Uniden Pro 500D Users Manual
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PRO 5000
MobileCB radio
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Introd uction
Welcome to the world of sophisticated, state-of-the-art CB radio communi-
cations. YourUniden PRO5000 represents the mostadvanced mobileradioever
designed for use in the Citizens Band RadioService. Itwilloperate' on any of the 40
,~M frequencies authorized by the Department of Communications. Your PRO
5000 features a superheterodyne circuit with PHASELOCKEDLOOPtechniques
to assure precise frequency control. Thisradio has been type accepted and certifi-
ed by the DOC
Before transmitting with your transceiver, you must obtain clDepartment of Com-
munications (D.O.C) Citizens Radio Licence. Obtain an application form, from
the D.O.C Before completing the formyou should read the conditions governing
the licensing and operation of the CR.S. (D.O.C brochure RB 14). This brochure
also can be obtained from the D.O.C After completing the application form, mail
it with the appropriate fee to the Superintendant Regulatory of Licensing in the
State or territory in which the station will be operated.
Connecting the Power Cords
With regard to the connection of the power cords, itmay be possible or desirable
to connect the red lead (fornegative ground systems) or the black lead (forpositive
ground systems) to the ignition switch accessory terminal so that the radio isauto-
matically turned off when the ignition switch (key) is turned off.
Alternately, the power lead may be connected to an available terminal on the fuse
block or even to a point in the wiring harness. Care must be taken, however, to
guard against a short circuit condition. When in doubt, please contact your vehi-
cle dealer for specific information about your vehicle.
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1. Built-in ANL Circuitry - Help reduce harsh background noise caused by a
variety of interference sources.
2. TX LED- An LEDlights to indicate when the radio is transmitting.
3. Microphone - The operational mode of the CBis controlled by the push-to-
talk switch on the mic. Press the switch to activate the transmitter and disable
the receiver. Release the switch to enable the receiver and disable the trans-
mitter. When transmitting, hold the mic about 2 inches from your mouth and
speak clearly in a normal voice. The mic included with the PRO 5000 is a de-
tachable electret type.
4. SjRF METER- This LEDmeter shows the relative strength of the received
signal or the RFoutput.
5. Channel Indicator - Displays the channel currently in use.
6. Channel Selector - This switch selects the desired channel for transmission
and reception. All channels, except channel 9, may be used for communic-
ations between stations operating under different license. Channel 9 has
been reserved by the D.O.C for emergency communications involving the im-
mediate safety of individuals or the immediate protection of property. Channel
9 also may be used to render assistance to a motorist. This isa D.O.C rule and
applies to all operators of CB radios.
1. SQUELCH- The Squelch conrrol is used to eliminate background noise dur-
ing the absence of a transmission. Turn the control fully counter clockwise,
then slowly rotate it back, clockwise until all noise disappears. At this setting
any transmission must be slightly stronger than the background noise to
"Break Squelch" or to be heard. Further clockwise rotation will increase the
threshold at which a signal will be heard. You can select any level to "Break
8. Volume Control - Rotate clockwise to turn radio on and to increase volume.
Antenna Connector - Thisfemale connector permits connection of the trans-
mission line cable male connector (PL-259)to the transceiver.

0 eration
Operating Procedure to Receive
1. Besure that the power source, antenna and microphone are properly connect-
2. Turn the unit on by rotating the volume control clockwise.
3. Set the channel selector switch to the desired channel.
4. Set the volume control to a comfortable listening level.
5. Listen to the background noise from the speaker. Turn the squelch control
clockwise until the noise disappears (no signal should be present). Leave the
control at this setting. The squelch is now properly set. The receiver will re-
main quiet until a signal is actually received. Do not advance the control too
far, or some weaker signals will not be heard.
Operating Procedure to Transmit
1. Be sure the operator has read and understands D.G.C rules and regulations
prior to operating the transmitter.
2. Select the desired channel for transmission.
3. 'fthe channel isclear, depress the push-to-talk switch on the side of the micro-
phone and speak in a normal voice.
CAUTION: The transceiver Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (V.S.W.R.)measure-
ment must be performed prior to the use of the transmitter. A "V.S.W.R."ratio in
excess of 2: 1 may damage the transmitter. Please check your SWRreading fre-
quently by using an SWRmeter.
Preventative Maintenance
At six to twelve month inteNals, the following system checks should be made:
1. Check the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (V.S.W.R.)
2. Inspect all electrical connections.
3. Inspect antenna coaxial cable for wear.
4. Inspect all screws and other mounting hardware.
--- --- - - -

Installation ~
Plan the location of the radio and microphone bracket before starting installation.
Select a location that isconvenient for operation and does not interfere with the
driver or passenger in the vehicle. The radio should be securely fastened to a solid
surface using the mounting bracket and self-tapping screws which are provided.
Negative Ground System
Mobile Antenna
Ifyou are operating on a negative ground system, connect the red DCpower cord
from the radio to the positive "+" battery terminal or other convenient point and
connect the black power lead to the chassis orvehicle frame, orthe negative "-"
terminal of the battery.
Since the maximum allowable power output of the transceiver is limited by the
D.O.C, the antenna isa very important factor affecting transmission distance. It is
forthis reason that we strongly recommend that you install only a quality antenna
in your new CBradio system. Youhave purchased a superior quality transceiver.
Don't diminish its performance by installing an inferior antenna.
Only a properly matched antenna system will allow maximum power transfer from
the 50-ohm transmission line to the radiating element. We recommend that you
use an SWRmeter when installing your antenna. Set your PRO 5000 to channel
20 and make adjustments to the antenna until the meter reads as close to 1as pos-
sible. YourUniden dealer isqualified to assist you in the selection of the proper an-
tenna to meet your application requirements.
Forautomobile installation, the whip antenna may be used with good effect. The
most efficient and practical installation is a full quarter wave whip antenna
mounted on the rear deck or fender top, midway between the rear window and
t\ short "loaded" whip antenna is more convenient to install on your automobile,
although the efficiency is less than a full quarter wave whip antenna.
Formarine installation, consult your dealer for information regarding an adequate
grounding system and prevention of electrolysis between fittings on the hull and
Positive Ground System
Ifyou are operating on a positive ground system, connect the black DC power
cordfromthe radioto the negative"-" batteryterminalorother convenientpoint
and connect the red power lead to the chassis orvehicle frame, orthe positive "+"
terminal of the battery.
Ground Information
Most newer cars and small trucks use a negative ground system, while some older'
cars and some newer larger trucks may use a positive ground system. A negative
ground systemisgenerallyidentifiedbythe "-" batteryterminalbeing connected
to the vehicle motor block, but ifyou cannot determine the polarity of your vehi-
cle, consult your vehicle dealer for information.
NOTE: Thisradio may be installed and used in any 12-volt DC negative or positive
ground system.

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Frequency Range:
Frequency Control:
Frequency Tolerance:
Operating Temp.:
Input Voltage:
Current Drain:
40 AM
26.965 to 27.405 MHz
Phase Locked Loop'(PLL)synthesizer
-30°C to +50°C
Plug in type: electret
13.8 VDC nom. (+ or - ground)
TX:full mod., 1.7A
RX:with max audio output, 1.7A
4-9/"W X 6_35/"0 X 1-13/"H
16 64 32
UHF, SO-239
Indicates relative RFoutput and received sig-
nal strength
Antenna Connector:
Power Output:
Freq. Response:
Output Impedance:
4 watts
Class Bamplitude modulation
300 -2500 Hz
50 ohms, unbalanced
0.7pV for 10dB; (S+ N)/N typical (limit:
6dB a 7KHz, 70dB a 10KHztypical
80 dB typical
Double Conv~rsion Superheterodyne
1st 10.692 MHz
2nd 450 KHz
(AGC):less than 10dB change in audio out-
put for inputs from 10 to 50,000 microvolts
Adjustable; threshold less than 1pV
7 watts max. into 8 ohms
300 to 2000 Hz
less than 10% at 4 watts, 1000Hz
16 ohms,S watts round
Image Rejection:
Automatic Gain Control:
Audio Output Power:
Freq. Response:
Internal Speaker:
Specifications and features are subject to change without notice.
-h.-- -

Ifyour PRO5000 isnot perform ing up to your expectations, please trythese simple
steps. Ifyou still cannot get satisfactory results after reading this manual and fol-
lowing the trouble shooting steps, please call the Uniden Australia Pty. Ltd. at
Ifyou determine that seNice isnecessary, contact your localdealer or pack the unit
in its original carton and send it along with a brief, concise description ofthe prob-
lem, your name, address, phone number, and a copy of the original purchase re-
ceipt to the address listed in the warranty.
Unit will not turn on.
No power. 1. Check power cord and all
2. Check power cord fuse.
3. Check vehicle electrical system.
Poor reception 1. Check and adjust Squelch.
2. Check antenna system, cabie and connec-
3. Check operation mode of the radio.
Weak transmission 1. Check antenna system, cable and connec-
2. Check antenna grounding.
3. Check for corrosion on connectors.
Servicing your CB
Technical information, diagrams and charts will be provided upon request. It is
the user's responsibi/ityto see that this radio isoperating at all times in accordance
with the O.O.C Citizens Radio SeNice regulations. We highly recommend that
you consult a qualified radiotelephone technician forseNice and alignment ofthis
radio. When ordering parts, it is important to specify the correct model number
and serial number of this radio.
Please refer to the WARNING information on the first page of this manual.

J. ""'~~--- --=------
WARRANTOR: UN/DENAUSTRALIAPTY.LTD.345 Princes Highway, Rockda/e,
NSW. 2216 ("UN/DEN").
ELEMENTSOF WARRANTY: UN/DEN warrants, for the duration of this war-
ranty, its UN/DEN Product to be free from defects in materials and craftsmanship
with only the limitation or exclusions set out below.
WARRANTYDURATION: Thiswarranty shall terminate and be of no further ef-
fect Two (2)years after the date of original purchase of the Product or at the time
the Product is (a) damaged or not maintained as reasonable and necessary, (b)
modified, (c)improperly installed, (d) is repaired by someone other Warrantor fora
defect or malfunction covered by this Warranty, or (e)used in a manneror purpose
for which the Product was not intended.
PARTS COVERED: This Warranty covers all components of the Products.
STATEMENTOF REMEDY:In the event that the Product does not conform to
this Warranty at any time while this Warranty iseffective, Warrantor willrepair the
defect and return it to you prepaid, without charge for parts, service, or any other
costs incurred by Warrantor or its representatives in connection with the perform-
ance of this Warranty. In addition, ifthe Product contains a defect or malfunction
which is not repaired after a reasonable number of attempts by Warrantor to re-
pair the Product, the Product or defective component will at our discretion, be re-
placed without charge, when the defective product isdelivered to the warrantor
at 345 Prince Highway, Rockdale, NSW. 2216 free and clear of all liens and en-
cumbrances. Please note that while the Product w.illbe remedied under this War-
event that the Product does not conform to this Warranty, the Product should be
shipped prepaid, to Warrantor at 345 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW. 2216.
.T -~

Australia Pty. Ltd.
345 Princes Highway, Rockdale, N.5.W.2216
Phone: 599 3355
Fax: (02) 599 7657
3/12 RandaIJ Street,
Slacks Creek,
Old. 4127
Phone (07) 290-1188
Fax (07) 808 4251
446-448 Bell Street,
East Preston,
VIe. 3072
Phone (03) 484 0373
Fax (03) 484 6057
23 Geddes Street
WA 6021
Phone (09) 344 3937
Fax (09) 3498165
72-74 Halifax Street,
SA 5000
Phone (08) 223-4235
Fax (08) 223 1471
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