Tranzeo Wireless Technologies PVE25XBY 2.5 GHz WIRELESS CPE User Manual

Tranzeo Wireless Technologies, Inc 2.5 GHz WIRELESS CPE Users Manual

Users Manual

 TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Unit User’s Guide        Document Number TR2035 Rev 1 September 2010 FastFind Links Preface Table of Contents Basic Installation Advanced Configuration
TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide ii © 2008 Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying and recording, or stored in a database or retrieval system for any purpose, without the express written permission of Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time without notice and assumes no responsibility for its use. Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. products or services can only be ordered under the terms and conditions of Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc.’s applicable agreements, including license agreements. All of the features described in this document may not be currently available. Refer to the most recent product announcement or contact Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. for information about feature and product availability.  This document contains the most current information available at the time of publication. When new and/or revised information becomes available, this document may be updated and made available to all registered users. Trademarks Tranzeo, the Tranzeo logo, and TR-WMX-2.X are trademarks of Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. All other brand or product names are or may be trademarks or service marks of and are used to identify products or services of their respective owners. Product Version This document revision applies to TR-WMX-2.X Indoor and Outdoor WiMAX Subscriber Units 1.11xx and higher running firmware version 3.0 and higher. Document Revision Level Revision Date Description A1 April 2008 Initial Release A2   May 2008 Revision 2, supersedes and replaces A1 A3 July 2008 Specified AC adaptor in section 1.2 and new Figure 1-3 Changes in this Revision Includes information about the indoor unit.
TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide iii Preface Welcome to the Tranzeo TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Unit User’s Guide. The TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Unit supports point-to-multipoint communication with an IEEE 802.16-2004-compliant WiMAX base station. This guide contains all the information you need to install and configure the TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Unit. Purpose and Audience This guide is designed for anyone who installs, configures, deploys, or prepares a site for the TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Unit. This guide is intended for the following audiences:  Customers with a technical knowledge of and experience with networks and the Internet.  Network administrators who install, configure, and manage Tranzeo TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Units.  Network administrators who install, configure, and manage other Tranzeo or similar products, but are unfamiliar with the Tranzeo TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Unit. Models and Configurations The TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Unit is available in a variety of models and configurations. The following table lists some of the models available. TR-WMX-2.X Models and Configurations Model Number Configuration and Description TR-WMX-2.3-14 2.3 GHz subscriber unit with integrated 14dBi antenna TR-WMX-2.3-19 2.3 GHz subscriber unit with integrated 19dBi antenna TR-WMX-2.5-N 2.5 GHz subscriber unit with N-type connector TR-WMX-2.5-14 2.5 GHz subscriber unit with integrated 14dBi antenna TR-WMX-2.5-19 2.3 GHz subscriber unit with integrated 19dBi antenna TR-WMX-2.5-N 2.5 GHz subscriber unit with N-type connector   In this document, the term “TR-WMX-2X” is used to refer collectively to the family of TR-WMX-2.X indoor and outdoor WiMAX Subscriber Unit products. If information in this document pertains to certain models, the term “indoor” or “outdoor” will be used along with the particular model number.
Preface TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide iv TR-WMX-2.X Features The TR-WMX-2.X is designed for quick installation. The following list summarizes the key features of the TR-WMX-2.X.  Complies with IEEE 802.16-2004 for communication with WiMAX base stations that support this standard.  Supports multiple duplex modes and channel bandwidths.   Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) capabilities allow data and power to be supplied to the unit using a single Ethernet cable.  Includes an external or embedded antenna.  External signal strength LEDs allow the antenna to be aligned for optimal received signal strength from the base station, without having to use a computer to log in to the unit. Summary of Chapters This guide contains the following chapters.  Chapter 1, Basic Installation includes instructions for getting the TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Unit up and running as quickly as possible.  Chapter 2, Advanced Configuration describes how to perform advanced configuration activities using the Web-based Configurator.  Chapter 3, Viewing Status Information describes how to use the Configurator to view/change status information about TR-WMX-2.X.  Chapter 4, Configuring Administrative Settings describes how to use the Configurator to view change the device name and location; enable or disable Web, SSH, and Telnet access to the TR-WMX-2.X; enable or disable the TR-WMX-2.X status LEDs; and change the user name and password for logging in to the Configurator.  Appendix A, Factory Default Configuration Settings lists the factory default configuration settings for the TR-WMX-2.X.  Appendix B, Upgrading Firmware describes how to upgrade the TR-WMX-2.X firmware.  Release Notes The Release Notes provided with your TR-WMX-2.X contain information that may not have been available when this User’s Guide was written. We recommend you read the Release Notes before installing and configuring your TR-WMX-2.X.
Preface TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide v Document Conventions This document uses the following conventions to draw your attention to certain information. Safety and Warnings This document also uses the following symbols to draw your attention to certain information. Icon Meaning Description  Note Notes emphasize or supplement important points of the main text.  Tip Tips provide helpful information, guidelines, or suggestions.   Caution Cautions indicate that failure to take a specified action could result in damage to the software or hardware.  WARNING Warnings indicate that failure to take a specified action could result in loss of communications or serious damage to hardware.   DANGER Danger warns users of possible injury or death if instructions are not followed.   ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD This symbol warns users of electric shock hazard. Failure to take appropriate precautions such as not opening or touching hazardous areas of the equipment could result in injury or death.  Electrostatic Sensitive The ESD symbol warns users that the equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) and could be damaged if users do not take appropriate precautions such as using a grounded wrist strap when touching or handling the equipment.  Typographic Conventions The following typographic conventions are used in this document. Convention Description Bold Indicates text on a window, other than the window title, including menus, menu options, buttons, fields, and labels.  Italic Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text provided by the user or system. screen fon t  Indicates text that is displayed on screen or entered by the user.
Preface TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide vi Contact Information For more information about the TR-WMX-2.X or other products from Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc., please contact us using any of the following methods:  Web site: Our Web site contains valuable information about our products. We encourage you to visit us at  Sales: Our Sales Department can be reached by phone or email: – Phone: +1 866 872-6936 – Email:  Fax calls: Requests for information can be sent to our 24-hour fax number:  +1 604 460 6005.  Technical support: Technical support, the customer-satisfaction arm of Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc., is available by phone, live chat, email, and fax. For more information, see Appendix C.
TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide vii Contents 1 BASIC INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 SAMPLE CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 UNPACKING ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 USER-SUPPLIED ITEMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 INSTALLING THE TR-WMX-2.X ....................................................................................................................................... 11 1.4.1 Installing the Outdoor Unit....................................................................................................................................... 11 1.4.2 Installing the Indoor Unit.......................................................................................................................................... 14 1.4.3 Installation Best Practices ........................................................................................................................................ 15 1.5 CONFIGURING THE TR-WMX-2.X ................................................................................................................................... 16 1.5.1 Logging in to the Configurator ................................................................................................................................ 16 1.5.2 Specifying Wireless Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 18 1.5.3 Specifying Network Setup Settings .......................................................................................................................... 21 1.6 MONITORING TR-WMX-2.X STATUS.............................................................................................................................. 23 1.6.1 Viewing Status Information ...................................................................................................................................... 23 1.6.2 Status LEDS................................................................................................................................................................. 24 2 ADVANCED CONFIGURATION...................................................................................................................................... 25 2.1 UNDERSTANDING THE PAGES IN THE CONFIGURATOR .................................................................................................. 26 2.2 ENTERING WIMAX SETUP SETTINGS .............................................................................................................................. 28 2.2.1 Entering Wireless Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 28 2.2.2 Setting Security Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 32 2.3 ENTERING NETWORK SETUP SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................... 33 2.3.1 Entering TCP/IP Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 33 2.3.2 VLAN Settings ............................................................................................................................................................. 35 3 VIEWING STATUS INFORMATION.............................................................................................................................. 39 3.1 INFORMATION PAGE............................................................................................................................................................ 40 3.2 WIRELESS INFORMATION PAGE......................................................................................................................................... 42 3.3 SYSTEM INFORMATION PAGE ............................................................................................................................................ 44 3.4 STATISTICS INFORMATION PAGE....................................................................................................................................... 46 3.5 ARP INFORMATION PAGE .................................................................................................................................................. 48 3.6 SYSTEM LOG ........................................................................................................................................................................ 49 4  CONFIGURING ADMINISTRATIVE SETTINGS..................................................................................................... 51 4.1 DISPLAYING THE ADMINISTRATIVE SETTINGS PAGE ..................................................................................................... 52 4.2 RETURNING TO FACTORY DEFAULT SETTINGS ............................................................................................................... 52
Table of Contents TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide viii 4.3 REBOOTING THE TR-WMX-2.X UNIT..............................................................................................................................53 4.4 CHANGING DEVICE CONFIGURATION SETTINGS .............................................................................................................53 4.4.1 Changing the Device Name and Location ..............................................................................................................53 4.4.2 Enabling or Disabling Web, SSH, and Telnet Access...........................................................................................54 4.4.3 Enabling or Disabling the Status LEDs ..................................................................................................................54 4.4.4 Changing Log In Settings ..........................................................................................................................................55 A   FACTORY DEFAULT CONFIGURATION SETTINGS .........................................................................................57 A.1 DEFAULT WIRELESS SETTINGS .........................................................................................................................................57 A.2 DEFAULT SECURITY SETTINGS .........................................................................................................................................58 A.3 DEFAULT TCP/IP SETTINGS ..............................................................................................................................................58 A.4 DEFAULT VLAN SETTINGS ...............................................................................................................................................58 A.5 DEFAULT ADMINISTRATIVE SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................58 B  UPGRADING FIRMWARE................................................................................................................................................59 C  TECHNICAL SUPPORT.....................................................................................................................................................61 C.1 TELEPHONE SUPPORT .........................................................................................................................................................61 C.2 LIVE CHAT............................................................................................................................................................................61 C.3 EMAIL....................................................................................................................................................................................61 C.4 FAX ........................................................................................................................................................................................62 GLOSSARY...................................................................................................................................................................................63 COMPLIANCE INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................................65 INDEX.............................................................................................................................................................................................71
Table of Contents TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  ix List of Figures FIGURE ‎1-1. EXAMPLE OF A TR-WMX-2.X CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................... 2 FIGURE ‎1-2. ATTACHING THE BOOT COVER TO THE TR-WMX-2.X ............................................................................................. 11 FIGURE ‎1-3. SAMPLE TR-WMX-2.X INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................... 13 FIGURE ‎1-4. INSTALLING THE INDOOR UNIT ................................................................................................................................... 14 FIGURE ‎1-5. LOGIN PAGE ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 FIGURE ‎1-6. EXAMPLE OF AN INFORMATION PAGE.......................................................................................................................... 18 FIGURE ‎1-7. WIRELESS SETTINGS PAGE.......................................................................................................................................... 19 FIGURE ‎1-8. TCP IP SETTINGS ....................................................................................................................................................... 21 FIGURE ‎1-9. STATUS LINKS ON THE CONFIGURATOR...................................................................................................................... 23 FIGURE ‎2-1. AREAS ON THE CONFIGURATOR PAGE ........................................................................................................................ 27 FIGURE ‎2-2. WIRELESS SETTINGS PAGE.......................................................................................................................................... 28 FIGURE ‎2-3. SECURITY SETTINGS PAGE .......................................................................................................................................... 32 FIGURE ‎2-4. TCP/IP SETTINGS PAGE ............................................................................................................................................ 34 FIGURE ‎2-5. VLAN SETTINGS PAGE ............................................................................................................................................... 35 FIGURE ‎3-1. INFORMATION PAGE .................................................................................................................................................... 40 FIGURE ‎3-2. WIRELESS INFORMATION PAGE ................................................................................................................................... 42 FIGURE ‎3-3. SYSTEM INFORMATION PAGE....................................................................................................................................... 44 FIGURE ‎3-4. STATISTICS INFORMATION PAGE ................................................................................................................................. 46 FIGURE ‎3-5. ARP INFORMATION PAGE ........................................................................................................................................... 48 FIGURE ‎3-6. SYSTEM LOG PAGE...................................................................................................................................................... 49 FIGURE ‎4-1. ADMINISTRATIVE SETTINGS PAGE ............................................................................................................................... 52
Table of Contents TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide x List of Tables TABLE ‎1-1. PIN ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE TR-WMX-2.X 10/100 ETHERNET PORT ...............................................................16 TABLE ‎1-2. WIRELESS SETTINGS..................................................................................................................................................19 TABLE ‎1-3. TCP/IP SETTINGS.......................................................................................................................................................22 TABLE ‎1-4. TR-WMX-2.X LEDS ................................................................................................................................................24 TABLE ‎2-1. FIELDS AND BUTTONS IN THE WIRELESS SETTINGS PAGE...................................................................................29 TABLE ‎2-2. FIELDS AND BUTTONS IN THE SECURITY SETTINGS PAGE ...................................................................................32 TABLE ‎2-3. FIELDS AND BUTTONS IN THE TCP/IP SETTINGS PAGE........................................................................................34 TABLE ‎2-4. FIELDS AND BUTTONS IN THE VLAN SETTINGS  PAGE.........................................................................................36 TABLE ‎3-1. INFORMATION PAGE ..................................................................................................................................................41 TABLE ‎3-2. WIRELESS INFORMATION PAGE ...............................................................................................................................43 TABLE ‎3-3. SYSTEM INFORMATION PAGE ...................................................................................................................................45 TABLE ‎3-4. STATISTICS INFORMATION PAGE .............................................................................................................................47 TABLE ‎C-1. TELEPHONE SUPPORT HOURS AND NUMBERS ......................................................................................................61 TABLE ‎C-2. LIVE CHAT SUPPORT HOURS ...................................................................................................................................61
         1 1 Basic Installation This chapter provides instructions for getting your TR-WMX-2.X up and running as quickly as possible. The topics covered in this chapter are:  Section 1.1, Sample Configuration (page 2)  Section 1.2, Unpacking (page 3)  Section 1.3, User-Supplied Items (page 3)  Section 1.4, Installation des  (page 11)  Section 1.6, Monitoring TR-WMX-2.X Status (page 23)         1
 2               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  1.1 Sample Configuration Figure 1-1 shows a configuration example where the TR-WMX-2.X is connected to the uplink (WAN) interface on an Ethernet router, hub, or switch. In this configuration, the TR-WMX-2.X communicates wirelessly with a base station using its WiMAX interface, while communicating at 10/100 Mbps with the attached Ethernet device. The TR-WMX-2.X also receives its power from the Ethernet connection, eliminating the need to run a power cable to the TR-WMX-2.X. In this way, the Ethernet device serves as the bridge between the attached computers and the TR-WMX-2.X.  Figure 1-1. Example of a TR-WMX-2.X Configuration
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  3 1.2 Unpacking After receiving your TR-WMX-2.X, perform the following steps to ensure that your contents arrived safely.  Inspect the outer shipping container for damage during shipping. Report any sign of damage to the appropriate shipping carrier.   Remove the contents from the shipping container. One TR-WMX-2.X WiMAX Subscriber Unit One Power over Ethernet (POE) adapter One 18 VAC adapter Model PA1024-3I Part number PA1024-180IB One L bracket, boot cover with gasket, and U bolt kit (outdoor unit only) Inspect your contents thoroughly and compare them to the checked items on the inside of the shipping carton. If any item is missing or damaged, contact the shipping carrier.  1.3 User-Supplied Items  To complete your installation, please provide the following items:  One 3/8 wrench  One 3/4 wrench  One RJ-45 crimper  A Category 5 Ethernet LAN cable (straight-through or crossover) that is sufficiently long to bring the signal from the device to the POE adapter   Two RJ-45 jacks  One #6 grounding wire  A personal computer (PC) with a Web browser  An IEEE 802.16-2004-compliant WiMAX base station
 4               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  1.4 Installing the TR-WMX-2.X (English)  The TR-WMX-2.X can be mounted either horizontally or vertically. Before you install the unit, determine whether the TR-WMX-2.X will be mounted horizontally or vertically.    You must read and understand the following safety instructions before installing this device:    This radio’s grounding system must be installed according to Articles 810-15, 810-20, 810-21 of the National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-1993. If you have any questions or doubts about your antenna’s grounding system, contact a local licensed electrician.  Never attach the grounding wire while the device is powered.   If the ground is to be attached to an existing electrical circuit, turn off the circuit  before installing the radio.  Use the Tranzeo Power over Ethernet (POE) adapter only with approved  Tranzeo models. The Tranzeo POE must also be grounded to a house ground via  a permanent fixture according to local codes.  Never install radio equipment, surge suppressors or lightning protection during a  storm.  Installation of the boot gasket is required for compliance with agency approvals    1.4.1 Installing the Outdoor Unit The following procedure describes how to install the TR-WMX-2.X Outdoor Subscriber Unit. 1. Mount the TR-WMX-2.X at the desired location. 2. Attach the boot cover, L bracket, and U bolt to the TR-WMX-2.X, as per the below procedure:   Installation of the Ethernet Cable and boot Cover  Step 1:  Insert the strain relief, without the cap nut, into the port opening of the boot cover.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  5    Step 2:  Using a 3/4” wrench, tighten the strain relief until it  touches the boot cover.    IMPORTANT! Use hand tools only. Do not over tighten.      Step 3: Put the cap nut back over the strain relief and insert  the Cat 5 cable through it. Wire the cable following  the EIA/TIA T568B standard, and attach the RJ-45  connectors to each end of the cable.      Step 4: If you purchased the device with a dual port cover,  repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 for the second port.   IMPORTANT! If you are not going to use the second port, insert the strain relief into the boot cover and tighten the cap nut to ensure a weather tight seal, as  shown in the picture.       Step 5: Place the gasket—with the adhesive side facing up  over the 4 studs around the port of the radio. Flatten thegasket ensuring there are no gaps. Remove the  backing.          Step 6:  Plug the Cat 5 cable inserted in the boot cover  into the port. Remember to place the boot cover  according to the desired polarization, so that the  strain relief faces the ground.
 6               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Step 7:  Fit the boot cover over the 4 studs and the gasket.  Secure with 4 keps nuts. Tighten with a 3/8”  wrench until the gasket is at least 50% compressed.  Step 8:  Make sure the cap nut of the strain relief is  tightened properly to ensure a weather-proof seal.    IMPORTANT! Hand tighten only. Do not over  tighten as you may damage the weather-tight seal  of the strain relief.           Mounting the Radio   Be sure to turn off power to the TR-WMX-2.X before mounting the antenna.   Step 9: Attach the mounting bracket to the pole using the U-bolt. Secure the U-bolt with the lock washers and the nuts. Align if necessary, and then tighten the nuts enough to prevent any movement.   Step 10:  Fit the radio to the mounting bracket. Secure the radio with keps nuts.   IMPORTANT! The strain relief must be always facing the ground.     Step 11: Using a #6 green grounding wire, connect the grounding lug on the radio to a proper earth ground as outlined in the National Electric Code.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  7     IMPORTANT: This device must be grounded. Connect the green grounding wire on the Radio and the POE to a known good earth ground, as outlined in the National Electrical Code. See Figure 1-3 for further details.    3. To power the TR-WMX-2.X: – Connect one end of a Category 5 Ethernet LAN cable to the TR-WMX-2.X Ethernet port. – Connect the other end of the cable to the port labeled CPE on the supplied PoE adapter. – Connect the supplied AC adapter to the PoE adapter. – Plug the AC adapter into an electrical outlet. The TR-WMX-2.X performs its self-test for about 30 seconds. Then the TR-WMX-2.X LEDs show the status of the unit (see section 1.6.2).   Do not connect a device other than the TR-WMX-2.X to the CPE port. Network equipment that does not support PoE can be damaged permanently by connecting to a PoE source. Most Ethernet interfaces on PCs, laptop/notebook computers, and other network equipment (such as Ethernet switches and routers) do not support PoE.  4. If your unit has an external antenna, turn off power to the TR-WMX-2.X, then attach the antenna to the TR-WMX-2.X antenna connector. Mount the antenna in a location that provides the best communication with the base station.
 8               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Abbildung 1-5 shows an example of the TR-WMX-2.X installed.   Figure 1-2. Sample TR-WMX-2.X Installation
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  9 1.4.2 Installing the Indoor Unit The following procedure describes how to install the TR-WMX-2.X Indoor Subscriber Unit. Abbildung 1-6 shows the steps for installing the indoor unit. 1. Connect the supplied antenna to the antenna connector on the rear of the unit. Facing the rear of the unit, this is the round connector on the right that is designated with the following symbol:    2. The TR-WMX-2.X Indoor Subscriber Unit can be powered by connecting to either an Ethernet network or an AC outlet. Perform one of the following steps to provide power the unit:  Connect an Ethernet cable to the RJ-45 jack labeled LAN on the rear panel.  Connect the round end of the supplied power cable to the power connector labeled PWR on the rear panel. Connect the other end of the cable to a working AC outlet. If appropriate for your area, use one of the supplied adapters to connect to the AC outlet. 3. Use the signal LEDs on the top panel of the unit to determine signal strength (see Table 1-5 on page 24). If signal strength is poor, relocate the unit to try and improve signal strength, as indicated by the status LEDs on the top panel.   Figure 1-3. Installing the Indoor Unit    
 10               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  1.4.3 Installation Best Practices Observe the following best practices when installing the TR-WMX-2.X.  The TR-WMX-2.X 10/100 Ethernet port auto-senses the cable connected to it and adjusts automatically. The Ethernet connector is protected with a weatherproof housing. Pin assignments for this connector are shown in           Tabelle 1-2.  Always try to run the Category 5 cable and LMR inside the mounting pole whenever possible. This helps to insulate the cable form any air surges.   Keep all runs as straight as possible. Never put a full loop into the cables.  The TR-WMX-2.X antenna’s grounding system must be installed according to Article 810-15, 810-20, and 810-21 of the National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-1993. Test all grounds to ensure that they are using a proper Ground. We recommend you obtain a copy of the National Electric Code Guide and follow its guidelines. If you are in doubt or have questions about the antenna grounding system, contact a local licensed electrician. Alternatively, you can drive your own rod and bond it to the house Ground; this way, you will know that at least one rod is correctly grounded in the system.   Never attach a Grounding wire when the TR-WMX-2.X is powered. If the Ground is to be attached to an existing electrical circuit, turn off the circuit before attaching the wire.   Never install radio equipment, such as the TR-WMX-2.X, during an electrical storm. In addition, to protect your system against damage from lightning, design the system so it does not attract lightning (it cannot repel lightning, either). National, state, and local codes are designed to protect life, limb, and property and must always be obeyed. When in doubt, consult local and national electrical codes or contact an electrician or professional trained in the design of grounding systems. Table 1-1. Pin Assignments for the TR-WMX-2.X 10/100 Ethernet Port Pin Signal Standard Wire Color 1 Tx+ White/Orange 2 Tx - Orange 3 Rx+ White/Green 4 PoE V+ Blue
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  11 5 PoE V+ White/Blue 6 Rx- Green 7 Gnd White/Brown 8 Gnd Brown  1.4 Installation des TR-WMX-2.X (German)   Das TR-WMX-2.X kann wahlweise waagrecht oder senkrecht montiert werden. Vor Installation des Geräts müssen Sie bestimmen, ob das TR-WMX-2.X waagrecht oder senkrecht montiert werden soll.    Der TR-WMX-2.X darf nur durch geschultes Fachpersonal, Wiederverkäufer oder System-Integratoren installiert werden, die mit HF-Frequenzplanungsfragen und regulierungsbehördlichen Beschränkungen vertraut sind, wie sie von der FCC hinsichtlich der HF-Belastung definiert werden, speziell wie in den Abschnitten 1.1307 ausgeführt. 1.4.1 Installation der Außenbereichskomponente Das folgende Verfahren beschreibt die Installation des TR-WMX-2.X-Teilnehmergeräts für den Außenbereich. 1. Montieren Sie den TR-WMX-2.X am gewünschten Standort. 2. Befestigen Sie die Abdeckplatte, den L-Haltewinkel und den U-Bolzen am TR-WMX-2.X, wie in Abbildung Abbildung 1-4.  Abbildung 1-4. Befestigung der Abdeckplatte am TR-WMX-2.X 3. Stromversorgung des TR-WMX-2.X:
 12               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  – Schließen Sie das eine Ende eines Ethernet LAN-Kabels der Kategorie 5 an die Ethernet-Anschlussbuchse des TR-WMX-2.X an. – Schließen Sie das andere Ende des Kabels an den Anschluss mit der Bezeichnung CPE an dem mitgelieferten PoE-Adapter an. – Schließen Sie den mitgelieferten Wechselstrom-Adapter an den PoE-Adapter an. – Stecken Sie den Stecker des Wechselstrom-Adapters in eine Steckdose. Der TR-WMX-2.X führt etwa 30 Sekunden lang einen Selbsttest durch. Anschließend zeigen die LEDs des TR-WMX-2.X den Status des Geräts an (siehe Abschnitt 1.6.2).   Schließen Sie kein anderes Gerät als den TR-WMX-2.X an den CPE-Anschluss an. Ein Netzgerät, das PoE nicht unterstützt, kann permanent beschädigt werden, wenn es an eine PoE-Quelle angeschlossen wird. Die meisten Ethernet-Schnittstellen auf PCs, Laptop-/Notebook-Computern und anderen Netzgeräten (wie etwa Ethernet-Switches und -Router) unterstützen PoE nicht.  4. Falls Ihr Gerät mit einer externen Antenne ausgestattet ist, schalten Sie die Stromversorgung zum TR-WMX-2.X ab und befestigen Sie anschließend die Antenne am Antennenanschluss des TR-WMX-2.X. Montieren Sie die Antenne an einem Standort, der die beste Kommunikation mit der Basisstation liefert.   Achten Sie darauf, die Stromversorgung zum TR-WMX-2.X abzuschalten, bevor Sie die Antenne montieren.  5. Benutzen Sie den Erdungskontakt am TR-WMX-2.X, um das Gerät zu erden (für optimale Vorgehensweisen siehe Abschnitt 1.4.3).
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  13 Abbildung 1-5 zeigt ein Beispiel eines installierten TR-WMX-2.X.  Abbildung 1-5. Beispiel für eine TR-WMX-2.X-Installation
 14               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  1.4.2 Installation der Innenbereichskomponente Das folgende Verfahren beschreibt die Installation des TR-WMX-2.X-Teilnehmergeräts für den Innenbereich. Abbildung 1-6 zeigt die Schritte zur Installation der Innenbereichskomponente. 1. Schließen Sie die mitgelieferte Antenne an den Antennenanschluss auf der Rückseite des Geräts an. Wenn Sie der Rückseite des Geräts gegenüberstehen, ist dies der runde Anschluss auf der rechten Seite, der mit dem folgenden Symbol gekennzeichnet ist:                2. Das TR-WMX-2.X-Teilnehmergerät für den Innenbereich kann durch Anschluss an ein Ethernet-Netzwerk oder eine Wechselstrom-Steckdose angeschlossen werden. Führen Sie einen der folgenden Schritte durch, um das Gerät mit Strom zu versorgen:  Schließen Sie ein Ethernet-Kabel an die mit LAN beschriftete RJ-45-Anschlussbuchse auf der Rückseite an.   Schließen Sie das runde Ende des mitgelieferten Stromkabels an den mit PWR beschrifteten Stromanschluss auf der Rückseite an. Schließen Sie das andere Ende des Kabels an eine funktionierende Wechselstrom-Steckdose an. Falls sie für Ihren Bereich geeignet sind, verwenden Sie für den Anschluss an eine Wechselstrom-Steckdose einen der mitgelieferten Adapter. 3. Verwenden Sie die LED-Signale auf der Oberseite des Geräts, um die Signalstärke zu bestimmen (siehe Table 1-5 auf Seite 24). Bei schlechter Signalstärke stellen Sie das Gerät an einen anderen Platz, um zu versuchen, ein besseres Signal zu erhalten, wie von den Status-LEDs auf der Oberseite angezeigt.  Abbildung 1-6. Installation der Innenbereichskomponente    
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  15 1.4.3 Optimale Vorgehensweise bei der Installation Beachten Sie die nachfolgenden optimalen Vorgehensweisen bei der Installation des TR-WMX-2.X.  Der TR-WMX-2.X 10/100 Ethernet-Anschluss erkennt das jeweils angeschlossene Kabel automatisch und passt sich automatisch an. Der Ethernet-Anschluss ist durch ein wetterfestes Gehäuse geschützt. Die Stiftbelegungen für diesen Anschluss werden in            Tabelle 1-2 gezeigt.  Versuchen Sie nach Möglichkeit stets, das Kategorie 5- und das Koaxialkabel (LMR) im Inneren der Montagestange zu verlegen. Das hilft, das Kabel gegen Luftdruckschwankungen zu isolieren.   Halten Sie alle Kabelführungen so geradlinig wie möglich. Legen Sie niemals eine volle Schleife in die Kabel.  Das Erdungssystem der TR-WMX-2.X-Antenne muss entsprechend den Artikeln 810-15, 810-20 und 810-21 des National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA Nr. 70-1993 installiert werden. Überprüfen Sie alle Erdungen, um sicherzustellen, dass eine ordnungsgemäße Erdung benutzt wird. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, sich eine Kopie des National Electric Code-Handbuchs zu beschaffen und seine Vorgaben zu befolgen. Falls Sie Zweifel oder Fragen bezüglich des Antennenerdungssystems haben, wenden Sie sich an einen lokalen lizenzierten Elektriker. Alternativ können Sie Ihren eigenen Erdungsstab eintreiben und mit der Hauserdung verbinden; auf diese Weise wissen Sie, dass mindestens ein Stab vorschriftsmäßig im System geerdet ist.   Schließen Sie niemals ein Erdungskabel an, wenn der TR-WMX-2.X eingeschaltet ist. Wenn die Erdung an einen vorhandenen elektrischen Stromkreis angeschlossen wird, schalten Sie den Stromkreis aus, bevor Sie das Kabel anschließen.  Installieren Sie niemals eine Funkausrüstung, wie etwa den TR-WMX-2.X, während eines Gewitters. Gestalten Sie außerdem das System zum Schutz vor Blitzschäden derart, dass es keine Blitze anzieht (es kann auch keine Blitze abwehren). Nationale, einzelstaatliche und regionale Richtlinien sind dazu bestimmt, Leib, Leben und Eigentum zu schützen und müssen immer befolgt werden. Wenn Sie im Zweifel sind, konsultieren Sie die regionalen und nationalen Elektrizitätsrichtlinien oder befragen Sie einen Elektriker oder einen Fachmann, der in der konstruktiven Ausführung von Erdungssystemen geschult ist.
 16               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide       Tabelle 1-2. Stiftbelegungen für den TR-WMX-2.X 10/100 Ethernet-Anschluss Stift Signal Standard-Drahtfarbe 1 Tx+ Weiß/Orange 2 Tx - Orange 3 Rx+ Weiß/Grün 4 PoE V+ Blau 5 PoE V+ Weiß/Blau 6 Rx- Grün 7 Gnd Weiß/Braun 8 Gnd Braun  1.5 Configuring the TR-WMX-2.X After installing the TR-WMX-2.X, use the procedures in the following sections to configure it using its Configurator. 1.5.1 Logging in to the Configurator Your TR-WMX-2.X provides a Web-based Configurator for performing advanced configuration activities. After you install your TR-WMX-2.X, use the following procedure to launch the Configurator. 1. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet port on the PoE to a network-interface card (NIC) in a PC or network hub.   The TR-WMX-2.X Ethernet port is equipped with an auto-sensing Ethernet port that allows both regular and cross-over cables to be used. 2. Start your Web browser and point it to one of the following default IP addresses: or The Login page in Figure 1-7 appears, with your cursor in the User name field.   The default IP address is the same for all TR-WMX units. Therefore, do not
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  17 simultaneously connect multiple unconfigured TR-WMX units to a common Local Area Network (LAN) and try to access them using the default IP address.   To connect to the Configurator, your PC’s IP address must be on the same subnet (, where xxx is a number from 1 to 253) as the TR-WMX-2.X, and the PC’s netmask must be set to   Figure 1-7. Login Page 3. Enter the default username admin and default case-sensitive password default in the appropriate fields.   For security, every typed password character appears as a bullet (•). For additional security, we recommend you change the default password (see section 4.4.4). 4. Click the OK button to log in. The Information Page appears (see Figure 1-8). This read-only page displays network, wireless, and device information about your installation. For more information about this page, see section 3.1.
 18               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide   Figure 1-8. Example of an Information Page 1.5.2 Specifying Wireless Settings After logging in to the Configurator, use the following procedure to set the TR-WMX-2.X wireless settings.   The default configuration settings for most parameters should work well for the majority of installations. Only those settings that should be confirmed or adjusted as part of the quick-start instructions are described in this section. 1. In the left pane, under WiMAX Setup, click Wireless. The Wireless Settings page appears (see Figure 1-9). 2. Set the three groups of parameters as indicated in Table 1-3 and Figure 1-9. 3. Click the Apply button. A page tells you that your configuration changes have been saved, but will not be applied until you reboot the TR-WMX-2.X. 4. Do not reboot the TR-WMX-2.X at this time. Instead, proceed to section 1.5.3 on page 21.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  19   Figure 1-9. Wireless Settings Page Table 1-3. Wireless Settings Parameter  Choose This Setting Group  Parameters in Figure 1-9 Channel Bandwidth (MHz) Select 3.5MHz (default) or 7MHz, whichever best suits your application’s bandwidth needs and is allowed by your license. The base station must be set to the same bandwidth. RF Profiles Confirm that the default setting (TDD) is selected.   
 20               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Parameter  Choose This Setting CP Size Sets the cyclic prefix size, which helps mitigate multipath-induced signal degradation. Choices are 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 (default), or 1/32. This setting should match the CP setting of the base station to which the device is connecting.  Secondary Management Connection Support Confirm that the default setting (Secondary Management Support) is selected. If not, select it.  Initial Ranging Burst Inverting Confirm that the default setting (Software Auto) is selected. If not, select it. Adaptive Modulation (DBPC) Confirm that the default setting (Auto using CINR thresholds) is selected. If not, select it. Frequency (KHz) Sets the frequency, in kHz. Range is 3400000 – 3600000 in increments of 250. Default is 3450000 (3.45 GHz). Initial Delay Correction Value Confirm that the default setting (0) is selected. If not, select it.  Max TX Power (dBm) This value should match the TR -WMX-2.X antenna. Examples:  TR-WMX-2.X-14: specify a value that is 14db less than the max EIRP setting. If the max EIRP setting is 30dBm, for example, set Max Tx Power to 16dBm.   TR-WMX-2.X-17: specify a value that is 17db less than the max EIRP setting. If the max EIRP setting is 30dBm, for example, set Max Tx Power to 13dBm.   TR-WMX-2.X-20: specify a value that is 20db less than the max EIRP setting. If the max EIRP setting is 30dBm, for example, set Max Tx Power to 10dBm.  The Max Tx Power value cannot exceed 20dBm. Default setting is 20. Note: When setting the Max Tx Power value, do not exceed the max EIRP allowed by your license. When adding the values for Tx Antenna Gain and Max Tx Power, the sum of these values must equal or be less than the max EIRP that your license allows. The gain of the internal antenna is 17dB, requiring the Max Tx Power to be set to (max EIRP – 17). Min Tx Power (dBm) Confirm that the default setting (-10) is selected. If not, select it. Rx Antenna Gain (1/4dB step) Confirm that the default setting (0) is selected. If not, select it.  Tx Antenna Gain (1/4dB step) Confirm that the default setting (0) is selected. If not, select it.  Group  Parameters in Figure 1-9 MAC Message Strict Checking Confirm that the default setting (Disable) is selected. If not, select it. Pack Enable for Primary CID Confirm that the default setting (Enable) is selected. If not, select it. Fragment Enable for Primary CID Confirm that the default setting (Enable) is selected. If not, select it. Tx Overrun Fix Confirm that the default setting (Disable) is selected. If not, select it.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  21 Parameter  Choose This Setting QoS Admitted Bit Confirm that the default setting (Disable) is selected. If not, select it. QoS Tx Policy Checking Confirm that the default setting (Disable) is selected. If not, select it. Enable 0 Symbol HDD Patch Confirm that the default setting (Disable) is selected. If not, select it. Group  Parameters in Figure 1-9 BSID and Mask Use the standard format for MAC addresses (six 2-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by colons) to enter the base station ID. Example: “12:34:56:78:9a:bc”. You can enter up to 8 base station addresses, separating each by pressing the Enter key. To match all BSIDs, mask out the lower 3 bytes. "00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00" . 1.5.3 Specifying Network Setup Settings After specifying wireless settings, use the following procedure to specify the network setup settings. 1. In the left pane, under Network Setup, click TCP/IP. The TCP/IP Settings page appears (see Figure 1-10). 2. If the TR-WMX-2.X is set to unmanaged mode (No Secondary Management), set the parameters in Table 1-4 (these parameters are highlighted in orange in Figure 1-10). Otherwise, skip to step 3 below.   By default, the TR-WMX-2.X is set to use secondary managed mode. In this mode, the settings in Table 1-4 are set automatically and the fields are unavailable. If you switch to unmanaged mode (No Secondary Management), you can specify the settings in Table 1-4 manually. To change between the two modes, use Secondary Management Connection Support on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1).  Figure 1-10. TCP IP Settings
 22               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Table 1-4. TCP/IP Settings Parameter  Choose This Setting Wireless IP Address Secondary managed mode: This value is set automatically and the field is unavailable.  Unmanaged mode: Set this parameter to an unused value in the subnet to which the base station is connected. Wireless Net Mask Secondary managed mode: This value is set automatically and the field is unavailable. Unmanaged mode: Set this value to match that of the subnet to which the base station is connected.  Route Gateway Secondary managed mode: This value is set automatically and the field is unavailable. Unmanaged mode: Set this value to be the router on the subnet to which the base station is connected.  3. Click the Apply button. When the next page appears, click the Reboot button to reboot the TR-WMX-2.X and put your saved settings into effect.   Rebooting disconnects the TR-WMX-2.X and any connections currently running. It may take 60 seconds before the TR-WMX-2.X s running and accessible again. The Status LED flashes while the unit reboots and goes ON when the unit completes the reboot process.  Congratulations! You have now completed the installation procedures for your TR-WMX-2.X node. Your TR-WMX-2.X unit is now ready for use.   By default, security is disabled on the TR-WMX-2.X. To enable security, see section 2.2.2.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  23 1.6 Monitoring TR-WMX-2.X Status There are two ways to monitor the status of your TR-WMX-2.X:   Viewing status pages through the TR-WMX-2.X Configurator  Watching the status LEDS on the rear panel of the TR-WMX-2.X 1.6.1 Viewing Status Information You can view TR-WMX-2.X status information by clicking the links under Status in the left pane of the Configurator. To display the system information, for example, click System. For more information, see Chapter 3.   The values shown in the status pages are not updated dynamically. To refresh the values shown, reload the Web page.  Figure 1-11. Status Links on the Configurator Status Links
 24               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  1.6.2 Status LEDS The rear of the TR-WMX-2.X has 9 LEDs that show the unit’s status. Table 1-5 describes the functions of the LEDs.  The TR-WMX-2.X status LEDs can be disabled from the Administrative Settings page (see section 4.4.3). Table 1-5. TR-WMX-2.X LEDs LED Description Radio ON = connection with a base station has been established. OFF = connection with a base station has not been established.  LAN ON = a connection to the Ethernet port has been established. Flash = connection is in use. OFF = a connection to the Ethernet port has not been established. Status ON = TR-WMX-2.X is fully operational. Blink = TR-WMX-2.X is booting or shutting down.  Signal Indicates the received signal strength from a base station.  1 LED blinking = there is no link between the TR -WMX-2.X and the base station. 1 LED ON = RSSI ≤ -96dBm 2 LEDs ON = -95dBm ≤ RSSI -86 dBm 3 LEDs ON = -85dBm ≤ RSSI ≤ -76 dBm 4 LEDs ON = -75dBm ≤ RSSI ≤ -61 dBm 5 LEDs ON = RSSI ≥ -60 dBm Power ON = TR-WMX-2.X is receiving power. OFF = TR-WMX-2.X is not receiving power.
  25  2  Advanced Configuration This chapter describes how to perform advanced configuration activities using the TR-WMX-2.X Configurator.    This chapter is for expert users who understand networking concepts and terminology. You do not need to perform these activities to use your TR-WMX-2.X, nor should you undertake these procedures if you are a novice user. Performing the instructions in Chapter 1 is all that is required to start using your TR-WMX-2.X. The topics covered in this chapter are:  Section 2.1, Understanding the Pages in the Configurator (page 26)  Section 2.2, Entering WiMAX Setup Settings (page 28)  Section 2.3, Entering Network Setup Settings (page 33)   2
Chapter 2, Advanced Configuration   26 2.1 Understanding the Pages in the Configurator The TR-WMX-2.X Configurator is a Web-based utility that provides an intuitive user interface for viewing and changing configuration and status settings. The page header at the top of the page shows the name of the page. The navigation panel on the left side provides links you can click to display the pages in the Configurator. The links are organized into the following categories:  WiMAX Setup - lets you access the pages for viewing and configuring the TR-WMX-2.X wireless and security settings. See section 2.2.  Network Setup – lets you access the pages for viewing and configuring the TR-WMX-2.X TCP/IP and VLAN settings. See section 2.3.  Administration – lets you view and configure administrative settings (see section 4) and upgrade the TR-WMX-2.X firmware (see Appendix B). Pages with user-configurable settings have an Apply button at the bottom of the page. The same pages, and the Firmware page, have a Back to Information Page button.   After you change configuration settings on a page, click Apply before going to another page; otherwise, your changes will be discarded. Clicking Apply saves in memory all changes made on the currently displayed page. When you click this button, another page appears with a Reboot button. You can either click the Reboot button to reboot the TR-WMX-2.X and have the new configuration settings take effect, or change settings on other pages and reboot after all of your configuration changes are complete.    Rebooting disconnects the TR-WMX-2.X and any connections currently running. It may take up to 60 seconds before the TR-WMX-2.X is running and accessible again. When you reboot the TR-WMX-2.X, the Status LED flashes while the unit reboots and goes ON when the unit completes the reboot process.   Another way to reboot the unit is by using the Reboot button on the Administration Settings page (see section 4.3).  The Back to Information Page lets you redisplay the Information Page. This page lets you view the TR-WMX-2.X’s current network, wireless, and device settings (see section 3.1). This page is the first page that appears when you log in to the Configurator.   The main panel is the viewing area on the page. When you select a link in the navigation panel, the fields of the page are displayed in the main panel. This is where you view and change the TR-WMX-2.X configuration settings.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  27 The remaining sections describe the Configurator pages you can use to view and change the TR-WMX-2.X configuration and status. These sections assume you used the procedure in section 1.5.1 to log in to the Configurator.   Figure 2-1. Areas on the Configurator Page Navigation Panel Main Area Page Header
Chapter 2, Advanced Configuration 28               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  2.2 Entering WiMAX Setup Settings The Configurator provides two menu selections for entering WiMAX setup settings:  Wireless lets you set wireless settings for the TR-WMX-2.X. See section 2.2.1.  Security lets you set security settings for the TR-WMX-2.X. See section 2.2.2. If you change any of the settings on these pages, click the Apply button at the bottom of the page to reboot the TR-WMX-2.X and have your settings take effect. 2.2.1 Entering Wireless Settings Clicking the Wireless link under WiMAX Setup in the left pane of the Configurator displays the Wireless Settings page. Use this page to select the wireless settings for the TR-WMX-2.X. Figure 2-2 shows this page, and Table 2-1 describes the fields and buttons on it.   Figure 2-2. Wireless Settings Page
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  29 Table 2-1. Fields and Buttons in the Wireless Settings Page Field Description Channel Bandwidth (MHz) Select the value that best suits your application’s bandwidth needs and is allowed by your license. Choices are:  3.5 MHz (default)  7MHz RF Profiles Select the duplex method that best suits your requirements. Choices are:  TDD mode: sets the carrier frequency for communication between the CPE and base station. (default)  H-FDD mode: sets the carrier frequency for communication from the base station to the CPE. CP Size Sets the cyclic prefix size, which helps mitigate multipath-induced signal degradation. The setting reflects the ratio of the guard band to the signal band (i.e., a smaller fraction implies a larger guard band). This setting should match the CP setting of the base station to which the device is connecting. Choices are:  1/4  1/8  1/16 (default)  1/32 Secondary Management Connection Support Determines whether the TR -WMX-2.X is configured for Static or DHCP Client mode. Choices are:   No Secondary Management Support – unmanaged mode. This setting requires you to set the TR-WMX-2.X IP addresses manually. This setting makes the Management Net Mask, and Management Route Gateway fields available on the TCP/IP Settings page.   Secondary Management (Default) – Secondary managed mode. Select this setting if the TR-WMX-2.X IP addresses will be set automatically by a DHCP server. This setting makes Management Net Mask, and Management Route Gateway fields on the TCP/IP Settings page unavailable. (def ault) Initial Ranging Burst Inverting This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection of Software Auto.
Chapter 2, Advanced Configuration 30               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Field Description Adaptive Modulation (DBPC) Matches the downlink modulation used to the link conditions. Adaptive modulation, operates in conjunction with the downlink burst power control (DBPC) which adjusts the CPE transmit power to that requested by the base station. Fixed modulations can be selected or adaptive algorithms based on CINR or based on error rates can be used to determine when the downlink modulation is adjusted. Choices are::  Disable DBPC  Auto using CINR thresholds (default)  Auto using BER thresholds  Fixed to BPSK–1/2  Fixed to QPSK–1/2  Fixed to QPSK–3/4  Fixed to QAM16–1/2  Fixed to QAM16–3/4  Fixed to QAM64–2/3  Fixed to QAM64–3/4 Frequency (KHz) Sets the frequency, in kHz. Range is 3400000  – 3600000 in increments of 250. Default is 34500000 (3.45 GHz). Initial Delay Correction Value 0 (default) Max TX Power (dBm) The maximum transmit power at which the unit can operate, specified in dBm. This value added to the Tx Antenna Gain cannot exceed the EIRP that the operator license allows. Range is -10 to 20dBm. Default is 20dBm. Min Tx Power (dBm) The minimum transmit power at which the unit can operate, specified in dBm. Range is -10 to 20dBm. Default is -10dBm. Rx Antenna Gain (1/4dB step) The gain of the Rx antenna, in dB. The gain of the internal antenna is 17dB. Default is 0dB. Tx Antenna Gain (1/4dB step) The gain of the Rx antenna, in dB. The gain of the internal antenna is 17dB. Default is 0dB. MRTR for SMC in bps Sets the minimum reserved traffic rate for the secondary management channel. Default is 100000. Lost DL/UL MAP Interval Sets the time in seconds that the CPE will maintain the link to the BS using the last DL or UL MAP received. Default is 700.  QoS Max Downlink SF Sets the maximum number of downlink service flows the CPE will support. Default is 8.The maximum possible SF for downlink and uplink service flows, combined is 60. QoS Max Uplink SF Sets the maximum number of uplink service flows the CPE will support. Default is 8.The maximum possible SF for downlink and uplink service flows, combined is 60. AFS channel bandwidth (in MHz) scan order This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.  For Least Robust DIUC as LSB/MSB and DCD CCC as MSB/LSB This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection. MAC Message Strict Checking This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  31 Field Description Pack Enable for Primary CID This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.  Fragment Enable for Primary CID This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection. Tx Overrun Fix This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.  QoS Admitted Bit This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.  QoS Tx Policy Checking This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection. Enable 0 Symbol HDD Patch This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.  AFS Mode This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.  CS classifier rules' type check bypass This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.  BSID and Mask Use the standard format for MAC addresses (six 2-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by colons) to enter the base station ID. Example: “12:34:56:78:9a:bc”. You can enter up to 8 base station addresses, separating each by pressing the Enter key. To match all BSIDs, mask out the lower 3 bytes. "00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00" .
Chapter 2, Advanced Configuration 32               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  2.2.2 Setting Security Settings Clicking the Security link under WiMAX Setup in the left pane of the Configurator displays the Security Settings page. Use this page to select the security settings for the TR-WMX-2.X. The first selection on this page lets you select the encryption method to be used. Depending on your selection, the remaining fields on the page are either enabled or disabled. Figure 2-3 shows this page, and Table 2-2 describes the fields and buttons on it.  Figure 2-3. Security Settings Page Table 2-2. Fields and Buttons in the Security Settings Page Field Description Disable Disables the  TR-WMX-2.X security settings on this page. This is the default setting. Shark Data Enable This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.  Xscale/Venus Data Enable This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. Please do not change from the default selection.  PKM Mode Enable the privacy key management (PKM) protocol used to distribute and maintain private keys for traffic encryption. Choices are:  Testing – select this setting if the  TR-WMX-2.X will be used for testing/evaluation purposes. (default)  Operational – select this setting if the TR -WMX-2.X will be used for network operations. SS's RSA-1024 Private Key Specify the path where the RAS 1024 private key is located. SS's Certificate Specify the path where the subscriber station’s certificate is located.  Manufacturer's Certificate Specify the path where the manufacturer’s certificate is located.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  33 2.3 Entering Network Setup Settings The Configurator provides two menu selections for entering network setup settings:  TCP/IP lets you set the MAC address and IP mode for the TR-WMX-2.X. See section 2.3.1.  VLAN lets you set the virtual LAN (VLAN) settings for the TR-WMX-2.X. See section 0. If you change any of the settings on these pages, click the Apply button at the bottom of the page to reboot the TR-WMX-2.X and have your settings take effect. 2.3.1 Entering TCP/IP Settings Clicking the TCP/IP link under Network Setup in the left pane of the Configurator displays the TCP/IP Settings page. Use this page to select the wireless settings for the TR-WMX-2.X. Figure 2-4 shows this page, and Table 2-3 describes the fields and buttons on it.   By default, the TR-WMX-2.X is set to secondary managed mode. In this mode, the IP Mode settings in Table 2-3 are set automatically and the fields are unavailable. If you switch to unmanaged mode (No Secondary Management), you can specify these settings manually. To change between the two modes, use Secondary Management Connection Support on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1).   If you change the unit’s MAC address from those assigned when the unit was shipped and noted on the Subscriber Unit label, please ensure that the MAC of the Wireless MAC address is a lower number than the Wired MAC address.
Chapter 2, Advanced Configuration 34               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide   Figure 2-4. TCP/IP Settings Page Table 2-3. Fields and Buttons in the TCP/IP Settings Page Field Description MAC Address Wired MAC Address The TR-WMX-35’s wired MAC address. Wireless MAC Address The TR-WMX-35’s wireless MAC address.  IP Mode Static The TR-WMX-35 IP address will be set manually and remain static.  DHCP Client The TR-WMX-35 IP address will be set automatically using DHCP. Wireless Management IP Address The wireless management IP address of the TR-WMX-35.   Secondary managed mode: This value is set automatically and the field is unavailable.   Unmanaged mode: Set this value to an unused IP address in the subnet to which the base station is connected.  Wireless Management Net Mask The wireless management netmask of the TR-WMX-35.   Secondary managed mode: This value is set automatically and the field is unavailable.  Unmanaged mode: Set  this value to match that of the subnet to which the base station is connected. Management Route Gateway The wireless management gateway of the TR-WMX-35.  Secondary managed mode: This value is set automatically and the field is unavailable.  Unmanaged mode: Set this value to be the router on the subnet to which the base station is connected.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  35 2.3.2 VLAN Settings A VLAN is an administrative grouping of network devices that is logically segmented, by functions, project teams, or applications rather than a physical or geographical basis. VLANs provide the segmentation services traditionally provided by routers in LAN configurations. For example, all workstations and servers used by a particular workgroup team can be connected to the same VLAN, regardless of their physical connections to the network. In this way, you can use VLANs to reconfigure the network through software rather than physically unplugging and moving devices or wires. Clicking the VLAN link under Network Setup in the left pane of the Configurator displays the VLAN Settings page. Use this page to select the security settings for the TR-WMX-2.X. Figure 2-5 shows this page, and Table 2-4 describes the fields and buttons on it. The VLAN Settings page is divided into four areas:  The top area lets you enable and configure the management VLAN.  The middle area lets you define rules for the management VLAN.   Buttons below the rules area let you add, edit, delete, and update a management VLAN.   The bottom of the page shows the VLAN rules that have been defined.   Figure 2-5. VLAN Settings Page
Chapter 2, Advanced Configuration 36               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Table 2-4. Fields and Buttons in the VLAN Settings Page Field Description VLAN Mode Lets you enable or disable VLAN mode. Choices are:   Enable – enables VLAN mode, enabling the settings on this page.   Disable – disables VLAN mode, disabling the settings on this page. (default) VLAN Tag Tagging refers to the IEEE 802.1Q header that is inserted into the standard Ethernet header. Choices are:  Allow – a Tag Header is added to the frame after the destination and source MAC addresses. This information is preserved as the frame moves through the network.. (default)  Drop – a Tag Header is not added to the frame. Nested VLANs Nested VLANs (also known as VLAN double tagging) are used to overlay a private Layer 2 network over a public Layer 2 network. This provides simple access to an infrastructure of network service providers in networks. With a nested VLAN configuration, each customer is given a customer-ID, which is a unique identifier within the service provider infrastructure. Traffic from individual customers is tagged with the customer-ID and segregated from other customer’s traffic.  Disable – disables nested VLANs. (default)  Enable – enables nested VLANs. Management VLAN ID The numeric identifier for the management VLAN. Default is 0. Valid VLAN ID Range To specify a range of VLAN IDs, enter the first and last numbers, separated by a dash (for example, 100-200). Default is 0. VLAN Default The default ID and priority of the VLAN. Defaults are 0 for ID and Priority. Set Specific VLAN Rules VLAN Rule ID You can create a VLAN identification matching rule that is based on a single VLAN ID or priority, a range of IDs or priorities, or any ID or priority. Priority Specify a single VLAN priority, a range of VLAN priorities, or a VLAN priority for any traffic flow.  To specify a single VLAN priority, enter a number between 0 and 7 (0 has the highest priority and 7 has the lowest priority).  To specify a range of VLAN priorities, enter the first and last numbers, separated by a dash (for example, 1-3).   To match any traffic flow that has a VLAN priority tag, type the word  any. Active Select whether the rule is enabled or disabled. Choices are:  Disable – rule is not in effect.  Enable – rule is in effect. VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID of the rule you want to edit or delete. Source MAC Range The range of source MAC addresses to which the rule applies and corresponding mask.  Destination MAC Range The range of destination MAC addresses to which the rule applies and corresponding mask.
 TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  37  Set Specific VLAN Rules (continued) Field Description Source IP Range The range of source IP addresses to which the rule applies and corresponding mask.  Destination IP Range The range of destination IP addresses to which the rule applies and corresponding mask.  Source Port Range The range of source ports to which the rule applies and corresponding mask. Destination Port Range The range of destination ports to which the rule applies and corresponding mask. Button Description New Click this button to set up a new rule for the management VLAN. After clicking this button, complete the Set Specific VLAN Rules section on this page and click Add. The new rule appears under VLAN Rules at the bottom of this page. Add After setting up a new rule, click this button to add the rule to the VLAN Rules list at the bottom of the page. Delete Lets you delete a rule. In the VLAN Rule ID field, enter the ID for the rule you want to delete. Then click Delete to delete the rule. Note: No precautionary message appears before deleting a rule, so be sure you do not need the rule before you delete it. Edit Lets you modify a rule. In the VLAN Rule ID field, enter the ID for the rule you want to edit. Then click Edit, change the settings, and click Update.  Update Click this button after editing a rule.
Chapter 2, Advanced Configuration 38               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  This page intentionally left blank.
  39 3 Viewing Status Information The Configurator provides a Status section that lets you display status pages for monitoring the TR-WMX-2.X. This section describes how to use these pages to monitor the TR-WMX-2.X. The topics covered in this chapter are:  Section 3.1, Information Page (page 40)  Section 3.2, Wireless Information Page (page 42)  Section 3.2, Wireless Information Page (page 42)  Section 3.3, System Information Page (page 44)  Section 3.4, Statistics Information Page (page 46)  Section 3.5, ARP Information Page (page 48)  Section 3.6, System Log (page 49)    3
Chapter 3, Viewing Status Information 40               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  3.1 Information Page The Information Page is the first page that appears when you log in to the Configurator. You can also display this page from another page in the Configurator by clicking the Back to Information Page button at the bottom of the pages in the WiMAX Setup, Network Setup, and Administration sections. The Information Page is a read-only page that displays network, wireless, and device information. Figure 3-1 shows this page and Table 3-1 describes the fields on it.  Figure 3-1. Information Page
Information Page TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  41 Table 3-1. Information Page Field Description Network Mode TR-WMX operating mode (for example, bridge, router, etc.). MAC Address TR-WMX Media Access Control (MAC) address, as defined on the TCP/IP Settings page (see section 2.3.1). IP Mode IP mode of the TR-WMX-2.X, as defined on the TCP/IP Settings page (see section 2.3.1). IP Address IP address of the TR -WMX-2.X. Subnet Mask Subnet mask of the TR-WMX-2.X. Gateway Gateway mask of the TR -WMX-2.X. Wireless Link Status Shows whether the TR-WMX-2.X is connected to the base station. Frequency (Tx/Rx) TR-WMX-2.X transmit and receive frequencies, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 3.2). Bandwidth Bandwidth used by the TR -WMX-2.X. RF Profile TR-WMX-2.X duplex method, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 3.2). CP Size TR-WMX-2.X cyclic prefix size, as define on the Wireless Settings page (see section 3.2). Tx Power (Max/Min/Cur) TR-WMX-2.X maximum, minimum, and current transmit power levels, in dBm. The maximum and minimum settings are defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 3.2). Signal (RSSI/CINR/SNR/Avrg) RSSI, CINR, SNR, and average signal strength, in dBm.   RSSI - the higher the value, the higher the transmit rate (up to the maximum). Conversely, the lower the RSSI, the lower the transmission speed until 0 is reached (no connectivity).  CINR - the higher the value, the more throughput a link can maintain.  SNR - the lower the value means the desired signal is nearly indistinguishable from the unwanted noise.  Avrg - the average of the RSSI, CINR, and SNR values. Base Stations MAC address with which the TR-WMX-2.X is communicating, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 3.2). Device Board Serial Number Serial number of the TR-WMX-2.X printed circuit board. Device Name Name of the TR -WMX-2.X unit, as defined on the Administrative Settings page (see section 4.4.1). Default is TR-WMX. Location Location of the TR -WMX-2.X, as defined on the Administrative Settings page (see Chapter 4). Firmware Revision Revision number of the firmware used by the TR -WMX-2.X. Build Date Build date of the firmware used by the TR-WMX-2.X.
Chapter 3, Viewing Status Information 42               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  3.2 Wireless Information Page The Wireless Information page shows information about the TR-WMX-2.X’s wireless operation. The user-configurable information on this page can be set using the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1). Figure 3-2 shows this page and Table 3-2 describes the fields on it.  Figure 3-2. Wireless Information Page
Wireless Information Page TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  43 Table 3-2. Wireless Information Page Field Description Channel Bandwidth Status (MHz) Bandwidth, in MHz, of theTR -WMX-2.X, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1). Frequency (KHz) Frequency, in kHz, of theTR-WMX-2.X, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1). RF Profile RF profile of theTR-WMX-2.X, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1). CP Size Cycle prefix size, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1). Modulation Modulation used by theTR-WMX-2.X. Link Manager State Shows where in the network connection process the CPE is. For example if the CPE is scanning for a BS downlink message, receiving a DHCP address assignment, or if the CPE to BS link is operational.  Link State Shows whether the TR-WMX-2.X link is up or down. RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) Strength of the Received Signal Strength Indicator, in dBm, received by your TR-WMX-2.X. The higher the value, the higher the transmit rate (up to the maximum). Conversely, the lower the RSSI, the lower the transmission speed until 0 is reached (no connectivity). CINR (Carrier to Interference and Noise Ratio) Carrier to Interference and Noise Ratio, in dB, for your  TR-WMX-2.X. The higher the value, the more throughput a link can maintain. Current TX Power Current transmit power, in dBm, for your TR-WMX-2.X. RF Mode Current radio-frequency mode (licensed or unlicensed) for your TR-WMX-2.X. DBPC Support (Downlink Burst Profile Change) Shows whether Downlink Burst Profile Change is enabled or disabled. Initial Ranging Burst Inverting This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature.  Initial Delay Correction Value This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. TX Power Range Max The maximum transmit power range of the  TR-WMX-2.X, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1).  TX Power Range Min The minimum transmit power range of the TR-WMX-2.X, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1).  TX Antenna Gain The maximum transmit antenna gain of the  TR-WMX-2.X, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1).  RX Antenna Gain The minimum transmit antenna gain of the TR -WMX-2.X, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1).  AFS Channel Bandwidth (in MHz) Scan Order This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature.  MRTR for SMC in bps The minimum reserved traffic rate for the secondary management channel. Lost DL/UL MAP Interval ([600 , 1800] milliseconds) The time in seconds that the CPE will maintain the link to the BS using the last DL or UL MAP received. AFS Mode This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature. RNG-RSP Byte Order This feature is provided for Engineering development use, and is an undocumented feature.
Chapter 3, Viewing Status Information 44               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  3.3 System Information Page The System Information page shows information about the TR-WMX-2.X’s wireless configuration settings and operation. Figure 3-3 shows this page and Table 3-3 describes the fields on it.  Figure 3-3. System Information Page
System Information Page TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  45 Table 3-3. System Information Page Field Description Bridge br0 IP Address Wired IP address of the  TR-WMX-2.X, as defined on the TCP/IP Settings page (see section 2.3.1).  Bridge br0 Net Mask Wired netmask of the  TR-WMX-2.X, as defined on the TCP/IP Settings page (see section 2.3.1). Encryption Support Shows whether encryption is enabled or disabled on the  TR-WMX-2.X, as defined on the Security Settings page (see section 2.2.2). PKM Mode Shows whether private key management is enabled or disabled on the TR -WMX-2.X, as defined on the Security Settings page (see section 2.2.2). Secondary Management Connection Support Shows whether the secondary management support has been enabled. IP Managed Mode Shows whether an IP address has been assigned to the CPE using DHCP operating over the IEEE 802.16 secondary management channel. Bridge/Router Mode Shows whether the TR-WMX-2.X is configured for bridge or router mode, as defined on the TCP/IP Settings page (see section 2.3.1). IP Mode Shows whether IP mode is set to static or DHCP setting, as defined on the TCP/IP Settings page (see section 2.3.1).  MAC Msg Strict Checking Shows whether MAC Message Strict Checking is enabled or disabled, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1). Pack Enable For Primary CID Shows whether Pack Enable for Primary CID is enabled or disabled, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1). Fragment Enable For Primary CID Shows whether Fragment Enable For Primary CID is enabled or disabled, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1).  TX Overrun Fix Shows whether TX Overrun Fix is enabled or disabled, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1).  Bypass QoS Admitted Bit (Absent) Shows whether Bypass QoS Admitted Bit (Absent) is enabled or disabled. Bypass Strict QoS Tx Policy Checking Shows whether Bypass Strict QoS Tx Policy Checking is enabled or disabled.  Enable 0 Symbol HFDD Patch Shows whether Enable 0 Symbol HFDD Patch is enabled or disabled, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 2.2.1). Base Station ID List Shows the base station ID list, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section  2.2.1).
Chapter 3, Viewing Status Information 46               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  3.4 Statistics Information Page The Statistics Information page shows statistics of the wired and wireless packets sent and received by the TR-WMX-2.X. Figure 3-4 shows this page and Table 3-4 describes the fields on it.  Figure 3-4. Statistics Information Page
Statistics Information Page TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  47 Table 3-4. Statistics Information Page Field Description Wired Received (Rx) and transmitted (Tx) statistics for the  TR-WMX-2.X’s wired interface.   Bytes – number of bytes transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) by the TR-WMX-2.X on the wired network.  Packets – number of packets transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) the  TR-WMX-2.X on the wired network.  Errs – number of transmit/receive errors detected by the  TR-WMX-2.X on the wired network.  Drop – number of dropped transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) packets detected by the TR-WMX-2.X on the wired network.  Fifo – number of transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) packets first in/first out between the  TR-WMX-2.X and the wired network.  Frame – number of frames transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) by the TR -WMX-2.X on the wired network.  Compressed – number of compressed frames transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) by the TR-WMX-2.X on the wired network   Muilticast – number of multicast frames transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) by the TR-WMX-2.X on the wired network Wireless Received (Rx) and transmitted (Tx) statistics for the TR-WMX-2.X’s wireless interface.   Bytes – number of bytes transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) by the TR-WMX-2.X on the wireless network.  Packets – number of packets transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) the TR-WMX-2.X on the wireless network.  Errs – number of transmit/receive errors detected by the  TR-WMX-2.X on the wireless network.  Drop – number of dropped transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) packets detected by the TR-WMX-2.X on the wireless network.  Fifo – number of transmitted (Tx) or rec eived (Rx) packets first in/first out between the TR-WMX-2.X and the wireless network.  Frame – number of frames transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) by the TR -WMX-2.X on the wireless network.  Compressed – number of compressed frames transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) by the TR-WMX-2.X on the wireless network   Muilticast – number of multicast frames transmitted (Tx) or received (Rx) by the TR-WMX-2.X on the wireless network
Chapter 3, Viewing Status Information 48               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  3.5 ARP Information Page The TR-WMX-2.X has an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table that automatically maps the TR-WMX-2.X IP address to the MAC address of a switch. The ARP Information page shows the TR-WMX-2.X IP address and the corresponding MAC address of the switch. For example, the page in Figure 3-5 shows that the TR-WMX-2.X’s IP address is, which corresponds to the MAC address 00:A0:C8:2B:2A:4A.  Figure 3-5. ARP Information Page
System Log TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  49 3.6 System Log The TR-WMX-2.X has separate logs that contain information about the unit’s wireless and router operations. Using the System Information page, you can view the information in these logs.   The Wireless Log area shows wireless information recorded in the wireless log.  The Router Log area shows router information recorded in the router log.  Both areas have a Refresh button that can be used to update the information displayed in the respective areas on this page. Figure 3-6 shows this page.   Figure 3-6. System Log Page
Chapter 3, Viewing Status Information 50               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  This page intentionally left blank.
  51 4   Configuring Administrative Settings The Configurator has an Administration link that lets you perform a variety of administrative tasks, such as:  Restoring the TR-WMX-2.X to its factory defaults   Rebooting the TR-WMX-2.X without returning the unit to its factory default settings.  Changing the device name and location.  Enabling or disabling Web, SSH, and Telnet access.  Enabling or disabling the TR-WMX-2.X status LEDs.  Changing the user name and password required to log in to the Configurator.  The topics covered in this chapter are:  Section 4.1, Displaying the Administrative Settings Page (page 52)  Section 4.2, Returning to Factory Default  (page 52)  Section 4.3, Rebooting the TR-WMX-2.X Unit (page 53)  Section 4.4, Changing Device Configuration Settings (page 53)  4
Chapter 4, Configuring Administrative Settings 52               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  4.1 Displaying the Administrative Settings Page All administrative tasks are performed from the Administrative Settings page. To display the Administrative Settings page, click the Administrative Settings link under Administration in the navigation panel of the Configurator. Figure 4-1 shows the Administrative Settings page.  Figure 4-1. Administrative Settings Page 4.2 Returning to Factory Default Settings Using the Defaults button on the Administrative Settings page, you can return the TR-WMX-2.X to the settings that were in effect when you powered it up for the first time. When you click this button, a precautionary message tells you that proceeding will remove any custom settings you set and return all parameters to their factory default settings. You can then click OK to continue or Cancel to cancel the operation.   For a complete list of the TR-WMX-2.X’s default settings, see Appendix A.
Rebooting the TR-WMX-2.X Unit TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  53 4.3 Rebooting the TR-WMX-2.X Unit The Reboot button on the Administrative Settings page provides one way to reboot the TR-WMX-2.X (the other way is using the Apply and Reboot button described in section 2.1). If you change any TR-WMX-2.X configuration settings, you must use one of these methods to reboot the TR-WMX-2.X and put the settings into effect. When you click this button, a precautionary message tells you that proceeding will reboot the TR-WMX-2.X. You can then click OK to continue or Cancel to cancel the operation.    Rebooting disconnects the TR-WMX-2.X and any connections currently running. It may take up to 60 seconds before the TR-WMX-2.X is running and accessible again. When you reboot the TR-WMX-2.X, the Status LED flashes while the unit reboots and goes ON when the unit completes the reboot process. 4.4 Changing Device Configuration Settings Using the Administrative Settings page, you can:  Change the TR-WMX-2.X device name and location  Enable or disable Web, SSH, and Telnet access  Enable or disable the TR-WMX-2.X LEDs 4.4.1 Changing the Device Name and Location The TR-WMX-2.X device name is the name used to identify the device. The device name appears on the Information Page (see section 3.1). If your installation has a number of devices, you will probably want to assign a unique device name to each TR-WMX-2.X. To change the device name: 1. On the Administrative Settings page, delete the current name shown in the Device Name field and enter a new name. 2. To change the location, delete the current location shown in the Location field and enter a new location. 3. Click the Apply button to save your changes. When the next page appears, either: – Click the Reboot button to reboot the TR-WMX-2.X and apply the settings. – Change settings on other pages, then reboot the TR-WMX-2.X to apply all the new settings.
Chapter 4, Configuring Administrative Settings 54               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  4.4.2 Enabling or Disabling Web, SSH, and Telnet Access Using the Administrative Settings page, you can enable or disable Web access, SSH access, and Telnet access to the TR-WMX-2.X.   If you disable Web access, you will not be able to access the TR-WMX-2.X using a browser.  If you disable SSH access, you will not be able to access the TR-WMX-2.X via an SSH session.  If you disable Telnet access, you will not be able to access the TR-WMX-2.X using a Telnet session. To enable or disable Web, SSH, and Telnet access to the TR-WMX-2.X, use the following procedure. 1. To enable or disable Web access to the TR-WMX-2.X, click the down arrow next to Enable Web Access and select Enable or Disable from the drop-down list. 2. To enable or disable SSH access to the TR-WMX-2.X, click the down arrow next to Enable SSH Access and select Enable or Disable from the drop-down list. 3. To enable or disable Telnet access to the TR-WMX-2.X, click the down arrow next to Enable telnet Access and select Enable or Disable from the drop-down list. 4. Click the Apply button to save your changes. Then either: – Click the Reboot button on the next page that appears to apply the settings and reboot the TR-WMX-2.X at this time. – Change any other configuration settings you want to modify. When finished, apply all the new and reboot the TR-WMX-2.X. 4.4.3 Enabling or Disabling the Status LEDs Using the Administrative Settings page, you can enable or disable the 10 status LEDs on the rear panel of the TR-WMX-2.X. By default, the LEDs are configured to be ON. This means they show the status of the TR-WMX-2.X as described in Table 1-5 on page 24. If the TR-WMX-2.X will be installed in a location where the LEDs cannot be observed, you can disable them and rely on the status screens described in Chapter 3 to assess the status of the TR-WMX-2.X. To enable or disable the status LEDs on the TR-WMX-2.X, use the following procedure. 1. Click the down arrow next to Status LEDs and select Enable or Disable from the drop-down list. 2. Click the Apply button to save your changes. Then either: – Click the Reboot button on the next page that appears to apply the settings and reboot the TR-WMX-2.X at this time.
Changing Device Configuration Settings TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  55 – Change any other configuration settings you want to modify. When finished, apply all the new and reboot the TR-WMX-2.X. 4.4.4 Changing Log In Settings Using the Administrative Settings page, you can change the user name and password used to log in to the Configurator. For security purposes, we recommend you change the default password. 1. To change the user name, click in the User Name field, delete the name shown, and enter a new user name. 2. To change the log in password, click in the Password field, delete the entry, and enter a new password. 3. Click in the Confirm Password field, delete the entry, and enter the same password you typed in step 2.   For security, every typed password character appears as a bullet (•).  5. Click the Apply button to save your changes. When the next page appears, either: – Click the Reboot button to reboot the TR-WMX-2.X and apply the settings. – Change settings on other pages, then reboot the TR-WMX-2.X to apply all the new settings.
Chapter 4, Configuring Administrative Settings 56               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  This page intentionally left blank.
  57 A    Factory Default Configuration Settings This appendix lists the factory default configuration settings that are in effect when you unpack the TR-WMX-2.X or reset it to factory default settings. A.1 Default Wireless Settings Setting Default Setting Default Channel Bandwidth (MHz) 3.5 QoS Max Downlink SF 8 RF Profiles TDD QoS Max Uplink SF 8 CP Size 1/16 AFS channel bandwidth (in MHz) scan order 35-7-0 Secondary Management Connection Support Secondary Management (Default) For Least Robust DIUC as LSB/MSB and DCD CCC as MSB/LSB Enable Initial Ranging Burst Inverting Software Auto MAC Message Strict Checking Disable Adaptive Modulation (DBPC) Auto using CINR thresholds Pack Enable For Primary CID Enable Frequency (KHz) 3450000 Fragment Enable For Primary CID Enable Initial Delay Correction Value 0 TX overrun fix Disable Max TX Power (dBm) 20 QoS Admitted Bit Disable Min TX Power (dBm) -10 QoS Tx Policy Checking Disable RX Antenna Gain (1/4dB step) 0 Enable 0 symbol HFDD Patch Disable TX Antenna Gain (1/4dB step) 0 AFS mode Disable MRTR for SMC in bps 100000 CS classifier rules' type check bypass Disable Lost DL/UL MAP Interval 700     A
Appendix A, Factory Default Configuration Settings 58               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  A.2 Default Security Settings Setting Default Encryption Support Disable A.3 Default TCP/IP Settings Setting Default IP Mode DHCP Client Enabled A.4 Default VLAN Settings Setting Default VLAN Mode Disable VLAN Tag Allow (Allow All Traffic Through) Nested VLANs Disable Management VLAN ID 0 Valid VLAN ID Range 0 Vlan Default ID = 0, Priority = 0 A.5 Default Administrative Settings Setting Default Device Name TR-WMX Location San Diego, Ca Enable Web Access Enabled Enable SSH Access Disabled Enable Telnet Access Disabled Status LEDs Enabled User Name Admin Password Default Confirm Password default
  59 B   Upgrading Firmware From time to time, Tranzeo Wireless Technologies, Inc. makes new firmware available for the TR-WMX-2.X. The firmware may add new features to the TR-WMX-2.X and/or fix problems. This appendix describes how to upgrade the firmware for the TR-WMX-2.X. 1. Log in to the Configurator (see section 1.5.1). 2. In the left pane, under Administration, click Firmware. The Firmware page appears (see Figure B-1). The Current section shows information about the current firmware installed. The Upgrade section is where you specify the new firmware you want to install. :f  Figure B-1. Firmware Page 3. To view the output of what is happening throughout the firmware upgrade process, check Verbose Debug. 4. To reboot the TR-WMX-2.X after its firmware has been upgraded, check Reboot after successful upgrade. 5. Under Upgrade, select retrieve from server (if it is not already selected). 6. In the URL field, enter the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the FTP server where the new firmware file is located. 7. Log in to the server and download the firmware file. B
Appendix B, Upgrading Firmware 60               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  8. After the firmware file has been downloaded, upload it to the TR-WMX-2.X using your browser. Under Upload from browser, click the Browse, select the firmware file, and click OK. 9. Click Upgrade Software to start the upgrade procedure. If you checked Reboot after successful upgrade, the TR-WMX-2.X reboots automatically following the firmware upgrade; otherwise, you must manually reboot the TR-WMX-2.X to have the new firmware upgrade take effect.
  61 C   Technical Support Technical support is available by phone, live chat, email, and fax.   C.1 Telephone Support In-house telephone support is available during the hours and at the telephone numbers shown in Table C-1. Voice mail is available during non-telephone hours. Table C-1. Telephone Support Hours and Numbers Location Telephone Hours Telephone Number Americas 1:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST +1 888 460 6366 (Toll free USA and Canada) Europe, Africa, Middle East 9:00 AM to 1:00 AM GMT +353-61-775-702 Americas outside the USA and Canada  +1 604 460 6366 Australia, Asia  +1 604 460 6366 C.2 Live Chat Live chat offers one-to-one chat support with a Tranzeo support representative allows you to receive real-time answers to your questions. Live chat is available during the hours and numbers shown in Table C-2. Table C-2. Live Chat Support Hours Location Live Chat Hours Americas 1:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST Europe, Africa, Middle East 9:00 AM to 1:00 AM GMT C.3 Email Technical support can be reached by email at RMA requests should be addressed to  C
Appendix C, Technical Support 62               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  C.4 Fax Faxes can be sent to our 24-hour fax number at +1 604 460 6005.
 63                  TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Glossary  ARP Address Resolution Protocol, a network layer protocol used to convert an IP address into a physical (DLC) address, such as an Ethernet address. A host wishing to obtain a physical address broadcasts an ARP request onto the TCP/IP network. The host on the network that has the IP address in the request replies with its physical hardware address. CINR Carrier to Interference and Noise Ratio, a measure of quality for wireless signals. CPE Customer Premises Equipment, communications equipment that resides on the customer's premises and is owned or leased by the customer. Gateway A node on a network that serves as an entrance to another network. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (pronounced I-triple-E), an organization that develops standards for the computer, networking, and electronics industries. MAC Address Media Access Control address, a hardware address that uniquely identifies each node of a network. PKM Privacy key management, a protocol used to authenticate nodes on the network, and distribute and maintain private keys used for traffic encryption. PoE Power over Ethernet, a solution where electrical current is run to networking hardware over an Ethernet Category 5 or higher data cable. No additional AC power cord is needed, minimizing the amount of cables needed and the hassle of installing extra outlets. RSA Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman, a public-key encryption technology that requires an extraordinary amount of computer processing power and time to break. The RSA algorithm has become the de facto standard for industrial-strength encryption, especially for data sent over the Internet. RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator, a circuit or signal that indicates the strength of an incoming signal into a receiver, such as your TR-WMX-2.X. SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio, the ratio of the amplitude of a desired analog or digital data signal to the amplitude of noise in a transmission channel at a specific point in time.
Glossary  64               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  SSH Secure Shell, a program to log into another computer over a network to execute commands in a remote machine, and to move files from one machine to another. SSH provides strong authentication and secure communications over insecure channels, protecting a network from attacks such as IP spoofing, IP source routing, and DNS spoofing. Subnet mask A mask used to determine the subnet to which an IP address belongs. Subscriber station A fixed station used by a subscriber for communication within a central office station. Telnet A terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks that runs on your computer and connects your PC to a device (such as your TR-WMX-2.X unit. You can then enter commands through the Telnet program and they will be executed at the TR-WMX-2.X unit. URL Uniform Resource Locator, the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. is an example of a URL. VLAN Virtual Local Area Network, a network of computers that behave as if they are connected to the same wire even though they may actually be physically located on different segments of a LAN. With VLANs, a computer can physically move to another location while remaining on the same VLAN, without any hardware reconfiguration.
 65                  TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Compliance Information FCC Information This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B Digital Device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that required for successful communication.   Any changes or modification to said product not expressly approved by Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. could void the user's authority to operate this device.
Compliance Information 66               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Industry Canada Information Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. For safety reasons, people should not work in a situation where RF exposure limits could be exceeded. To prevent this situation, the users should consider the following rules:   Install the antenna so that there is a minimum of XX cm (XX in) of distance between the antenna and people.   Do not turn on power to the device while installing the antenna.   Do not connect the antenna while the device is in operation.    Do not co-locate or operate the antenna used with the device in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication. Use this product only with the following Tranzeo antennas of the same or lower gain:  20 DBI antenna gain The product requires professional installation. Professional installers must ensure that the equipment is installed following local regulations and safety codes.
Compliance Information  TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  67 Declaration of Conformity - EU Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive) The TR-WMX-35-C series is an 802.16-compliant wireless network adapter. This equipment operates in the 3400 to 3600 MHz frequency range. National regulations may require that operations be limited to portions of the frequency range. A-3 Česky [Czech] [Jméno výrobce] tímto prohlašuje, že tento [typ zařízení] je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES. Dansk [Danish] Undertegnede [fabrikantens navn] erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr [udstyrets typebetegnelse] overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. Deutsch [German] Hiermit erklärt [Name des Herstellers], dass sich das Gerät [Gerätetyp] in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. Eesti [Estonian] Käesolevaga kinnitab [tootja nimi = name of manufacturer] seadme [seadme tüüp = type of equipment] vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele. English Hereby, [name of manufacturer], declares that this [type of equipment] is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Español [Spanish] Por medio de la presente [nombre del fabricante] declara que el [clase de equipo] cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. Ελληνική [Greek] ΜΕ ΣΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΤ΢Α [name of manufacturer] ΔΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΣΙ [type of equipment] ΢ΤΜΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΣΑΙ ΠΡΟ΢ ΣΙ΢ ΟΤ΢ΙΩΔΕΙ΢ ΑΠΑΙΣΗ΢ΕΙ΢ ΚΑΙ ΣΙ΢ ΛΟΙΠΕ΢ ΢ΥΕΣΙΚΕ΢ ΔΙΑΣΑΞΕΙ΢ ΣΗ΢ ΟΔΗΓΙΑ΢ 1999/5/ΕΚ. Français [French] Par la présente [nom du fabricant] déclare que l'appareil [type d'appareil] est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. Italiano [Italian] Con la presente [nome del costruttore] dichiara che questo [tipo di apparecchio] è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. Latviski [Latvian] Ar šo [name of manuf acturer / izgatavotāja nosaukums] deklarē, ka [type of equipment / iekārtas tips] atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem. Lietuvių [Lithuanian]  Šiuo [manufacturer name] deklaruoja, kad šis [equipment type] atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas. Nederlands [Dutch] Hierbij verklaart [naam van de fabrikant] dat het toestel [type van toestel] in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG. Malti [Maltese] Hawnhekk, [isem tal-manifattur], jiddikjara li dan [il-mudel tal-prodott] jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC. Magyar [Hungarian] Alulírott, [gyártó neve] nyilatkozom, hogy a [... típus] megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak. Português [Portuguese] [Nome do fabricante] declara que este [tipo de equipamento] está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE. Slovensko [Slovenian] [Ime proizvajalca] izjavlja, da je ta [tip opreme] v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES. Slovensky [Slovak] [Meno výrobcu] týmto vyhlasuje, že [typ zariadenia] spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.
Compliance Information 68               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Suomi [Finnish] [Valmistaja = manufacturer] vakuuttaa täten että [type of equipment = laitteen tyyppimerkintä] tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. Svenska [Swedish] Härmed intygar [företag] att denna [utrustningstyp] står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG. Íslenska [Icelandic] Hér með lýsir [name of manufacturer] yfir því að [type of equipment] er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC. Norsk [Norwegian] [Produsentens navn] erklærer herved at utstyret [utstyrets typebetegnelse] er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.  The following standards were applied during the assessment of the product against the requirements of the Directive 1999/5/EC:  Radio:   EN 301 753 V1.2.1     EN 301 021 V1.6.1   EMC:   EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1:2008-02     EN 301 489-17 V1.3.1:2008-02  Safety: EN 60950 The following CE mark and Class 2 identifier is affixed to Tranzeo’s TR-WMX-35 and OSR3500C WIMAX CPEs.  Complete copies of the Declaration of Conformity may be obtained by contacting Tranzeo Wireless Technologies directly at: Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. 19473 Fraser Way  Pitt Meadows, BC  Canada V3Y 2V4 Phone: (604) 460-6002 Fax: (604)-460-6005
Compliance Information  TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  69 Declaration of Conformity with regard to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC We,  Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. 19473 Fraser Way  Pitt Meadows, BC  Canada V3Y 2V4 declare under our sole responsibility that the product TR-WMX-35-C Series WIMAX CPE to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s) EMC:   EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1: 2008-02     EN 301 489-17 V1.3.1: 2008-02 Safety:  EN 60950: 2000 Radio:  EN 301 753 V1.2.1: 2003-07     EN 301 021 V1.6.1: 2003-12 The conformity assessment procedure referred to in Article 10.4 and Annex III of Directive 1999/5/EC has been followed. The product carries the CE Mark:  10 April, 2008  Damian Wallace V.P. Product Development Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc.
Compliance Information 70               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  This page intentionally left blank.
 71                  TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  Index A Administrative settings displaying the Administrative Settings page, 44 Administrative Settings page, 44 Advanced configuration network setup, 25 TCP/IP settings, 25 VLAN settings, 27 WiMAX setup, 20 security settings, 24 wireless settings, 20 ARP Page, 40 C Changing device name, 45 password, 47 user name, 47 Components, 3 Configurations, iii Configurator Administrative Settings page, 44 ARP Page, 40 changing device name, 45 changing log in settings, 47 enabling or disabling Web, SSH, and Telnet access, 46 Information Page, 32 logging in, 8 network settings, 13 pages, 18 rebooting the TR-WMX-2.X, 45 returning to factory default settings, 44 Router Log, 41 security settings, 24 Statistics Information Page, 38 System Information Page, 36 System Log, 41 TCP/IP settings, 25 VLAN settings, 27 Wireless Page, 34 wireless settings, 10, 20 Configuring the TR-WMX-2.X administrative settings, 44 Configuring TR-WMX-2.X, 8 logging in to the Configurator, 8 network settings, 13 wireless settings, 10 Connecting the TR-WMX-2.X, 4 Contact information, vi Conventions safety, v typographic, v warning, v D Default administrative settings, 50 Default security settings, 50 Default settings, 49, 50 Default TCP/IP settings, 50 Default VLAN settings, 50 Default wireless settings, 49 Device name, changing, 45 E Enabling or disabling SSH access, 46 status LEDs, 46 Telnet access, 46 Web access, 46 F Factory default settings returning to, 44 Features, iv Firmware upgrade, 51 G Glossary, 55 I Information Page, 32 L LEDs definitions, 16 enabling or disabling, 46 Log in settings, changing, 47 Logging in to the Configurator, 8 Logs, 41 M Models, iii Mounting the TR-WMX-2.X, 4 N Network settings, 13 Network setup, 25 TCP/IP settings, 25 VLAN settings, 27 P Password
Index  72               TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide  changing, 47 entering, 8 R Rebooting the TR-WMX-2.X, 45 Returning to factory default settings, 44 Router Log, 41 S Safety conventions, v Security settings, 24 SSH access, enabling or disabling, 46 Statistics Information Page, 38 Status information status LEDs, 16 enabling or disabling, 46 using the Information Page, 15 Status LEDs, 16 enabling or disabling, 46 Status pages ARP, 40 Information, 32 Statistics Information, 38 System Information, 36 Wireless, 34 System Information Page, 36 System Log, 41 T TCP/IP settings, 25 Telnet access, enabling or disabling, 46 TR-WMX-2.X, 46, 49, 50 changing device name, 45 changing log in settings, 47 components, 3 configurations, iii configuring, 8 features, iv firmware upgrade, 51 LEDs definitions, 16 enabling or disabling, 46 logs, 41 models, iii mounting and connecting, 4 rebooting, 45 returning to factory default settings, 44 security settings, 24 Typographic conventions, v U Understanding the Configurator pages, 18 Unpacking, 3 Upgrading firmware, 51 User name entering, 8 User name, changing, 47 User-supplied items, 3 V VLAN settings, 27 W Warning conventions, v Web access, enabling or disabling, 46 WiMAX setup, 20 security settings, 24 wireless settings, 20 Wireless Page, 34 Wireless settings, 10, 20
 73                  TR-WMX-2.X Subscriber Unit User's Guide

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