Trimble 7486-CIRAA GPS data transceiver User Manual

Trimble Navigation Ltd GPS data transceiver


User manual

BoB(Beacon On a Belt)USER’S   MANUALDraft OnlyRevision 0.10April 3, 2000CopyrightCopyright © 1998-1999 Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied,photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without priorwritten consent from Trimble Navigation Limited
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc2CONTENTS1. System Description.......................................................................................................31.1 User Features.......................................................................................................... 31.2 System Operation.................................................................................................... 41.2.1 Modes of Operation..................................................................................................................41.3 User Interface......................................................................................................... 61.3.1 LED interface............................................................................................................................61.3.2 Button Control...........................................................................................................................81.3.3 Displaying and Changing the BoB Configuration......................................................................91.3.4 Transmission of Data from a Datalogger...................................................................................91.3.5 Best Mode station tracking......................................................................................................101.3.6 Firmware upgrade...................................................................................................................101.3.7 Keypad/Display......................................................................................................................101.4 BoB Sub Systems .................................................................................................. 111.4.2 Mechanical..............................................................................................................................121.4.3 Configuration Manager Software ............................................................................................131.4.4 Data Backup Scheme...............................................................................................................132. Additional Information..............................................................................................142.1 Warranty Information........................................................................................... 142.2 Coast Guard MSK Signals.................................................................................... 142.3 RTCM Message Support....................................................................................... 142.4 Integrity Monitoring.............................................................................................. 14
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc31. System Description1.1 User FeaturesThe following table identifies the operational features for BoB.ITEM SPECIFICATION NOTESBeacon Receiver Antenna Built-in Omni-directionalBeacon Almanac BoB must store the last recorded beaconalmanac. This is to be updated whenever a morerecent almanac is receivedBeacon Channel tracking Tracks 2 channels simultaneouslyWireless Link Transmitter only, license free frequencyband. Must be able to be used in any locationwhere the user is capable of receivingbeacon correction data.Must be enabled/disabled by Firmware, orpermanently disabled at build time.900Mcs transmitter primarily for use inthe USA.Configuration Must be ready ‘out of the box’ Also via PCbased software. Two-button UIBattery Life At the least the same or better on singlecharge. Regular day shift.External Antenna support External antenna support is NOT requiredWireless link 5 foot spec Typical operational rangeOperational Indications Minimum of power status and Beacontracking status.RTCM capability SC-104, version 2 Output in standard format on cabled serialconnection, supportable by any productwith RTCM input ability.Operational Modes Best and FixedFirmware Upgrade Serial port connection. User can upgrade.Ergonomic Easy to get into and out of vehicles with norequirement to detach and re-attach. Comfortable and light to wear on hip.Standard Accessories Must be supplied with a pouch that enablesthe user to access the buttons. simple nylonbelt with plastic buckle (similar to the hippack shoulder strap). Cable for connection toPC (Null Modem)The pouch padded to the users hip fromthe unit. This will probably be dependenton the final weight and shape of theproduct.Optional Accessories Vehicle kits will be available. Not necessarily in time for release.
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc41.2 System Operation1.2.1 Modes of OperationBoB will track frequencies using one of two modes: Best and Fixed. The list of frequencies that can betracked, plus the startup mode, can be controlled using PC-BoB software.Normally users will either have a very short include list (e.g. one to five stations) or will have a very longinclude list (excluding only one or two dominant stations). Those with a short list will operate either in Bestor Fixed mode depending on their situation, however those with a very long list will usually always be inBest mode. BestWhen BoB is in Best mode it will track the best frequency that it can, and will change frequencies if itscurrent frequency becomes unsatisfactory.The algorithm for determining the next Best channel will use the following inputs:• The PC-BoB filter as defined by the user. This includes excluding frequencies all together andoverriding default health rules.• The almanac if one exists.• The initial position if one exists and if beacon co-ordinate information is being broadcast.• FFT information• Information on whether a particular frequency has been tracked before and contains or does not containvalid RTCM information.A frequency becomes unsatisfactory if:• the SNR of the currently tracked frequency falls below a predetermined level• the data stream has more than 10% parity errorsTo summarize, Best mode uses the algorithms already in place in the Beast receiver called Auto-Range ifBoB knows its position and has positional information on the beacons it can track; otherwise it uses Auto-Power. This is not user-selectable.
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc51.2.1.2 FixedFixed mode means that BoB will track one frequency consistently until the user intervenes. This interventionmay be in the following fashions:• by short-pressing the beacon button (to stay in Fixed mode and move to the next frequency in the list)• by long-pressing the beacon button (to move to Best mode)• by long-pressing both buttons to return to the default settingsThe user can go from Best mode to Fixed mode at any time by short-pressing the beacon button (see section3.5.2 Button Control). At this point BoB will continue tracking the frequency that was last tracked in Bestmode.When the unit starts up in Fixed mode it begins to track the initial frequency as defined by PC-BoB,regardless of the availability or condition of this frequency. A short-press of the beacon tracks a newfrequency as per the following rules:• If the list of included beacons contains less than 42 frequencies, a short button press simply moves to thenext frequency in the list (sorted numerically), regardless of the presence or quality of a signal at thatfrequency.• If the list of included beacons contains 42 or more frequencies (or no list is provided, which means thatall frequencies are enabled) then the second channel should track the next frequency in the list for whicha signal can be detected. Default operationBy default, all frequencies are enabled and the mode is Best. The method of modifying this default behaviouris to:• select a list of frequencies and an initial mode using PC-BoB and download this information to the BoBunit OR• control BoB using the Beacon button.The default behaviour can be restored with a dual button press (see section 3.5.2 Button Control). Other operationalIt the Beacon Almanac (Type 7) is retained in the BoB non-volatile data system.It BoB will accept an NMEA –GGA message from any device (including PC-BoB) over an RS-232connection to specify its initial position, to which it will then use to determine the range to the trackedbeacons in order to determine the nearest station.{Note baud rates fixed for GGA strings}
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc61.3 User Interfacethe user interface on BoB• Power on and off• Switch between best and fixed modes• Total power off• Reset unit to defaults• To scan through either a user list of frequencies, or through the range of beacon transmissions available at the time.• The user feedback showing the following• Whether the unit is on or off.• Battery charge status• Beacon tracking status1.3.1 LED interfaceIt is a dual colour, green and orange.The blinking of the LED’s shall be at a rate of 1Hz (i.e. 0.5 secs on, 0.5 sec’s off etc). The strobe flash is avery quick blink every 3 seconds.Power Source BoB on/off Low battery Charging battery Full/not chargingExternal On Orange flash Orange steadyExternal Off Orange strobe OffInternal On Green flash Green steadyInternal Off Off Off Off• If the battery has adequate charge and power is on, the LED is steady. The colour indicates the powersource.• If the battery has adequate charge and power is off, the LED is off.• If the battery is low or charging and the unit is on, the LED will flash, and the colour indicates the powersource. If the unit is charging and is off, the unit will strobe orange.• The               indicates a non-applicable situation. When external power is applied the unit will alwaysstart charging, therefore it can never be defined as “low”. Also, on internal power the unit can never becharging.
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc7The following table contains the same information but the axes are colour states.Power LEDColor Off On Blinking Strobe FlashGreen(no external power) Unit is off Unit is on and batterynot low Unit is on and batterylow (<5% energyremaining)N/AOrange(no external power) Unit is offInternal batteryIs not beingcharged1Unit is on , is fully charged Unit is on and is chargingthe internal battery Unit is off, andis charging theinternal battery1. The reason why the battery is not being charged is because it is fully charged, or if the battery is out of temperature ortime specs. If the unit is off and connected to external power, and the battery is low the strobe flash will be used toindicate charging is taking place. Once the unit is fully charged, the strobe light will cease to flash.Beacon LEDColour Off On BlinkingGreen(Best Mode) Failure condition(if BoB is powered on) Locked onto Signaland Good RTCM databeing sent to GPSreceiverUnit is either searchingthe frequency band, or istracking a signal, butnot using the signalOrange(Fixed Mode) Failure condition(if BoB is powered on) Locked onto Signaland Good RTCM databeing sent to GPSreceiverUnit is either searchingthe frequency band, or istracking a signal, butnot using the signalNote that the Beacon status LED is reporting the status of the Primary channel only.
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc81.3.1.1 LED EventsIn addition to the above LED states, the LEDs will flash to indicate events. The events and LED codes areoutlined in the following table.Event LED CodeWireless enabled (see section Beacon LED flashes green at 4Hzfor 1 secondWireless disabled (see section Beacon LED flashes orange at 4Hzfor 1 secondReset to Factory Defaults initiated (seesection Both LEDs flash green at 2Hz for2 seconds1.3.2 Button Controlthere be two buttons on the BoB unit (One for power, the other for Beacon operations). These two buttonsshould be designed in a manner that makes them easily identifiedd as different operations. Power Button FunctionalityShort Press (<0.25 second)• The short press operation on the power key will turn the unit on. If the unit is already on, then this is ano-opLong press (1 second)• The long press operation on the power key will turn the unit off if the unit was on. If the unit is alreadyoff, then this operation will also turn the unit on.Very Long Press (10 seconds)• The very long press operation on the power key is a hardware-controlled press which will completelyreset the unit in case of total software failure. This will not be documented in the manual but will beavailable for TAC to use to help users recover when the unit cannot be reset through software control.
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc91.3.2.2 Beacon Button FunctionalityShort Press (<0.25 second)• The short press operation on the beacon button has a number of similar functions.If in Best mode, the short press operation will force the beacon receiver into Fixed mode and will lockthe frequency to the frequency currently being tracked. Performing further short press operations willmove to the next frequency in the list of enabled frequencies. The next frequency to choose is determinedby the number of enabled frequencies configured in BoB. See section for more information.Long press (1 second)• The long press operation in the Beacon button will switch the operating mode of the beacon receiverfrom Fixed to Best mode and selects the current best frequency. If the receiver is already operating inBest mode, then this should function as per a short button press.Very long press (10 seconds)• The very long press operation in the Beacon button will toggle wireless transmission on or off. This canalso be done via PC-BoB. On startup, the wireless state will revert back to that configured by PC-BoB,or On (default) if there is no configuration.1.3.3 Displaying and Changing the BoB ConfigurationThe current BoB configuration can be displayed or configured (uploaded or downloaded) via the PC-BoBsoftware running on a Windows 95, 98, or NT computer.1.3.4 Transmission of Data from a DataloggerWhen operating in wireless mode it is not possible to transmit data from a datalogger to BoB. Whenoperating in cabled mode, the only information BoB will accept from a datalogger (such as a GPS positionand time.
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc101.3.4.1 Dual Button OperationDual button press (5 seconds)• The Dual button press operation resets the configuration of BoB. Performing this operation is a cold bootof the BoB receiver. It clears any configuration sent from PC-BoB, as well as the current almanac.1.3.5 Best Mode station trackingThis section has been incorporated into section Firmware upgradeWinflash be used as the mechanism to put the firmware onto BoB. Further definition may be as to exactlywhat options, but the initial options will be;• Wireless enabled• Wireless disabled• Encoded beacon stations support1.3.7 Keypad/DisplayNo display or keypad.  All other UI is via the serial port or wireless link.  Commands to BoB must be sent via the serialport, but status can be received on either the link or serial port.Commands and Status are defined in the Software Document.
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc111.4  BoB Sub Systems1.4.1.1 Beacon channelsThere are to be two channels (Primary and Secondary).Best Mode Fixed ModePrimary Channel Pass RTCM through to Datalogger Pass RTCM through to DataloggerSecondary Channel Searches for the second Bestfrequency Searches for next frequency on thefilter list (if 42 or morefrequencies available from user’slist) or track the next frequency (ifless than 42 frequenciesavailable) Signal AcquisitionCold Start Time <45 secondsWarm Start Time <5 seconds1.4.1.3 PowerAn internal 2-cell Li-Ion battery will power the unit.  The intention is to build the battery into the unit and it will not beremovable by the user.  An external power source connection is, and the unit must operate from 9 to 24 VDC. Whenconnected to an external power source, this will not only power the BoB unit, but also charge the BoB internal battery.An internal battery charger is required to charge the Li-Ion battery.  There are many special requirements of the batterysystem: I/OIn addition to power and ground, the following I/O existsName                    Type                     I/O                        OtherRx RS-232 Input Data into BoBTx RS-232 Output Data out of BoB
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc121.4.1.5 Beacon AntennaA internal antenna has been selected.It is not a requirement to connect to an external antenna.1.4.2 MechanicalThe following information is detailed herein and does not necessarily appear in the mechanical specification.The specification will detail the how and why of obtaining the following product level specifications.Mounting• BoB will be supplied with a pouch that will allow BoB to be easily removed from the pouch. Thispouch must be easily attachable and detachable from a belt.• Cannot catch or snag in difficult environments, causing detachment.• User need not detach unit when getting in and out of a vehicle.• Must be comfortable and fit snugly on a hip.• Must take into account variances in body sizes. Connectors• External Power Latching• Data Port DE-9 male , DTE Device1.4.2.2 Environmental• Operating range -10 to +50 degrees C.• Storage tbd• Shock tbd• Vibration TBD• Water Heavy, wind driven rain and dunk proof for 2 seconds.• Weight No more than 700grams (1.5lb)
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc131.4.3 Configuration Manager SoftwareThe configuration of BoB will be done through a Windows based configuration program called PC-BoB.Basic configuration of BoB can also be achieved on the unit itself. A complete description of theconfiguration manager software can be found in “PC-BoB Specification”. Configuration parameters and howthey are communicated to BoB are described in the BoB Software Specification.1.4.4 Data Backup SchemeAt power-off, BoB will save all current parameters and re-instate them at power-on. A software crash meansthat this will not happen, and parameters will be reset to those last saved. For more details refer to section3.8.3 of the Software Specification.
BoB Product Requirements Specification 26 February 1999Trimble Company ConfidentialIssue : 1.10J:\BoB\PRS\BoB PRS110.doc142. Additional InformationThis section is for informational purposes only and serves as a place to retain product information anddevelopment ideas not yet targeted for other sub system documents.2.1 Warranty InformationBoB ships with a 1 year warranty. Additional support agreements will allow the user to extend this warrantyin 1 year increments.2.2  Coast Guard MSK SignalsFrequency range 283.5 to 325 kHzBandwidth 2 kHzModulation MSKPolarisation VerticalSignal Strength 5 uV/m   (The coverage area is defined in this way)Bit rate 50, 100, 200 bpsCommon RTCM msgs (US) 1 and 92.3  RTCM Message SupportAll RTCM messages will be passed onto the destination device. It is then the responsibility of the target device to thenfilter out the unnecessary messages. Type 16 messages will NOT be used to carry any BoB status information. Type 59can be used for this (refer to “BoB/PC-BoB. Interface Specification”).2.4 Integrity MonitoringIn both Best and Fixed MSK operating modes, BoB will continuously monitor the integrity of the RTCM datareceived from the differential radiobeacon. If BoB detects more than 10% of parity errors in the data stream,the MSK receiver will automatically switch to a different radiobeacon (if in Best mode) where available andspecified. In Fixed mode, these messages will not be used, but the receiver will stay locked to that station.

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