UAB Teltonika Networks RUT240V LTE Router User Manual
UAB Teltonika LTE Router
Users Manual
USER MANUAL RUT240 4G Router Legal notice Copyright © 2017 TELTONIKA Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproductoon traosfern distributoo or storage of part or all of the cooteots io this documeot io aoy form without the prior writeo permissioo of TELTONIKA Ltd is prohibited. The maoufacturer reserves the right to modify the product aod maoual for the purpose of techoical improvemeot without prior ootce. Other product and company names mentoned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respectie owners. Attention Before usiog the device we stroogly recommeod readiog this user maoual frst. Do oot rip opeo the device. Do oot touch the device if the device block is brokeo. All wireless devices for data traosferriog may be susceptble to ioterfereocen which could affect performaoce. The device is oot water-resistaot. Keep it dry. Device is powered by low voltage +9V DC power adapter. Please do oot scratch the device. Scratched device is oot fully protected. Table of Contents Legal ootce.................................................................................................................................................................2 Ateotoo..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 SAFETY INFORMATION...............................................................................................................................................7 Device coooectoo...................................................................................................................................................8 1 Iotroductoo.............................................................................................................................................................9 2 Specifcatoos...........................................................................................................................................................9 2.1 Etheroet............................................................................................................................................................9 2.2 Wi-Fi..................................................................................................................................................................9 2.3 Hardware..........................................................................................................................................................9 2.4 Electricaln Mechaoical & Eoviroomeotal............................................................................................................9 2.5 Applicatoos....................................................................................................................................................10 3 Settiog up your router............................................................................................................................................11 3.1 Iostallatoo......................................................................................................................................................11 3.1.1 Froot Paoel aod Back Paoel......................................................................................................................11 3.1.2 Power coooector......................................................................................................................................11 3.1.3 Coooectoo status LED..............................................................................................................................11 3.1.4 Hardware iostallatoo...............................................................................................................................12 3.2 Loggiog io........................................................................................................................................................12 4 Operatoo Modes...................................................................................................................................................16 5 Poweriog Optoos...................................................................................................................................................16 5.1 Poweriog the device from higher voltage.......................................................................................................16 6 Status..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 6.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................................17 6.2 System Ioformatoo.........................................................................................................................................18 6.3 Network Ioformatoo......................................................................................................................................19 6.4 Device ioformatoo..........................................................................................................................................30 6.5 Services...........................................................................................................................................................31 6.6 Routes.............................................................................................................................................................32 6.6.1 ARP...........................................................................................................................................................32 6.6.2 Actve IP-Routes.......................................................................................................................................32 6.6.3 Actve IPv6-Routes...................................................................................................................................32 6.7 Graphs.............................................................................................................................................................34 6.7.1 Mobile Sigoal Streogth.............................................................................................................................34 6.7.2 Realtme Load..........................................................................................................................................35 6.7.3 Realtme Traafc........................................................................................................................................36 6.7.4 Realtme Wireless....................................................................................................................................37 6.7.5 Realtme Coooectoos..............................................................................................................................38 6.8 Mobile Traafc..................................................................................................................................................39 6.9 Eveots Log.......................................................................................................................................................40 6.9.1 All Eveots..................................................................................................................................................40 6.9.2 System Eveots..........................................................................................................................................40 6.9.3 Network Eveots........................................................................................................................................40 7 Network.................................................................................................................................................................41 7.1 Mobile.............................................................................................................................................................41 7.1.1 Geoeral.....................................................................................................................................................41 7.1.2 Mobile Data Limit.....................................................................................................................................44 7.2 WAN................................................................................................................................................................46 7.2.1 Operatoo Mode.......................................................................................................................................46 7.2.2 Commoo coofguratoo............................................................................................................................46 7.3 LAN..................................................................................................................................................................53 7.3.1 Coofguratoo...........................................................................................................................................53 7.3.2 DHCP Server.............................................................................................................................................54 7.4 Wireless..........................................................................................................................................................58 7.5 VLAN...............................................................................................................................................................61 7.5.1 VLAN Networks........................................................................................................................................61 7.5.2 LAN Networks..........................................................................................................................................61 7.6 Firewall............................................................................................................................................................62 7.6.1 Geoeral Settiogs.......................................................................................................................................62 7.6.2 DMZ.........................................................................................................................................................63 7.6.3 Port Forwardiog.......................................................................................................................................63 7.6.4 Traafc Rules..............................................................................................................................................65 7.6.5 Custom Rules...........................................................................................................................................70 7.6.6 DDOS Preveotoo......................................................................................................................................70 7.6.7 Port Scao Preveotoo................................................................................................................................73 7.7 Routog............................................................................................................................................................74 7.7.1 Statc Routes............................................................................................................................................74 7.7.2 Dyoamic Routes.......................................................................................................................................75 8 Services..................................................................................................................................................................78 8.1 VRRP............................................................................................................................................................... 78 8.1.1 VRRP LAN Coofguratoo Settiogs.............................................................................................................78 8.1.2 Check Ioteroet coooectoo.......................................................................................................................78 8.2 Web Filter........................................................................................................................................................79 8.2.1 Site blockiog.............................................................................................................................................79 8.2.2 Proxy Based Cooteot Blocker...................................................................................................................79 8.3 NTP.................................................................................................................................................................80 8.4 VPN.................................................................................................................................................................81 8.4.1 OpeoVPN..................................................................................................................................................81 8.4.2 IPSec.........................................................................................................................................................85 8.4.3 GRE Tuooel...............................................................................................................................................88 8.4.4 PPTP.........................................................................................................................................................90 8.4.5 L2TP.........................................................................................................................................................92 8.5 Dyoamic DNS..................................................................................................................................................93 8.6 SMS Utlites....................................................................................................................................................95 8.6.1 SMS Utlites.............................................................................................................................................95 8.6.2 Call Utlites............................................................................................................................................103 8.6.3 User Groups...........................................................................................................................................104 8.6.4 SMS Maoagemeot..................................................................................................................................105 8.6.5 Remote Coofguratoo............................................................................................................................107 8.6.6 Statstcs.................................................................................................................................................110 8.7 SNMP............................................................................................................................................................111 8.7.1 SNMP Settiogs........................................................................................................................................111 8.7.2 TRAP Settiogs.........................................................................................................................................112 8.8 SMS Gateway................................................................................................................................................113 8.8.1 Post/Get Coofguratoo..........................................................................................................................113 8.8.2 Scheduled Messages..............................................................................................................................115 8.8.3 Auto Reply Coofguratoo.......................................................................................................................115 8.8.4 SMPP......................................................................................................................................................116 8.9 Hotspot.........................................................................................................................................................117 8.9.1 Geoeral settiogs.....................................................................................................................................117 8.9.2 Ioteroet Access Restrictoo Settiogs.......................................................................................................119 8.9.3 Loggiog...................................................................................................................................................119 8.9.4 Laodiog Page..........................................................................................................................................121 8.9.5 Radius server coofguratoo....................................................................................................................122 8.9.6 Statstcs.................................................................................................................................................123 8.10 CLI...............................................................................................................................................................124 8.11 Auto Reboot................................................................................................................................................125 8.11.1 Piog Reboot..........................................................................................................................................125 8.11.2 Periodic Reboot....................................................................................................................................126 8.12 Ioput/Output...............................................................................................................................................127 8.12.1 Maio ioformatoo.................................................................................................................................127 8.12.2 Status...................................................................................................................................................127 8.12.3 Ioput.....................................................................................................................................................129 8.12.4 Output..................................................................................................................................................130 8.13 QoS.............................................................................................................................................................134 9 System..................................................................................................................................................................135 9.1 Setup Wizard.................................................................................................................................................135 9.2 Profles..........................................................................................................................................................137 9.3 Admioistratoo..............................................................................................................................................137 9.3.1 Geoeral...................................................................................................................................................137 9.3.2 Troubleshoot..........................................................................................................................................138 9.3.3 Backup....................................................................................................................................................139 9.3.4 Diagoostcs.............................................................................................................................................141 9.3.5 MAC Clooe.............................................................................................................................................142 9.3.6 Overview................................................................................................................................................142 9.3.7 Mooitoriog.............................................................................................................................................143 9.4 User scripts...................................................................................................................................................144 9.5 Firmware.......................................................................................................................................................144 9.5.1 Firmware................................................................................................................................................144 9.5.2 FOTA.......................................................................................................................................................145 9.6 Reboot..........................................................................................................................................................146 10 Device Recovery.................................................................................................................................................146 10.1 Reset butoo................................................................................................................................................146 10.2 Bootloader’s WebUI....................................................................................................................................146 11 FCC Regulatoos.................................................................................................................................................147 12 Glossary.............................................................................................................................................................148 SAFETY INFORMATION Io this documeot you will be iotroduced oo how to use a RUT240 router safely. We suggest you to adhere to the followiog recommeodatoos io order to avoid persooal iojuries aod or property damage. You have to be familiar with the safety requiremeots before usiog the device! To avoid buroiog aod voltage caused traumasn of the persoooel workiog with the devicen please follow these safety requiremeots. The device is ioteoded for supply from a Limited Power Source (LPS) that power coosumptoo should oot exceed 15VA aod curreot ratog of over curreot protectve device should oot exceed 2A. The highest traosieot over voltage io the output (secoodary circuit) of used PSU shall oot exceed 36V peak. The device cao be used with the Persooal Computer (frst safety class) or Notebook (secood safety class). Associated equipmeot: PSU (power supply uoit) (LPS) aod persooal computer (PC) shall comply with the requiremeots of staodard EN 60950-1. Do oot mouot or service the device duriog a thuoderstorm. To avoid mechaoical damages to the device it is recommeoded to traosport it packed io a damage-proof pack. Protectoo io primary circuits of associated PC aod PSU (LPS) agaiost short circuits aod earth faults of associated PC shall be provided as part of the buildiog iostallatoo. To avoid mechaoical damages to the device it is recommeoded to traosport it packed io a damage-proof pack. While usiog the devicen it should be placed son that its iodicatog LEDs would be visible as they ioform io which workiog mode the device is aod if it has aoy workiog problems. Protectoo agaiost over curreotn short circuitog aod earth faults should be provided as a part of the buildiog iostallatoo. Sigoal level of the device depeods oo the eoviroomeot io which it is workiog. Io case the device starts workiog iosuafcieotlyn please refer to qualifed persoooel io order to repair this product. We recommeod forwardiog it to a repair ceoter or the maoufacturer. There are oo exchaogeable parts ioside the device. Device connection 1 Introduction Thaok you for purchasiog a RUT240 4G router! RUT240 is part of the RUT2xx series of compact mobile routers with high speed wireless aod Etheroet coooectoos. This router is ideal for people who would like to share their ioteroet oo the gon as it is oot restricted by a cumbersome cable coooectoo. Uorestrictedn but oot forgoteo: the router stll supports ioteroet distributoo via a broadbaod cablen simply plug it io to the wao portn set the router to a correct mode aod you are ready to browse. 2 Specifications 2.1 Ethernet IEEE 802.3n IEEE 802.3u staodards 1 x LAN 10/100Mbps Etheroet ports 1 x WAN 10/100Mbps Etheroet port Supports Auto MDI/MDIX 2.2 Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11b/g/o WiFi staodards AP aod STA modes 64/128-bit WEPn WPAn WPA2n WPA&WPA2 eocryptoo methods 2.401 – 2.495GHz Wi-Fi frequeocy raoge* 20dBm max WiFi TX power SSID stealth mode aod access cootrol based oo MAC address *Supported frequency bands are dependent on geographical locaton and may not be available in all markets. 2.3 Hardware High performaoce 400 MHz CPU with 64 Mbytes of DDR2 memory Exteroal SIM holder 4 pio DC coooector with 1 x Digital ioput aod 1 x Digital output Reset/restore to default butoo 2 x SMA for LTEn 1 x RP-SMA for WiFi aoteooa coooectors 2 x Etheroet LEDsn 1 x Power LED 5 x sigoal LEDsn 2 x coooectoo type iodicatoo LEDs Botom aod sideways DIN rail mouotog slits 2.4 Electrical, Mechanical & Environmental Dimeosioos (H x W x D) Weight Power supply Ioput voltage raoge Power coosumptoo Operatog temperature Storage temperature 83mm x 74mm x 25mm 125g 100 – 240 VAC -> 9 VDC wall adapter 7 – 30VDC < 5W -40° to 75° C -45° to 80° C Operatog humidity Storage humidity 2.5 Applications 10% to 90% Noo-coodeosiog 5% to 95% Noo-coodeosiog 3 Setting up your router 3.1 Installation Afer you uopack the boxn follow the stepsn documeoted belown io order to properly coooect the device. For beter Wi-Fi performaocen put the device io clearly visible spotn as obstacles such as walls aod door hioder the sigoal. 1. First assemble your router by atachiog the oecessary aoteooas aod iosertog the SIM card. 2. To power up your routern please use the power adapter iocluded io the box. (IMPORTANT: Usiog a differeot power adapter cao damage aod void the warraoty for this product.). 3. If you have a wired broadbaod coooectoo you will also have to coooect it to the WAN port of the router. 3.1.1 Front Panel and Back Panel LAN Ethernet ports WAN/LAN Ethernet port LAN LED WAN LED Power connector Power LED Signal strength indicaton LEDs SIM card holder Wi-Fi antenna connectors LTE main antenna connector Reset buton 3.1.2 Power connector No. Descripton Power Ground Input Output Wire color Red Black Green White 3.1.3 Connection status LED Explaoatoo of coooectoo status LED iodicatoo: 1. Sigoal streogth status LED’s turoed oo: router is turoiog oo; 3.1.4 Hardware installation 1. Iosert SIM card which was giveo by your ISP (Ioteroet Service Provider). Correct SIM card orieotatoo is showo io the picture. 2. Atach 4G aod Wi-Fi aoteooas. 3. Coooect the power adapter to the socket oo the froot paoel of the device. Theo plug the other eod of the power adapter ioto a wall outlet or power strip. 4. Coooect to the device wirelessly (SSID: Teltonika_Router) or use Etheroet cable aod plug it ioto aoy LAN Etheroet port. 3.2 Logging in Afer you’re complete with the settiog up as described io the sectoo aboven you are ready to start loggiog ioto your router aod start coofguriog it. This example shows how to coooect oo Wiodows 7. Oo wiodows Vista: click Start -> Cootrol Paoel -> Network aod Shariog Ceoter -> Maoage oetwork Coooectoos -> (Go to step 4). Oo Wiodows XP: Click Start -> Settiogs -> Network Coooectoos -> (see step 4). You woo’t see “Ioteroet protocol versioo 4(TCP/IPv4)”n iostead you’ll have to select “TCP/IP Settiogs” aod click optoos -> (Go to step 6) We frst must set up our oetwork card so that it could properly commuoicate with the router. 1. Press the start button 2. Type io “network connections”, wait for the results to pop up. 3. Click “View network connections” 4. Then right click on your wireless device that you use to connect to other access points (It is the one with the name “Wireless Network Connection” and has signal bars on its icon). 5. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click Properties 6. By default the router is going to have DHCP enabled, which means that if you select “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically”, the router should lease you an IP and you should be ready to login. 7. If you choose to coofgure maoually here’s what you have to do: First select ao IP address. Due to the stock settiogs that your router has arrived io you cao ooly eoter ao IP io the form of 192.168.1.XXX n where XXX is a oumber io the raoge of 2-254 ( n n aod so oo… are valid; n n n aod so oo… are oot). Next we eoter the suboet mask: this has to be “”. Theo we eoter the default gateway: this has to be “”. Fioally we eoter primary aod secoodary DNS server IP’s. Ooe will suafcen though it is good to have a secoodary ooe as well as it will act as a backup if the frst should fail. The DNS cao be your routers IP ( but it cao also be some exteroal DNS server (like the ooe Google provides: Right click oo the Wireless oetwork icoo aod select Connect / Disconnect. A list should pop up with all available wireless oetworks. Select “Teltooika” aod click connect. Theo we lauoch our favorite browser aod eoter the router’s IP ioto the address feld: Press eoter. If there are oo problems you should be greeted with a logio screeo such as this: Eoter the default passwordn which is “admio01” ioto the “Password” feld aod theo either click Logio with your mouse or press the Eoter key. You have oow successfully logged ioto the RUT240! From here oo out you cao coofgure almost aoy aspect of your router. 4 Operation Modes The RUT2xx series router supports various operatoo modes. It cao be coooected to the ioteroet (WAN) via mobilen staodard Etheroet cable or via a wireless oetwork. Wheo coooectog to the ioteroetn you may also backup your maio WAN coooectoo with ooe or two backup coooectoos. Aoy ioterface cao act like backup if coofgured so. At frst router uses its maio WAN coooectoon if it is lost theo router tries to coooect via backup with higher priority aod if that fails toon router tries the secood backup optoo. WAN Maio WAN Backup WAN LAN Mobile √ √ Etheroet √ √ √ Wi-Fi √ √ √ Io later sectoos it will be explaioedn io detailn how to coofgure your router to work io a desired mode. 5 Powering Options The RUT2xx router cao be powered from power socket 5.1 Powering the device from higher voltage If you decide oot to use our staodard 9 VDC wall adapters aod waot to power the device from higher voltage (15 – 30 VDC)n please make sure that you choose a power supply of high quality. Some power supplies cao produce voltage peaks sigoifcaotly higher thao the declared output voltagen especially duriog coooectoo. While the device is desigoed to accept ioput voltage of up to 30 VDCn peaks from high voltage power supplies cao harm the device. If you waot to use high voltage power supplies it is recommeoded to also use additooal safety equipmeot to suppress voltage peaks from the power supply. 16 6 Status The status sectoo cootaios various pieces of ioformatoon like curreot IP addresses of various oetwork ioterfaces; the state of the routers memory; frmware versioo; DHCP leases; associated wireless statoos; graphs iodicatog loadn traafc aod much more. 6.1 Overview Overview sectoo cootaios various ioformatoo summaries. 17 6.2 System Information The System Ioformatoo tab cootaios data that pertaios to the routers operatog system. 18 System explanatinn Field Name Sample ialue 1. Router Name RUT240 2. Host oame 3. 4. Router Model Firmware Versioo Teltooika RUT240 LTE RUT2XX_T_00.00.20 5. 6. Keroel Versioo Local Time 3.18.44 2017-04-12n 14:41:18 7. Uptme 0d 0h 59m 42s (sioce 2017-04-12n 13:41:36) 8. Load Average 1 mio: 5%; 5 mios: 72%; 15 mios: 76% 9. Temperature 40° C Memiry explanatinn Field Name Sample Value 1. Free 14924 kB / 61020 kB (24%) 2. Cached 3. Buffered 16992 kB / 61020 kB (27%) 6740 kB / 61020 kB (11%) Explanaton Name of the router (hostoame of the router’s system). Cao be chaoged io System -> Admioistratoo. Iodicates how the router will be seeo by other devices oo the oetwork. Cao be chaoged io System -> Admioistratoo. Router’s model. Shows the versioo of the frmware that is curreotly loaded io the router. Newer versioos might become available as oew features are added. Use this feld to decide whether you oeed a frmware upgrade or oot. The versioo of the Lioux keroel that is curreotly ruooiog oo the router. Shows the curreot system tme. Might differ from your computern because the router syochrooizes it's tme with ao NTP server. Format [year-mooth-dayn hours: mioutes: secoods]. Iodicates how loog it has beeo sioce the router booted up. Reboots will reset this tmer to 0. Format [days hours mioutes secoods (sioce yearmooth-dayn hours: mioutes: secoods)]. Iodicates how busy the router is. Let's examioe some sample output: "1 mio: 5%n 5 mios: 72%n 15 mios: 76%". The frst oumber meaos past mioute aod the secood oumber 5 meaos that io the past mioute there have beeon oo averagen 5% processes ruooiog or waitog for a resource. Device’s temperature Explanaton The amouot of memory that is completely free. Should this rapidly decrease or get close to 0n it would iodicate that the router is ruooiog out of memoryn which could cause crashes aod uoexpected reboots. The size of the area of memory that is dedicated to storiog frequeotly accessed data. The size of the area io which data is temporarily stored before moviog it to aoother locatoo. 6.3 Network Information Mobile Displays ioformatoo about mobile modem coooectoos. 19 20 Mibile infirmatinn Field Name 1. Data coooectoo state 2. IMEI 3. IMSI 4. ICCID 5. 6. SIM card state Sigoal streogth 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Cell ID RSCP Ec/lo Operator Operator state Coooectoo type Bytes received 14. Bytes seot Sample Value Coooected Explanaton Mobile data coooectoo status 861075024498503 246020100944448 Modem's IMEI (Ioteroatooal Mobile Equipmeot Ideotty) oumber IMSI (Ioteroatooal Mobile Subscriber Ideotty) is used to ideotfy the user io a cellular oetwork Your SIM card’s Iotegrated circuit card ideotfer oumber 89370021606004144 81F Ready -69 dBm 6900156 N/A N/A LT BITE GSM Registered (home) LTE 58.1 KB (59466 bytes) 47.8 KB (48939 bytes) Iodicates the SIM card's staten e.g. PIN requiredn Not iosertedn etc. Received Sigoal Streogth Iodicator (RSSI). Sigoal’s streogth measured io dBm ID of operator cell that device is curreotly coooected to Iodicates the Refereoce Sigoal Received Power Iodicates the Refereoce Sigoal Received Quality Operator's oame of the coooected GSM oetwork GSM oetwork's status Iodicates the GSM oetwork's access techoology How maoy bytes were received via mobile data coooectoo How maoy bytes were seot via mobile data coooectoo WAN Displays ioformatoo about WAN coooectoo. 21 WAN infirmatinn Field Name 1. Ioterface Sample Value Wired 2. 3. 4. Type IP address WAN MAC DHCP 00:1E:42:00:02:1E 5. 6. Netmask Gateway 7. 8. DNS 1 Coooected 0h 1m 5s Explanaton Specifes through what medium the router is coooectog to the ioteroet. This cao either be Wiredn Mobile or Wi-Fi. Specifes the type of coooectoo. This cao either be statc or DHCP. The IP address that the router uses to coooect to the ioteroet. MAC (Media Access Cootrol) address used for commuoicatoo io ao Etheroet WAN (Wide Area Network) Specifes a mask used to defoe how large the WAN oetwork is Iodicates the default gatewayn ao address where traafc destoed for the ioteroet is routed to. Domaio oame server(s). How loog the coooectoo has beeo successfully maiotaioed. LAN Displays ioformatoo about LAN coooectoos. 22 LAN infirmatinn Field Name 1. Name 2. IP address 3. Netmask 4. Etheroet MAC address 5. Coooected for Sample Value Lao 00:1E:42:00:02:1 1h 37m 25s Explanaton LAN iostaoce oame Address that the router uses oo the LAN oetwork. A mask used to defoe how large the LAN oetwork is MAC (Media Access Cootrol) address used for commuoicatoo io ao Etheroet LAN (Local Area Network) How loog the LAN has beeo successfully maiotaioed. DHCP Leases If you have eoabled a DHCP server this feld will show how maoy devices have received ao IP address aod what those IP addresses are. 1. 2. Field Name Hostoame IP address Sample Value DESKTOP69-EIUGN 3. 4. LAN oame Lao MAC address 18:66:DA:28:6A:34 5. Lease tme remaioiog 11h 52m 58s Explanaton DHCP clieot's hostoame Each lease declaratoo iocludes a siogle IP address that has beeo leased to the clieot LAN iostaoce oame The MAC (Media Access Cootrol) address of the oetwork ioterface oo which the lease will be used. MAC is specifed as a series of hexadecimal octets separated by coloos Remaioiog lease tme for addresses haoded out to clieots Wireless Wireless cao work io two modesn Access Poiot (AP) or Statoo (STA). AP is wheo the wireless radio is used to create ao Access Poiot that other devices cao coooect to. STA is wheo the radio is used to coooect to ao Access Poiot via WAN. 23 Staton Display ioformatoo about wireless coooectoo (Statoo mode). Client mide infirmatin Field Name Sample Value 1. Chaooel 1 (2.41 GHz) 2. Couotry code 3. SSID 4. Mode 00 (World) GG Statoo (STA) 5. Eocryptoo WPA2 PSK (CCMP) 6. Wireless MAC 7. Sigoal Quality C0:11:73:94:E8:E5 100% 8. Bit rate 39.0 MBit/s Explanaton The chaooel that the APn to which the router is coooected ton uses. Your wireless radio is forced to work io this chaooel io order to maiotaio the coooectoo. Couotry code. The SSID that the APn to which the router is coooected ton uses. Coooectoo mode – Statoo (STA) iodicates that the router is a clieot to some local AP. The APn to which the router is coooected ton dictates the type of eocryptoo. The MAC address of the access poiots radio. The quality betweeo routers radio aod some other device that is coooectog to the router. Will show 0% if oo devices are tryiog to coooect or are curreotly maiotaioiog a coooectoo. The physical maximum possible throughput that the routers radio cao haodle. Keep io miod that this value is cumulatve - The bit rate will be shared betweeo the router aod other possible devices that coooect to the local AP. 24 Access Point Display ioformatoo about wireless coooectoo (Access Poiot mode). Wireless AP infirmatin Field Name Sample Value 1. Chaooel 1 (2.41 GHz) Explanaton The chaooel which is used to broadcast the SSID aod to establish oew coooectoos to devices. 2. Couotry code 00(World) Couotry code. 3. SSID RUT200_test The SSID that is beiog broadcast. Other devices will see this aod will be able to use to coooect to your wireless oetwork. 4. Mode Access Poiot (AP) Coooectoo mode – Access Poiot (AP) iodicates that your router is ao access poiot. 5. Eocryptoo Mixed WPA/WPA2 PSK The type of eocryptoo that the router will use to autheotcaten (CCMP) establish aod maiotaio a coooectoo. 6. Wireless MAC 00:1E:42:00:02:1F MAC address of your wireless radio. 7. Sigoal Quality 000% The quality betweeo routers radio aod some other device that is coooectog to the router. Will show 0% if oo devices are tryiog to coooect or are curreotly maiotaioiog a coooectoo. 8. Bit rate 52.0 Mbit/s The bit rate will be shared betweeo all devices that coooect to the routers wireless oetwork. Additooal oote: MBit/s iodicates the bits oot bytes. To get the throughput io bytes divide the bit value by 8n for e.g. 54MBits/s would be 6.75MB/s (Mega Bytes per secood). 25 Associated Stations Outputs a list of all devices aod their MAC addresses that are maiotaio a coooectoo with your router right oow. This cao either be the ioformatoo of the Access Poiot that the router is coooectog to io STA mode or a list of all devices that are coooectog to the router io AP mode: 1. 2. Field Name MAC Address Device Name 3. Sigoal 4. RX Rate 5. TX Rate Sample Value C0:11:73:94:E8:E5 aodroid2450c1993f706ced -42dBm 72.2Mbit/sn MCS 7n 20MHz 52.0Mbit/sn MCS 5n 20MHz Explanaton Associated statoo's MAC (Media Access Cootrol) address DHCP clieot's hostoame Received Sigoal Streogth Iodicator (RSSI). Sigoal's streogth measured io dBm The rate at which packets are received from associated statoo The rate at which packets are seot to associated statoo OpenVPN Client Displays OpeoVPN coooectoo ioformatoo oo clieot side. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Field Name Eoabled Status Type IP Mask Time Sample Value Yes/No Coooected Clieot 0h 0m 13s Explanaton OpeoVPN status Coooectoo status A type of OpeoVPN iostaoce that has beeo created Remote virtual oetwork's IP address Remote virtual oetwork's suboet mask For how loog the coooectoo has beeo established 26 OpenVPN Server Display OpeoVPN coooectoo ioformatoo oo server side. 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. Field Name Eoabled Status Type IP Mask Time Sample Value Yes/No Coooected Server 0h 6m 31s Explanaton OpeoVPN status Coooectoo status A type of OpeoVPN iostaoce that has beeo created Remote virtual oetwork's IP address Remote virtual oetwork's suboet mask How loog the coooectoo has beeo established Clients information It will show ioformatoon wheo router is coofgured as OpeoVPN TLS server. 1. 2. 3. 4. Field Name Commoo Name Real Address Virtual Address Coooectoo Sioce Sample Value Test001 Thu May 05 2016 07:46:29 GMT + 0300 (FLE Staodard Time) Explanaton OpeoVPN clieot’s oame Clieot’s IP address aod port oumber The virtual address that has beeo giveo to a clieot Sioce wheo the coooectoo has beeo established 27 VRRP VRRP (Virtual Router Reduodaocy Protocol) for LAN 1. 2. Field Name Status Virtual IP Sample Value Eoabled 3. Priority 100 4. Router** Master **-Exclusive to other Modes with Slave. Explanaton VRRP status Virtual IP address(-es) for LAN’s VRRP (Virtual Router Reduodaocy Protocol) cluster Router with the highest priority value oo the same VRRP cluster will act as a mastern raoge [1 - 255] Coooectoo mode – Master Access Display ioformatoo about local aod remote actve coooectoos status. 28 1. 2. 3. 4. Field Name Type Status Port Actve Coooectoos Sample Value SSH; HTTP; HTTPS Disabled/Eoabled 22; 80; 443 0(0.00B);0(0.00B); 6(558.12 KB) Explanaton Type of coooectoo protocol Coooectoo status Coooectoo port used Couot of actve coooectoos aod the amouot of data traosmited io KB Last Connectons Displays ioformatoo about the last 3 local aod remote coooectoos 1. 2. 3. 4. Field Name Type Date IP Autheotcatoos Status Sample Value SSH; HTTP; HTTPS 2016-03-03n 13:40:59 Failed/Succeed Explanaton Type of coooectoo protocol Date aod tme of coooectoo IP address from which the coooectoo was made Status of autheotcatoo atempt 29 6.4 Device information The page displays factory ioformatoo that was writeo ioto the device duriog maoufacturiog process. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Field Name Serial oumber Product code Batch oumber Hardware revisioo IMEI IMSI Etheroet LAN MAC Etheroet WAN MAC Wireless MAC Model FW versioo Sample Value 77885555 RUT900001000 1000 0001 351579053257484 246021003515790 00:1E:42:00:00:1E 00:1E:42:00:00:11 00:1E:42:00:00:12 HE910-D 12.00.027 Explanaton Serial oumber of the device Product code of the device Batch oumber used duriog the device’s maoufacturiog process Hardware revisioo of the device Ideotfcatoo oumber of the ioteroal modem Subscriber ideotfcatoo oumber of the ioteroal modem MAC address of the Etheroet LAN ports MAC address of the Etheroet WAN port MAC address of the Wi-Fi ioterface Router’s modem model Router’s modem frmware versioo 30 6.5 Services The page displays the usage of the available services. 31 6.6 Routes The page displays ARP table aod actve IP routes of the device. 6.6.1 ARP Show the router’s actve ARP table. Ao ARP table cootaios receotly cached MAC addresses of every immediate device that was commuoicatog with the router. 1. Field Name IP Address Sample Value 2. MAC Address 00:25:22:D7:CA:A7 3. Ioterface br-lao Explanaton Receotly cached IP addresses of every immediate device that was commuoicatog with the router Receotly cached MAC addresses of every immediate device that was commuoicatog with the router Ioterface used for coooectoo 6.6.2 Active IP-Routes Shows the router’s routog table. The routog table iodicates where a TCP/IP packetn with a specifc IP addressn should be directed to. 1. 2. Field Name Network Target Sample Value ppp 3. 4. IP Gateway Metric Explanaton Ioterface to be used to traosmit TCP/IP packets through Iodicates where a TCP/IP packetn with a specifc IP addressn should be directed Iodicates through which gateway a TCP/IP packet should be directed Metric oumber iodicatog ioterface priority of usage 6.6.3 Active IPv6-Routes Display actve IPv6 routes for data packet traositoo. 32 1. 2. Field Name Network Target Sample Value loopback 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/0 3. 4. IPv6-Gateway Metric 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/0 FFFFFFFF Explanaton Network ioterface used Iodicates where a TCP/IP packetn with a specifc IP addressn should be directed Iodicates through which gateway a TCP/IP packet should be directed Metric oumber iodicatog ioterface priority of usage 33 6.7 Graphs Real-tme graphs show how various statstcal data chaoges over tme. 6.7.1 Mobile Signal Strength Displays mobile sigoal streogth variatoo io tme (measured io dBm) 1. 2. 3. 4. Field Name Coooectoo type Sigoal Average Peak Sample Value LTE -72 dBm -72.0 dBm -72 dBm Explanaton Type of mobile coooectoo used Curreot sigoal streogth value Average sigoal streogth value Peak sigoal streogth value 34 6.7.2 Realtime Load This tri-graph illustrates average CPU load values io real tme. The graph coosists out of three color coded graphsn each ooe correspoodiog to the average CPU load over 1 (red)n 5 (oraoge) aod 15 (yellow) most receot mioutes. 1. 2. 3. Field Name 1/5/15 Mioutes Load Average Peak Sample Value 0.83 Explanaton Time ioterval for load averagiogn colour of the diagram 0.86 1.50 Average CPU load value over tme ioterval (1/5/15 Mioute) Peak CPU load value of the tme ioterval 35 6.7.3 Realtime Traffic These graphs illustrate the average system iobouod aod outbouod traafc over the course of 3 mioutes; each oew measuremeot is takeo every 3 secoods. Each graph coosists out of two color coded graphs (greeo graph shows the outbouod traafcn blue graph shows the iobouod traafc). Although oot graphedn the page also displays peak loads aod averages of iobouod aod outbouod traafc. 1. Field Name Bridge Explanaton Cumulatve graphn which eocompasses wired Etheroet LAN aod the wireless oetwork. 2. LAN Graphs the total traafc that passes through both LAN oetwork ioterfaces. 3. WAN (Wired) Graphs the amouot of traafc which passed through the curreot actve WAN coooectoo. 4. Mobile Graphs the amouot of traafc which passed through the mobile oetwork coooectoo. 5. Wi-Fi Shows the amouot of traafc that has beeo seot aod received through the wireless radio. 36 6.7.4 Realtime Wireless Displays the wireless radio sigoaln sigoal ooise aod the theoretcal maximum chaooel permeability. Average aod peak sigoal levels are displayed. 37 6.7.5 Realtime Connections Displays curreotly actve oetwork coooectoos with the ioformatoo about oetworkn protocoln source aod destoatoo addressesn traosfer speed. 38 6.8 Mobile Traffic Displays mobile coooectoo data seot aod received io KB of this dayn week aod mooth. By default mobile traafc usage loggiog is disabled. To use this fuoctooality is oeeded to eoable it. 1. 2. Field Name Eoable Ioterval betweeo records (sec) Sample Value Eoable/Disable 60 Explanaton Make the fuoctooality actve/ioactve The ioterval betweeo loggiog records (mioimum 60 sec) 39 6.9 Events Log Eveot log displays such actoos as: logion rebootn frmware fashiog aod reset. 6.9.1 All Events Displays all router eveotsn their types aod tme of occurreoce. 6.9.2 System Events Displays all system eveotsn their type aod tme of occurreoce. Eveots ioclude autheotcatoo or reboot requestsn iocomiog aod outgoiog SMS aod Callsn Mailsn Coofguratoo chaoges aod DHCP eveots. 6.9.3 Network Events Displays ioformatoo about receot oetwork eveots like coooectoo status chaogen lease status chaogen oetwork type or operator chaoge. 40 7 Network 7.1 Mobile 7.1.1 General Mobile configuration Here you cao coofgure mobile settiogs which are used wheo coooectog to your local LTE oetwork. 41 Sample ialue QMI 2. Field Name Coooectoo type Mode 3. APN “baogapro” 4. PIN oumber Aoy oumber that falls betweeo 0000 aod 9999 5. CHAPn PAP or oooe 7. Dialiog oumber Autheotcatoo method Useroame 8. Password “password” Deoy data roamiog Use IPv4 ooly Eoable/Disable 1. 6. NAT / Passthrough “useroame” Eoable / Disable Explanaton The coooectoo type used wheo coooectog to a oetwork. It cao either be PPP or QMI. PPP is coosiderably slower thao QMI. NAT mode eoables oetwork address traoslatoo oo router. Passthrough mode is similar with bridge mode except that io passthrough mode router do have ioteroet coooectoo. Access Point Name (APN) is a coofgurable oetwork ideotfer used by a mobile device wheo coooectog to a GSM carrier. A personal identicaton number is a secret oumeric password shared betweeo a user aod a system that cao be used to autheotcate the user to the system. Use this ooly if your SIM card has PIN eoabled. Dialiog oumber is used to establish a mobile PPP (Poiot-to-PoiotProtocol) coooectoo. Autheotcatoo methodn which your carrier uses to autheotcate oew coooectoos. (This selectoo is uoavailable oo the alteroate model) Your useroame that you would use to coooect to your carrier’s oetwork. This feld becomes available wheo you select ao autheotcatoo method (i.e. autheotcatoo method is oot “oooe”). Your password that you would use to coooect to your carrier’s oetwork. This feld becomes available wheo you select ao autheotcatoo method (i.e. autheotcatoo method is oot “oooe”). If eoabled this fuoctoo preveots the device from establishiog mobile data coooectoo while oot io home oetwork. If eoabled this fuoctoo makes the device to use ooly IPv4 settiogs wheo coooectog to operator. Waroiog: If ao iovalid PIN oumber was eotered (i.e. the eotered PIN does oot match the ooe that was used to protect the SIM card)n your SIM card will get blocked. To avoid such mishaps it is highly advised to use ao uoprotected SIM. If you happeo to iosert a protected SIM aod the PIN oumber is iocorrectn your card woo’t get blocked immediatelyn although afer a couple of reboots OR coofguratoo saves it will. 42 Passthrough mode Usiog Passthrough Mode will disable most of the router capabilites! DHCP mode: Statc Eoter your computer’s MAC address (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) to MAC Address feld aod select Lease tme (expiratoo tme for leased addresses). Devicen whose MAC address will be eoteredn will get IP from the GSM operator. Other coooected devices will get IP from the router’s DHCP servern but these devices will oot have ioteroet access. 43 DHCP mode: Dyoamic Wheo usiog Dyoamic moden the device will get ao IP from the GSM operatorn which coooects to the router frst. Wheo usiog Passthrough io dyoamic moden the DHCP io LAN coofguratoo will be disabled. DHCP mode: No DHCP Usiog oo DHCP moden the IP (also suboetn gateway aod DNS) should be eotered maoually oo your device which you are tryiog to coooect to the router’s LAN. Wheo usiog Passthrough io oo DHCP moden the DHCP io LAN coofguratoo will be disabled. Mobile Data On Demand 1. 2. Field name Eoable Possible ialues Eoable/Disable No data tmeout(sec) 10-99999999 Explanaton Mobile Data Oo Demaod fuoctoo eoables you to keep mobile data coooectoo oo ooly wheo it's io use. The tme it takes for mobile data coooectoo to be termioated if there is oo oetwork actvity. 7.1.2 Mobile Data Limit This fuoctoo lets you limit maximum amouot of data traosferred oo WAN ioterface io order to mioimize uowaoted traafc costs. Data Connection Limit Configuration 1. 2. 3. 4. Field Name Eoable data coooectoo limit Data limit* (MB) Period Start day/ Start hour Sample ialue Eoable/Disable Mooth/Week/Day Explanaton Disables mobile data wheo a limit for the curreot period is reached Disable mobile data afer limit value io MB is reached Period for which mobile data limitog should apply A startog tme for mobile data limitog period Your carrier's data usage accouotog may differ. Teltooika is oot liable should aoy accouotog discrepaocies occur. 44 SMS Warning Configuration Field Name 1. Eoable SMS waroiog Sample ialue Eoable/Disable 2. 3. 4. 5. 300 Mooth/Week/Day +37012345678 Data limit* (MB) Period Start day/ Start hour Phooe oumber Explanaton Eoables the seodiog of a waroiog SMS message wheo mobile data limit for the curreot period is reached Seod waroiog SMS message afer limit value io MB is reached Period for which the mobile data limitog should apply A startog tme for the mobile data limitog period A phooe oumber to seod the waroiog SMS message ton e.g. +37012345678 Your carrier's data usage accouotog may differ. Teltooika is oot liable should aoy accouotog discrepaocies occur. 45 7.2 WAN 7.2.1 Operation Mode Your WAN coofguratoo determioes how the router will be coooectog to the ioteroet. 3. Type Maio WAN Backup WAN/Load balaociog Ioterface Name 4. 5. 6. Protocol IP Address Sort 1. 2. Explanaton Switches betweeo Mobilen Wired aod Wi-Fi ioterfaces for maio WAN Let’s user select ooe or two ioterfaces for WAN backup Displays the WAN ioterface oamen aod chaoges ioterface priority. The ioterface at the table top has the highest priority Displays the protocol used by the WAN ioterface Displays IP address acquired by a specifc ioterface Sorts table rows aod chaoges ioterface priority. The highest ioterface has the highest priority 7.2.2 Common configuration Commoo coofguratoo allows you to coofgure your TCP/IP settiogs for the wao oetwork. You cao switch betweeo Statcn DHCP or PPPoE protocol by selectog the protocol that you waot to use aod theo pressiog Switch Protocol. 46 General Setup Statc: This is the coofguratoo setup for wheo you select the statc protocol. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Filed name IPv4 address IPv4 oetmask IPv4 gateway IPv4 broadcast Sample Use custom DNS servers Explanaton Your router’s address oo the WAN oetwork A mask used to defoe how “large” the WAN oetwork is Address where the router will seod all the outgoiog traafc Broadcast address (auto geoerated if oot set). It is best to leave this blaok uoless you koow what you are doiog. Usually the gateway has some predefoed DNS servers. As such the routern wheo it oeeds to resolve a hostoame (“”n “”n etc…) to ao IP addressn it will forward all the DNS requests to the gateway. By eoteriog custom DNS servers the router will take care of host oame resolutoo. You cao eoter multple DNS servers to provide reduodaocy io case the ooe of the server fails. DHCP: Wheo you select the DHCP protocol you cao use it as isn because most oetworks will oot require aoy additooal advaoced coofguratoo. 47 PPPoE This protocol is maioly used by DSL providers: This is the coofguratoo setup for wheo you select PPPoE protocol. 1. Filed name PAP/CHAP useroame Sample test 2. 3. PAP/CHAP password Access Cooceotrator your_password auto 4. Service Name auto Explanaton Your useroame aod password that you would use to coooect to your carrier’s oetwork. A mask used to defoe how “large” the WAN oetwork is Specifes the oame of the access cooceotrator. Leave empty to auto detect. Specifes the oame of the service. Leave empty to auto detect. Advanced These are the advaoced settiogs for each of the protocolsn if you are uosure of how to alter these atributes it is highly recommeoded to leave them to a traioed professiooal: Statc 48 1. Field name Disable NAT Override MAC address Sample ialue Oo/Off 86:48:71:B7:E9:E4 3. Override MTU 1500 4. Use gateway metric Explanaton Toggle NAT oo aod off. Override MAC address of the WAN ioterface. If your ISP gives you a statc IP address it might also biod it to your computer’s MAC address (i.e. that IP will ooly work with your computer). Io this feld you cao eoter your computer’s MAC address aod “fool” the gateway io thiokiog that it is commuoicatog with your computer. Maximum Transmission Unit – specifes the largest possible size of a data packet. The WAN coofguratoo by default geoerates a routog table eotry. With this feld you cao alter the metric of that eotry. DHCP 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Field name Disable NAT Sample ialue Eoable/Disable Use broadcast fag Use default gateway Use DNS server advertsed by peer User gateway metric Eoable/Disable Eoable/Disable Eoable/Disable 8. Clieot ID to seod wheo requestog DHCP Veodor Class to seod wheo requestog DHCP Override MAC address 86:48:71:B7:E9:E4 9. Override MTU 1500 7. Explanaton If checkedn router will oot perform NAT (masquerade) oo this ioterface Required for certaio ISPsn e.g. Charter with DOCSIS 3 If uocheckedn oo default route is coofgured If uocheckedn the advertsed DNS server addresses are igoored The WAN coofguratoo by default geoerates a routog table eotry With this feld you cao alter the metric of that eotry Specify clieot ID which will be seot wheo requestog DHCP (Dyoamic Host Coofguratoo Protocol) Specify the veodor class which will be seot wheo requestog DHCP (Dyoamic Host Coofguratoo Protocol) Override MAC address of the WAN ioterface. If your ISP gives you a statc IP address it might also biod it to your computer’s MAC address (i.e. that IP will ooly work with your computer). Io this feld you cao eoter your computer’s MAC address aod “fool” the gateway io thiokiog that it is commuoicatog with your computer. Maximum traosmissioo uoit – specifes the largest possible size of a data packet. 49 PPPoE 1. Field name Disable NAT Sample ialue Eoable/Disable 3. Use default gateway Use gateway metric Eoable/Disable 4. Eoable/Disable 6. Use DNS servers advertsed by peer LCP echo failure threshold LCP echo ioterval 7. Ioactvity tmeout 5. Explanaton If checkedn the router will oot perform NAT (masquerade) oo this ioterface If uocheckedn oo default route is coofgured The WAN coofguratoo by default geoerates a routog table eotry. With this feld you cao alter the metric of that eotry If uocheckedn the advertsed DNS server addresses are igoored Presume peer to be dead afer giveo amouot of LCP echo failuresn use 0 to igoore failures Seod LCP echo requests at the giveo ioterval io secoodsn ooly effectve io coojuoctoo with failure threshold Close ioactve coooectoo afer the giveo amouot of secoodsn use 0 to persist coooectoo 50 IP Aliases IP aliases are a way of defoiog or reachiog a suboet that works io the same space as the regular oetwork. As you cao seen the coofguratoo is very similar to the statc protocol; ooly io the example a 99th suboet is defoed. Now if some device has ao IP io the 99 suboet ( aod the suboet’s gateway metric is “higher” aod the device is tryiog to reach the ioteroet it will reroute it’s traafc oot to the gateway that is defoed io commoo coofguratoos but through the ooe that is specifed io IP aliases. You may also optooally defoe a broadcast address aod a custom DNS server. Backup WAN coniguraton Backup WAN is a fuoctoo that allows you to back up your primary coooectoo io case it goes dowo. There cao be two backup coooectoos selected at the same tmen io that casen wheo the primary coooectoo failsn the router tries to use the backup with higher priority aod if that is uoavailable or fails toon theo router tries the backup with the lower priority. 51 The majority of the optoos coosist of tmiog aod other importaot parameters that help determioe the health of your primary coooectoo. Regular health checks are coostaotly performed io the form of ICMP packets (Piogs) oo your primary coooectoo. Wheo the coooectoo’s state starts to chaoge (READY->NOT READY aod vice versa) a oecessary amouot of failed or passed health checks has to be reached before the state chaoges completely. This delay is iosttuted so as to mitgate “spikes” io coooectoo availabilityn but it also exteods the tme before the backup liok cao be brought up or dowo. 1. Field Name Health mooitor Ioterval Sample ialue Disable/5/10/20/30/60/120 Secoods Disable/DNS Server(s) /WAN GW/Custom 2. Health mooitor ICMP host(s) 3. Health mooitor ICMP tmeout 1/3/4/5/10 Secoods 4. Atempts before failover 1/3/5/10/15/20 5. Atempts before recovery 1/3/5/10/15/20 Explanaton The ioterval at which health checks are performed Iodicate where to Piog for a health check. As there is oo defoitve way to determioe wheo the coooectoo to ioteroet is dowo for goodn you’ll have to defoe a host whose availability is that of the ioteroet as a whole. How loog to wait for ao ICMP request to come back. Set a higher value if your coooectoo has high lateocy or high jiter (lateocy spikes). How maoy failed checks before your WAN coooectoo is declared DOWN for good. How maoy checks before your WAN coooectoo is declared UP. How do I set up a backup link? First we must select a maio liok aod choose ooe or two backup lioks io WAN sectoo. Theo push the “Edit” butoo aod coofgure your WAN aod Backup Wao settiogs to your likiog. Click Save aod wait uotl the settiogs are applied. Now io the Status -> Network Ioformatoo -> WAN page there should be a status iodicatoo for the backup WAN. If everythiog is workiog correctly you should see somethiog like this: The above picture shows the status for Backup WAN coofgured oo a wired maio liok. You cao oow simulate a dowoed liok by simply uopluggiog your Etheroet WAN cable. Wheo you’ve dooe so you should see this: Aodn if you plug the cable back io you shouldn agaion see this: 52 7.3 LAN This page is used to coofgure the LAN oetworkn where all your devices aod computers that you coooect to the router will reside. 7.3.1 Configuration General Setup 1. 3. Field name IP address IP oetmask IP broadcast Sample ialue Explanaton Address that the router uses oo the LAN oetwork A mask used to defoe how “large” the LAN oetwork is IP broadcasts are used by BOOTP aod DHCP clieots to fod aod seod requests to their respectve servers Advanced settings Sample ialue Eoable/Disable 2. Field name Accept router advertsemeots Override MTU 3. Use gateway metric 4. Use WAN port as LAN Eoable/Disable 1. 1500 Explanaton If eoabled allows acceptog router advertsemeots (Disabled by default). MTU (Maximum Traosmissioo Uoit) specifes the largest possible size of a data packet. The LAN coofguratoo by default geoerates a routog table eotry. With this feld you cao alter the metric of that eotry. Wheo eoabled it allows you to use the WAN port as a LAN port. 53 7.3.2 DHCP Server The DHCP server is the router’s side service that cao automatcally coofgure the TCP/IP settiogs of aoy device that requests such a service. If you coooect a device that has beeo coofgured to obtaio IP address automatcally the DHCP server will lease ao IP address aod the device will be able to fully commuoicate with the router. General Setup 1. Field Name DHCP 2. Start Sample ialue Eoable / Disable/ DHCP Relay 100 3. Limit 150 4. Lease tme 12 Explanaton Maoage DHCP server The startog address of the raoge that the DHCP server cao use to give out to devices. E.g.: if your LAN IP is aod your suboet mask is that meaos that io your oetwork a valid IP address has to be io the raoge of [ –]( aod are special uoavailable addresses). If the Start value is set to 100 theo the DHCP server will ooly be able to lease out addresses startog from How maoy addresses the DHCP server gets to lease out. Cootouiog oo the above example: if the start address is theo the eod address will be (100 + 155 – 1 = 254). How loog a leased IP will be coosidered valid. Ao IP address afer the specifed amouot of tme will expire aod the device that leased it out will have to request a oew ooe. Select Hours or Mioutes (mioimum 2mio). Advanced settings You cao also defoe some advaoced optoos that specify how the DHCP server will operate oo your LAN oetwork. 54 1. Field Name Sample Value Dyoamic DHCP Checked/Uochecked 2. Force 3. IP oetmask 4. DHCP Optoos Checked/Uochecked Explanaton Dyoamically allocate clieot addressesn if set to 0 ooly clieots preseot io the ethers fles are served Forces DHCP serviog eveo if aoother DHCP server is detected oo the same oetwork segmeot. You cao override your LAN oetmask here to make the DHCP server thiok it’s serviog a larger or a smaller oetwork thao it actually is. Additooal optoos to be added for this DHCP server. For example with '26n1470' or 'optoo:mtun 1470' you cao assigo ao MTU per DHCP. Your clieot must accept MTU by DHCP for this to work. Static Leases This page is used to coofgure statc IP leases. 1. 2. 3. Field Name Hostoame MAC address IP address Sample Value Prioter 10:a5:d0:70:9c:72 ( Explanaton The oame which will be lioked with IP address. Device’s MAC address Device’s IP address IP Aliases General Setup IP aliases are the way of defoiog or reachiog a suboet that works io the same space as the regular oetwork. 55 56 Adianced Setngs You may also optooally defoe a broadcast address aod a custom DNS server. 57 7.4 Wireless Oo this page you cao coofgure your wireless settiogs. Depeodiog oo whether your WAN mode is set to Wi-Fi or ootn the page will display either the optoos for coofguriog ao Access Point or optoos for coofguriog a connecton to a local access poiot. Access Point: Here you cao see the Overview of the wireless coofguratoo. It is divided ioto two maio sectoos – device aod ioterface. Ooe is dedicated to coofguriog hardware parametersn the other – sofware. Here you cao toggle the availability of the wireless radio aod the physical chaooel frequeocy. Important note: As seeo io the picture you should always Saie before toggliog the radio oo aod off. SSID – Your wireless oetwork’s ideotfcatoo striog. This is the oame of your Wi-Fi oetwork. Wheo other Wi-Fi capable computers or devices scao the area for Wi-Fi oetworks they will see your oetwork with this oame. Hide SSID – Will reoder your SSID hiddeo from other devices that try to scao the area. Coooect to WRP100 automatcally – let Teltooika WRP100 wireless repeater coooect to this router automatcally. 58 Device Adianced Setngs Here you cao coofgure more advaoced parameters: 1. Field name Mode Sample ialue Auton bn gn g+o 2. Couotry Code 3. 4. Traosmit power Fragmeotatoo threshold 5. RTS/CTS Threshold Explanaton Differeot modes provide differeot throughput aod security optoos. Aoy ISO/IEC 3166 alpha2 Selectog this will help the wireless radio coofgure it’s couotry code ioteroal parameters to meet your couotry’s wireless regulatoos. 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% Select Wi-Fi sigoal power 2346 The smallest packet size that cao be fragmeoted aod traosmited by multple frames. Io areas were ioterfereoce is a problemn settiog a lower fragmeot threshold might help reduce the probability of uosuccessful packet traosfersn thus iocreasiog speed. 2346 Request to seod threshold. It cao help resolve problems that arise wheo several access poiots are io the same arean cooteodiog. Interface Security Eocryptoo – there are maoy modes of eocryptoon a distoctve class is poioted out below. 59 First select ao eocryptoo method: TKIPn CCMPn TKIP&CCMP aod auto. Note: Some autheotcatoo methods woo’t support TKIP (aod TKIP&CCMP) eocryptoo. Afer you’ve selected your eocryptoo methodn you should eoter your pass phrasen which must be at least 8 characters loog. MAC-Filter Filter – you cao defoe a rule for what to do with the MAC list you’ve defoed. You cao either allow ooly the listed MACs or allow ALLn but forbid the listed ooes. Adianced setngs Separate clieots – preveots Wi-Fi clieots from commuoicatog with each other oo the same suboet. Iocrease TTL packet size – iocrease TTL packet size for iocomiog packets. Client RUT230 cao work as a Wi-Fi clieot. Clieot mode is oearly ideotcal to APn except for the fact that most of the optoos are dictated by the wireless access poiot that the router is coooectog to. Chaogiog them cao result io ao ioterrupted coooectoo to ao AP. Io additoo to staodard optoos you cao also click the Scan butoo to re-scao the surrouodiog area to atempt to coooect to a oew wireless access poiot. 60 7.5 VLAN Oo this page you cao coofgure your Virtual LAN settiogs. 7.5.1 VLAN Networks VLAN Functionality 1. Field Name VLAN mode Sample Value Disabled / Tag based Explanaton Lets the user choose the VLAN mode or disable VLAN fuoctooality. VLAN mode – Tag based: 1. 3. 4. Field Name VLAN ID Wireless access poiots LAN Sample Value Eoabled / Disabled Explanaton VLAN Ideotfcatoo oumbern allowed io raoge (1-4094) Assigo selected access poiot(s) to selected LAN. Nooe Select to which LAN the wireless access poiot(s) will be applied. 7.5.2 LAN Networks Io this page you cao create extra LAN oetworksn aod assigo them with LAN Ports aod wireless access poiots. You cao get extra ioformatoo oo how to coofgure aoy of your LAN’s settiogs io sectoo – 7.3 LAN 1. 2. Field Name LAN oame Ioterface oame Sample Value Lao eth0 tap0 Explanaton Specifes oew LAN oame Specifes LAN ioterface oame 61 7.6 Firewall Io this sectoo we will look over the various frewall features that come with RUT230. 7.6.1 General Settings The router’s frewall is a staodard Lioux iptables packagen which uses routog chaios aod policies to facilitate cootrol over iobouod aod outbouod traafc. 1. 2. Field Name Drop Iovalid packets Ioput Sample ialue Checked/Uochecked Explanaton A “Drop” actoo is performed oo a packet that is determioed to be iovalid Reject/Drop/Accept DEFAULT* actoo that is to be performed for packets that pass through the Ioput chaio. 3. Output Reject/Drop/Accept DEFAULT* actoo that is to be performed for packets that pass through the Output chaio. 4. Forward Reject/Drop/Accept DEFAULT* actoo that is to be performed for packets that pass through the Forward chaio. *DEFAULT: Wheo a packet goes through a frewall chaio it is matched agaiost all the rules for that specifc chaio. If oo rule matches said packetn ao accordiog Actoo (either Drop or Reject or Accept) is performed. Accept – Packet gets to cootoue dowo the oext chaio. Drop – Packet is stopped aod deleted. Reject – Packet is stoppedn deleted aodn differeotly from Dropn ao ICMP packet cootaioiog a message of rejectoo is seot to the source of the dropped packet. 62 7.6.2 DMZ By eoabliog DMZ for a specifc ioteroal host (e.g.: your computer)n you will expose that host aod it’s services to the router’s WAN oetwork (i.e. - ioteroet). 7.6.3 Port Forwarding Here you cao defoe your owo port forwardiog rules. You cao use port forwardiog to set up servers aod services oo local LAN machioes. The above picture shows how you cao set up a rule that would allow a website that is beiog hosted oo to be reached from the outside by eoteriog htp://routersExteroalIp:12345/. 63 1. Field Name Name Sample ialue Eoable_SSH_WAN_PASSTHROUGH 2. 3. Protocol Exteroal Port TCP/UDP/TCP+UDP/Other 1-65535 4. Ioteroal IP address 5. Ioteroal port IP address of a computer oo your LAN 1-65535 Explanaton Name of the rule. Used purely to make it easier to maoage rules. The type of protocol of the iocomiog packet. The traafc will be forwarded from this port of the WAN oetwork. The IP address of the ioteroal machioe that hosts a service that we waot to access from the outside. The rule will redirect the traafc to that port of the ioteroal machioe. Wheo you click edit you cao foe tuoe a rule to oear perfectoon if you should desire that. 1. Field Name Name Sample ialue ENABLE_SSH_WAN_PASSTHROUGH 2. Protocol 3. 4. 5. 7. Source zooe Source MAC address Source IP address Source port TCP/UDP/TCP+ UDP/ICMP/Custom LAN/VPN/WAN aoy 8. Exteroal IP address aoy aoy Explanaton Name of the rule. Used purely to make it easier to maoage rules. You may specify multple by selectog (custom) aod theo eoteriog protocols separated by space Match iocomiog traafc from this zooe ooly Match iocomiog traafc from these MACs ooly Match iocomiog traafc from this IP or raoge ooly Match iocomiog traafc origioatog from the giveo source port or port raoge oo the clieot host ooly Match iocomiog traafc directed at the giveo IP aoy 64 9. Exteroal port 22 10. Ioteroal zooe LAN/VPN/WAN 11. Ioteroal IP address 12. Ioteroal port aoy 13. Eoable NAT loopback Eoable/Disable 14. Extra argumeots address ooly Match iocomiog traafc directed at the giveo destoatoo port or port raoge oo this host ooly Redirect matched iocomiog traafc to the specifed ioteroal zooe Redirect matched iocomiog traafc to the specifed ioteroal host Redirect matched iocomiog traafc to the giveo port oo the ioteroal host NAT loopback eoables your local oetwork (i.e. behiod your router/modem) to coooect to a forward-faciog IP address (such as of a machioe that it also oo your local oetwork Passes additooal argumeots to iptables. Use with care! 7.6.4 Traffic Rules The traafc rule page cootaios a more geoeralized rule defoitoo. With it you cao block or opeo portsn alter how traafc is forwarded betweeo LAN aod WAN aod maoy more thiogs. 65 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Field Name Name Protocol Source Destoatoo Actoo Eoable 7. Sort Explanaton Name of the rule. Used for easier rules maoagemeot purpose ooly Protocol type of iocomiog or outgoiog packet Match iocomiog traafc from this IP or raoge ooly Redirect matched traafc to the giveo IP address aod destoatoo port Actoo to be takeo for the packet if it matches the rule Self-explaoatory. Uocheck to make the rule ioactve. The rule will oot be deletedn but it also will oot be loaded ioto the frewall. Wheo a packet arrivesn it gets checked for a matchiog rule. If there are several rules that match the rulen the frst ooe is applied i.e. the order of the rule list impacts how your frewall operatesn therefore you are giveo the ability to sort your list as you wish. You cao coofgure frewall rule by clickiog edit butoo. Sample ialue “Allow-DHCP-Relay” IPv4 aod IPV6 Explanaton Used to make rule maoagemeot easier Match traafc from selected address family ooly 3. Field Name Name Restrict to address family Protocol TCP/UDP/Aoy/ICMP/Custom 4. 5. Match ICMP type Source zooe aoy aoy zooe/LAN/VPN/WAN Protocol of the packet that is beiog matched agaiost traafc rules. Match traafc with selected ICMP type ooly Match iocomiog traafc from this zooe ooly 1. 2. 66 6. 7. 8. Source MAC address Source address Source port 9. Destoatoo zooe aoy Match iocomiog traafc from these MACs ooly aoy aoy Match iocomiog traafc from this IP or raoge ooly Match iocomiog traafc origioatog from the giveo source port or port raoge oo the clieot host ooly Match forwarded traafc to the giveo destoatoo zooe ooly 10. Destoatoo address Device/Aoy zooe/LAN/VPN/WAN aoy 11. Destoatoo port 67 12. Actoo Drop/Accept/Reject + chaio + additooal rules Match forwarded traafc to the giveo destoatoo IP address or IP raoge ooly Match forwarded traafc to the giveo destoatoo port or port raoge ooly Actoo to be takeo oo the packet if it matches the rule. You cao also defoe additooal optoos like limitog packet volumen aod defoiog to which chaio the rule beloogs Open Ports On the Router 1. 2. Field Name Name Protocol Sample ialue Opeo_Port_rule TCP/UDP/Aoy/ICMP/Custom 3. Exteroal port 1-65535 Explanaton Used to make rule maoagemeot easier Protocol of the packet that is beiog matched agaiost traafc rules. Match iocomiog traafc directed at the giveo destoatoo port or port raoge oo this host. New Forward Rule 1. 2. 3. Field Name Name Source Protocol Sample ialue Forward rule oew LAN/VPN/WAN TCP/UDP/Aoy/ICMP/Custom Explanaton Used to make rule maoagemeot easier Match iocomiog traafc from selected address family ooly Protocol of the packet that is beiog matched agaiost traafc rules. 67 Source NAT Source NAT is a specifc form of masqueradiog which allows foe graioed cootrol over the source IP used for outgoiog traafcn for example to map multple WAN addresses to ioteroal suboets. 1. 2. Field Name Name Protocol Sample ialue SNAT TCP/UDP/Aoy/ICMP/Custom 3. 4. 5. Source Destoatoo SNAT LAN/VPN/WAN LAN/VPN/WAN Rewrite to source IP 6. Eoable Eoable/Disable Explanaton Used to make rule maoagemeot easier Protocol of the packet that is beiog matched agaiost traafc rules. Match iocomiog traafc from selected address family ooly Forward iocomiog traafc to selected address family ooly SNAT (Source Network Address Traoslatoo) rewrite packet\'s source IP address aod port Make a rule actve/ioactve You cao coofgure frewall source NAT rulen by clickiog edit butoo. 68 1. 2. Field Name Name Protocol Sample ialue SNAT TCP/UDP/Aoy/ICMP/Custom 3. 4. 5. 6. Source zooe Source MAC address Source address Source port LAN/VPN/WAN aoy aoy aoy 7. Destoatoo zooe LAN/VPN/WAN 8. Destoatoo IP address Select from the list 9. Destoatoo port aoy 10. SNAT IP address 11. SNAT port 12. Extra argumeots “” “22” Explanaton Used to make rule maoagemeot easier Protocol of the packet that is beiog matched agaiost traafc rules. Match iocomiog traafc from this zooe ooly Match iocomiog traafc from these MACs ooly Match iocomiog traafc from this IP or raoge ooly Match iocomiog traafc origioatog from the giveo source port or port raoge oo the clieot host ooly Match forwarded traafc to the giveo destoatoo zooe ooly Match forwarded traafc to the giveo destoatoo IP address or IP raoge ooly Match forwarded traafc to the giveo destoatoo port or port raoge ooly Rewrite matched traafc to the giveo IP address Rewrite matched traafc to the giveo source port. May be lef empty to ooly rewrite the IP address' Passes additooal argumeots to iptables. Use with care! 69 7.6.5 Custom Rules Here you have the ultmate freedom io defoiog your rules – you cao eoter them straight ioto the iptables program. Just type them out ioto the text feld aot it will get executed as a Lioux shell script. If you are uosure of how to use iptablesn check out the ioteroet for maoualsn examples aod explaoatoos. 7.6.6 DDOS Prevention SYN Flood Protection SYN Flood Protectoo allows you to protect your router from atacks that exploit part of the oormal TCP three-way haodshake to coosume resources oo the targeted server aod reoder it uorespoosive. Esseotallyn with SYN food DDoSn the offeoder seods TCP coooectoo requests faster thao the targeted machioe cao process themn causiog oetwork saturatoo. 70 1. 2. Field Name Eoable SYN food protectoo SYN food rate Sample ialue Eoable/Disable “25” 3. SYN food burst “50” 4. TCP SYN cookies Eoable/Disable Explanaton Makes router more resistaot to SYN food atacks. Set rate limit (packets/secood) for SYN packets above which the traafc is coosidered fooded. Set burst limit for SYN packets above which the traafc is coosidered fooded if it exceeds the allowed rate. Eoable the use of SYN cookies (partcular choices of ioital TCP sequeoce oumbers by TCP servers). Remote ICMP requests Atackers are usiog ICMP echo request packets directed to IP broadcast addresses from remote locatoos to geoerate deoial-of-service atacks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Field Name Eoable ICMP requests Eoable ICMP limit Limit period Limit Limit burst Sample ialue Eoable/Disable Eoable/Disable Secood/Mioute/Hour/Day “10” “5” Explanaton Blocks remote ICMP echo-request type Eoable ICMP echo-request limit io selected period Select io what period limit ICMP echo-request Maximum ICMP echo-requests duriog the period Iodicatog the maximum burst before the above limit kicks io. SSH Attack Prevention Preveot SSH (allows a user to ruo commaods oo a machioe's commaod prompt without them beiog physically preseot oear the machioe.) atacks by limitog coooectoos io a defoed period. 71 1. 2. 3. 4. Field Name Eoable SSH limit Limit period Limit Limit burst Sample ialue Eoable/Disable Secood/Mioute/Hour/Day “10” “5” Explanaton Eoable SSH coooectoos limit io selected period Select io what period limit SSH coooectoos Maximum SSH coooectoos duriog the period Iodicatog the maximum burst before the above limit kicks io. HTTP Attack Prevention HTTP atacks seod a completen legitmate HTTP headern which iocludes a 'Cooteot-Leogth' feld to specify the size of the message body to follow. Howevern the atacker theo proceeds to seod the actual message body at ao extremely slow rate (i.e. 1 byte/110 secoods). Due to the eotre message beiog correct aod completen the target server will atempt to obey the 'Cooteot-Leogth' feld io the headern aod wait for the eotre body of the message to be traosmitedn heoce slowiog it dowo. 1. 2. 3. 4. Field Name Eoable HTTP limit Limit period Limit Limit burst Sample ialue Eoable/Disable Secood/Mioute/Hour/Day “10” “10” Explanaton Limits HTTP coooectoos per period Select io what period limit HTTP coooectoos Maximum HTTP coooectoos duriog the period Iodicatog the maximum burst before the above limit kicks io. HTTPS Attack Prevention 72 1. 2. 3. 4. Field Name Eoable HTTPS limit Limit period Limit Limit burst Sample ialue Eoable/Disable Secood/Mioute/Hour/Day “10” “10” Explanaton Limits HTTPS coooectoos per period Select io what period to limit HTTPS coooectoos Maximum HTTPS coooectoos duriog the period Iodicatog the maximum burst 7.6.7 Port Scan Prevention Port Scan 1. 2. Field Name Eoable Ioterval Sample ialue Eoable/Disable 30 3. Scao couot 10 Explanaton Eoable port scao preveotoo Time ioterval io secoods couotog the leogth of the scao (10 – 60 sec.) How maoy port scaos before blocked Defending type 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Field Name SYN-FIN atack SYN-RST atack X-Mas atack FIN scao NULLfags atack Explanaton Protect from SYN-FIN atack Protect from SYN-RST atack Protect from X-Mas atack Protect from FIN scao Protect from NULLfags atack 73 7.7 Routing 7.7.1 Static Routes Statc routes specify over which ioterface aod gateway a certaio host or oetwork cao be reached. 1. 2. 3. 4. Field name Routog table Ioterface Destoatoo address Netmask Value MAIN/WAN/WAN2/WAN3 MAIN/WAN/WAN2/WAN3 IP address IP mask 5. Gateway IP address 6. Metric ioteger Explanaton Defoes the table to use for the route The zooe where the target oetwork resides The address of the destoatoo oetwork Mask that is applied to the Target to determioe what actual IP addresses the routog rule applies Where the router should seod all the traafc that applies to the rule Used as a sortog measure. If a packet about to be routed fts two rulesn the ooe with the higher metric is applied. Additooal oote oo Target & Netmask: You cao defoe a rule that applies to a siogle IP like this: Target - some IP; Netmask - Furthermore you cao defoe a rule that applies to a segmeot of IPs like this: Target – ao IP that STARTS the segmeot; Netmask – Netmask that defoes how large the segmeot is. E.g.: Only applies to Applies to IPs io raoge Applies - - - 74 7.7.2 Dynamic Routes General Dyoamic routes provide dyoamic routog which eoables the router to select paths accordiog to real-tme logical oetwork layout chaoges. 1. 2. Field name Eoable Router ID Value Eoable/Disable Explanaton Eoable dyoamic routes Router’s ID OSPF Protocol OSPF General Instance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Field name Eoable Stub RFC1583 compatbility Import Export Value Eoable/Disable Eoable/Disable Eoable/Disable Explanaton Eoables OSPF protocol Eoable/Disable stub Eoables OSPF compatbility with RFC1583 specifcatoo All/Nooe/custom All/Nooe/custom Set if the protocol must import routes Set if the protocol must export routes 75 OSPF Area The OSPF oetwork cao be divided ioto sub-domaios called areas. 1. 2. Field name Area oame Eoable Value OSPF_area Yes/No Explanaton OSPF area’s oame Eoable/disable OSPF area To see at specifc coofguratoo settiogs press “edit” butoo located io oewly created OSPF area. A oew page with detailed coofguratoo appearsn as showo io the picture below. 1. 2. 3. 4. Field name Eoabled Stub Ioterface New IP Value Eoable/Disable Eoable/Disable br-lao Explanaton Eoable specifc OSPF area Eoable/disable stub The ioterface that the oew iostaoce will have Name of the oew OSPF oetwork coofguratoo. Used for easier coofguratoo maoagemeot purpose ooly 76 General Protocol 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Field name Eoable Learo Persist Scao tme Import Export Eoable Scao tme Value Eoable/Disable Eoable/Disable Eoable/Disable 20 All All Eoable/Disable 10 Explanaton Eoable/Disable settiogs Eoables route learoiog If checked it allows route storiog. Afer a restartn routes will stll be coofgured Time betweeo scaos Set if the protocol must import routes Set if the protocol must export routes If checked the protocol will oot be coofgured Time betweeo scaos Statc Routes 1. 2. Field name Prefx Type Explanaton Protocol prefx of ao iocomiog or outgoiog packet Protocol type of ao iocomiog or outgoiog packet 77 8 Services 8.1 VRRP 8.1.1 VRRP LAN Configuration Settings 1. 2. Field name Eoable IP address Sample Eoable/Disable 3. Virtual ID 4. Priority 100 Explanaton Eoable VRRP (Virtual Router Reduodaocy Protocol) for LAN Virtual IP address for LAN's VRRP (Virtual Router Reduodaocy Protocol) cluster Routers with same IDs will be grouped io the same VRRP (Virtual Router Reduodaocy Protocol) clustern raoge [1-255] Router with highest priority value oo the same VRRP (Virtual Router Reduodaocy Protocol) cluster will act as a mastern raoge [1-255] 8.1.2 Check Internet connection 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Field name Eoable Piog IP address Piog ioterval Piog tmeout (sec) Piog packet size Sample Eoable/Disable 10 50 6. Piog retry couot 100 Explanaton Eoable WAN's coooectoo mooitoriog A host to seod ICMP (Ioteroet Cootrol Message Protocol) packets to Time ioterval io secoods betweeo two Piogs Respoose tmeout valuen ioterval [1 - 9999] ICMP (Ioteroet Cootrol Message Protocol) packet's sizen ioterval [0 1000] Failed Piog atempt’s couot before determioiog that coooectoo is lostn ioterval [1 – 9999] 78 8.2 Web Filter 8.2.1 Site blocking 1. 2. Field name Eoable Mode Sample Eoable/Disable Whitelist/Blacklist 3. 4. Eoable Host oame Eoable/Disable Explanaton Eoable host oame based websites blockiog Whitelist - allow every site oo the list aod block everythiog else. Blacklist block every site oo the list aod allow everythiog else. Check to eoable site blockiog Block/allow site with this hostoame 8.2.2 Proxy Based Content Blocker 1. Field name Eoable Sample Eoable/Disable 2. Mode Whitelist/Blacklist 3. URL cooteot Explanaton Eoable proxy server based URL cooteot blockiog. Works with HTTP protocol ooly Whitelist - allow every part of URL oo the list aod block everythiog else. Blacklist - block every part of URL oo the list aod allow everythiog else Block/allow aoy URL cootaioiog this striog. Example.comn example.*n * 79 8.3 NTP NTP coofguratoo lets you setup aod syochrooize routers tme. Descripton Local tme of router. Time zooe of your couotry. Eoable system’s tme syochrooizatoo with tme server usiog NTP (Network Time Protocol) 4. Update ioterval How ofeo router updates systems tme 5. Save tme to fash Save last syochrooized tme to fash memory 6. Couot of tme Total amouot of tmes that router will do the syochrooizatoo. Note: If lef blaok - the syochrooizatoos couot will be iofoite 7. Offset frequeocy Adjust the mioor drif of the clock so that it will be more accurate Noten that uoder Time Seriers at least ooe server has to be preseotn otherwise NTP will oot serve its purposes. 1. 2. 3. Field name Curreot System tme Time zooe Eoable NTP 80 8.4 VPN 8.4.1 OpenVPN VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a method for secure data traosfer through uosafe public oetwork. This sectoo explaios how to coofgure OpeoVPNn which is implemeotatoo of VPN supported by the RUT900 router. A picture below demoostrates default OpeoVPN coofguratoos listn which is emptyn so you have to defoe a oew coofguratoo to establish aoy sort of OpeoVPN coooectoo. To create itn eoter desired coofguratoo oame io “New coniguraton name” feldn select device role from “Role” drop dowo list. For examplen to create ao OpeoVPN clieot with coofguratoo oame demon select clieot rolen oame it “demo” aod press “Add New” butoo as showo io the followiog picture. 81 To see at specifc coofguratoo settiogs press “edit” butoo located io oewly created coofguratoo eotry. A oew page with detailed coofguratoo appearsn as showo io the picture below (TLS clieot example). 82 You cao set custom settiogs here accordiog to your VPN oeeds. Below is summary of parameters available to set: 1. 2. Field name Eoabled TUN/TAP 3. 4. 5. Protocol Port LZO 6. 7. Eocryptoo Autheotcatoo 8. 9. 10. TLS cipher Remote host/IP address Resolve Retry 11. Keep alive 12. Remote oetwork IP address Remote oetwork IP oetmask Max routes HMAC autheotcatoo algorithm Additooal HMAC autheotcatoo Certfcate authority 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Explanaton Switches coofguratoo oo aod off. This must be selected to make coofguratoo actve. Selects virtual VPN ioterface type. TUN is most ofeo used io typical IP-level VPN coooectoosn howevern TAP is required to some Etheroet bridgiog coofguratoos. Defoes a traosport protocol used by coooectoo. You cao choose here betweeo TCP aod UDP. Defoes TCP or UDP port oumber (make suren that this port allowed by frewall). This settiog eoables LZO compressioo. With LZO compressioon your VPN coooectoo will geoerate less oetwork traafc; howevern this meaos higher router CPU loads. Use it carefully with high rate traafc or low CPU resources. Selects Packet eocryptoo algorithm. Sets autheotcatoo moden used to secure data sessioos. Two possibilites you have here: “Statc key” meaosn that OpeoVPN clieot aod server will use the same secret keyn which must be uploaded to the router usiog “Statc pre-shared key” optoo. “TLS” autheotcatoo mode uses X.509 type certfcates. Depeodiog oo your selected OpeoVPN mode (clieot or server) you have to upload these certfcates to the router: For clieot: Certfcate Authority (CA)n Clieot certfcaten Clieot key. For server: Certfcate Authority (CA)n Server certfcaten Server key aod Diafe-Hellmao (DH) certfcate used to key exchaoge through uosafe data oetworks. All meotoo certfcates cao be geoerated usiog OpeoVPN or Opeo SSL utlites oo aoy type host machioe. Certfcate geoeratoo aod theory is out of scope of this user maoual. Packet eocryptoo algorithm (cipher) IP address of OpeoVPN server (applicable ooly for clieot coofguratoo). Sets tme io secoods to try resolviog server hostoame periodically io case of frst resolve failure before geoeratog service exceptoo. Defoes two tme iotervals: ooe is used to periodically seod ICMP request to OpeoVPN servern aod aoother ooe defoes a tme wiodown which is used to restart OpeoVPN servicen if oo ICPM request is received duriog the wiodow tme slice. Example Keep Alive “10 60” IP address of remote oetworkn ao actual LAN oetwork behiod aoother VPN eodpoiot. Suboet mask of remote oetworkn ao actual LAN oetwork behiod aoother VPN eodpoiot. Allow a maximum oumber of routes to be pulled from ao OpeoVPN server Sets HMAC autheotcatoo algorithm Add ao additooal layer of HMAC autheotcatoo oo top of the TLS cootrol chaooel to protect agaiost DoS atacks Certfcate authority is ao eotty that issues digital certfcates. A digital certfcate certfes the owoership of a public key by the oamed subject of the certfcate. 83 18. Clieot certfcate 19. Clieot key Clieot certfcate is a type of digital certfcate that is used by clieot systems to make autheotcated requests to a remote server. Clieot certfcates play a key role io maoy mutual autheotcatoo desigosn providiog stroog assuraoces of a requester's ideotty. Autheotcatog the clieot to the server aod establishiog precisely who they are Afer settiog aoy of these parameters press “Saie” butoo. Some of selected parameters will be showo io the coofguratoo list table. You should also be aware of the fact that router will lauoch separate OpeoVPN service for every coofguratoo eotry (if it is defoed as actven of course) so the router has ability to act as server aod clieot at the same tme. 84 8.4.2 IPSec The IPsec protocol clieot eoables the router to establish a secure coooectoo to ao IPsec peer via the Ioteroet. IPsec is supported io two modes - traosport aod tuooel. Traosport mode creates secure poiot to poiot chaooel betweeo two hosts. Tuooel mode cao be used to build a secure coooectoo betweeo two remote LANs serviog as a VPN solutoo. IPsec system maiotaios two databases: Security Policy Database (SPD) which defoes whether to apply IPsec to a packet or oot aod specify which/how IPsec-SA is applied aod Security Associatoo Database (SAD)n which cootaio Key of each IPsec-SA. The establishmeot of the Security Associatoo (IPsec-SA) betweeo two peers is oeeded for IPsec commuoicatoo. It cao be dooe by usiog maoual or automated coofguratoo. Note: router starts establishiog tuooel wheo data from router to remote site over tuooel is seot. For automatc tuooel establishmeot used tuooel Keep Alive feature. 85 1. 2. 3. Field name Eoable IKE versioo Mode 4. My ideotfer type 5. My ideotfer 6. Dead Peer Detectoo 7. Pre shared key 8. Remote VPN eodpoiot 9. IP address/Suboet mask 10. Eoable keep alive 11. Host 12. Piog period (sec) Value Eoabled/Disabled IKEv1 or IKEv2 “Maio” or “Aggressive” Addressn FQDNn User FQDN Eoabled/Disabled Explanaton Check box to eoable IPSec. Method of key exchaoge ISAKMP (Ioteroet Security Associatoo aod Key Maoagemeot Protocol) phase 1 exchaoge mode Choose ooe accordiogly to your IPSec coofguratoo Set the device ideotfer for IPSec tuooel. Io case RUT has Private IPn its ideotfer should be its owo LAN oetwork address. Io this wayn the Road Warrior approach is possible. The values clearn hold aod restart all actve DPD A shared password to autheotcate betweeo the peer Domaio oame or IP address. Leave empty or aoy Eoabled/Disabled Remote oetwork secure group IP address aod mask used to determioe to what suboet ao IP address beloogs to. Raoge [0-32]. IP should differ from device LAN IP Eoable tuooel keep alive fuoctoo A host address to which ICMP (Ioteroet Cootrol Message Protocol) echo requests will be seod Seod ICMP echo request every x secoods. Raoge [0-999999] Phase 1 aod Phase 2 must be coofgured accordiogly to the IPSec server coofguratoon thus algorithmsn autheotcatoo aod lifetmes of each phase must be ideotcal. 86 Value DESn 3DESn AES 128n AES 192n AES256 2. Field name Eocryptoo algorithm Autheotcatoo 3. Hash algorthm MD5n SHA1n SHA256n SHA384n SHA512 4. DH group 4. PFS group 5. Lifetme MODP768n MODP1024n MODP1536n MODP2048n MODP3072n MODP4096 MODP768n MODP1024n MODP1536n MODP2048n MODP3072n MODP4096n No PFS Hoursn Mioutesn Secoods 1. MD5n SHA1n SHA256n SHA384n SHA512 Explanaton The eocryptoo algorithm must match with aoother iocomiog coooectoo to establish IPSec The autheotcatoo algorithm must match with aoother iocomiog coooectoo to establish IPSec The hash algorithm must match with aoother iocomiog coooectoo to establish IPSec The DH (Diafe-Helmao) group must with aoother iocomiog coooectoo to establish IPSec The PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) group must match with aoother iocomiog coooectoo to establish IPSec The tme duratoo for phase 87 8.4.3 GRE Tunnel GRE (Geoeric Routog Eocapsulatoo RFC2784) is a solutoo for tuooeliog RFC1812 private address-space traafc over ao iotermediate TCP/IP oetwork such as the Ioteroet. GRE tuooeliog does oot use eocryptoo it simply eocapsulates data aod seods it over the WAN. Io the example oetwork diagram two distaot oetworks LAN1 aod LAN2 are coooected. To create GRE tuooel the user must koow the followiog parameters: 1. Source aod destoatoo IP addresses. 2. Tuooel local IP address 3. Distaot oetwork IP address aod Suboet mask. 88 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Field name Eoabled Remote eodpoiot IP address Remote oetwork Remote oetwork oetmask Local tuooel IP Local tuooel oetmask MTU 8. TTL 9. PMTUD 10. Eoable Keep alive 11. Keep Alive host 12. Keep Alive ioterval Explanaton Check the box to eoable the GRE Tuooel fuoctoo. Specify remote WAN IP address. IP address of LAN oetwork oo the remote device. Network of LAN oetwork oo the remote device. Raoge [0-32]. Local virtual IP address. Caooot be io the same suboet as LAN oetwork. Network of local virtual IP address. Raoge [0-32] Specify the maximum traosmissioo uoit (MTU) of a commuoicatoos protocol of a layer io bytes. Specify the fxed tme-to-live (TTL) value oo tuooeled packets [0-255]. The 0 is a special value meaoiog that packets ioherit the TTL value. Check the box to eoable the Path Maximum Traosmissioo Uoit Discovery (PMTUD) status oo this tuooel. It gives the ability for ooe side to origioate aod receive keep alive packets to aod from a remote router eveo if the remote router does oot support GRE keep alive. Keep Alive host IP address. Preferably IP address which beloogs to the LAN oetwork oo the remote device. Time ioterval for Keep Alive. Raoge [0 - 255]. 89 8.4.4 PPTP Poiot-to-Poiot Tuooeliog Protocol (PPTP) is a protocol (set of commuoicatoo rules) that allows corporatoos to exteod their owo corporate oetwork through private "tuooels" over the public Ioteroet. Effectvelyn a corporatoo uses a wide-area oetwork as a siogle large local area oetwork. A compaoy oo looger oeeds to lease its owo lioes for wide-area commuoicatoo but cao securely use the public oetworks. This kiod of iotercoooectoo is koowo as a virtual private oetwork (VPN). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Field name Eoable Local IP Remote IP raoge begio Remote IP raoge eod Useroame Password User IP Explanaton Check the box to eoable the PPTP fuoctoo. IP Address of this device (RUT) IP address leases begiooiog IP address leases eod Useroame to coooect to PPTP (this) server Password to coooect to PPTP server Users IP address 90 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. name Eoable Use as default gateway Server Useroame Password Explanaton Eoable curreot coofguratoo Use this PPTP iostaoce as default gateway The server IP address or hostoame The user oame for authorizatoo with the server The password for authorizatoo with the server 91 8.4.5 L2TP Allows settiog up a L2TP server or clieot. Below is L2TP server coofguratoo example. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Field name Eoable Local IP Remote IP raoge begio Remote IP raoge eod Useroame Password Explanaton Check the box to eoable the L2TP Tuooel fuoctoo. IP Address of this device (RUT) IP address leases begiooiog IP address leases eod Useroame to coooect to L2TP (this) server Password to coooect to L2TP server Clieot coofguratoo is eveo simplern which requires ooly Seriers IPn Username aod Password. 92 8.5 Dynamic DNS Dyoamic DNS (DDNS) is a domaio oame service allowiog to liok dyoamic IP addresses to statc hostoame. To start usiog this feature frstly you should register to DDNS service provider (example list is giveo io descriptoo). You are provided with add/delete butoos to maoage aod use differeot DDNS coofguratoos at the same tme! You cao coofgure maoy differeot DDNS Hostoames io the maio DDNS Coofguratoo sectoo. To edit your selected coofguratoon hit Edit. 93 1. 2. 3. Field name Eoable Status Service Value Eoable/Disable 4. 5. 6. 7. Hostoame Useroame Password IP Source your_useroame your_password Public Private Custom 8. 9. Network IP reoew ioterval (mio) 10. Force IP reoew 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WAN 10 (mioutes) 472 (mioutes) Explanaton Eoables curreot DDNS coofguratoo. Timestamp of the last IP check or update. Your dyoamic DNS service provider selected from the list. Io case your DDNS provider is oot preseot from the ooes providedn please feel free to use "custom" aod add hostoame of the update URL. Domaio oame which will be lioked with dyoamic IP address. Name of the user accouot. Password of the user accouot. This optoo allows you to select specifc RUT ioterfacen aod theo seod the IP address of that ioterface to DDNS server. So ifn for examplen your RUT has Private IP (i.e. oo its WAN (LTE ioterface)n theo you cao seod this exact IP to DDNS server by selectog "Private"n or by selectog "Custom" aod "WAN" ioterface. The DDNS server will theo resolve hostoame queries to this specifc IP. Source oetwork Time ioterval (io mioutes) to check if the IP address of the device have chaoged. Time ioterval (io mioutes) to force IP address reoew. 94 8.6 SMS Utilities RUT240 has exteosive amouot of various SMS Utlites. These are subdivided ioto 6 sectoos: SMS Utlitesn Call Utlitesn User Groupsn SMS Maoagemeotn Remote Coofguratoo aod Statstcs. 8.6.1 SMS Utilities All coofguratoo optoos are listed below: Reboot Get status Get OpeoVPN status Switch WiFi oo/off Switch mobile data oo/off Switch OpeoVPN oo/off Chaoge mobile data settiogs Get list of profles Chaoge profle Maoage OpeoVPN SSH access cootrol Web access cootrol Restore to default Force SIM switch FW upgrade from server Coofg update from server Switch mooitoriog oo/off Get Mooitoriog status UCI parameters You cao choose your SMS Keyword (text to be seot) aod authorized phooe oumber io the maio meou. You cao edit each created rule by hittiog Edit butoo. 95 1. Field name Reboot Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users Get status via SMS afer reboot Message text 2. Get status Eoable Actoo Explanaton Notes This check box will eoable aod disable SMS reboot fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will reboot router. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Check this to recieve coooectoo status via SMS afer a reboot. Allows router restart via SMS. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. If you select this boxn router will seod status ooce it has rebooted aod is operatooal agaio. This is both separate SMS Rule aod ao optoo uoder SMS Reboot rule. You cao select which status elemeots to display. Which status ioformatoo should be iocluded io SMS: Data staten Operatorn Coooectoo typen Sigoal Streogthn Coooectoo Staten IP Check this to receive coooectoo status via SMS. Allows to get router‘s status via SMS. This is both separate SMS Rule aod ao optoo uoder SMS Reboot rule. The actoo to be performed 96 Eoable SMS Status SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users Message text 3. Get OpenVPN status Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method 4. Allowed users Switch WiFi On/Of Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users Write to coofg 5. Switch mobile data on/of Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users Write to coofg wheo this rule is met. This check box will eoable aod disable SMS status fuoctoo. SMS text which will seod routers status. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Which status ioformatoo should be iocluded io SMS: Data staten Operatorn Coooectoo typen Sigoal Streogthn Coooectoo Staten IP SMS status is disabled by default. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. You cao select which status elemeots to display. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will seod OpeoVPN status. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Allows to get OpeoVPN‘s status via SMS. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will turo Wi-Fi ON/OFF. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Permaoeotly saves Wi-Fi state. Allows Wi-Fi cootrol via SMS. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will turo mobile data ON/OFF. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Permaoeotly saves mobile oetwork state. Allows mobile cootrol via SMS. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. Turo WiFi ON or OFF. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. With this settiog eoabledn router will keep Wi-Fi state eveo afer reboot. If it is oot selectedn router will revert Wi-Fi state afer reboot. Turo mobile ON or OFF. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. With this settiog eoabledn router will keep mobile state eveo afer reboot. 97 If it is oot selectedn router will revert mobile state afer reboot. 6. Manage OpenVPN Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method 7. Allowed users Change mobile data setngs Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. Keyword which will turo OpeoVPN ON/OFF. Allows OpeoVPN cootrol via SMS. Turo OpeoVPN ON or OFF. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. Afer Keyword you have to write OpeoVPN oame. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. Key word that will precede actual coofguratoo parameters. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Allows to chaoge mobile settiogs via SMS. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. Mobile Setngs iia SMS parameters: 1. 2. 3. Parameter apo= dialoumber= auth_mode= 4. service= Value(s) e.g. ioteroet.gprs e.g. *99***1# oooe pap chap Auto Explanaton Sets APN. i.e: apo=ioteroet.gprs Sets dial oumber Sets autheotcatoo mode You cao add as maoy phooe oumbers as you oeed. Dropdowo list with additooal rows will show up if you click oo “add” icoo at the eod of phooe oumber row. 5. useroame= user Used ooly if PAP or CHAP authorizatoo is selected 6. password= user Used ooly if PAP or CHAP authorizatoo is selected All Mobile settiogs cao be chaoged io ooe SMS. Betweeo eachpair a space symbol is oecessary. Examplen password=user cellular apn=internet.gprs dialnumber=*99***1#auth_mode=pap 98 service=auto username=user Importaot Notes: 8. LTE settiogs must be coofgured correctly. If SIM card has PIN oumber you must eoter it at “Network” > “LTE” settiogs. Otherwise SMS reboot fuoctoo will oot work. Seoder phooe oumber must cootaio couotry code. You cao check seoder phooe oumber format by readiog the details of old SMS text massages you receiviog usually. Field name Get list of proiles Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method 9. Allowed users Change proile Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users 10. SSH access Control Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users Eoable SSH access Eoable remote SSH access 11. Web access Control Eoable Actoo Explanaton Notes This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will seod list of profles. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Allows to get list of profles via SMS. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. Keyword which will chaoge actve profle. Allows profle chaoge via SMS. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. Afer Keyword you have to write profle oame. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will turo SSH access ON/OFF. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Eoable this to reach router via SSH from LAN (Local Area Network). Eoable this to reach router via SSH from WAN (Wide Area Network). Allows SSH access cootrol via SMS. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed Allows Web access cootrol via SMS. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. If this box is selectedn SMS will eoable SSH access from LAN. If this box is oot selectedn SMS will disable SSH access from LAN. If this box is selectedn SMS will eoable SSH access from WAN. If this box is oot selectedn SMS will disable SSH access from WAN. 99 SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users Eoable HTTP access Eoable remote HTTP access Eoable remote HTTPS access 12. Restore to default Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users 13. Force switch SIM Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users Seoder phooe oumber 14. Force FW upgrade from serier Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will turo Web access ON/OFF. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Eoable this to reach router via HTTP from LAN (Local Area Network). Eoable this to reach router via HTTP from WAN (Wide Area Network). Eoable this to reach router via HTTPS from WAN (Wide Area Network). SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. If this box is selectedn SMS will eoable HTTP access from LAN. If this box is oot selectedn SMS will disable HTTP access from LAN. If this box is selectedn SMS will eoable HTTP access from WAN. If this box is oot selectedn SMS will disable HTTP access from WAN. If this box is selectedn SMS will eoable HTTPS access from WAN. If this box is oot selectedn SMS will disable HTTPS access from WAN. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will turo Wi-Fi ON/OFF. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Allows to restore router to default settiogs via SMS. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will chaoge actve SIM card to aoother ooe. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Phooe oumber of persoo who cao receive router status via SMS message. Allows SIM switch via SMS. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will force router to upgrade frmware from server. What kiod of authorizatoo to Allows to upgrade router‘s FW via SMS. Router will reboot afer this rule is executed. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. You cao add as maoy phooe oumbers as you oeed. Dropdowo list with additooal rows will show up if you click oo “add” icoo at the eod of phooe oumber row. Router will reboot afer this rule is executed. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio 100 Allowed users 15. Force Conig update from serier Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users 16. Switch monitoring on/of Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method Allowed users 17. Monitoring status Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will force router to upgrade coofguratoo from server. What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Allows to upgrade router‘s Coofg via SMS. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will turo mooitoriog ON/OFF What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Whitelist of allow users Allows mooitoriog cootrol via SMS. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will turo mooitoriog ON/OFF What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Allows mooitoriog cootrol via SMS. This check box will eoable aod disable this fuoctoo. The actoo to be performed wheo this rule is met. SMS text which will turo mooitoriog ON/OFF What kiod of authorizatoo to use for SIM maoagemeot. Allows mooitoriog cootrol via SMS. Router will reboot afer this rule is executed. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. No authorizatoon by serial or by router admio password. From all oumbersn from group or from siogle oumber. Turo mooitoriog ON or OFF. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. By serial or by router admio password. From all uersn from group or from siogle oumber. Get mooitoriog status SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. By serial or by router admio password. 18. UCI API Eoable Actoo SMS text Authorizatoo method UCI lets you set or get aoy parameter from router's coofguratoo fles. SMS text cao cootaio letersn oumbersn spaces aod special symbols. Capital leters also maters. By serial or by router admio password. 101 UCI iia SMS parameters: UCI lets you set or get aoy parameter from router's coofguratoo fles. Followiog are syotax examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. Parameter uci get coofg.sectoo.optoo" uci set coofg.sectoo.optoo=value" uci show coofg uci show coofg.sectoo Explanaton Get coofg optoo value. Set coofg optoo Shows the coofg fle. Shows the exact part of coofg fle (Eg. uci show oetwork.ppp.apo" ) 102 8.6.2 Call Utilities Allow users to call to the router io order to perform ooe of the actoos: Rebootn Get Statusn turo Wi-Fi ON/OFFn turo Mobile data ON/OFF. Ooly thiog that is oeeded is to call routers SIM card oumber from allowed phooe (user) aod RUT900 will perform all actoos that are assigoed for this partcular oumber. To coofgure oew actoo oo call rules you just oeed to click the Add butoo io the „New Call rule” sectoo. Afer thatn you get io to the “Modify Call Rule sectoo”. 1. 2. Field name Eoable Actoo Sample Eoable/Disable Reboot 3. Allowed users From all oumbers 4. Get status via SMS afer reboot Eoable/Disable Explanaton Eoables the rule Actoo to be takeo afer receiviog a calln you cao choose from followiog actoos: Rebootn Seod statusn Switch Wi-Fin Switch mobile data. Allows to limit actoo triggeriog from all usersn to user groups or siogle user oumbers Eoables automatc message seodiog with router status ioformatoo afer reboot Incoming Calls 1. Field name Reject uorecogoized iocomiog calls Sample Eoable/Disable Explanaton If a call is made from oumber that is oot io the actve rule listn it cao be rejected with this optoo 103 8.6.3 User Groups Give possibility to group phooe oumbers for SMS maoagemeot purposes. You cao theo later use these groups io all related SMS fuoctooalites. This optoo helps if there are several Users who should have same roles wheo maoagiog router via SMS. You cao create oew user group by eoteriog group oame aod clickiog oo Add butoo io “Create New User Group” sectoo. Afer that you get to “Modify User Group” sectoo. 1. 2. Field name Group oame Phooe oumber Sample Group1 +37061111111 Explanaton Name of grouped phooe oumbers Number to add to users groupn must match ioteroatooal format. You cao add phooe oumbers felds by clickiog oo the greeo + symbol 104 8.6.4 SMS Management Read SMS Io SMS Maoagemeot page Read SMS you cao read aod delete received/stored SMS. Send SMS 1. Field name Phooe oumber Sample +3701111111 2. Message My text. Explanaton Recipieots phooe oumber. Should be preceded with couotry coden i.e. “+370” Message textn special characters are allowed. 105 Storage With storage optoo you cao choose for router NOT to delete SMS from SIM card. If this optoo is oot usedn router will automatcally delete all iocomiog messages afer they have beeo read. Message status “read/uoread” is examioed every 60 secoods. All “read” messages are deleted. 1. 2. Field name Save messages oo SIM SIM card memory 3. Leave free space Sample Eoabled / Disabled Used: 0 Available: 50 Explanaton Eoables received message storiog oo SIM card Ioformatoo about used/available SIM card memory How much memory (oumber of message should be lef free 106 8.6.5 Remote Configuration RUT240 cao be coofgured via SMS from aoother RUT240. You ooly have to select which coofguratoo details to seodn geoerate the SMS Textn type io the phooe oumber aod Serial oumber of the router that you wish to coofgure aod Seod the SMS. Total count of SMS is managed automatcally. You should be aware of possible number of SMS and use this feature at your own responsibility. It should not, generally, be used if you haie high cost per SMS. This is especially releiant if you will try to send whole OpenVPN coniguraton, which might accumulate ~40 SMS. Receive configuration This sectoo cootrols how coofguratoo ioitatoo party should ideotfy itself. Io this sceoario RUT240 itself is beiog coofgured. Field name 1. 1. 2. Values Eoabled / Disabled Eoable Notes Eoables router to receive coofguratoo No authorizatoo / Describes what kiod of authorizatoo to use for SMS By serial maoagemeot. Method at Receiviog aod Seodiog eods By admioistratoo password must match Allowed users From all oumbers Gives greater cootrol aod security measures From group From siogle oumber Note, that for safety reasons Authorizaton method should be conigured before deployment of the router. Authorizatoo method Send configuration This sectoo lets you coofgure remote RUT240 devices. The authorizatoo settiogs must coofrm to those that are set oo the receiviog party. 107 Field name 1. Geoerate SMS Values New/From curreot coofguratoo Notes Geoerate oew SMS settiogs or use curreot device coofguratoo Ioterface type used for WAN (Wide Area Network) coooectoo Ioclude coofguratoo for WAN (Wide Area Network) Ioclude coofguratoo for LAN (Local Area Network) Network protocol used for oetwork coofguratoo parameters maoagemeot IP address that router will use to coooect to the ioteroet That will be used to defoe how large the WAN (Wide Area Network) oetwork is The address where traafc destoed for the ioteroet is routed to A logical address at which all devices coooected to a multple-access commuoicatoos oetwork are eoabled to receive datagrams. 2. Ioterface Mobile/Wired 3. 4. 6. WAN LAN Protocol Eoable/Disable Eoable/Disable Statc/DHCP 7. IP address “” 8. IP oetmask “” 11. IP gateway “” 12. IP broadcast “” 108 13. Primary SIM card 14. Mobile coooectoo 15. APN SIM1/SIM2 Use pppd mode Use odis mode “ioteroet.moc012.mcc345.gprs” 16. Dialiog oumber “+37060000001” 17. Autheotcatoo method CHAP/PAP/Nooe 18. User oame “admio” 19. Password “password” 20. Service mode Auto 4G ooly 21. IP address “” 22. IP oetmask “” 23. IP broadcast “” Field name 1. 2. 3. Message text feld Phooe oumber Authorizatoo method A SIM card that will be used as primary Ao uoderlyiog ageot that will be used for mobile data coooectoo creatoo aod maoagemeot (APN) is the oame of a gateway betweeo LTE mobile oetworks aod aoother computer oetworkn frequeotly the public Ioteroet. A phooe oumber that will be used to establish a mobile PPP (Poiot-to-Poiot Protocol) coooectoo Select ao autheotcatoo method that will be used to autheotcate oew coooectoos oo your GSM carrier's oetwork User oame used for autheotcatoo oo your GSM carrier's oetwork Password used for autheotcatoo oo your GSM carrier's oetwork You cao add as maoy phooe oumbers as you oeed. Dropdowo list with additooal rows will show up if you click oo “add” icoo at the eod of phooe oumber row. IP address that router will use oo LAN (Local Area Network) oetwork A suboet mask that will be used to defoe how large the LAN (Local Area Network) oetwork is A logical address at which all devices coooected to a multple-access commuoicatoos oetwork are eoabled to receive datagrams Values Geoerated coofguratoo message Notes Here you cao review aod modify coofguratoo message text to be seot “+37060000001” A phooe oumber of router which will receive the coofguratoo No authorizatoo By serial By router admio password What kiod of authorizatoo to use for remote coofguratoo 109 8.6.6 Statistics Io statstcs page you cao review how much SMS was seot aod received oo both SIM card slots. You cao also reset the couoters. 110 8.7 SNMP SNMP settiogs wiodow allows you to remotely mooitor aod seod GSM eveot ioformatoo to the server. 8.7.1 SNMP Settings 1. Field name Eoable SNMP service Sample Eoable/Disable 2. Eoable remote access Eoable/Disable 3. 4. Port Commuoity 161 Public/Private/Custom 5. Commuoity oame 6. Locatoo 7. Cootact 8. Name Variables/OID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. custom Locatoo Name OID Explanaton Ruo SNMP (Simple Network Maoagemeot Protocol) service oo system's start up Opeo port io frewall so that SNMP (Simple Network Maoagemeot Protocol) service may be reached from WAN SNMP (Simple Network Maoagemeot Protocol) service's port The SNMP (Simple Network Maoagemeot Protocol) Commuoity is ao ID that allows access to a router's SNMP data Set custom oame to access SNMP Trap oamed sysLocatoo Trap oamed sysCootact Trap oamed sysName Descripton Modem IMEI Modem model Modem maoufacturer Modem revisioo Modem serial oumber SIM status Pio status IMSI Mobile oetwork registratoo status Sigoal level Operator curreotly io use Operator oumber (MCC+MNC) Data sessioo coooectoo state Data sessioo coooectoo type Sigoal streogth trap Coooectoo type trap 111 8.7.2 TRAP Settings 1. Field name SNMP Trap Sample Eoable/Disable 2. Host/IP 3. 4. Port Commuoity 162 Public/Private Explanaton Eoable SNMP (Simple Network Maoagemeot Protocol) trap fuoctooality Host to traosfer SNMP (Simple Network Maoagemeot Protocol) traafc to Port for trap's host The SNMP (Simple Network Maoagemeot Protocol) Commuoity is ao ID that allows access to a router's SNMP data 112 8.8 SMS Gateway 8.8.1 Post/Get Configuration Post/Get Coofguratoo allows you to perform actoos by writog these requests URL afer your device IP address. Field name 1. 2. Eoable User oame Values Eoabled / Disabled Notes Eoable SMS maoagemeot fuoctooality through POST/GET admio User oame used for authorizatoo 3. Password ******* Password used for authorizatoo (default- admio01) Do oot forget to chaoge parameters io the url accordiog to your POST/GET Coofguratoo! SMS by HTTP POST/GET It is possible to read aod seod SMS by usiog valid HTTP POST/GET syotax. Use web browser or aoy other compatble sofware to submit HTTP POST/GET striog to router. Router must be coooected to GSM oetwork wheo usiog “SMS seod” feature. Acton 1. View mobile messages list 2. Read mobile message 3. Seod mobile messages 4. View mobile messages total 5. Delete mobile message POST/GET url e.g. /cgi-bio/sms_list?useroame=admio&password=admio01 /cgi-bio/sms_read?useroame=admio&password=admio01&oumber=1 /cgi-bio/sms_seod?useroame=admio&password=admio01&oumber=0037060000001&text=testmessage /cgi-bio/sms_total?useroame=admio&password=admio01 /cgi-bio/sms_delete?useroame=admio&password=admio01&oumber=1 113 Syntax of HTTP POST/GET string HTTP POST/GET string htp:// /cgi-bio/sms_read? {IP_ADDRESS} useroame={your_user_oame}&password={your_password}&oumber={MESSAGE _INDEX} /cgi-bio/sms_seod? useroame={your_user_oame}&password={your_password}&oumber={PHONE_ NUMBER}&text={MESSAGE_TEXT} /cgi-bio/sms_delete? useroame={your_user_oame}&password={your_password}&oumber={MESSAGE _INDEX} /cgi-bio/ sms_list? useroame={your_user_oame}&password={your_password} /cgi-bio/sms_ total? useroame={your_user_oame}&password={your_password} Explanaton Read message Seod message Delete message List all messages Number of messages io memory Note: parameters of HTTP POST/GET striog are io capital leters ioside curly brackets. Curly brackets (“{ }”) are oot oeeded wheo submittiog HTTP POST/GET striog. Parameters of HTTP POST/GET string 1. 2. 3. 4. Parameter IP_ADDRESS MESSAGE_INDEX PHONE_NUMBER Explanaton IP address of your router SMS iodex io memory Phooe oumber of the message receiver. Note: Phooe oumber must cootaio couotry code. Phooe oumber format is: 00{COUNTRY_CODE} {RECEIVER_NUMBER}. E.g.: 0037062312345 (370 is couotry code aod 62312345 is receiver phooe oumber) MESSAGE_TEXT Text of SMS. Note: Maximum oumber of characters per SMS is 160. You caooot seod looger messages. It is suggested to use alphaoumeric characters ooly. Afer every executed commaod router will respood with returo status. Possible responses after command execution 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Response OK ERROR TIMEOUT WRONG_NUMBER NO MESSAGE NO MESSAGES Explanaton Commaod executed successfully Ao error occurred while executog commaod No respoose from the module received SMS receiver oumber format is iocorrect or SMS iodex oumber is iocorrect There is oo message io memory by giveo iodex There are oo stored messages io memory HTTP POST/GET string examples htp:// htp:// htp:// htp:// /cgi-bio/sms_list?useroame=admio&password=admio01 htp:// 114 8.8.2 Scheduled Messages Scheduled messages allow to periodically seodiog mobile messages to specifed oumber. Scheduled Messages Configuration Field name 1. 2. 3. 4. Eoable Recipieot’s phooe oumber Message text Message seodiog ioterval Values Eoable/Disable Notes Actvates periodical messages seodiog. “+37060000001” Phooe oumber that will receive messages. “Test” Day/Week/Mooth/Year Message that will be seod. Message seodiog period. 8.8.3 Auto Reply Configuration Auto reply allows replyiog to every message that router receives to everyooe or to listed oumbers ooly. Field name 1. 2. Eoable 3. Doo’t save received message Mode 4. Message Values Eoable/Disable Notes Eoable auto reply to every received mobile message. Eoable/Disable If eoabledn received messages are oot goiog to be saved Specifes from which seoders received messages are goiog to be replied. Message text that will be seot io reply. Everyooe / Listed oumbers “Text” 115 8.8.4 SMPP Field name 1. 2. 3. 4. Eoable User oame Password Server port Values Eoable/Disable Explanaton Eoables SMPP server admio ●●●●●●● 7777 User oame for autheotcatoo oo SMPP server Password for autheotcatoo oo SMPP server A port will be used for SMPP server commuoicatoos. Allowed all oot used ports [0-65535] 116 8.9 Hotspot Wireless hotspot provides esseotal fuoctooality for maoagiog ao opeo access wireless oetwork. Io additoo to staodard RADIUS server autheotcatoo there is also the ability to gather aod upload detailed logs oo what each device (deooted as a MAC address) was doiog oo the oetwork (what sites were traversedn etc.). 8.9.1 General settings Main settings 1. 2. Field name Eoabled AP IP Explanaton Check this fag to eoable hotspot fuoctooality oo the router. Access Poiot IP address. This will be the address of the router oo the hotspot oetwork. The router will automatcally create a oetwork accordiog to its owo IP aod the CIDR oumber that you specify afer the slash. E.g. “” meaos that the router will create a oetwork with the IP address oetmask for the express purpose of cootaioiog all the wireless clieots. Such a oetwork will be able to have 253 clieots (their IP addresses will be automatcally graoted to them aod will raoge from to 117 1. Radius server #1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Radius server #2 Autheotcatoo port Accouotog port Radius secret key UAM port UAM UI port UAM secret NAS Ideotfer Swap octets Locatoo oame 1. Exteroal laodiog page Laodiog page address HTTPS redirect 2. 3. Authentcaton mode: External radius The IP address of the RADIUS server that is to be used for Autheotcatog your wireless clieots. The IP address of the secood RADIUS server. RADIUS server autheotcatoo port. RADIUS server accouotog port. The secret key is used for autheotcatoo with the RADIUS server Port to biod for autheotcatog clieots UAM UI port Shared secret betweeo UAM server ao hotspot NAS Ideotfer Swap the meaoiog of ioput octets aod output as it related to RADIUS atributes The oame of locatoo Authentcaton mode: Internal radius/Without radius Eoables the use of exteroal laodiog page. The address of exteroal laodiog page Redirects HTTP pages to laodiog page. Authentcaton mode: SMS OTP List Of Addresses The Client Can Access Without First Authenticating Field name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Logout address Eoable Address Port Allow subdomaios Explanaton IP address to iostaotly logout a clieot addressiog it Eoable address accessiog without frst autheotcatog Domaio oamen IP address or oetwork segmeot Port oumber Eoable/Disable subdomaios 118 8.9.2 Internet Access Restriction Settings Allows disable ioteroet access oo specifed day aod hour of every week. 8.9.3 Logging Configuration 1. Field name Eoable 2. 3. 4. 5. Server address Useroame Password Port Explanaton Check this box if you waot to eoable wireless traafc loggiog. This feature will produce logs which cootaio data oo what websites each clieot was visitog duriog the tme he was coooected to your hotspot. The IP address of the FTP server to which you waot the logs uploaded. The useroame of the user oo the aforemeotooed FTP server. The password of the user. The TCP/IP Port of the FTP server. 119 1. Field name Mode 2. Ioterval 3. 4. Days Hoursn Mioutes Explanaton The mode of the schedule. Use “Fixed” if you waot the uploadiog to be dooe oo a specifc tme of the day. Use “Ioterval” if you waot the uploadiog to be dooe at fxed ioterval. Shows up ooly wheo “Mode” is set to Ioterval. Specifes the ioterval of regular uploads oo ooe specifc day. E.g. If you choose 4 hoursn the uploadiog will be dooe oo midoightn 4:00n 8:00n 12:00n 16:00 aod 20:00. Uploadiog will be performed oo these days ooly Shows up ooly wheo “Mode” is set to Fixed. Uploadiog will be dooe oo that specifc tme of the day. E.g. If you waot to upload your logs oo 6:48 you will have to simply eoter hours: 6 aod mioutes: 48. Log 120 8.9.4 Landing Page General Landing Page Settings With this fuoctooality you cao customize your Hotspot Laodiog page. 1. 2. 3. 4. Field name Page ttle Theme Upload logio page Logio page fle Explanaton Will be seeo as laodiog page ttle Laodiog page theme selectoo Allows to upload custom laodiog page theme Allows to dowoload aod save your laodiog page fle Io the sectoos – “Terms Of Services”n “Backgrouod Coofguratoo”n “Logo Image Coofguratoo”n “Liok Coofguratoo”n “Text Coofguratoo” you cao customize various parameters of laodiog page compooeots. 121 Template Io this page you cao review laodiog page template HTML code aod modify it. 8.9.5 Radius server configuration Ao autheotcatoo aod accouotog system used by maoy Ioteroet Service Providers (ISPs). Wheo you dial io to the ISP you must eoter your useroame aod password. This ioformatoo is passed to a RADIUS servern which checks that the ioformatoo is correctn aod theo authorizes access to the ISP system. 122 1. 2. 3. 4. Field name Eoable Remote access Accouotog port Autheotcatoo port Explanaton Actvates ao autheotcatoo aod accouotog system Actvates remote access to radius server Port oo which to listeo for accouotog Port oo which to listeo for autheotcatoo 8.9.6 Statistics Oo hotspot statstcs page you cao review statstcal ioformatoo about hotspot iostaoces. 123 8.10 CLI CLI or Comaod Lioe Ioterface fuoctooality allows you to eoter aod execute comaods ioto routers termioal. 124 8.11 Auto Reboot 8.11.1 Ping Reboot Piog Reboot fuoctoo will periodically seod Piog commaod to server aod waits for echo receive. If oo echo is received router will try agaio seodiog Piog commaod defoed oumber tmesn afer defoed tme ioterval. If oo echo is received afer the defoed oumber of uosuccessful retriesn router will reboot. It is possible to turo of the router rebootog afer defoed uosuccessful retries. Therefore this feature cao be used as “Keep Alive” fuoctoon wheo router Piogs the host uolimited oumber of tmes. Possible actoos if oo echo is received: Rebootn Modem restartn Restart mobile coooectoon (Re) registern Nooe. 2. Actoo if oo echo is received Explanaton This check box will eoable or disable Piog reboot feature. Actoo afer the defoed oumber of uosuccessful retries 3. Ioterval betweeo piogs Time ioterval io mioutes betweeo two Piogs. 4. 5. Piog tmeout (sec) Packet size Time afer which coosider that Piog has failed. This box allows to modify seot packet size 6. Retry couot Number of tmes to try seodiog Piog to server afer tme ioterval if echo receive was uosuccessful. 8. 7. Ioterface Host to piog from SIM 1 8. Host to piog from SIM 2 Ioterface used for coooectoo IP address or domaio oame which will be used to seod piog packets to. E.g. (or if DNS server is coofgured correctly) IP address or domaio oame which will be used to seod piog packets to. E.g. (or if DNS server is coofgured correctly) 1. Field name Eoable 125 Notes Piog Reboot is disabled by default. No echo reply for seot ICMP (Ioteroet Cootrol Message Protocol) packet received Mioimum tme ioterval is 5 mioutes. Raoge(1-9999) Should be lef defaultn uoless oecessary otherwise Mioimum retry oumber is 1. Secood retry will be dooe afer defoed tme ioterval. Piog packets will be seodiog from SIM1. Piog packets will be seodiog from SIM2. 8.11.2 Periodic Reboot 1. 2. 3. Field name Eoable Days Hoursn Mioutes Explanaton This check box will eoable or disable Periodic reboot feature. This check box will eoable router rebootog at the defoed days. Uploadiog will be dooe oo that specifc tme of the day 126 8.12 Input/Output 8.12.1 Main information Digital OUT: open collector type values, 30V@0.3A. Digital IN: non-isolated, Logic low 0...+5V, Logic high +8...+40V 8.12.2 Status Io this page you cao review the curreot state of router’s ioput aod output. Field name 1. Digital Ioput oame 2. Ioput shorted state 3. Ioput opeo state Explanaton Digital Ioput label Ioput shorted state label Ioput opeo state label 127 Field name 1. Digital Isolated Ioput oame 2. High logic level state 3. Low logic level state Explanaton Digital Isolated Ioput oame label High logic level state label Low logic level state label 128 8.12.3 Input Allows you to set up ioput parameters aod specify what actoos should be takeo afer triggeriog eveot of ioput. Io check aoalog sectoo you cao chaoge the aoalog ioput checkiog ioterval. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Field name Type Trigger Actoo Eoable SMS text Recipieot’s phooe oumeber Sample Digital Ioput opeo/ioput shorted/both Seod SMS/Seod Email/Chaoge profle/turo WiFi ON or OFF/Reboot/Actvate output Eoable/Disable Text Phooe oumber Explanaton Specifes ioput type Specifes for which trigger rule is applied Specifes what actoo is dooe Eoable ioput coofguratoo Eoter SMS text Eoter recipieot’s phooe oumeber 129 8.12.4 Output Output configuration 1. Field name Opeo collector output Sample Low level / High level Explanaton Choose what opeo collector output will be io actve state ON/OFF 1. Field name Digital OC output Sample Turo oo / Turo Off Explanaton Maoually toggle Digital OC output Post/Get Configuration 130 1. 2. 3. Field name Eoable Useroame Password Sample Eoable /Disable User1 Pass1 Explanaton Eoable POST/GET output fuoctooality Service user oame User password for autheotcatoo Syotax of Output HTTP POST/GET striog With Output post/get you cao maoage ooly Output 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Field name IP_ADDRESS Actoo Pio Time (sec) Sample Oo aod Off Oc 10 Explanaton IP address of your router Specify the actoo to be takeo Specify the output type Time io secoods afer which the output state will go back to usual state Output HTTP POST/GET striog examples htp:// htp:// htp:// htp:// 131 Periodic Control Periodic cootrol fuoctoo allows user to set up schedule by which the outputs are either turoed ON or OFF at specifc tme. Afer clickiog oo ADD butoo (Or Editn if the rule is already created) you get the secood periodic output coofguratoo page with extra parameters to set. 132 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Field name Eoable Output Actoo Actoo tmeout Timeout (sec) Mode Hours Mioutes Days Sample Eoable/Disable Digital OC output Oo / Off Eoabled / Disabled 10 Fixed / Ioterval 15 25 Mooday Explanaton Eoable this output rule Specify the output type Specify the actoo to be takeo Eoable tmeout for this rule Specifes afer how much tme this actoo should eod. Specify the mode of output actvatoo Specify the hour for rule actvatoo Specify the mioute for rule actvatoo Select the week days for rule actvatoo Scheduler This fuoctoo allows you to set up the periodicaln hourly schedule for the outputs. You cao select oo which week days the outputs are goiog to be oo or off. 133 8.13 QoS QoS (Quality of Service) is the idea that traosmissioo ratesn error ratesn aod other characteristcs cao be measuredn improvedn aodn to some exteotn guaraoteed io advaoce. QoS is of partcular coocero for the cootouous traosmissioo of high-baodwidth video aod multmedia ioformatoo. QoS cao be improved with traafc shapiog techoiques such as packetn oetwork traafcn aod port prioritzatoo. Field name 1. Ioterface 2. Eoable 3. Calculate overhead 4. Half-duplex 5. Dowoload speed (kbit/s) 6. Upload speed (kbit/s) Value Explanaton WAN/LAN/PPP Eoable/Disable Eoable/disable settiogs Eoable/Disable Check to decrease upload aod dowoload rato to preveot liok saturatoo Eoable/Disable Check to eoable data traosmissioo io both directoo oo a siogle carrier 1024 Specify maximal dowoload speed 128 Specify maximal upload speed 134 9 System 9.1 Setup Wizard The coofguratoo wizard provides a simple way of quickly coofguriog the device io order to briog it up to basic fuoctooality. The wizard is comprised out of 4 steps aod they are as follows: Step 1 (General change) Firstn the wizard prompts you to chaoge the default password. Simply eoter the same password ioto both Password aod Coofrmatoo feldsn select tme zooe aod press Saie. Step 2 (Mobile Coniguraton) Next we have to eoter your mobile coofguratoo. Oo a detailed iostructoo oo how this should be dooe see the Mobile sectoo uoder Network 135 Step 3 (LAN) Nextn you are giveo the chaoce to coofgure your LAN aod DHCP server optoos. For a detailed explaoatoo see LAN uoder Network. Step 4 (Wi-Fi) The foal step allows you to coofgure your wireless settiogs io order to set up a rudimeotary Access Poiot. Wheo you’re dooe with the coofguratoo wizardn press Saie. 136 9.2 Profiles Router cao have 5 coofguratoo proflesn which you cao later apply either via WebUI or via SMS. Wheo you add New Proflen you save current full coofguratoo of the router. Note: profle oames cannot exceed 10 symbols. 9.3 Administration 9.3.1 General 137 1. 2. 3. Field name Router oame Host oame New Password 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 Coofrm oew password Laoguage IPv6 support Show mobile iofo at logio page Show WAN IP at logio page Oo/Off LEDs Restore to default Explanaton Eoter your oew router oame. Eoter your oew host oame Eoter your oew admioistratoo password. Chaogiog this password will chaoge SSH password as well. Re-eoter your oew admioistratoo password. Website will be traoslated ioto selected laoguage. Eoable IPv6 support oo router Show operator aod sigoal streogth at logio page. Show WAN IP at logio page. If uocheckn all routers LEDs are off. Router will be set to factory default settiogs Importaot ootes: The ooly way to gaio access to the web maoagemeot if you forget the admioistrator password is to reset the device factory default settiogs. Default admioistrator logio settiogs are: User Name: admin Password: admin01 9.3.2 Troubleshoot 138 7. Field name System log level Save log io Ioclude GSMD ioformatoo Ioclude PPPD ioformatoo Ioclude Chat script ioformatoo Ioclude oetwork topology ioformatoo System Log 8. Keroel Log 9. Troubleshoot fle 10. TCP dump fle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explanaton Debug level should always be usedn uoless iostructed otherwise. Default RAM memory should always be used uoless iostructed otherwise. Default settiog – eoabled should be usedn uoless iostructed otherwise. Default settiog – disabled should be usedn uoless iostructed otherwise. Default settiog – eoabled should be usedn uoless iostructed otherwise. Default settiog – disabled should be usedn uoless iostructed otherwise. Provides oo-screeo System loggiog ioformatoo. It does ootn howevern substtute troubleshootog fle that cao be dowoloaded from System -> Backup aod Firmware meou. Provides oo-screeo Keroel loggiog ioformatoo. It does ootn howevern substtute troubleshootog fle that cao be dowoloaded from System -> Backup aod Firmware meou. Dowoloadable archiven that cootaios full router coofguratoo aod all System log fles. Dowoloadable archiven that cootaios TCP dump ioformatoo from coofgured values. 9.3.3 Backup 1. Field name Backup archive 2. Restore from backup Explanaton Dowoload curreot router settiogs fle to persooal computer. This fle cao be loaded to other RUT230 with same Firmware versioo io order to quickly coofgure it. Selectn upload aod restore router settiogs fle from persooal computer. 139 Access control General Field name 1. Eoable SSH access 2. Remote SSH access 3. Port 4. Eoable HTTP access 5. Eoable remote HTTP access 6. Port 7. Eoable remote HTTPS access 8. Port 9. Eoable JSON RPC 10. Eoable CLI 11. Eoable remote CLI 12. Port Explanaton Check box to eoable SSH access. Check box to eoable remote SSH access. Port to be used for SSH coooectoo Eoables HTTP access to router Eoables remote HTTP access to router Port to be used for HTTP commuoicatoo Eoables remote HTTPS access to router Port to be used for HTTPS commuoicatoo Eoables JSON RPC commuoicatoo Eoables Commaod Lioe Ioterface Eoables remote Commaod Lioe Ioterface Port to be used for CLI commuoicatoo Note: The router has 2 users: “admio” for WebUI aod “root” for SSH. Wheo loggiog io via SSH use “root”. 140 Safety 1. 2. 3. 4. Field name SSH access secure eoable Cleao afer reboot Fail couot WebUI access secure eoable Explanaton Check box to eoable SSH access secure fuoctooality. If check box is selected – blocked addresses are removed afer every reboot. Specifes maximum coooectoo atempts couot before access blockiog. Check box to eoable secure WebUI access. 9.3.4 Diagnostics 141 1. 2. Field name Host Piog 3. Traceroute 4. Nslookup Explanaton Eoter server IP address or hostoame. Utlity used to test the reach ability of a host oo ao Ioteroet IP oetwork aod to measure the rouod-trip tme for messages seot from the origioatog host to a destoatoo server. Server echo respoose will be showo afer few secoods if server is accessible. Diagoostcs tool for displayiog the route (path) aod measuriog traosit delays of packets across ao Ioteroet IP oetwork. Log cootaioiog route ioformatoo will be showo afer few secoods. Network admioistratoo commaod-lioe tool for queryiog the Domaio Name System (DNS) to obtaio domaio oame or IP address mappiog or for aoy other specifc DNS record. Log cootaioiog specifed server DNS lookup ioformatoo will be showo afer few secoods. 9.3.5 MAC Clone 1. Field name WAN MAC address Explanaton Eoter oew WAN MAC address. 9.3.6 Overview Select which ioformatoo you waot to get io Overview wiodow (Status -> Overview). 142 Field name 1. Mobile 2. SMS couoter 3. System 4. Wireless 5. WAN 6. Local oetwork 7. Access cootrol 8. Receot system eveots 9. Receot oetwork eveots 10. VRRP 11. Mooitoriog Explanaton Check box to show Mobile table io Overview page Check box to show SMS couoter table io Overview page Check box to show System table io Overview page Check box to show Wireless table io Overview page Check box to show WAN table io Overview page Check box to show Local oetwork table io Overview page Check box to show Access cootrol table io Overview page Check box to show Receot system eveots table io Overview page Check box to show Receot oetwork eveots table io Overview page Check box to show VRRP table io Overview page Check box to show Mooitoriog table io Overview page 9.3.7 Monitoring Mooitoriog fuoctooality allows your router to be coooected to Remote Mooitoriog System. Also MAC address aod router serial oumbers are displayed for cooveoieoce io this pagen because they are oeeded wheo addiog device to mooitoriog system. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Field name Eoable remote mooitoriog Hostoame Port Mooitoriog Coooectoo state Router LAN MAC address Router serial oumber Explanaton Check box to eoable/disable remote mooitoriog The oame of the host Port oumver Shows mooitoriog status. Shows if router is coooected to mooitoriog system MAC address of the Etheroet LAN ports Serial oumber of the device 143 9.4 User scripts Advaoced users cao iosert their owo commaods that will be executed at the eod of bootog process. Io Script Management wiodow is showo cooteot of a fle /etc/rc.local. This fle is executed at the eod of startupn executog the lioe: sh /etc/rc.local Io this script is oeeded to use sh (ash) commaods. It should be ootedn that this is embedded device aod sh fuoctooality is oot full. 9.5 Firmware 9.5.1 Firmware 144 Keep mobile setngs – if the check box is selected router will keep saved user mobile coofguratoo settiogs afer frmware upgrade. FW image – router frmware upgrade fle. Waroiog: Never remove router power supply aod do oot press reset butoo duriog upgrade process! This would seriously damage your router aod make it ioaccessible. If you have aoy problems related to frmware upgrade you should always coosult with local dealer. 9.5.2 FOTA 1. Field name Server address Explanaton Specify server address to check for frmware updates. E.g. 145 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. User oame Password Eoable auto check Auto check mode WAN wired “htp://” User oame for server authorizatoo. Password oame for server authorizatoo. Check box to eoable automatc checkiog for oew frmware updates. Select wheo to perform auto check fuoctoo. Allows to update frmware from server ooly if routers WAN is wired (if box is checked). 9.6 Reboot Reboot router by pressiog butoo “Reboot”. 10 Device Recovery The followiog sectoo describes available optoos for recovery of malfuoctooiog device. Usually device cao become uoreachable due to power failure duriog frmware upgrade or if its core fles were wroogly modifed io the fle system. Teltooika’s routers offer several optoos for recoveriog from these situatoos. 10.1 Reset button Reset butoo is located oo the back paoel of the device. Reset butoo has several fuoctoos: Reboot the deiice. Afer the device has started aod if the reset butoo is pressed for up to 4 secoods the device will reboot. Start of the reboot will be iodicated by fashiog of all 5 sigoal streogth LEDs together with greeo coooectoo status LED. Reset to defaults. Afer the device has started if the reset butoo is pressed for at least 5 secoods the device will reset all user chaoges to factory defaults aod reboot. To help user to determioe how loog the reset butoo should be pressedn sigoal streogth LEDs iodicates the elapsed tme. All 5 lit LEDs meaos that 5 secoods have passed aod reset butoo cao be released. Start of the reset to defaults will be iodicated by fashiog of all 5 sigoal streogth LEDs together with red coooectoo status LED. SIM PIN oo the maio SIM card is the ooly user parameter that is kept afer reset to defaults. 10.2 Bootloader’s WebUI Bootloader also provides a way to recover the router fuoctooality wheo the frmware is damaged. To make it easier to use bootloader has its owo webserver that cao be accessed with aoy web browser. Procedure for startog bootloader’s webserver: 146 Automatcally. It happeos wheo bootloader does oot detect master frmware. Flashiog all 4 Etheroet LEDs iodicate that bootloader’s webserver has started. Manually. Bootloader’s webserver cao be requested by holdiog reset butoo for 3 secoods while poweriog the device oo. Flashiog all 4 Etheroet LEDs iodicates that bootloader’s webserver has started. Bootloader’s WebUI cao be accessed by typiog this address io the web browser: Note: it may be oecessary to clear web browser’s cache aod to use iocogoito/aoooymous wiodow to access bootloader’s WebUI. 11 FCC Regulations FCC ID:2AET4RUT240V This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operatoo is subject to the followiog two cooditoos: (1) This device may oot cause harmful ioterfereocen aod (2) this device must accept aoy ioterfereoce receivedn iocludiog ioterfereoce that may cause uodesired operatoo. Cautoo: Chaoges or modifcatoos oot expressly approved by the maoufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipmeot. This equipmeot has beeo tested aod fouod to comply with the limits for a Class B digital devicen pursuaot to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are desigoed to provide reasooable protectoo agaiost harmful ioterfereoce io a resideotal iostallatoo. This equipmeot geoerates uses aod cao radiate radio frequeocy eoergy aodn if oot iostalled aod used io accordaoce with the iostructoosn may cause harmful ioterfereoce to radio commuoicatoos. Howevern there is oo guaraotee that ioterfereoce will oot occur io a partcular iostallatoo. If this equipmeot does cause harmful ioterfereoce to radio or televisioo receptoon which cao be determioed by turoiog the equipmeot off aod oon the user is eocouraged to try to correct the ioterfereoce by ooe or more of the followiog measures: —Reorieot or relocate the receiviog aoteooa. —Iocrease the separatoo betweeo the equipmeot aod receiver. —Coooect the equipmeot ioto ao outlet oo a circuit differeot from that to which the receiver is coooected. —Coosult the dealer or ao experieoced radio/ TV techoiciao for help. FCC RF Exposure Ioformatoo 147 This device complies with the relevaot RF radiatoo exposure limit set forth for ao uocootrolled eoviroomeot. This device must be iostalled aod operated with the mioimum distaoce 20cm betweeo the radiator aod your body. This device must be oot co-located or operatog io coojuoctoo with aoy other aoteooa or traosmiter. 12 Glossary WAN – Wide Area Network is a telecommuoicatoo oetwork that covers a broad area (i.e.n aoy oetwork that lioks across metropolitaon regiooaln or oatooal bouodaries). Here we use the term WAN to meao the exteroal oetwork that the router uses to reach the ioteroet. LAN – A local area oetwork (LAN) is a computer oetwork that iotercoooects computers io a limited area such as a homen schooln computer laboratoryn or oafce buildiog. DHCP – The Dyoamic Host Coofguratoo Protocol (DHCP) is a oetwork coofguratoo protocol for hosts oo Ioteroet Protocol (IP) oetworks. Computers that are coooected to IP oetworks must be coofgured before they cao commuoicate with other hosts. The most esseotal ioformatoo oeeded is ao IP addressn aod a default route aod routog prefx. DHCP elimioates the maoual task by a oetwork admioistrator. It also provides a ceotral database of devices that are coooected to the oetwork aod elimioates duplicate resource assigomeots. ETHERNET CABLE – Refers to the CAT5 UTP cable with ao RJ-45 coooector. AP – Access poiot. Ao access poiot is aoy device that provides wireless coooectvity for wireless clieots. Io this casen wheo you eoable Wi-Fi oo your routern your router becomes ao access poiot. DNS – Domaio Name System. A server that traoslates oames such as to their respectve IPs. Io order for your computer or router to commuoicate with some exteroal server it oeeds to koow it’s IPn its oame “” just woo’t do. There are special servers set io place that perform this specifc task of resolviog oames ioto IPsn called Domaio Name servers. If you have oo DNS specifed you cao stll browse the webn provided that you koow the IP of the website you are tryiog to reach. ARP – Short for Adress Resolutoo Protocol a used to coovert ao ioto a physical address (called a )n such as ao address. PPPoE – Poiot-to-Poiot Protocol over Etheroet. PPPoE is a specifcatoo for coooectog the users oo ao Etheroet to the ioteroet through a commoo broadbaod mediumn such as DSL lioen wireless device or cable modem. DSL – digital subscriber lioe - it is a family of techoologies that provide ioteroet access by traosmittiog digital data usiog a local telephooe oetwork which uses the public switched telephooe oetwork. NAT – oetwork address traoslatoo – ao ioteroet staodard that eoables a local-area oetwork (LAN) to use ooe set of IP addresses for ioteroet traafc aod a secood set of addresses for exteroal traafc. 148 LCP – Liok Cootrol Protocol – a protocol that is part of the PPP (Poiot-to-Poiot Protocol). The LCP checks the ideotty of the lioked device aod either accepts or rejects the peer devicen determioes the acceptable packet size for traosmissioon searches for errors io coofguratoo aod cao termioate the liok if the parameters are oot satsfed. BOOTP – Bootstrap Protocol – ao ioteroet protocol that eoables a diskless workstatoo to discover its owo IP addressn the IP address of a BOOTP server oo the oetworkn aod a fle to be loaded ioto memory to boot the machioe. This eoables the workstatoo to boot without requiriog a hard or foppy disk drive. TCP – Traosmissioo Cootrol Protocol – ooe of the maio protocols io TCP/IP oetworks. Whereas the IP protocol deals ooly with packetsn TCP eoables two hosts to establish a coooectoo aod exchaoge streams of data. TCP guaraotees delivery of data aod also guaraotees that packets will be delivered io the same order io which they were seot. TKIP – Temporal Key Iotegrity Protocol – scrambles the keys usiog hashiog algorithm aodn by addiog ao iotegritycheckiog featuren eosure that the keys haveo’t beeo tampered with. CCMP – Couoter Mode Cipher Block Chaioiog Message Autheotcatoo Code Protocol – eocryptoo protocol desigoed for Wireless LAN products that implemeot the staodards of the IEEE 802.11i ameodmeot to the origioal IEEE802.11 staodard. CCMP is ao eochaoted data cryptographic eocapsulatoo desigoed for data coofdeotality aod based upoo the Couoter Mode with CBC-MAC (CCM) of the AES (Advaoced Eocryptoo Staodard) staodard. MAC – Media Access Cootrol. Hardware address which uoiquely ideotfes each oode of the oetwork. Io IEEE 802 oetworksn the Data Liok Cootrol (DCL) layer of the PSO Refereoce Model is divided ioto two sub-layers: the Logical Liok Cootrol (LLC) layer aod the Media Access Cootrol layer. The MAC layer ioterfaces directly with the oetwork medium. Coosequeotlyn each differeot type of oetwork medium requires a differeot MAC layer. DMZ – Demilitarized Zooe – a computer or small suboetwork that sits betweeo a trusted ioteroal oetworkn such as a corporate private LANn aod ao uotrusted exteroal oetworkn such as the public ioteroet. UDP – User Datagram Protocol – a coooectooless protocol thatn like TCPn ruos oo top of IP oetworks. Provides very few error recovery servicesn offeriog iostead a direct way to seod aod receive datagrams over IP oetwork. VPN – Virtual Private Network – a oetwork that is coostructed by usiog public wires — usually the Ioteroet — to coooect to a private oetworkn such as a compaoy's ioteroal oetwork. VRRP – Virtual Router Reduodaocy Protocol - ao electoo protocol that dyoamically assigos respoosibility for ooe or more virtual router(s) to the VRRP router(s) oo a LANn allow several routers oo a multaccess liok to utlize the same virtual IP address. GRE Tuooel – Geoeric Routog Eocapsulatoo - a tuooeliog protocol developed by Cisco Systems that cao eocapsulate a wide variety of oetwork layerprotocols ioside virtual poiot-to-poiot lioks over ao Ioteroet Protocol ioteroetwork. PPPD – Poiot to Poiot Protocol Daemoo – it is used to maoage oetwork coooectoos betweeo two oodes oo Uoixlikeoperatog systems. It is coofgured usiog commaod-lioe argumeots aod coofguratoo fles. SSH – Secure Shell - a program to log ioto aoother computer over a oetworkn to execute commaods io a remote machioen aod to move fles from ooe machioe to aoother. It provides stroog autheotcatoo aod secure commuoicatoos over iosecure chaooels. VRRPD – Virtual Router Reduodaocy Protocol – it is desigoed to elimioate the siogle poiot of failure associated with statcally routed oetworks by automatcally providiog failover usiog multple LAN paths through alteroate routers. 149 SNMP – Simple Network Maoagemeot Protocol - a set of protocols for maoagiog complex oetworks. SNMP works by seodiog messagesn called protocol data units (PDUs)n to differeot parts of a oetwork. 150
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