Users Manual

Download: UNION COMMUNITY VIRDI-FOH02SC COMMERCIAL User Manual              1
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]UNION COMMUNITY VIRDI-FOH02SC COMMERCIAL User Manual              1
Document ID1209952
Application IDERWJHLgjbkgUTsXZltWcxg==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize108.82kB (1360229 bits)
Date Submitted2009-12-07 00:00:00
Date Available2009-12-07 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-11-05 22:57:13
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2009-11-05 22:57:13
Document Title횉짜1.PDF

Fmgerprim ‘demifica‘ion Syslem
USB Fingerprint Reader
‘ Instaualion Guide
‘ Model : LAEF107R
msx uF ELEuTme SHOCK
REFER ssnvwcws m Queunsn ssnvwcs PERSONNEL
Tms hghmlng flash wrm arrowneea symeow
wnnrn an eeunarersw «nangwe rs rmeneea to
ewen me user me me presence 04 unrnsuwaxee
dangemus ueuege unmn the ereeuens
encmsuve that may be m summem megnre
mas \o consmutea Nsk er ewemnc snoem
The exchmahun pawl wnnrn an equflawval
tnengwe rs mended (a mark me user (a me
presence or rrnponenmperaung and marmee
nenee (servlclng) mstmcnonsln the here
«ure accompanymgthe preeuex.
Fcc WARNIN The Mummy“ may generate or
use rama vreeueney energy Changes er madmcanuns
m (ms Eqmomenl may cause harmvm mlervevence
“mess «ne rnomncenens are expresswy approved m me
msvunlmnmanum Tne user comdmse «he eumerny
to operate (ms equrprnem w an unauthunzed cnange
m medrficauenrs made
ans eeunprnem has been zesxed and round to com»,
mm the nrnns for a C‘ass A new name pursuem m
Pen 15 er me me Rmes Tnese hmws ere aesrgnee
«e pmvnde reesename Dvoleclmn agerns« harmim Were
rerence wnen the eqmpmem rs opemted m a summer
eel snvwnnmsm
rnrs eeummenrgenemes uses, and can meme
rears vrequency energy and n nm mstaHed and
used m aeeerdenee wrzn me msmunmn menuew. mar
cause hava mteflsvsncu «e mere ccmmumcahuns
cperenen er lms eqmpmenl m a resreenuew ares .s
urxewr to cause harmM .n«enerenee m wnren eese me
user wru be reeurree m eerremne rmenerence at ms
own expense.
- A “mere candmtamnssr knock-nutscv menus
sneu ee preumee m the mere entnes enms preaum
m the end user
. Emma": Denger ol expmsmn n baflery rs mcorrecuy
repwecee Repwecea omy wuh me same or eqmvalem
Wpe recommended by me manmactuvev
Dwspuse of used eeuenes accurdmgn: «ne
manuvacmrens msmmmns
- Holes lrl melal lhrough whlch lhsulaleu eres
passl shall have srrlpolh well rounded surlaces or
shall be pluvlded wllh blushlngs
Warning: Do hol lrlslall lhll squlprrlsrll lh a CBHfiHBd
space such as a haukcau Dr slrhllar uhll
Warning: wlrlhg melhods shall be lrl aeeoruahee Wllh
lhe Nallehal Elenmc Easel ANSVNFPA m
Warhlll “Thls ls a class A prouuel lrl a damesllc
erwirprlrherll lhls Plnductmay cause Yadlu lrllerler-
ellee lh whleh case lhe user may be requlreu to take
adequale measures
Warning: To reduce a llsk qule or eleelrlc shockl up
HD| expose lhls Plnduct lo ralh cl rheislure
eaullom Thls lhslallallerl should be made by n quall'
fled serlrlee perscrl Aha shame ellhlprrh lo all local
oauliprl: To avnld slsdrlcul shock, up hol spam the
cnblnel heler sewlelrlg lo quellllea persellhel only
caullarl: The apparalus should hm ue exposed m
waler lurlpplhg or splashlhgl aha he opleels lllleu
wilh llaulas, such as vasus, should bu Placed on (he
To dlsconnecl puwerlrum me malhs, pull nut lhe
melhs card plug Wheh lrlsmll lhe pmduct,ensure
lhanhe plug ls easlly accesslble.
D svasal M your old anal rlee
l. Whehl ls crossed'autwheeled plrl
symhnl ls Aflached‘a ll preuuelll means
the product ls covered by the European
Dllemlve 2002/96/EC.
2 AM eleelrleal and eleelrorlle products
should be dlSDDsed or separalely lmrrl
rrluhlelpal wasle slrearrl Vla dsslgnatsd
eelleelloh Yacllllles appolmed by the geue
erhrherll er lhe local aulhorllles
3. The eorreel alspusal pl Your old appllahee
le help preuehl pelehllal hegllllue eehsee
quences lur lhe erlulrllhrrlerll and huhlarl
A For more llelalleu lhlorhlalloh abuut
dlsposal pl your old appllancel please
eehlaelyuul ally plllee, wasle alsppsal
sewlee ov lhe shop where you summed
(he preuuel
EEE Cumpllance Wllh nlreehue
The product ls hlarrulaslureu to eurrle
c 6 ply Wllh EMC nlrecllve ZUGA/lDB/EC and
Low vllllage Dllemive zooms/so
gumpellh represehlsllue
rhlslm a alll .l.pl,.r.umrrpll,u homer." leesllel
weasel rumerlllleel. “ml llll uruhum . em
Important Safety Instructions
1. Rud mu. Instvuclions
pmdumls operaled
2. Keep these inmuellon; The solely. Dpwahng and use inslNCUDHS should he relairieo var
iuture reierence
:. Heed alt wurnings. . AH Warnings on me producund in me operating inslruohons should oe
adhered to
e. Follnw all lnstmclinns eAii operating and use ihslruouons shouio oe ioiiowed
5. Do nut use nus apparatus neavwater. . For exampte near a oolh luo wash oowi. kilchen 5lnk
laundry tub, h a wel oesemenl near a sWininung pool em
a. Clean only dry oiom. . unplug lnis produol irorn me well ouliel ueiore cleaning no nol use
liquid cleaners
7. Do nol block any venlilafion cperunge. lnslail in accordance with me manufacturer‘i inslruo-
1ione. . siols and openings in lhe cabinet are pmvided ldr yenl-ial-on. lo ensure reliable operalion
of lhe produel and ro proleel ir (mm overneehng Tne openings should never be hiuckgd by placing
lhe produolon a oed, safa, rug or olher similar sunooe Tnis produolsnouid ml oe pinned .n a
buiilain ihsleilehon such as a bookcase or rack unless proper uenuiouon is provided and lne
manmacmreris insrruohons have been aonereo lo
AH lhese solely and oporohrig inslrumons should bc mm below lhe
I. no nol rnslull neur any heal sources such as vadiawri, heal vegistul, novel, or omer
Appnnms aneluolng ornplllrerel lnul produee neul.
5. Do not «met lhe safety purpose or lhe notarized or grounding-type plug. A polunxed plug
has (we oladee wim one wider man are omen A grounding type plug has Iwo blades and
a lhud groundlng prong. Yhe wlde blnde or lne ourd prong are provided lor your salely.
ll the provided plug does nol m imo ynur outlet, nansull on eleclr an lor replanemenl
ol lne oosolele oullel.
1o.Pro1eeuhe power cord lrorn being walked on or pinched oanicularly zl plugsr
conye nee receplucles, und the polnl where they exll lrorn the oppumus.
11. Only use anachmems/zcussoriesspec d by me manulaelurer.
Important Safety Instructions
12. Use only mm me can, srand. tripod, brackel. or Izble specified by me manulaclurer.
or sold wilh m- apparatus. wmn a can is usld, m caution wmn moving Ihl
can/flppamluscamhlnflllnn m mm ln|ury lmm Ilpaaver.
1:4. Unplug mis apparams during lignming worms in Ml." unusod lor lung u “an: ol firm.
14.Reler all servicing in qua d service personnel. Serv rig is required when lire
apparatus has been damaged in my way. such as powerwpply cord or plug is damaged.
l d has been spilled or ohims hzve lallerr irrio lire apparams. me apparams has been
exposed ID rain or moiflure, does no! operale normally, or has been dropped.
1. Before start 2. Install driver
1 1. Sa1ely precauuons 4 2.1 Stan lo 1nsta1l software 8
1 2. Product descnpfion 6 2.2 Fmismng saltware msiaflaflon 9
1 3.0aut1on before mstal1a1ion 7 2.3 Conneclinglhrough USB par! 10
1 4. System reqmremenls 7 2.4 Begin hardware instauation 11
2.5 Windows compalibmty wammg 12
2.6 Fmishmg hardware instaHalion 13
Contents 11 Pwsase use a device after reading inslaflalion guide
3.1 Device check 14 4.1 McorreminmaHalion 15
0! driver
4.2 Assign driver path 16
1 Before start
1.1. Saieiy precautions
& Warning
Do noi piace a fire source near ® Do not disassembie, repair, or
the reader. modiiy the reader at discreiion.
ii may cause a me it may cause an eiedric snack we Drdamiqe
Handiing with wei hands or Q Keep out of reach oi children.
allowmg iiquid to flow imc it it mayuuxv.‘ Inaccidcniordamagc
is prohibited
ii may cause an civmric mm or damage
® Avoid using inseciicides or ® Avoid using waier, benzene.
flammabie sprays near the thinner, or alcohoi i‘or
reader. cleaning.
it may mxuil in dcienviaiien or coior change it may cause .n cicciric shock uriirc
. . The sign is a
Warnin Cautions u . . ,,
Q g & ® Prohibition
ii the above warnings are ii in» above cauiicns are _ _
ignnred‘ ii may resuii in igneredi ii may resuil in ® The sign is that user
main or serious inlury propeny iuss or human should keep the
1 Before start
& Caution
Do not contaminate the Do not piace a magnet close
iingerprini input area. to the reader.
rrrrqsmrrris may not be weii raccgnizsd. Thu readnr may break down or maitunclion
® Avoid high humidity ordust. ® Avoid severe temperature
The reader may be damaged changes.
The rcadcrrnayhc broken
Avoid impacts or using ® Under no circumstances wrii
sharp obiecis on the reader. Union Community be responsibie
The reader may be damaged and broken ior accrdents or damages caused
by inappropriate use oi the
product without reiernng to
this instaliaiion guide
1.Before start
I .2. Product description
~ Fingerprint input window
- Window for fingerprint input
USB connector -
1 Before start
1.3. Cauiion beiore installation
E Please connect USE cabie afler instalimg driver.
e o
Inslali driver
1.4. Sysiem requirements
OS Windows NT/XP/2000/2003/vista
Minimum PIII
CPU Recommend PIV or higher
Memo Minimum 64MB
ry Recommend 128MB or higher
Minimum ZGB
HDD Recommend AGE or higher
Communication USBZO
2.Insta|| driver
2.1. start to install soflwure
The installation process wiH start automatica‘ly after inserting the
Click [Nex1].
(H lhe mstallatron process does not start, please double click
‘setupexe’ m the ‘Driver’ folder of mstaHatron CD.)
2.Insta|| driver
2.2. Inslalling software completely
Click [Fmish] to end instaHalion.
2.Insta|| driver
2.3. Connecting through USB port
Phase connect the USB came to the USB port on the computer
as iHustraled in the picture.
2.Insta|| driver
2.4. Begin hardware inslallalion
Windows should recognize the fingerprint reader when
plugged in. The Found New Hardware Wizard is wili be
displayed. Ciick [Nexl] to continue.
2.Insta|| driver
2.5. Windows compaflblllty warnlng
Mease click [Continue Anyway].
2.Insta|| driver
2.6. Finishing hardware installation
Please click [Finish] to close the Found New Hardware Wizard.
3.Device check
3.1. Device check
To check if the fingerprint ideniilication devrce has been correctly
installed, 90 lo [My Computer] (”Control Panel] 0[Sysiem] 0
[Hardware] c)[Device Manager] and confirm the USB controller.
If it shows Fingerprint Readerv2.0 as below, the lingerpnnt
identification device has been properly installed.
4.1. Incorrect installation of driver
If the yeHow exciamaiion mark appears in the Device Manager,
please remove the device and refresh. Repeat the USB driver
instailation process seiup again.
4.2. Assign driver palh
It the setup screen does noi appear aulomalicaily or the
instailaiion wizard prompis you to assign lhe driver paih during
setup, please browse and choose the toider
[C:\Program Fiies\UntonCommunily\Usb\Drivers].
liéfilifi, i if,"
P/N 1 MFL62732701 Ifi

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