Tyco Safety Sensormatic UMUPPLUS User Manual

Tyco Safety Products/Sensormatic installation guide

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installation guide

Installation Guide8000-2642-02, Rev. A 04/20/99 ULTRA•MAX PRODUCTS 11 Ultra••••Post PlusPower PackContentsAbout this Guide.................................................... 1Limitation of Warranty........................................... 1Power Pack Overview........................................... 2Installation Requirements ..................................... 2Electrical Requirements ........................................ 2Installing the Power Pack...................................... 3Installing the Transformer ..................................... 4Connecting the Remote Alarm Cable ................... 5Connecting Power to the Power Pack................... 6Specifications........................................................ 7Declarations .......................................................... 8About this GuideThis installation guide explains how to install theUltra•Post Plus Power Pack. Other relateddocuments are:•  Planning Guide, 8000-2642-01•  Setup and Service Guide, 8000-2642-xx•  Reference Guide, 8000-2642-xxNote: Because placement of system componentsdepends on architectural and customer require-ments, your Sensormatic representative will supplythis information separately.If you need assistance...Call Sensormatic Customer Support at:1-800-543-9740Limitation of WarrantyAny deviations from the materials or proceduresspecified herein shall void Sensormatic's warrantywith the owner/buyer. In no event shall Sensor-matic be liable for loss or damage caused by theuse of materials or procedures that do not meetSensormatic's specifications.Ultra•Max, Sensormatic, and the Sensormatic logo areregistered trademarks and Ultra•Post is a trademark ofSensormatic Electronics Corporation. Other product names (ifany) mentioned herein may be trademarks or registeredtrademarks of other companies.No part of this guide may be reproduced in any form withoutwritten permission from Sensormatic Electronics Corporation.© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved.DOJ 5/99
2 INSTALLATION GUIDE ULTRAPOST PLUS POWER PACK8000-2642-02, Rev. A 04/20/99Power Pack OverviewThe Ultra•Post Plus Power Pack is part of anUltra•Max security label detector. The power packcontrols up to two transceiver antennas and tworemote alarms.Figure 1. Ultra••••Max DetectorThe Ultra•Post Plus Power Pack (0100-xxxx-xx)ships with the antennas or can be orderedseparately.InstallationRequirementsVerifying Equipment andUnpacking❑  Verify that all equipment has arrived. Make surethe system configuration is the right one for theinstallation site.❑  Unpack major components in a back room. Atthe install site, lay out parts in the order you willneed them. Do not clutter the aisle or cause atrip hazard.Installer/Contractor❑  Shall have electrical work comply with the latestnational electrical code, national fire code, andall applicable local codes and ordinances.❑  Shall coordinate all work with other trades toavoid interference.❑  Shall verify existing site conditions andcoordinate with the owner’s representative andappropriate utilities as required.❑  Shall obtain copies of all related plans,specifications, shop drawings and addenda toschedule and coordinate related work.❑  Shall thoroughly review the project to ensurethat all work meets or exceeds the aboverequirements. Any alleged discrepancies shallbe brought to the attention of SensormaticElectronics.!WARNING!Do not install this product in hazardousareas where highly combustible orexplosive products are stored or used.Electrical Requirements❑  Connect the pack to a 100-120Vac or 220-240Vac source. No fuse exchange is required.❑  The ac source must be unswitched with lessthan 0.5Vac between neutral and ground.❑  DO NOT share the ac source with neon signs,motors, computers, cash registers, terminals,or data communications equipment.❑  DO NOT use orange-colored outlets dedicatedfor computer equipment.PowerpackOptionalremotealarmAntennas
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Application IDIcwd3JjcCqtJ1fcOmeuFeQ==
Document Descriptioninstallation guide
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize34.77kB (434615 bits)
Date Submitted1999-04-22 00:00:00
Date Available1999-05-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-27 16:03:17
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-27 16:03:17
Document Titleinstallation guide

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