Unitron Hearing UWNB2 Hearing aid instruments User Manual UserGuide2

Unitron Hearing, Inc. Hearing aid instruments UserGuide2



Vista N R 312
behind-the-ear (BTE)
hearing aid guide
Your hearing aids
Hearing healthcare professional: ________________
Telephone: __________________________________
Model: _____________________________________
Serial number: _______________________________
Replacement batteries: Size 312
Warranty: ___________________________________
Program 1 is for: _____________________________
Program 2 is for: _____________________________
Program 3 is for: _____________________________
Program 4 is for: _____________________________
Date of purchase: _____________________________
Quick reference
Changing batteries Low battery warning
2 beeps every
30 minutes
Table of contents
Your hearing aids at a glance ...........................................................2
Warnings ...........................................................................................4
Putting your hearing aids on your ears............................................9
Turning your hearing aids on and off .............................................11
Battery information ........................................................................ 12
Tips for wearing hearing aids for the first time ............................. 15
Tinnitus masker .............................................................................. 17
Operating instructions ...................................................................20
Using the telephone .......................................................................24
Protecting your hearing aids ..........................................................27
Cleaning your hearing aids ............................................................ 28
Signature features of your hearing aids ....................................... 30
Assistive listening devices .............................................................31
Troubleshooting guide ....................................................................32
Warning to hearing aid dispensers (to comply with
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations) ........37
Information and explanation of symbols ......................................40
Compliance information .................................................................42
Patient feedback .............................................................................44
Additional notes ..............................................................................45
Plus (+)
Battery size
Push button
switching programs
volume control
both: switching programs with right ear
and volume control with left ear
On Off Open
2 3
Your hearing aids at a glance
1 W i r e - connects the speaker unit to your
hearing aids
2 Microphone - sound enters your hearing aids
through the microphones
3 Push button - switches between listening
programs or changes the volume level, depending
on your customized tting
4 Battery door (on & off) - close the door to turn on
your hearing aids, partly open the door to turn off
your hearing aids. Opening the door all the way
gives you access to change the battery
5 D o m e - holds the wire in place in your ear canal
6 Retention piece - helps prevent the dome and wire
from moving out of the ear canal
7 Speaker unit - amplifies the sound and sends it
directly into the ear canal
8 Custom mold - holds the hearing aids in place and
contains the speaker unit
4 5
The intended use of hearing aids is to
amplify and transmit sound to the ears and
hereby compensate for impaired hearing.
The hearing aids (specially programmed for
each hearing loss) must only be used by the
intended person. They should not be used
by any other person as they could damage
Hearing aids should only be used as directed
by your physician or hearing healthcare
Hearing aids will not restore normal hearing
and will not prevent or improve a hearing
impairment resulting from organic conditions.
Do not use your hearing aids in explosion
hazard areas.
Allergic reactions to hearing aids are
unlikely. However, if you experience itching,
redness, soreness, inflammation or a burning
sensation in or around your ears, inform your
hearing healthcare professional and contact
your physician.
In the unlikely case that any parts remain in
the ear canal after the removal of the hearing
aid, contact a physician immediately.
Remove your hearing aids for CT and
MRI scans or for other electromagnetic
Special care should be exercised in wearing
hearing aids when maximum sound
pressure levels exceed 132 decibels. There
may be a risk of impairing your remaining
hearing. Speak with your hearing healthcare
professional to ensure the maximum output
of your hearing aids is suitable for your
particular hearing loss.
Magnet warnings
Be sure the magnet is securely afxed to the
Keep loose magnets out of reach of children
and pets.
If the magnet falls into your ear, contact your
hearing healthcare professional.
6 7
The use of hearing aids is only part of hearing
rehabilitation; auditory training and lip
reading instruction may be required as well.
In most cases, infrequent use of hearing aids
does not provide full benefit. Once you have
become accustomed to your hearing aids,
wear your hearing aids everyday all day.
Your hearing aids use the most modern
components to provide the best possible
sound quality in every listening situation.
However, communication devices such as
digital cell phones can create interference
(a buzzing sound) in hearing aids. If you
experience interference from a cell phone
being used close by, you can minimize this
interference in a number of ways. Switch your
hearing aids to another program, turn your
head in a different direction or locate the cell
phone and move away from it.
If the magnet is swallowed, contact your
physician immediately.
The magnet may affect some medical devices
or electronic systems. Always keep the
magnet (or the telephone equipped with
the magnet) at least 30 cm (12”) away from
pacemakers, credit cards, floppy disks or
other magnetically sensitive devices.
Too high distortion during dialing or phoning
may mean that the phone handset is stressed
by the magnet. To avoid any damage, please
move the magnet to another place on the
telephone receiver.
Battery warnings
Never leave hearing aids or batteries where
small children and pets can reach them.
Never put hearing aids or batteries in
your mouth. If a hearing aid or battery is
swallowed, call a physician immediately.
8 9
Putting your hearing aids on your ears
Your hearing aids may be color-coded with an
indicator that is visible when the battery door is
open: red = right ear; blue = left ear.
Hearing aids with domes
1. Hold the wire where it
attaches to the dome and
gently push the dome into
your ear canal. The wire
should lie flush against your
head and not stick out.
2. Place the hearing aid over
the top of your ear.
3. Place the retention piece in
your ear so it rests at the
bottom of the opening of
your ear canal.
Note to hearing healthcare professional
Domes should never be tted on patients
with perforated eardrums, exposed middle
ear cavities, or surgically altered ear canals. In
the case of such a condition, we recommend
to use a customized ear mold.
The serial number and year of manufacture are
located inside the battery door.
10 11
Hearing aids with custom shells
1. Hold the custom shell
between your thumb and
index finger. The opening
should be pointing in
towards your ear canal
with the hearing aid resting
above your ear.
2. Carefully insert the custom
shell into your ear. The
shell should fit into your ear
snugly and comfortably.
3. Place the hearing aid over
the top of your ear.
Turning your hearing aids on and off
Your hearing aids have a three-position battery
door that acts as an on/off switch and that allows
access to the battery compartment.
1. O n : Close the battery door
Note: It may take five seconds
before the hearing aid turns
on. Your hearing healthcare
professional can increase the
start up delay if required.
2. Off: Partially open the battery
3. Open: Fully open the battery
door to access and change
the battery.
Note: When turning your hearing
aid on and off while it is on the
ear, grasp the top and bottom of
the hearing aid with your index
finger and thumb. Use the index
finger of your opposite hand to
open and close the battery door.
12 13
Battery information
To replace the battery, fully open the battery door
for access to the battery compartment.
Low battery warning
Two long beeps indicate the hearing aid battery
is low. After the low battery warning, sounds may
not be as clear. This is normal and can be fixed by
changing the batteries in the hearing aids.
If you are not able to hear the low battery
warning, your hearing healthcare professional
can change its pitch or loudness. If you prefer, it
can be turned off entirely.
Your hearing aids are designed to generate a
low battery warning every 30 minutes until you
change the batteries, but depending on the
condition of the batteries, they may die before
another low battery warning occurs. Therefore, it
is recommended that the batteries are replaced
as soon as possible once you hear the low
battery warning.
Replacing the battery
1. Gently swing out the battery
door with your fingernail.
2. Push the battery with your
thumb and index finger
towards the open side, and
3. Insert the new battery into the
battery compartment with the
plus (+) sign on the battery
facing the same way as the
plus (+) sign on the edge of the
battery door. This will ensure
that the battery door closes
Note: If the battery is inserted
incorrectly, the hearing aid will not
turn on.
4. Close the battery door.
14 15
Caring for batteries
Always discard batteries in a safe and
environmentally friendly way.
To prolong battery life, remember to turn your
hearing aids off when not in use, especially when
Remove the batteries and keep the battery door
open while hearing aids are not being worn,
especially when asleep. This will allow internal
moisture to evaporate.
Tips for wearing hearing aids for the
first time
Start in a quiet room at home first to get
used to the new sound quality. Sounds like
the ticking of a clock, the humming of the
computer, the beep of the microwave or the
rustling of clothes or paper may seem loud
to you at first, because you have not been
hearing them properly for a long time.
Read aloud to yourself and learn to adjust
the volume of your own voice when you are
wearing the hearing aids.
Talk to different people and learn how to
distinguish between different sound patterns
It will take some time before you are
completely used to your hearing aids and can
fully enjoy the benefits.
Wear your hearing aids for as many hours a
day as you can, and for a little longer each day.
16 17
Make notes at the back of this booklet,
write down difficult situations and describe
what any unpleasant noises were like. This
information will help your hearing healthcare
professional to fine-tune the hearing aids
better for your needs.
Involve your family and friends in this
familiarization period. For example, ask
someone to set the television to a comfortable
When you are beginning to get used to
wearing the hearing aids, wear them in more
difficult listening environments such as the
office, at parties or in restaurants. This can
be difficult even for people who can hear
normally. Give yourself time to regain your
ability to hear in these difficult situations.
Make your hearing aids part of your everyday
life and be patient with yourself while you are
learning to hear sounds correctly.
Tinnitus masker
The tinnitus masker is a broadband sound
generator available on Vista N hearing aids. It
provides a means of sound enrichment therapy
that can be used as part of a personalized
tinnitus management program to provide
temporary relief from tinnitus.
The underlying principle of sound enrichment
is to provide supplementary noise stimulation
which can help defocus your attention from
your tinnitus and avoid negative reactions.
Sound enrichment, coupled with instructional
counseling, is an established approach to
managing tinnitus.
Tinnitus masker warnings
Air conduction hearing aids with the
tinnitus masker are to be fitted by a hearing
healthcare professional familiar with the
diagnosis and management of tinnitus.
18 19
Should you develop any side effects while
using the tinnitus masker, you should
discontinue use of the device and seek a
medical evaluation. Side effects include
headaches, nausea, dizziness, heart
palpitations or decrease in auditory function
(such as decreased tolerance to loudness,
speech not as clear or worsening of tinnitus).
The volume of the tinnitus masker can be
set to a level which could lead to permanent
hearing damage when used for a prolonged
period of time. Should the tinnitus masker
be set to such a level in your hearing aid,
your hearing healthcare professional will
advise you of the maximum amount of time
per day you should use the tinnitus masker.
The tinnitus masker should never be used at
uncomfortable levels.
Important information
The tinnitus masker generates sounds that are
used as part of your personalized temporary
tinnitus management program to provide relief
from tinnitus. It should always be used as
prescribed by a hearing healthcare professional
who is familiar with the diagnosis and treatment
of tinnitus.
Good health practice requires that a person
reporting tinnitus have a medical evaluation by
a licensed ear physician before using a sound
generator. The purpose of such an evaluation
is to ensure that medically treatable conditions,
which may be causing tinnitus, are identified and
treated prior to using a sound generator.
The tinnitus masker is intended for adults
18 years of age or older who have both hearing
loss and tinnitus.
20 21
Operating instructions
Push button
Your hearing aids come with a push
button that allows you to further
adjust them.
Program control
If you have an active push button program
control, each time you push the button, you will
move to a new hearing aid program.
Program 1 (e.g. automatic program) 1 beep
Program 2 (e.g. speech in noise) 2 beeps
Program 3 (e.g. easy-t/telephone) 3 beeps
Program 4 (e.g. music) 4 beeps
Easy-t/telephone (see pg 25) short melody
DuoLink (if enabled) (see pg 23) Opposite ear beeps
the same as side
being adjusted
Your hearing aids beep to indicate which program
you are in.
Please see the front of this booklet for a listing of
your personalized programs.
Volume control
If your push button has been configured as a
volume control, either:
Push the button on your right hearing aid to
increase the volume in both hearing aids
Push the button on your left hearing aid to
decrease the volume in both hearing aids
Push the button to step through your volume
As you change the volume control, your hearing
aids will beep.
Volume setting Beeps
Suggested volume level 1 beep
Turning volume up short beep
Turning volume down short beep
Maximum volume level 2 beeps
Minimum volume level 2 beeps
22 23
Both program and volume control
Push the button on your right hearing aid to
access your different programs
Push the button on your left hearing aid to
step through your volume options
Tinnitus masker
If your hearing healthcare professional has
configured both a tinnitus masker program and
a volume control, you can adjust the tinnitus
masker level while you are in the tinnitus masker
program. To adjust the noise level, either:
Push the button on your right hearing aid to
increase the tinnitus masker in both hearing
Push the button on your left hearing aid to
decrease the tinnitus masker in both hearing
Push the button to step through your tinnitus
masker options
As you change the level, your hearing aids will
For more information or details, please see
page 17.
Wireless synchronization
If wireless synchronization is enabled, then
changing the volume or program settings on one
hearing aid will automatically make the change to
both hearing aids at the same time.
For example, if your push button is configured as
a program control and wireless synchronization
is enabled, when you push the button on your
right hearing aid, the program will change on
both hearing aids.
Remote control
Your hearing aids may also come with an optional
remote control which allows you to switch
between different listening programs, and
change your volume settings.
24 25
Using the telephone
As telephones do not all work the same, you
may experience different results from different
phones. You can use many phones by simply
holding the receiver to your ear, without the need
to change to a dedicated telephone program
on your hearing aid. You may need to move the
handset slightly up or back to find the position
that sounds best to you.
Depending on the phone type you use, your
hearing healthcare professional might have
selected a dedicated phone program on your
hearing aids. Your hearing aids may have an
automatic telephone program (easy telephone
feature), which automatically switches to a
dedicated telephone program when a telephone
receiver is brought close to one of your hearing
aids. You will hear a short melody to indicate you
are in the telephone (easy telephone) program.
When the receiver is moved away from the
hearing aid, it will automatically return to the
previous listening program. If the hearing aid
does not switch to the telephone program
automatically when the telephone receiver is
held to the ear, the magnet for easy telephone
hearing aids should be attached to the telephone
receiver. The magnet is designed to strengthen
the magnetic field at the ear piece of hearing aid
compatible telephones.
To affix the optional magnet:
1. Clean the telephone receiver.
Hold the magnet near
the “listening end” of your
telephone receiver and release
it. The magnet will flip to the
appropriate side and seek
the optimal position on the
telephone receiver.
2. Place the double-sided tape
in this optimal position on the
telephone receiver.
3. Attach the magnet to the tape.
26 27
Your hearing healthcare professional may also
have set up a phone program that you can access
through the push button on your hearing aids, or
through your optional remote control.
If your hearing aids are configured to work with
the wireless uDirect or uStream streamers, you
might benefit from a Bluetooth® hands-free
option. Refer to the uDirect or uStream user
guide for more information.
The Binaural Phone feature enables you to hold
a phone to one ear and hear the sound clearly in
both ears. No accessories are required.
Protecting your hearing aids
Open the battery door when not in use.
Always remove your hearing aids when
using hair care products. The hearing aids
can become clogged and cease to function
Do not wear your hearing aids in the bath or
shower or immerse them in water.
If your hearing aids do become wet, do not
attempt to dry them in an oven or microwave.
Do not adjust any controls. Open the battery
doors immediately, and allow your hearing aids
to dry naturally for 24 hours.
Protect your hearing aids from excessive heat
(hair dryer, vehicle glove box or dashboard).
Ensure you do not twist or squeeze the wire
when your hearing aids are placed in their case.
Regular use of a dehumidifier, such as a Dri-Aid
kit, can help prevent corrosion and prolong the
life of your hearing aids.
Do not drop your hearing aids or knock them
against hard surfaces.
28 29
Cleaning your hearing aids
Use a soft cloth to clean your hearing aid at the
end of each day, and place it in its case with the
battery door open to allow moisture to evaporate.
Regular cleaning of the microphone ports with
the supplied cleaning brush will ensure that
your hearing instrument will maintain its sound
quality. Your hearing healthcare professional can
demonstrate this for you.
Ear wax is natural and common. Ensuring your
hearing aids are free of ear wax is an important
step in your daily cleaning and maintenance
Never use alcohol to clean your hearing aids,
custom molds or domes.
Do not use sharp tools to dislodge ear wax.
Sticking household items into your hearing aids
or custom molds can seriously damage them.
Cleaning your custom shells and domes
Clean the domes and shells on the
outside daily with a damp cloth. Avoid
getting any water in and around the
speaker units (microphone shields)
and custom shells.
Note: The wires, speakers, domes or custom
shells should never be rinsed or submerged
in water as water drops may block sound or
damage the electrical components of the hearing
Domes should be replaced by your hearing
healthcare professional every 3-6 months or
when they become stiff, brittle, or discolored.
If your shells require further cleaning, the speaker
waxguard may be plugged and require replacing.
See your hearing healthcare professional.
30 31
that accessory. For information on how to get a
streamer or uTV accessory, please contact your
hearing healthcare professional.
Assistive listening devices
Listening in public places
Telecoils pick up electromagnetic energy and
convert it into sound. Your hearing aid’s telecoil
option can help you listen in public places
equipped with telecoil compatible assistive
listening devices such as a loop system.
When you see this symbol, it means
that there is a loop system installed;
this loop system is compatible with
your hearing aid. Please contact your hearing
healthcare professional for more information on
loop systems.
Signature features of your hearing aids
Binaural Phone
The Binaural Phone feature enables you to hold
a phone to one ear and hear the sound clearly in
both ears. No accessories are required.
uDirect 3, uStream and uTV 3
The uDirect, uStream and uTV are optional
accessories for your hearing aids.
uDirect and uStream are streamers that
provide easy, hands-free access to Bluetooth
enabled devices, such as mobile phones.
They can provide remote control functions to
adjust your hearing aids for increased listening
comfort. uDirect also has a wired audio jack to
plug in devices like MP3 players.
uTV is used with a streamer to send sound
from your TV directly to your hearing aids.
The uTV can also transmit sound from stereo
systems, computers and other audio sources.
For more information on using the uDirect 3,
uStream or uTV, please see the user guide for
32 33
Cause Possible remedy
No sound
Not turned on Turn on
Low/dead battery Replace battery
Poor battery contact Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
Battery upside down Insert battery plus (+) side
Custom shells/domes
blocked with ear wax
Clean custom shells/
domes. See “Cleaning
your hearing aids.Consult
your hearing healthcare
Plugged microphone shield Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
Troubleshooting guide Cause Possible remedy
Not loud enough
Low volume Turn up volume; see
hearing healthcare
professional for models
without a manual volume
control or if problem
Low battery Replace battery
Custom shells/domes not
inserted properly
See “Putting your hearing
aids on your ears.” Remove
and reinsert carefully
Change in hearing Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
Custom shells/domes
blocked with ear wax
Clean custom shells/
domes. See “Cleaning
your hearing aids.Consult
your hearing healthcare
Plugged microphone shield Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
34 35
Cause Possible remedy
Low battery Replace battery
Dirty battery contact Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
Two long beeps
Low battery Replace battery
Custom shells/domes not
inserted properly
See “Putting your hearing
aids on your ears.” Remove
and reinsert carefully
Hand/clothing near ear Move hand/clothing away
from ear
Poorly fitting custom
Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
Cause Possible remedy
Not clear, distorted
Poorly fitting custom
Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
Custom shells/ domes
blocked with ear wax
Clean custom shells/
domes. See “Cleaning
your hearing aids.Consult
your hearing healthcare
Low battery Replace battery
Plugged microphone shield Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
Custom shells/domes falling out of ear
Poorly fitting custom
Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
Custom shells/domes not
inserted properly
See “Putting your hearing
aids on your ears.Remove
and reinsert carefully
36 37
Cause Possible remedy
Weak on the telephone
Telephone not positioned
Move telephone receiver
around ear for clearer
signal. See “Using the
Hearing aid requires
Consult your hearing
healthcare professional
For any problems not listed in the guide, contact your
hearing healthcare professional.
Warning to hearing aid dispensers
(to comply with the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) regulations)
A hearing aid dispenser should advise a prospective hearing aid
user to consult promptly with a licensed physician (preferably
an ear specialist) before dispensing a hearing aid if the hearing
aid dispenser determines through inquiry, actual observation,
or review of any other available information concerning the
prospective user, that the prospective user has any of the following
conditions: (i) Visible congenital or traumatic deformity of the
ear. (ii) History of active drainage from the ear within the previous
90 days. (iii) History of sudden or rapidly progressive hearing
loss within the previous 90 days. (iv) Acute or chronic dizziness.
(v) Unilateral hearing loss of sudden or recent onset within the
previous 90 days. (vi) Audiometric air-bone gap equal to or greater
than 15 decibels at 500 hertz (Hz), 1,000 Hz, and 2,000 Hz. (vii)
Visible evidence of significant cerumen accumulation or a foreign
body in the ear canal. (viii) Pain or discomfort in the ear. Special
care should be exercised in selecting and fitting a hearing aid
whose maximum sound pressure level exceeds 132 decibels
because there may be risk of impairing the remaining hearing
of the hearing aid user. [This provision is required only for those
hearing aids with a maximum sound pressure capability greater
than 132 decibels (dB).]
Important notice for prospective hearing aid users
Good health practice requires that a person with a hearing loss
have a medical evaluation by a licensed physician (preferably a
physician who specializes in diseases of the ear) before purchasing
a hearing aid.
38 39
Licensed physicians who specialize in diseases of the ear
are often referred to as otolaryngologists, otologists or
otorhinolaryngologists. The purpose of medical evaluation is
to assure that all medically treatable conditions that may affect
hearing are identified and treated before the hearing aid is
purchased. Following the medical evaluation, the physician will
give you a written statement that states that your hearing loss
has been medically evaluated and that you may be considered
a candidate for a hearing aid. The physician will refer you to an
audiologist or a hearing aid dispenser, as appropriate, for a hearing
aid evaluation. The audiologist or hearing aid dispenser will
conduct a hearing aid evaluation to assess your ability to hear with
and without a hearing aid. The hearing aid evaluation will enable
the audiologist or dispenser to select and fit a hearing aid to your
individual needs. If you have reservations about your ability to
adapt to amplification, you should inquire about the availability
of a trial-rental or purchase-option program. Many hearing aid
dispensers now offer programs that permit you to wear a hearing
aid for a period of time for a nominal fee after which you may
decide if you want to purchase the hearing aid. Federal law restricts
the sale of hearing aids to those individuals who have obtained a
medical evaluation from a licensed physician. Federal law permits
a fully informed adult to sign a waiver statement declining the
medical evaluation for religious or personal beliefs that preclude
consultation with a physician. The exercise of such a waiver is not
in your best health interest and its use is strongly discouraged.
Children with hearing loss
In addition to seeing a physician for a medical evaluation, a
child with a hearing loss should be directed to an audiologist
for evaluation and rehabilitation since hearing loss may cause
problems in language development and the educational and social
growth of a child. An audiologist who is qualified by training and
experience to assist in the evaluation and rehabilitation of a child
with hearing loss is recommended.
Cell phone
Some hearing aid users have reported a buzzing sound in their
hearing aids when they are using cell phones. According to the
ANSI C63.19 standard, the compatibility of a particular hearing aid
and cell phone can be predicted by adding the rating for the hearing
aid immunity to the rating for the cell phone emissions. The sum of
the hearing aid rating (e.g. M2/T2 = 2) and the telephone rating (e.g.
M3/T3 = 3) is 5, and any combination that equals 5 will provide
‘normal use’. A sum of 6 or greater indicates ‘excellent performance’.
The equipment performance, measurements, categories and
system classifications are based upon the best information
available but cannot guarantee that all users will be satisfied.
The rating of this hearing aid is at least M2/T2. Your hearing
healthcare professional can provide the actual rating for this
hearing aid.
Note: The performance of the individual hearing aids may
vary with individual cell phones. Therefore, please try the
hearing aid with your cell phone or, if you are purchasing a
new phone, please be sure to try it with your hearing aid prior
to purchase. For additional guidance, please ask your hearing
healthcare professional for the booklet entitled “Hearing aid
compatibility with digital wireless cell phones.
40 41
Information and explanation of symbols
The CE symbol is a confirmation that this product meets
the requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC on
Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment. The
numbers after the CE symbol are the numbers of the
consulted certified bodies under the above mentioned
This symbol indicates that it is important for the user to
read and take into account the relevant information in
this user guide.
This symbol indicates that it is important for the user to
pay attention to the relevant warning notices in this user
Important information for handling and product safety.
Australian EMC and Radiocommunications compliance
This symbol indicates that the products described in
these user instructions adhere to the requirements for an
application part of Type B of EN 60601-1. The surface of
the hearing aid is specified as applicated part of Type B.
This symbol shall be accompanied by the name and the
address of the authorised representative in the European
This symbol shall be accompanied by the name and the
address of the manufacturer (who are placing this device
on the market).
Operating conditions:
This device is designed such that it functions without problems or
restrictions if used as intended, unless otherwise noted in these
user guides.
Transport and storage conditions:
Temperature: –20° to +60° Celsius (–4° to +140° Fahrenheit).
Humidity: Up to 90% (non condensing).
The symbol with the crossed-out garbage bin is to make
you aware that this device may not be thrown away
as normal household waste. Please dispose of old or
unused devices, at waste disposal sites intended for
electronic waste, or give your device to your hearing
healthcare professional for disposal. Proper disposal
protects the environment and health.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered
trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any
use of such marks by Unitron is under license. Other
trademarks and trade names are those of their
respective owners.
42 43
Compliance information
Declaration of conformity
Hereby Unitron declares that this Unitron product meets the
requirements of the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC as
well as the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
Directive 1999/5/EC. The full text of the Declaration of Conformity
can be obtained from the manufacturer.
The hearing aid described in this user guide is certified under:
Standard hearing system
Canada IC: 2756A-UWNB2
Notice 1
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with RSS-
210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two
1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Notice 2
Changes or modifications made to this device not expressly
approved by Unitron may void the FCC authorization to operate this
Notice 3
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules
and ICES-003 of Industry Canada. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This device generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this device does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
Australia: Supplier Code Number N15398
New Zealand: Supplier Code Number Z1285
44 45
Patient feedback
Record your specific needs or concerns and bring to
your first office visit after getting your hearing aids.
This will help your hearing healthcare professional to
address your needs.
Additional notes
Unitron Hearing
20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017,
Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1 Canada
Unitron Hearing GmbH
Max-Eyth-Straße 20, 70736
Fellbach-Oeffingen, Germany
14-069 029-6024-02
630034 323429

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