Unitron Hearing UWITE Hearing Aid User Manual 29 5452 02 conNT BTEgd eng

Unitron Hearing, Inc. Hearing Aid 29 5452 02 conNT BTEgd eng


Passport™ITE Guide
Table of ContentsYour Passport™ Hearing Instruments ............................1Practical Solutions to Everyday Problems ......................2Getting the Most Out of Your Passport™ HearingInstruments..................................................................3Using the Passport™ ITE Guide .....................................4Turning Your Passport™ Hearing InstrumentsOn and Off....................................................................6Inserting and Removing ITE and CIC HearingInstruments..................................................................7Feedback-Free Listening .................................................8Replacing the Battery .....................................................9Operating Instructions ITE and CIC................................11Caring for Your Passport™ Hearing Instruments.........22Cleaning Your Passport™ Hearing Instruments...........23Warnings.......................................................................24Troubleshooting Guide .................................................26Warning to Hearing Instrument Dispensers ................28
1Your Passport™ Hearing InstrumentsHearing Healthcare Professional: _________________________________________________________________________Telephone: _________________________________________Model: ____________________________________________Serial Number:______________________________________Replacement Batteries: Size 10 Size 312 Size 13Warranty: __________________________________________Program 1 is the Automatic ProgramProgram 2 is the Manual Program for: __________________Program 3 is the Manual Program for: __________________Program 4 is the Manual Program for: __________________Date of Purchase: ___________________________________
2Practical Solutions to EverydayProblemsCongratulations on choosing Passport™ ITE (In-the-Ear) hearing instruments. For over 40 years, UnitronHearing has been committed to making life better forpeople with hearing loss. This means a commitmentto developing high-quality hearing solutions thatincorporate special features to solve the everydayproblems and concerns you have with hearing lossand hearing instruments.Passport is a premium hearing instrument thatdelivers superior sound quality, performance, andextraordinary results. Passport ITE hearinginstruments can be purchased with Unifi Wirelessoption which gives access to Bluetooth accessories.Passport’s automatic program identifies your listeningenvironment and automatically determines hearinginstrument settings that are most effective for optimallistening as your listening needs change throughoutthe day. Three additional manual programs give youadded flexibility to meet your particular listeningneeds. Passport offers you the ability to adjust yourpersonal comfort and clarity settings, giving yougreater control of your listening experience. Passportwill also learn these adjustments, leading to a morepersonalized hearing instrument.
3Getting the Most Out of YourPassport™ Hearing InstrumentsAdjusting to your new hearing instruments will takesome time. In the beginning it is important that you donot use the hearing instruments for longer than iscomfortable. Depending on your previous experiencewith hearing instruments, a few hours a day may beenough and then you can increase wearing timegradually. Once you have become accustomed to yourhearing instruments, you should wear them all dayeveryday since frequent use will help you adapt toyour hearing instruments and enjoy their full benefits.The quicker you get used to the everyday soundsaround you, the less you will notice that you arewearing hearing instruments.
4Using the Passport™ ITE GuideRefer to the table of contents for a complete listing ofthe topics covered in this guide.Use the diagram on the next page to identify some ofthe components on your hearing instruments.Because each instrument is custom-designed andmolded to fit an individual ear, the physicalappearance and exact positioning on your hearinginstruments may vary slightly from those shown. Haveyour hearing healthcare professional place a checkbeside the diagram that best describes your ITE style.My hearing instrument has (check all that apply)SmartFocus Program ButtonVolume Control Push Button Volume Control
5Legend1 Microphone2 Program Button or Push Button Volume Control(depending on your customized fitting)3 Volume Control or SmartFocus(depending on your customized fitting)4 Battery Door5 Vent or IntelliVent6 Removal Handle4352143521Full Shell or Full Shell PowerHalf Shell or Half Shell PowerCanal or Power CanalMini Canal or Power Mini CanalCompletely-in-the-Canal (CIC)or Power CIC435211435214562
6Turning Your Passport™ HearingInstruments On and OffTo turn your hearing instruments on, close the batterydoor. Note: If the start up delay is activated, yourhearing instruments will not turn on for 10-15seconds after closing the battery door.To turn your hearing instruments off, open the batterydoor or remove the battery.
7Inserting and Removing ITE and CICHearing InstrumentsITE and CIC hearing instruments are color-coded redfor the right ear and blue for the left ear. The color isindicated either on the shell or on a label on thehearing instrument.To insert ITEs and CICs:1. Hold the hearing instrument between your thumband index finger with the battery door away fromyour ear.2. If your hearing instrument is a CIC, insert byholding the hearing instrument with the removalhandle at the bottom.3. Gently insert the canal portion of the hearinginstrument into your ear using your index finger topush back and tuck the hearing instrumentcompletely into place.To remove ITEs and CICs:1. If your hearing instrument is a CIC, gently pull onthe removal handle. To remove ITE hearinginstruments, grasp the instrument with your thumband index finger.2. Move your jaw up and down or apply pressure tothe back of your ear to help loosen the instrument.
8Note: Never use the volume control, program buttonor the battery door to remove your hearinginstruments.Feedback-Free ListeningYour Passport hearing devices have an optional startup delay that can be activated by your hearinghealthcare professional. If the start up delay isactivated, your hearing devices will not turn on for 10-15 seconds after you close the battery door. Thehearing devices return to the start up delay positioneach time you turn your hearing devices on. Thisallows you to insert your hearing devices withoutexperiencing whistling.If you wear hearing devices now, you may haveexperienced whistling from your hearing devices whenyou talk, chew, use the telephone or hug someone.Passport’s feedback technology dramatically reducesthis uncomfortable whistling before you or anyoneelse can perceive it.
9Replacing the Battery1. Gently swing out the battery compartment withyour fingernail.2. Grasp the battery with your thumb and index fingerand remove.3. Insert the new battery into the batterycompartment with the plus (+) sign on the batteryfacing the same way as the plus (+) sign on theedge of the battery door. This will ensure that thebattery door closes properly.Note: If the battery is inserted incorrectly, the doorwill not close.4. Close the battery door.Low Battery WarningWhen you hear two long beeps, your hearinginstruments are warning you that their batteries arelow. You will hear the warning approximately every 30minutes until you change the batteries or the batteriesPlus (+)SignsPlus (+)Signs
10die. After the first warning, you may experience somereduction in sound quality. This is normal and can beremedied by inserting fresh batteries in the hearingdevices. If you prefer, your hearing healthcareprofessional can change the pitch and loudness of thelow battery beep or turn it off entirely.Caring for Batteries• Always discard batteries carefully.• To prolong battery life, remember to turn yourhearing instruments off when not in use.• Remove the batteries and keep the battery dooropen while hearing instruments are not in use. Thiswill allow internal moisture to evaporate.Warnings• Never leave hearing instruments or batteries wheresmall children and pets can reach them.• Never put hearing instruments or batteries in yourmouth. If a hearing instrument or battery isswallowed, call a physician immediately.
11Operating Instructions ITE and CICChanging Programs on Your Passport™Hearing InstrumentsYour Passport hearing instruments have an automaticprogram and up to three additional manual programs.Passport’s automatic program will satisfy most of yourlistening needs by adjusting to different listeningenvironments without requiring manual adjustments.Up to three additional manual programs can beindividually tailored by your hearing healthcareprofessional to meet your particular listening needs.Your hearing instruments may come equipped with apush button which has been set for switchingbetween programs or adjusting your volume. Thispush button could also be disabled by your hearinghealthcare professional. If you have an active pushbutton program control, each time you push thebutton, you will move to a new program.Your Passport hearing instruments may also comewith an optional remote control which allows you toswitch between different listening programs. Ask yourhearing healthcare professional for more informationon the remote control.duoLinkBy pressing the push button on only one hearing
12instrument, you can adjust both instrumentssimultaneously if this feature has been enabled byyour hearing healthcare professional.Program BeepsYour hearing instruments beep to indicate whichprogram you are in (i.e. one beep for program 1, twobeeps for program 2, etc.) If you prefer, your hearinghealthcare professional can adjust the pitch andloudness of the program beep or turn it off entirely.Adjusting the VolumeThe volume on your hearing instruments adjustsautomatically in response to the loud or quiet soundsaround you. Your hearing instruments are set to yourideal volume by default. Your ideal volume is indicatedby 1 beep. If you have a push button volume control ora volume control rotary dial, you can further adjust thevolume.Program 1 (e.g. Automatic Program) 1 beepProgram 2 (e.g. Group/Party Noise) 2 beepsProgram 3 (e.g. Easy-t/Telephone) 3 beepsProgram 4 (e.g. Music) 4 beepsEasy-t/Telephone short melodyEasy-DAI short melodyduoLink beeps the same asfeature being adjusted
13Your Passport hearing instruments will learn yourvolume control adjustments while the hearinginstruments are set to the automatic program, if thisfeature has been enabled by your hearing healthcareprofessional. Over time, the hearing instruments willadjust the default volume settings in the automaticprogram to the levels that you typically use.Your Passport hearing instruments may also comewith an optional remote control which allows you toadjust your volume levels. Ask your hearinghealthcare professional for more information on theremote control.Push Button Volume ControlIf your push button has been configured as a volumecontrol, you can adjust the volume level by pushingthe button. Note that your volume control may bedisabled by your hearing healthcare professional and,therefore, could be inactive.As you change the volume level, your hearinginstrument will beep. Please refer to the chart belowto learn more about the different volume beeps.Volume Setting BeepsIdeal volume level 1 beepIncreased loudness 1 beep + 1 high-pitched beepDecreased loudness 1 beep + 1 low-pitched beep
14Your hearing healthcare professional can help youidentify your different push button volume controlsettings. If you prefer, your hearing healthcareprofessional can adjust the pitch and loudness of thepush button volume control beeps or turn them offentirely.Volume ControlAs you change the volume level on your rotary orscroll volume control, your hearing instruments willbeep.Please refer to the chart below to learn more aboutthe different volume beeps.Your hearing healthcare professional can help youidentify your different volume control settings. If youprefer, your hearing healthcare professional canadjust the pitch and loudness of the volume controlbeeps or turn them off entirely.Rotary Volume ControlIf the rotary dial has been configured as a volumecontrol, rotate the volume control slowly forwardVolume Setting BeepIdeal volume level 1 beepMaximum volume level 2 beepsMinimum volume level 2 beeps
15towards your nose to increase the volume or slowlybackward away from your nose to decrease thevolume. Note that your volume control may bedisabled by your hearing healthcare professional and,therefore, could be inactive.Scroll Volume ControlIf your hearing instruments have a scroll volumecontrol, turn the volume control slowly upwardtowards the ceiling to increase the volume, or slowlydownward towards the floor to decrease the volume.Note that your volume control may be disabled byyour hearing healthcare professional and, therefore,could be inactive.Adjusting the SmartFocusWith a Passport hearing instrument, you can alsomanage the levels of speech and background noise inyour listening environment via the SmartFocus. Thiscontrol provides an additional sound refinementoption beyond a traditional volume control. If yourhearing healthcare professional has enabled theSmartFocus, you can adjust your comfort-clarity levelsusing the rotary dial on your hearing instruments.Your Passport hearing instruments will learn yourcomfort-clarity settings while the hearing instrumentsare set to the automatic program, if this feature hasbeen enabled by your hearing healthcare professional.
16Over time, the hearing instruments will adjust the pre-programmed comfort-clarity settings to your preferredlevels.Your Passport hearing instruments may also comewith an optional remote control which allows you toadjust your SmartFocus comfort and clarity levels. Askyour hearing healthcare professional for moreinformation on the remote control.SmartFocusAs you change the SmartFocus comfort and claritylevel, your hearing instruments will beep. Please referto the chart below to learn more about the differentcomfort-clarity beeps.Note: As the SmartFocus is adjusted toward themidpoint of the control range, the effect on sound isminimized.Your hearing healthcare professional can help youidentify your different SmartFocus settings. If youprefer, your hearing healthcare professional canadjust the pitch and loudness of the SmartFocusbeeps or turn them off entirely.SmartFocus Setting BeepMaximum sound clarity level 2 beepsMaximum listening comfort level 2 beepsIdeal comfort and clarity level 1 beep
17Rotary SmartFocusIf the rotary dial on your hearing instruments has beenconfigured as a SmartFocus, rotate the dial slowlyforward towards your nose to increase clarity ofsounds, such as speech. For greater comfort in noisylistening situations, slowly rotate the dial backwardsaway from your nose.Scroll SmartFocusIf the scroll wheel on your hearing instruments hasbeen configured as a SmartFocus, turn the scrollslowly upward towards the ceiling to increase clarityof sounds in front of you, such as speech. For greateroverall listening comfort in noisy listening situations,turn the scroll wheel slowly downward towards thefloor.Listening in Windy EnvironmentsPassport’s wind noise manager will engageautomatically based on whether wind conditions aremoderate or high. When the wind noise manager isengaged, sounds such as speech may become quieterbecause the wind noise manager is working to reducethe loud noise produced by the wind. When you areno longer in a windy environment, the wind noisemanager will not be active and desirable sounds, suchas speech, will once again become louder.
18Listening in Quiet and Noisy EnvironmentsYour Passport hearing instruments may have adirectional microphone system to meet your listeningneeds in different environments. The directionalsystem focuses on sounds in front of you (i.e., speech)while reducing sounds from the sides or behind you(i.e., noise). The directional system can be set to trackmoving noise sources and adapt to changing noiselevels so that background noise is reduced. Yourhearing healthcare professional can tell you how yourdirectional system has been customized for you andwhich listening programs have the directionalmicrophones activated.In addition, Passport contains antiShock™ technologythat identifies and minimizes sudden impulse soundsthat many hearing device wearers find irritatingly loudsuch as slamming doors or clattering dishes. Thistechnology is designed to increase listening comfort inadverse listening situations without impacting soundquality or your ability to understand conversations.Using Passport™ with the TelephonePassport has the ability, depending on hearing loss,vent size and style of hearing device to providefeedback-free phone use without program changes.For many wearers this means, when the phone rings,all you have to do is pick up the telephone and hold it
19to your ear normally. In some situations when using acell phone, you may experience digital interferencethat sounds like static, buzzing or beeping. If youexperience interference, increase the distancebetween your hearing instrument and the phonereceiver.Easy-t for the Telephone or Cell/Mobile PhonePassport can also come equipped with an optionaleasy-t (automatic telephone switch) that can help youlisten on the telephone. Easy-t automatically switchesyour hearing instrument into a telephone listeningmode with hearing instrument compatible phones.You will hear a short melody to indicate you are in thetelephone (easy-t) program. If your phone is hearinginstrument compatible, it will have a magnetic coil andeasy-t will activate automatically when the telephoneis held to the ear. Once the telephone is removed fromthe ear, the hearing instrument will switch back to thenormal listening mode. Since the location andstrength of the magnetic coil varies among phonemanufacturers, it may be necessary to move thetelephone receiver slightly to find the best reception.If the hearing instrument does not switch to telephoneprogram automatically when the telephone receiver isplaced in proximity, the magnet for easy-t hearinginstruments should be attached to the telephonereceiver. The magnet is designed to strengthen the
20magnetic field at the ear piece of hearing instrumentcompatible telephones.Depending on the programming provided by yourHearing Healthcare Professional, easy-t may also beequipped to automatically adjust the hearinginstrument settings on your non-phone ear to assistwith telephone situations (eg. reduce loudness andresulting interference of environmental sounds in non-phone ear).To affix the easy-t magnet:1. Clean the telephone receiver.2. Hold the magnet near the “listening end” of yourtelephone receiver and release it (Figure 1). Themagnet will flip to the appropriate side and seekthe optimal position on the telephone receiver.3. Place the double-sided tape in this optimal positionon the telephone receiver (Figure 2) and attach themagnet to the tape (Figure 3).Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
21Warnings• Be sure the magnet is securely affixed to thetelephone.• Keep loose magnets out of reach of children andpets.• If magnet falls into your ear, contact your hearinghealthcare professional.• If magnet is swallowed, contact your physicianimmediately.• The magnet may affect some medical devices orelectronic systems. Always keep the magnet (or thetelephone equipped with the magnet) at least 30cm (12”) away from pacemakers, credit cards,floppy disks or other magnetically sensitivedevices.• Too high distortion during dialing or phoning maymean that the phone handset is stressed by themagnet. To avoid any damage, please move themagnet to another place on the telephone receiver.
22uDirectYour Passport hearing devices may come with anoptional uDirect™, a connectivity device betweenyour hearing instruments and Bluetooth-enabled cellphones, or a standard audio jack. Ask your hearinghealthcare professional for more information on uDirect.Your Passport hearing instruments may also comewith an optional uDirect accessory. uDirect is aconnectivity device that is worn around your neck, andprovides wireless transmission of various soundsources directly to your hearing instruments, therebyhelping to reduce impact of background noise on thesignals you are hearing. uDirect provides easy hands-free access to clear audio signals from Bluetooth-enabled devices such as cell phones or to other audiosources using a standard audio jack plug-in.
23Caring for Your Passport™ HearingInstruments• Open the battery door when not in use.• Always remove your hearing instruments whenusing hair care products. The hearing instrumentscan become clogged and cease to functionproperly.• Do not wear your hearing devices in the bath orshower or immerse them in water.• If your hearing instruments do become wet, do notattempt to dry them in an oven or microwave. Donot adjust any controls. Open the battery doorsimmediately, and allow your hearing instruments todry naturally for 24 hours.• Protect your hearing instruments from excessiveheat (hair dryer, vehicle glove box or dashboard).• Regular use of a dehumidifier, such as a Dri-Aid kit,can help prevent corrosion and prolong the life ofyour hearing instruments. See your hearinghealthcare professional for more information.• Do not drop your hearing instruments or knockthem against hard surfaces.
24Cleaning Your Passport™ HearingInstrumentsEar wax is natural and common. Ensuring your hearinginstruments are free of ear wax is an important step inyour daily cleaning and maintenance routine.• Using the brush that was provided with yourhearing instruments, clean ear wax from yourhearing instruments everyday.• Never use alcohol to clean your hearinginstruments.• Do not use sharp tools to dislodge ear wax.Sticking household items into your hearinginstruments can seriously damage them.• Talk to your hearing healthcare professional aboutregular appointments to have the wax removedfrom your hearing instruments.
25Warnings• Hearing instruments should only be used asdirected by your physician or hearing healthcareprofessional.• Hearing instruments will not restore normalhearing and will not prevent or improve a hearingimpairment resulting from organic conditions.• Do not use your hearing instruments in explosionhazard areas.• Allergic reactions to hearing instruments areunlikely. However, if you experience itching,redness, soreness, inflammation or a burningsensation in or around your ears, inform yourhearing healthcare professional and contact yourphysician.• In the unlikely case that any parts remain in the earcanal after the removal of the hearing instrument,contact a physician immediately.• Remove your hearing instruments for CT and MRIscans or for other electromagnetic procedures.• Special care should be exercised in wearinghearing instruments when maximum soundpressure levels exceed 132 decibels. There may bea risk of impairing your remaining hearing. Speakwith your hearing healthcare professional to ensurethe maximum output of your hearing instruments is
26suitable for your particular hearing loss.Precautions• The use of hearing instruments is only part ofhearing rehabilitation; auditory training and lipreading instruction may be required as well.• In most cases, infrequent use of hearinginstruments does not provide full benefit. Once youhave become accustomed to your hearinginstruments, wear your hearing instrumentseveryday all day.• Your hearing instruments use the most moderncomponents to provide the best possible soundquality in every listening situation. However,communication devices such as digital cell phonescan create interference (a buzzing sound) in hearinginstruments. If you experience interference from acell phone being used close by, you can minimizethis interference in a number of ways. Switch yourhearing instruments to another program, turn yourhead in a different direction or locate the cell phoneand move away from it.LabelingFor most ITE hearing instruments, the year ofmanufacture is located above the serial number. Thefirst two digits indicate the year of manufacture.
27Troubleshooting GuideCAUSE POSSIBLE REMEDYNo sound• Not turned on• Low/dead battery• Poor battery contact• Battery upside down• Hearing instrumentsblocked with ear waxNot loud enough• Low volume• Low battery• Hearing instruments notinserted properly• Change in hearing• Hearing instrumentsblocked with ear waxIntermittent• Low battery• Dirty battery contactTwo long beeps• Low battery• Turn on• Replace battery• Consult your hearing healthcare professional• Insert battery plus (+) side up• Refer to section “Cleaning Your PassportHearing Instruments”. Consult your hearinghealthcare professional.• Turn up volume; see hearing healthcareprofessional for models without a manualvolume control or if problem persists.• Replace battery• Reinsert carefully. See “Inserting andRemoving ITE and CIC Hearing Instruments”.• Consult your hearing healthcare professional• Refer to section “Cleaning Your PassportHearing Instruments”. Consult your hearinghealthcare professional.• Replace battery• Consult your hearing healthcare professional• Replace battery
28Whistling• Hearing instruments notinserted properly• Volume too loud• Hand/clothing near ear• Poorly fitting hearinginstrumentsNot clear, distorted• Poorly fitting hearinginstruments• Hearing instrumentsblocked with ear wax• Change in hearing• Low batteryWeak on the telephone• Low volume• Telephone not positionedproperly• Hearing instrumentrequires adjustmentFor any problems not listed in the guide, contact your hearing healthcareprofessional. If you do not have a hearing healthcare professional, pleasecontact the nearest office listed on the back page of this booklet.• Remove and reinsert• Turn down volume• Remove hand/clothing from ear• Consult your hearing healthcare professional• Consult your hearing healthcare professional• Refer to section “Cleaning Your PassportHearing Instruments”. Consult your hearinghealthcare professional.• Consult your hearing healthcare professional• Replace battery• Turn up volume• Move telephone around ear for clearersignal. See “Using Passport with theTelephone” and “Easy-t for the Telephoneor Cell/Mobile Phone”.• Consult your hearing healthcare professionalCAUSE POSSIBLE REMEDY
29Warning to Hearing InstrumentDispensersA hearing instrument dispenser should advise aprospective hearing instrument user to consult promptlywith a licensed physician (preferably an ear specialist)before dispensing a hearing instrument if the hearinginstrument dispenser determines through inquiry, actualobservation, or review of any other available informationconcerning the prospective user, that the prospectiveuser has any of the following conditions: (i) Visiblecongenital or traumatic deformity of the ear. (ii) Historyof active drainage from the ear within the previous 90days. (iii) History of sudden or rapidly progressivehearing loss within the previous 90 days. (iv) Acute orchronic dizziness. (v) Unilateral hearing loss of suddenor recent onset within the previous 90 days. (vi)Audiometric air-bone gap equal to or greater than 15decibels at 500 hertz (Hz), 1,000 Hz, and 2,000 Hz. (vii)Visible evidence of significant cerumen accumulation ora foreign body in the ear canal. (viii) Pain or discomfortin the ear. Special care should be exercised in selectingand fitting a hearing instrument whose maximum soundpressure level exceeds 132 decibels because there maybe risk of impairing the remaining hearing of the hearinginstrument user. [This provision is required only forthose hearing instruments with a maximum soundpressure capability greater than 132 decibels (dB).]
30Important Notice for Prospective HearingInstrument UsersGood health practice requires that a person with ahearing loss have a medical evaluation by a licensedphysician (preferably a physician who specializes indiseases of the ear) before purchasing a hearinginstrument.Licensed physicians who specialize in diseases of theear are often referred to as otolaryngologists,otologists or otorhinolaryngologists. The purpose ofmedical evaluation is to assure that all medicallytreatable conditions that may affect hearing areidentified and treated before the hearing instrument ispurchased. Following the medical evaluation, thephysician will give you a written statement that statesthat your hearing loss has been medically evaluatedand that you may be considered a candidate for ahearing instrument. The physician will refer you to anaudiologist or a hearing instrument dispenser, asappropriate, for a hearing instrument evaluation. Theaudiologist or hearing instrument dispenser willconduct a hearing instrument evaluation to assessyour ability to hear with and without a hearinginstrument. The hearing instrument evaluation willenable the audiologist or dispenser to select and fit ahearing instrument to your individual needs. If youhave reservations about your ability to adapt to
31amplification, you should inquire about the availabilityof a trial-rental or purchase-option program. Manyhearing instrument dispensers now offer programsthat permit you to wear a hearing instrument for aperiod of time for a nominal fee after which you maydecide if you want to purchase the hearinginstrument. Federal law restricts the sale of hearinginstruments to those individuals who have obtained amedical evaluation from a licensed physician. Federallaw permits a fully informed adult to sign a waiverstatement declining the medical evaluation forreligious or personal beliefs that precludeconsultation with a physician. The exercise of such awaiver is not in your best health interest and its use isstrongly discouraged.Children With Hearing LossIn addition to seeing a physician for a medicalevaluation, a child with a hearing loss should bedirected to an audiologist for evaluation andrehabilitation since hearing loss may cause problemsin language development and the educational andsocial growth of a child. An audiologist is qualified bytraining and experience to assist in the evaluation andrehabilitation of a child with a hearing loss.
32NoticesNotice 1This instrument is certified under:FCC ID: VMY-UWITEIC: 2756A-UWITEThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules andwith RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesiredoperation. Changes or modifications made to thisequipment not expressly approved by Phonak mayvoid the FCC authorization to operate thisequipment.Notice 2This Class B digital apparatus complies with CanadianICES-003.
33Notice 3This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, thereis no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver isconnected• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help
ManufacturerUnitron Hearing Ltd.20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017, Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1 CanadaUnitron DistributorsCorporate Office/International20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017, Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1 CanadaAustraliaLevel 2, Norwest Quay, 21 SolentCircuit, Baulkham Hills, NSW, NSW2153BelgiumBaron de Vironlaan, 60b-1700 DilbeekCanada20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017,Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1ChinaNo. 200 Suhong Road, ExportProcessing Zone 4D, SuzhouIndustrial Park 215021DenmarkNitivej 10, DK-2000 FrederiksbergEuropean RepresentativeDaimlerstrasse 22, 70736Fellbach-Oeffingen, GermanyFrance5, rue Maryse Bastié - BP 15 69671Bron Cedex, FranceNetherlandsArchimedesbaan 19, P.O. Box 1214,3430 BE NieuwegeinNew Zealand10/215 Rosedale Rd., M277 PrivateBag, 300987, Albany, AucklandNorwayBrugata 14 0186Oslo, NorwaySouth AfricaFirst Floor – Selborne House,Fourways Golf Park, Roos Street,Fourways, JohannesburgSpainUrb. El Palmeral Bl. IX, 17-27Alicante, Spain -- 03008SwedenFörmansvägen 2, 4 trSE-11743, Stockholm, SwedenUnited KingdomSt. George House, Cygnet Court,Centre Park, Warrington, CheshireWA1 1PDU.S.A.Suite A, 2300 Berkshire Lane North,Plymouth, MN 55441

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