UAT AR-5153 ADSL Router / Bridge User Manual Manual rev0 1

UAT Inc. ADSL Router / Bridge Manual rev0 1

User Manual

The Bridge/Router of Centaur3
User’s Manual
Universal Access Technology Inc.
Rev. 0.1
1. Installation
1.1 Prerequisites
l To plug ADSL line cord to RJ11 connector of the modem .
l To plug Ethernet cable into the Ethernet connector. The Ethernet cable
must be straight if connected to a hub or a network wall plug. When
directly connected to a PC , it must be a cross cable.
l To connect RS232 cable to serial port of PC and the modem.
Once the board is connected to the PC and to the line , You can start to download
and /or configure the on board software.
The connection of Ethernet cable is as follows :
1.2 Via RS232 serial port
Start Hyperterminal or any such terminal application. Configure the terminal
application with the following parameters :
Speed --- 9600 bps
No parity
8 bit data
1 bit stop
no flow control
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
Now if you switch on the board , you should see several lines on the terminal
window. The terminal window will be written as the console henceforth.
1.3 The indication of leds
If steady indicates modem is in SHOWTIOM. If
blinking modem is initializing.
For future use
In blinking data is flowing thru.
If on modem is powered up
2. Configure the software
Avoiding confusing command you entered , it is recommended to start programming as
the modem is in SHOWTIME state.
2.1 Reset configuration file
The old configuration file may be existed in the memory , it is recommended
to follow the procedure as below to clear them before configuring or
swiching any protocols.
Ø home
Remove all existing bridge module (rfc1483)
Ø config reset bridge
(remove current bridge setting)
Ø r1483 pvc none
(remove current PVC setting)
Remove all existing ip device (rfc1577/ppp rfc2364)
Ø ip device flush all
(remove current ‘ip’ router setting)
Ø ip subnet flush all
(remove currect subnet setting)
Ø ip route flush all
( remove current route setting)
Save configuration and restart the board
Ø config save
Note : Use dhcpserver config to check if there are setting for dhcpserver . If yes ,
do the following command to clear them , otherwise skip the procedures.
dhcpserver flush
(remove current dhcp server setting)
flushfs update
(update flash memory)
Ø restart
2.2 Bridged Ethernet Over ATM (RFC1483)
In a bridged configuration , the ADSL modem is transparent to the
network . It bridges the ADSL line to the ethernet line making both
sides appear as a single subnet. In this configuration , an IP
address only needs to be provides to the PC.
subnet1 subnet1
Ethernet rfc1483
pvc : 0/100
Add the ethernet port to the bridge.
Ø bridge device add edd
Add rfc1483 port to bridge
Ø bridge device add r1483
Set the value of PVC .
Ø r1483 pvc 0/100
( ‘0’ is the value of VPI , ‘100’ is the value of VCI which is assigned by telco)
Save configuration and reboot system
Ø config save
Ø restart
Once the modem is in SHOWTIME state , you can access to internet or use “ping”
command to check the connection.
2.3 DHCP Server
DHCP can be used to assign IP address to PCs connected on the Ethernet
Interface of the modem, as long as the modem has been assigned an IP address.
In addition to the commands shown in the next sections , use the following
command to get information on all of the DHCP server commands :
dhcpserver help
2.3.1 Enable the DHCP server
To enable the DHCP server , a range of IP address to be provided that the
server can assign to clients. The example below shows the commands needed to
supply the DHCP server with 99 IP addresses from to on the subnet mask of . The maximum lease time
for each client is set to 86400 seconds , or 1 day. BOOTP clients may be
services , and requests from unknown clients are allowed.
The following configuration must be performed for the example :
Set up the DHCP configuration
Ø home
Ø dhcpserver
At the prompt dhcpserver > , you can use the following commands to edit
config delete - to delete the latest command line
config add - to add new command
config - to review the commands you entered.
The allow and deny statement can be used to control the behavior of the DHCP
server in response to various sorts of requests. Denying the requests is option.
Default is allowed.
Ø config add deny unknow-clients ;
Ø config add deny bootp;
Ø config add deny booting;
Configure the subnet , netmask and the range of assigned IP addresses
Ø config add subnet netmask
Ø config add {
Ø config add range;
Multiple address range may be specified as follows if necessary.
Ø config add range ;
DHCP leases can be assigned almost any length from zero seconds to infinity.
What lease length makes sense for any given subnet , or for any given
installation , will vary depending on the kinds of hosts being served.
Ø config add default-lease-time 3600;
Ø config add max-lease-time 86400;
The following option can be configured if necessary.
Ø config add option subnet-mask ;
Ø config add option broadcast-address ;
Ø config add option routers ;
( The routers option specifics a list of IP address for routers on the client’s
subnet. Router should be listed in order of preference . The option can be
configured as :
option routers ip-address [, ip-address ….] ; )
Ø config add option domain-name-servers aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
(aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address of DNS server. The option can be
configured as :
option domain-name-servers ip-address [ , ip-address …]; )
Ø config add option lpr-servers eee.fff.ggg.hhh ;
( eee.fff.ggg.hhh is the line printer server available to the client . Servers
should be listed in order of preference. The option can be configured as :
option lpr-servers ip-address [ , ip-address …. ] ; )
Ø config add }
Ø config confirm
Save the configuration and reboot the system
Ø home
Ø flashfs update
Ø restart
Note : Before an IP address assigned to ethernet port of the modem , the
function of DHCP server is inactive.
2.3.2 Disable the DHCP Server
To disable the DHCP configuration , the configuration information previously
supplied needed to be flushed. To do so , issue the following commands.
Flush the DHCP configuration
Ø dhcpserver
Ø config flush
Ø config confirm
Save the configuration and reboot the system
Ø home
Ø flashfs update
Ø restart
2.3.3 Re-configuring the DHCP Server
To re-configure the DHCP server , issue the disable procedure followed by the
enable procedure.
2.4 Routed RFC1483 + NAT + DHCP server
Add the ethernet device to the router and assign it an IP address. In the
command , “ethernet “ is a label used to refer to this device. The argument “ether”
and “//edd” are required for an ethernet device. The IP address and PVC needed
to be defined by the service provider. Since the modem is routing , an IP address
needs to be assigned on both modem’s interface. The PC’s default gateway must
be set to the Ethernet IP address of the modem.
subnet 1 : subnet2 :
netmask : ~
ADSL Modem
Ethernet: rfc1483 :
pvc 0/100
In case DHCP server is to be configured , just follow the setting of paragraph 2.3
DHCP Server
ip device add ethernet ether //edd
( is the IP address of Ethernet port )
Add the RFC1483 device to the router and assign it an IP address. In the following
command , “rfc1483” is a label used to refer to this device. The argument “ether” and
“//r1483” are required for an RFC1483 device.
ip device add rfc1483 ether //r1483
( is the static IP address assigned by telco )
Set the value of PVC .
r1483 pvc 0/100
( ‘0’ is the value of VPI and ‘100’ is the value of VCI which are assigned by
telco . )
Save configuration and reboot system
config save
Add a default route with the service provider as the gateway.
ip route add default 0:0:0:0
( is the IP address of the remote site like as ISP or telco’s
ip subnet add ethernet.home . ff:ff:ff.0
( define subnet and netmask ff:ff:ff.0 for Ethernet port
note : 1) Don’t forget to enter dot “ . “ between ethernet.home and subnet
2) The netmask of the subnet being defined is specified as four
hexadecimal number separated by colons)
NAT have to be enabled on the router interface towards the service provider.
ip nat add rfc1483
( enable NAT on rfc1483 interface)
Enable forwarding between the router interface.
ip relay all
Save configuration and reboot system
config save
Once the modem is in SHOWTIME state , you can access to internet or use “ping”
command to check the connection.
2.5 Routed IPoA + NAT+ DHCP server (Classical IP Over ATM
When configured for IPoA , data is routed between Ethernet and Classical IP over
ATM (RFC1577). The IPoA data runs over a PVC between Client Access Device
and the service provider. IP address , the PVC and the package cell rate need to
be defined by the service provider. Since the modem is routing , an IP address
to be assigned on both modem’s interface. The PC’s default gateway to be set to
he Ethernet IP address of the modem.
subnet1 subnet2 ~
ADSL Modem
Ethernet: IPoA device :
pvc : 0/100
In case DHCP server is to be configured , just follow the setting of paragraph 2.3
DHCP Server
Ø home
Add the ethernet device to the router and assign it an IP address. In the
command , “ethernet “ is a label used to refer to this device. The argument “ether”
and “//edd” are required for an ethernet device.
Ø ip device add ethernet ether //edd
( is the IP address of Ethernet port )
Add the IPoA device to the router and assign it an IP address. In the following
command , “ipoa” is a label used to refer to this device. The argument “atmpvc”
and “//atm” are required for an IPoA device.
Ø ip device add ipoa atmpvc //atm
( is the IP address of ATM port which is assigned by telco)
Save configuration and reboot system.
Ø config save
Ø restart
Wait for a while until prompt “ > “ appear again.
NAT have to be enabled on the router interface towards the service provider.
Ø ip nat add ipoa
Enable forwarding between the router interface.
Ø ip relay all
Add a default route with the service provider as the gateway.
Ø ip route add default 0:0:0:0
( is the IP address of remote site like as ISP or telco’s
gateway .)
Ø ip ipatm pvc add ipoa atm 0/100 pcr 50000
(‘0’ is the value of VPI and ‘100’ is the value of VCI which are assigned by
telco. “pcr 50000” is the peak cell rate . if omitted , the default value 60000 is
Save configuration and reboot system.
Ø config save
Ø restart
Once the modem is in SHOWTIME state , you can access to internet or use “ping”
command to check the connection.
2.6 Routed PPPoA + NAT+DHCP server (PPP Over ATM - RFC2364)
When configured for PPP , data is routed between Ethernet and PPP over ATM .
The ppp data runs over a PVC between the Client Access Device and the service
provider. The IP address and PVC needed to be defined by the service provider.
Since the modem is routing , an IP address needs to be assigned on both
modem’s interface. The PC’s default gateway must be set to the Ethernet IP
address of the modem.
subnet1 subnet2 ~
gateway :
ADSL Modem
Ethernet interface : ppp device :
PVC : 0/100
In case DHCP server is to be configured , just follow the setting of paragraph
2.3 DHCP Server
Ø home
Add the Ethernet device to the router and assign it an IP address. In the
commend , “ ethernet” is a label used to refer to this device. The arguments
“ether” and “//edd” are required for an Ethernet device.
Ø Ip device add ethernet ether //edd
( is the IP address of Ethernet port )
Add the PPP device to the router and assign it an IP address. In the following
command , “ppp_device” is a label for this device. The argument “ ether” is required for a
PPP device. The PPP module supports multiple simultaneous connection, so we explicitly
specify Device 1.
Ø ip device add ppp_device ether //ppp/DEVICE=1
We will be using PPP Device 1 and Interface 1, which are able to automatically
configure the IP address of the router interface and add a default route, when the
connection is made. That is whey the IP address of the router interface was not
specified in the previous command.
In case the IP address is assigned by telco , the IP address ,eee.fff.ggg.hhh , of
ppp device have to be added behind the command line instead of the above
command line.
Ø ip device add ppp_device ether //ppp/DEVICE=1 eee.fff.ggg.hhh
The following command configures PPP Device 1 and channel 1 for
dial-out on PVC .CHAP authentication will be used ; PPP will supply a username
of “ peter” and a password of “telecom”.
The interface DEVICE=1 has some special functions associated with it ,
allowing dynamic IP address assignment to be performed. Channel 1 is by
default associated with interface 1 . These two should be used only for IP
dial-out function , and for this function should be attached to the router
interface named ppp_device.
Save configuration and reboot the system
Ø config save
Ø restart
Enter the valus of pvc
Ø ppp 1 pvc 0 100 ip
(‘0’ is the value of VPI and ‘100’ is the value of VCI which are assigned by telco.
‘1 ‘ is channel 1 . )
Enable LLC/SNAP encapsulated PPP in case it is needed. The default value is
Ø ppp 1 llc 1
Enter username and password for dial-out operation
Ø ppp 1 welogin peter telecom chap
( “peter” is user name , “telecom” is password and “chap” is authentication )
Enable channel 1
Ø ppp 1 enable
Save the configuration and reboot the system.
Ø config save
Ø restart
NAT have to be enabled on the router interface towards the service provider.
Ø ip nat add ppp_device
Enable forwarding between the router interface.
Ø Ip relay all
Save the configuration and reboot the system.
Ø Config save
Ø restart
Once the modem is in SHOWTIME state , you can access to internet or use “ping”
command to check the connection.
3. Appendix : Console Commands
At the prompt “ 00:20:2B:00:04:9F > “ or “ > “ which will be written
as the Mymachine > henceforth , more console commands are useful to manage
the system.
All commands can be used like as
Mymachine > ip config , or
Mymachine ip > config (“ip “ must be entered at the prompt “ Mymachine >
3.1 system commands
3.1.1 help or help all or ? or ? all
Description :
Displays all commands at the prompt “ Mymachine >”
Example :
Mymachine > help displays commands
Mymachine > ip help - displays all commands of ip
3.1.2 home
Description :
return to the main prompt “ Mymachine >”
3.1.3 config save
Description :
save configuration
Example :
Mymachine > config save
3.1.4 restart
Description :
reboot the system
Example :
Mymachine > restart
3.2 ip commands
3.2.1 config [save]
Description :
Displays the IP configuration (not including the “snmp” configuration ), or
save it in flash memory.
Example :
Mymachine > ip config
Mymachine> ip config save
3.2.2 device
device add < i/ f > <type> [< file >] [ < IP address ]
device delete < i / f >
device flush
Description :
Displays the interfaces that IP is configured to use , or adds an
interface to the configuration , or delete an interface , or all interfaces ,
from the configuration.
i/f ( interface ) ethernet , ppp_device , ipoa , rfc1483
type ether , atm , atmpvc
file - //edd , //atm , //r1483 , //ppp
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ip device
Mymachine > ip device add ethernet ether //edd
3.2.3 disable [ < i/ f >]
Description :
Disable all interface , or just a specified interface.
Example :
Mymachine > ip disable ipoa
3.2.4 enable [ < I / f > ] [mtu <size] [ < IP address > ]
Description :
Enable all interface , or just a specified interfaces. Can also be used to set
the MTU and IP address on an interface when enabling it (or change them
on an interface that is already enabled) .
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ip enable ipoa
3.2.5 help
help <cmd>
help all
Description :
Displays a summary of available commands ,more detailed
information on a particular command , or more detailed
information on all commands.
Example :
Mymachine > ip help
Mymachine > ip help all
Mymachine > ip ipatm help all
3.2.6 ipatm pvc
ipatm pvc add < I / f> < vci >/[<IP address>] [<pcr>] [<port>]
ipatm pvc delete <vci> [<port>]
ipatm pvc flush
Description :
Lists configured PVCs for use by IP-over-ATM; configures
another ;deletes one; or deletes all.
“ < I / f > is the name of an interface configured for IP-over-ATM using
“ < vci > is the VCI to use for the PVC. The range of possible VCIs
depends on the system.
“ < IP address >” is the IP address of the machine at the other end of the
PVC. If it is not specified , TCP/IP will use Inverse ATMARP(RFC1577) to
determine the IP address; if it is specified , then Inverse ATMARP will not
be used.
“ < pcr> “ is the peak cell rate , in cells per second.
The default is 60000. (If neither IP address nor
PCR is specified , the “/” after the VCI can be omitted)
“ < port >” is the port name : it must be specified if the machine is a switch,
and not otherwise.
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ip ipatm pvc add atm 60 a3
Mymachine > ip ipatm pvc add atm 61//50000 b1
Mymachine > ip ipatm pvc
3.2.7 norelay [ all | < i/f > [ <i/f > ] [forward] ]
Description :
Turns off forwarding between interfaces ; see the “ relay” command for
more details.
The command “norelay” with no parameters is equivalent to “norelay all” : it
turns off all forwarding.
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ip norelay
Mymachine > ip norelay etherer ppp_device forward
3.2.8 ping < IP address >
Description :
Sends an ICMP Echo message to the specified address.
Example :
Mymachine > ip ping
3.2.9 relay
relay all | < i/ f > [ < i/ f > ] [forward]
Description :
Displays or sets what forwarding TCP/IP will do between
interfaces . The combinations of setting forwarding can be a bit confusing ;
they behave as follows :
“ < i/f> “ - means interface .
“forward” indicates one-way relaying
relay all : from every interface to every non-loopback
relay if1 : from if1 to every non-loopback
interface , and from every interface to if1
relay if1 forward : from if1 to every non-loopback interface .
relay if1 if2 : from if1 to if2 and from if2 to if1
relay if1 if2 forward : from if1 to if2
To disable forwarding , use the “norelay “ command.
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ip relay
Mymachine > ip relay all
3.2.10 restart
Description :
Reboots the system.
3.2.11 rip accept [ all | <i/f> [none | <version>]
Description :
Controls for which version or version of RIP (RIP v1 , FC1058 ,
or RIP v2 ,RFC1723) TCP/IP will accept incoming information on each
By default both RIP version are accepted on all interface (“rip accept all 1 2
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ip rip accept all 1 2
Mymachine > ip rip accept ethernet 2
3.2.12 rip allowed
Description :
Displays the RIP version that will be accepted and send on each interface.
Example :
Mymachine> ip rip allowed
3.2.13 rip boot
Description :
Broadcasts a request for RIP information from other machines. TCP/IP
does this automatically when it first starts up, and the routing information
should be kept up to date by regular broadcast from the other machines ,
so this command is normally of little use.
Example :
Mymachine > ip rip boot
3.2.14 rip help [ < cmd> | all ]
Description :
Displays help on “rip” subcommands
Example :
Mymachine > ip rip help
Mymachine > ip rip help boot
3.2.15 rip rxstatus
Description :
Displays the status of the RIP package reception mechanism. This
command is of little or no use except for debugging.
Example :
Mymachine> ip rip rxstatus
3.2.16 rip send [all | <i/f>] [none | <version>]
Description :
Controls which version or versions of RIP (RIP version1,RFc1058 ,or RIP
version2 ,RFC1723) TCP/IP will use to broadcast routing information on
each interface. If both version are specified , routing information is
broadcast in duplicate , once using each version.
Specifying “all” affects all interfaces except the loopback interface (if any)
By default RIP version 2 only is used on all non-loopback interfaces (“rip
send all 2”)
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ip rip send all 2
Mymachine > ip rip send ethernet 1
3.2.17 route
route add <name> <dest> <relay> [<mask>] [<cost>]
route delete <name>
route flush
Description :
Lists routes ; add or delete a static route ; or delete all routes.
“ <name>” is an arbitrary name specified to “route add “ that can be used to
delete the route using “route delete”.
“ <dest>” is the IP address of the network being routed to (only those bits of
“<dest>” corresponding to bits set in “<mask>” are relevant.
“ <relay>” is the IP address of the next-hop gateway for the route.
“<mask>”(default ff:ff:ff:0) is the subnet mask of the network being route
to , specified as four hexadecimal number separated by colons. For
example , 0:0:0:0 is a default route (matches everything without a more
specific route) , ff:ff:ff:0 would match a Class C network , and ff:ff:ff:ff is a
route to a single host. (Note: the default is not always sensible ;in
particular , if “<dest>” is then it would be better for the mask to
default 0:0:0:0. This may change in future version)
“<cost>” (default 1) is the number of hops counted as the cost of the route ,
which may affect the choice of route when the route is comparing with
routes acquired from RIP. (But note that using a mixture of RIP and static
routing is not advised)
“ <timeout> “ (default 0, meaning that the route does not time out) is the
number od seconds that the route will remain in the routing table.
Note that the routing table does not contain routes to the directly connected
network , without going through a gateway . TCP/IP routes packets to such
destination by using the information in the device and subnet tables
The “route” command (with no parameter) displays the routing table. It
adds a comment to each route with the following information:
l How the route was obtained ; one of
MAN - configured by the “route” command
RIP obtained from RIP
ICMP obtained from an ICMP redirected message
SNMP configured by SNMP network management.
l The time-out , if the route is not permanent
l The original time-out , if the route is not permanent
l The name of the interface ( if known) that will be used for the
l An asterisk (
) if the route was added recently and RIP
has not yet processed the change . (the asterisk should
disappear within 30 seconds , when RIP next considers
broadcasting routing information)
Configuration saving saves this information. (only the routes configured by
the “route” command are saved or displayed by “ config”)
Example :
Mymachine > ip route add default 0:0:0:0
Mymachine > ip route add testnet1
Mymachine > ip route add testnet2 ff:ff:ff:0
1 60
Mymachine > ip route
3.2.17 routes
Description :
Lists routes ( The same as “routes” , with no parameter)
Example :
Mymachine > ip routes
3.2.18 stats arp | icmp | ip | tcp | udp [reset]
stats help [ <cmd> | all ]
Description :
Displays or clears a subnet of IP statistics.
Example :
Mymachine > ip stats udp
Mymachine > ip stats tcp reset
3.2.19 subnet
subnet add <name> <i/ f> <IP address > <mask>
subnet delete <name>
subnet flush
Description :
Lists defined subnets ; defines a subnet ; deletes a subnet; or deletes all
subnet definitions.
“<name>” is a label , that can be specified by “subnet add” and later used
by “subnet delete” to delete the subnet.
“<i/f> “ is not used , but is present for historical reasons and must be
specified as either “ . ” or a valid interface name.
“<IP address>” is the IP address of the subnet being defined (only those
bits of “<dest>” corresponding to bits set in “<mask>” are relevant.
“<mask>” is the subnet mask of the subnet being defined , specified as
four hexadecimal numbers separated by colons.
A subnet is defined automatically for each interface , with a name formed
by appending “ . home” to the device name. The only significant use for
the “subnet” command is to change the masks for these automatic
subnets , if the default masks (see “device” command) are not correct.
(Subnet definition for other subnets can also be useful in conjunction with
RIP version 1 , which does not communicate subnet masks , but this is not
very common)
Configuration saving saves this information
Example :
Mymachine > ip subnet add ethernet.home ff:ff:ff:0
Mymachine > ip subnet delete ethernet.home
Mymachine > ip subnet flush
3.2.20 version
Description :
Displays the IP version , ATM address , and MAC Address.
Example :
Mymachine > ip version
3.3 Bridge commands
3.3.1 device add <device>
Description : This command adds a device to the bridge configuration .
“ < device > : The table below shows devices which may be
attached to the bridge , although not all systems may
support all devices.
l lec1 Forum LAN emulation
l edd Ethernet driver
l r1483 RFC1483 protocol (PVC)
l ppp - Point-to Point protocol
Configuration saving saves this information
Example :
my machine > bridge device add edd
Mymachine> bridge device add r1483
Mymachine > bridge add ppp/DEVICE=2
3.3.2 device delete <device>
Description :
This command deletes a device from the bridge configuration. The
changes will only take place after the configuration is saved and the
system is rebooted.
Example :
Mymachine > bridge device delete r1483
Mymachine bridge > device delete edd
3.3.3 device list
Description :
This command lists all the devices that are currently attached to the bridge.
Example :
Mymachine > bridge device list
Mymachine bridge > device list
3.3.4 status
Description : This command shows the status of the bridge and its ports.
Example :
Mymachine> bridge status
3.4 PPP commands
3.4.1 <channel> clear
Description :
Clear all aspects of this channel back to their default setting. If there is
an active connection it is torn down.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp 1 clear
3.4.2 <channel > disable
Description :
Clear the enable flag for a PPP channel. This is the default setting .
Disabling does not remove other configured information about this channel.
In the PPP state machine , this sets the PPP link to “closed”. If it is already
closed , there is no effect.
Configuration saving saves this information. By default all channels are
Example :
Mymachine > ppp 1 disable
3.4.3 <channel> enable
Description :
Set the enable flag for a PPP channel. By default this is disabled.
In the PPP state machine , this flag sets the PPP link to “open” . If it is
already open , there is no effect.
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp 1 enable
3.4.4 < channel> info [all]
Description :
Provide information about the current setting of this channel. This includes
all configuration state , and also current protocol information.
Example :
Mymachine> ppp 1 info all
3.4.5 < channel> interface <n>
Description :
Logically associated the specified channel with the specified interface.
Interface 1 is always the router port. It should be used for any PPP channel
over which IPCP communication with the local system’s IP router is desired.
Other interfaces can be created for bridging. A single PPP channel can
only be associated with a single interface ,or a single tunnel.
Use info to find the current setting.
Calling with n=0 removes any association. This is the default state.
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp 1 tunnel <n>
3.4.6 < channel> llc [1 | 0]
Description :
If 1 , use an LLC header on the front of transmitted packets and require one
on received ones. This consists of four bytes , FE-FE-03-CF , and is
required for PPP over AAL5 (RFC2364 p4) when using LLC encapsulated
PPP. If 0 , disable this.
The default value is 0 ( disabled )
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp 1 llc 1
3.4.7 <channel > pvc none
< channel> pvc [ [< port>] <vpi>] <vci> [ ip | mac ] [listen]
Description :
Attached an ATM PVC to the given PPP channel. The port can be specified
(only for a multi-port device ), and VPI(default VPI is 0) ,and the VCI.
The allowable range of port , VPI , VCI depends on the atm driver . Normal
limits are 0 for port , 0 only for VPI , 1…1023 for VCI.
If a single argument none is supplied , any current connection is torn down.
Note that enable must also be used to allow the link to become
The ip and mac indicates which form of data is transported over the
connection: one of IP data (controlled by the IPCP protocol) , or MAC data
(for BCP) . If neither is provided , ip is assumed.
If the channel is not linked to an interface , and the channel is
for IP data , the channel is linked to interface 1 . If the
channel is not linked to an interface , and the channel is for MAC data , the
channel is linked to interface 2 .
If listen is specified then this is the server end of a PVC . It will not send
out PPP configure Request until it first receives a packet over the PVC.
When a connection is torn down it goes returns to this state.
Use the info command to read this information.
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp 3 pvc 3 32 (set channel 3 to be (VPI=0,VCI=32)
Mymachine > ppp 4 info (read PVC setting for channel 4)
Mymachine > ppp 5 pvc 0 (remove any PVC setting from channel 5)
3.4.8 <channel> qos [cbr | ubr] [pcr <pcr-tx > [ <pcr-rx> ] ]
Description :
Specified that the VC for a PPP channel should be Constant Bit Rate or
Unspecified Bit Rate , and (optionally for UBR) give a Peak Cell Rate for
the connection. If two values are specified then they are transmit and
receive PCRs respectively.
By default channels are established UBR.
Configuration saving saves this information.
Examples :
my machine > ppp 3 qos cbr pcr 10000 (set channel 3 to be
CBR limited at 10000 cells /sec.
3.4.9 <channel> remoteip [ <IP address> ]
Description :
If a PPP link is established using IPCP , this call causes the channel to
provide the given IP address to the remote end of the connection. PPP will
refuse to complete the connection if the other end will not accept this.
This is normally used for channel on which the remote party dials in , to
allocate the IP address to that remote party.
Call with no argument to find the current setting.
Call with to remove any setting. This is the default state.
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Dial in :
Mymachine > ip device add ether ether //edd
Mymachine > ip device add ppp_device ether //ppp/DEVICE=2
Mymachine > ppp user add peter pwd telecom chap
(user name :peter , password : telecom”)
Mymachine > ppp 2 pvc 0 100 ip listen
Mymachine > ppp 2 interface 2
Mymachine > ppp 2 remoteip
Mymachine > ppp 2 theylogin chap
Mymachine > ppp 2 enable
Mymachine > ip relay all
Mymachine > config save
Mymachine > restart
3.4.10 <channel> they login pap|chap|none
Description :
This command describes how we requires the far end to login on this
This command specifies that when using this channel , the user must log
on using the specified protocol , and that they must provide any
name/password combination which has been defined for that protocols ,
using the user command .
To remove this information on a channel , call theylogin with a single
argument of none.
By default no login is required.
Configuration saving saves this information
Example : see remoteip
3.4.11 <channel> tunnel <n> <tunnel protocol> <dial direction>
Description :
Logically associated the specified channel with the specified tunnel.
A single PPP channel can only be associated with a single interface ,or a
single tunnel.
Use info to find the current setting.
Calling with n=0 removes any association . This is the default state.
The possible tunnel protocols are : pptp and l2tp.
The dial direction may be : in or out for dial-in or dial-out respectively.
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine : ppp 3 tunnel 1 pptp out
3.4.12 <channel> welogin <name> <password> [pap|chap]
Description :
This command describes how we should login to the far end when a
connection is established.
A name and password are supplied , and whether these should be used
with the PAP or CHAP authentication protocol . CHAP is the default.
To remove this information on a channel , call welogin with a single
argument none.
If chap is specified , we will also log in using pap if the other end prefers
this. If pap is specified we will only log in using pap.
By default no login is performed
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp 1 welogin peter telecom chap
3.4.13 bcp stp|nostp
Description :
This command describes parameter for BCP , the Bridge Control Protocol ,
which is used to transport MAC (ethernet) packets over the PPP link.
If stp is specified , the Spanning Tree Protocol is in use by the Bridges , to
control bridge loops.
In this case STP frames should be carried over any links using BCP.
If nostp is specified , STP frames should not be carried.
Configuration saving saves this information.
By default STP is not supported.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp bcp stp
3.4.14 interface <n> localip <ipaddress>
Description :
This command describes parameter for IPCP , the IP control protocol,
when providing the servers end of an IPCP connection.
The server knows its own IP address (and may allocate an IP address to
the remote end). This command tells the PPP process , for a particular
interface , the local IP address to be associated with the local end.
For interface 1 , this should be the same IP address as possessed by the
device ppp_device in the IP stack. If PPP channels are now associated
with this interface , remote users can dial in to those channels and will be
connected to the IP stack. They can be allocated IP address , see the
command <channel> remoteip.
Call with to remove any IP address setting . This is the default
Configuration saving saves this information.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp interface 1 localip
3.4.15 interface <n> stats
Description ;
The interface is regarded by the operating system as an Ethernet-like
device which can be attached to the bridge or router.
It also provides an ifEntry to SNMP providing basic information about
traffic through the interface.
This command shows the basic information about byte and package traffic
through the interface , in SNMP terms.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp interface 1 stats
3.4.16 user add <name> [pwd <passwd> [pap | chap] ]
user [ <name >]
user delete <name>| all
Description :
This command stores information about a particular login name /password
Use user delete to delete an individual user by name , or to delete all
Use user add to create a new user or update an existing one.
Example :
Mymachine > ppp user add peter pwd telecom chap
Mymachine > ppp user delete peter
Mymachine > ppp user delete all
3.5 bsp commands
3.5.1 ansi
Description :
Set to ANSI mode T1 413 issue 2
Example :
Mymachine > bsp ansi
3.5.2 channel
Description :
Get Upstream/Downstream data rate
Example :
Mymachine > bsp channel
3.5.3 defects
Description :
Get defects
Example :
Mymachine > bsp defects
3.5.4 down
Description :
Line disable
Example :
Mymachine > bsp down
3.5.5 gdmt
Description :
Set to G.DMT mode
Example :
Mymachine > bsp gdmt
3.5.6 glite
Description :
Set G.lite mode
Example :
Mymachine > bsp glite
3.5.7 line
Description :
Get line data
Mymachine > bsp line
3.5.8 mode
Description :
Display current line state/mode
Example >
Mymachine > bsp mode
3.5.9 multi
Description :
Set to multi mode (G.lite/G.DMt/t1 413 issue2 )
Example :
Mymachine> bsp multi
3.5.10 perf
Description :
Get performance counters
Example :
Mymachine > bsp perf
3.5.11 up
Description :
Line enable
Example :
Mymachine > bsp up
3.6 r1483 commands
3.6.1 info
This command displays build information about the RFC1483 process.
Example :
Mymachine > r1483 info
3.6.2 interface stats
Description :
Display the statistics of r1483
Example :
Mymachine > r1483 interface stats
3.6.3 pvc
pvc x/y
This command sets and displays the PVC used for communication . When
setting the PVC , the configuration must be saved And the system
restarted before the changes takes effect..
“ x “ is VPI and “ y” is VCI. Normally , VPI is 0 and VCI is in the range
3.6.4 ststus
Description ;
This command displays the status of the RFC1483 process .At present ,
the status consists of whether the process is active , that is has a valid
PVC , or is inactive , that is has no PVC.
Example :
Mymachine > r1483 status
Example :
Mymachine > r1483 pvc
Mymachine > r1483 pvc 0/100
3.7 dhcpserver commands
3.7.1 config [add <text> | confirm | delete | flush]
Description :
This command displays or edits the current configuration of the DHCP
server .
To display current configuration , provide no argument to the command.
Use of the “add” argument adds the line <text> to the configuration file.
Use of the “confirm” argument re-parses the configuration file , confirming
the changes made if the parse is successful.
Use of the “delete” argument deletes the last line from the configuration
file .
Use of the “flush” argument deletes whole configuration.
Following any change to the configuration file , it is necessary to “confirm”
the changes , issue a “ flashfs update” to commit the change to FLASH ,
and then restart the system before the changes can take effect.
Example :
Mymachine > dhcpserver config
Mymachine > dhcpserver config add subnet netmask
Mymachine > dhcpserver delete
Mymachine > dhcpserver flush
3.7.2 ststus
Description :
This command provides a summary of all leases known to the server on
each interface in turn. It also shows remaining available IP address (i.e.
those with no specified lease time , or client identifier).
Example :
Mymachine > dhcpserver status
3.7.3 text line examples for configuration example
Use the command “config add “ to edit each line and use “config delete” to
deletes the last line.
subnet netmask
range ;
default-lease-time 3600;
max-lease-time 864000;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
According to the regulation of Federal Communications Commission, the following information
must be furnished with the users:
1. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
--Consult the dealer or an experience radio/TV technical for help
2. Caution: Changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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