V Mark VTSCFDAHATT V-Mark Zigbee HA1.2 Temp tag User Manual
V-Mark Enterprises Ltd. V-Mark Zigbee HA1.2 Temp tag
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User Manual
VV-Mark Enterp prises Ltd.(Chhina) Add:No.8011, Building No.1, 1st Street, Kehui, KexueDadao, LuoG Gang District, G Guangzhou ,510 0663, P.R.CHIINA V‐M Mark Zigbee HA A1.2 Tem mp tag User Guiide 1、 、Introdu uction Thhis temp tagg is a new device basedd on ZigBeee technologiies that meaasure the tem mperature of o the ambieent. Thhe part num mber of this device is VTS03W02. . The temp tag is comppliant with the ZHA Profile 1.2, and cann be used in any ZiggBee HA or o ZigBee 3.0 3 protoco ol network. It can repport ambien nt temperatuure reaadings perioodically 2、 、Functioon Feature Com mpliant with the ZHA Prrofile Meassurements: -40℉ to 1776℉±0.9℉ ℉ Netw work range: Approx. 155m to 20m (50ft. to 70fft.) 3、 、LED In ndicator Table LED indicattor state Actiion Sleeep Factory neew reset Joining network LED Flashinng Count Frequenncy: 2Hz, Fllash count: 4 LED keeeps on 5 seeconds Frequenncy: 2Hz, Max M Flashiing Count: 30 (about 30 secondss). The deviice keeps flashing until it joins in the networkk, otherwisee, it is goingg to sleep. Joined Network Frequenncy: 4Hz, Fllash count: 10 Identiified LED keeeps on iden ntify Time Report Tem mperature Flash coount: 1(abou ut 50ms) 4、 、User Gu uide Thhe image beelow illustraates the tempp tag and thhe location of o the LED indicator thhat is depictted with a whhite octagonn on the cennter of the device. It alsso marks thee location where the magnetic switch is marked byy the smallerr rectangle to t the right of the LED D. VV-Mark Enterp prises Ltd.(Chhina) Add:No.8011, Building No.1, 1st Street, Kehui, KexueDadao, LuoG Gang District, G Guangzhou ,510 0663, P.R.CHIINA Ou ut of the boox Thhe Temp Taag comes in a deep sleeep state to exxtend batterry life, at this point it can only be triggered byy plaacing a maggnet over itss magnetic switch. Thiss device sho ould join a network to bbe able to in nteract withh othher ones viaa ZigBee coommands. Op peration Thhe Temp Taag comes wiith a built-inn LED indiccator and a previously mentioned sswitch that issued to triggger differeent actions with w the usee of a magneet. The follo owing tablee shows for how long th he switch haas to be triggeredd for the device to perfform each action: Temp tag current statte Hold >5 seconds LED Action Keep on n 5 seconds, Reset too factory new w, then go then flaash 4 times to deep sleep Joining g network Temp tagg goes into work state. Deepp Sleep Abouut 1 second indicattor. Keep Run a ZiigBee netwo ork joining flasshing. Joining g network Worrk State. Abouut 1 second indicaator, keep flashing Reboot VV-Mark Enterp prises Ltd.(Chhina) Add:No.8011, Building No.1, 1st Street, Kehui, KexueDadao, LuoG Gang District, G Guangzhou ,510 0663, P.R.CHIINA Work Flow Triggger by maggnet Deep Sleep Join neetwork Other Operrations (Poll, OTTA, Commisssion) Joined? Get Bindiing Requesst Rejoiningg network every 15 minutes Report Temperature Sleep Bound d? 5、 、Workin ng Parameeter Param meter Joining nettwork time Reejoining netw work intervval Intervall of poll OTA Service Disscovery inteerval OTA Query Nexxt Image inteerval Time(seconnds) 30 900 60 3600 3600 Defaultt is 60s. Youu can set thee value by b Configuree Reporting Commannd. Default is 600s. It ccan be set by Reporting by Configure Commannd. 15 Tem mperature report intervval Batttery alarm report intervval Auth time Bindingg table info ormation Attribbution Value Maxximum num mber of entries in the Bindding table Maxiimum numbber of clusteer IDs forr each bindiing table en ntry 6、 、Clusterr and Attrribute a) End Point All Clusters are ruun at the end point 0x08. Waitingg Bindingg Req Trigger by magnet VV-Mark Enterp prises Ltd.(Chhina) Add:No.8011, Building No.1, 1st Street, Kehui, KexueDadao, LuoG Gang District, G Guangzhou ,510 0663, P.R.CHIINA b) Basicc Cluster Basic cluster attrributes ID Name 0xx0000 ZCL Versionn 0xx0003 HW H Versionn 0xx0004 Manu ufacturer Name 0xx0005 Mo ode Identifiier 0xx0006 Date Code 0xx0007 Po ower Source 0xx0010 Locattion Descripption 0xx0011 Physiccal Environnment c) Poweer configurration Clusster Pow wer configu uration clu uster attribu utes ID Name 0xx0020 Baattery Voltagge 0xx0035 Batteery Alarm Mask ntify Cluster d) Iden Identifyy Cluster atttributes ID Name 0xx0000 Id dentify Time e) Temp perature Measuremen nt Cluster Temperature Meaasurement Cluster atttributes ID Name 0xx0000 Meeasured Value 0xx0001 MinM Measured Value 0xx0002 MaxM Measured Value f) OTA A Cluster IID 0xx00 0xx01 0xx02 0xx03 0xx05 0xx06 0xx07 OTA Cluster Com mmands Namee Image No otify Querry Next Imaage Request Queryy Next Imag ge Responsee Im mage Block Request Image Block Response Uppgrade End Request Upgrade End Response Suppport or not VV-Mark Enterp prises Ltd.(Chhina) Add:No.8011, Building No.1, 1st Street, Kehui, KexueDadao, LuoG Gang District, G Guangzhou ,510 0663, P.R.CHIINA g) Com mmissioningg cluster Id 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 Commisssioning Co ommands Name Restaart Device Save Starttup Parametters Restore Staartup Param meters Reset Starrtup Parameeters Restart Deevice Respo onse Savve Startup Parameters Response Restoore Startup Parameters Response Reseet Startup Parameters Response Support or not Commissioning Atttributes Name ID 0xx0001 ExttendedPAN NId 0xx0003 Channelmask 0xx0006 StartupControol 0xx0012 NetworkKey Noote:The tem mp tag can save one seet startup paarameters, The T save SA AS commandd / restore SAS commaand wiith index 1; FC CC Requirem ment : Ch hangesorm modification nsnotexprresslyappro ovedbythe epartyresp ponsiblefo orcomplian ncecouldvo oid the euser’sauthoritytooperateth heequipme ent. Th his device complies with Part 15 1 of the FCC Rules.. Operation n is subjecct to the following two co onditions: (1))thisdevice emaynotc causeharm mfulinterferrence,and (2))thisdevice emustacce eptanyinte erferencere eceived,inc cludinginte erferenceth hatmaycau useundesirred op peration. No ote:Thiseq quipmenthasbeentesstedandfo oundtocom mplywithth helimitsforaClassBdigitaldeviice, pu ursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These e limits are e designed d to provide reasonab ble protectiion ag gainst harm mful interference in a residential installatio on. This equipment generates, uses, and can rad diateradiofrequencyenergy,andifnotinsstalledandusedinacc cordancew withtheinsttructions,m may causeharmfu ulinterferen ncetoradio ocommunications.Ho owever,thereisnogua aranteetha atinterferen nce willnotoccurrinapartic cularinstallation.Ifthisequipmen ntdoescau useharmfulinterferen ncetoradio oor tellevision rec ception, wh hich can be determin ned by turning the equipment off and on n, the userr is VV-Mark Enterp prises Ltd.(Chhina) Add:No.8011, Building No.1, 1st Street, Kehui, KexueDadao, LuoG Gang District, G Guangzhou ,510 0663, P.R.CHIINA en ncouragedttotrytoco orrectthein nterferencebyoneormoreofthe efollowing gmeasures:: – Reorientorrrelocateth hereceiving gantenna. – Increasetheseparatio onbetween ntheequipm mentandrreceiver. – Connect th he equipment into an n outlet on n a circuit different from that tto which th he receiverr is co onnected. – Consultthe edealeroranexperiencedradio//TVtechnic cianforhelp.
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