Unitron Hearing UDIRECT Wireless Fitting Device User Manual 29 5452 02 conNT BTEgd eng

Unitron Hearing, Inc. Wireless Fitting Device 29 5452 02 conNT BTEgd eng


User Guide

Table of ContentsYour Passport™ Hearing Instruments ............................1Practical Solutions to Everyday Problems ......................2Getting the Most Out of Your Passport™ HearingInstruments..................................................................3Using the Passport™ BTE Guide....................................4Putting Your Passport™ Hearing Instruments on YourEars ..............................................................................6Turning Your Passport™ Hearing InstrumentsOn and Off ...................................................................8Feedback-Free Listening .................................................9Replacing the Battery....................................................10Operating Instructions ..................................................12Assistive Listening Devices...........................................23Caring for Your Passport™ Hearing Instruments.........25Cleaning Your Passport™ Hearing Instruments...........27Warnings.......................................................................30Troubleshooting Guide .................................................32Warning to Hearing Instrument Dispensers ................35
1Your uDirectHearing Healthcare Professional: ______________________________________________________________________Telephone: _______________________________________Model:___________________________________________Serial Number of uDirect: ___________________________Replacement Batteries: One AAA (1.5 Volt),Standard or RechargeableWarranty: ________________________________________Date of Purchase:__________________________________
2Practical Solutions to EverydayProblemsCongratulations on purchasing your new uDirect andchoosing a Unitron Unifi Wireless system. For over 40years, Unitron has been committed to making lifebetter for people with hearing loss. This means acommitment to developing high-quality hearingsolutions that incorporate special features to solve theeveryday problems and concerns you have withhearing loss and hearing devices.
3What is uDirect?uDirect is the Unifi Wireless System accessory thatprovides connectivity between your hearinginstruments and a world of audio devices:• It can wirelessly receive audio from Bluetooth-enabled devices such as mobile phones andpersonal computers.• Using Bluetooth adapters, it can wirelessly receiveaudio from devices such as your home stereo andtelephone.• It can also connect many devices-such as portableMP3 players and radios via a standard audio jack• It also accepts several FM shoes via the Europluginput.uDirect wirelessly streams the received audio signal toyour hearing instruments so that you can use thesedevices easily.You can concurrently connect multiple audio devicesto your uDirect. The audio sources are automaticallyprioritized.
4Using the uDirect GuideRefer to the table of contents for a complete listing ofthe topics covered in this guide.The diagrams below identify some of the componentson your uDirect.LegendButtons1 On/Off Button2 Communication Button3 Bluetooth Pairing Button4 Reset ButtonInputs5 Audio input (4.5 mm jack)6 FM input (Europlug)7 Charging input (mini-USB)8 Microphone openingsIndicators9 Battery indicator10 Audio streaming indicator11 Bluetooth indicatorOther12 NeckloopuDirect accessories (optional)• Audio cable, 1 m (3 ft.)• USB cable, 3 m (10 ft.)• Bluetooth audio adaptor1123 48829 11105 76
5Getting startedCharging the batteryYour uDirect has aninternal, rechargeablebattery. To charge it, plugin the charging cable,then plug the other endof the charging cable intoa power outlet.Your uDirect will turn off automatically when a chargeris connected.For safety reasons, recharge the battery only withchargers supplied by Unitron.During the charging process, the battery light will turnorange. Once the battery is fully charged, the indicatorwill turn green.Charging an empty battery takes approximately 90minutes. It is safe to leave the charger connectedovernight – the battery cannot be overcharged.When charging your uDirect for the first time, allow itto charge for at least 3 hours, even if the batterylight turns green after 90 minutes.A new battery’s full performance is achieved only aftertwo or three complete charge and discharge cycles.
6Operating timeFully charged, your uDirect will operate forapproximately 10 – 12 hours in normal use. Batteryconsumption and the operating time of the uDirectdepend greatly on the usage of the device. Heavy useof the audio streaming and Bluetooth functions willreduce the operating time of your uDirect betweenbattery charges.Your uDirect battery can be charged hundreds oftimes. If the operating time of your uDirect reducessubstantially, please contact your hearing healthcareprofessional.Battery statusWhile turned ON, your uDirect indicates the batterystatus on the battery indicator as follows:• Green, slow flash - Battery charge is high.• Orange, medium flash - Battery charge is moderate.• Red, fast flash - Battery charge is low.Once the fast red flashing starts, your uDirect will stilloperate for about an hour, but you should rechargethe battery as soon as possible.Turning your uDirect ON or OFFTo turn your uDirect ON, press and hold the On/Offbutton for about a second until you see the battery
7indicator turn on. Release theOn/Off button. Once your uDirectis fully operational, the batteryindicator will be colored and flashaccording to the current batterycharge as described above.To turn your uDirect OFF, press and hold the On/Offbutton for about two seconds until you see the batteryindicator turn green. Once you release the On/Offbutton, the battery indicator will go dark and youruDirect will be OFF.Wearing your uDirectTo put your uDirect around your neck, open theneckloop by unplugging it.Put the neckloop around your neck and plug it in. Thiswill activate the built-in antenna, and is necessary forthe uDirect to communicate with your hearinginstruments.12 34
8Checking the connection to your hearinginstrumentsThe communication between your uDirect and yourhearing instruments needs to be completed by yourhearing clinician. To check that your uDirect and yourhearing instruments can communicate successfully,briefly press the communication button. If thecommunicate was successful, you will hear aconfirmation beep in your hearing instruments andthe streaming indicator light will turn orange for a fewseconds.If the communication fails, the streaming indicator willrapidly flash orange for a few seconds.Indicators CoverIf you prefer to hide the indicators, engage theindicator cover as shown below.Indicators covered Indicators visible
9Introduction to BluetoothWhat is Bluetooth?Bluetooth provides a way for devices like mobiletelephones, laptops and personal computers tocommunicate wirelessly.Your uDirect supports Bluetooth to allow audio to bewirelessly received from many different audio devicesand transmitted to your hearing instruments. Forexample, you can receive mobile phone calls directlyto your hearing instruments, or listen to music fromyour PC.For further information about Bluetooth, visitwww.bluetooth.orgWhat Bluetooth devices can I use with myuDirect?First, check whether the device you wish to use isBluetooth-enabled: Look for the following symbol onthe device or in its user guide.Second, the range of possible applications on aBluetooth-enabled device is defined by “profiles”. Thedevice you wish to use with your uDirect must supportthe appropriate Bluetooth profiles. These differ
10depending on what you want to do with your uDirect:• To receive mobile phone calls your mobile phonemust support either the “Handsfree” or “Headset”profile. Many, but not all mobile phones supportthese Bluetooth profiles. Look for this informationin your mobile phone’s user guide.• To listen to stereo music from your mobile phone orPC, it must support the “A2DP” / “Stereo Headset”profile. Fewer devices support this Bluetoothprofile. Look for this information in your device’suser guide.Bluetooth device compatibilityAlthough Bluetooth is a widely-supported standard,manufacturers differ in how they implement it.Unfortunately, some Bluetooth-enabled devices arecompatible only with certain other devices. If aproblem occurs in the connection between yourdevice and your uDirect, or if you are uncertainregarding your device’s Bluetooth capabilities, pleaseconsult your device’s user guide or ask themanufacturer.Bluetooth operating rangeYour uDirect supports Bluetooth operation up to arange of 10 m (30 ft). Line-of-sight between youruDirect and other device is not required. However, the
11following factors may affect the range achieved:• Interference in the environment may reduce theoperating range of Bluetooth.• The Bluetooth device with which you areconnecting may support a more limited range thanthe 10 m supported by the uDirect.If your Bluetooth device moves out of range of youruDirect and has an active audio connection, thisconnection will be terminated. If the device is thenmoved back into range of your uDirect, it may or maynot resume streaming to your hearing instruments.This depends on the device.Using a Bluetooth device: pairing and con-nectinguDirect is supposed to work with consumer devicessuch as mobile phones, wireless or wired homephones, MP3 players, GPS devices, Laptops or PCswith Bluetooth functionality. Alternatively an externalBluetooth transmitter such as the Jabra A120 or theHama VOiiS can be connected to virtually any audiosource. If your device is Bluetooth-enabled andsupports the appropriate profiles, it can communicatewith the uDirect only after completing two simpleprocedures: Pairing and connecting.Pairing is the process by which you introduce twoBluetooth-enabled devices to each other and unite
12them with a password for secure communication. Itneeds to be completed only once for each device youwish to use with your uDirect. uDirect cansimultaneously pair up to 8 devices.The pairing procedure is described in detail for each ofthe Bluetooth device types in the sections whichfollow.Once a device is permitted to communicate with theuDirect by the pairing procedure, the connectionprocedure configures the device to actually output itsaudio signal over the Bluetooth connection. Thisprocedure is also described in the sections whichfollow. Some Bluetooth devices perform theconnection procedure automatically after pairing.Setting up Bluetooth devicesThis section describes the pairing and connectionprocedure for Bluetooth devices.Pairing with your mobile phoneAs described above, it is only necessary to performthe pairing procedure once. The pairing procedure iscontrolled by your mobile phone. Different mobilephones have different menu structures. You shouldtherefore refer to your mobile phone’s user guide ordealer support if you cannot complete the pairing
13procedure with the generic steps described here.To pair your uDirect and mobile phone:1. Charge and turn ON both your uDirect and mobilephone. Place them next to each other.2. Find the connectivity settings of your phone. Lookfor the “Bluetooth” feature in the main menu orone of the submenus such as “Connectivity”.3. On your mobile phone, ensure that the Bluetoothfeature is turned ON.4. Initiate the pairing process on your uDirect bypressing the Bluetooth button for about 2 secondsuntil the Bluetooth indicator flashes blue. YouruDirect will remain in the pairing mode for twominutes or until the pairing is completed.5. On your mobile phone choose to search forBluetooth devices or audio enhancements.6. Your mobile phone should present a list ofBluetooth devices discovered. Select “uDirect”from this list.7. Your mobile phone may then ask you to enter apasscode. If so, enter “0000” (four zeros).Your uDirect should now be paired to your mobilephone. Some mobile phones may ask which Bluetoothservice you wish to enable. Select “Headset” and, ifavailable, “Stereo Headset”.
14To connect your uDirect with your mobilephoneOnce your mobile phone and uDirect are paired, themobile phone needs to be ‘connected’ to your uDirectbefore it will actually send audio signals to it. Thisfunction should also appear in your mobile phone’s“Bluetooth” menu, usually under a list of “Paireddevices”. In that list, highlight your uDirect and select“Connect”. However, as mentioned above, somemobile phones may perform the connection procedureautomatically after pairing. They will ask if you allowthis device to connect automatically once the pair iscompleted, select “Yes”. Confirmation of successfulconnection is indicated on uDirect by the Bluetoothindicator slowly flashing blue, and a headset symbolappearing on the main screen of your mobile phone,similar to this:Pairing and connecting uDirect with aBluetooth transmitterIf you wish to use your uDirect to listen to music fromyour stereo system or make phone calls with yourlandline telephone but these devices are notequipped with Bluetooth functionality, you may usean external Bluetooth transmitter.As described above, it is necessary first to perform theBluetooth pairing procedure between your uDirect
15and Bluetooth transmitter. The pairing procedure iscontrolled by the device with which you areattempting to pair. Such devices vary in the procedurethey require for pairing. You should therefore refer toyour device’s user guide or dealer support if youcannot complete the pairing procedure with thegeneric steps described here.1. Charge and turn ON both your uDirect andBluetooth transmitter. Place them next to eachother.2. Initiate the pairing process on your uDirect bypressing the Bluetooth button for about 2 secondsuntil the Bluetooth indicator flashes blue. YouruDirect will remain in the pairing mode for twominutes or until the pairing is completed.3. Set your Bluetooth transmitter into pairing mode.With some devices,the pairing process is simplyinitiated by turning them ON.4. A Bluetooth transmitter typically doesn’t require apasscode or passkey to establish a connection withuDirect. If a passcode is required, enter “0000”(four zeros). Typically, with Bluetooth transmittersthe connecting process is automatically performedafter pairing. After initiating pairing, simply waituntil the devices have completed the pairing.Confirmation of successful connection is indicated on
16uDirect by the Bluetooth indicator slowly flashingblue. If this is not the case, refer to the user guide ofyour Bluetooth transmitter.Pairing and connecting uDirect with a PersonalComputer (PC)If you wish to use your uDirect to listen to audio onyour PC, you can do so if your PC supports Bluetooth.As described above, it is necessary first to perform theBluetooth pairing procedure between your uDirectand PC. You should therefore refer to your PC’s userguide or dealer support if you cannot complete thepairing procedure with the generic steps describedhere.1. Charge and turn ON your uDirect. Turn on your PC.Place your uDirect near your PC.2. On the PC, open the “Control Panel” and select theBluetooth device wizard. This will assist you insetting up a Bluetooth connection between youruDirect and PC.3. Ensure the Bluetooth connectivity is turned ON:Either activate built-in Bluetooth functionality orconnect the external Bluetooth adapter on your PC.4. Initiate the pairing process on your uDirect bypressing the Bluetooth button for about 2 secondsuntil the Bluetooth indicator flashes blue. Your
17uDirect will remain in the pairing mode for twominutes or until the pairing is complete.5. On the PC, choose to find and add a specificBluetooth device.6. Of the devices found, choose uDirect.7. When the PC prompts for a passcode or PIN, enter“0000” (four zeros).8. Allow devices to complete the establishment of atrusted link.9. If prompted on the PC to choose Bluetoothservices, you may have several options available.Select the "Stereo Headset" functionality to streamaudio in stereo. After choosing which services youwish to enable, you can finish the connection andexit the setup on the PC.Confirmation of successful connection is indicated onuDirect by the Bluetooth indicator slowly flashingblue.For further information please refer to the user guideprovided with the PC or external Bluetooth adapter.Deleting Bluetooth pairingsIf you wish to delete the pairing relationships betweenyour uDirect and other devices, press and hold theBluetooth pairing button for about 10 seconds untilthe Bluetooth indicator is lit solid blue.
18After deleting the Bluetooth pairings, none of yourBluetooth devices will work with your uDirect untilpaired again, because the whole pairing table hasbeen erased.Using your uDirect with your mobile phoneBefore you can use your uDirect with your mobilephone, you must complete the pairing and connectionprocedures described in the “Setting up Bluetoothdevices” section above.How your uDirect interacts with your mobilephoneWhen making a mobile-phone call, the uDirect’s built-in microphone captures your voice and transmits it tothe mobile phone. This frees you from holding thephone to your head to speak.Your voiceCaller’s voiceaudible hereCaller’s voiceBluetooth Wireless signal
19The other party’s voice is received by your mobilephone, which transmits it to your uDirect. Your uDirecttransmits it to your hearing instruments.Your uDirect’s communication button is used toaccept, reject and end phone calls as described in thesections below.Some mobile phone support additional features suchas voice dialing. Please refer to your mobile phoneuser guide for information about these features.Some mobile phones are configured to play keypresstones and confirmation beeps via Bluetooth headsets.If this is set, you will hear these tones interrupting anyactive audio streaming in your hearing instruments.Please refer to your mobile phone user guide forinformation about disabling this feature.Mobile phone calls will always take priority over otheraudio sources on your uDirect.Speaking into your uDirectYour uDirect includes a high-quality directionalmicrophone. It is placed on the side to optimally pickup your voice without extraneous noise when youwear your uDirect around your neck.When engaged in a mobile phone call, speak normally.In noisy environments, you can bring your uDirectcloser to your mouth. In this case, avoid covering the
20small microphone openings on the side of youruDirect. Turning your uDirect sideways is unnecessaryand will not increase the sound quality.Moving out of Bluetooth rangeIf your mobile phone leaves the Bluetooth range ofyour uDirect, the connection will be lost. If thishappens during a phone call, the mobile phone willterminate the call, even in cases where the “Automaticreconnection” feature has been enabled on themobile phone.Incoming callsWhen a call is received on your mobile phone, theBluetooth indicator will flash and you will hear theringing tone in your hearing instruments. Your uDirectcan receive incoming calls while streaming audio fromother sources, such as listening to music via audiojack. After rejecting or completing the call, youruDirect will resume streaming the music from theaudio jack.Accepting incoming callsTo accept an incoming call, briefly press thecommunication button on your uDirect. You will hearthe caller’s voice in both hearing instruments.It will take about 1 second before the link from the
21mobile phone to the hearing instruments isestablished.For your safety, the hearing instruments’ microphoneswill remain ON at reduced level during phone calls.Rejecting incoming callsIf you prefer not to answer a call, press and hold thecommunication button on your uDirect for about twoseconds until the Bluetooth indicator turns OFF. YouruDirect will command your mobile phone to reject thecall and send a busy signal.Rejecting the call by operating your mobile phonedirectly will have the same effect.Making a callInitiating a phone call is not any different with orwithout uDirect: Simply use the mobile phonekeyboard to enters or select a number and dial.If connected, you will hear the ringing indication inyour hearing instruments and they will activate thededicated Bluetooth phone program.Once the connection is established, no furthermanipulation of the phone is required.Speak into uDirect – not into the mobile phone – whenthe called party answers.
22Ending a callTo end a phone call via your uDirect, briefly press thecommunication button. The call will terminate andyour hearing instruments will return to the previouslyactive program or audio source (such as the audiojack input). Ending a call by operating your mobilephone instead of your uDirect will have the sameeffect.Using audio devices & FMAudio streaming enables you to hear audio from anMP3 player or other audio source directly in yourhearing instruments, which then function like awireless, stereo headset.Streaming prioritiesAn audio source can be connected to your hearinginstruments through the uDirect in three ways: viaaudio cable, via a Bluetooth connection or via FMreceiver.The following summarizes the priority given todifferent audio sources:1 Bluetooth phone call2 Audio jack3 FM receiver4 Bluetooth stereo headset
23First priority is always given to mobile phone calls:You will hear the ringing indication even whenlistening to other audio sources via cable, Bluetoothor FM. If you push the communication button toaccept the call, streaming is switched to the phonecall. If you reject, or terminate the call, audiostreaming will resume. If more than one Bluetoothaudio source is in range e.g. two Bluetooth stereodevices, uDirect will connect to only the lastconnected device. It is not possible to switch betweentwo Bluetooth audio sources. (One Bluetooth devicemust be turned OFF or moved out of range fromuDirect before the second device is turned ON ormoved inside the range of uDirect).Audio streaming can be activated in the hearinginstruments independent of which hearing programyou have selected on your hearing instruments.Connecting via audio cable (3.5 mm jack)1 Insert one end of the audio cable into theheadphones socket on your audio player.2 Insert the other end of the audio cable into theaudio input on your uDirect.Connecting via BluetoothIf your audio source is equipped with Bluetoothfunctionality or if you use an external Bluetooth
24adapter, you can stream audio wirelessly viaBluetooth. In order to use your uDirect with aBluetooth enabled audio device or transmitter, youmust first pair the devices. Please refer to the section“Pairing uDirect with a Bluetooth transmitter” forfurther details.Connecting via FM systemWhen noise, distance or reverberation is a problem,FM systems greatly improve communication. Awireless FM communication system consists of atransmitter and a receiver. The transmitter is placednear, or directly connected to the sound source (e.g.TV or radio).It transmits the signal via radio to your FM receiver(MLxi or MicroMLxS) attached to your uDirect. The FMsignal is then sent to your hearing instruments via theuDirect.• Attach your FM receiver to uDirect via the FM input(Europlug) as shown in the picture below.• Place the FM transmitter near the sound source orconnect it to your TV, radio etc. and turn it ON.• Turn the FM receiver ON. If you use a MicroMLxS,receiver, set the switch to the position "•".The FM transmitter transmits the signal via radio toyour FM receiver attached to uDirect. The FM signal is
25then sent to your hearing instruments via uDirect.The streaming indicator will light solid orange toindicate FM usage.The FM connection will remain ON for at least 60seconds even with no signal transmitted to ensureuninterrupted transmission in situations such aslectures.To deactivate FM, turn OFF the attached FM receiver orunplug it. uDirect will automatically activate thedefault hearing program.For more information about the usage of your FMsystem, please refer to the respective user guide.Start streamingSet the volume of your audio source to a mediumlevel and press play on your audio source to start.uDirect will automatically detect the audio signal andyou will hear the sound in your hearing instruments.Your hearing instruments will automatically switch toa special program which provides you with optimalsound quality. If connected via audio cable or FMreceiver, the streaming indicator will light solid yellow.If connected via Bluetooth, the Bluetooth indicator willlight solid blue.Pause streamingTo temporarily interrupt the streaming, e.g. if
26someone wants to speak to you, press thecommunication button on uDirect. The hearinginstruments will switch to normal operation. Ifconnected via audio cable or FM receiver, thestreaming indicator flashes yellow while in pause. Ifconnected via Bluetooth, the Bluetooth indicatorflashes blue when paused. To resume streaming,press the communication button on uDirect again.In most cases, the streaming pause operation will notpause your audio device. An MP3 player, connectedvia audio jack, will continue playing music, althoughyou will not hear it in your hearing instruments. SomeBluetooth devices provide support to respond to apause command from the uDirect. In these cases, theaudio will be paused on your device, and may beresumed from the same position later.Stop streamingTo stop streaming audio, turn OFF the audio source,unplug the audio cable or disengage the audiodevices’ Bluetooth functionality.When streaming stops, uDirect will automaticallyactivate the previously-active hearing program after ashort period of time. This occurs whenever thestreaming signal stops for more than 5 seconds.(Except in the case of FM, which will stop after 60seconds to accommodate lectures).
27Streaming interruptionsSituations where streaming may be interrupted:• If uDirect is too far away from the hearinginstruments while streaming, e.g. if you are notwearing the neckloop or if you have unplugged theneckloop cable.• If the Bluetooth signal is out of range.In those cases, your hearing instruments will lose theaudio signal. If this situation continues for more thanabout 5 seconds, they will automatically switch to thepreviously-active hearing program.To avoid streaming interruptions, make sure you wearuDirect correctly and keep the Bluetooth device withinthe operating range as described in the sections“Wearing uDirect” and “Bluetooth link”.Reset buttonIf, for some reason, uDirect becomes unresponsive,press the reset button on the back of the device. If allthree indicators on your uDirect are lit solid, this mayindicate a software problem. Refer to theTroubleshooting section.
28IndicatorsBattery indicatorGreen Slow flash Battery fullOrange Medium flash Battery mediumRed Fast flash Battery emptyOrange Lit solid Battery chargingGreen Lit solid Battery fully charged(charger attached)Streaming indicatorYellow Lit solid Audio streaminguDirect is streamingaudio to the hearinginstruments.Yellow Medium flash Audio streaming pauseAudio streaming to thehearing instruments ispaused. Push thecommunication buttonto resume.Test connection with hearing instrumentsYellow Lit solid Good connection(for 3 seconds) uDirect is in range of atleast one hearinginstrument.
29Yellow Fast flash No connection(for 3 seconds) uDirect is out of rangeof the hearinginstruments.Bluetooth indicatorBlue Fast flash Bluetooth Pairing modeuDirect is in pairingmode for 2 minutes andcan be detected byother Bluetooth devices.Blue Slow flash Bluetooth successfullyconnectedAt least one device hassuccessfully connectedwith uDirect.Blue Medium flash Bluetooth PauseBluetooth transmissionis paused.Blue Intermittent flast Bluetooth RingA paired and connectedmobile phone is ringing.Blue Lit solid Bluetooth transmissionuDirect is transmittingBluetooth signals to thehearing instruments.
30Error indicationAll three indicators lit solid ErrorThere may be a softwareproblem. Refer to theTroubleshootingsection.
31Important informationMaintenance and care• Clean uDirect using a damp cloth. Never usehousehold cleaning products (washing powder,soap, etc.) or alcohol to clean the device.• When uDirect is not in use, turn it OFF and store itsafely.• Protect uDirect from excessive moisture (bathing,swimming) and heat (radiator, car dashboard).Protect it from excessive shock and vibration.• Protect the microphone openings, connectors forthe audio cable, FM receiver and charger from dirtand debris. If necessary, use the cleaning brushprovided with your hearing instruments to cleanthese areas.Safety notice• Do not connect the audio cable while the USBcable is connected.• Keep this device out of reach of children under 3years.• Persons using medical devices such as pacemakersare not permitted to use this device.• External devices may only be connected if they
32have been tested in accordance with correspondingIECXXXXX standards.Important points• The digitally-coded, inductive transmissiontechnology used in this device is extremely reliableand experiences virtually no interference fromother devices. It should be noted, however, thatwhen operating the device near a computerterminal or other strong electromagnetic fields, itmay be necessary to be at least 60 cm (24”) awayto ensure proper operation.• Do not use this device in locations where it isforbidden to use electronic devices, such asairplanes.• X-ray radiation (e.g. CT scans, MRI scans) mayadversely affect the correct functioning of thisdevice. We recommend that you switch the deviceOFF before undergoing X-ray procedures and keepit outside the room.• High-powered electronic equipment, largerelectronic installations and metallic structures mayimpair and significantly reduce the operating range.If the hearing instruments do not respond to thedevice because of an unusual field disturbance,move away from the disturbing field.
33• Your hearing instrument(s) and this device weregiven a unique communication code during thefitting. This ensures that the device will not affecthearing instruments worn by others.• When using an FM transmitter, be aware that radiosignals might also be picked up and overheard byother receivers.• Before using the system in another country, contactyour hearing care professional to make sure yourradio channels are permitted in that country.• Use only original Unitron accessories.• Opening uDirect might damage it. If problemsoccur and cannot be resolved by following thetroubleshooting guidelines in this user guide,consult your hearing care professional. uDirect mayonly be repaired by an authorized service center.
34Troubleshooting GuideMOST PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDYuDirect is no longer recognized by the mobile phone or otherBluetooth device to which it was previously paired.• uDirect can be paired to amaximum of 8 differentBluetooth devices. If theinternal memory is full,new pairings will overwriteprevious pairings.The mobile phone is ringing but the Bluetooth indicator is not flashingand there is no ringing indication in the hearing instruments.• Bluetooth is OFF in themobile phone.• uDirect and your mobilephone are not connectedto each other.• uDirect is not paired to themobile phone.• Repeat the pairing between uDirectand the Bluetooth device which wasoverwritten.• Ensure Bluetooth is turned ON in themobile phone. Please refer to yourmobile phone’s user guide.• 1. Disable the Bluetooth functionalityin your mobile phone and turn itON again.2. Restart uDirect by turning it OFFand back ON. The uDirect’sBluetooth functionality will be auto-matically re-activated.3. Activate uDirect by selecting it inthe mobile phone’s “Active device”menu.4. Reduce the distance betweenuDirect and the mobile phone.• Follow the pairing process asdescribed in pagexx
35The mobile phone is ringing, the Bluetooth indicator is flashing butthere is no ringing indication in the hearing instruments.• uDirect is out of range ofthe hearing instruments.When making phone calls, the other party reports difficultieshearing me.• The uDirect’s microphoneopenings may be coveredor not able to pick up yourvoice correctly.I hear my mobile phone’s key-press tones in my hearing instruments.• The key-press tones may beON in your mobile phone.The volume of phone conversations is not comfortable(too low or too high).• The different audio sourceshave different outputvolumes.• Make sure uDirect is within 45 cm(18”) of the hearing instruments.Wear uDirect around your neck.• Make sure the microphone openingsare not covered and that you speakinto uDirect. Do not turn uDirect side-ways as you speak. Be careful not tolet uDirect rub against clothing.• Deactivate key-press and confirmationtones on your mobile phone. Pleaserefer to the mobile phone user guide.• Volume cannot be changed via uDirect.Adjust the volume on the connectedaudio source or mobile phone orchange the volume on the hearinginstruments.MOST PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY
36uDirect is unresponsive and all three indicators are lit solid.• This may indicate asoftware problem.For any problems not listed in the guide, contact your hearing healthcareprofessional. If you do not have a hearing healthcare professional, pleasecontact the nearest office listed on the back page of this booklet.• Unplug any connectors from uDirect,including the USB charging connector,and press the reset button.If the problem persists, deleteBluetooth pairings and press the resetbutton again. If the problem still per-sists, please contact your hearinghealthcare professional.MOST PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY
37Declaration of conformityUnitron Hearing declares under its sole responsibilitythat uDirect is in conformity with the followingstandards or other standardizing documents:Radio: EN 300-330EN 300 328EMC: EN 60601-1-2Safety: EN/IEC 60601-1Implementing the provisions of the MDD 93/42/EEC(Medical Device Directive), R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC(Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment),EMC Directive 2004/108/EC (ElectromagneticCompatibility) and LVD 2006/95/EC (Low VoltageDirective).
NoticesNotice 1This instrument is certified under:FCC ID: VMY-UDIRECTIC: 2756A-UDIRECTThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules andwith RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesiredoperation. Changes or modifications made to thisequipment not expressly approved by Phonak mayvoid the FCC authorization to operate thisequipment.Notice 2This Class B digital apparatus complies with CanadianICES-003.Notice 3This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful38
interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, thereis no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver isconnected• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help39
This instrument is certified under:FCC ID: VMY-UDIRECTIC: 2756A-UDIRECT
ManufacturerUnitron Hearing Ltd.20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017, Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1 CanadaUnitron DistributorsCorporate Office/International20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017, Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1 CanadaAustraliaLevel 2, Norwest Quay, 21 SolentCircuit, Baulkham Hills, NSW, NSW2153BelgiumBaron de Vironlaan, 60b-1700 DilbeekCanada20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017,Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1ChinaNo. 200 Suhong Road, ExportProcessing Zone 4D, SuzhouIndustrial Park 215021DenmarkNitivej 10, DK-2000 FrederiksbergEuropean RepresentativeDaimlerstrasse 22, 70736Fellbach-Oeffingen, GermanyFrance5, rue Maryse Bastié - BP 15 69671Bron Cedex, FranceNetherlandsArchimedesbaan 19, P.O. Box 1214,3430 BE NieuwegeinNew Zealand10/215 Rosedale Rd., M277 PrivateBag, 300987, Albany, AucklandNorwayBrugata 14 0186Oslo, NorwaySouth AfricaFirst Floor – Selborne House,Fourways Golf Park, Roos Street,Fourways, JohannesburgSpainUrb. El Palmeral Bl. IX, 17-27Alicante, Spain -- 03008SwedenFörmansvägen 2, 4 trSE-11743, Stockholm, SwedenUnited KingdomSt. George House, Cygnet Court,Centre Park, Warrington, CheshireWA1 1PDU.S.A.Suite A, 2300 Berkshire Lane North,Plymouth, MN 55441

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