Trilithic EASYPLUS-1 Emergency Alert System User Manual

Trilithic, Inc. Emergency Alert System Users Manual

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Operational Manual

EASy-PLUS® User Manual – 1TRILITHIC Rev 1.02Model EASy-PLUS®Emergency Alert SystemEncoder/DecoderUser’s ManualP/N 0010224001
EASy-PLUS® User Manual2 – TRILITHICRev 1.02Trilithic Incorporated’s latest innovation for your Emergency Alert System is the EASy-PLUS® Encoder/Decoder.  The fully featured E.A.S system, highlighted by the EASy-PLUS® Encoder/Decoder was designed with thesmallest of cable systems in mind, and can handle a system serving 100 subscribers as well as systems handling over2,000,000 subscribers.  With Trilithic’s embedded DSP technology and manufacturing, standard features such asFLASH BIOS will guarantee that your EASy-PLUS® platform will never go out of style.  Periodic updates to theplatform are handled with the ease of a simple download from our WEB site.  No more disassembly just to changeproms or software.  With Trilithic’s EASy-NET® option, a simple phone call from your desktop PC to any one ofyour remote headends, allows you to retrieve the last 100 E.A.S. events from nonvolatile memory for logging andprinting at your office.  You’ll never miss your FCC required logging because of printer failures, paper jams or lackof paper.  Innovations such as built-in AM/FM/NOAA selectable tuners, automatically generated and programmableFCC weekly testing, remote hub-site transmitter, and complete Motorola® digital platform compliance, truly makesthis your Emergency Alert System of choice.The EASy-PLUS®   has the following standard and built-in, features and benefits:§EASy-PLUS® enables parsing of F.I.P.S. codesThe new Trilithic EASy-PLUS® encoder/decoder distributes individual analog E.A.S. messages structuredfor, or earmarked for, one specific community or up to sixteen (16) communities located within multi-trunkoutput headends.§Flash BIOSTrilithic’s new EASy-PLUS® encoder/decoder eliminates the need to remove the unit from the rack, pull thecover or lid and change or upgrade chipsets and proms.  Government-regulation modifications or changes,new programming, additional advancements, and many other new features, can easily be handled through asimple upload via the WEB.§Programmable RWT (Required Weekly Test) for Automatic TriggeringThis feature allows your E.A.S. system to automatically generate a random RWT event, once, within eachseven (7) day window, satisfying the FCC requirement for cable systems generating and logging their ownweekly test.§Stores the most recent 100 emergency alertsA nonvolatile Emergency Alert Storage System eliminates the need for attaching a printer at the headends’encoder/decoder to view the most current alerts or events.  A continuous update of the last 100 triggered through Trilithic’s EASy-PLUS® encoder/decoder can be downloaded via a PC at theheadend, or through the optional EASy-NET® telephone interface anywhere in the country.E.A.S. events can easily be archived and/or printed on an external dot-matrix printer at the customer’sconvenience.Logfile is word-processor compatible.§Two (2) internal radios that are each tunable as AM, FM, or NOAA radiosThis means you will not have to purchase any additional radios to meet the FCC requirement of LP-1 andLP-2 monitoring stations.  Simply tune each of the two radio receivers to either AM or FM, to match thedesignated LP-1 and LP-2 stations assigned for your area, or the NOAA frequencies if so needed.Dual cards can be installed giving four (4) internal radio selections.§Four (4) external radio inputs for added monitoring capabilitiesThis feature allows you to meet the requirements dictated by some State Emergency Management Plans thatmay require a possible third, fourth or more monitoring selections.§Remote hub-site insertion transmitter is included as standard equipmentAn internal AFSK TX transmitter is included as standard equipment in the new  EASy-PLUS® encoder/decoder. This transmitter eliminates all external remote TX components of earlier E.A.S. systems.
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Document ID245198
Application IDw98BfjqKigRQJ39MUc70/Q==
Document DescriptionOperational Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize85.77kB (1072074 bits)
Date Submitted2002-05-24 00:00:00
Date Available2002-07-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2002-05-23 12:41:31
Producing SoftwareAcrobat PDFWriter 4.0 for Windows NT
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAdobe PageMaker 6.5 - [E:\DOCUME~1\Arthur\MYDOCU~1\TRILIT~2\EASYSP~1._DO\EASyPLUS\EASyPLUS Manual Rev. 1.02.p65]
Document Author: Arthur

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