Uniden America UH053 Portable Emergency Use Cellular Telephone User Manual fwr01

Uniden America Corporation Portable Emergency Use Cellular Telephone fwr01

Draft Copy of Owners Manual

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Date Submitted2001-02-13 00:00:00
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Model: VMMS (FCC ID: AMWUH053)
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH)
Operation Specification
Revision 0.5
In August l996 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States with its
action in Report and Order FCC 96-326 adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure
to radio frequency electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Those
guidelines are consistent with the safety standard previously set by both U.S. and
international standards bodies. The design of this phone complies with the FCC guidelines
and these international standards.
Use only the supplied or an approved antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or
attachments could impair call quality, damage the phone, or result in violation of FCC
Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with
the skin, a minor burn may result. Please contact yourlocal dealer for replacement antenna.
Body-worn Operation
This device was tested for typical body—worn operations using the belt—cl ip supplied with
the product. To comply with RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation distance of 2.2
mm. must be maintained between the user's body and the helt—clip/holster, including the
The use of other belt—cl ip/holsters and other non—accessories may not comply with FCC RF
Exposure requirements and should be avoided.
Change or modifications to this product not expressly approved by GOEKEN GROUP CORP, or
operation of this product in any way other than as detailed by this operation guide, could
void your authority to operate this product.
Uniden Corporation
Copyright © 2000 Uniden Corp. All rights reserved.
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operalion Specificalinn Rev, 05
Table of Contents
1.3. Keys
1.4. TONES.
. Jen-rum: LIST
. Initiating a Call
, Vuire Canversanon.
. DTMF Message
223 1.He1|oTnne..
2.2.3 . ldemificauon Requesl Command Mcssag
. Locafinn Requcsl Command ang
.Aclivalc Help—Enron": lndicnmr: Cnmmnnd Mcssng: ,
Aclivale Speaker / DerACIivzle Speaker Request Command Mcsag:
.Acnvme Simn / De~Acuva1e Siren Kequesl Commnnd Message
Rsrculculale Lennon Request Command Message
. Mobllc 5mm thucs! Command Message ..
Shutdown Mann: chucsl Command Message
.1n. male” Requeleammnnd Message . ..
1 7 3.11 Pama) Shuldewn Requcsx Command Mcssag
2.2 The and ofm”.
2, 7 1 Battery Condition Tesi
2.3 GPS Module Test. .
2.3 i AMPS Signal Slrnnglll Tex!
2.3 In Self Text Made.
Unldcn Corpolalmn Propnemly 1
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Rev. 0.5
1. Overview
This phone will enable a user to place a call to the Emergency Response Center (ERC) in order
to report an emergency condition, automatically provide global positioning, and dispatch to the
USSR’s location with minimal effort to the user. Upon activation , lhe terminal device will
place the call via the local cellular system to the emergency reporting center utilizing pre—
programmed, stored area code, NNX, and number. Once the call is completed to the emergency
center, the terminal device will then automatically provide latitude and longitude positioning
through GPS (Global Positioning System) via the selected cellular traffic channel, Once the
latitude and longitude data is sent/received, the ERC will have the option to open up the cellular
traffic channel for voice use via a speakerphone arrangement in the terminal device allowing the
user to converse with personnel at the ERC
1.1. Functional View of Phone
The following figure is a simplified functional view of the phone to show what kind of keys,
indications etc. on the phone, and the actual appearance of the phone is different from this
f AMPS Antenna
Panic Siren
GPS Anttena Speaker ‘i
(GnfirNy Speaker Phone
[ tuktEN)
[TEST] Key ~> O O
Front View Side View Rear View
Uniden Corporation Proprietary z
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Rev. 0.5
1.2. Indications
(Only Emergency
(Only Seerest Mode)
40nly SeII'Test Mode)
Meaning at was is
\ elenns Monitor Svstem.
Indicate the Operation condition:
Flashing Green:
Indicates the call in progress and till Help-Enroute established
Solid Green:
Indicates the Activate Help-Enroutc command is received.
Indicate the Self Test condition.
Flashing Green:
Indicates the GPS module communication is error.
Indicates the Signal too weak or No service
Solid Green:
Indicate the GPS module communication is OK
Indicates the AMPS Signal is acceptable or strong,
1) GPS does check actual receiving.
2) AMPS will check the actual operallon with the RSSI and the control
channel detection.
Indicate the Battery Status:
Flashing Green:
Indicates the Battery Status is low.
Solid Green:
Indicates the Batter Status is amenable.
Emergency Call Origination
1) Battery Status check,
2) GPS does Check the communication with MCU, and check
actual receiving.
3) AMPS will check the actual operation with the R551 and the
control channel detection.
Keys function when push for 1 second.
VMS key is activated, and de-activated in 911 mode.
TEST key is activated./ dc-activated.
Unlden Corporatlnn Proprietary 3
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Rev, 015
1.4. Tones
Tone Description Source
Panic Siren Loud Panic siren Panic siren speaker
1) The Activate Siren Command received
from Emergency Response Center
A period of a siren is 0N325ee, 0FF:85ec.
2) A siren sounds when not be able to
connected to ERC or 911.
Low level Panic siren
A siren sounds in an end of Self Test Mode,
Beer when an emer_enc call is established
Ear s - eaker
Pacifier Bee 1
1.5. Speaker Phone and Microphone
Speaker Phone and Description
Active Mode An initial value in ERC connection
The Activate Speaker Phone Command received from Emergency
Response Center (ERC).
When PGH was connected with 911. (Need to MlC gain Control)
De-Active Mode The Der-Activate Speaker Phone Command received from
Emergency Response Center (ERC).
Exce-t a state shown the active mode.
1.6. Feature List
. Item Functions
1 Emergency Call Mode [VMS] key press ERC number dialing.
PGH acts according to a command from ERC.
When PGH was not able to connect with ERC, it does
dialing to 911.
A siren sounds when not be able to connected to ERC
or 91 1.
2 Self Test Mode 1) Battery Status check.
2) GPS does check the communication with MCU,
and check actual receiving.
3) AMPS will check the actual operation with the
R551 and the control channel detection.
Uttiden Corporation Proprietary 4
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Rev, 05
2. Operation
There are 3 distinctive modes of Operation in the phone:
' Power down mode
' Emergency Call mode
' Self Test mode
This section describes the operation of each mode.
2.1. Power Down Made
In Power down mode, all of the phone’s circuits are turned off to conserve the battery. The
battery life will be the standard shelf live of the alkaline batteries, typically 1 year. As the panic
phone will be mostly stored in an unattended manner, active battery condition monitoring will
deplete battery life very significantly without good operational advantage. The design for
maximum battery life with user activated self-test is considered to be most optimum.
in power-down mode, the phone waits for a key press and enters other mode based on the
entered key sequence.
2.2. Emergency Call Mode
2.2.1. Initiating a Call
The PGH does not have a conventional cellular keypad Rather, it has a large “one button”
design in order to simplify its use. When the phone is in Power down mode, holding the [VMS]
key for lsec will place an emergency call. When the phone is powered on, it will turn on DISP
LED. The DIS? LED is flashing (ls interval) the call in progress and till Help-Enroute
established And then the phone makes a pacifier beep for lsec.
In this mode, cutting by key operation is prohibited.
The PGH incorporates a built-in Global Positioning System (GPS) receiverr The GPS receiver
is used to establish the position of the user (in latitude and longitude format),
The PGH will place a call to the Emergency Response Center (ERC) utilizing a pre-
programmed, stored area code, NNX, and number via the local cellular telephone company. If
the call cannot be completed via the preferred system (A or B) the unit will automatically try the
other system (A or B)
Once an cmergency call is established to the Emergency Response Center and the users
identification (ESN, MIN) has been sent (utilizing DTMF tones as the encoding/signaling
medium) to the ERC (utilizing DTMF tones as the encoding/signaling medium) enabling the
ERC personnel to determine the users identity. The stored location is then sent to the ERC and
Uniden Corporation Proprietary 3
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Rev. 0.5
then dispatch appropriate response teams. At no time will the GPS receiver and the AMPS
transmitter operate simultaneously.
When PGH was not able to connect with ERC, it does dialing to 911.
The speaker phone shall be activatcd for the callt (Need to MIC gain control)
When PGH connects with 911, cutting by holding the [VMS] key (lsec) operation is possible.
When not be able to connected to ERC or 9111
PGl—l sounds aloud Panic Sircn (Smin).
Retry sequence in the following.
1) ERC-1(B-SYSTEM) Origination (Retry 5 Times)
l Error
2) ERC—2(B—SYSTEM) Origination (Retry 5 Times)
l Error
3) 911 (B-SYSTEM) Origination (Retry 5 Times)
i Error
4) 911 (A-SYSTEM) Origination (Retry 5 Times)
5) Panic Siren (Smin)
1) Continue until the battery will be used up
X When connecting to ERC-Z, if Re—Calculate Location Req. will be occurred, it will
connect to the 2) ERG—2 again.
X In case if it can not be connected to ERG-2, it will go to 3) 911(B) as per the sequence.
Please confirm if our understanding is correct or not.
A Retry sequence repeats until battery is exhausted,
in Emergency mode, cutting by [VMS] kcy operation is prohibited.
X When PGH evaluation stage, cutting by holding the [VMS] key (lsec) operation is possible.
Untden Corporxlton Proprietary b
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Rev. 0.5
2.2.2. Voice Conversation
The PGH incorporates a built-in speakerphone arrangement. A speakerphone arrangement is
preferred [or this service in order to provide a viable means of voice communication between a
user and ERC personnel. During an emergency, the user may be incapacitated or fallen and the
PGH may be on the ground or floori A speaker phone would, at least enable the ERC personnel
to be able to listen to the user or their surroundings. In addition, the user would have the ability
to converse with the ERC personnel without having the device up to their ear. The
speakerphone would be optionally switched in to the cellular traffic channel by the ERC
immediately after the ESN, MIN and latitude/longitude information was sent and
After this, PGH is controlled from ERC by DTMF command messages.
2.23. DTMF Message
When a phone connects with ERC, communicate according to Point-to-Point DTMF Protocol
by Personal Guardian Handheld unit Specification and Operation [Ver 2.1 4.0 Process Flows] , Hello Tone
The ERC detects the ring and subsequently sends a periodic hello tone [DTMF #]#] to the PGH.
The hello tone shall be considered by the PGH as an Identification Request Command with
sequence number O The hello tone shall be sent 1 time per second until the PGH responds with
the identification response message
The PGH shall wait 3t'lsec (starting from the send) for the Hello Tone. If the timer expires the
PGH shall drop the existing call and re-initiate a second call, If three calls are attempted
without receiving the Hello Tone the PGH shall initiate a call to 911 in Voice mode.
2.13.2. Identification Request Command Message
This call initiation and setup procedure is complete once the PGH ID request response message
is received by the ERC. Subsequent Commands will he issued by the ERC as needed
2.23.1 Location Request Command Message
The ERC uses the Location Request Command message to solicit the PGH location, The PGH
responds to the Location Request Command with the Location Request Response. The
response contains the GPS latitude and longitude values. In addition the response contains a
GPS signal strength indicator., Activate HeIp-Enmute Indicators Command Message
The DISP LED will flashing (ls interval) and When the PGH received a “Activate Help—
Unidcn Corporation Proprietary 7
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Rev. 0.5
Enroute" Command from ERC, then DISP LED turns to solid Green.
The ERC consists of emergency call response personnel and links to local emergency response
institutions (eg. Police, Fire, Hospital, Ambulance, ctc.).
is flxshmg DIS}, uso
Ii) :> O 0
Hold Can Established
[VM51key “a
[0.15.5 Received Activate
w Enter em: Call Mode He; 5mm MM Activate Speaker / De-Aetivate Speaker Request Command Message
Voice mode is enabled by activating the PGH speaker phone. De-Activate Speaker Request
Command Message. Similarly voice mode is de-activated by disabling the PGH speaker phone. Activate Siren / De-Activate Siren Request Command Message
The PGH siren can be activated and de-activated by ERC. PGH will stop the siren during
encoding of DTMF. If the siren is activated, the speaker phone will be deactivated.
A period of a siren is 0N:25ec, OFF :85cc. Re-eaIeuIate Location Request Command Message
The ERC may request the PGH to recalculate its location. When the PGH receives the Re-
calculate Location Request message it shall drop the current call, disable the AMPS transceiver,
enable the GPS receiver and obtain its location.
The PGH shall attempt to determine its location up to the period oftime contained in the
request message, As soon as the PGH obtains a new location reading or upon liming out the
PGl-l shall re-initiate a call. Mobile Status Request Command Message
It may be desirable to determine the status of the PGH device. This includes the R551, battery,
speaker and siren status. Shutdown Mobile Request Command Message
To shutdown the PGl-l, when the ERC from a Shutdown Request Command message. The PGH
responds with a Shutdown Request Response message. The PGH shall then end the call and
power down (about Ssec later),
Unidcn Cm’pttt‘almn Proprietary s
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Rev 05
When it received a message of Activate Help-Enroute Command, it is time-out for 30min.
When it received a message of Activate Siren Command, it is time-out for siren period.
Siren or HelpAEnmute indication is left even if it receive a message of Shutdown command. Dial 911 Request Command Message
The ERC may direct the PGH to dial 911. The PGH responds with a Dial 911 response message.
The PGH shall then end the call and dial 911.
The speaker phone shall be activated for the call. (Need to MIC gain control)]. Partial Shutdown Request Command Message
When the mobile receives the partial shutdown message it shall send the response message,
drop the call and go into receive mode for the duration specified in the command message.
While in receive mode the PGH is able to receive incoming cellular calls.
PGH does autuanswer with Incoming calll
PGH does not do a DMP communication with this conversation mode.
2.2.4. The end of all].
In Emergency mode, cutting by [VMS] key operation is prohibited. When PGH connects with
911, cutting by holding the [VMS] key (lsec) operation is possible.
After a call is established, when the PGH received Shutdown Command. or the other party
hangs up. the call will be released. When it received a message of Siren or Help-Enroute
Command, it is time-out for Siren Period or 30min, Siren or Help-Enroute indication is left
even if it receive a message of Shutdown command, and the PGH will then go back to Power
Down mode.
2.3. Self Test Mode
When the PGH is in Power Down mode, holding the [TEST] key for lsec will let the phone do
the self»testt
Cutting by holding the [TEST] key (lsec) operation is possible.
2.3.1. Battery Condition Test
The PGH will check the battery level.
If a battery level is reasonable, BATT LED turns on two or three seconds later
if low battery is detected, BAT LED (Green) will be flashing.
Next, executes GPS Module Test.
When a check of GPS and AMPS is finished, Intermittent low level Panic Siren will be beeping
until battery is exhausted.
This is to ensure that the user replaces the batteries, The user can remove the batteries at any
Unidcn Curpttratlon Proprietary 9
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Raw 05
o o o [:> o o o
St“ la! Mode Baum low l‘ouu Down Mode
Unidcn Corporalion Proprmzry m
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Rev. 0.5
2.3.2. GPS Module Test
GPS does check actual receiving, check the communication with MCU in the first place. When
GPS Communication is right, check actual receiving test,
When GPS actual receiving test is right, and executes AMPS signal strength Test.
If GPS communication error is detected, TEST LED(Green) will be flashing Intermittent low
level Panic Siren will be beeping until battery is exhausted
Please repair a product,
o o o o o o
n l
O ci,mm..,..u..o.. 53:1?
M nmmnmcxhon Error POM! 170W" Mm‘k
2.3.3. AMPS Signal Strength Test
AMPS will check the actual operation with the RSSI and the control channel detection.
If AMPS signal is reasonable, TEST LED turns on, and low level Panic Siren will be beeping,
will be turned off automatically Ssec, then go back to Power Down mode.
If AMPS Signal too weak or No service, TEST LED(Grcen) will be flashing Intermittent low
level Panic Siren will be beeping, will be turned off automatically Ssec, then go back to Power
Down mode.
Please confirm an AMPS service area.
o o 0
Signal Slrtngth 5m mu
m :eak LED
be turned alt
No szrvlce
Sell Tm Mude 5mm rim rim” ”(Mn Mink
Uniden Corporation Proprietary u
Personal Guardian Handheld unit (PGH) Operation Specification Revr 0.5
2.3.4r In Self Test Mode
While the Self Test Mode is active, pressing and holding the [VMS] key simultaneously for
lsec, will turn on the Emergency Mode,
o o 0 Ci)
Hold [VMS] kcv
O for t w
sums: Mude Emergency Call Mode
3. Cellular Phone Parameters
The phone has a non-volatile memory to store the cellular phone parameters.
These parameters are required to register to a cellular system, originate and receive a call.
The following chart is a list of the proposed default values for the cellular phone parameters.
Parameters Acronym Proposed default values
Electric Serial Number ESN A unique serial number will be assigned to
each phone,
System Selection B Prefer A
Attempt a call origination through B
System first. If fails, trLSystem A4
Mobile Identification Number MIN A unique identification number will be
assigned to eaclehone,
Authentication Key A-Key Will be initialized to all ‘0's
EmergenCLNumber (ERC-l) ERC71=“XXX-XXX—XXXX"
Emergency Number (ERG-2) ERC—2=“XXX-XXX—XXXX”
XPGH memorizes the ERG—2 number in
FLASH ROM temporarily.
Umdcn Corporation Proprietary 12

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PDF Version                     : 1.3
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Creator                         : .橡.fwr01.TIF
Create Date                     : 2001:01:29 16:20:41
Title                           : .橡.fwr01.PDF
Author                          : .橡.FWR
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 3.0J Windows
Modify Date                     : 2001:02:13 12:47:51
Page Count                      : 13
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FCC ID Filing: AMWUH053

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