UTC Fire and Security Americas 832-PPX Palm Pilot transmitter User Manual

UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc. Palm Pilot transmitter

user manual

The Apartment Access Program and Transmitter Card (60-965-95) used with your Palm™ hand-
held device allows service personnel to disarm an apartment’s Allegro™ or Concord™ Express
security system.
Install the Transmitter Card in your Palm SD slot.
Perform a HotSync® operation to install the Apartment Access Program on your Palm handheld.
See the Readme file on the CDROM for complete Apartment Access Program installation
Setting up the
Learning the Palm Key into the Security System
To learn the Palm Key into a security system:
1. Put the security system in Learn Mode.
2. Enter the password at the AptAcc Login screen.
3. Select the Building.
4. Select the Unit.
5. Click Learn to add the Palm key to the security system.
Programming Jobs
A job defines access criteria for disarming an apartment’s security system. It contains the follow-
ing information:
Workman ID(s)
Building number(s) of apartments to be accessed
Unit number(s) to be entered
Job Minutes (Amount of time service personnel can be in the apartment.)
Time Restrict (The time range of when the apartment can be entered.)
# of Days (When the job expires.)
# of Uses (How many times the apartment security system can be disarmed using the key.)
¾To create a job:
1. Enter the password at the AptAcc Login screen.
2. Select the Workman ID or select Add New to create a new workman.
3. Select the Building # that can be accessed or select All Bldgs to allow access to all.
4. Select the Unit Number # that can be accessed or select All Units to allow access to all units
in the specified Building #.
5. Using the arrows select the Job Minutes. (30-240 minutes in 30 minute intervals) or select
No Limit to allow an unlimited amount of time in the unit.
6. Click on the field next to Time Restrict to enter the start and end time of the Time Restrict
7. Click the start time, then the end time. The program returns to the AptAcc Site Manager
8. Use the arrows to select the # of Days before the job will expire. (1-254 days) or select No
Limit to allow the job to have the job never expire.
Preliminary 6/24/03
2Palm Key System Installation Instructions
Preliminary 6/24/03
9. Use the arrows to select the # of Uses the job will allow (1-1000 uses) or select No Limit
to allow an unlimited number of uses.
10. Click Add to create the job.
Using the PKS After a job has been created the Palm can be used to access units specified in the job.
Disarming the System
1. Enter the Workman ID in the password field of the AptAcc login screen.
2. Select the Building.
3. Select the Unit.
4. Click Disarm
Arming the System
1. Enter the Workman ID in the password field of the AptAcc login screen.
2. Select the Building.
3. Select the Unit.
4. From the AptAccess screen click Arm.
Specifications Compatibility: ........................... Allegro, Concord Express
Frequency:................................. 319.5 MHz
Notices FCC Notices
FCC Part 15 Information to the User

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