, YouTube and other deal sites
are now beginning to play a more vital role in bringing
more customers to Amazon. These methods have already
been deployed successfully by competitors like Linksys

or NETGEAR, Ken tells us. Just last week, Ken had a
productive meeting with Slickdeals – one of the most
influential deal-sharing sites in the US – hopefully building
the foundation of a great long-term relationship.

The Amazon team has started to work with the marketing
team to explore further social media, Google SEO and

media opportunities, and this is what Ken believes TP-Link
should expand upon. For example, in May 10th an article
was published by Yahoo Tech, titled "A Single Device Can
Speed Up Your Home Internet and Lower Your Cable Bill by

$100+." In this article, the author recommended Archer
CR700, and provided the link to Amazon’s Archer CR700
sales page, thus boosting the day's sale of that particular

modem router to over 150 units, seven times more than the
normal. Such is the power of external traffic.


Understanding and Surpassing

There is a saying in Chinese: "If you
know the enemy and know yourself, you

need not fear the result of a hundred

battles." This year, our most fierce
competitors – NETGEAR and Linksys
– deployed various strategies aimed

at TP-Link. On one hand, responding
to this quickly is important, such as
with NETGEAR’s Bundle strategy at

the beginning of the year, which we
matched right away. On the other, we

can’t always be on the receiving end;
we have to understand our competitors

and anticipate their next steps. That
way, we can be the aggressor instead
of being on the defensive the whole

time. New items such as Onhub and
Talon AD7200, Amazon Easy Choice for

Archer C3150 and switch promotions

are several moves that we made ahead
of our competitors, and these kind
of strategies should continue to be
deployed to keep our competitors offbalance.


Building a Highly Efficient Team:
“Our US Ecommerce team is a team that listens,” Ken
continues. “The team listens to everyone’s opinions, and

each team member has his or her own ideas about how
to improve sales, how to determine the pricing on product

promotions and how to allocate inventories. The Ecom
members make decisions as a team and get everyone

Ken thinks there is an art to distributing workload and

tasks. “Giving a person what he or she likes to do normally
generates results. Communicating regularly with each team

member is crucial, checking they are enthusiastic about
what they are doing, and understanding each member’s

thoughts about the future of this company. At the core of

this concept is allowing team members to make mistakes,

and encouraging each member to grow by learning from

those mistakes. If someone does an excellent job, we
should share it with everyone on the team. That way, we

promote self-esteem and give that person a sense of


Another secret is that Ken wants each

of his team members, from the bottom
of their heart, to absolutely love their

job, and love the work they do at TPLink. “Why work like a robot and just wait

for the day to end? Your office should
be like your home; each team member

should come to work happy and ready
to set, meet and exceed goals together.”

At the end of the interview, Ken shares
the three mottos he lives by:

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – it’s
through our mistakes that we can learn.

• Winning in business is like winning in a

war – you may not win every battle but

you have to have the determination to
keep going and earn victory.

• Keep thinking. Through your creativity,

you can understand, anticipate and
surpass your competitors.


Team, Passion, Laughter, Inspiration
and Knowledge
Greg Hendriks, TP-Link Australia

• Muscles (Warehouse)
• Brains (Tech)
• Money (Finance)
• Sparks (Marketing)
• Numbers (Admin)
• Rainmakers (Sales)
• Mothership (HQ team)
Greg is an avid music listener, book writer, joke teller, and coffee
enthusiast. The Jack of all trades admits, however, that dancing is not
his strong suit.

The primary goal for our Australian team, like any TP-Link
office, is to grow our national retail and ISP business. We

are very fortunate to achieved this goal, which we will take
to foster even more success. Of course, none of this would

have been possible without the strength of our team, in
which every member is actively involved and invested.

Just two years ago, TP-Link was supplied in zero national

• Captain (Management)
Together we discuss and plan, turn that
plan into action, get crazy and put it all

together. It's never easy, but if it was

everyone would be doing it. By facing
these challenges together, we've earned
a focus strategy and end goal in which
we all achieve and grow.

This is the exactly why I chose to join

retailers and ISPs. Today, our product range is offered in 10

During my 25-year adventure in sales

over 3000 retail outlets. In addition, we are a strong supplier

there has always been one universal

national retailers, providing shelf exposure for TP-Link in
to over 30 ISPs. Behind all the branding , marketing,
catalogue, advertising, online exposure and face-to-face
interactions that made TP-Link Australia what is today is the
hard work of our multifaceted team:


and marketing - with many years yet -

truth: learning comes more from failure,
rather than success. Every time we fail

to get a new account, make a sale, or

win a bid, it teaches me a new way to


The TP-Link Australia team uses large events, such as the Leader Computers Expo, to showcase our strength in working

think and try differently. This is the difference between a
good team and a great team.

In TP-Link I see the opportunity to develop our team and

our brand, while mentoring future leaders. The opportunity
to make a difference by sharing our unique experiences

to help the company in all areas, from planning to team
building. From this we can build greatness. Great people.
Great Products. Great culture.

To be part of this and be involved in the

development of the brand, product and
people is my biggest driving force. For

this reason, I love staying in touch with
TP-Link teams all over the world so we

can exchange plans, ideas and anything
we've learned. In this way, we support

and play a role in each other's success.
So let's ask each other questions and
share our ideas. I'm always happy to hear

from passionate individuals, so please
reach out. Let's talk!



Team Building Photo Gallery

Anthony Merrington, TP-Link Headquarters

“For me, a team is like a mechanical watch. The hours,

the TP-Link Iberia team to see if they

it is the whole watch — including everything beneath its

on. The teams were given 60 minutes

minutes and seconds are shown by only three items, but

face — that enables these arms to work every second of

every day, for decades. Even the smallest and seemingly
insignificant gear plays a role to keep the watch on time,
as its wearer depends on it. ” – Dragos Jurca, Sales
Manager, TP-Link Romania

Teamwork: a big word that is used more and more these
days to try and get people to talk, but often loses its real

meaning. How can we make our time with our colleagues
happier and allow people to work effectively and efficiently?

have what it takes when the pressure is
to solve their way from the confines of a
locked chamber, using only the power of

teamwork and intellect to discover clues

and crack codes. Finding the way out

of a booby-trapped ancient Egyptian
tomb, deactivating missiles stolen
by terrorists, and preventing a global

biological disaster were a few of the
critical situations they faced together.

The answer is connecting with people. At TP-Link, our

TP-Link Vietnam have their own unique

between group members by taking part in a range of

both inside and outside the office. Time

offices have been striving to create stronger bonds

All-out wars have been waged in the name of team building,

with TP-Linkers on the front-line of paintballing battles in

Germany. This provided a great opportunity for colleagues
to get to know each other outside the office, whilst having

tons of fun in the process. During this event, groups’ ability

to share information and cooperate with each other was
tested to the maximum. Strategy meetings were held before

the battles began to discuss the best positions to take up.

Once in action, teammates had to creep silently through
the field, communicating with gesticulations to plan their
attack on the unsuspecting enemy ahead. At the end of the

day, everyone was covered in bright smiles and splattered

There are other ways for teams to challenge themselves

too. Escape Room Madrid provided the perfect setting for

approach to cultivating a second family,

is allocated during the year for activities

away from their regular workplace,
making opportunities to travel, hang

out and relax after a long period of

dedicated effort. To ensure that team
spirit does not get left behind during the
rest of the year, several sports activities
- including football, yoga and gym - are

available, allowing employees to keep
fit and relax their minds, while a small
library provides the chance for all staff
to read in their free time and discuss
themes and character motivations

as part of a book club. There is also

a chance for ever yone to practice
presentation skills.


The value of teamwork should not be underestimated. At its best, it equates to the sharing of knowledge,
sincerity, good relations with one another and most importantly, trust between all. It just goes to show that
with all its parts working together, a TP-Link watch ticks along stronger than a Swiss one!

Life on the front line: TP-Link Germany on their paintballing adventure day

Sneak, attack, smile: all is fair in love and war.

Barrels drawn in the heat of battle


We made it! Every team managed to escape in time.

Fun and games at the beach with TP-Link Vietnam

You can count on TP-Link Vietnam to remember and celebrate your birthday. Make a wish, blow out the candles and enjoy
delicious food, presents and best wishes from colleagues.
Adapted from articles by Fiona Hillmann (Germany), Tuan Nguyen (Vietnam) and Montse Gonzalez (Spain).



Kiev Blues

Ralph Zhou, TP-Link Ukraine

Since Bogdan only knew a few broken

English phrases, we traded simple
Google -translated sentences. We
started with the usual introductory

questions about ourselves, so the
question about Ukraine was a little

unexpected. What do I love most about
a country that is still new to me?

A moment later, I typed and showed him
the translation, "люди тут."
My new friend Bogdan, playing his bandura, a Ukranian folk instrument.

"What you love most about Ukraine?”
Although Bogdan struggled to ask me this question

through the limitations of Google translation, I understood

this as "What do you love most about Ukraine?" Several
possibilities popped into my mind. Is it the fresh air? The
beautiful scenery? The exotic atmosphere?

Bogdan is a street musician I met earlier today, sitting
beside the Grand Saint Sophie Cathedral. Playing for the

flowing crowds, his fingers danced across the strings of

his traditional bandura, while his voice crooned a charming

melody that added a deep bass to his instrument's higher
notes. Although I didn't understand the lyrics, his music
drew me in, and I soon felt lost in song. That was when he
noticed, put down the bandura, and started a conversation
with me.


He seemed to have understood, and

he smiled. It must have been a fair
translation of my answer: "The people

I've been here in Kiev for over a month.
I arrived completely unfamiliar with
this city, but it did not take me long to

adapt to the life here. I like being lost

and wandering without any destination

in mind. There is no need to visit the
famous sights. I of ten walk alone

around like a visitor in a huge museum,
observing everyday streets and people

with a fresh eye, my thoughts traveling

through time and space. What stories
does this city tell me?

When I brush past a fence with some
errant damage, my imagination shows


Sunshine at dusk kisses the skyline with the last light of the day.

me a drunk man who stumbled into it after one too many

To me, these people and their scenes

passionate note. The kissing couple nearby with the

them and imagine their lives through

glasses of wine. A scrawl on the door; maybe someone's

whole world at their feet; perhaps an answer to the door's

message. An old woman selling flowers under the shade
of a tree; she might have grown those flowers with her

On one night's meander, I followed the layered voices of
people hanging around at a street restaurant, chatting well

paint a picture in my mind. I observe

their gestures, their experiences through
their expressions. Occasionally talk to
them and make friends. Sometimes we

cannot understand each other; after
trying to communicate in vain, we can
only give each other a smile.

after their dinner plates are empty and cold. Sometimes

Though the streets of Kiev are my

lone woman nearby did not seem to be bothered, slowly

local museums. On one visit, at the

they burst into laughter, echoing throughout the street. The

pulling smoke from her cigarette. It's no surprise to find

women smoking in Europe, and to me they look beautiful
in the habit. Smoke slipped out of her lips like in whispers,
vanishing in the air like Cheshire Cat in this evening

wonderland. Reposed in fresh makeup and tendrils of

burning tobacco, she could inspire an artist to capture the
scene in brush strokes. I would if I could.

personal gallery, I still enjoy trips to the
museum entrance stood Lera. She

was in her early twenties, and just like

typical young women, she wore big
sunglasses and ripped jeans. Confused

by the Ukrainian instructions at the door,
I asked her for help. She explained that it


Alive in the moment, I overcame my
hesitations — being a total stranger and
terrible dance among the list — and I

joined them. My motions were awkward,
but as more people joined us, we started
to dance freely.

In the dancing crowd, a couple stood
out from the rest. With wild, exaggerated

flails, the two created plenty of laughter.
Around them was their four-year-old
son; the little boy sometimes stood
The lead-singer of Go, a local band. Young, full of energy and ready to

is a private museum, and would only be open for a month.
Since I had no specific plans for the day, I walked Lera to

her office, getting to know each other on the way. We talked
about the scenery in Kiev as well as her life and work here.

Lera hosts at a youth hostel, selling postcards and unique
handicrafts. Reaching the hostel, I continued exploring the

city after we bid farewell. Friends can come from anywhere,
it seems.

And so can inspiration.
During a show at the national park, I saw a group of young
people dressed as fairies, teaching children to dance to

their music. A picture of pure and innocent youth, and they

spoke to their pupils in a child-like tone. They gathered and

scattered again and again, but never seemed bored with
it, their parents watching on with bright smiles. I assumed

that the teenagers in costume were giving lessons, but

I was surprised to find that they came here for their own

between his parents and mimicked
them, making the family look like a

rhytmic sandwich. When I looked at

them, they smiled at me with kind
eyes. Then they approached, speaking

while still dancing. It was hard for us to

communicate because of the language
barrier, so most of the time we spoke in
universal laughter.

With the noise from the music and
crowd, we had to get very close to hear

each other. The mother was a bit short,
so she always stood on her tiptoes

and put her hands around her mouth
to make herself heard. The father, who

was just about my height, put his hand
on my shoulder and proudly introduced

his family. Their son was a bit shy; hiding

behind his father, he curiously observed
me. From there we danced, talked and
laughed together just like ver y old

friends, even though we barely knew
each other.



I instinctively raised her up so that

she could finally reach her, and at that
very moment, I noticed that the singer
seemed on the verge of crying.

I walk in this city and obser ve

people's daily lives. I would imagine
their happiness, pain, confusion and
setbacks. What I saw was not always

beautiful, and sometimes I've found
angry young men fighting, or a homeless

person desperately looking for food in

the garbage. Indeed, life is not always
happy, but it's honest.

I told Bogdan, “I like the people here.
Rich or poor, they seem genuine and

The toils of life had not turned people

into philistines. The Ukrainians lead a
Large murals are as beautiful as they are plentiful in Kiev.

On the stage, there was this very thin girl. Her voice was

penetrating and powerful, just like that of Sa Ding Ding, a
famous Chinese singer. After several metal rock songs,
she suddenly quietened down and sat beside the stage,
beginning a softer song.

“Іди на звук,Іди на звук…(Listen, listen…)”
People gathered around her and hummed along. This song
was different from the previous ones; it was gentle and

peaceful, lulling her audience. Though I did not understand

the lyrics, I was nevertheless moved. One little girl wanted
to hold the singer by her hand, but she was not tall enough.


delicate lifestyle with limited resources.

The flowers reaching out from the
window, the colorful paintings on the

wall, the smoking woman by the streets,

and the hairpin of the florist all indicate
the pursuit of beauty.
Kiev, how lovely.


Wandering Singer
Ralph Zhou, TP-Link Ukraine

A guitar plucks
with the beat of drums
A sax sings
With a hoarse throat
A drummer waves
With a naughty face
A singer is lost in smiles, while
The sax wails to its owners tears
Lyrics, never heard
Flirt with the wind
Suddenly it occurs to me
I am the one
Who always wanders.



Old Streets

Ralph Zhou, TP-Link Ukraine

The castle, once burned to the ground
Has been raised by hardened will
Brick by ashen brick
Wiped clean to live anew
Windows shine, illuminated by
A cigarette, it glows like
A star in the dark corner
Of smoke, sighed from a woman’s lips
Swallowing the fire
That swallowed all, centuries ago.


Ann Zhou (ann.zhou@tp-link.com)

Deputy Editor-In-Chief:
Christopher Tuazon (chris.tuazon@tp-link.com)

Executive Editors:
Jianxiong He (hejianxiong@tp-link.com.cn)
Yuhan Chen (chenyuhan@tp-link.com.cn)
Anthony Merrington (anthony.merringtion@tp-link.com.cn)
Amber Zeng (amber.zeng@tp-link.com)
Kiko Wang (kiko.wang@tp-link.com)
Huiling You (youhuiling@tp-link.com.cn)
Qingwen Wang (wangqingwen@tp-link.com.cn)
Isaac Xin (isaac.xin@tp-link.com)

Monica Huang (monica.huang@tp-link.com)

Dear TP-Linker,
We would like to express our deepest gratitude for the contributions we received for Pulse, Issue

No. 2. More than anything, the goal of this publication is to connect every hardworking individual

from our offices around the world, gather each unique voice and bring them together in a single

place. Through your articles, we celebrate each other's accomplishments and share each other's
challenges through our common experiences. We truly feel that we succeeded in this goal, and
we owe this all to you.

If you would like to share your own writing, photography or even suggestions for our next issue,
please email us. We look forward to hearing from you and creating more issues of this magazine


The Pulse Editing Team


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