Troybilt 21A 643B711 User Manual REAR TINE TILLER Manuals And Guides L0601227
TROYBILT Rear Tine, Gas Tiller Manual L0601227 TROYBILT Rear Tine, Gas Tiller Owner's Manual, TROYBILT Rear Tine, Gas Tiller installation guides
User Manual: Troybilt 21A-643B711 21A-643B711 TROYBILT REAR-TINE TILLER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your TROYBILT REAR-TINE TILLER #21A643B711. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Troybilt Parts:Troybilt REAR-TINE TILLER Manual
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® O m m 'w//////al&_,411111111111111F / m mllllllllllllllllml m Operator's Manual Rear-tine Tiller Models 643C m Tuffy¢ / Bronco CRT 643B, 645A -- Super BroncoTM Mode1645A Shown IMPORTANT: Warning: Read safety rules and instructions This unit is equipped with an internal combustion carefully before operating engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved equipment. forest-covered, brush- covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark attester meeting applicable local or state any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator. In the State of California the above is by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest engine authorized service dealer or contact the service department, P.O. Box Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019. laws (if required A spark 361131 Troy-Bilt LLC, P.O. BOX361131CLEVELAND,OHIO44136-0019 PRINTEDIN U.S.A. FORMNO. 769-00585E. 11/11/05 TABLEOFCONTENTS Content Customer Support Safety Assembly Features and Controls Page 2 3 6 10 Operation Content Maintenance Off-season Storage Troubleshooting Parts List 12 Page 17 21 22 24 Warranty Back Cover FINDINGMODELNUMBER This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new tiller. It will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the information from it in the space provided below. A sample model plate is also given below. You can locate the model plate by looking at the rear of the tine shield. This information will be necessary to use the manufacturer's web site and/or help from the Customer Support Department or an authorized service dealer. Copy the model number here: Copy the serial number here: P. O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OH44136 330-558-7220 866-840-6483_ CUSTOMER SUPPORT Please do NOTreturn the unit to theretailer without first contactingCustomerSupport. If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below: Visit for many useful suggestions. Click on Customer Support button and you will get the four options reproduced here. Click on the appropriate button and help is immediately available. ;J< /)_,'_'_ ;<;W";; jiI_)7,/_;7 / I+ _!_I_O ,f__< <;:k_;_ ..... _/ y' 1_,7_ .............. < ........ ...... ,,,,, 7%%%'7_-' ......................................... Iilo I1 II ff bl _ll i {_1 7 7fl , If you prefer to reach a Customer Support Representative, please call 1(866) 840-6483. The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regard to performance, power-rating, specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual, packed separately with your unit, for more information. SECTION1: SAFETY This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71.8-1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the American National Standards Institute. ForwardClutchBail ReverseClutchControl (Mode/s643B& 645A) WARNING DepthRegulator The engine exhaust from this productcontains chemicals known to the State of California to TineHoodFlap cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. SafetyAlert Symbol ,_ in thisis manual the unit Ittoisalert This a safetyand alertonsymbol. used you to potential hazards. When you see this symbol, read and obey the message that follows it. Failure to obey safety messages could result in personal injury or property damage. 1. Carefully readthis OwnTraining er's Manual, the separate Engine Owner's Manual, and any other literature you may receive. Be thoroughly familiar with the controls and the proper use of the tiller and its engine. Know how to stop the unit and disengage the controls quickly. 2. Never allow children to operatethe tiller. Never allow adults to operatethe tiller without proper instruction. 3. Keepthe area of operation clear of all persons, particularly children and pets. 4. Keepin mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people,their property,and themselves. Preparation 1. Thoroughly inspect the area where the tiller is to be usedand remove all foreign objects. 2. Be sure all tiller controls are released and both wheels are in the Wheel Drive position before starting the engine. Counter-Rotating-Tines (CRT) Drive Pin Figure 1-1: Tiller features and contre/s. See separate Engine Owner'sManua/ to identify engine contre/s. 3. Donot operatethe tiller without wearing adequateouter garments. Avoid loose garments or jewelry that could get caught in moving parts. 4. Do not operatethe tiller when barefoot or wearing sandals, sneakers,or light footwear. Wear protective footwear that will improve footing on slippery surfaces. e. Replaceall fuel tank and container caps securely. f. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine, but move the machine away from the area of spillage and avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel vapors havedissipated. 5. Do not till near underground electric cables, telephone lines, pipes or hoses. If in doubt, contact your telephone or utility company. 7. Never makeadjustments when engine is running (unless recommended by manufacturer). 6. Warning: Handlefuel with care; it is highly flammable and its vapors are explosive. Takethe following precautions: Operation a. Store fuel in containers specifically designed for this purpose. b. Thegas capshall neverbe removedor fueladdedwhiletheengineis running. Allowthe engineto cool for several minutes beforeadding fuel. c. Keepmatches, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, open flames and sparks away from the fuel tank and fuel container. d. Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme care. Never fill fuel tank indoors. Use a funnel or spout to prevent spillage. 1. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts. 2. Exerciseextreme caution when on or crossing gravel drives, walks, or roads. Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic. 3. After striking a foreign object, stop the engine, removethe wire from the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the spark plug. Thoroughly inspect the machine for any damageand repair the damage before restarting and operating the machine. 4. Exercisecaution to avoid slipping or falling. 5.If theunitshould starttovibrate abnor- If in doubtaboutthe tilling conditions,al- 24. Do not touch engine parts which may mally, stoptheengine, disconnect the ways usethe following operating precau- be hot from operation. Let parts cool down sparkplugwireandprevent itfromtouch- tionsto assistyou in maintainingcontrol sufficiently. ingthesparkplug,andcheck immediatelyof the tiller: 25. Pleaseremember:Youcan alwaysstop a. Walk behindand to one side of the forthecause. Vibration isgenerally a the tines and wheels by releasingthe Forwarning oftrouble. tiller, usingone handon the handle ward Clutch Bail or on Models 643B & bars Relax yourarm, but use a 6.Stoptheengine, disconnect thespark 645A the ReverseClutch control, (whichsecure handgrip. plugwireandprevent itfromtouching the evercontrol is engaged),or by moving the sparkplug,whenever youleave theoperat- b. Use shallower depthregulator ignition switch and/orthrottle control lever settings,working gradually deeper on the engine to "OFF" or "STOP". ingposition, before unclogging thetines, with each pass. orwhenmaking anyrepairs, adjustments 26. To load or unload the tiller, seethe inc. Use slower engine speeds. orinspections. structions in Section 4 of this Manual. d. Clear the tilling area of all large 7.Take allpossible precautions whenleav27. Use extreme caution when reversing stones, rootsor other debris. ingthemachine unattended. Stoptheenor pulling the machine towards you. e. Avoidusing downwardpressureon gine.Disconnect thesparkplugwireand 28. Start the engine carefully according to the handlebars. If need be, use moveitaway fromthesparkplug.Besure slight upwardpressureto keep the instructions and with feet well away from thatbothwheels areintheWheel Drivepothe tines. tines from diggingtoo deeply. sition. f. Beforecontacting hard packedsoil 29. Neverpick up or carry a machinewhile 8.Before cleaning, repairing, orinspectat the end of a row, reduce engine the engine is running. ing,stoptheengine andmakecertain all speed and lift the handlebarsto moving partshavestopped. Disconnect MaintenanceandStorage raise the tines out of the soil. thesparkplugwireandprevent itfrom g. In an emergency, stopthe tines and 1. Keepthe tiller, attachments and accestouching thesparkplugtoprevent acciwheels by releasing whichever sories in safe working condition. dental starting. clutch controlis engaged.Do not 2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws for 9.Theflaponthetinehoodmustbedown attemptto restrain the tiller. proper tightness to be sure the equipment whenoperating thetiller. is in safe working condition. 15. Do not overloadthe tiller's capacity by 10.Never usethetillerunless proper attempting to till too deeply at too fast a 3. Neverstore the tiller with fuel in the fuel guards, plates, orothersafety protective rate. tank inside a building where ignition sourcdevices areinplace. esare present such as hot water and space 11.Donotruntheengine inanenclosed 16. Never operate the tiller at high transheaters, furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, port speeds on hard or slippery surfaces. area.Engine exhaust contains carbon electric motors, etc.). Allow the engine to Look behind and usecare when backing monoxide gas,adeadly poison thatis cool before storing the unit in any encloup. odorless, colorless, andtasteless. sure. 17. Donot operatethe tiller on a slope that 12.Keep children andpetsaway. 4. To reducethe chances of a fire hazard, 13. Never operatethe tiller underengine powerif thewheels are in the Freewheel position. In the Freewheelposition, the wheels will not hold the tiller back and the revolving tines could propel the tiller rapidly, possibly causing loss of control. Always engagethe wheels with the wheel drive pins in the Wheel Drive position before starting the engine or engaging the tines_vheels with the Forward Clutch Bail (all models) or the ReverseClutch control (Models 643B & 645A only). 14. Be aware that the tiller may unexpectedlybounceupwardor jumpforward if the tines shouldstrike extremely hard packedsoil, frozen ground,or buried obstacleslike large stones, roots, or stumps. is too steep for safety.When on slopes, slow down and make sure you have good footing. Neverpermit thetiller to freewheel down slopes. 18. Never allow bystanders near the unit. 19. Onlyuse attachments and accessories that are approved by the manufacturer of the tiller. 20. Usetiller attachments and accessories when recommended. 21. Never operatethe tiller without good visibility or light. 22. Neveroperatethe tiller if you are tired; or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication. 23. Operators shall not tamper with the engine-governor settings on the machine; the governor controls the maximum safe operating speed to protect the engine and all moving parts from damagecaused by overspeed.Authorized service shall be sought if a problem exists. keepthe engine free of grass, leaves,or excessive grease. 5. Store gasoline in a cool, well-ventilated area, safely away from any spark- or flame-producing equipment. Store gasoline in an approved container, safely away from the reachof children. 6. Refer to the Maintenancesections of this Manual and the separate Engine Owner's Manual for instructions if the unit is to be stored for an extended period. 7. Never perform maintenancewhile the engine is running orthe spark plug wire is connected, except when specifically instructed to do so. 8. If the fuel tank hasto be drained, do this outdoors. Decals Reverse Clutch Control Forward Clutch Bail For your safety and the safety of others, various safety and operational decals are located on your unit (seeFigure 1-2). Keepthe decals clean and legible at all times. Contactyour local service dealer or thefactory for replacementsif any decals are damagedor missing. OperatingInstruction _ (Models 643B & 645A StartingStabilization Message (on engine) WarningMessages Referto the Parts List pagesin this Manualfor decal locations, descriptions and part numbers. Hot Surfaces Warning Figure 1-2: Locationof safety and operatingdeca/s. Operating Symbols I"1 I*1 Various symbols (shownhere,_dth worddescrip'dons) maybeusedonte'dllerand engine. CHOKE NOTE: YourunihT_y nothaveallof_esymbols. ON CHOKE OFF R REVERSE ROTATING TINES <--o--> FAST SLOW STOP TILLER DIRECTION BAIL ENGAGED LEVERDIRECTION TO AVOID SERIOUS INJURY: READTHE OWNER'SMANUAL. KNOWLOCATIONSAND FUNCTIONSOF ALLCONTROLS. KEEPALLSAFETYDEVICESANDSHIELDSIN PLACEAND WORKING. NEVERALLOWCHILDRENOR UNINSTRUCTEDADULTSTO OPERATETILLER. SHUTOFF ENGINEAND DISCONNECTSPARKPLUGWIRE BEFOREMANUALLYUNCLOGGINGTINES OR MAKINGREPAIRS. ° KEEPBYSTANDERSAWAYFROM MACHINE. ° KEEPAWAYFROM ROTATINGPARTS. ° USEEXTREMECAUTIONWHEN REVERSINGOR PULLINGTHE MACHINETOWARDS YOU. * * * . ° BAIL DISENGAGED SECTION2: ASSEMBLY WARNING: To prevent personal injury or property damage,do not start the engine until all assembly steps are complete and you have read and understand the safety and operating instructions in this manual. INTRODUCTION Carefully follow these assembly steps to correctly prepare your tiller for use. It is recommendedthat you readthis Section in its entirety before beginning assembly. NOTE: Various tiller models are presented in this Manual. Use only the information appropriate for your tiller model. Engine styles vary by model, Your engine may appear differently than those illustrated in this manual. INSPECTUNIT Inspect the unit and carton for damageimmediatelyafter delivery.Contactthe carrier (trucking company) if you find or suspect damage. Inform them of the damageand request instructions for filing a claim. To protect your rights, put your claim in writing and mail a copy to the carrier within 15 days after the unit has been delivered. Contact Troy-Bilt LLCif you need assistance in this matter. TOOLS/ MATERIALSNEEDED (2) 1/2" open-end wrench* (2) 9/16" open-end wrench* (1) 3/8" open-end wrench* (1) Large adjustable wrench (Models 643B & 645A only) (1) Scissors (to trim plastic ties) (1) Ruler (for belt tension check) (1) Block of wood (to support tiller when removing wheels) (1) Tire pressure gauge (for models with pneumatic tires) (1) Cleanoil funnel (1) Motor oil. Refertothe EngineOwner's Manualfor oil specificationsand quantity required. * Adjustable wrenches may be used. ASSEMBLYSTEPS STEP 1: UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS _iiii NOTE:While unpacking, do not severely bend any control cables. 1. The tiller weighs approximately 133 Ibs. Do not attempt to remove it from the shipping platform until instructed to do so in these Assembly steps. 2. Removeany packaging material from the carton. Removeany staples from the bottom of the carton and remove the carton from the shipping platform. 3. Removeall unassembled parts and the separate hardware bag from the carton. Checkthat you havethe items listed in the Loose Parts List (contact your local dealer or the factory items are missing or damaged). NOTE: Use the screw length template (Fig, 2-1) to identify screws, Loose Parts List Qty. Description 1 HandlebarSupport (seeA, Fig. 2-2) 1 HandlebarAssembly (seeK, Fig.2-2) Hardware bag contents: 4 Hex hd. screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2" 2 Hex hd. screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4" 2 Flat Washer,3/8" 4 Split lock washer,5/16" 4 Hex nut, 5/16"-18 2 Hex Iocknut,3_8"-16 *Models 643B & 645A only IMPORTANT: Motor oil must be added to the engine crankcase before the engine is started. Follow the instructions in this Section and in the separateEngine Owner's Manual. NOTE: LEFTand RIGHTsides of the tiller are as viewed from the operator's position behind the handlebars. STEP 2: ATTACH HANDLEBAR 1. Loosely attachthe legs of the handlebar support (A, Fig. 2-2) to the inner sides of the tiller frame usingtwo 3/8"-16 x 3/4" hex hd. screws (B), 3/8" flat washers, and 3/8"16 hex Iocknuts. Figure2-1: Toidentifylengthofscrews,place screwontemplateasshownandmeasuredistancebetweenbottomofscrewheadandtipof screw. 2. Using two 5/16"-18 x 1-1/2" screws (C), 5/16" split lock washers (D) and 5/16"-18 hex nuts (G), loosely attach the handlebar support (A) using the upper holes. Tighten the two screws securely. 3. Thereare three height adjustment holes in the two handlebar support brackets (E and F,Fig. 2-2). Use a setting that will position the handlebarsat approximately waist levelwhen the tines are 3"-4" into the soil. Loosely attachthe support bracketsto the outside of the handlebar assembly (I) using two 5/16"-18 x 1-1/2" screws (G), 5/ 16"split lock washers (D) and 5/16"-18 hex nuts (G). NOTE:If a support bracket will not move, loosen attaching screw (H) and nut. IMPORTANT:The support brackets must beassembled to the outside of the handlebar assembly. 4. Tighten all handlebar mounting hardware securely. STEP 3: MOVE TILLER OFF CRATE To roll the tiller off the shipping platform, put the wheels in freewheel, as follows: 1. Placea sturdy block under the transmission to raise one wheel about 1" off the ground. 2. Removethe Klik Pin (J, Fig. 2-3) from the wheel hub (K) and wheel shaft (L). 3. Slidethe wheelfully inward on the wheel shaft (N, Fig. 2-3). Reinstallthe Klik pin (J) The supportbracketsmust be assembledto the outside of the handlebar assembly. Fig.2-3: Wheelin FREEWHEEL position (wheeldrivepin throughwheelshaftonly). STEP 4: INSTALL FORWARD CLUTCH CABLE 1. Carefully unwrap the forward clutch cable (cable without an attached knob) from its shipping position and slide the thin cable wire (M, Fig. 2-4) into the slot in the cable bracket. Push the cable connector (N, Fig. 2-4) up through the hole in the bracket until the groove in the connector snaps into place. 2. Threadthe #10-24 hex nut (Z, Fig. 2-5) halfway onto the screw (V) which runs through the spring (W, Fig. 2-5). 3. Threadthe screw (V) into the cable adjuster (X). Fig. 2.2: Attachhandlebar. through the wheel shaft (L) only (not through the wheel hub). The wheelshould now spin freely (freewheel) on the wheel shaft. Repeatwith the other wheel. 4. Use the handlebar to roll the tiller to a flat area. IMPORTANT: Beforestarting the engine, the wheels must be placed in the WHEEL DRIVEposition (pins through wheel hubs and wheel shaft). This procedure is described in WheelDrive Pins on page 10. Fig. 2-4:/nstal/ing forward clutchcable bracketand cable. 4. Checkfor correct tension on the forward drive belt by taking two measurements of the cable spring, as follows: a. With the Forward Clutch Bail (Y,Fig. 26) in an open (released)position, measure the length of the cable spring (W) from the outermost coil to the outermost coil. b. Squeezethe Forward Clutch Bail against the handlebar (see Fig. 2-7) and re-measure the spring length. The belt tension is correct if this second measurement is between 1/16" to 3/16" longer than the first measurement. If so, turn the hex nut (Z, Fig. 2-7) tightly against the cable adjuster (X) while preventing the cable adjuster from turning. c. If the spring length is incorrect, you must adjust the cabletension as described in Checkingand Adjusting Forward Drive Belt Tensionin Section 5. Incorrect cable tension can result in belt slippage (cable tension too loose), or unintentional tine movement when the clutch bail is in Neutral (cabletension too tight). Wm : v W iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Fig. 2-7: Tocheckforwardbelt tension, take two measurementsof the length of the coilsin the spring-- first with the bah open, then with the bah held against the handlebar. STEP 5: INSTALL REVERSE CLUTCH CABLE(MODELS 643BAND 645A ONLY) 1. Unwrap the reverse clutch cable (CC, Fig. 2-8 and Fig. 2-9) from its shipping position and route it up to the handlebar. Be sure that the cable is routed beneaththe Forward Clutch Bail. 2. Insertthe cable(CC,Fig. 2-8)through the slot in the cablebracketand position the flat side of the threadedassembly next to the flat side of the hole. Slidethe hex nut (DD) up the cable and tighten it securely. 3. Fastenthe reverse clutch cable to the left side handlebarwith a cabletie (EE,Fig. 2-9). 4. Testthe function ofthe reverseclutch by pulling out and releasingthe cable knob. The knob should return to its neutral position (resting against bracket). If it doesn't, contact your local dealer or Troy-Bilt LLC for technical assistance. Fig.2-5: Cable springand adjuster. Flat Side Fig. 2-8: Install reverse cable bracketand reverse clutchcable. Fig. 2-6: Attach forward clutchcable spring to forwardclutch bail Fig. 2-9: Route reverse clutchcable (CC) as shown. Attach with cable tie (EE). 5! =-P6: CHECKTRAHSMiSSiOH OIL LEVEL Thetransmission was filled with gear oil at the factory. However,you should checkthe gear oil level at this time to make certain it is correct. IMPORTANT:Donot operatethe tiller if the gear oil level is low. Doing so will result in severe damageto the transmission components. 1. With the tiller on level ground, pull the Depth Regulator Lever (FF,Fig. 2-10) back and then all the way up until the lowest notch in the lever is engaged. 2. Removethe oil fill plug (GG,Fig. 2-11) from the transmission housing cover and locate the main drive shaft situated inside the housing. 3. Thegear oil level is correct if the gear oil is approximately halfway up the side of the main drive shaft. I El."/: AUU IVlUI UH UIL Thetiller is shipped withoutoil in the engine. IMPORTANT:Do not start the engine without first adding motor oil. Severeengine damagewill result if the engine is run without oil. 1. Refer to the separate Engine Owner's Manual for engine oil specifications and capacities. _ I L:I."8: L;Ht:L;KHAHUWAHt: Checkall nuts and screws for tightness. STEP 9: CHECK AIR PRESSURE IN TIRES (units with pneumatic tires) Checkthe air pressure with a tire gauge. Deflateor inflate the tires equally to between 15 PSi and 20 PSi (pounds per square inch). Besure that both tires are inflated equally or the unit will pull to one side. 2. With the tiller on levelground, move the Depth Regulator Lever(FF,Fig.2-10) up or down until the engine is level. 3. Add motor oil as described in the Engine Owner's Manual. 4. Move the Depth Regulator Lever all the way down until the highest notch is engaged.This placesthe tines in the "travel" position, which allows the tiller to be moved without the tines touching the ground. 4. Ifthe oil level is low, add gear oil by referring to A, ToCheckthe Transmission GearOil Level in Section 5. Fig. 2-10: AdjustDepth Regu/atorLever. IMPORTANT: This completes the assembly steps. Before operatingyour tiller, make sureyou readthe following sections in this Manual, as well as the separate Engine Owner's Manual: • Section 1: Safety • Section 3: Featuresand Controls • Section 4: Operation Fig. 2-11: Remove gear oil fill plug. SECTION3: FEATURES ANDCONTROLS _ operating your machine, ARNING: Before carefully readand understand all safety, controls and operating instructions in this Manual, the separateEngine Owner's Manual,and on the decals on the machine. Failureto follow these instructions can result in Forward Clutch ReverseClutchControl (Models643B& 645A) Regulator serious personal injury. INTRODUCTION This Section describes the location and Height Adjustment function of the controls on your tiller. Refer to the following Section, Operationfor detailed operating instructions. Practice using these controls, with the engine shut off, until you understand the operation of the controls and feel confident with each of them. Wheel Drive Pin (oneachwheel) ENGINE CONTROLS Refer to the engine manufacturer's Engine Owner's Manual (included in the tiller literature package) to identify the controls on your engine. Figure 3-1: Tiller features and controls. See separate Engine Owner's Manual to identify IMPORTANT:Thecontrol for stopping the engine is located on the engine. Use the FREEWHEELmode only when the engine is not running. In FREEWHEEL, the wheel drive pins are placed only through the holes in the wheel shaft (not the wheel hubs), thus allowing the wheels to turn freely when you manually move the tiller. WHEEL DRIVE PINS Eachwheel is equipped with a wheel drive Klik pin (A, Figures 3-2 and 3-3) that secures the wheelto the wheel shaft (B). The wheels can be positioned in either a WHEELDRIVEor a FREEWHEELmode. _ either of the wheels to be in the WARNING: Neverallow FREEWHEELposition when the engine is running. Always put both wheels in the WHEEL DRIVEposition before starting the engine. Failureto comply could cause loss of tiller control, property damage, or personal injury. Beforestarting the engine,put both wheels in the WHEELDRIVEposition by inserting the wheel drive Klik pins through the wheel hubs and the wheel shaft. Doingso "locks" the wheels to the wheel shaft, causing the wheels to turn when either the engine controls. Forward Clutch Bail (all models) or the Reverse Clutch Control (Models 643B & 645A) is engaged. "B To place the wheels in WHEELDRIVEor FREEWHEEL: 1. Stop engine,disconnectspark plug wire from spark plug and allow engineto cool. _ tiller on its side when changing WARNING: Donot place wheel drive positions. Doing so could result in gasoline leaking from the fuel tank. Failureto follow this instruction could result in personal injury or property damage. 2. Raise one wheel about one inch off the ground and place a sturdy support under the transmission. 3. RemoveKlick Pin (A, Figures3-2 and 33) from wheel drive shaft (B). 4. FORWHEELDRIVEMODE(Figure3-2): Slide wheel outward and align holes in lO Figure3-2: WHEELDRIVEposition. wheel hub (D, Figure 3-2) and wheel shaft (B). Insert Klik pin (A) through wheel hub (C) and wheel shaft (B). Repeatwith the other wheel and then remove the support from beneaththe transmission. 5. FORFREEWHEELMODE (Figure 3-3): Slide the wheel inward and insert the Klik pin (A, Figure3-3) onlythrough the hole in the wheel shaft (B). Repeatfor the other wheel and then remove the support from beneaththe transmission. WARNING: Use extreme caution when reversing or pulling the machine towards you. Look behind to avoid obstacles. Never attempt to till in reverse. Failureto follow this warning could result in personal injury or property damage. To operatethe Reverse Clutch Control: 1. Put wheels in WHEELDRIVEposition (see "WARNING" statement at the left). Figure 3-3: FREEWHEELposition. WARNING: Beforestarting engine, be sure that both wheels are in WHEELDRIVE position. See WheelsDrive Pins for instructions. Engagingthe Forward Clutch Bail or ReverseClutch Control (if equipped) when the wheels are not in WHEEL DRIVEcould allow the tines to rapidly propel the tiller forward or backward. 2. Stop all tiller motion by releasingthe Forward Clutch Bail. 3. Lift the handlebar until the tines clear the ground, look behind you to avoid any obstacles, and then pull the control knob (E, Figure3-4) out. The wheels and tines will rotate in a reverse direction. HANDLEBAR HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT Thehandlebar height is adjustable to three different settings (Figure 3-6). In general, adjust the handlebars so they are at waist level when the tines are 3"-4" in the soil. The Forward Clutch Bail (D, Figure3-4) controls the engagement of forward drive to the wheels and tines. To adjust the handlebars: To operatethe ForwardClutchBail: 1. Put wheels in WHEEL DRIVEposition (see "WARNING" statement above). Figure3-4:All modelshavea ForwardClutch Bail(E). OnlyModel634,4havea Reverse ClutchCentre/(F). 2. Lift and hold the clutch bail (D, Figure 34) againstthe handlebarto start the wheels and tines rotating in a forward direction. DEPTHREGULATOR LEVER (Models 643B & 645A only) The ReverseClutch Control (E, Figure3-4) controls the engagement of reverse drive to the wheels and tines. The reversingfeature is used for maneuvering the tiller only-- never engage the tines in the ground while operatingin reverse. Travel Position Figure3-5: Depth RegulatorLever (G). FORWARDCLUTCHBAIL REVERSECLUTCHCONTROL to till too deeplytoo quickly. WARNING: Donot attempt Graduallywork down to deeper tilling depths. Placethe Depth Regulator Lever in the "travel" position before starting the engine. This position prevents thetines from touching the ground until you are readyto begin tilling. Failureto follow this warning could result in personalinjury or property damage. 4. Releasethe control knob to disengage (stop) the wheels andtines (the engine will continue to run). Failureto comply could cause loss of tiller control, property damage, or personal injury. 3. Releasethe clutch bail to disengage (stop) the wheels andtines (the engine will continue to run). begintilling at a very shallow depth setting and gradually increasethe tilling depth. 1. Stop engine, disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug and allow engine to cool. 2. Remove hardware, reposition handlebars, and reinstall hardware securely. This lever (F,Figure3-5) controls the tilling depth of the tines. Pull the lever back and slide it up or down to engagethe notched height settings. The"travel position" (highest notch) raises the tines approximately 1-1/2" off the ground, allowing the tiller to be moved without the tines contacting the ground. This setting should also be used when starting the engine. Moving the lever upward will increase the tilling depth. The lowest notch allows a tilling depth of approximately 6", depending on soil conditions. For best results, always 11 High Medium Figure3-6: Handlebar height adjustment. SECTION4: OPERATION _ 1. Completethe Pre-Start Checkliston this page. ReverseClutchControl (Mode/s643B& operating your machine, ARNING: Before carefully readand understand all safety (Section 1), controls (Section 3) and operating instructions (Section 4) in this Manual, the separateEngine Owner's Manual,and on the decals on the machine. Failureto follow these instructions can result in 2. Putthe wheels in the WHEEL DRIVEposition (see WheelDrive Pinsin Section3 of this manual). Clutch Bail DepthRegulator serious personal injury. INTRODUCTION Readthis OperationSection and the separate Engine Owner's Manual before you start the engine. Then, take the time to familiarize yourself with the basic operation of the tiller before using it in the garden. Findan open, level areaand practice using the tiller controls without the tines engaging the soil (put tines in "travel" setting). Only after you've become completely familiar with the tiller should you begin using it in the garden. DrivePin Fig. 4-1 5. Checkthat all safety guards and covers are in place. 6. Checkair cleanerand engine cooling system. See Engine Owner's Manual. _ BREAK-INOPERATION Perform the following maintenance after the first two (2) hours of new operation (see MaintenanceSection in this manual and in the Engine Owner's Manual). 1. Changeengine oil. 2. Checkfor loose or missing hardware on unit. Tighten or replaceas needed. 3. Checktension on forward drive belt. 4. Checktransmission gear oil level. STARTINGANDSTOPPING Pre-StartChecklist With the spark plug wire disconnected from the spark plug, perform the following checks and services before each use: 1. Readthe Safetyand Controls Sections in this manual. Readthe separate Engine Owner's Manual provided with the unit. 2. Putthe wheels in the WHEELDRIVEposition (wheel pins must be through holes in wheel hubs and wheel shaft). 3. Checkunit for loose or missing hardware. Service as required. 4. Checkengine oil level. See Engine Owner's Manual. HIGHLYFLAMMABLEAND WARNING: GASOLINEITS IS VAPORSAREEXPLOSIVE. Follow gasoline safety rules in this Manual (seeSection 1) and in the separate Engine Owner's Manual. Failureto follow gasoline safety instructions can result in serious personal injury and property damage. 7. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline according to the directions in the separate Engine Owner's Manual. Follow all instructions and safety rules carefully. 8. Attach spark plug wire to spark plug. Startingthe Engine The following steps describe how to start and stop the engine. _ to engagethe tines or wheels WARNING: Donotattempt until you have readall of the operating instructions in this Section. Also, review the safety rules in Section 1: Safety, and the tiller and engine controls information in Section 3: Featuresand Controls. ,_ prevent serious personal WARNING: To help injury or damageto equipment: • Before starting engine, put both wheels in the WHEELDRIVE position. Never have wheels in FREEWHEELposition when engine is running. When the wheels are in FREEWHEEL,they do not hold back the tiller and the tines could propel the tiller rapidly forward or backward. • Before starting engine, put Forward Clutch Bail (all models) and Reverse Clutch Control (Models 643B & 645A only) in neutral (disengaged)positions by releasing levers. • Never run engine indoors or in enclosed, poorlyventilatedareas. Engine exhaust containscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas. • Avoidenginemuffler andnearbyareas. Temperaturesin these areas may exceed 150° F. 3. Move the Depth Regulator Lever all the way down to the "travel" position, so that the tines clear the ground. 4. Releaseall controls on the tiller. 5. On engine's with a fuel shut-off valve, turn valve to open position, as instructed in the separate Engine Owner's Manual. 6. Put ignition switch and/or throttle control lever located on engine in the "ON", "RUN", "FAST"or "START"position, as instructed in the Engine Owner's Manual. 7. Chokeor prime engine,as instructed in Engine Owner's Manual. 8. Put one hand on fuel tank to stabilize unit when pulling starter rope handle.Then use recoil starter to start engine, as instructed in the Engine Owner's Manual. Whenengine starts, gradually move choke lever (if so equipped) to "NO CHOKE", "CHOKEOFF"or "RUN" position. 9. Use the "FAST"throttle speed setting when tilling. 12 3. Start engine and allow it to warm up. Then put throttle in "FAST"setting. 4. For forwardmotion of the wheels and power to the tines: (a) Pull Forward Clutch Bail (Fig. 4-1) up against handlebar.Releasebail to stop forward motion of wheels and tines. (b) When tilling, relaxand let the wheels pull the unit while the tines dig. Walk behind and a little to one side of the unit. Use Stopping the Engineand Tiller 1. Tostop the wheels and tines, releasethe Forward Clutch Bail (all models) orthe Reverse Clutch Control (Models 643B & 645A) -- whichever control is in use. 2. Tostop the engine, put the ignition switch and/or the throttle control lever in the "OFF"or "STOP" position. one hand, yet keepa light--but secure-grip on the handlebar (while keepingyour arm loose). SeeFig. 4-2. Let the unit move at its own paceand do not push down on the handlebarsto try and force the tines to dig deeper-- this takes weight off the wheels and reduces traction. OPERATINGTHE TILLER ,_ down on the handlebarsto try WARNING: Donot push to make the tiller till more Thefollowing operating instructions provide guidelines to using your tiller effectively and safely. Besure to read Tilling Tips & Techniquesin this Section before actually putting the tines into the soil. deeply.This prevents the wheels from holding the tiller back and can allow the tines to This is a "Counter-Rotating-Tine" (CRT) tiller. It operates differently from "Standard-Rotating-Tine" (SRT) tillers. As the wheels pull forward, the tines rotate backward, creating an "uppercut" action which digs deeply, uprooting soil and weeds. control, property damage, or personal injury. 1. Follow the Pre-Start Checklistat the beginning of this Section. Be sure that the wheels are in the WHEELDRIVEposition. 2. Move the Depth Regulator Lever all the way down, so that the tines clear the ground. Usethis position when practicing with the tiller and when traveling between tilling sites. Beforeactually tilling, move the lever to the desired depth setting (see Tilling Tips & Techniques). (b) Swing the handlebarto the left so the right wheeltakes a "step" backward. Next swing the handlebarto the right so the left wheel"steps" backward. Repeatas needed. (c) If longer distances need to be covered in reverse,shut off the engine, then place the two wheels in FREEWHEEL. 7. ToTurn the Tiller Around: (a) Practiceturning the tiller in a level, open area.Be very careful to keepyour feet and legs away from the tines. (b) Tobegin a turn, lift the handlebarsuntil thetines areout ofthe ground andtheengine and tines are balancedoverthe wheels (Fig. 4-4). (c) With tiller balanced, push sideways on handlebar to steer in direction of turn (Fig. 4-5). After turning, slowly lower tines into soil to resume tilling. rapidly propel the tiller forward, which could result in loss of 5. For reverse motion of the wheels and tines (Models 643B & 645A only): (a) Look behind and exercisecaution when operating in reverse.Do not till while in reverse. Fig. 4-4: Tobegin turn, lift handlebars until tines are outof groundand unit is balanced. (b) Stop all forward motion. Lift handlebar with one hand until tines are off the ground and then pull ReverseClutch Control knob out (see Fig.4-3). Tostop reversing, let go of ReverseClutch Control knob. Fig. 4-5: With tines out of greund,push handlebars sidewaysto turn tiller. Fig.4-3: Raisetinesoffgreundandlook behind whenmovingin reverse. Fig.4-2: Useonehandtoguidetiller when movingforward. 6. To move the Model 643C in reversefor short distances: (a) Releaseforward Clutch Bail.Then lift handlebar until tines are off the ground. 13 Stoppingthe Tiller andEngine 1. Tostop the wheels and tines, releasethe Forward Clutch Bail (all models) orthe Reverse Clutch Control (Models 643B & 645A) -- whichever control is in use. 2. Tostop the engine, put the ignition switch and/orthe throttle control lever in the "OFF"or "STOP" position. TILLINGTIPS& TECHNIQUES Tilling Depths WAHNING: This is a CRT(counter-rotatingtine) tiller. As the wheels pull forward, the tines rotate backward. This createsan "uppercut" tine action which digs deeply,uprooting soil and weeds. Don't overloadthe engine,but dig as deeplyas possible on eachpass. On later passes,the wheelsmaytendto spinin thesoft dirt. Helpthem along by lifting up slightly on thehandlebar (one hand,palm up,works most easily). Before tilling, contact your telephone or utilities company and inquire if underground equipment or lines are usedon your property. Do not till near buried electric cables, telephone lines, pipes or hoses. Avoidthe temptation to push down on the handlebarsin an attemptto force thetiller to dig deeper.Doingso takesthe weight off the poweredwheels,causingthem to lose traction. Withoutthe wheelsto hold the tiller back,the tineswill attempt to propelthe tiller backward, towardsthe operator.(Sometimes,slight downward pressureon the handlebarswill help get througha particularlytough sectionof sod or unbrokenground, but in most casesthis won't be necessary.) • Whencultivating (breakingup surfacesoil around plants to destroyweeds,seeFig.4-9), a just the tines to dig only 1"to 2" deep.Using shallow tilling depths helps prevent injury to plants whose roots often grow close to the surface. If needed,lift up on the handlebars slightly to preventthe tinesfrom diggingtoo deeply.(Cultivatingon a regularbasisnot only eliminatesweeds,it alsoloosensand aerates thesoil for better moistureabsorptionandfaster plantgrowth.) Wateringthegardenareaa few days prior to tilling will maketilling easier, aswill letting the newlyworked soil set for a dayor two beforemakinga final, deeptilling pass. ChoosingCorrectWheel & Tine Speeds With experience,you will find the "just right" tilling depth and tilling speedcombination that is best for your garden. Setthe enginethrottle leverat a speedto givethe engineadequatepowerand yet allow it to operateat the slowest possiblespeed...atleast until you haveachievedthe maximum tilling depth you desire. Fasterenginespeedsmay be desirablewhen makingfinal passesthrough the seedbedor whencultivating. Selectionof the correct enginespeed,in relationto the tilling depth, will ensurea sufficientpower levelto do the job without causingthe engineto labor. Let the Tiller Dothe Work AvoidMaking Footprints Whiletilling, relaxand letthe wheelspull the tiller along while the tines do the digging. Walk on the side that is not yet finished (to avoid makingfootprints in the freshly tilled soil) and lightly, but securelygrip the handlebarwith just one hand. AvoidTilling Soggy, Wet Soil Whenever possible, walk on the untilled Tilling wet soil often results in large,hard sideof the unit to avoid makingfootprints in clumps of soil that can interfere with plantyour freshly tilled or cultivated soil. Foot- ing. If time permits, wait a day or two after prints causesoil compaction that can ham- heavy rains to allow the soil to dry before per root penetration and contribute to soil tilling. Testsoil by squeezingit into a ball. If erosion. They can also "plant" unwanted it compressestoo easily,it is too wet to till. weed seeds back into the freshly tilled ground. Preparing Seedbeds • Whenpreparinga seedbed,go overthe samepathtwice in thefirst row, then overlap one-halfthetiller width on the rest of the passes(seeFig. 6). Whenfinished in one direction, makea second pass at a right angle,as shown in Fig.4-7. Overlap eachpassfor best results (in very hardground, it may takethree or four passesto thoroughly pulverizethe soil.) m_ Fig. 4-6 Fig. 4-7 Cultivating • If the gardensize will not permit lengthwiseand thencrosswisetilling, then overlapthefirst passesby one-halfa tiller With planning, you can =,,_r,_, ..,'q r_ allow enoughroom _" _ (_ width,followed by successivepasses at one-quarterwidth (seeFig. 4-8). between rows to cultivate _ _ (seeFig.4-9). Leaveroom _ for the hood width, plus enough extra _ _ .................... v ................................. _ _ Fig. 4-8 room for future plant growth. 14 _' Fig. 4-9 TILLINGTIPS & TECHNIQUES (CON'T) Tilling OnSlopes Read the followingrecommendationsbeforetilling on slopes: WAHNING: If you must gardenon a moderateslope, pleasefollow two very importantguidelines: 1. Till only on moderateslopes,neveron steepground wherefooting is difficult (review safety rulesin Section 1: Safetyof this manual). 2. We recommendtilling up and down slopes ratherthan terracing. Tilling vertically on a slopeallows maximum plantingarea and also leavesroom for cultivating. IMPORTANT: Whentilling on slopes, be surethe correct oil levelis maintainedin the engine (checkevery one-half hour of operation).The inclineof the slopewill causethe oil to slant awayfrom its normal leveland this can starveengineparts of requiredlubrication. Keepthe motor oil levelat the full point at all times! Do not operatetiller on a slope too steep for safe operation. Till slowly and be sure you have good footing. Neverpermit tiller to freewheel down slopes. Failureto follow this warning could result in personal injury. Tilling Up and DownSlopes(Vertical Tilling) • To keepsoil erosionto a minimum, be sureto add enough organicmatterto the soil sothat it has good moisture-holdingtexture and try to avoid leavingfootprints or wheelmarks. • Whentilling vertically,try to makethe first passuphill as thetiller digs moredeeplygoing uphillthan it doesdownhill. In soft soil or weeds, you may haveto lift the handlebarsslightly while going uphill. Whengoing downhill, overlapthe first passby about one-halfthe width of the tiller. Clearingthe Tines The tines have a self-clearing action which eliminates most tangling of debris in the tines. However,occasionally dry grass, stringy stalks or tough vines may become tangled. Follow these procedures to help avoid tangling and to clean the tines, if necessary. • To reducetangling, set the depth regulator deep enough to get maximum "chopping" action as the tines chop the material against the ground. Also, try to till under crop residues or cover crops while they are green, moist and tender. • While tilling, try swaying the handlebars from side to side (about 6" to 12"). This "fishtailing" action often clearsthe tines of debris. • If tangling occurs, lift the tines out of the soil and run the tiller in reverse (if unit is equipped with powered reverse) for a few feet. This reversing action should unwind a good deal of debris. Loadingand Unloadingthe Tiller _ unloading the tiller Loading into avehicle ARNING: and is potentially hazardousandwe don't recommend doing so unless absolutely necessary,as this could result in personal injury or property damage. However, if you must load or unload the tiller, follow the guidelines given next. • Before loading or unloading, stop the engine, wait for all parts to stop moving, disconnect the spark plug wire and let the engine and muffler cool. • The tiller is too heavy and bulky to lift safely by one person. Two or more people should share the load. • It may be necessaryto remove the debris by hand (a pocket knife will help you to cut awaythe material). Be sure to stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug wire before clearing the tines by hand. tines by hand, stopBeforeclearing the engine,allow WARNING: theall moving parts to stop and disconnect the spark plug wire. Removethe ignition key on electric start models. Failureto follow this warning could result in personal injury. • Use sturdy ramps and manually (engine shut off) roll the tiller into and out of the vehicle. Two or more people are neededto do this. • When going up ramps, stand in the normal operating position and push the tiller ahead of you. Havea person at eachside to turn the wheels. • The ramps must be strong enoughto support the combined weight of the tiller and any handlers. The ramps should provide good traction to prevent slipping; they should have side rails to guide the tiller along the ramps; and they should havea locking device to secure them to the vehicle. • When going down ramps, walk backward with the tiller following you. Keep alert for any obstacles behind you. Position a person at eachwheel to control the speed of the tiller. Nevergo down ramps tiller-first, as the tiller could tip forward. • Placewooden blocks on the downhill side of • The handlersshould wearsturdy footwear that will helpto preventslipping. • Position the loading vehicle so that the ramp angle is as flat as possible (the less incline to the ramp, the better). Turn the vehicle's engine off and apply its parking brake. 15 the wheels if you needto stop the tiller from rolling down the ramp. Also, use the blocks to temporarily keep the tiller in place on the ramps (if necessary),and to chock the wheels in place after the tiller is in the vehicle. • After loading the tiller, prevent it from rolling by engaging the wheels in the WHEELDRIVE position. Chock the wheels with blocks and securely tie the tiller down. TILLINGTIPS & TECHNIQUES (CON'T) TerraceGardening(continued) • Tocreate a terrace, start at the top of the slopeand work down. Go back and forth acrossthe first row as shown in Fig.4-10. • Eachsucceedinglowerterrace is startedby walking belowthe terrace you're 0 preparing.Foraddedstability of thetiller, alwayskeepthe uphill wheel in thesoft, newlytilled soil. Do not till the last 12" or more of the downhill outside edge of eachterrace.This untilled strip helpspreventsthe terracesfrom breakingapart m_ and washing downhill. It alsoprovidesa walking path betweenrows. _, REPEAT Fig. 4-10 LOADINGAND UNLOADING THE TILLER ,_ unloading the tiller into a and WARNING: Loading vehicle is potentially hazardous and we don't recommend doing so unlessabsolutely necessary, asthis could result in personal injury or property damage. However, if you must load or unload the tiller, follow the guidelines given next. • Before loading or unloading, stop the engine, wait for all parts to stop moving, disconnect the spark plug wire and let the engine and muffler cool. • The tiller is too heavy and bulky to lift safely by one person. Two or more people should share the load. • Use sturdy ramps and manually (engine shut off) roll the tiller into and out of the vehicle. Two or more people are neededto do this. • When going up ramps, stand in the normal operating position and push the tiller ahead of you. Havea person at each side to turn the wheels. • The ramps must be strong enough to support the combined weight of the tiller and any handlers. The ramps should provide good traction to prevent slipping; they should have side rails to guide the tiller along the ramps; and they should have a locking device to secure them to the vehicle. • When going down ramps, walk backward with the tiller following you. Keep alert for any obstacles behind you. Position a person at each wheel to control the speed of the tiller. Nevergo down ramps tiller-first, as the tiller could tip forward. • Placewooden blocks on the downhill side • The handlersshould wearsturdy footwear that will help to preventslipping. • Position the loading vehicle so that the ramp angle is as flat as possible (the less incline to the ramp, the better). Turn the vehicle's engine off and apply its parking brake. 16 of the wheels if you need to stop the tiller from rolling down the ramp. Also, use the blocks to temporarily keepthe tiller in place on the ramps (if necessary),and to chock the wheels in placeafter the tiller is in the vehicle. • After loading the tiller, prevent it from rolling by engaging the wheels in the WHEELDRIVEposition. Chockthe wheels with blocks and securely tie the tiller down. SECTION5: MAINTENANCE WARNING: Before TILLER LUBRICATION inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug. Remove ignition key on electric start models. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage. MAINTENANCESCHEDULE After every 10 operating hours, oil or grease the lubrication points shown in Figure5-1 and described below. Useclean lubricating oil (#30 weight motor oil is suitable) and clean general purpose grease (greasecontaining a metal lubricant is preferred, if available). • Removethe wheels,cleanthe wheel shaft (A, Fig. 5-1) and apply a thin coating of grease to the wheel shaft. • Greasethe back, front and sides of the depth regulator lever (B, Fig. 5-1). • Removethe tines and clean the tine shaft NOTES PROCEDURE Check motor oil level 2,3 Clean engine 2,7 Check drive belt tension 1,4 Check nuts and bolts 1,4 Change motor oil 4,6,9 4 Lubricate tiller (C, Fig. 5-1). Usea file or sandpaperto gently remove any rust, burrs or rough spots (especiallyaround holes in shaft). Apply grease to ends of shaft before installing tines. • Oil the threads on the handlebar height adjustment screws and the handlebar attaching screws (D, Fig. 5-1). Service engine air cleaner system Check gear oil level in transmission 1,5 Checktines for wear 5 Check air pressure in tires (if unit has pneumatic tires) 5 D B 2 3 4 Every 5 operating hours. Every 10 operating hours, 5 6 Every 30 operating hours, Changemore frequently in dusty conditions. 7 - See Engine Owner's Manual forservice recommendations. 8 - Whichever time interval occurs firsL g - Changeafter first 2 hours of break-in IMPORTANT:Never operatethe tiller if the transmission is low on oil. Checkthe oil level after every 30 hours of operation and whenever there is any oil leakage. CHECK HARDWARE Checkfor loose or missing hardwareafter every 10 operatinghours and tighten or replace(as needed) before reusing tiller Be sure to checkthe screws underneath the tiller hood that securethe transmission cover and the Depth RegulatorLever to the transmission. CHECKTIRE PRESSURE Checkthe air pressure in both tires. The air pressure should be between 15 PSi and 20 PSi (pounds per square inch). Keep both tires equally inflated to help prevent machine from pulling to one side. NOTES Check after first 2 hours of break-in operation. Before each use. seal, the oil seal probably needsto be replaced. Seeyour authorized dealer or contact the factory for service or advice. (Modelswith pneumatictires) Service spark plug 1 If a cover is leaking, check for loose screws. If the screws are tight, a new gasket or oil seal may be required. If the leak is from around a shaft and oil TRANSMISSION GEAROIL SERVICE Checkthe transmission gear oil level after every 30 hours of operation or whenever you notice any oil leak. Operating the tiller when the transmission is low on oil can result in severe damage. Figure 5-1 CHECKFOROIL LEAKS Beforeeach use, checkthe tiller for signs of an oil leak-- usually a dirty, oily accumulation either on the unit or on the floor. A little seepagearound a cover or an oil seal is usually not a cause for alarm. However, if the oil drips overnight, then immediate attention is needed. Ignoring an off leak can result in severe transmission damage! 17 A. To Check the Transmission Gear Oil Level: 1. Checkthe gear oil level when the transmission is cool. Gear oil will expand in warm operatingtemperatures and this expansion will provide an incorrect oil level reading. 2. With the tiller on levelground, pull the Depth Regulator Leverall the way up. 3. Removethe oil fill plug (A, Fig. 5-2) from the transmission housing and look inside the oil fill hole to locate the main drive shaft situated below the hole. moving parts to come to a completecleaning stop, disconnect spark wire and move wire away WARNING: Beforeinspecting, or servicing theplug machine,shut off engine, waitfrom for all spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage. 4. Thegear oil level is correct if the gear oil is approximately halfway up the side of the main drive shaft. 5. If the gear oil level is low, add gear oil as described next. If the gear oil level is okay, securely replacethe oil fill plug. IMPORTANT:Donot operatethe tiller if the gear oil level is low. Doing so will result in severe damageto the transmission components. B. To Drain theTransmissionGear Oil: BOLOTINES Thetransmission gear oil does not needto be changed unless it has been contaminated with dirt, sand or metal particles. 1. Drain gasoline from the fuel tank or run the engine until the fuel tank is empty. See "DANGER"statement below. The bolo tines will wear with useand should be inspected at the beginning of eachtilling seasonand after every 30 operating hours. The tines can be replacedeither individually or as a complete set. See the Parts List pagesfor tine identification and part numbers. WARNING: Gasolineis highly flammable and its vapors are explosive. Follow these safety practices to prevent personal injury or property damagefrom fire or explosion. Allow the engine and muffler to cool for at least two minutesbefore drainingthe tiller's gasolinetank. Do not allow open flames, sparks, matchesor smoking in the area. Wipe away spills and pushtiller away from spilled fuel. Use only an approved fuel container and store it safely out of the reach of children. Figure5-2:Removeoff fi/I p/ug (tl) to check gearoff levelandtoaddgearoiL Remove fourcoverscrews(B)todraingearoil. 6. If adding only a few ounces of gear oil, use API rated GL-4 or GL-5 gear oil having a viscosity of SAE 140, SAE85W-140 or SAE 80W-90. If refilling an empty transmission, use only GL-4 gear oil having a viscosity of SAE 85W-140 or SAE 140. IMPORTANT:Do not use automatic transmission fluid or motor oil in the transmission. 7. While checking frequently to avoid overfilling, slowly add gear oil into the oil fill hole until it reachesthe halfway point on the drive shaft. 8. Securely replacethe oil fill plug. Do not store gasoline in an area where its vapors could reach an open flame or spark, or where ignitionsourcesare present (such as hot water and space heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.) 2. Drain the oil from the engine. 3. Removefour screws (B, Figure5-2) and removetransmissioncover and gasket. 4. Removethe left-side wheel. 5. Tilt the left-side wheel shaft into a drain pan and allow the gear oil to drain through the top of the transmission. 6. Reinstall the wheel. 7. Install a new gasket (do not reuse old gasket) and reinstall the transmission cover. 8. Refill the transmission using GL-4 gear oil (SAE 85W-140 or SAE 140). g. Refill the engine with motor oil and replenish the fuel tank with gasoline. 18 A. Tine Inspection: With use, the tines will become shorter, narrower and pointed. Badlyworn tines will result in a loss of tilling depth, and reduced effectiveness when chopping up and turning under organic matter. B. Removing4nstalling a Single Tine: 1. With the engine shut off and the spark plug wire disconnected, remove the two screws (A, Figure5-3) and nuts (B) that attach a single tine to a tine holder.If needed, usepenetrating oil on the nuts. 2. When installing a single tine, be sure to position it so that its cutting edge (sharp) will enter the soft first as the tiller moves forward. C. Removing4nstallinga Tine Assembly: 1. A tine assembly consists of eight tines mounted on a tine holder. 2. If removing both tine assemblies, mark them "left" and "right" before removal. Remove the screw (C, Figure5-3) and locknut (D)that secure the tine assembly to the tine shaft. If necessary,usea rubber mallet to tap the tine assembly outward off the shaft. 3. Beforereinstalling the tine assembly,inspectthe tine shaft for rust, rough spots or burrs. Lightly file or sand, as needed. Apply a thin coat of greaseto the shaft. 4. Install each tine assembly so that the cutting (sharp) edge of the tines wifl enter thesoil first when the filler movesforward. Securethe fine assembly to the tine shaft using the screw and Iocknut ,_ moving parts to come to a completecleaning stop, disconnect spark wire and move wire away WARNING: Beforeinspecting, or servicing theplug machine,shut off engine, waitfrom for all spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage. b. Unthread the hex nut (C, Figure 5-4) halfway up the adjustment screw (D). c. Unhookthe top of the spring from the Forward Clutch Bail. d. Use pliers to prevent the adjuster (B) from turning and turn the slotted screw located inside the spring clockwise (viewed from operator's position) to increase tension on the spring. Turnthe screw counterclockwise to decreasetension. Once adjusted, reattachthe spring to the Forward Clutch Bail. C \ e. RepeatSteps2 and 3 to re-measurethe length of the spring. Whenthe second measurementis between1/16"-to- 3/16" longer than thefirst measurement,retightenthe hex nut (C)againstthe top of the adjuster (B). FORWARD ReplacementBelt Information Figure 5-3: Install tinesso that cuttingedge oftines entersoft first when tiller movesforward. CHECKINGAND ADJUSTING FORWARDDRIVE BELT TENSION It is important to maintain correct tension on the forward drive belt. A loosebelt will causethe tines and wheelsto slow down-or stop completely -- eventhough the engine is running at full speed. A too tight belt can result in unintentional tine movement when the clutch bail is in the Neutral tension is correct if this second measurement is between 1/6"-to- 3/16" longer than the first measurement. 4. If the spring is too short (less than 1/16"), the tension is too loose. If the spring is too long (more than 3/16"), the tension is too tight. If the drive belt needsto be replaced, see your local authorized dealer or refer to the Parts List for ordering information. Use only a factory-authorized belt as an "overthe-counter" belt may not perform satisfactorily. The procedure requires average mechanicalability and commonly available tools. 5. Toadjust the length of the spring: a. Releasethe Forward Clutch Bail. (released) position. • Checkbelt tension after the first two hours of break-in operation and after every 10 operating hours. • At the end of each tilling season, check the belt for cracks, cuts or frayed edges and replace it as soon as possible. To CheckForwardBelt Tension: 1. Stop engine, wait for all parts to stop moving and disconnect spark plug wire. 2. With the Forward Clutch Bail in an open (released) position, measure and note the overall length of the cable spring (A, Figure 5-4) by measuring from the outermost coil to the outermost coil. 3. Squeezethe Forward Clutch Bail against the handlebar (see Figure 5-4) and remeasure the length of the coils. The belt Figure5-4: Tocheckforwardbelt tension, take twomeasurementsof the overa// length of the coilsin the spring-- first with the dutch bail open, then with the dutch bail closedagainst the handlebar. 19 ,_ moving parts to come to a completecleaning stop, disconnect spark wire and move wire away WARNING: Beforeinspecting, or servicing theplug machine,shut off engine, waitfrom for all spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage. FORWARDCLUTCH BAIL ADJUSTMENT If the Forward Clutch Bail does not function properly, first checkthat the forward drive belt is adjusted properly (see Checking and Adjusting Forward Drive Belt Tension). If this fails to correct the problem, contact Troy-Bilt LLC or your authorized dealer for service advice. CHECKINGANDADJUSTINGREVERSEDRIVEBELTTENSION (Models643B & 645A only) It is important to maintain correct tension on the reversedrive belt. A loose belt will causethe tines and wheels to slow down or stop completely - eventhough the engine is running at full speed. 5. Releasethe ReverseClutch Control Replacement Belt Information knob.and then unthread the inner jam nut (C, Figure 5-6) one to two turns. Pull the threaded cable adjuster (A, Figure 5-6) to the left until the inner jam nut (C) touches the bracket. If the drive belt needsto be replaced, see your local authorized dealer or refer to the Parts List for ordering information. Use only a factory-authorized belt as an "overthe-counter" belt may not perform satisfactorily. The procedure requires average mechanicalability and commonly available tools. 6. Preventthe inner jam nut (C) from turning and tighten the outer jam nut (D) against the bracket. Prevent the outer jam nut (D) from turning and tighten the inner jam nut (C) against the bracket. 7. Measure the gap by repeating Step 3. Readjust as needed by repeating Steps 5 and 6. 8. Reinstall the belt cover. Keepingthe engine clean will help to ensure smooth operation and prevent damage from overheating. Refer to the Engine Owner's Manualfor engine cleaning service intervals and instructions. Be sure that the muffler is cool beforeservicing the engine. AIRCLEANERSERVICE Whenchecking belttension, also checkthe belt for cracks, cuts or frayed edgesand replace it as soon as possible. • Checkbelt tension after the first two hours of break-in operation and after every 10 operating hours. To CheckReverse BeltTension: 1. Stop engine, wait for all parts to stop moving and disconnect spark plug wire. 2. Removescrew in plastic belt cover and slide belt cover (which is attached to forward clutch cable) out of the way. ENGINECLEANING Figure5-5: Measure cable wire length to checkfor correct reversebelt tension. The air cleaner filters dirt and dust out of the air before it enters the carburetor. Operating the engine with a dirty, clogged air filter can cause poor performance and damageto the engine. Never operatethe engine without the air cleanerinstalled. Inspect and service the air cleaner more often if operating in very dusty or dirty conditions. Refer to the engine Owner's Manualfor air cleanerservice intervals and instructions. ENGINE OIL SERVICE 3. Have an assistant pull the Reverse Clutch Control knob all the way out and hold it in that position. Measurethe length of the cable wire between the end of the Checkthe engine oil level before each use and after every five hours of continuous operation. Runningthe engine when it is low on oil will quickly ruin the engine. threaded cableadjuster (A, Figure5-5) and the end of the Z-fitting (B) to which the cable wire is attached. It is recommendedthat you changethe motor oil after every 10 hours of operation and even sooner when operating in extremely dirty or dusty conditions. Referto the Engine Owner's Manual for detailed service instructions. 4. Thebelt tension is ideal if the cablewire length measuresbetween1/8"to 1/4".If it is less than 1/8" (and if there is no reverseaction whenthe tiller is running), then make the following adjustments NOTE:If the lengthis morethan 1/4",no adjustment is needed--as long asthe reverse action functions properly. A. To Checkthe Engine Oil Level: 1. Parkthe tiller on a levelareaand shut off the engine. Figure5-6: Movethreadedadjuster(,4)toleft toincreasebelt tension. 2O 2. Levelthe engine (use the Depth Regulator Leverto adjust the engine angle). moving parts to come to a completecleaning stop, disconnect spark wire and move wire away WARNING: Beforeinspecting, or servicing theplug machine,shut off engine, waitfrom for all spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage. 3. Cleanaround the oil dipstick or oil fill tube (whichever applies) to prevent dirt from failing into the crankcase. 4. On engines with an oil fill tube, remove the fill cap and add oil (if required) until it reachesthe top of the fill tube. Reinstallthe fill cap. 5. On engines with a dipstick, remove it and wipe it clean. Reinsertthe dipstick, tighten it securely, and remove it. Add oil as neededto bring the level up to the FULL mark. Wipe dipstick clean each time oil level is checked. Do not overfill. Tighten dipstick securely. B. To Change the Engine Oil: Changethe engine oil as instructed in the Engine Owner's Manual. SPARKPLUGSERVICE Inspect and cleanor replacethe spark plug after every 100 operating hours or annually. Refer to the Engine Owner's Manualfor spark plug service instructions. In some areas, local law requires using resistor spark plugs to suppress ignition signals. If the engine was originally equipped with a resistor spark plug, use the same type for replacement. SPARKARRESTERSCREEN SERVICE THROTTLELEVERADJUSTMENT OFF-SEASONSTORAGE If the engine does not respond to various throttle lever settings, refer to the Engine Owner's Manual for service information or contact your local authorized engine dealer. WARNING: Operators shall not tamper with the engine governor settings on the machine;the governor controls the maximum safe operating speedto protect the engine and all moving parts from damage caused by overspeed. Authorized service shall be sought if a problem exists. CARBURETOR/GOVERNOR CONTROLADJUSTMENTS Thecarburetor was adjusted at the factory for best operating speed. Refer to the Engine Owner's Manualfor any adjustment information or see your authorized engine dealer. The governor controls the maximum safe operating speed and protects the engine and all moving parts from damagecaused by overspeeding. Do not tamper with the engine governor settings. If the engine muffler is equipped with a spark arrester screen, remove and clean it according to the service intervals and instructions in the Engine Owner's Manual. 21 When the tiller won't be used for an extended period, prepare it for storage as follows: 1. Cleanthe tiller and engine. 2. Do routine tiller lubrication and check for loose parts and hardware. 3. Protect the engine and perform recommended engine maintenanceby following the storage instructions found in the Engine Owner'sManual. Besure to protect the fuel lines, carburetor and fuel tank from gum deposits by removing fuel or by treating fuel with a fuel stabilizer (follow engine manufacturer'srecommendations). 4. Store unit in a clean, dry area. 5. Neverstore the tiller with fuel in the fuel tank in an enclosed area where gas fumes could reach an open flame or spark, or where ignition sources are present (space heaters, hot water heaters, furnaces, etc.). moving parts to come to a completecleaning stop, disconnect spark wire and move wire away WARNING: Beforeinspecting, or servicing theplug machine,shut off engine, waitfrom for all spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage. TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM Enginedoes not start POSSIBLECAUSE CORRECTION Reconnectwire. 1. Spark plug wire disconnected. 2. Engine Throttle Control Lever incorrectly set. 2. Put lever in STARTposition. 3. Fueltank empty. 3. Add fuel. 4. Choke control (if so equipped) in incorrect position. 4. See Engine Owner's Manual. 5. Stale gasoline. 5. Drain fuel and add fresh fuel. 6. Dirty airfilter. 6. Clean or replace filter. 7. Defective or incorrectly gapped spark plug. 7. Inspect spark plug. 8. Carburetor out of adjustment. 8. See Engine Service Dealer. 9. Misadjusted throttle control. 9. See Engine Service Dealer 10. Dirt or water in fuel tank. Enginerunspoorly. Engineoverheats. Enginedoesnotshotoff 1. Defective or incorrectly gapped spark plug. 2. Dirty airfilter(s). 2. Clean or replace (see Engine Owner's Manual). 3. Carburetor out of adjustment. 3. See Engine Service Dealer. 4. Stale gasoline. 4. Replacewith fresh gasoline. 5. Dirt or water in fuel tank. 5. See Engine Service Dealer. 6. Engine cooling system clogged. 6. Clean air cooling system (see Engine Owner's Manual). 1. Engine cooling system clogged. 2. Carburetor out of adjustment. 2. See Engine Service Dealer. 3. Oil level is low. 3. Check oil level (see Engine Owner's Manual). 1. Misadjusted throttle control or ignition switch. 1. See Engine Owner's Manual or Engine Service Dealer. Improper use of controls. 1. Review Sections 3 and 4. 2. Worn, broken, or misadjusted drive belt(s). 2. See "Checking Drive Belt Tension," Section 5. 3. Internal transmission wear or damage. 3. Contact local dealer or the factory. 4. Bolt loose in transmission pulley. 4. Tighten bolt. 1. Wheel Drive Pins not in WHEEL DRIVE. 1. See "Wheel Drive Pins" in Section 3. 2. Bolt loose in transmission pulley. 2. Tighten bolt. 3. Internal transmission wear or damage. 3. Contact local Dealer or the Factory. 1. Tine holder mounting hardware missing. 1. Replacehardware. 2. Bolt loose in transmission pulley. 2. Tighten bolt. 3. Internal transmission wear or damage. 3. Contact local Dealer or the Factory. 1. Worn tines. 1. See "Bolo Tines" (Section 5). 2. Improper Depth Regulator setting. 2. See "Tilling Tips & Techniques," Section 4. 3. Incorrectthrottle setting. 3. See Section 4. 4. Forward Drive Belt slipping. 4. See "Checking Forward Drive Belt Tension," Section 5. WheelsandTineswill notturn 1. Tinesturn,butwheelsdon't, WheelsTurn,butTinesDon't, Poor tilling performance. 10. See Engine Service Dealer. Inspect spark plug (see Engine Owner's Manual). Clean air cooling area (see Engine Owner's Manual). 22 NOTES 23 Models643C, 643B & 645A Q 24 MODELS643C,643B & 645A REF NO. 1 PART NO. 686-04043 686-04041 2 710-0395 3 710-0597 4 710-0599 5 710-0874 6 710-3008 7 712-04063 8 712-04064 9 715-0108 10 732-04320 11 736-0275 12 750-04149 REF NO. DESCRIPTION PART NO. DESCRIPTION TineHoodAssembly(A) TineHoodAssembly(B)(C} HexScrew,5/16-18x 2.25 HexHd.Screw,1/4-20x 1 27 732-04185 Spring, ForwardClutch 28 746-04208 CableAssembly, Forward Clutch 29 746-04058 30 747-04210 CableAssembly, ReverseClutch (B) (C) Bail, ForwardClutch 31 32 749-04084 749-04208 Upper Handlebar Lower Handlebar 33 749-04106 Tab, Conduit Mount 34 732-04040 Bracket, ReverseClutch Cable (B) (g) 35 786-04188 36 786-04200 Handlebar Support Panel 37 710-0216 Screw, Hex, 3/8-16 x 3/4 38 39 710-0805 712-3000 Screw, Hex,5/16-18 x 1-1/2 40 736-0119 41 725-0157 Lock Washer, 5/16 CableTie 42 736-3050 FlatWasher, 3/8 43 712-04065 44 710-0347 FlangeLock Nut 3/8-16 Hex Hd. Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-3/4 45 46 710-0514 710-04048 Hex Hd. Screw,3/8-16 x 1, Grade5 47 742-04117 Single Bolo Tine - Left Hand 48 742-04116 Single Bolo Tine - Right Hand 49 686-04066 Tine Holder (A) 686-04065 Tine Holder (B) (C) GW-1901 Bolo Tine Replacement Set (IncL eight 13 750-04160 14 750-04556 15 786-04092 16 786-04098 17 786-04104 18 786-04191 19 786-04290 20 786-04291 21 786-04292 22 710-0106 23 710-04163 24 712-3009 25 712-0121 Screw,Self-Tapping,I/4-20 x 1/2 mexHd.Screw,5/16-18x 1-1/4 mexHd.Screw,5/16-18x .75 HexLockNut,Nylon,5/16-18 HexLockNut,Nylon,1/4-20 SpirolPin Spring,DepthRegulator FlatWasher,5/16 Spacer,.462x .328x 1.63 Bushing Spacer ReverseStopArm ChannelSupportBracket DragBar FlapStopBracket HoodBracket,Left Hand HoodBracket,RightHand AdjustableDepthBar HexHd.Screw,1/4-20x 1-1/4 Screw,#10-24x 2 HexLockNut,5/16-18 mexNut,#10-24 26 712-0291 HexLockNut,1/4-20 Hex Lock Nut, 3/8-16 FlangeScrew .312-18 x 1.00 right-hand tines, eight left-hand tines and required hardware). (A)(B)(C) (A) ForModel643C (B) ForModel643B (C)ForModel645A 25 MODELS643C,643B & 645A REF NO. 1 2 3 4 5 PARTNO. -- GW-9517 GW-1714 GW-50043 711-04110 GW-1224-1 * GW-1224-2" GW-1224-3" GW-1224-4" GW-1325C DESCRIPTION Snap Ring Bearing, Tapered Roller (with race) Support Washer, Rear Drive Shaft Shim, RearBearing Cap, .010"thick Shim, sameas above, except .030" thick Shim, same asabove, except .005"thick Shim, sameas above, except .062" thick Shim Set (Incl. the following shims: two #1224-1, two 1224-2 & one #1224-4) * Useas required to obtain between .005" and .015" allowable end-play. REF NO. PARTNO. 1 GW-9727 2 710-04049 3 736-0119 4 1918377 5 1916641 6 GW-50032 7 721-04030 8 721-04031 9 619-04013 10 721-04036 11 736-3008* 12 718-04008 13 710-04048 14 710-3008 DESCRIPTION Plug,Transmission Oil Fill HexHd.FlangeScrew,5/16-18x 5/8,Gr.5 LockWasher,5/16 RearCover,Transmission FrontCover,Transmission Gasket,HousingCover OilSeal,DriveShaft OilSeal,WheelShaft TransmissionRousingAssembly OilSeal,TineShaft Washer,Flat,.344x .750x.120 RearBearingCap HexHd.FlangeScrew,5/16-18x 1 Hexmd.FlangeScrew,5/16-18x 3/4 *Includedwith transmissionwhenpurchasedasan assemblyonly. Removeand discardwheninstallingthetransmissionon tiller. 26 MODELS643C,643B & 645A 2 3 4 I 7 FRONT j/ 7 4 3 2 REF NO. 2 3 4 5 (A) ForModel643C (B) ForModel643B (C) ForModel645A 6 7 8 9 10 11 PARTNO. 1909950 GW-1166-1 * GW-1166-2" GW-1166-3" GW-1166-4" GW-1166-5" GW-1086 711-04512 711-04486 GW-9305 GW-1132-2 1904278 711-04078 GW-1104 1916542 DESCRIPTION Retainer,SnapRing Shim,0.062"thick Shim,0.030"thick Shim,0.015"thick Shim,0.010"thick Shim,0.005"thick BronzeBushing WheelShaft(A) WheelShaft(B) (C) Key,Hi-Pro,1/4x 1 Spacer WormGear,WheelShaft TillerShaft WoodruffKey WormGear,TillerShaft * Useas required to obtain between .005" and .030" allowable end-play. 27 MODELS643C,643B & 645A Model 643C 28 MODELS643C,643B & 645A REF NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PARTNO. REF NO. DESCRIPTION 27 28 736-0159 FlatWasher, 5/16 756-04198 Pulley, Engine Drive 656-04023 Transmission Pulley (A) 656-04005 Transmission Pulley (B} (C) 29 756-04169 Pulley, ReverseIdler (B) (C) 786-04095 PARTNO. DESCRIPTION 736-0119 Lock Washer, 5/16 (A) 750-0535 Spacer,.380 IDx .625 OD x .21 (A) 736-3050 736-3090 FlatWasher .406 x .812 x .051 (B) (C) FlatWasher 30 736-0452 BellWasher Guard, Belts/Pulleys Forward Drive Belt 31 710-0459A HexHd. Screw, 3/8-24 x 1.50, GR5 32 736-04181 Support Washer 33 732-04085 Forward Return Spring 731-05268 ReverseDrive Belt (B) (C) Belt Cover 34 786-04107 Bracket,Cable Mounting 732-04289 Reverse Return Spring (B) (C) 35 756-04170 Forward Idler Pulley 732-04081 36 714-0105 732-04079 Belt Guide (B) (C) Belt Guide 37 736-3078 Key, 3/16" x 1" FlatWasher 786-04068 Engine Bracket, Left 38 736-04193 BellevilleWasher 786-04069 Engine Bracket, Right 39 710-0805 HexScrew, 5/16-18 x 1.50 Gr5 (A) (B) 786-04070 Bracket, Belt Cover Shoulder Washer 710-0395 HexScrew, 5/16-18 x 2-1/4, Gr5 (C) 40 712-04063 Nut, HexLock, 5/16-18 41 750-0258 Spacer,Shoulder (A) 42 736-0315 Washer, Flat, .75 x 1.5 x.125 (A) 754-04090 754-04091 748-04087 786-04276 786-04275 Reverse Idler Arm (B) (C) Forward Idler Lever 710-0672 HexHd. Screw,5/16-24 x 1.25 (A) 710-0117 HexHd. Screw,5/16-24 x 1 (B) (C) 43 736-04192 736-0242 FlatWasher .786 x 1.000 x .031 (B) (C) BellWasher 19 710-0237 HexHd. Screw,5/16-24 x 543 44 749-04193 Bumper (C) 20 710-0376 HexHd. Screw,5/16-18 x 1 45 726-0201 21 710-04049 HexHd. Screw,5/16-18 x 5/8 46 714-0143 Nut, Speed, 5/16-18 (C) Klik Pin 22 710-0347 HexHd. Screw,3/8-16 x 1-3/4 (A) 47 734-04188 CompleteWheel Assembly 10 x 2.75 (A) 48 634-04232 CompleteWheel Assembly 13 x 5 x 6 (B} (C) Rim Assembly (B) (C) Tire (B)(C) 710-0520 23 710-0599 HexHd. Screw,3/8-16 x 1.50 (B) (C) Screw, Self-Tapping, 1/4-20 x 1/2 24 710-3103 HexHd. Screw,5/16-18 x 2 (B) (C) 634-04218 734-0255 25 712-3000 Lock Nut, 3/8-16 734-04163 26 712-3009 Lock Nut, 5/16-18 (B) (C) (A)ForModel643C (B)ForModel643B (C)ForModel645A 29 Air Valve (B} (C) NOTES 30 NOTES 31 TROY-BILT TILLER LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY WHAT PRODUCT IS COVERED All Troy-Bilt branded rear tine walk-behind tillers with gear drive transmissions. This warranty begins on the date of purchase and is warranted by Troy-Bilt LLC for the life of the tiller, to the original purchaser only. WHAT IS COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY Troy-Bilt LLC will, at its option, repair or replace any part found to be defective in material or workmanship without charge for parts and labor This limited lifetime warranty also applies to non-powered attachments and accessories. Powered attachments and accessories are warranted separately by their manufacturers. to the applicable manufacturer's warranty on these items for terms and conditions. WHAT IS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY Refer This warranty does not apply to parts that have been damaged by accident, alteration, misuse, abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, vandalism, theft, fire, water, or damage because of peril or other natural disaster. The following items are not covered after the first year of this residential use limited warranty: belts, batteries, bushings, seals, tines, tires, wheels, paint, appearance items, and similar items that are normally replaced through periodic maintenance. Charges for pick-up, delivery, and service calls are not covered by this warranty. Service completed by someone other than an authorized service dealer is not covered by this warranty. Parts that are not genuine Troy-Bilt LLC service parts are not covered by this warranty. The engine is warranted separately by the engine manufacturer. manufacturer's warranty for terms and conditions. LIMITED COMMERCIAL USE WARRANTY Refer to the engine If used for commercial, institutional, industrial, rental, or demonstrator purposes, the warranty on the tiller is limited in duration to 90 days from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to parts that have been damaged by accident, alteration, misuse, abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, vandalism, theft, fire, water, or damage because of peril or other natural disaster. HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE Warranty service is available, with proof of purchase, through your local authorized service dealer. To locate a dealer in your area, consult your Yellow Pages, or contact Troy-Bilt LLC at P.O. Box 361131, Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019, 1-866-840-6483, or log on to our Web site at The provisions set forth in this warranty provide the sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale. Troy-Bilt LLC shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damage or expense of any kind, including but not limited to cost of equipment rental, loss of profits, or costs of hiring services to perform tasks normally performed by the equipment. Any implied warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, shall be limited in duration to the period of ownership by the original purchaser (and a maximum of 90 days from the date of sale if the tiller is purchased for commercial or other non-residential use). Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. For customer TROY-BILT assistance, contact LLC, P.O. Box 361131, your nearest authorized Cleveland, dealer, or contact Ohio 44136-0019, us at: 1-866-840-6483
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 32 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Wed Aug 15 01:48:51 2007 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by