Making a Distress CallLift the red cover. Press and hold the DISTRESS button for three seconds. The VHF650 transmits your boat’s location every few minutes until you receive a response.NOTE: If the radio displays Enter User MMSI, cancel the automatic distress call and make a normal voice distress call.Lift the red cover and press the DISTRESS button.Making a voice distress callSpeak slowly -- clearly -- calmly.Make sure your radio is on. On the microphone, press the 16/9-TRI button to switch to Channel 16 (156.8 MHz). (If the corner of the display does not show 16, press the 16/9-TRI button again until it does.)Press the PUSH TO TALK button on the microphone and say: "MAYDAY --MAYDAY-- MAYDAY." Say "THIS IS ___________ ÅWrite your boat’s name in the blank spaceSay "MAYDAY ___________ ÅWrite your boat’s name in the blank space.Tell where you are: (what navigational aids or landmarks are near, or read the latitude and longitude from your GPS). State the nature of your distress, e.g. are you sinking, medical HPHUJHQF\PDQRYHUERDUGRQ¿UHDGULIWHWFGive number of persons aboard and conditions of any injured persons. Estimate present seaworthiness of your ship, e.g. how immediate is the GDQJHUGXHWRÀRRGLQJRU¿UHRUSUR[LPLW\WRVKRUH%ULHÀ\GHVFULEH\RXUVKLSOHQJWKW\SHFRORUKXOOSay: “I will be listening on Channel 16." End message by saying "THIS IS ___________, OVER." ÅWrite your boat’s name or call sign in the blank space.Release the PUSH TO TALK button and listen. If you do not get an answer after 30 seconds, repeat your call, beginning at step 3, above. a Distress Call
E-2Table of ContentsMaking a Distress Call  .................iMaking a voice distress call ........ iTable of Contents .........................2Introduction...................................4Features .....................................4Manual overview ........................4Conventions ............................4Terms used in this manual .......4Getting Started..............................6What's included ............................. 6Parts of the radio ........................... 7Turning on the radio..................... 10Setting the UIC channel mode (USA/CAN/INT) ........................... 10How it Works...............................10Normal mode operation............ 11Using the radio in normalmode .....................................12Normal mode with WeatherAlert Watch ............................ 12Normal mode with Triple andDual Watch ............................ 13Normal mode with both WeatherAlert and Triple/Dual Watch ...13Scan mode ...............................14Using the radio in scanmode .....................................14Scan mode with Weather AlertWatch ....................................15Scan mode with Triple and DualWatch ....................................15Scan mode with both WeatherAlert and Triple/Dual Watch ...16Weather mode..........................16Using the radio in weathermode .....................................16Weather mode with WeatherAlert Watch ............................ 17Weather mode with Triple andDual Watch ............................ 17Using Your Radio........................18Making a voice MAYDAY      call............................................19Setting the volume ...................19Setting the squelch level ..........19Changing the channel ..............20Making a transmission .............20Boosting the transmissionpower .....................................20Choosing Triple Watch or Dual Watch .......................................21Using FIPS codes for weather alerts ........................................21Changing display and sound options......................................23Contrast ................................. 20Lamp adjust ........................... 20Turning the key beep on andoff ..........................................20Setting the GPS positionmanually...................................23Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Features............................25What is DSC?...........................25Advanced DSC features...........25Getting an MMSI number .........26Entering MMSI numbers ..........26Individual or user MMSInumber ..................................26Group MMSI number ............. 27Using the directory ...................28Making DSC calls.....................30Calling a single station(Individual Call) ......................31Calling a particular group ofstations (Group Call) .............32Calling all stations (All-Ships  Call) .........................................32Making an automatic distress   call............................................33Canceling an automaticdistress call ............................33Receiving a DSC call ...............34Receive log ..............................34Returning a call .....................35Requesting another station'sposition (POS Request) ...........35Receiving a position request(Position Reply)........................36Enabling automatic positionreply .......................................36Sending your own position(Position Send)..........................37Putting the radio into standby....37Disabling automatic channelswitching....................................38Renaming Channels...................39Table of Contents
E-3Table of Contents (Cont'd)List of TablesTable 1 - Terms used in thismanual ............................................5Table 2 - Rear panel .......................7Table 3 - Front panel ......................8Table 4 - Microphone buttonconnector ........................................9Table 5 - Normal mode statusmessages .....................................12Table 6&KDUDFWHUDQGWH[WHQWU\order .............................................29Table 7 - Receive log ...................35Table 8 - Common GPS receiver andconnections ..................................45Table 9 - Radio specifications ......54Table 10 - Channel by type ofmessage .......................................56Table 11 - USA Channel Frequenciesand Channel Tag ..........................57Table 12 - Canadian ChannelFrequencies and Channel Tag ......59Table 13 - International ChannelFrequencies and Channel Tag ......61Table 14 - Weather ChannelFrequencies and Channel Tag ......63Table 15 - CEA2009-S.A.M.E.EVENT CODE ..............................63Table 16 - NMEA Input .................66Installing the Hardware..............40Mounting the radio ...................40Connecting the radio ................42Connecting accessories ...........44Connecting to a GPSreceiver ..................................44Configuring the GPS .............46Connecting to a charplotter ...47&RQQHFWLQJWRDQH[WHUQDOspeaker ..................................47&RQQHFWLQJWRDQH[WHUQDO3$speaker ..................................48Using the PA feature ..............49Maintenance andTroubleshooting .........................50Common questions ..................... 51Engine Noise Suppression.......... 53Maritime radio servicesoperation ..................................53Basic radio guidelines ..............53Specifications.............................54Channel by type of message ...... 56Channel and frequencies ............ 57Alert codes and event levels ....... 63NMEA Operation ......................... 66NMEA Input ............................... 66NMEA Output ............................ 66Regulations and Safety Warnings67FCC and Industry Canadainformation ...............................67Lead warning............................67Antenna Selection andInstallation ................................67Three Year Limited Warranty.....68Mounting Bracket DrilingTemplate......................................69
E-4IntroductionFeaturesSubmersible DesignComplies with JIS7 water-resistant standards, which means the radio canbe submerged in 1 meter of water for 30 minutes without damage.Large, dot matrix displayAdvanced DSC Class D functionsBuilt-in PA featureChannel select buttons on the microphoneMemory scan modeLets you save channels to memory and monitor them in quick succession.Transmitter Power Level SelectLets you boost the transmitter power from 1 watt to 25 watts for addedtransmission distance.Battery level display and toneSounds an alert tone if the battery voltage goes too high or too low.Triple Watch OperationChecks the Coast Guard Distress/Hailing channels 16 and 9 in thebackground.All marine VHF channels for the U.S., Canada, and international watersNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather channel watchSounds a warning tone when a hazard alert is issued for your area.•••••••••••Manual overviewConventionsThis manual uses several different type styles to help you distinguishbetween different parts of the radio:•BOLD SMALL CAPITALS indicates an actual button or knob on the radioor microphone.•Upper and Lower case bold indicates a connector or label on theradio.•ItalicsLQGLFDWHWH[WRQWKHGLVSOD\VXFKDVPHQXRSWLRQVSURPSWVDQGFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHVIntroduction
E-5IntroductionDSC Digital Selective Calling. A VHF radio standard forcommunicating among boats and sending automateddistress calls.FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard. A set oflocation codes roughly equivalent to your countycodes.WX Weather radioGPS Global Positioning SystemNMEA National Marine Electronics Association. Theorganization that governs standards for electronicequipment used on boats. NMEA 0183 is the standardfor serial data communication used by GPS receivers.MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity number. A unique,QLQHGLJLWQXPEHUWKDWLGHQWL¿HV\RXDQG\RXUERDWwhen making DSC calls. It is also used by the CoastGuard if you send an automated distress call.Station Any DSC radio, whether it’s operated on a boat, at amarina, or by a shore station.Table 1 - Terms used in the manual
Getting StartedE-6What's includedVHF650 RadioDC Power Cable Accessory CableMounting Bracket andknobs Mounting HardwareMicrophone Hanger Spare Fuse 250V 6AGetting Started
E-7Getting StartedParts of the radio13.8V DCANTENNAAntennaconnector(SO238) Heat sinkPowerconnectorAccessoryconnectorTable 2 - Rear panel connector functionsConnector Connects to For details, seeAntenna connector ([WHUQDO9+)DQWHQQDZLWKa male PL259 (SO238) FRQQHFWRUDQGimpedance.Minimum 4 ft, 3dB rated antenna for sailboats, 8 ft, 6 dB rated for power boats.Connecting the radio, page 42.Power connector Nominal 13.8 VDC power supply with negative ground (11.7 VDC to 14.3 VDC) (Red wire +, black wire -).Connecting the radio, page 42.Accessory connector GPS receiver, GPS FKDUWSORWWHUH[WHUQDOVSHDNHUH[WHUQDO3$VSHDNHUConnecting accessories, page 44.
Getting StartedE-807A1 Watt  USAMemoryScanning Channels01A,03A,05A,06,07A,08LCDdisplaySELECT/1W/25WbuttonCHANNEL UP & DOWNbuttonsVOLUME-PWR(power) knob (turn clockwise to increase volume)Microphonecord16/9-TRI(triple/dual-watch)buttonWX-ALERT(weather)buttonSCAN-MEM(channelmemory)buttonMENU-PA(publicaddress)buttonDISTRESSbuttonSQUELCHknob(turn clockwise to decrease channel noise)Button Press to... Press and hold to...SELECT-1W/25W Choose an option on a menu. Change the transmit power (see page 20).CHANNEL UP Move up one channel at a time. Move quickly up the channels.CHANNEL DOWN Move down one channel at a time. Move quickly down the channels.16/9-TRI 1st press: Go to Channel 16.2nd press: Go to Channel 9.3rd press: Go back to the original channel.Go into Triple Watch or Dual Watch mode (see page 13).DISTRESS Select the nature of your distress for a distress call.Transmit a distress call.Table 3 - Front panel button functions
E-9Getting StartedButton Press to... Press and hold to...WX-ALERT Listen to the current weatherconditions in your area.Monitor the weatherchannels for alerts in anyarea.MENU-PA Display the radio menu. Use the public address(PA) function.SCAN-MEM Start scanning the channels savedin memory.Save a channel intomemory or remove achannel from memory.PUSH -TO-TALKbutton16/9 TRI(Triple /Dual- Watch) button+ (plus) button (move up a channel)- (minus) button(move down a channel)Table 4 - Microphone button functionsButton Press to... Press and hold to...+ Move up one channel at a time. Move quickly up thechannels.- Move down one channel at a time. Move quickly down thechannels.16/9-TRI 1st press: Go to Channel 16.2nd press: Go to Channel 9.3rd press: Go back to the originalchannel.Go into Triple Watch orDual Watch mode (seepage 13).PUSH TO TALK Cancel scanning and stay on achannel.Talk on a channel.
Getting StartedE-10Turning on the radioTurn the VOLUME-PWR knob clockwise to turn on the radio. As it powers on,the radio displays the user MMSI number; if there is no MMSI set, the radiodisplays MMSI not entered.When it powers on, the radio selects the last channel used.Setting the UIC channel mode (USA/CAN/INT)The radio comes preset to use the UIC channels assigned for the UnitedStates. If you are operating in an area that uses Canadian or internationalUIC channels, you will need to change the channel mode.Press the MENU-PA button to display the menu, and choose the Setupsub-menu.Select USA/CAN/INT. The screen displays the UIC channel setup.Highlight the channel mode you want to use: US (USA mode),Canadian (Canada mode), or international (Intl mode).Press the SELECT-1W/25W button. The radio activates the new channelPRGHDQGH[LWVWKHPHQX It WorksThe VHF650 has three basic modes of operation:Operation mode What it does: Use it when: To turn it on/off:Normal mode Monitors a singlemarine radiochannel and letsyou talk on thatchannel.You want to talk toanother station on aVSHFL¿FFKDQQHO(default mode)Scan mode Monitors all thechannels you saveinto memory.You have a smallgroup of channelsyou use most oftenand want to checkWKHPIRUWUDI¿FPress the SCAN-MEM button.Weather mode Monitors theselected NOAAweather channel.You want to hearthe current andforecasted weatherin your area.Press the WX-ALERT button.
E-11Getting StartedIn addition to the three main operation modes, the VHF650 also providesthree different “watch” modes which you can activate during any of the threeEDVLFPRGHV,QWKHZDWFKPRGHVWKHUDGLREULHÀ\FKHFNVIRUDFWLYLW\RQDVSHFL¿FFKDQQHOWKHQUHWXUQVWRLWVSUHYLRXVPRGHWatch mode What it does: Use it when: To turn it on/off:Weather AlertWatchChecks for alertson the last weatherchannel youused every sevenseconds.You want to bemade aware ofsevere weatherconditions in yourarea.Press and hold theWX-ALERT buttonfor two seconds.Triple Watch Checks for activityon channels 16and 9 every twoseconds.You want to monitora channel yetmaintain a watch onchannels 16 and 9.Press and hold the16/9-TRI button fortwo seconds.Dual Watch Checks for activityon channel 16 everytwo seconds.You want to monitora channel yetmaintain a watch onchannel 16.Change TripleWatch to DualWatch in the setupmenu, then pressand hold the 16/9-TRI button for twoseconds.NOTE: You are required to monitor channel 16 whenever your boat is under-way. You should have either Triple Watch or Dual Watch on at all times.Normal mode operationNormal mode monitors whatever channel you select, and you can transmit onthat channel also.While using normal mode, the display lets you see the following information(not all indicators will display at the same time):25Marine Operator25 Watts  USAMemory AlertGPS Data OKTransmit power (1 W or 25 W)Current channelis stored in memoryStatus messages (see the status message table )CurrentchannelnumberCurrent channel name (if the name is too long, the name line scrolls)Channel mode (USA,CANadian,or INTernational)Weather Alert Watch on
Getting StartedE-12Table 5 - Normal mode status messagesMessage MeaningGPS Data OK The radio is receiving valid GPS data.Check GPS The radio is not receiving valid GPS data: check the GPS status screen andthe GPS connection.Input Position The radio has been unable to receive valid GPS data for at least four hours;it can no longer track your position. You need to manually input your position(see Setting the GPS position manually on page 24).Battery Low The battery voltage output is too low (below 11.2 VDC).Battery High The battery voltage output is too high (above 14.8 VDC).Triple Watch Triple Watch is turned on.Dual Watch Dual Watch is turned on.Using the radio in normal mode • To transmit, press and hold the PUSH TO TALK button on thePLFURSKRQH5HOHDVHWKHEXWWRQZKHQ\RXDUH¿QLVKHGWDONLQJ• For the best sound quality, hold the microphone about two inches fromyour mouth while you’re talking.• Press the CHANNEL UP button on the radio or the + button on themicrophone to move up one channel at a time. Press and hold eitherbutton to scroll quickly up the channels.• Press the CHANNEL DOWN button on the radio or the - button on themicrophone to move down one channel at a time. Press and holdeither button to scroll quickly down the channels.• To change the transmit power, press and hold the SELECT-1W/25W button for two seconds. The transmit power switches between 1 wattand 25 watts each time you press and hold the SELECT-1W/25W button.Normal mode with Weather Alert Watch If you activate Weather Alert Watchwhile operating in normal mode,the radio checks the most recently-used weather channel every sevenseconds. If it detects a weatheralert for your area, it will change thechannel to the last-used weatherchannel. The radio will not checkthe weather channel while you are actively transmitting; it waits until yourWUDQVPLVVLRQLV¿QLVKHGDQGWKHQFKHFNVWKHZHDWKHUFKDQQHOEvery 7 seconds, theradio checks the mostrecently-used weatherchannel. with WX Alert on
E-13Getting StartedPress and hold the WX-ALERT button for two seconds to turn Weather AlertWatch on or off.09 16 09 16 09 16Every 2 seconds, the radio checks channels 9 & 16.with Triple Watch onMonitoring Channel 25Normal mode with both Weather Alert and Triple/Dual Watch wxEvery 7 seconds, the radio checks the most recently-used weather channel.with WX Alert on09 16 09 16 09 16Every 2 seconds, the radio checks channels 9 & 16.with Triple Watch onMonitoring Channel 25Press and hold the 16/9-TRI button (on the radio or the microphone) for twoseconds to turn Triple/Dual Watch on or off. (To change between Triple orDual Watch, see page 21.)Normal mode with Triple and Dual Watch If you activate Triple Watch while operating in normal mode, the radio checkschannels 16 and 9 every two seconds; with Dual Watch turned on, the radioonly checks channel 16. The radio will not check channels 16 or 9 while youDUHDFWLYHO\WUDQVPLWWLQJLWZDLWVXQWLO\RXUWUDQVPLVVLRQLV¿QLVKHGDQGWKHQchecks the channels.You can activate WeatherAlert Watch and Triple/Dual Watch at the sametime. The radio performsboth checks at theirscheduled time:
Getting StartedE-14Scan modeYou can save channels into memory and then use scan mode to monitorthose channels. When the radio detects a signal on a channel, it pauses onthat channel as long as the signal is received; when the transmission stops,the radio will continue scanning.111008 1312 1715 2014The radio scans about 5 channels in 1 second.When it detects a signal, the radio stays on the channel until you press the CHANNEL UP button or the signal stops.Resume scanIn scan mode, you can get the following information from the display (someindicators will not always be displayed):1 Watt  USAMemoryScanning Channels01A,03A,05A,06,07A,0807Transmit power  last used Channel mode (USA,CANadian,or INTernational)Currentchannel being scannedScan list (if the text is too long, the line scrolls)All scanned channels must be in memoryNormal scan mode or Triple / Dual-watch onUsing the radio in scan mode You cannot transmit while in scan mode.You must have two or more channels in memory to start a scan.To save a channel into memory, select the channel, then press andhold the SCAN-MEM button for two seconds. Memory will show on thedisplay.•••
E-15Getting StartedTo remove a channel from memory, set the radio to that channel, thenpress and hold the SCAN-MEM button for two seconds. Memory will nolonger show on the display.To activate scan mode, press the SCAN-MEM button. Press the SCAN-MEM button again to return to the previous mode.When the radio automatically stops on a channel, press the CHANNEL UP button to leave that channel and resume scanning.To end the scan, press the microphone PUSH TO TALK button or theSCAN-MEM button. The radio remains on the last scanned channel.••••If you activate Weather AlertWatch while operating in scanmode, the radio checks the mostrecently-used weather channelevery seven seconds, thenFRQWLQXHVVFDQQLQJWKHQH[Wchannel in memory:Press and hold the WX-ALERT button for twoseconds to turn Weather Alert Watch on oroff.Scan mode with Triple and Dual WatchIf you activate Triple Watch whileoperating in scan mode, the radiochecks channels 16 and 9 everytwo seconds, then goes on toVFDQWKHQH[WFKDQQHOZLWK'XDOWatch turned on, the radio onlychecks channel 16:09 16Every 2 seconds, the radio checks channels 9 & 16 then goes on to the next channel.with Triple Watch onMemory Channel Scan08 252417151413121110 20Press and hold the 16/9-TRI button (onthe radio or the microphone) for twoseconds to turn Triple/Dual Watch on oroff. (To change between Triple or DualWatch, see page 21.)Scan mode with Weather Alert Watch
Getting StartedE-16Scan mode with both Weather Alert and Triple/Dual WatchYou can activate Weather Alert Watch and Triple/Dual Watch at the sametime. The radio performs both checks at their scheduled time:09 16Every 2 seconds, the radio checks channels 9 & 16 then goes on to the next channel.with Triple Watch onEvery 7 seconds, the radio checks the last-used weather channel, then scans the  next channel.wxwith WX Alert onMemory Channel Scan08 252417151413121110 20Weather modeIn cooperation with the FCC, NOAA also uses the weather channels toalert you of other hazards besides weather (child abduction alerts, nuclear,biological, etc.). In weather mode, the radio monitors one of the ten NOAAweather channels. If any type of alert is received for your area, the radiosounds an alert tone and displays the type of alert. In weather mode, thedisplay shows the following:09Hurricane WarningWeather Band       AlertWeather mode is on CurrentchannelnumberType of alert (if the text is too long, the line scrolls)Flashing: An alert has been issuedSteady: Weather Alert Watch is onUsing the radio in weather mode You cannot transmit while in weather mode.To enter weather mode, press the WX-ALERT button.:HDWKHUPRGHFDQ¿OWHURXWDOHUWVWKDWGRQRWDIIHFW\RXUORFDWLRQLIthe location code (FIPS code) of the alert is entered in your radio (seepage 21). If you have no FIPS codes programmed into your radio, theradio will notify you of all alerts in any area.•••
E-17Getting StartedWeather mode with Weather Alert WatchBecause weather mode already monitors the weather channels, you don’tneed Weather Alert Watch to check the weather channel every sevenseconds. If you activate Weather Alert Watch while operating in weathermode, it operates as a type of “sleep mode”: the radio stays on the weatherchannel and mutes the speaker. If an alert is detected for your area, theradio sounds an alert tone and turns the speaker back on. This mode is veryuseful when you are anchoring for the night but want to stay informed of anyhazards in your area.Press and hold the WX-ALERT button for two seconds to turn Weather AlertWatch on or off.Weather mode with Triple and Dual WatchIf you activate Triple Watch while operating in weather mode, the radiochecks channels 16 and 9 every two seconds; with Dual Watch turned on, theradio only checks channel 16.To turn off the radio’s alert tone, press any button.To cancel weather mode and return to the previous marine channel,press the WX-ALERT button again.••Press and hold the 16/9-TRI button (on the radio or the microphone) for twoseconds to turn Triple/Dual Watch on or off. (To change between Triple orDual Watch, see page 21.)09 16 09 16 09 16Every 2 seconds, the radio checks channel 9, then channel 16with Triple Watch onMonitoring Weather Channel WX08
Using Your RadioE-18IndividualGroupAll ShipsPOS RequestPosition SendDirectoryStandbyReceive LogExitUSA/CAN/INTDual/TriWatchGPS SetupFIPSAuto CH SWPOS ReplyChannel NameGroup MMSIUser MMSIExitContrastLamp AdjustKey BeepExitMENU DSC Call SELECTSetup SELECTSystem SELECT(Close Menu)Exit SELECTUsing Your RadioTo display the radio menu, press the MENU-PA button. The menu has thefollowing options:
E-19Using Your Radio7KHFXUUHQWO\VHOHFWHGLWHPLVKLJKOLJKWHGLQUHYHUVHGRXWWH[WPress the CHANNEL UP button on the radio or the + button on the micro-phone to move up a line in the menu; if you are at the top line in the menu, the cursor jumps to the bottom of the menu. Press the SELECT-1W/25W button to choose the selected item.Press the CHANNEL DOWN button on the radio or the - button on the microphone to move down a line in the menu; if you are at the bottom line of the menu, the cursor jumps to the top of the menu.Press the MENU-PA button to go back to the previous menu screen.From any menu screen, choose Exit or press the 16/9-TRI button to close the menu screen.••••••Making a voice MAYDAY call(see inside front cover)Turn the volume knob clockwise to increase the speaker volume; turn it counter-clockwise to decrease the volume.Setting the volumeSetting the squelch level7KHVTXHOFKIHDWXUHUHGXFHVWKHOHYHORIVWDWLFRQWKHVSHDNHUE\¿OWHULQJRXWthe background channel noise. At the lowest squelch level, the speaker plays all radio signals, including any noise on the channel. Setting the squelch OHYHOKLJKHU¿OWHUVRXWFKDQQHOQRLVHDQGOHWVRQO\DFWXDOUDGLRWUDQVPLVVLRQVthrough.Weak signalsNoSquelch MediumSquelch HighSquelchStrong signalsNoise
Using Your RadioE-20While listening to a channel, adjust the SQUELCH knob until the noise is¿OWHUHGRXWDQG\RXFDQRQO\KHDUWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQ,I\RXVZLWFKWRDFKDQQHOwith a lot of noise or with a weak transmission, you may need to adjust thesquelch level again.NOTE: Setting the squelch level too high may prevent you from hearingZHDNHUWUDQVPLVVLRQV,I\RXDUHKDYLQJGLI¿FXOW\KHDULQJDWUDQVPLVVLRQWU\setting the squelch level lower.Changing the channelPress the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWNEXWWRQVEULHÀ\WRVFUROOWKURXJKthe channels one channel at a time. Press and hold the channel up or downbutton to quickly scroll through the channels.Making a transmissionTo make a transmission, press and hold the microphone PUSH TO TALK button.Release the PUSH TO TALKEXWWRQZKHQ\RXUH¿QLVKHGWDONLQJWROHWWKHRWKHUparty respond.To prevent stuck microphone problems or situations where the PUSHTO TALK button is pushed accidentally, the radio limits your talk timeto 5 minutes in a single transmission. If you talk for over 5 minutescontinuously, the display shows RELEASE MIC BUTTON.For the best sound quality, hold the microphone about two inches awayfrom your mouth.You cannot transmit while the radio is in weather mode or scan mode.See the channel list on page 57 for a list of receive-only channels.••••Boosting the transmission power,QPRVWVLWXDWLRQVWKH:DWWWUDQVPLVVLRQSRZHULVDOO\RXQHHG,I\RX¿QGyourself far away from other stations and have trouble getting a response,you may need to boost the transmission power from 1 Watt to 25 Watts:Select the channel you want to transmit on.Push and hold the SELECT-1W/25W button for two seconds. Thedisplay shows 25 Watts in the upper left hand corner.The transmit power remains at 25 Watts until you change the settingback. Push and hold the SELECT-1W/25W button for two seconds. Thedisplay shows 1 Watt.NOTE: Don’t forget to change the transmission setting back to 1 Watt whenyou move closer to other stations.1.2.3.
E-21Using Your RadioNOTE: By default, when you change to channel 16, the radio automaticallyboosts the power to 25 Watts. Be sure to change the power back to 1 Watt ifyou are not making an emergency transmission.6RPHFKDQQHOVIRUH[DPSOHFKDQQHOVDQGOLPLWWKHSRZHURItransmission to 1 Watt so that there is less interference between boatersattempting to use the channel at the same time. If you switch to one of thesechannels, the radio changes back to 1 Watt automatically. See the channellist on page 57 for a list of power-restricted channels.Choosing Triple Watch or Dual Watch,Q7ULSOH:DWFKPRGHWKHUDGLREULHÀ\FKHFNVFKDQQHOVDQGHYHU\WZRseconds. In Dual Watch mode, the radio checks channel 16 only. Generally,Triple Watch is used in areas where channel 9 is used as a hailing frequency,while Dual Watch is used in areas where channel 16 is used for distress andhailing. Your radio comes set to use Triple Watch; if you want to use DualWatch instead, you will have to select it in the setup:88ADual WatchTriple Watch[Exit]Dual/TriWatchMENU SetupSELECTDual/TriWatchSELECTPress the MENU-PA button to display the menu.Select Setup and then Dual/Tri Watch.Highlight Dual Watch and press the SELECT-1W/25W button. The radioactivates the new setting and returns to the Setup menu.To reactive Triple Watch, repeat the procedure described above, butchoose Triple Watch in step FIPS codes for weather alertsThe US National Weather Service established 6-digit Federal Information3URFHVVLQJ6\VWHP),36FRGHVWRLVVXHZHDWKHUDOHUWVLQVSHFL¿FDUHDVYou can choose which areas you want to hear alerts for by entering theseFIPS codes in your radio. This can prevent you from being bothered byevents that are far from where you are boating. The radio only sounds thealert tone if an incoming FIPS code matches one of the areas you selected.
Using Your RadioE-22• For more information about how the NWS uses FIPS codes, see theNWS website: ZZZQZVQRDDJRYQZUQZV¿SVFKJKWm. 7RVHHDQLQGH[RI),36FRGHVE\VWDWHVHHWKHZHEVLWHRIWKHNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): www.itl.nist.JRY¿SVSXEVFRFRGHVVWDWHVKWm.For information on the Canadian implementation of FIPScodes, called Canadian Location Codes, see the website of theMeteorological Service of Canada (MSC): http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca/msb/weatheradio/transmitter/index_e.cfmNOTE: If you travel outside the areas you have entered into your radio, youmay not hear alerts that affect your new location. Be sure to enter the FIPScodes of all the areas you plan to travel to during this trip.Follow the steps below to edit the list of FIPS codes. You can store up to 30different FIPS codes in your radio.•1600000FIPS CodeUse the up and down arrows to adjust each of the six digits in turn.MENU SetupSELECTFIPS CodesSELECTNewSELECTDisplay the menu and choose the Setup sub-menu.Select FIPS Codes. The screen displays any previously-entered FIPScodes.To add a new FIPS code, select New.Use the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWNEXWWRQVWRFKDQJHWKH¿UVWRIWKHVL[GLJLWVWKHCHANNEL UP button increases the number and theCHANNEL DOWN button decreases the number.:KHQWKH¿UVWGLJLWLVFRUUHFWSUHVVWKHSELECT-1W/25W button. The   FXUVRUPRYHVWRWKHQH[WGLJLW(QWHUWKHUHPDLQLQJ¿YHGLJLWVRIWKHFIPS code in the same way.:KHQWKHVL[WKGLJLWLVFRUUHFWSUHVVWKHSELECT-1W/25W. The radio   GLVSOD\VWKHQHZ),36FRGHDQGDVNV\RXWRFRQ¿UP7RVDYHWKLV code, select Yes; to cancel this code, select No. The radio returns tothe list of FIPS codes.7RFKDQJHDQH[LVWLQJ),36FRGHVHOHFWWKHFRGH\RXZDQWWRFKDQJH
E-23Using Your RadioTo delete the FIPS code, select Delete. To edit the code, select Edit,then use the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttons to change eachRIWKHVL[GLJLWV:KHQ\RXDUHVDWLV¿HGZLWKWKHOLVWRI),36FRGHVVHOHFWExit to closethe menu screen.8.9.Changing display and sound optionsContrastThe VHF650 display has 10 levels of contrast. To adjust the contrast, pressthe MENU-PA while the radio is idle. Select System and then Contrast. Usethe CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttons to change the contrast to yourdesired level.To restore the default contrast setting, turn the radio off. Press the MENU-PAbutton and hold it in while you turn the radio on.Lamp adjustThe VHF650 has 10 brightness levels on the display. To adjust thebrightness, press the MENU-PA button while the radio is idle. Select Systemand then Lamp Adjust. Use the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttons tochange the brightness to your desired level.Turning the key beep on and offKey beep is the tone that sounds when you press a key or a button. To turnoff the key beep, press the MENU-PA while the radio is idle. Select System andthen Key Beep. Choose Off to turn off the key beep.Setting the GPS position manuallyIf the radio is not receiving valid GPS data, the radio displays Input Position.Follow the steps below to manually input your position.NOTE: Be certain any manually-entered position is correct. If you enter thewrong position and then make a DSC distress call, you will be telling theCoast Guard to look in the wrong place.Use the up and down arrows to adjust each of the values in turn.16 --/--     11:22U  ---o         --.- KT 35o40.610 N139o   46. 564 EMENU SetupSELECTGPS SetupSELECTPosition SetSELECT
Using Your RadioE-241. Display the menu and choose the Setup sub-menu.2. Select GPS Setup and then choose Position Set.3. The cursor highlights the hour. Use the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttons to set the displayed hours to match coordinateduniversal time (UTC, also call Greenwich Mean Time and Zulu Time).When the display matches UTC time, press the SELECT-1W/25W button.4. The cursor moves to highlight the minutes. Use the CHANNEL UP andCHANNEL DOWN buttons to adjust the minutes and press the SELECT-1W/25W button.5. The cursor moves to highlight the degrees latitude. As you updateHDFKYDOXHWKHFXUVRUPRYHVWRWKHQH[WYDOXHLQWXUQ$WHDFKQXPEHUuse CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttons to adjust the number andpress the SELECT-1W/25W button.When you have entered the last value, the radio returns to the GPS Setup menu.
E-25Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesWhat is DSC?Digital Selective Calling or DSC is a standard that allows you to call otherVWDWLRQVXVLQJWKHLUXQLTXHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQFRGHWKH0DULWLPH0RELOH6HUYLFHIdentity or MMSI number), just like you would call a phone number. To callanother station, just enter that station’s MMSI number and choose thevoice channel you want to talk on. The radio uses channel 70 to transmityour MMSI number to the other station along with the voice channel yourequested. If the other station accepts your call, both radios automaticallyswitch to the requested voice channel so you can talk to the other station.DSC provides a system for automated distress calls. At the touch of abutton, the radio can transmit your MMSI number, the nature of yourdistress, and your current position based on data from your GPS receiver.The radio repeats the distress call every few minutes until it receives anacknowledgement.The DSC standard dedicates a VHF channel—channel 70—to digitaltransmissions only. Since digital transmissions require less bandwidth voicetransmissions, channel 70 avoids the problems of busy voice channels.Advanced DSC featuresThe VHF650 supports the following DSC features:Feature Menu Item FunctionIndividual Call Individual Contact another vessel from your directory.Group Call Group Contact all vessels that share your groupMMSI code.All Ships Call All Ships Broadcast to all vessels within range (usedfor safety or advisory messages.)Position Request POS Request Request the current location of anothervessel.Position Send Position Send Transmit your current location to anothervessel.Name and MMSIDirectoryDirectory Store a list of 20 names and MMSILGHQWL¿FDWLRQFRGHVIRU'6&FDOOVStandby Mode Standby Automatically respond to all DSC calls withan “Unavailable” status.Received Call Log Receive Log Display the last 10 distress calls received bythe radio and the last 20 general calls.Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Features
Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesE-26Getting an MMSI numberIn order to use DSC features, you must be assigned an MMSI number andprogram that number into your radio. There are two kinds of MMSI numbers:individual numbers for use by single boats and group numbers for use byÀHHWVERDWLQJRUJDQL]DWLRQVHYHQWFRRUGLQDWRUVHWFYou can get more information on MMSI numbers at these resources:The dealer where you purchased the radioRecreational boaters can obtain an MMSI number from the BoatOwner’s Association of the U.S. (http://www.boatus.com/mmsi/ or call 800-536-1536) or Sea Tow Services International (http://www.seatow.com/boatingsafety/mmsiinfo.htm)Commercial boaters need a ship station license to get an MMSInumber. For more information, visit the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) website at http://wireless.fcc.gov/marine/fctsht14.html.•••Entering MMSI numbersIndividual or user MMSI numberFollow the steps below to enter your individual or user MMSI number into theradio:NOTE: Be sure you have the correct User MMSI number before entering it inthe radio. The radio only allows you to enter the user MMSI twice. If you needto enter the User MMSI number for the third time, contact customer service(see back page for contact information).16User MMSIUse the up and down arrows to adjust each of the nine digits in turn.0_______MENU SetupSELECTUser MMSISELECT1. Display the menu and choose the Setup sub-menu.2. Select User MMSI. If an MMSI number was entered previously, thescreen displays it.
E-27Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Features3. Use the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWNEXWWRQVWRFKDQJHWKH¿UVWRIthe nine digits; the CHANNEL UP button increases the number and theCHANNEL DOWN button decreases the number. :KHQWKH¿UVWGLJLWLVFRUUHFWSUHVVWKHSELECT-1W/25W button. TheFXUVRUPRYHVWRWKHQH[WGLJLW(QWHUWKHUHPDLQLQJHLJKWGLJLWVRIWKHMMSI number in the same way.5. When the ninth digit is correct, press the SELECT-1W/25W button. TheUDGLRGLVSOD\VWKHQHZ006,QXPEHUDQGDVNV\RXWRFRQ¿UP127(%HVXUH\RXHQWHUHGWKHQXPEHUFRUUHFWO\EHIRUHFRQ¿UPLQJWKHentry. You can only save the user MMSI twice. If the radio displays Cannotchange over 2 times, contact customer service (see back page for contactinformation).6. To save this MMSI number, select Yes. To cancel this MMSI number,select No. The radio returns to the Setup menu.Group MMSI numberYou can change the group MMSI number as often as you want. Follow thesteps below to enter a group MMSI number into the radio:1600______Group MMSIUse the up and down arrows to adjust the remaining eight digits.MENUSetupSELECTGroup MMSISELECT1. Display the menu and choose the Setup sub-menu.2. Select Group MMSI. If a group MMSI number was entered previously,the screen displays it.3. Group MMSI numbers always start with a 0, so that digit is alreadyentered for you. Use the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttons tochange the second of the nine digits; the CHANNEL UP button increasesthe number and the CHANNEL DOWN button decreases the number.4. When the second digit is correct, press the SELECT-1W/25W button. TheFXUVRUPRYHVWRWKHQH[WGLJLW(QWHUWKHUHPDLQLQJVHYHQGLJLWVRIWKHMMSI number in the same way.
Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesE-28Using the directoryThe directory lets you store up to 20 MMSI numbers of other stations so youcan call them quickly.Follow the steps below to edit the MMSI numbers in your directory:Use the up & down arrows to scroll through the alphabet for each character.JOHN12345678916MMSINameMENUDSC CallSELECTDirectorySELECTNewSELECT5. When the ninth digit is correct, press the SELECT-1W/25W button. TheUDGLRGLVSOD\VWKHQHZ006,QXPEHUDQGDVNV\RXWRFRQ¿UP6. To save this MMSI number, select Yes. To cancel this MMSI number,select No. The radio returns to the Setup menu.1. Display the menu and choose the DSC Call sub-menu.2. Select Directory. The screen displays any previously-entered MMSInumbers and names.3. To add a new MMSI number to the directory, select New.4. The radio prompts you to enter the nine-digit MMSI number. Use theCHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWNEXWWRQVWRFKDQJHWKH¿UVWGLJLWWKHCHANNEL UP button increases the number and the CHANNEL DOWNbutton decreases the number. :KHQWKH¿UVWGLJLWLVFRUUHFWSUHVVWKHSELECT-1W/25W button. TheFXUVRUPRYHVWRWKHQH[WGLJLW(QWHUWKHUHPDLQLQJHLJKWGLJLWVRIWKHMMSI number in the same way.6. When the ninth digit is correct, press the SELECT-1W/25W button.7. The radio prompts you to enter a name for this MMSI number; thename is what you will see in the directory list. Each name can be upto 12 characters. Use the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttonsWRFKDQJHWKH¿UVWFKDUDFWHU7KHFKDQQHOEXWWRQVVFUROOWKURXJKWKHavailable characters according to the following table:
E-29Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesCHANNEL UP button CHANNEL DOWN buttonCapital letters (Athrough Z) One blank spaceLower-case letters (athrough z) Numbers (0through 9)Punctuation (/‘+-) Punctuation (/‘+-)Numbers (0through 9) Lower-case letters (athrough z)One blank space Capital letters (Athrough Z)Table 6 - Character and text entry order :KHQWKH¿UVWFKDUDFWHULVFRUUHFWSUHVVWKHSELECT-1W/25W button.7KHFXUVRUPRYHVWRWKHQH[WFKDUDFWHU(QWHUWKHUHPDLQLQJcharacters of the name. If the name is shorter than 12 characters,press and hold the SELECT-1W/25W button to complete the name entry.(If you press and hold the SELECT-1W/25W button without entering aname, the radio uses the MMSI number in the directory list.) :KHQ\RX¿QLVKHQWHULQJWKHQDPHWKHUDGLRGLVSOD\VWKHQHZ006,QXPEHUDQGQDPHDQGDVNV\RXWRFRQ¿UP7RVDYHWKLVGLUHFWRU\entry, select Yes; to cancel this directory entry, select No. The radioreturns to the directory list. 7RFKDQJHDQH[LVWLQJGLUHFWRU\HQWU\VHOHFWWKHHQWU\\RXZDQWWRchange.11. To delete the directory entry, select Delete. To edit the code, selectEdit, then use CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttons to edit theMMSI number and the name. :KHQ\RXDUHVDWLV¿HGZLWKWKHGLUHFWRU\OLVWVHOHFWExit to close themenu screen.
Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesE-30Making DSC CallsThere are essentially four different types of DSC voice calls:Call type What it does When to use itDistress Alerts all stations that you need assistance and sends them your current position.In an emergency only.Individual Calls a single station using the User MMSI.Any time you want to talk to another station.Group Calls all the stations that have the same Group MMSI as yours.Any time you want to talk with the whole group you are traveling with at the same time.All ships Calls all stations in range of your radio.Safety warnings (e.g., debris in the water) or an urgency situation.All ships callGroupcallIndividualcallAll ships call)RUH[DPSOHVRIKRZ\RXPLJKWXVHGLIIHUHQWFDOOW\SHVVHHWKHGLDJUDPbelow:
E-31Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesSuppose you are coordinating safety for a sailboat race. Before the racestarts, you instruct all the racers to enter your group MMSI number into theirradios. During the race:• Throughout the race, you use group calling to update the racers on thetime, race status, and any course corrections.• A power boat full of spectators comes a little too close to the race path.You use individual calling to contact the power boat and advise them tostay clear of the race.• You see a rowboat entering the area, but since it doesn’t have a radio,you can’t communicate with the rowboat. You use all ships calling toalert all the other boats in the area of the possible danger.Calling a single station (Individual Call)To call a single station with DSC, follow the steps below:Press the MENU-PA button to display the menu.Choose the DSC Call sub-menu, then select Individual.The radio displays the names listed in your directory; use CHANNEL UPand CHANNEL DOWN buttons to highlight the directory entry you want tocall and press the SELECT-1W/25W button.If you want to call a station that is not in your directory, select Manual.The radio prompts you to enter the MMSI number you want to call.Enter the MMSI number the same way you enter directory entries (seepage 26) Enter all nine digits and press the SELECT-1W/25Wbutton.The radio prompts you to select a response channel. Use CHANNEL UPand CHANNEL DOWN buttons to scroll through the available channels.When you reach the channel you want to use for a response, press theSELECT-1W/25W button.The radio displays the MMSI number you are about to call and asks\RXWRFRQ¿UP,I\RXZDQWWRFDOOWKHGLVSOD\HG006,QXPEHUVHOHFWSend. To cancel the call, select Cancel.The radio automatically switches to channel 70 to transmit the callrequest.
Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesE-32When the other station accepts the call, both radios switch to the se-lected response channel for voice transmission.If the other station cannot respond on the channel you selected, theradio displays Not support CH.••Calling a particular group of stations (Group Call)Group calling calls all the stations that share your group MMSI. You musthave a group MMSI programmed into the radio to make a group call, andthe stations (boats) you are calling must have this same group MMSIprogrammed into their radios.Calling all stations (All-Ships Call)All ships calling contacts all DSC radios within range of your boat. You shouldonly use all ships calling in the event of a Safety warning (such as debris inthe water) or to request assistance in an Urgency (any situation where yourvessel has a serious problem but is not yet in distress).Press the MENU-PA button to display the menu.Choose the DSC Call sub-menu and select All Ships.7KHUDGLRDVNV\RXWRFRQ¿UPWKHFDOO6HOHFWSend to continue with thecall or select Cancel to cancel the call.The radio automatically switches to channel 70 to transmit the callrequest then automatically switches to channel 16, the designatedresponse channel for all-ships calling. the MENU-PA button to display the menu.Choose the DSC Call sub-menu and select Group.The radio prompts you to select a response channel. Use the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttons to scroll through the available channels.When you reach the channel you want to use for a response, press theSELECT-1W/25W button.7KHUDGLRDVNV\RXWRFRQ¿UPWKHFDOO6HOHFWSend to continue with thecall or select Cancel to cancel the call.The radio switches to channel 70 to transmit the call request thenautomatically switches to the designated response channel.
E-33Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesMaking an automatic distress callIf you have programmed your MMSI number, the VHF650 can transmit anautomated distress call with your current location and nature of the distress.The radio then monitors the channel 16 for a response and repeats thedistress call every few minutes until it receives an acknowledgement.To send an automatic distress call, press and hold the DISTRESS button for three seconds. If no MMSI number has been programmed, the radio prompts you to enter your MMSI number.If you want to include the nature of your distress in the distress call, use thedistress procedure below:1. Press the DISTRESS button.2. The radio displays the list of distress conditions; use the CHANNEL UPand CHANNEL DOWN buttons to highlight the nature of your distress,then press and hold the DISTRESS button for three seconds.• Undesignated• Fire• Flooding• Collision• Grounding• Capsizing• Sinking• Adrift• Abandoning• Piracy/Armed• Overboard3. If no MMSI number has been programmed, the radio prompts you toenter your MMSI number.Canceling an automatic distress callWhile the radio is waiting for a response, it gives you the option of cancelingthe call. To cancel the distress call, highlight Cancel and press the SELECT-1W/25W button.
Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesE-34Receiving a DSC callIf your radio receives an individual DSC call from another station, it soundsan incoming call tone and displays the name or MMSI number of the stationcalling you. To respond to the call, select Send: Able-Comply; the radio sendsan acknowledgement and automatically switches to the designated responsechannel. To reject the call, select Send: Unable-Comply; the radio advises theother station that you are unable to respond to the call.If the DSC request contains a response channel that you are not allowed touse, the radio displays Not Support CH; your only response option is Send:Unable-Comply.If the radio receives a group or all ships call, it sounds an incoming call toneand automatically switches to the designated response channel.Receive logJust like your telephone’s caller ID list, your radio keeps track of the calls youreceive but do not answer. The receive log is useful if you have been off yourboat or away from your radio and want to see who has tried to contact you.The radio displays the last 10 distress calls and the last 20 non-distress callsthat it received.88A123456789987654321[Exit]Distress LogMENUDSC CallSELECTReceive LogSELECTDistressSELECTPress the MENU-PA button to display the menu.Choose the DSC Call sub-menu and then select Receive Log.Select Distress to see the last 10 distress call received by the radio.Select Other to see the last 20 normal calls received by the radio, thenchoose from Individual,Group or All Ships calls.Calls are listed in the order they were received, with the newest callVKRZQ¿UVW7KHGLVSOD\EOLQNVLIWKHUHDUHQHZFDOOV\RXKDYHQRWreviewed.Select the call you want to see the details of. Use CHANNEL UP andCHANNEL DOWN buttons to see all of the information. The log displaysdifferent information depending on type of call received. See the tablebelow for the information stored for each type of call:
E-35Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesDSC Call Type Receive Log InformationDistress MMSI (or name), position, time, nature code.Distress Acknowledge MMSI (or name), distress MMSI, position, time,nature code.Distress Relay MMSI (or name), distress MMSI, position, time,nature code.Distress Relay Acknowledge MMSI (or name), distress MMSI, position, time,nature code.Geographical MMSI (or name), category code.All Ships MMSI (or name), category code.Group MMSI (or name), category code.Individual MMSI (or name), category code.Individual Acknowledge MMSI (or name), Completed/Unattended, categorycode.Pos Reply MMSI (or name), position, time, category code.Pos Request MMSI (or name), category code.Pos Send MMSI (or name), position, time, category code.6. Press the MENU-PAEXWWRQWRH[LWWKHGHWDLOVFUHHQDQGUHWXUQWRWKHORJmenu.7. From the log menu, select Exit to close the receive log and return tothe mode you were in.Returning a callYou can return individual calls directly from the receive log. From the calldetail screen, press the CHANNEL DOWN button until Call Back appears at thebottom of the display. Press the SELECT-1W/25W button to return that station'scall.Requesting another station's position (POS Request)$Q\WLPH\RXQHHGWRNQRZZKHUHDQRWKHUERDWFXUUHQWO\LV²WR¿QG\RXUboating partners, to respond to a request for assistance, etc.—you can senda position request to their radio:Table 7 - Receive Log
Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesE-36Press the MENU-PA button to display the menu.Choose the DSC Call sub-menu, then select POS Request.The radio displays the names listed in your directory; use CHANNEL UPand CHANNEL DOWN buttons to highlight the directory entry you want tocontact and press the SELECT-1W/25W button. If you want to contact astation that is not in your directory, select Manual. The radio promptsyou to enter the MMSI number you want to call. Enter the MMSInumber the same way you enter directory entries (see page 27). Enterall nine digits and press the SELECT-1W/25W button.The radio displays the MMSI number you are about to contact andDVNV\RXWRFRQ¿UP,I\RXZDQWWRUHTXHVWWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKHGLVSOD\HGMMSI number, select Send. To cancel the request, select Cancel. the other station responds, the radio displays the MMSI number,the longitude, and the latitude of the other station. If your radio isconnected to a chartplotter through the NMEA OUT connection (seepage 66), the position information will also be displayed on the plotterscreen.If the other station does not have valid GPS data, the radio displays NoPosition.5.6.Receiving a position request (Position Reply)When another station requests your current position, the radio displays thefollowing screen:88AReplyCancelPOS RequestJOHN HENRYTo send your current position to the otherstation, select Reply; the radio transmits yourlatitude and longitude to the other station. Ifyou select Reply but the radio does not havevalid GPS data, it transmits the reply codewith No Position.To reject the position request, select Cancel.Enabling automatic position replyIf you want the radio to automatically transmit your current position wheneverit receives a position request, you can enable automatic position reply. Mostboaters activate automatic position reply for safety reasons or because theyVXEVFULEHWRDPDULQHWRZLQJVHUYLFH6RPHWLPHV²IRUH[DPSOHLQVRPHcompetitive situations--you may not want other stations to get your positionZLWKRXW\RXUPDQXDOFRQ¿UPDWLRQ
E-37Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesPress the MENU-PA button to display the menu.Select Setup and then POS Reply.Highlight Auto and press the SELECT-1W/25W button. The radio willautomatically transmit your position when it receives a position request.To disable automatic position reply, repeat the steps above and selectManual. your own position (Position Send)If your radio is connected to a GPS receiver, you can send your boat’sposition to someone else. If you are requesting assistance or using an allships call to give a safety warning, you can send your current position soother stations know where you are:Press the MENU-PA button to display the menu.Choose the DSC Call sub-menu, then select Position Send.The radio displays the names listed in your directory; use CHANNEL UPand CHANNEL DOWN buttons to highlight the directory entry you want tocontact and press the SELECT-1W/25W button. If you want to contact astation that is not in your directory, select Manual. The radio promptsyou to enter the MMSI number you want to call. Enter the MMSInumber the same way you enter directory entries (see page 26). Enterall nine digits and press the SELECT-1W/25W button.The radio displays the MMSI number you are about to contact andDVNV\RXWRFRQ¿UP,I\RXZDQWWRWUDQVPLW\RXUSRVLWLRQWRWKHdisplayed MMSI number, select Send. To cancel the transmission,select Cancel.The radio transmits your MMSI number, your longitude, and yourlatitude to the other station. the radio into standbyIf you are leaving your radio or do not wish to answer any DSC calls, you canput your radio in standby mode. If your radio receives an individual call, it willautomatically respond with a message that indicates your radio is currentlyunattended. Follow the steps below to put your radio in standby:
Using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) FeaturesE-3888Unattended1 Watt     USAMemoryDSC StandbyMENU DSC CallSELECTStandbySELECT1. Display the menu and choose the DSC Call sub-menu.2. Select Standby to place your radio in standby mode. The radio displaysthe standby screen, above.3. To cancel standby and return to the mode your radio was in, press anybutton.Disabling automatic channel switchingIf you are involved in a bridge-to-bridge call, you may not want the radio toautomatically switch channels when it receives a DSC call. In cases like this,you can disable automatic channel switching. If you receive an individual call,the radio will respond with an unattended code, just as if the radio were inStandby.Press the MENU-PA button to display the menu.Select Setup and then Auto CH SW.Highlight Off and press the SELECT-1W/25W button. The radio will notautomatically switch channels until you reactivate this feature.NOTE: Use this feature with caution. Deactivating automatic switching andthen forgetting it can make it hard for you to receive DSC calls.1.2.3.
E-39Renaming ChannelsIf you discover that a marine radio channel has a different common namein your local area, you can change the name of that channel to make iteasier for you to use (see the channel list on page 53 for the default channelnames). To rename a channel, follow the steps below:Display the menu and choose the Setup sub-menu.Select Channel Name. The screen displays the list of channels.Use CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttons to highlight the channelyou want to change and press the SELECT-1W/25W button.Select Rename to enter a new name for this channel. The radioprompts you to enter a new name for this channel. Each name can beup to 12 characters. Use the CHANNEL UP and CHANNEL DOWN buttonsWRFKDQJHWKH¿UVWFKDUDFWHU6HHTable 6  Character and text entry order on page 29 for the available characters and the order in whichthey scroll).:KHQWKH¿UVWFKDUDFWHULVFRUUHFWSUHVVWKHSELECT-1W/25W button.7KHFXUVRUPRYHVWRWKHQH[WFKDUDFWHU(QWHUWKHUHPDLQLQJcharacters of the name. If the name is shorter than 12 characters,press and hold the SELECT-1W/25W button to complete the name entry.:KHQ\RX¿QLVKHQWHULQJWKHQDPHWKHUDGLRGLVSOD\VWKHQHZFKDQQHOQDPHDQGDVNV\RXWRFRQ¿UP7RVDYHWKLVQHZFKDQQHOQDPHVHOHFWYes; to cancel the change, select No. The radio returns to the channellist.To restore a channel back to its original name, select the channel andchoose Default.:KHQ\RXDUHVDWLV¿HGZLWKWKHFKDQQHOOLVWVHOHFWExit to close themenu screen. Channels
Installing the HardwareE-40Mounting the radioThe VHF650 can sit at any angle in the mounting bracket so it can easilyaccommodate the best location. First, determine the best place to mount theUDGLR)RURSWLPXPSHUIRUPDQFH¿QGDORFDWLRQWKDWFDQ 3URSHUO\VXSSRUWWKHZHLJKWRIWKHUDGLRDSSUR[LPDWHO\SRXQGVRU0.9 kilograms. You may need to use some type of anchor with themounting screws to hold the radio, depending on the surface.• Keep the battery leads as short as possible.• Keep the antenna lead-in wire as short as possible. $OORZIUHHDLUÀRZDURXQGWKHKHDWVLQNRQWKHUHDURIWKHUDGLR• Avoid interference with the ship’s compass.Install the radio into the mounting bracket, and connect the powercable and accessory cable.1.12Step 1: Slide the radio into the mounting bracket.Step 2: Tighten the mounting knobs to secure the radio in place.Installing the Hardware
E-41Installing the HardwarePosition the radio into the desired location. Mark the edges of thebracket on the mounting surface.Remove the mounting bracket drill template from the back of themanual, and use the template to mark the drill holes on the mountingsurface.Drill the holes for the mounting bracket; be sure to follow any specialrequirements of the mounting surface.Remove the bracket from the radio, and use the mounting hardware tosecure the bracket to the mounting surface. boltWasherSpring washerHex nutMountingbracketMountingsurfaceInstall the radio back into the mounting bracket.6.
Installing the HardwareE-42Connecting the radioTo operate correctly, your VHF650 requires two electrical connections:•  providing it with power from the boat’s electrical system •  connecting a VHF-FM marine antenna to the antenna connectorPower supply requirements VHF antenna requirementsNominal 13.8 VDC power supply with a negative ground (11.7 VDC to 14.3 VDC).Power leads should be kept as short as possible. A direct connection to the power supply is ideal.Minimum of #14 AWG copper wire for H[WHQVLRQVXSWRIHHW$:*ZLUHIRUH[WHQVLRQVIURPWRIHHWRU$:*ZLUHIRUH[WHQVLRQVIURPWRfeet.Male PL-259 connectorLPSHGDQFHMinimum 4 foot, 3 dB rated antenna for sailboats or 8 foot, 6dB rated antenna for powerboats Minimum RG-58 lead-in wire for antenna leads up to 20 feet, RG-8X for antenna leads from 20 to 35 feet, or RG-8U for antenna leads from 35 to 60 feet.13.8V DCPowercablePowerconnectorBlack wire (-)Red wire (+)
E-43Installing the HardwareConnect the BLACK wire of the included power cable to the NEGATIVE (-) side of your power source.Connect the RED wire of the included power cable to the POSITIVE (+) side of your power source.Connect the power cable to the power connector on rear of the 9+)7KHSRZHUFRQQHFWRURQO\¿WVRQHZD\127(7RH[WHQGWKHOLIHRIWKHUDGLRXVHZDWHUSURRIWDSHWRVHDOelectrical connections.Install your antenna according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If necessary, consult the FCC guidelines for antenna separation.  See Antenna Selection and Installation on page 67 for more details.  (In summary, the FCC recommends that antennas up to 3 dB be installed a minimum of 3 feet from any occupied location; antennas over 3 dB should be installed at least 6 feet away.)Connect the PL-259 connector from the antenna lead-in wire to the SO238 connector labeled ANTENNA on the back of the VHF650. connector,  SO238 (female PL-259)SO238 (female Antenna lead-in connector, male PL-259
Installing the HardwareE-44Connecting accessoriesConnecting to a GPS receiverIf you connect the radio to a GPS receiver, the radio can automatically transmit your current position during an automated distress call or during a normal DSC call.The VHF650 supports a standard NMEA0183 input from a GPS receiver. Follow the steps below to connect the VHF650 to your GPS receiver:13.8V DCAccessorycableAccessoryconnectorGreen: GPS Data IN (+)Bare wire: GroundBlack: Ext. Speaker (-)/GNDRed: External Speaker (+)Brown: PA Speaker (+)Blue: PA Speaker (-)/ GNDOrange: NMEA OUT (-)Yellow: NMEA OUT (+)Line up arrows to connectLine up Line up Disconnect the accessory cable from the accessory connection on the radio.Connect the BARE wire of the included accessory cable to the GROUND WIRE on your GPS receiver. Connect the GREEN wire of the included accessory cable to the GPS DATA OUTPUT WIRE on your GPS receiver. Below is a table of common GPS receivers and the proper connections:1.2.3.
E-45Installing the HardwareTable 8 - Common GPS receivers and connectionsGPS Manufacturer Model Number(s)GPS NMEA0183 OUTPUTWire Color(Connect to GREEN WIREon VHF650)Ground Wire Color(connect to BAREWIRE on VHF650)Furuno GP1650, GP1850 White BlackFuruno GP30, GP36 White BlueGarmin )L[HG0RXQWModelsBlue BlackGarmin Portable Models Brown BlackJRC 100 Series Green BlackJRC 200 Series White BlackJRC GPS500 Yellow GreenLowrance / Eagle )L[HG0RXQWModelsWhite BlackLowrance / Eagle Portable Models Orange BlackMagellan )L[HG0RXQWModelsGray BlackMagellan Portable Models Orange BlackNorthstar All Models Yellow BlackRayMarine 420 Yellow BrownRayMarine 520 / 620 Blue BrownRayMarine RL Series White BrownSimrad All Models White Brown6LWH[ Neptune, Nautilus Gray BrownStandard CP150 / CP150C Green YellowBe certain all wire connections are secure and that all open wires areadequately covered.,I\RXDUH¿QLVKHGFRQQHFWLQJDOOH[WHUQDODFFHVVRULHVOLQHXSWKHarrows on the side of the accessory cable and connector and connectthe accessory cable to the accessory connector on the back on theVHF650.127(7RH[WHQGWKHOLIHRIWKHUDGLRXVHZDWHUSURRIWDSHWRVHDOelectrical connections.4.5.
Installing the HardwareE-46When the GPS receiver is correctly connected, the display shows GPS DataOK. If there is a problem with the GPS connection, the display shows CheckGPS. When the display shows GPS Data OK, press the SELECT-1W/25Wbutton to open the GPS status screen and see detailed GPS data:1606/20  11:00:00208o    30. 0 KT 35o   40. 610 N139o   46. 564 EDateTimeCurrentchannelCourseLatitudeLongitude Speed&RQ¿JXULQJWKH*36If the radio is receiving valid GPS data, it will automatically set the clock toyour local time based on the GPS location. You can adjust your local timeIRUZDUGRUEDFNRQHKRXULIQHFHVVDU\IRUH[DPSOHLI\RXDUHFORVHWRWKHborder of a time zone); you can also adjust for Daylight Savings Time.Follow the steps below to adjust the time:Display the menu and choose the Setup sub-menu.Select GPS Setup and then choose Time Adjust.The display shows your current local time. To adjust the time forwardone hour, use the CHANNEL UP button. To adjust the time back one hour,use the CHANNEL DOWN button. Press the SELECT-1W/25W button when\RXDUH¿QLVKHG7KHGLVSOD\SURPSWV\RXWRFRQ¿UPWKHVHWWLQJFKRRVHSet to save thenew time or CancelWRH[LW time setup without saving. The radio returnsto the GPS Setup menu.If your local area observes Daylight Savings Time, highlight Daylight Save and press the SELECT-1W/25W button. : 14Time AdjustUse the up or down arrows to adjust the time by one hour.MENUSetupSELECTGPS SetupSELECTTime AdjustSELECT
E-47Installing the HardwareConnecting to a charplotterThe VHF650 provides a standard NMEA0183 GPS output that you canconnect to a chartplotter. When it receives another boat’s position data in aDSC call, the radio sends the position data to the chartplotter so you can seethe location:If Daylight Savings Time is currently in effect, select On. If DaylightSavings Time is not currently in effect, select Off.Press the SELECT-1W/25W button. The radio activates the new timesetting and returns to the GPS Setup menu.6.7.Disconnect the accessory cable from the accessory connection on theradio.Connect the ORANGE wire of the accessory cable to the NEGATIVE(-) wire of your chartplotter’s NMEA data INPUT.Connect the YELLOW wire of the accessory cable to the POSITIVE(+) wire of your chartplotter’s NMEA data INPUTBe certain all wire connections are secure and that all open wires areadequately covered.,I\RXDUH¿QLVKHGFRQQHFWLQJDOOH[WHUQDODFFHVVRULHVOLQHXSWKHarrows on the side of the accessory cable and connector and connectthe accessory cable to the accessory connector on the back on theVHF650.127(7RH[WHQGWKHOLIHRIWKHUDGLRXVHZDWHUSURRIWDSHWRVHDOelectrical connections. to an external speaker<RXFDQXVHDQH[WHUQDOVSHDNHUWRPRQLWRUWKHUDGLRIURPDGLIIHUHQWSDUWRIyour boat or in a noisy environment. If you adjust the VOLUME-PWR knob onWKHUDGLRLWZLOODOVRDGMXVWWKHH[WHUQDOVSHDNHUYROXPH7KH9+)VXSSRUWVDQH[WHUQDOVSHDNHUZLWKWKHIROORZLQJVSHFL¿FDWLRQV• Minimum impedance of 4 Ohms• Minimum power handling of 10 Watts
Installing the HardwareE-48Disconnect the accessory cable from the accessory connection onthe radio.Connect the BLACK wire of the accessory cable to the GROUND:,5(RI\RXUH[WHUQDOVSHDNHUConnect the RED wire of the accessory cable to the POSITIVE (+):,5(RI\RXUH[WHUQDOVSHDNHUBe certain all wire connections are secure and that all open wires areadequately covered.,I\RXDUH¿QLVKHGFRQQHFWLQJDOOH[WHUQDODFFHVVRULHVOLQHXSWKHarrows on the side of the accessory cable and connector and connectthe accessory cable to the accessory connector on the back on theVHF650.127(7RH[WHQGWKHOLIHRIWKHUDGLRXVHZDWHUSURRIWDSHWRVHDOelectrical connections. to an external PA speakerIf you connect the radio to a PA speaker, you can use the PA feature to makeannouncements to other boats and people nearby.7KH9+)VXSSRUWVDQH[WHUQDO3$VSHDNHUZLWKWKHIROORZLQJVSHFL¿FDWLRQV• Minimum impedance of 4 Ohms• Minimum power handling of 10 Watts1. Disconnect the accessory cable from the accessory connection on theradio.2. Connect the BLUE wire of the accessory cable to the GROUNDWIRE of your PA system.3. Connect the BROWN wire of the accessory cable to the POSITIVE(+) WIRE of your PA system.4. Be certain all wire connections are secure and that all open wires areadequately covered. ,I\RXDUH¿QLVKHGFRQQHFWLQJDOOH[WHUQDODFFHVVRULHVOLQHXSWKHarrows on the side of the accessory cable and connector and connectthe accessory cable to the accessory connector on the back on theVHF650.127(7RH[WHQGWKHOLIHRIWKHUDGLRXVHZDWHUSURRIWDSHWRVHDOelectrical connections.
E-49Installing the HardwarePress and hold the microphonePUSH TO TALK button. Speak clearlyin your normal voice (you don’t haveto shout). Use the VOLUME-PWR knobon your VHF650 to adjust the volume of the PA speaker.Release the PUSH TO TALKEXWWRQZKHQ\RXUH¿QLVKHGWDONLQJTo turn off the PA feature and return to the radio mode you were using,press and hold the MENU-PA button for two seconds again.2.3.4.PAPublic Address Mode SelectedUsing the PA featurePress and hold the MENU-PA button for two secondsto activate the PA feature.The display shows PA in theupper right hand corner.1.
Maintenance and TroubleshootingE-50Maintenance and TroubleshootingDue to its rugged design, the VHF650 requires very little maintenance.However, it is a precision electronic instrument, so you should follow a fewprecautions:,IWKHDQWHQQDKDVEHHQGDPDJHG\RXVKRXOGQRWWUDQVPLWH[FHSWLQthe case of an emergency. A defective antenna may cause damage toyour radio.You are responsible for continued FCC technical compliance of yourradio.You should arrange for periodic performance checks with your WestMarine dealer.•••
E-51Maintenance and TroubleshootingProblem Things to TryThe radio won’t power on. Check the power connections.Check the fuse.Check the master battery switch andbranch circuit that connect to the radio.The radio won’t transmit. Make sure you are not in weather orscan mode.Make sure you are not trying to trans-mit on a receive-only channel (see thechannels and frequency tables startingon page 57).Make sure you are transmitting at thecorrect power level for this channel (seethe channels and frequency tables start-ing on page 57).Make sure the duration of each trans-mission is less than 5 minutes.Noise comes out of the speaker all thetimeAdjust the squelch level; it is probablytoo low.I can’t hear anything (no volume) fromthe speaker.Adjust the squelch level; it is probablytoo high.I can transmit, but no one can hear me. Check your UIC channel settings (seeSetting the UIC channel mode (USA/CAN/INT) on page 10).7KHGLVSOD\ÀDVKHVDQG,GRQ¶WNQRZwhy.7KHGLVSOD\ZLOOÀDVKLIWKHUDGLRLVLQDwatch mode or in scan mode. Try turn-ing off scanning, Weather Alert Watch,or Triple/Dual Watch (see pp 14, 15, and16).I can’t read the display. Adjust the contrast and backlight bright-ness level (see page 23)The display is too bright at night. Adjust the backlight brightness level.Turn off the radio; hold menu key andturn it back on (see page 23)I can’t see any words on the display. Reset the radio back to the defaultbrightness level: turn off the radio; holdthe menu key and turn it back on.Common questions
Maintenance and TroubleshootingE-52Problem Things to TryI’m not getting any GPS data on mydisplay.Make sure your GPS receiver iscorrectly connected (see Connecting toa GPS receiver).Make sure your GPS receiver is workingproperly.Make sure that your GPS receiver sup-ports the NMEA parameters described inNMEA Operation on page 60.I’m not getting any hazard alerts. Make sure Weather Alert Watch isturned on.Check to make sure the FIPS codes inyour radio include your current loca-tion (see Using FIPS codes for weatheralerts on page 21).I’m getting all the hazard alerts, not justthe ones for my area.Check to make sure the FIPS codes inyour radio were entered correctly (seeUsing FIPS codes for weather alerts onpage 21).Sometimes the Weather Alert Watchmay catch a hazard alert in the middleof the broadcast and miss which FIPScodes are affected. For your safety, theradio triggers the alert tone and switchesto the weather channel when this hap-pens.I can’t make Group DSC calls. Make sure the Group MMSI was enteredcorrectly.:KHUHFDQ,¿QGP\UDGLR¶VVHULDOnumber?Look on the right side of the radio (theside with the microphone cord), behindthe mounting bracket.The radio won’t let me enter my UserMMSI. What do I do?Contact customer service.
E-53Maintenance and TroubleshootingEngine Noise SuppressionInterference from the noise generated by the electrical systems of enginesis sometimes a problem with radios. The VHF650 has been designed to beessentially impervious to ignition noise and alternator noise. However, insome installations it may be necessary to take measures to further reducethe effect of noise interference. The VHF650 radio DC battery wires, antennalead, and accessory cables should be routed away from the engine andengine compartment, and from power cabling carrying high currents. Insevere cases of noise interference, it may be necessary to install a noisesuppression kit. Contact the dealer where you purchased the radio for moreinformation.Regulations and Safety WarningsMaritime radio services operationWarning! This transmitter will operate on channels/frequencies that haverestricted use in the United States. The channel assignments includeIUHTXHQFLHVDVVLJQHGIRUH[FOXVLYHXVHRIWKH86&RDVW*XDUGXVHLQCanada, and use in international waters. Operation on these frequencieswithout proper authorization is strictly forbidden. See pages 53 through 58for a list of available channels and their uses. If you are still not certain whichchannels to use, see the FCC maritime radio page at the FCC website (http://wireless.fcc.gov/marine/) or contact the FCC Call Center at 1-888-CALL-FCC. For individuals requiring a license, such as commercial users, youVKRXOGREWDLQDOLFHQVHDSSOLFDWLRQIURP\RXUQHDUHVW)&&¿HOGRI¿FHIRU86users) or Industry Canada (for Canadian users).Basic radio guidelinesYou should familiarize yourself with the rules on marine radios and beaware of which rules apply to your boat. Complete guidelines for all shipand marine radio types can be found at the US Coast Guard website underthe topic Radio Info for Boaters (the direct link is http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/marcomms/boater.htm). Here are a few guidelines that affect nearly allboaters.• If you have a VHF radio on your boat, you must maintain a watch onchannel 16 (156.800 MHz) whenever the radio is not being used tocommunicate. Effective from 2004, if a radio is carried, it must be turnedon and set to channel 16 whenever your vessel is underway.• If you hear a distress call, wait a few minutes to let a shore station orCoast Guard vessel respond. If no other station has responded after 5minutes, you must respond to the distress call.• Do not make false mayday or distress calls as a prank or to test yourradio. (This is essentially like making a false 9-1-1 call; you may beVXEMHFWWR¿QHV
SpecificationsE-547DEOH5DGLRVSHFL¿FDWLRQV$OOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFHGeneralControls VOLUME-PWR, SquelchStatus Indicators Transmit power, Scan mode, Triple Watch mode, BatteryHigh, Battery low, USA, CAN, INT, Alert, Memory, Weatherband, GPS status and Channel DisplayDisplay /&')XOO'RW0DWUL[Buttons WX-Alert, 16/9-Tri, Scan-Mem, Channel Up, ChannelDown, Menu-PA, Select-1W/25W, and Distress.Connectors Antenna, accessory, and DC powerSize +PP[:PP[/PPZLWKRXW+HDW6LQN+LQFKHV[:LQFKHV[/LQFKHVWeight 0.9 kg (2 pounds)Supply Voltage Nominal 13.8V DC, negative ground (11.7 VDC to 14.3VDC)Standard Accessories Mounting bracket and hardware, DC power cable,microphone hanger, spare fuse, accessory cableAntenna Impedance QRPLQDOMicrophone 5XJJHGNFRQGHQVHUPLFHOHPHQWZLWKFRLOHGFRUGSpeaker LQFKOperating Temperature Range –20 °C to + 50 °C (–4 °F to +122 °F)Shock and Vibration 0HHWVRUH[FHHGV(,$VWDQGDUGV56%DQG56&FCC Approvals Type accepted under part 80 of the Rules; meets GreatLakes Agreement and party boat requirementsTransmitterPower Output 1 watt or 25 watt (user selectable)Power Requirement 25 watts output: 6A@13.8V DCModulation ±5 kHz deviationHum and Noise Signal-to-Noise 45 dB@1 kHz with 3 kHz deviation with 1000 Hzmodulating frequency (nominal)Audio Distortion Less than 8% with 3 kHz deviation with 1000 Hzmodulating frequencySpurious Suppression –25 dBm @ Hi, –25 dBm @ LoOutput Power Stabilization Built-in automatic level control (ALC)Frequency Range 156 to 158 MHzFrequency Stability ±10 ppm @ –20°C to + 50°C6SHFL¿FDWLRQV
E-55SpecificationsReceiverFrequency Range 156 to 158 MHzSensitivity 0.25 µV for 12 dB SINADCircuit Dual Conversion Super Heterodyne PLL (Crystal for DSC)Squelch Sensitivity 0.2 µV ThresholdSpurious Response 75 dBAdjacent Channel Selectivity 78 dB @ ±25 kHzAudio Output Power ZDWWV'LVWRUWLRQORDGPower Requirement 340 mA @ 13.8V DC at squelched, 860 mA @ 13.8V DCDWPD[LPXPDXGLRRXWSXWIF Frequencies 1st 41.925 MHz, 2nd 455 kHz (1st 21.7 MHz, 2nd 455 kHzfor DSC)
SpecificationsE-56Type of Message Appropriate Channel(s)DISTRESS SAFETY AND CALLING - Use this channel to get the attentionof another station (calling) or in emergencies (distress and safety).16INTERSHIP SAFETY - Use this channel for ship-to-ship safety messagesand for search & rescue messages and ships and aircraft of the CoastGuard.6COAST GUARD LIAISON - Use this channel to talk to the Coast GuardEXW¿UVWPDNHFRQWDFWRQ&KDQQHO22NON-COMMERCIAL - Working channels for voluntary boats. MessagesPXVWEHDERXWWKHQHHGVRIWKHVKLS7\SLFDOXVHVLQFOXGH¿VKLQJUHSRUWVrendezvous, scheduling repairs and berthing information. Use Channels 67and 72 only for ship-to-ship messages.96, 68, 69, 71, 72,78, 794,804,677.COMMERCIAL - Working channels for working ships only. Messages mustbe about business or the needs of the ship. Use channels 8, 67, 72 and 88only for ship-to-ship messages.15,7,8,9,10,11,18, 19, 635,677, 79,80, 881PUBLIC CORRESPONDENCE (MARINE OPERATOR) - Use thesechannels to call the marine operator at a public coast station. By contactinga public coast station, you can make and receive calls from telephones onVKRUH([FHSWIRUGLVWUHVVFDOOVSXEOLFFRDVWVWDWLRQVXVXDOO\FKDUJHIRUWKLVservice.24, 25, 26, 27, 28,84, 85, 86, 87, 882PORT OPERATIONS - These channels are used in directing the movementof ships in or near ports, locks or waterways. Messages must be aboutthe operational handling movement and safety of ships. In certain majorports, Channels 11,12 and are not available for general port operationsmessages. Use channel 20 only for ship-to-coast messages. Channel 77 islimited to intership communications to and from pilots15,53, 12, 14, 20,635, 65, 66, 73, 74,77NAVIGATIONAL - (Also known as the bridge-to-bridge channel.) Thischannel is available to all ships. Messages must be about ship navigation,IRUH[DPSOHSDVVLQJRUPHHWLQJRWKHUVKLSV<RXPXVWNHHS\RXUPHVVDJ-es short. Your power output must not be more than one watt. This is alsothe main working channel at most locks and drawbridges.13, 67MARITIME CONTROL - This channel may be used to talk to ships andcoast stations operated by state or local governments. Messages mustpertain to regulation and control, boating activities, or assistance to ships.17DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING - Use this channel for distress and safetycalling and for general purpose calling using only DSC techniques.70WEATHER - On these channels you may receive weather broadcasts ofthe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. These channels areonly for receiving. You cannot transmit on them.:[:[:[Notes:Not available in the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Seaway, or the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan deFuca and its approaches.Only for use In the Great Lakes, St Lawrence Seaway, and Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan deFuca and its approaches.Available only In the Houston and New Orleans areas.Available only in the Great Lakes.Available only In the New Orleans area.Available for Intership, ship, and coast general purpose calling by noncommercial ships.Available only In the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. and frequenciesTable 10 - Channel by type of message
E-57SpecificationsChannel and frequenciesTable 11 - USA Channel Frequencies and Channel TagCh No. RX Freq (MHz) TX Freq (MHz) Status Full Name1 “A” 156.0500 156.0500 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHPCommercial3 “A” 156.1500 156.1500 6LPSOH[ Coast guard, Govt only5 “A” 156.2500 156.2500 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHPCommercial6 156.3000 156.3000 6LPSOH[ Inter-ship safety7 “A” 156.3500 156.3500 6LPSOH[ Commercial8 156.4000 156.4000 6LPSOH[ Commercial9 156.4500 156.4500 6LPSOH[ Non commercial10 156.5000 156.5000 6LPSOH[ Commercial11 156.5500 156.5500 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP12 156.6000 156.6000 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP13 156.6500 156.6500 6LPSOH[: Bridge to bridge14 156.7000 156.7000 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP15 156.7500 Inhibit Receive Only Environmental16 156.8000 156.8000 6LPSOH[ Distress, Safety, Calling17 156.8500 156.8500 6LPSOH[: Govt maritime control18 “A” 156.9000 156.9000 6LPSOH[ Commercial19 “A” 156.9500 156.9500 6LPSOH[ Commercial20 161.6000 157.0000 'XSOH[ Port operation20 “A” 157.0000 157.0000 6LPSOH[ Port operation21 “A” 157.0500 157.0500 6LPSOH[ Coast guard only22 “A” 157.1000 157.1000 6LPSOH[ Coast guard23 “A” 157.1500 157.1500 6LPSOH[ Coast guard only24 161.8000 157.2000 'XSOH[ Marine operator25 161.8500 157.2500 'XSOH[ Marine operator26 161.9000 157.3000 'XSOH[ Marine operator27 161.9500 157.3500 'XSOH[ Marine operator28 162.0000 157.4000 'XSOH[ Marine operator61 “A” 156.0750 156.0750 6LPSOH[ Coast guard63 “A” 156.1750 156.1750 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP64 “A” 156.2250 156.2250 6LPSOH[ Commercial65 “A” 156.2750 156.2750 6LPSOH[ Port operation66 “A” 156.3250 156.3250 6LPSOH[ Port operation67 156.3750 156.3750 6LPSOH[: Bridge to bridge68 156.4250 156.4250 6LPSOH[ Non commercial69 156.4750 156.4750 6LPSOH[ Non commercial70 ( 156.5250 156.5250 ) DSC Only DSC
SpecificationsE-58Table 11 - USA Channel Frequencies and Channel Tag (cont'd)7KH$LQGLFDWHVVLPSOH[XVHRIWKHVKLSVWDWLRQWUDQVPLWVLGHRIDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOGXSOH[FKDQQHODQGWKDWRSHUDWLRQVDUHGLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWRIinternational operations on that channel.Ch No. RX Freq (MHz) TX Freq (MHz) Status Full Name71 156.5750 156.5750 6LPSOH[ Non commercial72 156.6250 156.6250 6LPSOH[ Non commercial (ship-ship)73 156.6750 156.6750 6LPSOH[ Port operation74 156.7250 156.7250 6LPSOH[ Port operation75 156.775 156.7750 6LPSOH[: Port operation76 156.825 156.8250 6LPSOH[: Port operation77 156.8750 156.8750 6LPSOH[: Port operation (ship-ship)78 “A” 156.9250 156.9250 6LPSOH[ Non commercial79 “A” 156.9750 156.9750 6LPSOH[ Commercial80 “A” 157.0250 157.0250 6LPSOH[ Commercial81 “A” 157.0750 157.0750 6LPSOH[ Coast guard82 “A” 157.1250 157.1250 6LPSOH[ Coast guard83 “A” 157.1750 157.1750 6LPSOH[ Government84 161.8250 157.2250 'XSOH[ Marine operator85 161.8750 157.2750 'XSOH[ Marine operator86 161.9250 157.3250 'XSOH[ Marine operator87 161.9750 157.3750 'XSOH[ Marine operator88 162.0250 157.4250 'XSOH[ Marine operator88 “A” 157.4250 157.4250 6LPSOH[ Commercial (ship-ship)
E-59SpecificationsTable 12 - Canadian Channel Frequencies and Channel TagCh No. RX Freq TX Freq Status Full Name1 160.6500 156.0500 'XSOH[ Marine operator2 160.7000 156.1000 'XSOH[ Marine operator3 160.7500 156.1500 'XSOH[ Marine operator4 “A” 156.2000 156.2000 6LPSOH[ Canadian coast guard5 “A” 156.2500 156.2500 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP6 156.3000 156.3000 6LPSOH[ Inter-ship safety7 “A” 156.3500 156.3500 6LPSOH[ Commercial8 156.4000 156.4000 6LPSOH[ Commercial9 156.4500 156.4500 6LPSOH[ Boater calling channel10 156.5000 156.5000 6LPSOH[ Commercial11 156.5500 156.5500 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP12 156.6000 156.6000 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP13 156.6500 156.6500 6LPSOH[: Bridge to bridge14 156.7000 156.7000 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP15 156.7500 156.7500 6LPSOH[ Environmental16 156.8000 156.8000 6LPSOH[ Distress, Safety, Calling17 156.8500 156.8500 6LPSOH[: State control18 “A” 156.9000 156.9000 6LPSOH[ Commercial19 “A” 156.9500 156.9500 6LPSOH[ Canadian coast guard20 161.6000 157.0000 'XSOH[: Port operation21 “A” 157.0500 157.0500 6LPSOH[ Canadian coast guard22 “A” 157.1000 157.1000 6LPSOH[ Canadian coast guard23 161.7500 157.1500 'XSOH[ Canadian coast guard24 161.8000 157.2000 'XSOH[ Marine operator25 161.8500 157.2500 'XSOH[ Marine operator26 161.9000 157.3000 'XSOH[ Marine operator27 161.9500 157.3500 'XSOH[ Marine operator28 162.0000 157.4000 'XSOH[ Marine operator60 160.6250 156.0250 'XSOH[ Marine operator61 “A” 156.0750 156.0750 6LPSOH[ Canadian coast guard62 “A” 156.1250 156.1250 6LPSOH[ Canadian coast guard64 160.8250 156.2250 'XSOH[ Marine operator64 “A” 156.2250 156.2250 6LPSOH[ Marine operator65 “A” 156.2750 156.2750 6LPSOH[ Search and rescue66 “A” 156.3250 156.3250 6LPSOH[: Port operation67 156.3750 156.3750 6LPSOH[ Bridge to bridge68 156.4250 156.4250 6LPSOH[ Non commercial69 156.4750 156.4750 6LPSOH[ Non commercial70 ( 156.5250 156.5250 ) DSC Only DSC71 156.5750 156.5750 6LPSOH[ Non commercial
SpecificationsE-60Ch No. RX Freq TX Freq Status Full Name72 156.6250 156.6250 6LPSOH[ Non commercial73 156.6750 156.6750 6LPSOH[ Port operation74 156.7250 156.7250 6LPSOH[ Port operation75 156.7750 156.7750 6LPSOH[: Port operation76 156.8250 156.8250 6LPSOH[: Port operation77 156.8750 156.8750 6LPSOH[: Port operation78 “A” 156.9250 156.9250 6LPSOH[ Inter ship79 “A” 156.9750 156.9750 6LPSOH[ Inter ship80 “A” 157.0250 157.0250 6LPSOH[ Inter ship81 “A” 157.0750 157.0750 6LPSOH[ Canadian coast guard82 “A” 157.1250 157.1250 6LPSOH[ Canadian coast guard83 161.7750 157.1750 'XSOH[ Canadian coast guard83 “A” 157.1750 157.1750 6LPSOH[ Canadian coast guard84 161.8250 157.2250 'XSOH[ Marine operator85 161.8750 157.2750 'XSOH[ Marine operator86 161.9250 157.3250 'XSOH[ Marine operator87 161.9750 157.3750 'XSOH[ Marine operator88 162.0250 157.4250 'XSOH[ Marine operator7KH$LQGLFDWHVVLPSOH[XVHRIWKHVKLSVWDWLRQWUDQVPLWVLGHRIDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOGXSOH[FKDQQHODQGWKDWRSHUDWLRQVDUHGLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWRIinternational operations on that channel.Table 12 - Canadian Channel Frequencies and Channel Tag (cont'd)
E-61Specifications)Table 13 - International Channel Frequencies and Channel TagCh No. RX Freq TX Freq Status Full Name1 160.6500 156.0500 'XSOH[ Marine operator2 160.7000 156.1000 'XSOH[ Marine operator3 160.7500 156.1500 'XSOH[ Marine operator4 160.8000 156.2000 'XSOH[ Marine operator5 160.8500 156.2500 'XSOH[ Marine operator6 156.3000 156.3000 6LPSOH[ Inter-ship safety7 160.9500 156.3500 'XSOH[ Marine operator8 156.4000 156.4000 6LPSOH[ Commercial (ship-ship)9 156.4500 156.4500 6LPSOH[ Boater calling channel10 156.5000 156.5000 6LPSOH[ Commercial11 156.5500 156.5500 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP12 156.6000 156.6000 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP13 156.6500 156.6500 6LPSOH[ Bridge to bridge14 156.7000 156.7000 6LPSOH[ 9HVVHOWUDI¿FV\VWHP15 156.7500 156.7500 6LPSOH[: Environmental16 156.8000 156.8000 6LPSOH[ Distress, Safety, Calling17 156.8500 156.8500 6LPSOH[: Govt maritime control18 161.5000 156.9000 'XSOH[ Port operation19 161.5500 156.9500 'XSOH[ Commercial20 161.6000 157.0000 'XSOH[ Port operation21 161.6500 157.0500 'XSOH[ Port operation22 161.7000 157.1000 'XSOH[ Port operation23 161.7500 157.1500 'XSOH[ Marine operator24 161.8000 157.2000 'XSOH[ Marine operator25 161.8500 157.2500 'XSOH[ Marine operator26 161.9000 157.3000 'XSOH[ Marine operator27 161.9500 157.3500 'XSOH[ Marine operator28 162.0000 157.4000 'XSOH[ Marine operator60 160.6250 156.0250 'XSOH[ Marine operator61 160.6750 156.0750 'XSOH[ Marine operator62 160.7250 156.1250 'XSOH[ Marine operator63 160.7750 156.1750 'XSOH[ Marine operator64 160.8250 156.2250 'XSOH[ Marine operator65 160.8750 156.2750 'XSOH[ Marine operator66 160.9250 156.3250 'XSOH[ Marine operator67 156.3750 156.3750 6LPSOH[ Bridge to bridge68 156.4250 156.4250 6LPSOH[ Non commercial69 156.4750 156.4750 6LPSOH[ Non commercial70 ( 156.5250 156.5250 ) DSC Only DSC71 156.5750 156.5750 6LPSOH[ Non commercial
SpecificationsE-62Ch No. RX Freq TX Freq Status Full Name72 156.6250 156.6250 6LPSOH[ Non commercial73 156.6750 156.6750 6LPSOH[ Port operation74 156.7250 156.7250 6LPSOH[ Port operation75 156.7750 156.7750 6LPSOH[: Port operation76 156.8250 156.8250 6LPSOH[: Port operation77 156.8750 156.8750 6LPSOH[ Port operation (ship-ship)78 161.5250 156.9250 'XSOH[ Port operation79 161.5750 156.9750 'XSOH[ Port operation80 161.6250 157.0250 'XSOH[ Port operation81 161.6750 157.0750 'XSOH[ Port operation82 161.7250 157.1250 'XSOH[ Port operation83 161.7750 157.1750 'XSOH[ Port operation84 161.8250 157.2250 'XSOH[ Marine operator85 161.8750 157.2750 'XSOH[ Marine operator86 161.9250 157.3250 'XSOH[ Marine operator87 161.9750 157.3750 'XSOH[ Marine operator88 162.0250 157.4250 'XSOH[ Marine operator7KH$LQGLFDWHVVLPSOH[XVHRIWKHVKLSVWDWLRQWUDQVPLWVLGHRIDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOGXSOH[FKDQQHODQGWKDWRSHUDWLRQVDUHGLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWRIinternational operations on that channel.Table 13 - International Channel Frequencies and Channel Tag (cont'd)
E-63SpecificationsTable 14 - Weather Channel FrequenciesCh No. RX Freq Channel NameWX01 162.5500 162.550 MHzWX02 162.4000 162.400 MHzWX03 162.4750 162.475 MHzWX04 162.4250 162.425 MHzWX05 162.4500 162.450 MHzWX06 162.5000 162.500 MHzWX07 162.5250 162.525 MHzWX08 161.6500 161.650 MHzWX09 161.7750 161.775 MHzWX10 163.2750 163.275 MHz(Common to each mode of USA, INTERNATIONAL and CANADA)Table 15 - CEA2009-S.A.M.E. Event CodeAlert codes and event levelsStandard Event Code (LCD Display) Event LevelADR Administrative Message StatementAVA Avalanche Watch WatchAVW Avalanche Warning WARNINGBHW Biological Hazard Warning WARNINGBWW Boil Water Warning WARNINGBZW Blizzard Warning WARNINGCAE Child Abduction Emergency StatementCDW Civil Danger Warning WARNINGCEM Civil Emergency Message WARNINGCFA Coastal Flood Watch WatchCFW Coastal Flood Warning WARNINGCHW Chemical Hazard Warning WARNINGDBA Dam Watch TestDBW Dam Break Warning WARNINGDEW Contagious Disease Warning WARNINGDMO Practice/Demo StatementDSW Dust Storm Warning WARNING
SpecificationsE-64Standard Event Code (LCD Display) Event LevelEAN (PHUJHQF\$FWLRQ1RWL¿FDWLRQ WARNINGEAT Emergency Action Termination StatementEQW Earthquake Warning WARNINGEVI Immediate Evacuation WARNINGEVA Evacuation Watch WatchFCW Food Contamination Warning WARNINGFFA Flash Flood Watch WatchFFS Flash Flood Statement StatementFFW Flash Flood Warning WARNINGFLA Flood Watch WatchFLS Flood Statement StatementFLW Flood Warning WARNINGFRW Fire Warning WARNINGFSW Flash Freeze Warning WARNINGFZW Freeze Warning WARNINGHLS Hurricane Statement StatementHMW Hazardous Material Warning WARNINGHUA Hurricane Watch WatchHUW Hurricane Warning WARNINGHWA High Wind Watch WatchHWW High Wind Warning WARNINGIBW Iceberg Warning WARNINGIFW Industrial Fire Warning WARNINGLAE Local Area Emergency StatementLEW Law Enforcement Warning WARNINGLSW Land Slide Warning WARNINGNAT National Audible Test TestNIC National Information Center StatementNMN 1HWZRUN1RWL¿FDWLRQ0HVVDJH StatementNPT National Periodic Test TestNST National Silent Test TestNUW Nuclear Power Plant Warning WARNINGPOS Power Outage Advisory StatementRHW Radiological Hazard Warning WARNINGTable 15 - CEA2009-S.A.M.E. Event Code (cont'd)
E-65SpecificationsStandard Event Code (LCD Display) Event LevelRMT Required Monthly Test TestRWT Required Weekly Test TestSMW Special Marine Warning WARNINGSPS Special Weather Statement StatementSPW Shelter In-Place Warning WARNINGSVA Severe Thunderstorm Watch WatchSVR Severe Thunderstorm Warning WARNINGSVS Severe Weather Statement StatementTOA Tornado Watch WatchTOE 911 Telephone Outage Emergency StatementTOR Tornado Warning WARNINGTRA Tropical Strom Watch WatchTRW Tropical Storm Warning WatchTSA Tsunami Watch WatchTSW Tsunami Warning WARNINGVOW Volcano Warning WARNINGWFW Wild Fire Warning WARNINGWFA Wild Fire Watch WatchWSA Winter Storm Watch WatchWSW Winter Storm Warning WARNING**A Unrecognized Watch Watch**E Unrecognized Emergency Statement**S Unrecognized Statement Statement**W Unrecognized Warning WARNINGTable 15 - CEA2009-S.A.M.E. Event Code (cont'd)No response event codeTXB Transmitter Backup OnTXF Transmitter Carrier OnTXO Transmitter Carrier OnTXP Transmitter Primary On
SpecificationsE-66NMEA OperationThis radio supports NMEA0183 version 3.01.NMEA Input,I\RXKDYHGLI¿FXOW\JHWWLQJWKH9+)WRUHFHLYHGDWDIURP\RXU*36UHFHLYHUFKHFNWKHGHYLFH¶VFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ,WVKRXOGEHVHWWRWKHSDUDPHWHUVVKRZQLQTable 15.Table 16 - NMEA Input ParametersBaud rate 4800 bpsData bits 8Parity NoneStop bits 1Data amplitude Over 3.0 VDrive capability Over 10 mAThe radio supports RMC, GLL, GNS,GGA and ZDA sentences. Whenthese sentences are received, theradio displays latitude/longitude,date, time, course, and speed. IfDQ\VHQWHQFHH[FHSWDQ50&RUGLL sentence is received, the radiouses the information based on thefollowing priority order.• Status:RMC > GLL > GNS > GGA• Latitude/Longitude:RMC > GLL > GNS > GGA• UTC Time: RMC > GLL > GNS > GGA > ZDA• Date: RMC > ZDA• Speed / Course:RMCNOTES :• If the radio receives only a GLL sentence, the radio does not display thecurrent speed, course, and date.• If the radio receives both RMC and GLL sentences, the radio uses onlythe RMC sentence.• Status data is used to check whether the GPS data is valid or invalid.NMEA OutputWhen the radio receives a DSC call (Distress, Position Reply, or PositionSend), it outputs a DSC/DSE sentence from the NMEA output port. NOTE:When the radio receives a distress call, it outputs a sentence in the followingformat.• $CDDSC,12,3081234000,,07,00,0354013946,0657,,,S,E*6D• $CDDSE,1,1,A,3081234000,00,60875646*13
E-67Regulations and Safety WarningsFCC and Industry Canada Information&HUWL¿FDWLRQ FCC Part 80 or RSS-182/188Output Power 1 Watt (low) and 25 Watts (high)Emission 16K0G3E, 16K0G2BTransmitter Frequency Range 156 to 158 MHzLead warningThe cords on this product and/or accessories contain lead, a chemical knownto the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.Wash hands after handling. West Marine works to reduce lead content inour PVC coated cords in our products and accessories.Antenna Selection and InstallationYour VHF650 has been designed to accommodate all of the popular marineVHF antennas. However, the selection and the proper installation of theantenna is the responsibility of the user or installer.7KH)&&KDVGHWHUPLQHGWKDWH[FHVVLYHUDGLDWLRQSRVHVDKHDOWKULVNWRpeople near radio transmitting antennas. Therefore, the antenna used withthis radio should be installed using the following guidelines to ensure a safedistance between the antenna and persons close by.Small whip antennas (3 dB) or smaller should be installed with at least 3feet away from any area where people are likely to be.Larger antennas (6 dB or 9 dB) should be installed with at least 6 feetaway.While the radio is transmitting, do not come closer to the antenna thanthe recommended safe distance.Do not touch the antenna when the radio is powered on and might begintransmitting.••••
E-68WARRANTOR: WEST MARINE AMERICA CORPORATION (“West Marine”)ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY: West Marine warrants, for three years, to the originalretail owner, this West Marine Product to be free from defects in materials and crafts-PDQVKLSZLWKRQO\WKHOLPLWDWLRQVRUH[FOXVLRQVVHWRXWEHORZWARRANTY DURATION: This warranty to the original user shall terminate and be ofno further effect 36 months after the date of original retail sale. The warranty is invalidif the Product is(A) damaged or not maintained as reasonable or necessary,%PRGL¿HGDOWHUHGRUXVHGDVSDUWRIDQ\FRQYHUVLRQNLWVVXEDVVHPEOLHVRUDQ\FRQ¿JXUDWLRQVQRWVROGE\:HVW0DULQH(C) improperly installed,(D) serviced or repaired by someone other than an authorized West Marine servicecenter for a defect or malfunction covered by this warranty,(E) used in any conjunction with equipment or parts or as part of any system notmanufactured by West Marine, or(F) installed or programmed by anyone other than as detailed by the Operating Guidefor this product.STATEMENT OF REMEDY: In the event that the product does not conform to thiswarranty at any time while this warranty is in effect, warrantor will repair the defectDQGUHWXUQLWWR\RXZLWKRXWFKDUJHIRUSDUWVVHUYLFHRUDQ\RWKHUFRVWH[FHSWVKLS-ping and handling) incurred by warrantor or its representatives in connection withthe performance of this warranty. THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVEIS THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAINING TO THE PRODUCT ANDIS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY NATUREWHATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR ARISING BY OPERATION OFLAW, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER-CHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS WARRANTYDOES NOT COVER OR PROVIDE FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT OR PAYMENTOF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some states do not allow thisH[FOXVLRQRUOLPLWDWLRQRILQFLGHQWDORUFRQVHTXHQWLDOGDPDJHVVRWKHDERYHOLPLWDWLRQRUH[FOXVLRQPD\QRWDSSO\WR\RXLEGAL REMEDIES:7KLVZDUUDQW\JLYHV\RXVSHFL¿FOHJDOULJKWVDQG\RXPD\DOVRhave other rights which vary from state to state. This warranty is void outside theUnited States of America.PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING PERFORMANCE OF WARRANTY: If, after follow-ing the instructions in this Operating Guide you are certain that the Product is defec-tive, pack the Product carefully (preferably in its original packaging). Include evidenceof original purchase and a note describing the defect that has caused you to return it.The Product should be shipped freight prepaid, by traceable means, or delivered, towarrantor at:West Marine32%R[Watsonville, CA 95077-0070Three Year Limited Warranty

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