Unitron Hearing ICUBEU Wireless Fitting Device User Manual 029 5452 02 conNT BTEgd eng

Unitron Hearing, Inc. Wireless Fitting Device 029 5452 02 conNT BTEgd eng

User Instructions

Table of ContentsYour iCube ......................................................................1Practical Solutions to Everyday Problems ......................2Using the iCube Guide....................................................3Getting started................................................................4Using iCube ...................................................................13Indicators .....................................................................13Important information...................................................15Troubleshooting Guide..................................................18Declaration of Conformity .............................................19Notices ..........................................................................19
1Your iCubeHearing Healthcare Professional: __________________________________________________________________________Telephone:__________________________________________Model: _____________________________________________Serial Number of iCube:_______________________________Replacement Batteries: One AAA (1.5 Volt),Standard or RechargeableWarranty:___________________________________________Date of Purchase: ____________________________________
Legend1 Right side fittingindicator2 Battery indicator3 Bluetooth / left sidefitting indicator4 Not supported5 ON/OFF button6 Bluetooth pairingbutton7 Reset button(covered)8 Detachable cover9 Audio & FMconnection(not supported,do not use!)10 USB charging andprogrammingconnection2Using the iCube Instruction GuideiCube enables the wireless transfer of fitting data fromyour PC directly to your client’s hearing instruments.Based on Bluetooth technology the fitting process is fast,smooth and stable, and most importantly, cable-free.Please read this manual carefully to benefit from allthe features of your iCube. For further information,please visit the Unitron website:www.unitronhearing.comRefer to the table of contents for a complete listing ofthe topics covered in this guide.1 2 3456 7 8 9 10iCube accessories• USB cable, 3 m (10 ft.)• iCube charger• USB Bluetooth adaptor• USB hubContents may vary depending on country.front back
Getting startedInstalling and using the iCube chargerInstall the iCube charger by plugging the power supplyinto a power outlet and docking iCube into the iCubecharger as shown below. It is recommended that youuse the iCube charger to store and charge iCubewhenever it is not in use. This way it will be sufficientlycharged and ready for the next fitting session.Charging the batteryYour iCube has an internal, rechargeable battery. Assoon as you place your iCube on the iCube charger,the battery starts charging.For safety reasons, recharge the battery only withchargers supplied by Unitron.During the charging process, the battery indicator is litsolid. Once the battery is fully charged, the batteryindicator will start flashing slowly. Typically, chargingan empty battery takes about 90 minutes. It is safe toleave the charger connected overnight — the batterycannot be overcharged.When charging your iCube for the first time, leave it tocharge for at least three hours (even if the battery3
4indicator starts flashing earlier).A new battery’s full performance is achieved only aftertwo or three complete charge and discharge cycles.Your iCube battery can be charged hundreds of times.If the operating time of your iCube reducessubstantially, please contact your local Unitronrepresentative.Operating timeFully charged, your iCube will operate for up to fourhours in normal use.Battery consumption and the operating time of theiCube greatly depend on the usage of the device.Heavy use will reduce the operating time of your iCubebetween battery recharges.Battery statusWhile turned ON, your iCube indicates the batterystatus on the battery indicator LED as follows:• Yellow, slow flash – Battery level is high.• Yellow, fast flash – Battery level is low.Once the fast flashing starts, your iCube will stilloperate for about an hour, but you should rechargethe battery as soon as possible. Low battery status isalso indicated in U:fit in the “CableFree Fitting Status”dialog.Connecting iCube to your computeriCube was designed to bring you the benefits of
5CableFree Fitting via Bluetooth connection. However,there are locations where Bluetooth connections arenot allowed, so iCube can alternatively be used with aUSB connection. In either case, before you can startusing your iCube it needs to be connected with yourcomputer.Before you continue, make sure the iCube batterycharge is high.Connecting via BluetoothConnecting your iCube via Bluetooth is done in threesteps:1. Prepare the Bluetooth connection on yourcomputerTo use iCube wireless via Bluetooth, make sure thatyou have Bluetooth activated. If your computer isequipped with Bluetooth built in, find the Bluetoothsetting and activate it. For specific instructions pleaserefer to the documentation of the computer andoperating system you are using.If you are using NoahLink and you have alreadyinstalled the corresponding external Bluetoothadaptor, you can use that same adaptor for iCube. Ifyour computer is neither equipped with Bluetoothbuilt in nor with a NoahLink compatible Bluetoothadaptor, use the Bluetooth adaptor accessoryprovided by Unitron.Refer to the “quick start guide” document availablewith the adaptor's Software CD and follow the
6instructions. iCube works within a Bluetooth operatingrange of up to 10 meters (33 ft.) of the fittingcomputer.2. Start the Connection Wizard for iCubeWith Bluetooth functionality turned ON, you can nowinitiate the connecting process via the U:fit™ fittingsoftware.If this is the first time using iCube, pressing the iCubebutton on the detection screen will start the“ConnectionWizard for iCube”.3. Pairing iCube with your computerSelect “Use iCube via Bluetooth” and the pairingwizard will guide you through the process of pairingiCube with your computer. Pairing is necessary tocontrol which Bluetooth devices are permitted tocommunicate with each other. It needs to becompleted only once, before first use.To initiate the pairing process on iCube, set the deviceinto pairing mode by pressing and holding theBluetooth pairing button for 2 seconds until the
7Bluetooth indicator is blue and flashing fast. iCube isnow in pairing mode for two minutes or until pairing iscompleted.Follow the instructions to complete pairing and finishthe connection process for iCube. Upon successfulcompletion, the “CableFree Fitting Status” will informyou about the status of iCube:
8Removing a Bluetooth pairingIf you wish to remove the Bluetooth pairing from youriCube, press and hold the Bluetooth pairing button forabout 10 seconds until the Bluetooth indicator is litsolid blue.Connecting via USB cableIf you wish to connect your iCube via USB cableinstead of Bluetooth, start the “iCube configuration ”in the U:fit fitting application and choose to use iCubevia USB cable.When prompted by the wizard, connect the Mini USBplug of the enclosed USB cable as indicated below.Attach the other end of the cable to a USB socket ofyour computer.Use the optional USB hub accessory if there is no freeUSB socket on your computer.When connecting iCube for the first time via USB, yourcomputer will start searching for the associated driversoftware. Depending on the operating system, you
9may be presented with an installation wizard: "FoundNew Hardware Wizard". If so, let your computerautomatically install the necessary driver software. Thedriver software has already been installed during theU:fit installation and should be identified by thewizard. It is not necessary to insert the U:fitinstallation CD.After successful installation of the USB driver,continue with the "Connection Wizard for iCube" andfollow the instructions. No pairing is required for theUSB cable connection. Upon successful completion ofthe connecting process, the “CableFree Fitting Status”will inform you about the status of iCube.U:fit System Configuration optionsThe “Pairing Wizard for iCube” can also be accessedby selecting “Options”, and then “iCube”, in the menubar of the fitting application. In the same menu youcan also select or deselect iCube. Additionally, you caninitiate the Bluetooth pairing process as describedearlier.Before using iCube to fit a client with hearinginstruments, make sure the icube battery issufficiently charged. Remove iCube from the iCubecharger and turn it ON.Wearing iCubeOpen the neckloop by unplugging the ridged jack, andplace iCube around your client’s neck.
10(Re)connecting the neckloop will activate the built-inantenna and enable iCube to operate correctly.Batteries need to be inserted into the hearing aids andhearing aids need to be turned on prior to detection.Detecting and programming hearing instrumentsIn wireless fitting, where there are no left and rightfitting cables, the assignment of left/right is done viaU:fit. Click the “Detect” button on thedetection screen. A “detection complete” screenappears showing the detected hearing instrumentsAssign (or reassign) each hearing instrument to thedesired side (left or right). You can play a beepidentification to confirm that left and right have beenselected properly.
11Continue by selecting to either “write to instrument(s)”or to “read from instrument(s) .Now the hearing instruments and iCube are ready forfitting. During the programming of hearing instruments,the right side and the left side fitting indicator flash fastred, and blue, respectively.Using iCubeProgramming hearing instruments without clientsWhen programming hearing instruments withouthaving your clients wear them, make sure they are inrange of iCube.If, for some reason, iCube becomes unresponsive,remove the cover by sliding it upwards. Press the resetbutton. The Bluetooth pairing will not be lost.If all three indicators on your iCube are lit solid, thismay indicate a software problem. Refer toTroubleshooting section.
12IndicatorsBattery indicatorYellow - Slow flashBattery fullYellow - Fast flashBattery emptyYellow - Lit solidBattery chargingFitting Status IndicatorRed - Right fitting status indicatorflashing fast.iCube is programming the righthearing instrument.Blue - Left fitting status indicatorflashing fast.iCube is programming the lefthearing instrument.
13Software IndicatoriCube is built such that it can be upgraded whenevernew functionalities are available. Follow theinstructions provided together with the new softwareversion.Red/yellow/blue - All threeindicators flash fast.iCube is being upgraded.Red/yellow/blue - All threeindicators lit solid.This may indicate a softwareproblem. Refer to Troubleshootingsection.
14Important informationMaintenance and care• Clean iCube using a damp cloth. Never usehousehold cleaning products (washing powder,soap, etc.) or alcohol to clean the device.• Protect iCube from excessive moisture and heat.• Protect it from excessive shock and vibration.• When iCube is not in use, turn it OFF and store it inthe iCube charger so it will be sufficiently chargedand ready for the next fitting session.Safety notice and other important information• Keep this device out of reach of children under 3years.• Persons using medical devices such as pacemakersare not permitted to use this device.• X-ray radiation (e.g. CT scans, MRI scans) mayadversely affect the correct functioning of thisdevice. We recommend that you keep iCube outsidethe X-ray radiation procedure rooms. High-poweredelectronic equipment, larger electronic installationsand metallic structures may impair and significantlyreduce the operating range. External devices mayonly be connected if they have been tested inaccordance with applicable IEC Standards.Important information• The digitally-coded, inductive transmission
technology used in this device is extremely reliableand experiences virtually no interference from otherdevices. It should be noted, however, that whenoperating the device near a computer terminal orother strong electromagnetic fields, it may benecessary to be at least 60 centimeters (24“) awayto ensure proper operation. If the hearinginstrument do not respond to the device because ofan unusual field disturbance, move away from thedisturbing field.• Use only original Unitron accessories.• Opening iCube might damage it. If problems occurwhich cannot be resolved by following the remedyguidelines in the troubleshooting section of thisuser guide, contact your local Unitronrepresentative.• iCube may only be repaired by an authorizedservice center.• Do not make any changes or modifications to thisdevice.• Do not unplug the neckloop when iCube is savingdata to the hearing instruments. Keep the neckloopclosed when iCube is not in use or stored on theiCube charger.• If you use several iCubes in the same building, beaware that their inductive field can disturb oneanother if within a range of 2 meters (6 feet). Thismay even occur when used in different rooms. Donot use iCube while charging.15
16Troubleshooting GuideCAUSE POSSIBLE REMEDYiCube is no longer recognized by the computer to whichit was previously paired• The Bluetoothfunctionality of yourcomputer may bedisabled.• iCube is out of range.iCube turns OFF• The battery is emptyiCube is unresponsive and all three indicators are lit solid• This may indicate asoftware problemA second or different iCube cannot be connected to my computer• Only one iCube can bepaired with yourcomputerFor any problems not listed in the guide, contact your hearing healthcareprofessional. If you do not have a hearing healthcare professional, pleasecontact the nearest office listed on the back page of this booklet.• Find the Bluetooth settings on your computerand turn Bluetooth functionality ON.• Move iCube closer to your computer.• Charge iCube• Unplug the USB cable and press the resetbutton. If the problem persists, deleteBluetooth pairings and press the reset buttonagain. If the problem still persists, contactyour local Phonak representative.• Start the “Pairing Wizard for iCube” whichwill provide you with the option of removingthe existing device. To delete the Bluetoothpairing from your iCube, press and hold theBluetooth pairing button for about 10 sec-onds until the Bluetooth indicator is lit solidblue.
17Declaration of ConformityUnitron Hearing declares under its sole responsibilitythat the iCube is in conformity with the followingstandards or other standardizing documents:Radio: EN 300-330EN 300 328EMC: EN 60601-1-2Safety: EN/IEC 60601-1Implementing the provisions of the MDD 93/42/EEC(Medical Device Directive), R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC(Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment),EMC Directive 2004/108/EC (ElectromagneticCompatibility) and LVD 2006/95/EC (Low VoltageDirective).NoticesNotice 1This instrument is certified under:FCC ID: VMY-ICUBEUIC: 2756A-ICUBEUThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules andwith RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.
18Changes or modifications made to this equipment notexpressly approved by Unitron Hearing may void theFCC authorization to operate this equipment.Notice 2This Class B digital apparatus complies with CanadianICES-003.Notice 3This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, maycause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference willnot occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradio or television reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver
19• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver isconnected• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.Operating conditions This product has been designedfor trouble-free operation without restrictions whenused as intended, unless otherwise stated in this userguide.Transportation and storage conditions Temperatureshould not exceed limits of –20°/60° Celsius at arelative air humidity of 65% for extended periodsduring transportation and storage. Air pressurebetween 500 and 1100 hPa is not detrimental to thisdevice.
Aust r a l i aLevel 2, Norwest Quay, 21 SolentCircuit, Baulkham Hills, NSW, NSW2153Be lg i u mBaron de Vironlaan, 60b-1700 DilbeekC a n ad a20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017,Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1ChinaNo. 200 Suhong Road, ExportProcessing Zone 4D, SuzhouIndustrial Park 215021DenmarkNitivej 10, DK-2000 FrederiksbergEu ro p ea n Re pr e s e n tat i v eDaimlerstrasse 22, 70736Fellbach-Oeffingen, GermanyFr an ce5, rue Maryse Bastié - BP 15 69671Bron Cedex, FranceNetherlandsArchimedesbaan 19, P.O. Box 1214,3430 BE NieuwegeinN ew Ze a l a nd10/215 Rosedale Rd., M277 PrivateBag, 300987, Albany, AucklandNo rwayBrugata 14 0186Oslo, NorwayS o ut h A fr i c aFirst Floor – Selborne House,Fourways Golf Park, Roos Street,Fourways, JohannesburgSpa i nUrb. El Palmeral Bl. IX, 17-27Alicante, Spain -- 03008Swe de nFörmansvägen 2, 4 trSE-11743, Stockholm, SwedenUn it ed K in gd o mSt. George House, Cygnet Court,Centre Park, Warrington, CheshireWA1 1PDU. S. A.Suite A, 2300 Berkshire Lane North,Plymouth, MN 55441ManufacturerUnitron Hearing Ltd.20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017, Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1 CanadaUnitron Hearing DistributorsCorporate Office/International20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017, Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1 Canada0682

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