Tyco Safety Sensormatic UMPHSR-R User Manual Users Instructions

Tyco Safety Products/Sensormatic Users Instructions


Users Instructions

User’s Guide8000-2668-01, Rev. A (2 pages) ULTRA•MAX EAS PRODUCTS 11111 Ultra•MaxUltra•MaxUltra•MaxUltra•MaxHand-Held VerifierHand-Held VerifierHand-Held VerifierHand-Held VerifierAbout the UnitAbout the UnitAbout the UnitAbout the UnitThe Ultra•Max hand-held verifier is a battery-operated, rechargeable, device used to:•  detect active Ultra•Max labels or tags at storeexits so they can be returned to the checkoutcounter for proper deactivation or removal.•  audit incoming merchandise for source taggingcompliance.The verifier works by generating a short-rangefield and then listening for signal from an activeUltra•Max label or tag. If a signal is detected, theverifier alarms. The verifier consists of a:• Wand• Wall-mounted charger• Power supplyInstalling the ChargerInstalling the ChargerInstalling the ChargerInstalling the ChargerIMPORTANT! To ensure installation complies withall applicable codes and regulations, install thecharger exactly as follows:1.  Using two screws provided, mount chargervertically to any flat surface with its open endfacing up (see diagram).2.  Plug cord of power supply into side of charger.3.  Plug power supply into an AC wall outlet.Green light on charger should light.Charging the WandCharging the WandCharging the WandCharging the Wand1.  With the lights on the wand facing you, slidehandle of wand into tube of charger and pushdown.a.  Top light on charger turns red to indicatecharging, which can take up to 10 hoursmax. When top light turns green, wand isfully charged. Wand should be fully chargedbefore using it for the first time.b.  This product uses a nickel cadmium battery.To maximize battery life, fully dischargebattery before recharging.c.  Power supply may get slightly warm duringcharging (this is normal).2.  Remove wand from charger. Charge shouldlast for about 5 hours.WARNING: Place wand in charger only forrecharging, not for routine storage. If you want touse charger for storage, then unplug power supplywhen not recharging.WandChargerPower Supply
2 USER’S GUIDE ULTRA•MAX EAS PRODUCTS8000-2668-01, REV. AUsing the WandUsing the WandUsing the WandUsing the WandYou detect active labels and tags as follows:1.  Hold button on wand down.2.  The wand will go through an initializationroutine (see below).3.  Continuing to hold the button down, movewand in a circular motion over item. If the redlight on the wand glows and a steady beepoccurs (with the green light remaining lit), thenan active label or tag has been found.Initialization RoutineInitialization RoutineInitialization RoutineInitialization RoutineThe wand has a button, a buzzer, and two lights(red and green). When you first press down thebutton, the lights and buzzer go through asequence as follows:a. Red flashes onceb.  Green flashes oncec. Short beep occursd.  Green light glows steadily and remains on.The verifier is then ready to detect labels or tags.Note: Large metal surfaces can affect detection.The red light on the wand will blink when metal isdetected; in which case, move the wand at least1m (3') away from the metal and retry. If the greenlight blinks, then wand needs to be recharged.SpecificationsSpecificationsSpecificationsSpecificationsAC power (N. America) .......120Vac, 1A (60Hz) Class 2AC power (Europe) .............230Vac, 0.5A (50Hz) LPSDetection height ..................5cm to 10cm (2" to 4")Battery operating time.........5 hoursBattery recharge time..........10 hours max.Weight of wand ...................640g (22.6 oz)Weight of charger................240g (8.5 oz)DeclarationsDeclarationsDeclarationsDeclarationsRegulatory ComplianceRegulatory ComplianceRegulatory ComplianceRegulatory ComplianceEMC(wand & charger)........47 CFR, Part 15I-ETS 300330ETS 300683Safety (power supply) ........Certified Class 2EN60950 LPSSafety (wand & charger) ....EN60950FCC COMPLIANCE: This equipment complies with Part15 of the FCC rules for intentional radiators and Class Adigital devices when installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual. Following these rules provides reasonableprotection against harmful interference from equipmentoperated in a commercial area. This equipment should not beinstalled in a residential area as it can radiate radio frequencyenergy that could interfere with radio communications, asituation the user would have to fix at their own expense.EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION CAUTION: Equipmentchanges or modifications not expressly approved bySensormatic Electronics Corporation, the party responsible forFCC compliance, could void the user's authority to operate theequipment and could create a hazardous condition.Other DeclarationsOther DeclarationsOther DeclarationsOther DeclarationsWARRANTY DISCLAIMER: Sensormatic ElectronicsCorporation makes no representation or warranty with respectto the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any impliedwarranties of merchantability or fitness for any particularpurpose. Further, Sensormatic Electronics Corporationreserves the right to revise this publication and make changesfrom time to time in the content hereof without obligation ofSensormatic Electronics Corporation to notify any person ofsuch revision or changes.LIMITED RIGHTS NOTICE: For units of the Departmentof Defense, all documentation and manuals were developed atprivate expense and no part of it was developed usingGovernment Funds. The restrictions governing the use anddisclosure of technical data marked with this legend are setforth in the definition of "limited rights" in paragraph (a) (15)of the clause of DFARS 252.227.7013. Unpublished - rightsreserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.

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