Urion Technology U80717002 Digital Blood Pressure Monitor User Manual

Shenzhen Urion Technology Co.,Ltd. Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

User Manual

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Document ID3306039
Application IDxFYUCOVvmg3qOizs/7AtoQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize380.93kB (4761634 bits)
Date Submitted2017-03-07 00:00:00
Date Available2017-03-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-03-07 12:32:02
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Document Lastmod2017-03-07 12:32:02
Document Title说明书 203-U80EH00-E001 英文中性 450x390mm.cdr
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X7
Document Author: 叶逢琰

FullyAutomatlc UpperArm Style
Blood Pressure Monitor
Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
Safety Information
Product structure
Setting mode
Proper use ofthe unit
I To assure the correct use or the product, basic
sarety measures should always be rollowed including
the warning and the caution listed in the instruction
5 nibisl rte ptiuns
The iollowing symbols may appear this manual, on the label,
on the device, or on it's accessories Some oi the symbols
represent standards and compliances associated With the device
and its use
A WARNING This alert identiiies hazards that may cause
serious personal iniuty or death
ACAUTION; This alert identities hazards that may cause
minor personal inyury, productdamage,or
property damage
* Type B applied part
fl Manuracturer
so he. Authorized Representatlve in the European Community
SN Speciiies serlal number
(e... cE Mark coniorms to essential requirements orthe
Medical Device Directive 93l42/EEc
K DISPOSAL Do not dispose this product as unsorted
_ mun ipal waste collection or such waste separately
ior special treatment is necessary
Directcurrent Bil Operatinginstructions
Follow instructions ror use
A cAuTloN Consultaccompanyingdocuments
Safety Information
Air socketfl
Ac/Dc socket
Setting button
Memory button
Start/stop button
Useri disuse. $55555iVear/Muhth/Date/Tlme
Blood pressur3__: B B B iSyslollc blood pressure
classiiication :
:8 B BriDlastollcblood pressure
E] ‘_I lrregularheartbeat
EJh 'BHiPulse
Pulse rate
Memory symbol
Memory times
Low battery
Culf size and connec on
The accessories cuii is M size, ior upper-arm circumierence
zzaazcm use Thecuii is treated as the applied part
lnsert the connector wlth cuff tube lrlto
the hole which is on the leit side oi the i
device as picture i
(Only provlded cull can be used, can riot
change to any other branded curt.)
Battery installation
- When use At: adapter, the power oi battery won‘t be consumed
- When suddenly stop during measurementtlike the plug oti irom
theoutlet by carelessness), lt must be reinserted the plug into the
unlt and restartthe measurement
How to set
1 Usersetting
press button sErwhen pcweicn . the screen viiidispiav it. pro .press
button MEM ,ltwlll be changed between press button SET
when you coniirm the user then itwillenter into the yearsettino mode
2 year setting
continue ioabove step, the sereenwilldisplay and ilash 2uxx, the last
digit oi the year wlll increase t when press bullonMEM each time, you
could choose irom not to zuse Press buttonsETwhen you coniirmthe
year, then itwill enterintotho month anddate setting mode
u , Vcarscttlng
Setting mode
Fittlng the cuff
1) Put the cuii on a table tlatly with the velcro
side down Pass the end oi the cuii through the
hlctal loop so that a cirele is iormed The velero
closer will now be racing outwardstignore this step
ii the cuii has already been prepared)
27 Push the cuii over the lcit upper arm so that
the tube points in the direction oi the lower arm
3) Wrap the cuii on the arm as illustrated Make certain
that the lower edge oi the suit lies approximately 2 to
3 cm above the elbow and the rubber tube leaves the
cult on the inner side oi the arm
47 Tighten the iree end oi the suit and close the
cuff by aiiixing the velcro
s) The cuii should be snug on your upper arm so
That you can lit 2 iinters between the sun and your
upper arm Any piece at clothing restrictsthe arm
which must be taken oii
6) Secure the cuff with the velcro closer in such a
way that it lies comiortably and not too tight bay '1‘
your arm on a tabletpalrn upwards] so that the cult 'k‘g-i
ls at the same hElflht as the heart DD hu| bend the ‘1
li it is not possible to iii the cuii to your leit arm it
can also be placed on the right However all
measurements should be made using the same arm
Proper use ofthe unit
lntroduction r a
Satety lntormation . 4
Product structure
"Each partname . 7
Batteryinstallatlon 3
Setting mode
--Howto set — 1o
Properuse oithe unit
"Pm-measurement -- 12
"Common factors
oiwrong measurement 12
raritting the curt . 13
"Measuring procedure .. 14
raDiscontinuingameasurement 14
raMemoryrrecall oi measurements 14
--Read memory record 14
--Memory-clear or measurements 15
About blood pressure — 15
Exceptionalsilualions 17
Care and maintenance 13
Speoiiication r 19
Warranty inlormation r 20
EMc Declaration . 21
Arhose who have arrhythmia, diabetes, blood circulation or
apoplexy problem, please use underthe physlcian‘ s
AContact your physician ror speciric iniormation about
your blood pressure. Seli diagnosis and treatment which
use measured results may be dangerous Follow the
instructions oi your physician or licensed healthcare
APlease placeon a high place where children can t be
ANo modiiication oithis equipment is allowed.
And not modiiythis equipmentwithout authorization or the
A lithis equipment is modiiied, appropriate inspection and
testing must be conducted to ensure continued sare use or
AThe cuff hose around neck may cause the suftocatlon
AThe swallowing oismall part like packaging bag, battery,
battery coverand so on may cause the sunocation
APlease don‘t use a dilution agent, alcohol or petrol to clean
the unit Please don't hit heavily oriall down the product
irom a high place use the right curt, otherwise it can not
Never leave any low battery in the battery compartment
ince they may leak and cause damage to the unit.
APleasetake oiithe battery iiyou won‘t use in 3 months
Replace the new batteries iithe unitdisplay a low battery
Safety Information
Battery nstallation
Remove the battery cover from the battery
compartment, insert the battery,
a) Remove the battery cover as picture
b) lnsert 4 AA powerful batteries into the
companment and ensure each battery is
inthe proper direction
Low battery and replacement
When power on, the low battery symbol t:l will display once
the urllt start to work, and you must replace wlth new batterles,
otherwise the unit can‘ t work
Battery type and replacement
Please use Apcs AA ldentlcal 1 5V alkallne batteries
Do not use the batteries beyond their expiry date
Please remove the batterles lf you do not need to use tor long
Dispose ofthe battery lh accordance with all federal, state and
local laws To avold tlre and exploslon hazard, do not burn or
incinerate the battery
Battery installation
a Month and date settino
continueta above step, the screen will displayxxMxxD and xxxx and keep
ilashing on month ,the digit will increase ‘l whenpress button MEM each
time, you could choose from ltolz Press button SET whenyou
conlirmthe monih,thenit will set the date Sameas the month setting
each time you press button MEM the digit will keep changing irom nl
tozl Press buttanSET whenyouconiirmthedate,thenitwillenterinto
the timesetting mode
’ but: Bill“
Month sctting _ Datc setting
4 Time setting
Cohtlnuetoaboyestenithe screen will displayxxMxxb andxx xx, and
- twtil increase 1 when press
button MEM each time, you could choose irom flln23 Press button SET
keep ilashing on thedigitsoihour, the
whenyouconrirm the hour, then thedigitsoi minutestartto ilash sameas
the hour setting each time you press buttonMEM the digits will keep
changing irom on to 59 Press buttonSET when you canrirm theminuie,
then the total setting mode iscompletcd
hoursctting minutsestting
Properuse ofthe unit
Measuring procedure
Arier the cuff has been appropriately positioned,the
measurement can begin
display,thenthe pump begins to inilate the curr,the rising
t) Press the START/STOP button, all symbols appearonthe , ,1
pressure in the cuh is shown on the display
2) Aiter the suitable pressure has been reached the pump
stops and the pressure gradually ialls The curi pressure is
displayed in case that the inilaiion is not suiiicient the
device automatically resinilates to a higher pressure
37 When the devicedetectsthe signal,the heart IHS
symbol v on the display starts to ilash _ ' y
4) inthc meantime, the systolic diastolic and pulse rate wlll
appear on the display m
5) rne measuremeni readings reemn dn the diupi.y untii ,1 iB
vcu suiien ch the device ii nd can is pressed idr a _.
pends si 3 ninuesi in device suiienee st iiseii in iirder . ,5
id the pdver ,5
Nole:The symbol at” wlll be dlSDlayed aloha wlth the ieadlhg ll the lriegulai
heartbeat is detected duringthe measurement
Discontinuing a measurement
it it is necessary to interrupt a blood pressure measurement ier any
reasonleg the patient ieels unwellithesTAlesToP button can be
pressed at any time The device immediately decrease the cult pressure
Memoryarecall ot measurements
rhis blood pressure monitor automatically stores txoosets
measurements vaiue ihecidestreccrd wiii eerepiaeed bythe iciest
measurementvaluewhen mcrethanao setseach user
Read memory record
PiebbthebuttonMEMwhehpoweiofl',lhe iatest t times average vaiue
will be shown, press the button MEM again,the last measurement value
will oeshown as well as subsequent measurements can be display one
alter the otherpy pressing the button MEM eachtime
About blood pressure
A Your new digital blood pressure monitor uses
the oscillomelric method of blood pressure
measurement. This means the monitor detects
your blood‘s movement through your brachial
artery and converts the movements lnto a digital
reading. An oscillomelric monltordoes not need a
stethoscope, so the monltor ls simple to use.
A This automallc blood pressure monitor could
measure the systolic pressure, diastolic pressure
and pulse, the components are included the body,
cuffand printed instruction manual. Batterles and
adapter are optional. This unit is intended forthe
adult using.
A lntelligentinflatlon Wlllreducethe
uncomfortable feeling by lncorrect inflation, and
shorten the measurementtlme. prolong the cufl's
usage lifetime.
A 2x90 sets memory function, each measurement
result will be displayed on the screen, and
automatically stored This unit has blood
classlllcatlon lndex, could easy to check your
blood pressure
Please read the manual carefully before you use
the unlt, and keep the manual well after using
Aoo not mix the old and new batteries.
ADO not use a cellularphone nearthe unit lt may result in
operatlonal fallure
Please avoid using in high radiantarea in orderto make
our measuring data correctly
Do not use the equipmentwhere ilammable gas (such as
anesthetic gas, oxygen or hydrogen) orilammable liquid
(such as alcohol) are present
Do not dispose oielectrical appliances as unsorted
municipal waste, use separate collection iacilities
contactyou local governmentior inrotmation regarding
the collection systems available ltelectrical appliances
are disposed oi in landiills ordumps, hazardous
substances can leak into the gtoundwaterand get into
the iood chain, damaging your health and well-being.
’1 lnternally powered equlpment.
2 Type B applied part,
3 Protection against ingress of water IF'XO,
4 NotcategoryAP/APG equipment
5 Mode of operation Cohtlnucus Operatlon,
AThe user must check that the equipment iunctions saiely and
see that it is in properworking condition berore being used
Adapter usage (opt n)
i When optlonalAC adaptershouid comply with the reouirementoi
lEC Snsntrt zoos Furthermore all coniigurationsshaii tompiywith
the rcqulrcmcntstormedlcal electrical syptemslsec lEC 5060144
oreiause 160lthe asd ollEC Sneotrt, respectiveiyl Anybody
connecting additional equipmentto medical electrical equipment
coniiguresa medical system and isthereiore responsible thatihe
system compliesvritn the reourrementsiormedicai electrical
systems Attentionisdrawniotheractthaiiocaiiswstake priority
cverthe above mentioned requirements iiin doubt, consultycur
ioeai representative ortheteehnicai service department
2 when usingAc power. to avoid possible damapetothe monitor, use only
the exclusive Ac adapterthet can be purchased rrom authorized dealers
other adapters may vary in output voltage and polarities
3 insert the adapter plug into the hole on the
backside oithe unltas picture
4 insert the othersidc oithe adaptcrintothe outlet
with ‘lDDrZwV
5.To removetne AC adapter, disconnecttne adapter
piugirom the cutietiirstanotnen disconnectthe cord
iromthe uhll‘s socket
Adapter technical features:
Outputvoltagc sv :sa/s
Max outputcurrent Atleastodn mA t f
output piug polarity. inner
Externaidiameier 5 sinmo imm Essa/ea
inierneidieineier 2 immo imm
a Please keep quiet ior 5 in minutes and avoid eating,
drinking alcohol, smoking, exercising and bathing beiore
taking measurement All these iactors Will iniluence the
measurement result
- Remove any garment that iits closely to your upper arm
0 Always measure on the same arm(normally lelt).
0 Take measurement regularly at the same time oievery day,as
blood pressure changes even during the day
Common factors of wrong measurement
c All eiiorts bythe patientto support theirarm can increase
blood pressure.
0 Make sure you are in a comiortable,relax position and do not
activate any oithe muscles in the measurementarm during
measurement Use a cushion rot support ii necessary
0 lithe arm artery lies lower or higherthan the heart,a ialse
readlhgwlll be obtained
0 Only use clinically approved cuiisl
- A loose currora exposed bladder causes ralse reading
0 With repeated measurements ,blood accumulates in the arm
which can lead to ialse reading.
consecutive blood pressure measurements should be
repeated alter 1 minute pause oraiterthe arm has been held
up in orderto allow the accumulated blood to how away
o o tnuiur road it cuts. loau‘ r icuizn we
:33 {33
:33 it? t
y 33 b as t 33 y as
nu 7'3 an "IE E5 15 as
Memory aclear oi measurements
ii you are sure that you want to permanently remove all stored
memories Press the button sEr iorciimesuntii ctappearswhenpower
on, pressthe sranrrsrop butipn ,ciwiii iiashrbratimestoeiearaii the
memories AitorthisprossbuttonMEM, M and no'wlll be shown onthe
display which mean that no memory in store
About blood pressure
blood pressure is the pressure exerted the arteries
the systollc blood pressure value represents the blood pressure
produced by contraction or the heart muscle
the diastolic blood pressure value represents the blood pressure
Produced by relaxatloh ot the heart muscle
Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure
\rr ..u.iuiwv.ir.
s.u any iai

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