Transtek Medical Electronics TMB1491BS Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor User Manual TMB 1491 BS FDA
Guangdong Transtek Medical Electronics Co.,Ltd Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor TMB 1491 BS FDA
FCC ID:OU9TMB1491BS Ginny-1m mum Mule: Ebfllwmzi so. m me a. M105 ,Dorwl moan-en mum mama, DummnijMTlfiu-mnnlcnnl Version:1.D TRHNSTEK User Manual Blood Pressure Monitor TMB—1491—BS Arm Type - Thank you very much for selecfing TRANSTEK Blood Pressure Monitor TMB»1491-BS . Please do read me use! manual carelully and Ihoroughlly so as to ensure me safe usage Mlhis wound. and keep me manual well «x funher relerenoe in case you have pmblems. AT LOGLIE CA LOGUE Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 2 . General Dessrrptlnrr Imrcatlnrrs tor Use Conhalnrtlcatlnns Measurement Prtnotple Satety Irrtormatrcn LCD Drsplay Sronal Mantle! Components Llsl BEFOREVOUSTART. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . ... ... . .. .. .9 . The Cholce of Power Supply . lrrstallrrru and Reptaerrru the Batteres Selllnu Date, TIME and Measurement Unrt Select the User - Pair-up the Blood Pressure Monilor wlttr Your Devlce MEASUREMENT. .........t5 ' fiettreCutT - Start the Measurement DATAMANAGEMENT. ... . .. .. . .. ... ... . .. .. . ... ... . ..18 - Recall the Remus - Delete the Records INFORMATION FOR USER , 20 11min! moasummont - Marmerlarrees ABOUT BLOOD PRESSURE. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. 22 - What are systolre pressure and dlaslcllt: pTessure’r' - What Is the slandam blood pressure classtflcahnn’v' rregular heartbeal eetemr Why does my blood pressure ttuottrate throughout the new ' Why Ito lgel a dllletenl blood pressure at home mmparea to the haspllal’i ~ Is the result the sarrre If rrreasurtna on the natrt arrrr7 TROUBLESHOOTING 24 SPECIFICATIONS 25 AUTHORIZED COMPONENT 26 CONTACTINFORMATION. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . ..26 FCC STATEMENT , 27 coMPLlED EUROPEAN STANDARDS LIST . . .. . . .28 EM GUIDANCE 29 TRODUCTI TRC L‘CTiON V General Description ' Safety Information The signs below might be In the user manual. labeling or other component, Thank you for selecting TRANSTEK arm type blood pressure monitor They me me requiremem D, 5.5mm and using. (ms-1591.35), The monitor features blood pressure measurement. pulse rate measurement and the result storage. The design provides you with . . WNW lor'THE OPERAYION - symbol Va! TYPE BF APFUED Movearsofre'wb'emm _ , ® cucrnisrseseo- ‘R ems- Readings taken by the TMB-1491-BS are equivalent to those obtained by a m m flwmwm ed observer using the culf and stethoscope auscultation method. H mm MWUFWURER. #2,,an , Em. Wm TII mlnull collh ns important Safety and car! informltion, and K wounds “wig "m “WSW 91 provides step by step Instructions tor using the product, W m .SEM WWW win hmnw Wine Pluses reis- Read the manual thoroughly before using the product ‘3 W“ ' — gmmgsufliflgwwfil Features: WNW oi-oiaecr cunaewi- mic.- ' wmmij mm Blue LCD wnh white backllghl F0, mm, use Only D 5mm 'm .0355 H Eqmpmem. . Maximum GD records _ - 3rd technonoly: Measuring during inllation r1 T1AI250V ca E‘toccc 313:? 'W MANUFACTURE (The updated technology in the world) 7 . Cannon These notes must v Ind allons for Use & as observed to Never“ any €32 Symbol lav ‘Ret:yt:le“ The Transtek Blood Pressure Monitor is digital monitors intended lor use in “”9“ “’ ""3 “2“” measuring blood pressure and heartbeat rate with arm circumference ranging nearest Dal is he license . Symon! w. Eulvpein im‘mv220mio 320m(-about B/ 12/ )ar220mto42cm(abou18/ 16/ ) a leotktfllrldusnyrflmdsd It is intended ior adult indoor use only. We”. w, m...” m packaging maleitals n v Contraln a ns WWW“ 1.The device is not sunaple lcr use on may be pregnant women oi pregnant women. 2.The davioa is not Suitable lar use on patients with implantadfilediical deViDas, such as cardiac pacemakers. defibrillators. \—/ V Measurement Principle Thls product uses lhe Dscillomeiric Measumlu method in detect blood pressure. Eelcre every measurement, the unit establishes a 'zem pressure" equlvalenl to the air pressure Then it stans rnllaring the arm cult, meanwhile, ltie unit detects pressure oscillations generated by bechrbeal pulsatrle, which is used in determine the systolic and diastolic pressure. and also pulse rate. H'FC‘EU,T\O‘~J — A CAUTION mum“ ppm“ mum. n... M ann‘y ‘Yh: 6w»: . m mu» Inr m an "man: mm, mm mw‘pmmu wm man-m. .nmnpnnun m pmls m wankmpflmmahnmmmmhm upnun nbmm. DInDh-raL um: dmse am panunns mam-m \mmaunu many on mnmms shml on peeve who learned : mummy mu... comm yam m7 may a uflnv m. punn u yw mm m thini ~ n. mp. n. um mhbh lav mum-w n. mm mm Mammy-n m m. «my my. m; n pu um. dummy: ~ n. mp. n. um nl-ndm lav pap-m mxppnn mm. a pump. nuuuny ‘Yh: 6w»: . m unnumq nur punk: use -mu new: nu \mm ppr mum-we mun-nu .uu mmp p4 mm mu wuss-e Mum nI-Mmlavman-xlnm "mm lhanmeamalhvlmmmmu IMnohlan-wah‘and pm" mmmm ~ Do m mMun uummnmmnp Mm Mdqu‘: m uMI am: m np mmml yam mm pm... Do up: high or an new mmm mm uunup . vhyflcm ht usammhdvlm ‘flyw Ire unnu m:m:ww.:nrwh yew mum-n nu mum»: me mpun uppnppm nm to mm m pnppapmm mmummwnpuu mnunnpnmwnmwm levhmm ‘Do um IIVR any merapeuuc mum-a w 0‘: has all nuwmummn new mun me den: 0! - mme-e mumbed KW u er Cur-wit wur my flvw have luv nwemn Ihwlvnw pnpunn mum mm [M mp. wuused lameawrl Dab-m5\vmhzvecmmenzlmylmh: inch 3: unnnun mvmlmmal Dumalun mu m annan nmlalmn nn. hut mun may mm wnlll 4mm Phase can“! your ppyunm upm me 795ml mm k‘nkmncmmmn muunng w mm“ In uunnpnum. may :anlmmuiwnannwmm an Wm"! pmmm 1mm“ MMM mm mm: szm 'wmn usma Im: flaw): wens: Mym‘emmn npmunpumgswunpmnuupm-ymmpnpmum and Minerva! unuuu mlcu‘ltfiw mm: plhenln nun-mm mm wuwmm: punuun camecnon nupuu mm momuwl mumuuumpummpnum-mms n»: .ppnnu-nm pm: Mlnflnswwmnzlhw pu my my mu. hiltwumm .mu p. mu”, m .n. Amflwv-mmfi w; flu m Mu. m wflm me gnu. M . mummmy ‘WImV-y uu pun pm me Mum . wan-mm: nn an Cruse Mm Ier ‘Do my: mm M! mum nn. am. up wnuup VIM! mnnmw ME .umpmuun u uppm mm unmannumuusm her-M nu! cwld mu naupuuny nuuu mmnunun mmnse unmannumuusrmuu mpnnnum u: camp-“um ‘On the we wu-upnn MI mu “Haw-y he mnu rem-n My Mum mum; measurement upw me an ”Mn-new was mun press-nu nannvpnumu > 2mm av cam-n! wuss-e » nsmmnnu nun mu m. 3 mum zppu-u pp Kh- am many m up .u mhymi ’Flnie chunk nun pp-nunnpn. a] m. .mnu. m; M mu m pmnpnm min-"ml o4 pm pm umnunnun ‘WV-«v mtlsnumen‘n Huge mu :umpnum uncalmlmn Mm: mm mm ‘Yh: 6w»: nmm be used m HF mam mun-«n .n we same line ‘Yh: Accowmvmc» Documzm um mm: mm the SPNVGMOMANUMEYER ms chmuw .muunngunuu Wang a n... nuuunmmnu M nso um: 2m ‘10 vemy me unnum- pun-u momma smwommomnzn, pnuunu mm the mmmm ~ m u. p. n; wmamdhzhd npn my Mun. w my p. min-um a], a! n maul SAM-i pnmm mm mm n... .M. a! m. awn" m 1m nm m mknwm 'Wo Mum-M conumwe melsulemem: uupn clue ammumupnpua :Icumw Ind mnunnun 'Ymsuml p wuunlhkfvl cwlmuw! mamlonnvdunw munuun umumeuunmnppeupm Dtherwnxen m: punnuunsm mdfinger! mu umun-umanu muununaunuu punpnuauunu pw mum 'wmn MI m use 5w: m um um mu .uppnur m . dry mom Ind pnunun w wimsl ememe mum-u um mm «mama». Wynn My mwnuunm me may: mu ‘Yms «mu may be um um nun me purpose mu p. m: mm m III-Mummy 12mm be held nnupn. npn Hanna;- can: by mm appnmn. 'Wns «we :nmvnses ummve mppuunp and man be new www- umnun emu me mane and cumming mum“ «mm p. pm pm \HTFICOLM r— A CAUTION '0“ ”my...“ nu M. mm: mum,“ and um um,» Ml .u. n. m. mam nl . hymn. Immune mnxnunu w. on wnnn mm a! nitrous om: 'Wam‘nv Nnume/munwunu mu. lhl ME Qumran-nu: u my '1»: ppm: ‘5 an Mic-need operalor 'm pamnlcan mum Innmnldau and umm banana pm. umun unmpmmm and mum nu. mm 2m ‘15 annesmfln :Mmflmg m In: unv muupun mum: measullmwunms pnuumnpm mamndmnnmxlmw unnnmmapmuuunu magnum nummuu. i‘vnz‘ m meal/Wm lailuanmnmaumi‘ma‘ 1mm pressure mum. midlvlor .nmuwnm umupnunpn use pm" the plhemenwwflmem nwuueauewbcm W‘er. mu unpnpsnnwuunu M‘uulmuem 'thym-Jml Dan-M wm hen mmuwm n. pun n. mmnupmum up. harm-m4 and mm m mm m mun-mun; M nso mm mm HM nso namnp mm H wun up: name um pampun ununnnnpu av mum. mulch 'Mawr 5 sun-um as a Dan M ME Eommim ‘w yen “Dunn-w dnwvmfim ma u mum-mun, um .u mm m we Inn orn’mucump‘lnm: we” Kh- srmnsmp pm a nmn m. u. mummy m n. pnnn Loan-n me mum: mm .n m yw rm ‘w the Mummy: mun-aw In mm mm m: uninwm Imam-Maw cum snuunnn me wmwl an.” mu my... mums m x». mm mmflfi). mach Ihe mu m n. .m um um; nnn. summon: pm a mp thnan ‘aem use. nuke Mae In: um: mnm “Hy Ind n .n pnupen mommy mama“. Check m: «mu an m... med-m. u n human 1 mm m. mmumuummmum mnmaynzm nnyllryn \Wwer remix. Carmen: dimer ‘pp pm my. n»: mu m u wismm "mm m ummn ‘Yhe sew»: snu Mme w" le my by we Mumry «mum 5km unpapu. Ind awry: 5m: m WWI Wm: npu p wow nm w n, mnnmm mm n... punpunnm. ,nwu p. man my 2 y.“ "n m nmhmme .m VIW- an mum un mu nnn. Mam-mums 1 mm M n. trim a! n. unnn pnmu- Mummy: .uu :- nuuuunnuupuu unnumnson-mu m mmmNav ‘Mn flnpnn m Accassanuzs, umppupn. pans and n. ME EnulPMEm man: tn nn. pun mum ‘Mlmmmvuml mike nun-mu M 731451 wwn dllavims‘ pawn-um pan ‘5‘; usumnunu, clhbrllum pmmmpnu . nu rum In sum: «mm p. Dim rev-r ‘Yhe p‘w/ifllvk‘wfl m mane: me «mu flun- mu .m- WNW Du nun www- m: 6w»: n - pan‘puu pm .n .u «mm m dmm mm me mw‘y mm up “My mnnun. opununpu M ME Nu pmm w» apevllorxhlfl nalmchwlwl mupnnummupnumunpu punnunnsnmunnpuuunup ‘C‘elnmg m emmmmem "my mm mu venom-nae Mme uml Hus: use npu mn M N unupu nnumnuumn Mme-rm unnu- use Dnn‘unulny pprum orvo‘lmedunus ‘YM dew: Guts" n n«d no he cum-nun wnmn m year: U1 rehab‘: wwu 'Hyau havezny pmm-mswflh mum. mp agnlung ua‘ mznmnmg m pm, pm. :enhnlmn same: FERsoNNEL ufTrangk Dun n wen av veplw m: demo: W mm n (he mum munmnm mamas mm» pmmueu npum answen-ahy nuunnmmnupmnm “mm“ 5mm; ‘Pluse .upnm nu mmn . .m ur-erwem ppununm arm wwl ‘KeeP the mm w! an mun. nnn mm, war-u mum un pe's nu mu VIM-nun av uwunnmu mum-u Pin: nn p fll'vww! w mu mun lNTRODUCTlDN A; CAUTION ' Be selelul lo slmrmuleuoll oue lo cables and rmees. pellleulelly llue |u exLeaell/e lerlulll ' Al leesl an mlll lsoullell lol ME eoulpmelll le Wall" llem lrle rlllrulllulll sluleue lelllpelelule llelweeu usee urlul ll ls leeuy lel ullelloeo use Al lede| 30 mm lsoullell lel ML equlpmerll lo cool lrom lrle maxlmum sloraqe lemperalure between uses urllll ll ls ledd‘] rel llllelloell use ' nus eoulpmelll lleells lo lle msulllell and pu| ln|u aelvlLB m eselllomlse Mlll llle mlolmellell pleulueo lll llle ACCOMPANVING DOCUMENTS ' Mnlele.s eemlllulllullells euulumelll susll as wueless lleme nelwulk ueVlees lnublle ullurles. soulless leleprlellee erlu lrlell vase sleuolls. walkle Idlklee sell afield lru. rqulpmr‘m and suuulo no mu 3! lraq solslsrlus o away mull me rqulpml‘nl l m dlslanm a ls wlculamd by lno MANUI ACIURLR lrom m lli lz lo a a GUI column ollellle 4 ello Table 9 ol lEc 605m 1 2 2014‘ as dDDVuvlldle . Plrav use l SSHRH s and flmanhahlc panes spsumsul sulrlurlsm by MANUFACTURE muelwee ll may Lduae dam-sue lo lrle urul ol uelluel lo lrle usellpellellls A ”mm ls rul lurr um mnnL‘nan am uwd m lrlr oorlsllueuorl urlulurlg lm‘n‘ ls s posslolllly Mel Mry mlghl be msownsmly mrmmm lu lrlueusssulsrllulo syslums allowlnu alrlo he pumpeo mm a bum vessel . Plrav use lhc flrvlor urlool Wm cnvlmnmrm wmml ms prnvldt‘d m ms user manual olrlelWlso mo prnnrmannc and lllollmo thr oouuse wlll no lmpamcfl and mousse v LCD display slgn_al DESCRI’IIOII ll~lT DDUC‘HON SYS sysloue blood pressure marl bland Dmssum I) IA Dlemllc blood pressure Low blood pressure pull”... Pulse dlspliy Pulse lrl beats v-r mlrlule V Dellallorl symbol The olll ls oellallng Memery llloloele ll ls m me memoly mas and wrlloll gmup ol memory ll ls kPa Measuremem Unllal ale ulooo pressure mm Hg mqu Meesulemeul unll ol me blood plessule fit a + B Low ballery Baluerles are low and need m be mvlam M We“ mu, .s um“ m ‘7 Inwulzl hunted lnbflular hearlbaal durmfl msasuremam 3'31"sz we ueueeupeeueleel Duvmm rlme Year/ManWDiy. Hour/Mmule Heanbeal Blood pressure monllor le deleulng a haanbaal alllmll mnsummm User HUSH Gluser 2 Sun meesulemerll lol User l/user G/Llser2 alum mrl nle hlueloom loorl mulls whet! ale bluemulh ls womllg lNTRC L‘CTlCN v Monitor Components Component list of premre measuring system 1 Cu" 2 Air pipe 3 PCBA curs ,, smirrsrop BUI’ION unirw cot/“mew v List: 1.Blood Pressure Monitor (ms-1491.55) 3. 4XAM alkaline batteries Uflfll 2.l:uir (Type BF applied part) (22em~32cm or 22cm~42ern) (Plus: use WNGYEK arr-mm em The an m the mm mm ptme rarer la the law an M armed will 5' AC Adaptor (BLJ06L060100F»U) 4.User manual BEFORE v The Choice of Power Supply 1 Battery powered mode: avnc AxAAA alkaline batteries 2A0 adaptor powered mode: sv = IA (Please only use the recommended AC adaptor model). AC adaptor Please unplug the adapior to depart train the using urimy power. ACAUTION in order lo gel the besl retreat and protect your monrterplease use lhe rlgh battery and special power aoaptor which cnmplles wrth local sarety stanoaro - Open the battery cover. - Install the batteries by matching the correct polarity, as shown - Replace the battery covert Replace lhe baiierles whenever the below happen shows -The [a I: .The dllDlA Mal . 35:“. i , P“ '5'“ 8 x , , v "MM "the data transmlsslon sumeeds, the Bluetoottl symbol wIll I disappear. ,. lUIGE Display and save the results. The device will proceed to data transmission after measurement. The Bluetooth symbol blinks on the LCD indicates data is tlansnlitling U" sts . 1 _ . m». - - I Free: the “START/STOP" button .- L RDA lo p0we( olf‘ otherwlse lt wlll tum Ll _| , ml. olwmmm H l 35m l3 t "was 16 17 v Recall the Records 1. When the monitor is off, please press the “MEM” to show lhe average value of lhe Ialesl three recordsell lhe records are less than lhree groupsjt will display lhs Iatasl record first, 2. Press lhe “MEM' or “SET“ to gel the record you want, The dale and ltme * nl me reoord E will be shown ' Delete the Records I! you old not get the correct measurement. you can delete all resulls by following steps below. l.l-lold pressing “MEM” M fit for 3 seconds when the » 1 monmr ls in the memory \ l recall mode ,the ‘ flash display will J, show. 2 Press “SET“ lo 5 confirm dalallng and the monitor will turn of! D) 3% you don‘t want to delete the records press “START/STOP" lo escape, 4 "there is no record, ‘ m Ne, e Nu; m ,1; m ,1; .l. m,- l .. allemalely, ‘ “W H p M m DB 5:05? lsp ay Wl K 7777777777777777 ACAUTION - - - The most recent record (l) is shown first Each new measurement is ‘ assigned to the hrst (1) record All olher recurds are pushed back one dlglt (e g r 2 becomes 3, and so on)‘ and the last record (50) is dropped 18 19 V Tlps for Measurement V Maintenance Measurements may be Inaccurate It taken In the toIIowIng In order to get the best Peflormancer Please follow the circumstances. Instructions below. Avotu Ioucmncl water, mean it wIIh a my math In case Within 1 hour Immediate measurement atter dinner or drinking atter tea coffee smoking Avom intense shakmg Avoid dusty and unstable and wlltslons temperature environment Within 20 minutes X 9‘ ; afler taking a ham when talkin or movin our fin ers Q Ree 7,) Uslng wet dams to remove dlrl Do not attempt to clean the reusable Gulf wIth water and never Immerse the CW In of 00 water In a very cold environment >< When you want to discharge urine 20 21 'What are systolic pressure and diastolic pressure? . Why does my blood pressure When ventricles oontract and pump blood out of the . . . heart. the blood pressure reaches its maximum value fiffifm D'asw'm fluctuate throughout the in the cycle‘ which is called systolic pressure When army "VI day? the ventricles relax. the blood pressure reaches ils minimum value in the cycle. which is called diastolic pressure 1. Individual bland pressule valies multiple times everyday. It is also attested by the way you tie your cult and your v What is the standard blood pressure classification? measurement position, so please take the measurement under the same conditions. The chan on the right is the ”Ma-'"MWVWWWWMWW'M WM“ the person takes medicine, the standard blood pressure classifi- more“. wry smile Diem pressure will vary more. cation published by American "m" ' ”MM” 3.Wait at least 3 minutes for another Heart Association (AHA). """"‘ W "' ‘7" '"‘ ”m“ ‘“ measurement. aim. mm .a a...“ .o awry-g.“ were a are ' Why do I get a different What you need to pay disease.“ Wm a WW blood pressure at home aflengm’ when you ":35“ invasion—ileum . your pressure at ome: “Meme” m Ngr-rm-ttm .nsii. manner In compared to the hospital? lllhe curt is tied properly The blood pressure is diherent even " "is “I" is '00 “W 0"“ "me A CAUTION Waugh” he day due .0 weamer ii tie on is red on he upper arm , . I iryou reel anxious Please consult a physician it your measuring result falls outside the range emotion, exercise 914:. N50. there Is the Taking 273 mp “am We” Please note that only a physician can tell whether your blood pressure value “Mitts mat“ 2479:}. which means Flood mm...“ w." be barre, in, measuring has reached a dangerous point. Pressure usually Inueases In dlnrcal Advioe Relax yourselrtorLfi semis: minutes until you calm down v Irregular Heartbeat Detector All irregular heartbeat ls detected when a heartbeat rhythm varies whlle the uhlt to measuring ' Is the resu" the same the systolic and diastolic blood pressure During eaoh measurement the monitor records all the if measuring on the pulse intervals and calmlate the average V it there are two or more pulse intervals ,llre ditteienoe . between each interval and the averaDe is more than the averaoe value ot x25% r or there are tour right arm? or more pulse intervals sthe dtflerence between each Interval and the avefaue is more than the ‘ average value or xIS'Mhe irregular heartbeat symbol appears on the display when the It IS ok for both arms. but there measurement results are appear will be some dirt‘erent results for ditterent people, We suggest you A CAUTION measure the same arm every time. The appeaianoe otirie lHB ioon Indlmles that a pulse inogulanty oonsistentvnih an inegular heart bealwas detected during measurement Usually this is NOT a cause tor oorioeiri. However, it the symbol appears ohen, we reoomnierio you seek medical advioe Please note that the devioe does 22 riot replace a cardiac examination, but serves to detect pulse irregularities at an early stage 23 TROU LE OOTWG T ls section Includes a list of error messages and frequently asked questlons [or problems you may encounter wlth your blood pressure monitor. littie products not operating as you think it should, check here belore arranglng lor servlclng. Z4 :PEC‘F‘C TlONs Power supply Battery pmred mode (was rm altallnr halt-net AC adaplor melted mode av =1 A name only meme recantmerraett AC adamant-ll \—/ ( Display mode Blue LCD wlllt whlle hadtllghl v A minimal) 5mm PROBLEM SYMPTOM CHECK THIS REMEDY "lemme,“ mode “momma .65.” made Batteries are exhaus1ed. Replace with new batteries Rated euii pmsure Dlsplay wlll nct crnnlttc-zecrnrnngrcrre assure: No power ‘ m Batten“ we men“ insert the batteries Measurement rznge Measurement ptessme' ‘“ "9 mwmny meaty svs- mnmttrrmmnalt atrem 7km —— le mwtscrnmttg i5 aim-11 am. AC adaplnr is rnseneti Insentne AC adaptor rule. "In «(LfiSlDelllmlmnI incorrectly mm, Accmcy Pressure Law Display is arm or 5C40Cwllhln£0 AkPalSmmHgl batterles show I“, , D Hal-em are low Reptace win new banerles Pulse value 5% A temperature range or we to two E 01 shows Eflgzgefs “3° "W °' mglzfmeum'fi: 3"; ‘ . ‘ A relative humidity range at 15% to 90%, measure anal" Normal wolklllg Condllloll non-oondenstrig. but nol mulrlng a walervapour E 02 snows The mom, dammed Filmill pressure greater Ihan so has mummnm u. rm Relax tar ad An anncspnene pressure range at muse ,s [on We, mggfifi‘eaa’aame" 700 We to 1060 We wtrile measunng mange & “MW": Temperatureazmc to mow: Error E 03 shows The measurement Loosen tire dnlltlng on the condition A ”‘3'“ WWW ”"99 M S 93% m"'°°"“°"5‘"9 message process does nut detect arm and lllen measure "as ‘ 3‘ zwa‘e'VEWW Press“ "P ‘0 5°"P2 "" “”99 W’B‘ 393‘" meme" "enmem About 22em~nern or 22em~41ern of thumr arm E 0,, mm Tne treatment citne Relax fur a moment and "El We'flh' Approxv1829tExv‘vdlng me dry WIS! measurement railed tnen measure again External dimen ns Appmx 110mmx110mmx41mm Attachment 4XAAA alkaline batterreswer manualAc adapter fifiksrmenesifizenl Mode of operation Conunuous operation EElot.shcws on A calibration errcr , - me dIsvlay 0mm“ comm” Mam or w Degree or protection type BF appirea part customer servloe _ IP21 it means ttre device could pmlecled depaflmem to. runner Protection against against sciia icreign oblecls or 12 5mm and assistance Rerar to ihe ingress of water greater, and protect against vemcaity railing warranty lcr contact water drops lnlormalmn and return Battery Powered Made . . . lnternaiiy Powered ME Equipment Warniri out of measurement Rem M a mmem Devroe Classmuuon AC “39‘“ Pm’e“ M0“ 9 .0". r snows Rerasten the cull and then class H ME Emmy“ message Wine measure again iitire problem pennant oonmm Somme Ver n Am your physician WARNING: Nu modmuatlurl or lhis equipment is allowed. 25 D CO PONENT v Authorized Component 1. please use the TRANSTEK authorized adapter. by. Amt» rvnz: aiiosmmmuw Input: tawwvsoewzu 2A Max nnouu sv.— 1A v Contact Information For more lMomtalorl about our products, please vtshmmranttak cn you can get cusromer servlcl. usual vroblems and dimmer download. transteir will serve you swim usnuiasturad by: euangdong 1ranslzk Medical Eiecuonlcs ca, Ltd Company: suanodono 1!:an Mldlizl Electronics Co . Ltd Address: Zone 5. No ins .Dorrotr Road. Torch umlopmrnt Dismcl. thgshnnfi2maleuangdmgphlnn 26 v FCC Statement FCC IDzOU9TMB1491BS This device complies with Part is oi the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the lollowing two conditions: (i ) this device may not cause harmiul interterence. and 12) this device must accept any intelferenoe received. including interterence that may cause undesired operation. Caution: The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible tor compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and lound to comply with the limits iora Class B digital device. pursuantto Pan 15 otthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio irequency energy and. it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications, However. there is no guarantee that interterence will not occur in a particular installation. "this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment oii and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interierence by one or more of the lollowing measures: -- Rearient or relocate the receiving antenna. -- Increase the separation hetween the equipment and receiver. -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diiterent trom that to which the receiver is connected. -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not he co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. 27 CO .lPLlED STAN 28 RD v Complied Standards List Risk management EN tso rm new so term-2m lama-mes wishes-ten nl yea mar-smart re mural auto“ Labeflng EMl501522$12liSD1522112mo Madlul m symhalxhh-usad whit Mimi melanin. health»; and mummy-tn bewPPllbd vim General Nimmmsms User manual in «an 2m Inf-mum same: w the mlmm at medial new.e General Regu ements for Safety EN SWIM-1 was.” zmwtzc slum .1 mam 2m: Mental must nulpmmtspatt Gmllal Mom-mam: mrhaxlcmfiy Ind sewn: pent-name EN seems llznlsrlic mitten zorsweaeleumr eaulpnrnns m HI annual rum-mum in tune an, and men Wuhan-r Salami mum mar-meme tar-meal must Iquipmml aid mural marital iymm und in the ham. Mum-l9 emrmm Elam,“ Mic an enema 2015/ EC sternum. Mal new 9 NulpmeM-Fanl-Z oenealrequtemenslerssslssalarsm compat lty mllalmmu Calamalmm El-ummavmuc «more» Emmy-mam m min Performance EN tso swam m Nun-lmnluxmnmummm . Pull . 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This unit has been thoroughly tested and inspected to assure proper penonnanss and operation! 4)‘ Caution: This machine should not be used adjacent to air stacked with other equipment and that it adjacent or stacked use is necessary. this machine should be Observed ta verify normal Operation in the configuratian in which it will be used. clinical investigation an momma uwmunsMramem-melsrs. mt rest means. n Mame westernmost" vuwlqul-Ikllllbs‘l nowhwailv- iwumflmn lso MW 2m: Newmanwygmemammns PMQ sins-l "id-Inn «truer-rm measurement was EN mum-E 2»!an NIS/lECeDSm-I.51LHD~A11MS Msas.lm..lsauwent. m «a General requirements tare-sis - » snot meme emmmnmmm usability UsabI'W IECmuImIst laws.“ restores uaetnsmmnmaa ens. Soflware life-cycle EN swims/Ac mm mm whom an; Meant Jme‘m,aemm Bio-compatibl ily lso lame! me sweet "alum: e4 meal um» pat t Ewalnamn and mm; with e rlxk mama... 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AM m. m m... mam m. w many. an... n. we“... «mmuw m buck-WY To “seam: mm"... mm"... a» m m RF «um»... .. emu-um... we saw a»... be manned Ill»: mum. in: 5mm m m: m... .. Mm me am. ‘5 um mam": win... .7; mm... a... .m. I... an... ms. .. Observed w mm mm... mm... w a...“ ram...» 5 ....m.,...m.... mun-um may mm 144:): mm... . Ova m. (mummy "we W) m; w w w. m 31mm: mm be la: .1... av». 31 32 Table 4 nmmmm wanna: alums mm" yummy and mhlh as mmmunkaum lelnm-nl m m- mm, m. m h mm m an m in mm .Mmmm n mm. M a; dilmhanm in mm m mum: we. own: device an m pmerl emmm mama“: w mum-mi . lmmrmm damn: w mm: .m mu: nr mmuml equxvmem "mummies! m In: awn _ vauwlmwded new “mm m m: mm... mm Wan»: mmmmm! :wwum Wmmmmm mm «mm- mmwhmmwhmmm, Madam... AW} mommaawu wummmwx wnMmeum d w: 47 up mu; :1 m n 12 u 12 m N am a.» 07: { .2 u 23 m an an 7: mo .2 12 m nu Mam mu m . "mum mm mm m m‘ we mmmmm mumm- nil-tam an mu my m. m mm mg ur- «mum: wanna. m m. Whammy Mm- .mm. mu M m. mm... mu»- mm. mm a m. Inn-“II” m m (WWW-1w m u. minim! mmubcmnl ME1 u m w; and mo MML a» warm «mm m u. mym Mummy ram- awn“ "DYE 2 mm wie‘n: mly MIvv‘y m m mum E‘azlmmlimc lama-gm: x! mm w .mm as W hum minim-Loch”: .a pm. 1: GU‘DANCE rams ”MWMMMMAMMW MM” ,_ m. w", “my, Mm... WWW" “W "m M 3:. an M.) W, :mwmmmm m. a n: n MM" “H1 "’ mwmuzsmz "Fm .3, mm mm mm z n: m. W mm...“ m. 1.5 mm, «2 .n v 1., 17 m .7» mg m m Fr.“ "m :: mmmm 2 a: :- W gym zmaz “‘7" «am-m Wm m. 2 M 3 MN mm. m 29 m m m? m m M F... a; a, , m mm mm, memmwmmmhmmwmm.m ngwmmmmmmm‘mumumw .Wmm‘mmwmmmm WWWMWMMMGnm...“ “mummnmmmwmmmmummm ”Mummmmm mmmmmmmmmw.m_mm mmm mummmm msmmmw mm“... WWWWMWWMMMWW WmMmm .W wwfiummmmmmmmmmmwm mmm 33
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