Tronicbros and Eclat Createurs 09MR302304TX MINI PHANTOM REMOTE- WIRELESS REMOTE DIGITAL CELL User Manual

Tronicbros & Eclat Createurs Holdings MINI PHANTOM REMOTE- WIRELESS REMOTE DIGITAL CELL Users Manual

Users Manual

Download: Tronicbros and Eclat Createurs 09MR302304TX MINI PHANTOM REMOTE- WIRELESS REMOTE DIGITAL CELL User Manual
Mirror Download []Tronicbros and Eclat Createurs 09MR302304TX MINI PHANTOM REMOTE- WIRELESS REMOTE DIGITAL CELL User Manual
Document ID1135036
Application IDxE6QmIH2cjOxvL7P1epnCQ==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize57.71kB (721433 bits)
Date Submitted2009-07-07 00:00:00
Date Available2009-07-07 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-07-03 15:49:32
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUsers Manual

“33333 3333 $3333
lugmuwn /
Operating Instructions
Before operating this product, please read
thls manual thoroughly, and retain it for
future reference.
lvlhufinlmflfl rm ram
Customer Servloe: 1—865—862-2825
Phone: (207) SSZ—BUCK Fax: (207) 862-3925
Read This First
Wananty Limitation
Satety instructions
Care at the Mini Phantom Remote
Quick Start Section
How to Install and Replace Batteries
How to Install Sound Sticks
Getting Started
Components Guide
Base Unit
Transmitter Unit
Basic Operations
Operate the Base Unit & Sound Sticks
channel Selection of Base Unit
Speaker Direction Setting 01 Base Unit
Adjust Antenna Direction of Base Unit
Operate the Transmitter Unit
Channel Setting of Transmitter Unit
LCD Display of Transmitter Unit
Sound Stick Selection and Selling of
Transmitter Unll
Applying Two to Three Base Units or
even More
Applying External Speaker
Applying Mini Decoy
lntarchangeable Sound Sticks
FCC Notices (inquired by FCC and
Indusuy Canada, etc.)
Warranty Limitation
Applies Only to Original Consumer
Purchaser and for 1 Year. This product ls
warranted onldy to the original consumer
urchaser an only for a period of one year
mm the original purchase date.
Warranty Coverage. This warranty Is void of
the product has been dame ed by accident,
unreasonable use, neglect, mproper service,
or any other cause not arising out at defects In
construction or materials.
Warranty Disclaimers. Any implied warran-
ties arlsln out of this sale. Including but not
limited to t e implied warranties of merchant-
ability and fitness for a particular purpose, are
limited In duratlon to the above 1-year period.
Extreme Dimension Wildlife Calls shall not be
liable for expenses, or damages Incurred by
the consumer or any other user. Some
states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or
limitation ol implied warranties or consequen»
tial damages, so the above limitations or
exclusions may not apply to you.
Legal Remedies. This warranty gives you
specific legal rI his, and you me also have
other rights the vary from state 0 state or
from province to provrnce.
Warranty Performance. During the above
1-year warranty period, if this warranty covers
a problem with the product and it the product
is returned. postage prepaid and as otherwise
specified be ow, Extreme Dimension Wildlife
Cells will. at its option. either repair the
problem without charge for parts or labor, or
refund the actual purchase rice or the
suggested retail price, whlc ever is less. The
product must be mailed, postage prepare, by
normal mail (not by UPS or FedEx) to:
Extreme Dimension Wildlife Calls. 208 Kenne-
bec Rd., Hempden, ME 04444420, USA.
Your name. your address suitable for the U.S.
Mall, proof of the purchase price paid and of
the date of purchase, and a brief description of
the problem must be included with the prod-
uct. An e-mall address and telephone number
can also be helpful.
Safety Instructions
0 Keep your ear 6 distance from the horn
speaker of Base Unit, as the horn speaker
may create high volume sound output which
ma do permanent damage to your eari
o On y adults should remove or install
0 if battery is swallowed, call a doctor
u Use only 1.5-volt alkaline "AA" batteries to
the Base Unit; 4 ofthem, use only 1.5-volt
alkaline "AAA" batteries to the Transmitter
Unit. 4 of them.
"+“ and/or “—"on both batteries aligned with
the “+" and/or "—' markings In the battery
Use only batteries of the same type.
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Do not use rechargeable batteries.
The suzply terminals must not be short-
circuite .
0 Remove exhausted or corroded batteries.
- Dispose of old batteries lawfully and
0 emove batteries to prevent corrosion of the
Mini Phantom Remote will not be used for at
least a month.
a Do not expose batteries to tire or heat since
batteries may explode or leek corrosive or
toxic material. etc.
Care of Mini Phantom Remote
0 Use common sense to protect the units.
a Handle the units gently and carefully;
. Do not drop the units;
0 When car the units in backénack, they
should be coated, cushione . and/or
wrapped in order to protect them-especially
their display ("LCD“) and keys.
0 Keep them dry. If it gets wet, dry it
- Do not expose it to severe cold or high heat.
For example, do not leave it on dashboard of
a CBI‘.
- Wlpe It with dry cloth to clean it. Do not use
cleaning solvents or strong detergents or
How to Install and
Replace Batteries
Base Unit
1. Push open the loosely-hinged battery-
compartment door after carefully
loosening its screw with a screwdriver.
(The screw should not be removed
entirely from the doorg
2. Install {our new AA 1. -voit alkaline
batteries with correct polarity (+,—
following the illustration inside the altery
compartment. (The black color batteries
release ribbon should be set under the
four AA batteries.)
3. Pull up the batteries release ribbon
support replace the old batteries inside the
battery compartment of Base Unit.
Transmitter Unit
1. Pull the tag head towards the neck strap
direction for opening the loosely-hinged
battery compartment door.
2. Install four new AAA 1 .5-voit alkaline
batteries with correct polarity (+,—
following ihe illustration inside the artery
How to Install Sound Sticks
Install the sound stick in the direction shown in
Figure above untii it iuilx inserted with front
notch an the sound stic hits the shouider of
the lens on the Base Unit. There are two
sound sticks slot constructed to the Base Unit
which is Slot 1 and Slot 2, (Two sound sticks
are preinstalled on the Base Unit that you
purchased. they may Fred 2 and Fred 3 or
other different name sound sticks.)
Getting Started
Slide the ON/OFF Button
5 ON position until the
pcwer lamp lighted up.
De ress any key to turn
0 the Transmitter Unil
. until the LCD displayed.
ngh Outpul 15-Walt Hum Speaker
Telescoping Antenna
Decoy Out
Power ON/OF F Switch with Power ON Indicator
Base Unit Selection Switch
Additional Speaker Out
Belt Clip wilh Stand
Directiun Angle Control Knob ( 45 Degree and
90 Degree Moving Directlun )
Battery Door Screw Lock
Sound Stick Slut ( Holds two sound sticks )
Ballery Door (15V AA Size Battery x 4)
- Transmitter Unit
Volume Up/Down, and Sound Stick Select
Backllt LCD Display/Transmitter
Easy Access Sound Buttons
Mule Button
Speaker Salecllon 1, 2 or 3 with LED Indlcators
Extending Antenna
Decoy OnlOff button with LED tndlcalor
Sound Stick Satl Selectian Button
Lanyard R|ng
Battery Door Opening Ledge
Battery Door (1 .5V AAA Baltery x 3 + 1)
Operate the Base Unit and
Sound Sticks Insertion
Operation of the Base Unit is easy. Just
switch ON the Base Unit by the ONIOFF slide
switch button, the LED indicator will light up
when the Base Unit turned ON.
The LED will be blink once er second if one
Sound Slick is detected, tW|ce per second if
two Sound Sticks are detected, and a rapid
blink if no Sound Sticks are detected.
Channel Selection of Base Unit
1an m Him
Slide to appropriate channel position to match
with the same channel of the Base Unit
selected on the Transmitter Unit.
Speaker Direction Setting of
Base Unit
Dlrmn a\ngle F45-
E? c:
Pull out and hold the Direction Angle Control
Knob to move the Belt Clip w/Stand to set your
desirable direction of Ihe speaker front of the
Base Unit. The dual function belt clip
w/direction stand is for hanging the base unit
on the belt and for sitting on the ground at 0
de agree, 45 degree and 90 da res angles. The
tclip can also be used to c lo the base unit
onto a tree branch or something to elevate to
unit for maximum Remote Range.
Adjust Antenna Direction of
Base Unit
The Base Unit antenna can fold up, move it
around and pull it out to longest for desirable
direction support the best receiving result.
Operate the Transmitter Unit
- Any Key press will trensltlon the Trensmltter
Unit ON mode, and the channel 1 LED begln
blinking, the Transmitter Unit is desi ned in
auto power OFF mode and It would e begin
running OFF mode on the installation of
When the Transmitter Unit is in OFF mode:
processor runnlnig, LCD oft, backlight off,
ransmit off — to eeve this stateI lust press
any Ke .
When I e Transmitter Unit is in ON mode:
processor running. LCD on, beckllght on or off
per setting, transmit on as required. Any key
press enters this mode if the unit was ln OFF
mode. The first key press Is only transition the
unit to ON made. the function of the first
button press thI not occur.
. The Transmitter Unit Is constructed with 13
buttons, they are Sound 1 through sound 5
total 5 sound buttons, Mute button, Volume
“+‘ and “—“ Mth sound stick select button,
channel 1, 2, 3 buttons, SetlSelect button and
Deooy Out buttons. There are LED applied to
channels and decoy out buttons to show these
buttons when underworklng mode.
a The Transmltter Unit also applied an
extendlng antenna, which can support the
transmitter Unit to get more RF range.
Channel Setting of
Transmitter Unit
The Channel buttons 1, 2, and 3 are used to
make the Transmitter Unit communicate up to
three Bees Units. The LED’s toggle on and off
with presses of the channel buttons, lithe LED
Is ON. the Transmitter UnIt wIII send
commands for that Base Unit. The
Transmitter Unit can communicate either one
or three Base Unit at same time which
depends on the channels setting.
For the selection of channels, it must match
with the speaker selection 1, 2 end 3 on every
Base Unit to make the particular Base Unit
iving out communicate.
he LED oi the channels will light up to
indicate that partlcular channel is selected,
When either one of the sound operation
buttons Is pressed, It will blink to show the
lleglrzal Is sending out to the particular Base
n .
LCD Display of Transmitter Unit
The display of Transmitter Unit is
constructed a dot matrix with
icons LCD. The LCD is
formatted vertically and there are
five sounds name and Sound
Stick name area in dot matrix
area, Icons to show numbers “1'
and "2“ for sound stick, “Battery
Law" for replace batteries. lf
"Battery LOW' blinks, new
batteries are needed.
Sound Stick Selection and
Setting of Transmitter Unit
Both Set/Select button and Volume “+' and
“ ‘ buttons are afiplied for Sound Sticks
setting to match t e sound sticks installed in
the Base Unit.
At first power up, there may not be any sound
stick names stored in memory. In suhse uent
power ups, the last used sound sticks wIl be
recalled from the memory and displayed, to
change. or IniiieIIy set up a sound sticks.
If To change the
1 LCD screens.
become either
sound stick 1 or
., 2, just ress the
Set/Se ect button.
To set the graphics on the LCD for the a pro-
priate sound sticks installed In the Base nit
eitheri or 2, press and hold the Set/Select
button for 2 seconds at either the LCD under 1
or 2 sound stick modes, the sound stick icon 1
or 2 be ins to blink, then continue pressing
either olume “+" or "J button to scroll
through the sound stick graphics until the
appropriate sound stick gra hics a peer for
the stick name that Is Instel ed In s OH or 2 at
the base unit.
Applying TWO to Three
Base Unit or even more
This wlreless remote digital call Is designed
with three channels of radio frequency opera~
tlon. You can operate up to three Bess Units
(additional base units sold separately)
remotely with one Transmitter.
Applying External Speaker
This wireless remote digital call has a 3.5mm
stereo ptug socket to connect an optional
external speaker (additional speakers sold
External Speaker
Mlnl Decoy Cflflflem”
Applying Mini Decoy
This wireless remote dlgital cell has a 2.5mm
stereo plug socket to connect an optional
Decoy (decoy sold separately). The decoy
can be operated remotely by pressing the
decay output button on the remote transmitter
unlt. The red colored LED below the Decoy
Button that comes on momentarily when the
decay button Is depressed. To stop the
Decoy. depress the Decoy Out Button again.
Interchangeable Sound sticks
The mini Phamom Remote call offers
interchangeable Sound Sticks‘ You can
purchase Just one wireless remote call
unil then add Sound Siicks for the
animal you wish to hunt. Just uli one
or two Sound Siicks out and 8 ip in
another. The Sound Sticks are the size
if a stick off gum with an B-bil chip and
hoid five of our most effective sounds
and mute.
Fred 3 Whlts Tall 09972
(Required by FCC and industry Canada)
(Wireless Remote Digital Call, Mini Phantom
Remote, Model MR—302 and MR-304)
This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital and
Chapters 15. 231 radio frequency device,
iursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
mils are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This a ui ment gener-
ates uses and can radiate red 0 requency
energy and, If not Installed and used In
accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there' |s no guarantee that interfer-
ence will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interfer-
enoe to radio or televtsron reception which
can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user Is encouraged to try to
correct the Interference by one or more of the
following measures:
0 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
0 Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver.
0 Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/T V technician for help.
The user is cautioned that chane as or modifi-
cations not expressly approved y the party
responsible for compliance could vcld the
user‘s authority to operate the equipment
This Class B digitei and Chapters 15.231 radio
frequency apparatus complies with lCES~003.
Cat apparell numérlque de la clesse B est conforms
a la norme NMB-OOS du Canada.
The Min}P antom Remit-{$50 call has been
succes ulyies ed up (0 yrds. This is
undericl abs con mans wiIh {res and full
char ad batteries. Your aciuai operatin,
ran will h veto sdeie fined bfiyo
yon? nor a operatng con lions. an enwill
£35355 spendlng on terraln or in brus y
For maximu range piece the receive
roximatey 4fee|inoffihe round ful¥
fin ihe eiésslco hi 9 ha and oitkm
sir figéuflplxg en ansmi ing
sn gn ids Ishesco 7uping(l antenna on
theltrns ier fildm ans ifler
stralg t p lye ia fior arglelio ereceiver
aniennaw asoa increasa range.
in Your flu»: nu mm
Cuslmhel sen-«1411
(207) MAE—BUCK
007i 3626915
vfiwfiww mm
Mstmm-ois mmmwevmwmm Wm sum

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Create Date                     : 2009:07:03 15:49:32+08:00
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