Trans Electric IP2100LINXCAM HD IP Camera User Manual
Trans Electric Co., Ltd. HD IP Camera Users Manual
01. IP-2100_Users manual
Quick lnstallatlon lntrodttetton m -.,. MM... Wm, Newark 7 ‘ ryeyyyeu reyyyuyeyeeyyy .peyoeup teeen yreeeeeteetytye ,nsmymnv ., eyerueeu ten, yy rye yeeege enyreye wyy yenyy nyyyyy yyyet pmmetm. em em". my," yneeeueymttne preeeeyeneetyeyeyeyeyeupuyeyeseu reeaotyyeesteyee rye 3333:} WWW 7 oeeye neyuer retenoseyeypneye oneyyeryueyyeeyeelreyeyr LA I .rA A wllh Androld a stem eyeyeue y Mommy.\2 IP- 210° ° F yryyuey teeter rtyeyeeettty o 6 Package Content \can HD IP Camera eonneet Connect operate your etnamet saple power adaptor Smart phone/Tablet P99 I)- 3 Mlnutes DIV lnstallatlon ' seeeye mm Metnunyt NFIAntenna mfg, Meuntynamte amleeu v ”WWW. snuy erp s Complelefl‘ ciao use uulex eulda Users Manual Etnemel caole admin ‘% Mountlrtg sese lFr210t) Marn untt LEDmdlcamr lEE‘lmeylolvgltls eyyeyyyyyy "J. 5mm . ceentep as Nov-McvwwN meme N/lwgllgmed eeeynynyeyneteunnetm “my”, ) Mm my“, NamelyneyNuexyeeyeyyyrneyyyyym Mempm speeyeyxueaeut >lnhlnv epnuueny nusreneyneeey am Please make sure ll the lP 2top ls rn xtanlng up status or nay eenneelren to lntemet n you want In use smert pnpnerraolel toy DCJack cmnect wllll lPerao through so please ensure tne rnternet rs; , T emneetea well and seen LED re always llghtad y are rurnere aeteynnr AP nude eettyngy please yerertu “WtFl tnyteltel Ilm eeuun Settmg Method a seen up Code t Download and start HDMommyCan" APP 2 Tap" g u and then tap l =~ 3 Tan "2 " to scan the QR Code on the lpezt ou's bottom lapel w ed Network lnstallatlon Nardwive Installation 9 4 .11 .n, r cable Pluo lP-ZlOD power adaptorrn an lndoor outlet lnstallatlon wlll he completed tn 30 seconds meanwhlle the Green LED llgms up Setllllg Method A Smart phenenaplet and lpyztoo use the same LAN l Download and start 0 ”NW stepl stepz A IF»2100‘s UID Wlll be shown ln the UID columny enter the password. admtn a syllyou dnn‘t neye e on code seen are please cownlued zsmd mstall the up cede Scan AW trpnr lne lOSIAPP tone 3 w setyyy t Tap '_ “ to enter the Settlnp menu tap 2 steps -- Please do not "warm the was LENS to more damages use no usn trunyrm pram J1 Wi i Installation Havd are lnstallat n EM Step1 = Stepz , lnstall the \MFl antenna to lP-ZIOD Plug lPeztoo power adaptor ln an indoor outlet Press on the RESET button (AP Mode) on the bottom ol lP-ZIOO lor 3 seconds in next 1 mrnute, you wlll hear 3 oeeps and a long beep, then the Red LED starts to rlash that means the installation is completed. Steps "HDMommyCarl" APP 2 select‘tne WtFl SSlD you preler la wnnszfl y y wllh no enter tne sswent tnen IP-2I00 «my... y 2 Tap I a ”I I "‘ I a» sat: up 3 Select and tap lPeron'sulDand password aomln W“'e”°°‘a“‘°’"a“ca" ”wse’emme‘” ‘ “W“ "M etnemeteeole whantha m LEDtum! to ’l Download and start "HD- Wt L eltnenyuroserenuna meenstnere creen txtl M c "APP l eeetyeyteceneeeyyeettetne n- ‘ p _ ‘ ommy an MN pleaseselecttheUlehownnn m 3 Tap 1 W a “WWW“ 2 Enter Smart phone/Tablet VlnFt Semngy tap to your IP-Zlqu tmltnm libel anyway (it: Please ppnneet etnemet table In enter emrk' settmg try oonnect' XrlpcarIerU xx xx xx xx xx“ please ensure 3 r_ you want to select another routetat ponnectron the W" '5 We" “Meme“ 5 3.Tap to start "HDMommyCan" and AFF onerat ’3',” 9 select the ssln you preter to connect 3 wrthy alter enteran the 3le pass . mum“ ED—o ' ' ‘ wordy the system wttl rebooty the UH) settlrtg wtll he completed automate cally lnl minute e enese wry Installatlun" :Inlnn rt you wanl to eengetne cemented router y. Please lolew Delow steps to mstall ll=e2loo on concrete or bllck wall 1 use a hammerto fix the screw 0 bolts unto the notes you want to fix -1- M l W D ‘ out or l ed escrlp lons = the screws ln. 2 mm screwsm‘ome screw holes 0 System lnto Model namelFlrmware verslon on the mummy base, fix well my APP Operattoh Descrtptlon » 8 Plevlous Page Return to prewous page a screw drive, 0 APP mm” Refresh. Tap to re-connect to lntemet a For the mountlng base wtth lPeztno 0 Walt" monymyvmeu o Slams FDnnele" lfl'om'alm" my" my“ 0 Camera 39mm 9 Resolutton. Resolutton Selttng 4 Adtust the angle ot the mounting 0 Add New 02mm 0 Snapshot Save snapshots In Smart phone/Tablet o lo rnol t tn t ll t' n o Revlew Review snapshots :Va'r‘wl a H m I ‘ n b m h u“ ‘ ~ ‘1 0 Z Auto honzcntal patrol rscordlnoy tap agaln to cancel yatt 2r: not sole to uslno tne eleetrpnretpals please request atney; 1 0 ‘A Auto yerttcal patrol recordrngy lap again to cancel who are capable at use tne tens to operate the lnslallatlnn A proper l yeyyyyy y y w Mute, Mute Mound Monlorwalmam eyota damage orrnture at people , , , .‘5 7 B r . cam sutna Record the vrdeo and save tn the SD Memory Card please tnsert the SD Memory Cam to enable tne reoordrng luncllon mineral"? neeuturten VGA 640 X 360 ND 1230 X 720 “A ‘ Class to nrdrr speed SD Mammy Car t re reoornntended to use van noodrdrno up eeeoedrng please tormet your memory Card oerrodreetty to ensure tne Memory card nas steady wrrtrnq and readrno tt tne Memory card can not oe temrattad rt may be Dmkan please strange a new one to repteee rt Due to tne yarrety ot soecrtreatren among drnerent hrands‘ so Memo/y Cards tnere mront oe mmpatrortrty tssues when you use one wlth lPeztuu oteare rererte oetotu tret tor eemoouote so memory cards my ADATA aoacen KlNesToN sANDlsK Emmy re re as red Spam 326 166 32G ueno Em," 5? ram IRANSEND “my toe tee tee 5P“ 326 325 326 t2 oResotuttan Settrrtg Format n 254 woe Fyame ovsA srzyoos- euros 25tvs zoos 32mm zsskbps- rstos rntoe- 5'9: rsztoos yea rrnons terns rztoe tfl'PS 5mm dtos etoe- are; eras Has no 2Mbps- one area stos mum rstnoes- atas- tras thps s-Detautt rs walked tn otue ePower Frequency 5on » 6qu ® Recorded utdeos playback (Only one connected smanpnone can use thts functtuh at a ttme) <-lr aooye ts not enewn means t rne Racard"mrtl:1tnn ts not enaoted 2 tne so Memory card ts not eemoetrpte please rarer to tne oompatrortrty trst 15 Change the name password at the Camera 0% common.” , rzrttttter.tte e.,n.ettn.wrenaouururd Dlimtsi 0K c tt tne earners ts Connected to multlvte smanonones you wrtt need to use tne same password you set tn tne nrst emononone WtFt Setttng (Forwrred nelwork rnstatlatton only) t - Tap WtFt ssto and entertne U passwnrd aflarthz camera anaAPVrebamsmSSlDts cnhneaed unplug tne etnernet aaote 10 sltde the bar to setup the Vox Deter, tron sensrttytty Levelr to sound that volume ts over the level ts detected. the alarm (or a ore-recorded sound) Wllt be acltvaled éiiflit'éc‘t‘Ee WW o Dlsabtefl t dude 2 redo 3 mod 4 seed 5 seed °The emall ts the same wrth the one set We oTap to start reeordrng me alarm soundr tap agaln to ftntsh the reddrdrng There thl he only one sound alarm trle at the same Ilme. the later recorded sound alarm wrtt reptaoe the prev-nus one A. Thts tunetron can oe used tn LAN and a so Memory card ts also necessary s-neoorded sound oternr nae a to sacunds trmrtatren tn tenotn 13 or wnent use lhewathy retry tnere are echwshuln‘ why‘! At rne eeroes oaeuronen you urerne rmanproneand tne rezroo tnrre same mom oreaaa do not un lh-wathy ulkyth suen illuitmh oz wnytrt. nontterynteea mmmmt snanonen. do no $yh: our to 2mm A2 rne tneneyts due to yertey or tnterner speed or srrnnpnones cw oouer a: team reyreu tne eyentr nor reoord tne yrdede wnyn a: Plan name More so Manon card tn tr. rezroo tn anaor. tne runattenr 0A tromet nry 9-55wa M press on tne hEsEl ourron tne Mode) onrne ourtom ottmtontur a secanfls tn hex! r mtnute you uttt near a oeeea and a one oeep tnen tne Red lED slim to nasnrnet meahslhe tnsultitmt tsmmnl-lea ds wnyrne events lewvflefl tn tne Event‘ dtsaeoearsdr A5 ttyrnenamory yrrtr re renoyedunen tne pwerts reset some rewrded events w.rr o. unlmtlfl tzrrnem are nannun 5n Iwnli aan o. raoerdad whirl tnestat .uant ta retard tne ta event wtrr rte raptiiefl and so on no wnat :5 sound Alarm" M a Mme so mrneny sz .a n. .o to motor. rnte rurettnnonrm arrousyou In teaotd your muhfltvntcem on sound Narm onen re atou dad-:15: aeune tnar ydtume vulnels oyertne oresetyetue trrnrtartun tne SoundAtdmt wtlt re otryed rne oreaet volume trmaatron tlxt lsu below a l 2 3 4 5 on ends 75 dB woe 55 dB 55 dB Fol ynttr eatery r Plus: do not enanoetne n7 oeuer and rreouency otmz Dwducl any tnrenttonat unamhmtled eranye on tne svectnutmn destvtt and eteetrrear chuldflellstlcatlhe preduet are not Ittwed Plane do not ua. tnts oredue nuavwatul or we tn a nun-d place eraaae do not open tn. matn untt nemoye or aamlqe ottne wonnnry lahzl wtll read tneoarrnmy lrtvlllfl do not otuetne oower adaptoruyertu-dtny remoye tne pewter reaptdrrrom tne nwerautter durlnv tony rtme rdte no net uaetnta ereeuat tn rtten [Implralur .nytrennenr rt any rmoteer arnerr tr otedueed try tne preduet oreaae imp unng and lemaw tne puoer vlug rum tne Dwel outlet 3 cte-n rne pmflucl wnh son etatn a neutret eteenser o no not one yorartrtaaor. route to arean rrta eteduat 16 Mutton Detect-oh Auto snapshot and send a hottee rhto to the smartphone V and the preset ematl comm at Please enepte molten oeteetron tunetron and drag tne detectron trame to tne pretened datamton area (Tnts setuno ts reoomnrended to oe done tn LAN eonnee trent /-Onty ernart suppnnl emart notrrreetron tunctron Ematt Sefllng Gmatt Is recommended |o use for tne semngr below selllng uses Small as an example . my smw osMTP name — “WWW open Number 557 0"“ QSMTP account Please 0"” ’5 enter your Small aooovnt OWN" ““"mw"‘”“ OSMTP password Please o‘““""“‘ enter your password 5 ”W °EmattAddress Please oenter your emarl address Securtty Type Please selecl STARTI’LS ‘1 smlc tannert eun n.enenaet eean t» tt you Dlelel to use otner ernart demarn please enter correspond lrlg sure tnronnatron m, Setttng up monttor drrecttohsr reselue tron and power treuueney 0Montlor Drrecttohs Funetton Desertptton Normal Default Fltp Up-thyn Reverse Mrrrer Rtghtn Lefl Reverse Flrp st Mtrror Up-Down at Rtght-Lett Reverse 14 n CFR15105 ntorrrratton tptne user Ints edurpnert nas oeen tested and tound to eonroty wrtrr tne tlmtls lot a ClassEulgtlameme Dumtaltltapanténllhe Fcc nutes tnesetrmrtsare destgned to proyroe reasonaote eroteetron dgdtnst namrrut rntenerenee tn a resldenllnt tnetettarron Tms auuroment generals: uses nnd enn radrute radro treuuaney innrw and rt nut tumult-d and mud tn aaatndanaa wtth tn. tnanuetrona may cause narnnut tntorrerenee to redo aemmunreatrone Huwever tnere ls noduarantee tnat rntenerenoe wtll not owurtlt a panreutar tnslaltattorl tt rnrs edurpnrent does rause narrntut thteflele/lce to radro ol tetensron rereotron wtrrert can oe detetmtned oy turntng tne euurpment on and on tne usel ts ehcmflfivefl to try to wrest tne t/ltellelertce oy one or more ottne tottoynno measules rkeurtenl or retoeote tne reaeryrng antenna —lrtcte.lse tne separrtron penneen tne eduroment end reeeryer ,Conneer tn. .uuronnnt tntn an outlet on a atreurr drtrarant tmm met In wtttcll tne reeeryer l3 conneded 4dnsutt tne dealer at an expetlenoed radrony lechnlctdh tor netn rec cautron t rnrsdeurae oomptrastntnpen tsunheFClees operutronrsauoted to tn. rottoturnd rwn aondrtrona (t) Thts d.vreo may not cause narmtut tnteneranae and t2) tnts deyree must arcept any rntenerenre renewed tnctudtnu tnterrerenre tnar may cause ondesrred operatmh 2 tnrs deyree and Its ontennatst musl not oe relocated or ooerotrnd tn eonrunetron mtrt any dtner antenna urtransrnrrter 3 cnungee or madmuttuns to tnre untt not exmessty roomyed oy tne pony mspanilbtn tor aompttanaa eoutd wld tne uearautndnry to operate th- dourpment lMPDRTANY NOYE rec nod-altar Exposure Slalemehl Tms eduronrenr eornotres mtn rec redrarron exposure ltmtls setronn tor an uncontrolled enyrrdnnent rnrs equt MM snoutd oe rnatetted and operrted wtth ntnrnum dtatenea 2nam perm tn. redratdreynur oooy 17
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : Yes Page Count : 2 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:819f9d00-8016-4091-a08e-d15f22535ce1 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 6.0 (Windows) Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2 Modify Date : 2014:07:31 16:56:57+08:00 Create Date : 2014:07:31 16:56:57+08:00 Document ID : uuid:e7f59556-dcb8-4126-b6c5-7f1aa830277e Format : application/pdf Title : ACDSee列印作業 Creator : Administrator Author : AdministratorEXIF Metadata provided by