Uniden America UB300 User Manual Draft Copy of Owners Manual

Uniden America Corporation Draft Copy of Owners Manual

Draft Copy of Owners Manual

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Document ID45591
Application IDqfkHmjUc6Qrq6Vv8uH53+g==
Document DescriptionDraft Copy of Owners Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize159.11kB (1988821 bits)
Date Submitted1999-07-02 00:00:00
Date Available1999-08-24 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-07-01 06:52:51
Producing SoftwarePhotoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0
Document Lastmod1999-07-02 08:51:19
Document TitleDraft Copy of Owners Manual
Document CreatorPhotoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0

User Manual
ub300—15 15
RE 31.523 4.02725! 4,057,760 4,092,594 4,100,497
4,114,111! 4,123,715 4,156,193 4,157,505 (179,662
4,270,217 4,396,304 4,409,685
4,461,136 4,521,915 4,627,100 4,338,515 4,932,074
01994 Unioen America Corpovafion. All rights
Revised 1994 5
USUDOIZSSM Printed in the Phiwflfis
1 OO-Channel
Twin Turbo
A uto Scanner
Uniden DOES NOT represent this unit to be
waterproof. To reduce the risk of fire or electrical
shock. DO NOT expose this unit to rain or moisture.
Be sure to use only the supplied earphone, or a
stereo thet ol the proper impedance (329). Use
oi an incorred earphone or stereo headset may be
potentialty hazardous to your hearing.
Set the Volume to a comfortable audio level coming
from the speaker before plugging in the supplied
earphone or a stereo headset oi the proper
irrpedance (329). Otherwise you might experience
some discomfort or possible hearing damage it the
Volume suddenly becomes too loud because of the
Volume Control or Squelch Control setting. This may
be particularly true of the type of earphone that is
placed in the ear canal.
- This equipment contains a Nickel=E2 056.333 50> xuozu 0321 Na 25 B 32.93 50> 3053.5 GoE ES
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Gt Press® to store the entry. The channel number on
the display stops blinklng
“ 7; 73551500
7. Il that frequency is already stored in another channel,
you er hear a ‘beep', and the duplicate channel
number will appear on the display.
If you want to store the lrequency in the selected
channel (18) as well. preee ® again. Or. press (9
and enter another frequency tor the currently selected
channel. The channel number on the display stops
Note: Any frequency already stored in any manual
will auromeficeln'be replaced by me new one.
s. It you try to enter a frequency that Is outside one of the
11 Bands, ycu will hear a “beep', and the word ‘Error"
appears on the display.
18 Error
Press ® and reenter the correct lrequencyt
9. To program another channel. repeat the above
Deleting a Stored Frequency
To delete a frequency lrorn a channel:
ll Display the channel and frequency to be deleted.
2. Press® on the numeric keypad.
3. Press (9 The current channel is erased, and the
display shows 000.000.
Note: That channel will be skipped during scanning.
Scanning 1. Press @'
Note: When you turn the scanneron it will always 2. Enter the channel nurrber using the numeric keys.
be in SCAN Made.
1. Look at the lower lelt comer oi the display. it SC" is not 3‘ Press @ again.
displayed. pless @. The ac 120XLT should begin
scanning. Priority Scan
a It now a 873 tthe bottom a the dis l , es: The BC 120XI-T has 10 Priority Channels. 1 per Bank
to begin gm"; p fly Pr @ ’ Initially, these are the first channel in each Bank. (e.g.
Channel 1, Channel 11, Channel 21, and so on.) The scanner
checks the Priority Channel(s) every 2 seconds during the
Scan cycle. If a transmission is received, the scanner will stop
at that channel. it the Priority Channel in any Bank is “Locked
out”. it will be skipped during scanning.
The indicators lor the selected Banls (1 through 10) appear on
the display. The indicator of the Bank currently being
monitored fishes. While the BC 120XLT is scanning, the
word SCAN moves across the display.
Scanning stops on any active channel that is not "Locked Out',
and displays the Channel Number and frequency. Scanning
i ll :
resumes automatically alter the transmission steps. 0 ows
_ 1. Go directty to that channel using any oi the methods
3. You can deselect any bank(s) from being scanned by descn'bed above.
entering the number d the bank The deselected bank _
indicatofls) fisappaar from the display. and those 2 Press and hold for at least 2 seconds. You Will
channels will not be scanned This procedure helps to hear a “beep”, and P W!" appear on the display to the
speed up the scanning cycle. left of the new channel number. That channel will new
the?’ ’ Ch ell thatBank P ‘Il
Note: Que Bank must always be active. You cannot $0290, tfifiprejfis Fori'm‘y Channeflhe ya no
deedivate all 10 banks at the same time, If you fly . _ ‘ ' _ . .
to deactivate all 10 Banks, Bank 1 will automatically To activate Priority Scan. press .. The PR: indicator writ
be active. appear at the bottom of the display. To deactivate Priority
. . . Scan, preset : again. The PHI indicator will disappearfrom
4. To restore any bank for scanning, lust enter its number the bottom at the display.
again. The bank indicator will reappear on the display.
5. To stop scanning any time, press @ (HOLD appears Delay
0" the display.) The scanner remains on the lisplayed Normally the scanner will resume scanning when a
channel, 3M WIN the bank lfld‘fi'Of f°f that channel transm'ssion steps. ltycu want to remain on a channel until a
EPPGBIS- Press @. to resume scanning. responding transmission is received, activate the DELAY
6. When you are stopped at a channel, you can press ' to , leature. This leature can be active in SCAN. SVC Scan,
step down a channel. or A to step up a channel. Press SEARCH- and WEATH EH Modes.
and hold other keyto rapidly step through the 1. Press .. The DLY indicator appears at the bottom
channels. of the display. 1119 scanner will now pause 2 seconds
Note: You daml skip a locked out (1.107 channel after transmission stops before resuming scanning»
when you use V orA. 2. Press again to deactivate Delay. The DLY
indicator disappears from the bottom of the display.
15 17
Locking Out Channels
You may have programmed certain channels that you do not
want to hear every time you scan. These are channels that
are busy a major portion of the urns, and the scanner stops at
the channel(s) often enough to interrupt the scan cycle. You
can Lock Out those channels so they are not scanned.
1. Go directty to that channel using any of the methods
desch above.
2. Press @. LIO appears at the lower nght otthe
That channel is now'tocked Out“ of the scanning cycle.
However, you can access that channel at any time using one
d the Direct channel Access methods.
To put the channel back in the scanning cycle:
1. Go directly to the desired channel.
2. Press ®. The U0 indicator now disappears from
the display. and the channel is no longer “Locked Out".
You can lock out any or all of the Priority Channels the same
way as other channels. it you lock out a_lI Priority Channels
you will see this message:
P ch Lac Uul:
You can also remove U0 from all “Locked Out" channels in the
meiScan Banks (those appearing at the top of the
dsplay.) Press and hold (E for at least 2 seconds. You will
heartwo beeps and all channels. except empty channels
(ooooooosz, are returned to the scanning cycle in the
mg Scan Banks.
Note: Any “Locked Out’ channels in Banks that are
deselected are still ‘Locked Out’.
Looking for “Locked Out” Channels
During scanning, you will not see “Locked t' channels. To
look lor "Locked Out’ channels, first press to stop
scanning. Then use A or V to step through the Bank You
will see W’ on the display to indicate a “Locked Out" channel.
Weather Channel Scanning
The BC 120XLT s designed to search for your local NOAA
weather channel(s) from 7 preprogrammed NCAA channels.
1. Press ®to beg‘n Weather Search. WX appears at
the right side ofthe display and the word SCAN moves
across the display.
2. When the Weather Search finds an active channel in
your area, the scanner stops at that frequency.
3. To stay at that frequency rees .. To resume
Weather Search. press again.
it is possible that you may be able to hear more than one
Weatherbroadcast in yourarea. it the broadcast sounds
weak and distant, press (E again to look tor a closer
station. Or, press A or V to move to another station.
4. To exit Weather Mode. press @
Note: All weather channels h‘ansmit continwus
broadcasts Once the Weathelscan stops on a
transnu'ssr'on, it will remain on that channel. Wealherswn
will not resume automatically You mustpress®again
to reactivate scanning
monitor weather broadcasts, such as In low—lying areas.
Nome a higher locab‘on will Improve the recepflon.
Preprogrammed Service (SVC) Scanning
frequencies preprog-ammed forpolioe, fire/emergency, aicra‘h.
and wanna. The frequencies selected lorthese baan arethme
most commonly used around the us.
1. Press ®. POLICE appears beneath the blinking
channel nunber and a frequency number also appears
next to the channel nurrber.
2. Press ®repeatedly to cycle to the band you want to
listen to (POLICE, FIRE/BIG, AIR, MEN). The
BC 120XLT waits for two seconds, then begins
scanning that band. Or. press lo begin scanning
the selected band immediately. AN moves across
the display.
3. Press at any time to stop the scan on a
frequency. HOLD appears on the diaplay. Press 9
to resume scanning
When SVC Sean is stopped, press A or V to move up
or down one frequency step. Press and hold A or V to
rapidly move up or down through the frequencies.
Note: If you want to remain on a channel until a
responding transmission is received, press to Searching
act/vale the MO second delay fsamre.
4. To exit SVC Scan Mode, press @
The BC 120XLT can search bands you specify to find desired
. , frequencies if you do not have a Frequency Directory handy,
To use the new“ feature dumg svc Scan. or it new stations have been added since the Directory was
1. Press to stop the scanning cycle. published,
2 Press ® 1. Press @ to stop scanning.
3 2. Use the numeric keypad to enter the lowesltrequency
3’ Press @ of the range you want to search.
You can lock out a total of 20 frequencies in SVC Scan Mode. 1 press @
Caution: It ou attempt to lock out more than 20 4
frequencies, you will werwrite those frequencies 4~ Enter the hrghestfrequency d ”10 range Y°U want to
already stored in the SVC Scan Lock Out Memory. search.
Note: The DATA andnmeo functions are inoperative 5. Press @
during SVC Scan.
. t . 6. Press -
Programming wrth Servtoe (SVC) Scan
d ~ d ~ During a Search, press : to activate TURBO
1' yam” “PM a ”an“? as mm '“ semen. This increases the Search Speed to 300
Programming Channels. page 14. .
> steps per second in those bands that have 5 KHz steps.
2. Press ® to enter the SVC Scan Mode. Press ® (See the table on page 8 for the Band Chart) When
rapeatedty until you reach the bank you want (POLICE, you activate TURSO SEARCH. the SRCH indicator I
FlRE/EMG, AIR, MRN). flashes Press .again to deactivate TURBO
3 Wait two seconds for scanning to begin. or press @ to SEARCH. I
start scanning immediately SCAN mcwes across the 7, Press at a time to stop the search on a
display. lrequency. Press again to resume searching. |
4. When SVC 303" Steps on B desired irequency. P7933 a. When Search is stopped, you can press A or V to
1° stay 0" "if“ frequency. HOLD appears W the move up or down 1 frequency step. (See the table on
dISPiaY' page 3 for the step size for each Band.)
The channel number you selected will be blinking. Using DATA Skip.
5. To store the displayed frequency into that channel, ‘ Amwil nor-malty stop on any transm'ssim “a racemes. This
press ® The channel nunber s‘ops blinking. meets the BC 1mTwill stop on Data signals and unmodified
remissions. chenskbtheeeirequencieswrtheam
Press to activate the DATA Skip feature. The W
indicator appears on the display. The scanner may pause
mornentariiy at an unwanted signal, but will resume searching
in 2 or3seconds. To deactivate DATA Skip. Press
.agein. The an: indicator disappears from the display.
Note: DATA Slap does not function on the AIR Band.
The We?! Indicator will not appear on the display
even if this feature is aoflvated.
20 21
Search Frequency Skip.
The scanner may stop at certain frequencies during Search
that you do not want to heart You can program up to 10 Skip
Frequencies into the BC IZOXLT. When the scanner stops at
Care and Maintenance
one of these frequencies during Search, press @. That Rep Iacmg the Battery Pac"
frequency is now ‘memorized' and wlll be sk'pped during any 1. Turn the On-Oleolurne Control OFF.
fem The scannerwill then search to find other actrve 24 Turn the scanner over
so you are looking at
Caution: If you attempt to lock out more than 10 the back.
frequencles, you will overwrite those frequencies 7
already stored in the Search Sk'm Memory
Programming Wlth SEARCH
The Search feature enables you to rapidly search for active
trequemies within band limits you specify. When an
interesting frequency is found, you can store it in a channel
us'ng the procedure below.
1. Press @.
2 Use the keypad to select the channel you wish to store 3‘ ”955 ‘" °“."‘° ribbed
e frequency in. area and slrde the
@ Battery Cover down
3. Press to access that channel. and off.
4. Use the keypad to enter the lowest frequency of the
band you wish to search.
St Press @ |
St Enwrlhehimesttrewemyofthebendywwbhtosearch I
7. Press @
a‘ Press. . 4. Carefully unplug the Battery Back and lift it out of the I
9. When Search stops on a desired frequency. press
to stay on that frequency. The channel you - .
chose above will be blinking on the display. 5, Carefuliy plug m the new Battery Pack, observing the
K proper polarity. (The RED wire should be on the
H l41351701313
BAN right as you plug it in) Although the plug is keyed to
snort HOLD DLY
reduce the chance of inserting it wrong, make sure
the wires are in the correct position before pushing it
in all the way DO NOT FORCE THE PLUG IN.
10. To store the displayed frequency in that channel, press
®. The channel number on the display stops blitktng.
Repeat thls procedure to store other frequencies found in the
22 23
6. Insert the Battery
Pack into the scanner
so the label side is
showing. Make sure
it is seated within the
case before replacing
All scanners are subiect to receiving undesired signals or
birdies It your scanner stops during SEARCH Mode and no
sound is heard. it may be receiving a birdie. Birties are
internally generated sigmala inherent in the electronics of the
seamen Use the Search Skip teature to skip the unwanted
the Battery Cover. frequencies
Proper Care of Your Scanner
) Use only an AD—70U AC Adapter! Charger. (or one oi the
optional cigarette Lighter Power Cords listed on page 27) with
your scanner.
7. Replace the Battery Do not leave the Ac Adapter/Charger plugged in for long
Cover by putting the periods.
m W’s '" the Avoid placing the scanner in direct sunlight or near heating
C0 3901. cfing . ' ' elements or vents
openlrrég at: ifltulnkgs l.‘ Also. do not subject the scanner to continuous sub-zero
Um un Dc m temperatures. it the scanner is exposed to temperatures below
place. -5'F or above 140'F, the liquid crystal display may temporarily
cease to function properly. or can become permanently
I ll strong interlerence or electrical noise is received,
relocate the scanner or its antenna away lrom the
source oi the noia. A hig'ier elevation, it possible, may
provide better reception.
Do not use the scanner in high-moisture environments
such as the kitchen or bathroom.
Avoid placing the unit in direct sunlight or near heating t
elements or vents.
I Donotplugthescamerintoanouttetoontmlledbya
wall switch as prolonged periods without power will
came scanner memory loss.
l Disconnect the power to the unit before cleaning.
l Clean the wtstde ot the scanner with a mild detergent.
I To prevent scratches, do not use abrasive cleaners or
solvents. Be carelul not to rub the LCD window.
I Do not use excessive amounts at water.
Do not attempt any repair. The scanner eontalns no
serviceable pans. Contact the Uniden customer Service
Cartier or take it to a qualified repair technician.
24 25
it your BC 120XLT is not performing property. try the steps
listed below.
Scanner won't work.
Check the power connections.
Check the volume and squelch.
Make sure the power switch is
turned on.
Scan won't start.
I . —r—-
"WW" reception. Check the antenna connection.
Search won’t start.
Keypad won‘t work.
You may be in a fringe area
Reposition the scanner.
Adjust the Squelch Control.
Check the antenna connection.
It is possible that none oi the
programmed frequencies are
active at the time. Try Service
Band Search.
Make sure there are some
programmed channels.
Adjust the Squelch Control.
Adiug the Squelch Control.
Check the Keypad Lock
li you stil cannot get satisfactory results and want additional
information. or to return the unit for service, please call or write
the Uniden Parts and Service Division. The address and
phone number are listed in the Warranty (at the end of this
Optional Accessories and
Replacement Parts
The following optional accessories and replacement parts lor
your Beizoxn are available from your local Uniden Dealer
. or through lhe Uniden Customer Service Center by calling:
(317) 842-2483. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST. Monday through
Spare Bette Pack
Replacement Rubber Antenna
AC Adapter/Charger
Leather Carrying Case Lc-120
'StrJa%ht Cigarette Lighter Power Cord (lusecl)
'Coiled Cigarette Llyiter Power Cord (lused)
Belt Cip with 2 screws BCK-150
BClZOXLT Operating Guide
'Use only wilh a 12-13.8VDC. Negalive Ground system.
Replace fuse only with same type/rating.
Technical Specifications .
ell-inch: 100
Bub: Teal 10 Banks
10 Chunk each
:' 7 med Channels (All NON!
w‘ Wm“)
Sender Banal: 4 Preprogwnmed Search bands
Fm Cavern. Sup.
amaze.» MHz (NFM) 5|
Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 1999:07:02 08:51:19
Creator                         : Photoshop PDF Plug-in 1.0
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Create Date                     : 1999:07:01 06:52:51
Page Count                      : 19
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FCC ID Filing: AMWUB300

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