Unex Technology ISCCM020 User Manual 74760

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Date Submitted1999-12-08 00:00:00
Date Available1998-10-08 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-09 15:57:34
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Document Lastmod2001-05-09 15:57:48
Document Title74760.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

ExhibitE - User's Manual
NexIP IS 02 0
Palm Size Z-Port
lnlernet Sharing Stalion
User '5 Guide
Package Contents
Hardware Installation
From Panel
Rear Panel
Installing the unit
Install the unit
Connecting your equipment
Configuring the Internet Sharing Station
Setting up PC to configure the web
Configuring the Internet Sharing Station
Setting up the other PCs
Customizing TCP/IP settings
EMI Information
FCC Class B. i
VCCI Class B
CE Mark Declaration of Conformity
Safety Compliance
Appendix A: NexIP Sharing Technology and Policy
NexIP Sharing Technology
NexIP Sharing Policy
Appendix B: Login Script Files
Learn the script syntax
Example ofthe Login Script File
Appendix C: Terminal Mode Configuration
Upgrading Imemel Sharing Station Software
I. Introduction
Unex s Netll’ lntemet Sharing Station is the most Costret‘fectivc [ntemet access solution available today for
users With only a single lntemet account and a low cost dial‘up line. ll lets a small network of more than 2
desktop computers to share the \ast resource available on the lnternet simuimneously, Compare tu trudittonul
leased-line router configumtlon, the lntemet Sharing Station is not only easier to use. it reduces 0\\l’|el‘Shlp and
maintenance cost dmmflllcflll)’ “Ilh its innovatne architecture. In dial-up configuration. it connects to remote
[ntemet Service Provider (lSP) network automatically only when local users tried to access remote hosts on the
lnternet. So the users don't hme to pay for expensive leased-line trthey are not offering public senices lo the
lntemet using local servers. To further tmprone performance when multiple users access the lntemet at the same
time. the Internet Sharing Station prmides additional asynchronous ports with dinlvon-demand functions The
lnternet Sharing Smtlon “ill dial up additional connections ifthe primar} line is congested. so the inter-net access
perfonnnnce can be imprnted instantl}
I Easy to Install. An auto-sensing LAN connection eliminates the need for configuration during installation in
a lOBASEZ or lOBASE-T Ethcmcl LAN.
Simple Setup and Manage, Provides both Web browser and terminal interface for configuration
Dill-nn—Denundt Establishes connections to the lntemet as required.
Bandwldtli-on-Demimd. Dial-up the second modem Dt lSDN TA only when needed.
idles Time Out. Hangs up the modem if no activity detected.
High Speed Modern Supported. Suppons 56K modem and 128K ISDN TA.
PPP Authentication. Automatically talidates the lug-on to lntemer Service Providfl.
DHCP Server Suppurted. Acts as a DHCP sener and uutomuticnll) allocates an lP address to each
camputer on the LAN.
Firewall Protection. Proiides natural firewall and secur: gatnia} for LAN users.
1 Configuration Security. PrUHd Address
.-\5 gn the dam transmtSSion speed on the serial ttne of WAN |,Atattah1e
speeds are 9600. 19100. 38400. 57600. 115200, and 230400 bps
Baud,“ Assign the data transmisston speed an the serttt ttne ut‘ WAN 1m attuhlet
(bps, speeds are 9500. 19200. 33400, 57600. 1 15201}. and 230400 bps
WAN I] Baudmtctbps)
[WAN 2]
Alwnys: “A z mu aim}; be activated “hen (he first chm! accesses
the Imemel
Bandwidth~on—Demand (BODD: WAN 1 will be acliwated only when
WAN I’s bandwidih is full-load,
Disable: WAN 2 Nil aluayi be disabled
Definc a group oflntemel accounts to support the funcnon of phone
number hunting.
”Phone No.: Enter your [SP's telephone numbcr Use the format
described in yum modcm's user manual.
User in: Enter ‘he account name provided by your ISP.
Password: Enl=r me password for the corresponding account name.
IP Address: Enter [he IF address assigned (a you by your ISP. Fur
d)nz\mic1P address assignment, the IP address Is 0 0.0.0.
AC!“ ll)
[Imemaz Account]
DHCF Configuration
um um mm: in k
u “an“ 5m: m-z 192.lss.D zuu
man at irk- mm 50
an: 1» Adams! 1:
DHCP Sellings
DHCP Sm”, sum "Enable" to enable the funcnun ofDHCP semi; for local LAN
sum "Disable“ m disable me funcnon umncp service
Enter me I? anamncs) providtd by your ISR
DNS IP Address If you have any Domain Name Scrvzr on your local LAN, cmer its IP
address hm.
Virtual Server Configuration
This shims the lntemal 5mm that allotted to be accessed lhrough the lntemet Sharing Station from lntrmtl.
T) pt 0 0.0.0 mu prevenl the Internet users from accesstng me inlemal sen ers.
Virtual Server settings
FTP Sm zr’ ipjfiltes the [P address or the computer that tttll act as FTP srner on your local
Telnet Server: 15125355 the IP addrtss orthe CDmputer that Will acl as Telnet serxcr on yuur local
WWW Server: Eplefies (he IP address or Ih: Computer that will acl as W“: W sener on yuut local
. r
Modem AT Command Configuration
ru- u
mum“: Sum-m L szuum ;
mitt-1 Sufi-wt Am AT“ ,
lu‘w-Annwrr sun "50-1 “30-1 ‘
nape sea. to
nun-wt: sum:
nut Sam!
tun at
Modem AT Command Settings
Ifyaur model is listed, slmply select ll , than the modem "min string will be
configured automatically,
Model" lfyuur model is no! ltsltd. try "Standard" mod=m
[fit still not work, select "Other". You will have ta enter the modem initial strings, as
descrlbed below
Initial String: Spcclfies the command to configure your modcm or ISBN TA currectly
Auto—Ansuer Specifies the command (0 set the modern nr ISDN TA‘s aulo~answer mode
Escape Seqv Specifies the code to change modem from data transmission to AT command mode
Hang-Up Specifies the command to hang-up phone call for modern
Specifies the cummand (somenmes called ‘Dial Prefix String") to dial it phone call
Dial Sll’lngv for modern M [SDN TA
Dial-up Scrip! Configuration
If) our [SP uses a scnptmg process I'm logging nmo the neuxurk and sterling a PPP conneezian. you can do mus
mrh the {em scnpr The login script lels you “me a script ll‘ml aummaucall) logs in and stems your PFP session
as lfwu had oped the cammnnds.Eachlmein1he scripr nails [or a prumpl frum ihe hosr computer at sends a
response to [he hosr computer
Dial-up Scrip! Settings
Enable Set "YES" to run scnpl file before PPP lakes ox er: set "ND" 10 run PP? directly
Lined?» The lagm scrip! commands and some examples are described on Appendir B
Console Password Configuration
nu pmmzu:
Cronin: ,
The current password can be changed, the new password mll be requlred forthe next time rhar you want to
configure Ihe umr.
I Setting up the other PCs
Once the Internet Sharing Sranon has been configured on your LAN, i! is ready for use However, the PCs on your
nemork must be configured far TCP/lP nmxurking.
You have I0 set up all ofthe PCs on your LAN lo be DHCP clients Lhul hill chlam an IP address fmm Imemel
Sharing Slallon autnmaticzlly. The followmg describes haw to configure your Win95 station to be a DHCP client.
For olher opcmring s>stems, see Seumg up PC to configure web an page L
r. Rxghl—click Nemork Neighborhood.
3, Click Propemes an m pap-up menu
Chck (he Configuraxiun lab and select the TCP/[P networking component and click Pmpemes.
4, Make sure “Obtain an IF address aummaticully" is Selected, like the fellowmg.
TEPJ’IP Properties
Seleet me DNS Configuration tab, and select Enable, but the fields can be left blank.
6. Select the Gateway lab and remove any addresses Click OK
7 Click OK to close the N:I\\‘Drk Control window.
8. Click OK to close and restart your computer.
Once the lnlemet Sharing Slatlun has been configured, the management Station should be restarted to gel thc new
TCP/IP stmngs from the Inlemer Sharing Station.
I Customizing TCP/IP settings
The lntcmet Sharing Station is preconfigured for installation on a network that is not set up for TCP/lP, It uses a
range of private IP addresses in a range from WI!“ 0.1 to 1911681) 254, with the address oflhe lntcmet
Sharing Station preset lo 192.153.0254
lfyou have already Sel up the TCP/[P protocol on your network, you can customize the Internet Sharing Station to
fit your extsting [P policy For more informalion about the [P policy used by the lntemel Sharing Station. see
To customize TCP/IP settings for your existing network
1 From the Intemel Shanng Station “eh pagc, select the DHCP hyperlink will take you directly to the DHCP
configuration screen
lfrhe systems on tour nctvtork alread} have public IP addresses. set ‘DHCP Server? to "Disable". then click
"Send" button,
3. Selecl the Nerwark hyperlink and change the Inttmct Sharing sinllon's KP Address [0 an address that is valid
for your nctwork. then click "Send“ button.
Note: For most connections to an [SR tau should use private IP Addresses (l.e., l92.l68.0.l (0
”1163 0.254). Thls enables Network Address Translation (NAT) so the lntemel Sharing Slatlon translates
local 1? addresses to the IP address obtmned from your ISP. To disable NAT, you must have public IP
Addresses for each PC and lntemet Sharing Station on wur netttork.
V. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting gives _\0u solutions to problems that mix) occur during installation and operaliun oftlle Intel-net
Sharing Sranon
1. Problem No [you er lo the lntemei Sharing Station
Possible Cause: Th: poo er adapter is a defectixe one
2 Problem.
3 Problem:
4. Pmblem
Chuck the pnuer cord and pouer ouilc! m verif} us cunnecnon, trir still remains unlil. pieuse
replaced enuiner power adnprer.
Can't connect it) the lntemet
1 Check the pnene lll'lls
- Check the phone llni. If“ it‘s a regular analog lines connect a tclephone and see if} cu get
a dial tone. Dial )our iSP number lo sec tfyuu get a modem lune.
- is a 9 required for Em ouisldc line 7
2. Check the TCF/lP Setup on _\ uur pc
On Windows 95: Run Vi‘lmpC/g from Run on the Start menu. The PC should hav: an IP
address of l92 1680 n. “hire n is from I In 127, Ifihe [P address is nor in tins range. click
Release then click Rene“,
0" Windows NT: T)pe ipconfig from the command prompt The PC shnuld hav: an H7
address or 192 [68 0 n. “her: n is from | [O m. irihe [P address is not in (his range, type the
folio“ mg command?
3. Make sure your brouser is not CDnfigurEd to connect through a proxy server, If i! is, disable
this setting:
In hirer-m Explarer: lici imemei OpImns on rhe view menu. Then click me Connection
tab and disable the “Access me [meme-t using a pm\} server" check be\.
In Netscape Navigator: Click Newark Preferenixs on the Options menu. Then click the
Frmics lab and Click No Proxies
Can not communicate \\ ith the (SP,
1. This is mostl) likel) a pmhlcm due lo me fact mar your baudrale selling is too high for your
modem or lSDN TA Sometimes the maximum baudrale that your modem or ISDN TA claims
it can achieve is not refill) mainanie becausc nfphnnc line quality
1 Talk to _\our ISP it) see irme login script is required.
M3 Modem/[SON TA is working fine wilh my PC running Windows 95. How do [ find its
initial string 7
l Seleci My Compuler. men Dial-Up Networking
1 Select the icon for ) our Cunl’ldclions then prnpemes.
3. Click the Configure bunon. than Connection lab
4. Sclect Advanced . then check lhe option Record a log file, click OK and exit,
5 Us: Dial~up Nemorking lo make your van-lint: connection normally A log file
MODEMLOG TXT \\ ill be Crealcd in your Windows directory,
6. Examine the file to determine in: initial String,
Vl. Specifications
Standards and Protocols
lEEE 802.3 lOBASE-T and lOBASEZ
Operational Characteristics
LAN purr-
iUBASEl’lOBASE-T Bum sensing
WAN speed. 130 4Kbps mu DTE spced
Puw'er Characteristics
EVlemnl Po“ er Adapter:
Input Voltage: IOOVAC, SOHZ r' IZOVAC 60Hzi’130VAC. 50H1/140VAC. SOHZ
Output Voltage: 9 VDC. l A
Physical Characteristics
Number afports: l x IOBASEeT/IDBASE 2 \ RS-Z3Z
Panel indicators PWR, Link. Atllvil). Full Duplex, Error. UtilizationBaudmtc
Weight. 0 28 kg
Dimensmns- lhx [0-h35 mmleWxH)
Operating (it to JO'C.
Storage: a lot to 70C
Humidil 5"/a to 95°11 (non-condensmgl
EM]: FCC Class B.VCCI Class B. ClSPRZl Class B
Safety TUV/GS, UL. CU].
Regulatory Standards Comp nce
This device compiles wilh Pan [5 otthe FCC Rules Operation is subieci to are folloumg conditions;
I This dct'lce may not cause harmful interference. and
2 This detice must accept any interference rt'ceivcd, including interference that may cause undesired operation
EMI Information
Warningt this equipment has been tested and found to compl) uiih the limits tar aCIass e di tal device. pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules These limlls are des ned to preside reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, irrui installed and used in accordance
with the instructions. may cause nannful interference to radio communications. ltthis equipment does cause hannful interference
to rudio or ielevrsion reception. which can be determined b_t iuming the equipment on and on. the user is encouraged to lry to
col-rectthe interference by one brmotr oftlie follotttng measures:
- Rconerlt or relocate the receiving antenna
- increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver
- Connect the equipment into an outlel on a clicutl different from (he unc
which the receiver is connected u)
- Consult the dealer or an espenenced radio/TV technician (or help
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved in) the party responsible for compliance
could mid your authority to operate the equipment.
You may use unshielded lwist=d~pair (UTP) for R145 connections.
1. Wear an anti—Smuc wrist strap or take other suitable measures to pm‘t'enl electrostatic discharge whenever handling this
2 W hen conneeiing this hub to a power outlet. connect the field ground lead on the tri—yul: potter plug to a valid earth ground
line to prevent electrical hazards
Safety Information
These are safely class lll product and hate protective earthing terminals There must be an unlmermpiible surety earth ground
from the main potter source to the product's input wiring lemiinala, power cord. or supplied potter card set Whenever it is
likely that the protection has been lmpalrtdr disconnect the power cord until the ground has been restored.
For LAN ealrle grounding.
e ”your LAN caters an area sened by more than one porter distribution system, be sure their safer) grounds are securely
i» LAN cables may occasionally be subject to hazardous transient toltags (such as lightning or disturbances in the electrical
utilities pan er grids). Handle etposed metal components ofthe network caution
There are no usensenretable pans inside these products. Ally senicing. adjustment. malntennnte, or repair must be performed
unit l?) smite-trained personnel These products do not hate a pcmm‘ south. the) are potteied on tthen potter cord is plu ed
FCC Declaration of Conformity (For USA Only)
ANSl C63 44902 Methods ot'hleasurernent
federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Pan is. subpm E
ii ll)7 (E) Class B Conducted Lim '
15 109 (5) Class B Radialed Emissions Limits
VCCI Class B (For Japan Only)
an’éila, Héfifiififiixififll§sifiilmfi§ (vcc l > 6141!
lZ§5< 952A lfififiifigl’i’t C®§EE§EEETEE35ZE§
m3i§l8ffi£3fi 1mm £32 CGJtfiglIlzlEfiin'tfitfl’a‘fii’tfiT
a; igfiiéhé: amp) £32
CE Mark Declaration of Conformity
This is to certify lhfll (his vroducl complies “ilh lSO/lEC Guide 22 and EN-isau ll conforms to die falls-wing specifications
022(1983)/CISPR-22 (1985) class B
02 Z(l990)/IEC610004~2(1995) kacuBkV AD
E\ 02h; (199W'IEC 61000—qu (KWS) EV V/m
ENJJOZJ—J (1993/18: 6100044 0995) [W - lyoun Iinc)
0 kV - (signal line)
This pmducl complies \\ith the rcquirrmcms nfihc Low Voltage Directive 73x23$5c and the EMC Directive teams/EEC
Safety Compliance
EN60950. UL 1950
Do not plug n phone Jack cunntclot m lhe R145 pert Thli may damage
the hub
1 Die Suckdose muB sich in dflr Nah: deg GEIaIES belindzn und lElChl Zugangllch srin
z. Zum Reinigen den 5mm nus det sinctdose zxehen Beim Rtmigen ktinc Flussig iniger ndzr Sprays vzmenden.
sondem (ll'l angcfeuchtntes Tuch
Das geral "it!“ in hflfllaume Oder in der Nah: Von Waiter henutxcn. “it 1 B Badnimmer. Schwimmhad, Spulbeckcn
usw. ms Elndtmgen Von \\'nsser kann zur Zersmmng des Germs imam,
4 D35 gerat nicht uufzincr unstabtlzn Unterlage, me LE. Rollwagen. Gestell usn . aul'stcllzn. Es kunnre nmnrcrndicn und
VerleLzungen oder Beschadigungtn van Mznsch nnd Gera‘t rem-sacnen,
m: Beiumngsnfmnngrn mcnt biockimn nder auf [alscher Obet-flache. wic am Sofa usw.. sullen. Dnrcn di:
Blnclictung kann es zut Zcrsmrung des Getaus dumh lerhilzung knmmcn.
6 Vsrsuchen Si: niemals dicks Germ sclbsl ILI warlcni dz beim Ofl'ncn oder Abnchmcn des Gchhuscs dl: Gefahr emes
clcktrischen Schlagts bestcht.
7 Rem: Gagensrznde zufdas Auschlul‘skalwl Stclkn, damlt cs nichl dutch scharfe Kanten zerslon wm=n kann
s Kcincrlel Gtgcnstand: dutch die Ofrnngen ln das Geri.“ srecken, da ts dadurch sonst m Kumchlfisszn lommen kann
9 Bel Stdrungen des Germs den Wummgsdrcnst verstandigen
10. mi Repemmtcn durfan mu Drginalersntzutle Oder Baumilc mil glcichtn Eigenschzficn verwendel wcrdm. Andere
Bantcilc kénnen Fcuer. slekmschefl Schlflg Oder andet: Gefahrcn Vtmrsachm
ll. Nash Bundigung van Wannngsarbeitcn Ddcr lupuuuren durcn den Kumkndiensl sollle die Sichtrheiuprufnng
dutchgcfixhrl werden
12. Bet mngemn Stillstand an; Gerales. is: dies: mn dsr Versnrgnngs- spannung zu mung“, Dirs vcrhindrn tin:
Bcschfldigung dc; Germs durcn em: Uberspannung In der Zulcimng,
13 Der Melsvlmzbtzbgenc Larmschulzpegcl mach DIN $5 635 is: Heinz! 70113 (A)
Appendix A: NexIP Sharing Technology and Policy
I NexIP Sharing Technology
Uncx Nele Shari _ cchnology automatically configures the Internet Sharing Smlion and your PCs for Internet
access The Inlémcl Sharing Slatum uses a range otpr- lP add" a; Jr - adiomancally translates Addresses to
Access the public lnlemel. NexIP Sharing technolo inc 0110“ ncnans
- Network Address Translation (NAT):
The Internet Shari g Slation uses a Itchnolog) calla! VAT m let sum and on wax nctuork use on: [P address
given in )ou b) your lsP Each PC can hare its own prhalc lP Jddr=ss. “nlch sharing a public IP address. Th:
lnlemet Sharing Station “ill dial-up m lhe 151’ as required eslziblish a connection and get a public IP address
from the ISF. When a PC on )our network requests a net; page, mrs request intludes the IP address ofthe PC >0
the “eb Server can reply. The internet Sharing Station converts the IP address of the PC [0 the publlc [P address
aSSigned by )our [59 When a tree server returns a Web page. the Internet Sharing Station converts the public IF
address to the private 11> address of (11: PC The 1ntcmet Sharing Station keeps track oi the IP addresses of each
PC on your network so it can mute dam to the correct PC
I Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP):
DHCP provides a dynamic IF address to PCs and other devices upon request. The lntemcr Shat' Station can
net as a DHCP sener that automatically assigns [P addresses to each computer. The KP addres> s d)namic
because the address being ussigned could be different each time the) turn an lhelr computer
I Dynamic IP Addressing:
Your 15? has the option of aSS|gnmg a permanent or lempcrar} IP address You can configure the Internet
Sharing Station to use u permanent address or accept a temporary address from the (SP.
I NexIP Sharing Policy
Unex‘s Next? Sharing technology makes lntemci configuration easy by preconfiguring the tniemet Sharing
Station with an [P polic that works for most small offices. The lntemet Sharing Station is present with a fi\" send a data string
Wait “" I! Wait to receive a data string, and go to
iine n ifsomething errors
Gotn n Go to command line n
Hangnp Hang Up Modem
Run Start to run PPP and ignore resr orscnpt
l Example ofthe Login Script File
Your ISP instructs you (n log in and issue a PP? command. The system prompts for a login and password. After
the lSP's host sends a ueicorne message )ou enter the "ppp" command. if you logged in manuall) with a
usernutne of"JunS" and a password of" 34". it “mild look like this:
Enter usemame: luns
Enter password: m4
Welcome to Hrnei‘
Script for this scenario
Your script should look like this-
Wait Enter usemame "
Send "Juris"
Wait "Enter passnord‘"
Send "1134"
1.1 3.»
Send “mm“
Note: You onl) need to include the last pan Dfrhe rexrr In lhis case "Hlnel!" in ‘Welcome to Hrnet!"
Appendix C: Terminal Mode Configuration
In addition [0 rhe bronsrrmone, )ou can also nserermmni modem con _ re Inlemel Sharing Srarion by using [he
supplied serial onble and n iermrnni program (i e . Hyper Terminal ofWindaws 95)
Except for ihe upgrade or firmuare, “c recommend )ou (0 use brimser mode In configure [nremel Sharing
I Procedure
Is Power ofi‘the [nu-met Sharing Smrmn. use the supplied serinl cable to connecr your PC lo one of'me WAN
ports on the rear oflnremer Sharing Stanon
Cunfigure >0ur iennrnai program as shonn in me roliowing lable.
Setting Value
Terminal Emulallon VT [00 compfmble
Baudrale 19200
Dam Bits K-bn
Pariry No pant)
Slop Bus | srop bit
Flow Comrul None
3s Puner on me lnlemel Sharing Srmion, and wair for about 5 seconds, then press  key three limes in
one second. rhen me configuration screen nil] appear on your screen.
4. T)pe password for entering ihe cansale interface, rhe damn password is namin‘,
I Upgrading Internet Sharing Station Software
Fallon rhe insrrucrions ro upload in: laresr firrnnare (0 die Iniemet Sharing Smnon.
I Donniono inc Ialesz version pffirmwnre from hrrp /’\\'\\\v7unex,com in; then save n m the flopp) oiskene
2 lnserr rhis nappy diskette lo yDur PC, and sun me terminal program
The ierminal program provided with Win95 is called > HypEr rgrmi'nor", just click and follois lhe seiecrion-
Slart JIEnu-> Programs-> Accexmrr'zr-> Hrpgrrgmrnoi.
Enter inro rermnni mode. lhen select "Fin-nware Upgrade".
4, On the lap tool bar oflhe lermirial progmmr click and follow the selection' Transfer-a) Send Fr/e
Type the file name oflhe firmware, m. A.\15020»03 BIN. and select ‘Xmode
Send button See a screen [lke me folmuing.
m" as protocol. Ihen suck
ernul Slur-r
Hod-n n Con-n .Send me
Dial-up Scxxpf
Consule P‘ssuor
Save and Fese‘
05m 3010pr yzoum no transfer a.“ ..nmunnnuum_
Immnuma [Amman lmw1~:~{scnuu vim Wu»? jammy u)PI\€scl’o/”{.fi
6. When fiI: transfer has been completed press ‘Y'.
F/N: 6-10-03 7020 11
Cnmnzm 5 WW b,» rm Tzchnohjgx Carvumnon an ngms manta
Na pan of w"; documem mm be coplcd or “mu-ma m am form or b} an, mm, mmmn (he pnor erl’len mm" er Um Tech-slog}
Um mm m) narranngs um. respect a: flu; dacummmmn um msdmms my mum “mum of merchanmbll . mm,» or fimeis {or an}
vanlcmzu purpose The mformnuon in mm doc-mm ws mm (0 change mmom mmu. Um mm; the nghl m mm rensmns m (m;
pubhtalmn mmoumnugmm m rmufi any pcuan urmnly afanyiuch chang=s
Unex Technology Corporation
SFS‘ N04 130v Sze ‘VEi Rdv
Hsinrhu, Taiwan. RO‘C.
Phone: 886-3 "$6262
FAX: ass-351 .7377
E—maiI: sales@unex.com.rw

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