VTech Connect 6011N-930 Pager User Manual

VTech Connect Limited Pager

User Manual

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Document ID58339
Application IDR8A6hv5ij3zKEu+LTpTOpQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
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Date Submitted1999-09-09 00:00:00
Date Available1999-11-03 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-08-27 13:31:33
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod1999-08-27 13:33:47
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

, mumhcrnflhu group
Electronics Limited
6011N Mine Alphanumeric Dispfay FLEX Pager
User Manual
Version 0.3
Uouumsnl No C 36 8011 UM 65 N 0000 001 0
l’aqmmd h,
Appruvml by
l mu-
”mumlmu ) mmnncm > (Wm
Document History
Date Author jJ‘ , ‘on “gen-nae;
May IS‘ 98 uni Chen-1g 00 Urigmm rcwcasc.
Jun 3’ 98 HI]! Chump: 0| Rolulmlhng (hr: pager keys‘ I" Suclinn
1 x and Ndrmvmg some mm
Mgr 5, ‘1‘1 “111 (Shauna 0 2 Mmm‘ lnudnkulnm
Aug 16, ‘)‘1 “II! (‘quuug (I 3
Addmg mu l’Cl‘ mlunmm
Table of Contents
1. THE 0011N PAGER
1.1 rm: Owrvkw
u Kay Dummy
1.1 summon
LI Maury CAM”!
1|>|Ulu Mvmovy Bank
2 I z l'cmmll Mummy U-Il
LI.) New! Mun-w Bulk
u Display hum
u magnum,
u mu. Vibnwr
u Emmy Illllmp
2.0 Won! wuwi-l
2.7 sum and Fauna limb-{Inn
Ill biliary PM W" Indium
2,7 2 Tuna Sump illfi'fifihn
1 1 ) hipliulc Mun-[e India-nun
2 7A seam Mu lnmwmn
n 5 may Menu: IMAM-cu
214an pm ham-um.
n 7 Unrnd Menuf Mina-m
2.7.3 Mm Mull“ luduvon
2.0 mm Fum'iwn
u 1 AmnDuphy nfMGEEIKM
1.1.2 Men Mad: as mm, 5.1mm
x 3mm!“ Rum-l. Copyin. and Panama
2,“ Mum Serra-mg
u s mm Numbuml “Menage Rmieval
2.3.6 knlrima cw:
z x 7 Suwn New: vumg Mm
2.9 Additional “Milan!
2 9.1 Aulo mu
1.9.2 Silafl Tim"
1 a n Ammlmml Alarm;
ma Unread Mm.” Mum
ms Pmolml mum Alarm
1 9 5 NM Mushy: Allin
1.9.7 mum Duchy mnuon Minimum
us mam Alan Dumioaniumm
19.91.09 Comm hNIM‘uxmml
1.9 w my sup MlinyDinblin.
mnqmau rm he Alumna!
un 11-le Mmu
n Tumngon lhe Pqu
3.2 "mummy-m-
” Actual!!! Men-cry mm
3.4 m»... "Hum
Ml Uxuwmp Man-lg: Rum.“
3.11.2 Unruni Mess-as Chum-ls
1 4 3 Man]; Scanning
3mm Mm. Scream
31 s Mlmu mecliu
5.4.6 Mew (mm
1 4 7 Mvimi Mull|=Rancwi
14.st Bank Ensure
as “main sm- "nan-1
J i I AIM Moth Sdmnnn
a.“ may Schwa-
353 Ed Tim: Clock Adjwmul
J s 4 mm: film: sump
3.1mm: “mm-Strap
3.5.6 Appomzml Alum Sump
a 5 7 Human Mung: Ahrm Period wumw
Mn mnuuulmvmulc AI ' up
a x a Ncwx Manny: Aim scum
mm mm“ may", Dunlmn Muilnwnl
3 s a | Audian Bum-“m wuumm
15.11 wb Conn-u Lml Adjuluum
3 5 1) Kay Exp annuzwoiubh
3.5.14 Chum Full Sm magnum
u Mann cm
u I'uuec-ll
u Sew-d Cm [Unplifim cm)
Table of Figures
nouns 2-4 A DllPlICA'IE MmAcE
we no ‘ cwmwmaumm n
vsnsmwa mm amalgam-mmmpwrmmuummm
1. The 6011 N Pager
1.1 Pager Overview
Th: two-dmwnsiond vim of III: pager we show below. The dimensions of
(he pager Inc about 715mm” x 50mm(W] x 18,5mm(D].
U ITIma ConfirmlRaadl
EscapgslMe-ml dififlw he, vasr nn ksy
Ba‘k"'9m kay Down iT‘m
Hhmay key
Emery company-nan!
door lock
Battery compartment
Fla-An 1-1 Owrvlcw or In mm pinlr
muonswamw Pug-7M“!
vsuiuuua mmum-Amnmm DilplinLlJ nwuuvmnui
1.2 Key Overview
A. Cnnfirm - — ” ‘
. ‘l‘o new messages
a To power on the puger
0 To oooflm the telling: during pager iuuclim setup
B. Up - A
0 To veld mange-
. To move I!» highlighl bl: upwards lo selcu A funmiun ilcm
v To move the cum in lhe right during plger fimcLinn mung
0 Todlipluy cumdm maritime wknfinvasm'is in "re standby mode
C. Dlum - V
e To adjnslmmhar mime during any user runninn selling
- To move the highlight bur downwards loselm n function ium
. To move me cmurto die lefi during payer funclicmlvtling
0 To display mmmld‘ln Ind limit when me pager is in me standby mode
D, Menu -I
- To access en pager funclions
- To skip the setup and revum m me previous pull-duwn menu
. To mivueme back-light by pressing rid holding lhe key far 2 same:
1.3 ‘Status Icons
r ll no! m In. flames area
Alumni-rt mm
Vibilikn alert mods
Tm mowed! war In an
Th! Ilenllw'piinn Wm B lel find some!“
canlsvs ELECYlgoulcs LTDn
W ”000°“!
some “ii-Aluminum: aninyILlXP-fl. um mu
mm or issue
2. Features of 6011N
2.1 Memory Capacity
One mime oruie 6OIIN page: is in large mum—y mpaclly. The Batman! is
partitioned into 3 memory banks 10:- mring dilTerem up. of mm“: - (My
0 user memcrry bank.
~ personal memory bark, am
. news memory bank
2.1.1 User Memory Bank
A maximum ol‘ 40 us=r messages can be stored in the user memory bank. The
ienglh of Each manage is Iimiiod by iii; mlxirnum smmgc cupncily, which is
5,000 ASCII charamrs,
Each mess-g; is assigned wilhn Lime mmp shiwwillg me receiving lime and dllc
offlre messlge. The following mange will be displayed if lhe user memory
bank is full.
Figuu 14 me mung. thawing um nnf mummy bank In mu
When a new message is reserved. the oidesl read messages will be deieusd
milnmuliully w I‘M: up meme memory same (in me are“ messages are not yet
read, me pager will men delete the oideemnmd one), Audin or vibnlimi aim
will be generated were message has been renewed.
Gimme“; gmcmmrms m).
mm sown wuummmtn
veallmloz ulwuflmMnmmBMwa-wumnm-l
2.1.2 Personal Memory Bank
The maximum capuily of the pawl memory bank is fill um massagm,
Sim these mssnges an wpled from In: user mmry bulk, tin: slnlclum of
up): pens-m message is idmlical with that of! user mum. Tim mul amuse
capully ofpemnel mmory bank ls Iimjtedm2,200 ASCll diluent“.
The follnwing message Will be displayed ifthe perm-lei memory bank is full
The um In: to acme some old menses before new out: can be caplet! fmm
the user nwnwrybank,
mm. 2-1 The mnuino lbwlnu lite plnonll m-muly bunk l; lull
2.1.3 News Memory Bank
“nun are, totally 16 mailbox location: swim with each user imam-name
mm. The miximum storage capacity for [Ms bunk i: uy m 23,500 Ascu
chm-ours end each mange can hold up to a maximum of 9,000 ASCII
Indicating pmmcms such as lime stamp and message number are Elm mm
with em. message. m mellwy bunk adopts a mailbox slruciurc fur storing
um rnessages
Messages unlumlued litmugli Ill: second address can be slomd Either illlo lllc
use; memory bank or the news memory bunk Since [he maximum lineage
length (or the two memory blinks en: dim-em, lhe length or an inwming
message depends on which memory bank Ilfll lhis message is assigned ll),
ave e|.ecln_on_lcg l_.1 . _
ukrs'of‘ “jg—“El W
comm 616ml Unmnomflomn
venslefl a; nonuulnmpmummwplu m4 wrouruml
2.2 Display Pattern
The DC!) or60l IN is a llsx 32 pixels dol matrix display panzlwhicll is able in
1. [aux llnes mull font ASCII clincher - 20 ASCII characlem for each line
with final eiz: 8 x 6 viuls, end
1 two Iins half size ASCII char-lulu - ls ASCII characters for each line with
but size 8 x [6 pixels.
2.3 Back-lighting
The EL heck-light can be mm on by mldin! the Menu key (I) for 1 seconds
or mm Tlu heck-lighting will be «mad oiraulmallcally after 8 seconds
2.4 Built-in Vibrator
vihmor. Once Ute vibmtiun alert mode is
selected, the user will be notified by me vibration alen if any MW massage is
25 Battery Backup
All pager Stlbl‘gs ml messages will be mlained Mien the pager l: mined all or
the lunarst being mplmli The hadmp battery can an for up in 5 mlmum
6 Word Wrapping
thn lhc size of a word exceeds llw lrmmning display line. the whole word is
eutvymatiully S'flflCd to the flux! lint: This I'celuncs 15 only applicable to those
messages thawn in small foul,
as"; Elec'BQN-fs m}-
"Mmovm 7”
NYEOVNUE'W hon-nun
VERSIan W1".l-IlMAlvhllwmud;MANHIILEKP-gnuulllmnl
2.7 Status and Functional Indication
2. 7. 1 Battery Power Low Indication
Il'lhr: balmy power is gelling low. lhe pager will dell lllz user by mulling a
long lumping signal and display uic rullnw‘mg message.
Hgnn H mm pewor low Inulmlon Ann-n
‘Ihe aim can be dismissed by pressing any lazy and the 9 icon will be
displayed in the smoky screen to remind Lb: user Io rcplwe Ihe baugry.
Plus: I'ollnwllv: slepsoullined below for bullet-y replacement.
Tum 0mm pager.
Unlock and 0pm the balmy compartment door, pick out the old ballcry.
Plow lho new ‘AM‘ size balmy with oorreczpolorily,
Close and look me balmy oompmmenl door.
Hold ll“: Confirm key l—) for 2 seconds w Ium on pager.
Plus: note llwl Ill: new buttery moat be replaced wit/iii: 5 nliinda. othemisc
all xclll‘np ind mots-gas in the memory bankswlll he losl.
2. 7.2 Time Stamp Indication
A lime slump is shown an line end or each mesmge, fills lime sump serves in
indicnlc lhe dale and lime rummage reocplion.
mlEoFlseuzzau-qm impugn:
ooc m-cneeall unusnmwl o
venslomu mm alumni-mum Dually FLEl'lp-rlluvlllnull
2. 7.3 Duplicate Message Indication
A duplicate manage may be sent lo mind the us", lllus Ill: massage wnmins
exmly the me mum-in aprcvioux mung;
Wlwn rhc pilgpr mccivcx I new message. it will nuwmulic-lly scan lhc "lemony
bank and check lo: duplicau message “llle CI‘ icon will be lhown slim upper
right oon-ierofule LCD for o duplicale mmage
1 you come back. D
”mg? Don't.
Flnllr' 24 A uunllcula nun-gs
The duplinala many will In placed lnlo Illa am memory Inmion ii; iii: old
one. no em munnry garage will In: used for dupliml: musigu.
2. 7.4 Service Area indication
Win. the pager in ml in the m—vlcc um, ill: 7' loan will lppenr In indium
um inc plgu is umpomily not able w renew: my message. 1m: pogu is
inside (he. urvioe am lgain, me 7‘ ioon will disappur lo mlify lire um um
lllc pager has mumd ill functions.
2.7.5 Error Message Indication
when a mesnge u not mil/ed complemlyl all Hummus chmclm will be
replaced by ~_* (the undcmnrc symbol) Please. mm the paging opcmlor to
chuck lllc cumplclk: message.
2. 7. 6 Next Page Indication
The .> Worm will be shown in ill: low right corner orllm LCD ilpm Orll‘lc
lllc’ilgc is displayed on the next page during mange Viewing.
cmmsvs ELEc'moNlcs LTD.
nuns-awe pm mam
ooe.m_-csom| u “Momma
vimmu mmmua-nmm mpwrm Flauuuilnnul
2.7.7 Unread Message Indication
when a new user manage of nm mine is lead llxsi time, the mnslg:
mnmber will be displayed in mam dnnmr Io indicate thal lhe message is
previously unread.
Fuur' N Apuvlwll‘f was uur runw-
‘l‘he (ml number ofumud messngcs in lluz user mun-wry bank will be mdicaled
in 016 IMIIS amen.
2.7.8 Protected Message Indication
The ‘B ' icon will b: slwwn al llw uppcrrngl-lcormr ol‘lhc LCD lln massage
tun been pmleclzd during mmagg viewing
iUoulci you. a
return ehe book 50
mfibv the end of
Flgum u; A mucus unma-
mneflssuziw pap-1mm
“Ramos tailnuln-Awhmm Duplwrwl mvuuru-nmi
2.8 Basic Functions
2.8. 1 Auto Display of Message Pages
11": pngcr will nulomnlienlly display [he remaining pan: of a message during
message viewing
2.8.2 Alert Mode and Melody Selection
The user an select audio alerl mud: wvibnsliufl ale! mode for mugs paging
(Seclion 1.5.1). For audio ulcrl modc, llm uscr can svlucl my of Ihe 8 pram
melodies as the audio llen m: dimml lypes 01 message paging olher mm m
mm beeping (one (Sulion 3.5.2).
2.8.3 Message Removal, Copying and Protection
Mcungci in each offlw 3 nmlmry banks m. be mlmd individually. The user
can also remove all umsmges in n pnniculzlr Inciuury blink (swim-3.4.7 and
Seclion 3.4.8).
Beside: tlw musugu removal fimclimi, um um can copy up lo 20 user messy;
from the uxsnrwnmy bankw the personnlmmlmy Ian-mo serve a: umeansof
keeping lmpmam messages (Section 3.4.6) A prompt message will be
displayed if m pawl mmory bank is lull and m ourpyl‘ng mimic-i wille
abound mmmalically.
fimher, a mi all!) user messiges can be mum [Sunni-1.5). Again a
prompl mung: slmwing memory run for pmleolnd. inc-ages will be displayed
ilei: mlximum number ofprolmad messages llu ruched.
2.8.4 Message Screening
The user an hold llle Confirm kzy F) or m amw key 1A or V) for 7.
seconds or more to ween n mange page by pus A: die tale of 0.5 second. per
page (Section 3.4.3).
_§‘.R_‘?!§!§ ElrFE'EONJS’. FIE
M'EBFISSUE: “0150“3 7 017507 lsfilfi‘w ”GIMP.“
nocmcmuuuuunmma DDCND'CflwlIUMMMMNIU
VERSION” WIIN mmnumMEDI-plwflixfinu lellmull veflSIONOQ ullfllulmmpnnnumnflnnhpny nix Pu-uulll-mnl
2.8.5 Message Numbering and Message Retrieval 23 Additional Functions
The farm pmvidcs - menu: for identifying fragments of lhe same message in 2.9 1 Auto Tlmer
th mmlruclion proven; and nllnws deledian of: missed mmngp whenever
a mange number 1: skipped. This realm mahles lhe user lo meter his
mesngu through dilplayin! um numbcru pm oflhc mm.“ An auw lime: is included in (he pager in manual the nummalic ml and ul'l'timA
rung: oflhc pngpr (SeclionSjA).
When Ihz pm openlnr sends in. musm with uni-mum rclricval
inmmuml, in. may Mlfl'evil number will be displayed in: beginning or 2,9,2 Silent Timer
lhe "in“;- fur musing wlmhar this mus-sis was mi: g. Th: message
“WV" """"’" " mm by “‘° W 1’ ”m“ m“ “ M” The silent timer is used in ulivalc and dcacllvm m: fimciiun cfxilem manage
imam (Secfiofllifi.
. ' ' u lqome
back so the office
2:38am. if you 2.9.3 AppolntmentA/arms
have an;" Problem. i-
nc paw has 2 Appolnlmzm alarms. in. um can an cidm on: at both aflh:
Plus: now um the availability of this {mare is system dependent. lira! is n alarms u n pemml reminder, The nlanm mn be ndjustpd lo aim ciliwr ‘ono—
p. ng opemm or symm prvvidcr may or may nor prewar: lllis rclricval afi' ordnilyismian 3.5.6),
se .
' 2.9.4 Unread Message Alarm
2.8.6 Real Time Clock
When is mum is received but nolycl mad, the vm will gimme a periodic
The use? has a Mil-lime clenk which cm be displayed on rim slandby semen audio alert in mnind lhc llxu' fin lhis unread message. The alarm inner/cl can
(Swim 3.5.3). be adjusled by the user (SectionJ 5.7).
“H“ TEH 150“ 2.9.5 Personal Message Alarm
individual alarm can be set for each message stored in me personal memory
bank I» remind lhc uwl for any impvnnnl message or appoinlmml (Section
3.5 E).
Figure 2-1 l'h' mlllms clack
2.8.7 Stay-in News Viewing Mode 2'9'6 News Message Alarm
The user can scl ancwx messay: mm for math mailbox so that a short alert will
A news mewse m be km locked and my"? on the mm Afler Ike Pager he gcnemled wnemver um is a new incoming manage (SaliomJJi.
Ellie's me slandby mm, um user can mil uni pmicular news message again by
pressing any key,
DAVEOF|SSUE Mow Mn ii uuu
0012th wow" minuscule-11 u
venom“ minuinnlnmnmmeuupliy FLEK'IsuuulM-w-I
2.9.7 Message Display Duration Adjustment
Each page oldie mange is m (0 be sluycd on the screen for 8 secunds befure
llle next peg ' ‘ played. The message display duration cull be adjusted by the
user (Seclion 3 JO).
2.9.8 Audio Alert Duration Adjustment
The user can adjust me duration for sand ml beeping (one. 11m funcllon is not
applicable (0 melody alert (SeclionJS. I 1).
2.9.9 LCD Contrast Level Adjustment
I‘ne use: can adjust the LED conlusl level for a sharper ditplay (SemielfljJZ).
2.9.10 Key Beep Enabling/Disabling
The key beep function is included to notify the user by gunmling i ‘click‘
sound Whenever a key is being pressed. This funuliau can be enablw nr
dlmhlud (SL‘ I3).
2.9. 11 Character Font Size Adjustment
The we: can seleci either smell foul or llnlflonl size for mcssugcs vicwmg. Tlic
ielecied ronl size will be applied lo all lncssngc viewing "miles (st-mm in).
2.10 Pull-down Menu
The pull-down menus or 60llN works similarly as lhal oi the MS Windows.
The menu system provides uscis willi a handy iiiclliod ul‘ iiiliili‘pullni nll (lie
fullclimls iii lhc pager. All pager functions in: gmuped inn» menus which no
designed in |N|u pager finiclitim willl xltllflilr minim ii» an lll u grill-p.
The main menu give: mes; in all the sub-menus. All uplunullon of veal:
‘ function ilcm is shown a: ihe min pull-down menu.
v'CIRKISVS giegmpuics um.
DAIE or issue 115.44» ml» in vi «
Doc No csemnuuuummw
VERSION o 1 mm uineAlnn-num-n: mlflll rm vuuum Mun!
By pressing the Up key (A) luld llw Down key (V), the um is able to move and
locale “w hifllliflll liar onto lh: deilred item of I mznu. Selection of “Ill
”menial Elam is done by pressing um Confirm key P)-
All illusluliou of pull-down menu operation is given hclww.
1. Press llw Mm key M) to invoke
um main menu I'mm lhb slfilllS
screen or lhe standby screen,
2 Locale use highlight bar lo sclecl an
item [lulu llle main menu by
pmssing an mow key oominuuusly
(A or V).
3. [Inch sub-"wan uuu be invoked by
pressing the Confirm key (—) at
(In: subvmcml «clvcliml ilcm
4 Noise: A dash line will lmltfir iii
cunain sub-mmlu. This dush line
indicates Illi: end of llli: sub-menu
has been reached.
wens-on n:
on: as ISSUE ammo
Doc No cmwtwuumxmwt n
ctmu “McAbnwmlri: Nl'hr nu “mum mm"!
3. Pager Operation
3.1 Turning On the Pager
1, Press and hold the Confirm key
(—) for 2 seconds or more In mm
on the pager.
2. Tht: paging npcrlwr‘s name and Ute
model name will bt: displayed.
3. A fl-scwnd audto or vibmion alert
will he went“. depending on
which nicrt madu it xclulcd.
4. Press any key to druniss the alert.
The pager wtli then display the
3.2 Turning Off the Pager
1 Puss m: Menu kzy D) m invokn IIHUTCHISDN
the min menu fmm tho sluius .Q—.fi.
man ur the slmdb)‘ Suwn.
1. Locate the highlight bar to
“PAGER own a, pressing the
3. Pnns the Confinn key 1—1 m
zwccss tin: «tnfintmtitm screen.
<1>>> o, 11»)
DA’E 0» mm: awn-w
uoc.m..cwmu umunmwto
vinston tn mun un- Alphmt-n-ne mun, nu rm.
9-9- mum
4. Press the Confirm key <—) under
‘YES' to turn mute pager.
5. Or pus: the Meant key (I) under
‘NO‘ to nbnrt the operation.
3.3 Accessing Memory Banks
I. Press the Menu key fl) to invoke
the main menu from me status
screen or due standby screen.
2. Locate the highlight bar to sclcct a
memory bunk by pmsains in wow
key continuously (A or ,
3. Pm“ llw Confiml key (—) In
nwtzs» lite tnncspnndmg memory
| __ “O'RKISYS ELEQ'RONWS LTD. cmmsvs Etacmuntcs no.
| ,7 'oAreur'|'s E'is mmnm " ' BFE—nhssuamns ‘ PIF120448
muomwwfiwuumww bocuo cacwnwwumww
| wens-own mm ummmnmm m-puynu lmruurlllmul vensnmn: lumulnn numonww-yrmnwuwumun
3.4 Message Handling 3.4.3 Message Screening
1, To glance lhmueh all messages
. 3.4.1 User/Group Message Recervmg Quickly in an}, mummy bum was
~ ‘ the Confirm key P) or an anew
1. The page: w-ll generate In nudm mp3 key continuously (Aor').
glen or vibmion alert when a nnw
messy; u rolcciwd. A nollficulron 2. All sneunges will be walled page
semen vflll be dlsvluycd 4)» W by page in eilhcr uoending or
slmuilaneously, pr descending order of lhc message
b .
2, Press any key to dismiss me mu. :: sequflwennm er
TM displuy will become blank v
| 3. Thu: user can new“ on: user
y..." L: m
memory bank to read me message,
or by pressing the Confirm kty
(—) w vicwuw waived message
direaly from me standby screen. 1
_. 4, Nola: If the mexsage is fldllpliclle u i Mi:- ' F. a ' y' ""
one, we ‘D‘ imn will he xhnwn in W "m” 53 mama-am _
|he upper rid-l cunwl uflhc NJIWJIL n.“ ‘
3. Nole: Mcmge summing Moms a
! 3.4.2 Unread Message Checking mm, mm m. For
example, in the Handing
! I The user can check lhc mmle of icmm’ngmode, message OI will bu
unread mussagcs by musing lhc m-dis Iflyml. uflcr leaching (h:
semen, an unrcud messlgc icon 59'
will be displayed. ' W
| Munu key (I) (mm the slandby
, 2, The number an lhc mm lmlicanus a
lhc anal number of unmad "I'h-r ~I H ”I “m L I e
messages e...‘ um I at any
sage-mamas LTDA _ __ _ _<_:|R5|sv_s ELEC'RDNICS LTD.
“' ' ' '"""""" ' mam“; quornswz‘zevmm 712.2454?
' DOCNO cmuuumsummw oocno csswuuuwumww
| ' VEQslwflt ‘NIuwnllpt-umnk Dllphyflffi Pug-rummnnl VEQWNOG WHN “lilo"fllulumflk III! Ily FLEX pl—Vlll-rlllllI-lll
3.4.4 Fast Message Screening 4. Press lhc Cumin“ key 0-11 to 5—2?" SEW
invokr. llmscwnd-Icwl sub-mum.
I. T» glance through (he am pups
of flu: messags. puss and hold an — kcy
arrow key (A or V) I'vr 2 seconds
Ol‘ INDIE. ’ r- “ 4 m
2. All messages will In: swllcd page
by page in either ascending or 5. Locate (In; highlight bar to ‘ ' " '°"
descending alder of the mange ‘PROTECT MESSAGE by
sequence number at a raw of 2 ~ pressing the Down key (V1
messagespeuemnd, ,
mm: t: A m, 1' “Y
< - a! m
j 1.1 PM“ It“: Confirm key (—l) lo ,‘. u. a
, ,.. M Ma“ We . .
u u: mu
mm“. mun. _
1. Note: "an; message is pmlecled,
. me -@ icon will be shown at um
! 3.4.5 Message Protecting "31“ “f "n “m"
I , . gun
x, A wnmmg mcssngc mu bc a
. l- law-w the “set/you? memse 10 displayed if m: numbu or "11553? EELL
he PM”!!! (Inked) h! pmucwd mcssages has reached [he
continuously pressing m: Confirm mm
2 I’m]; the Menu kcy m) to invoke L “N _
m: uscr nwmory hunk sum-menu 3.4.6 Message Copying
; 3 Locale dae llighligJu bar 10 M I, Loam “w nut/group men‘s, m rung: . a u:
g MESSAGE mm” by pressing [m be copied by continuously pressing -“ ="" w"
' the Down key {7} |I||= Confinn key (— J.
V kc) ‘
1, I'm». an: Menu my A!) m mvnku El’zw-fl— E;
ll“: usur lucrnuly hunk sub-menu. l
1 «hr. mum“
| . . .. A FLBNSEW‘EEE‘} pikmsvs Elicmomcs LTD,
om: mvcmwnuuuummm
mum is
WRSIDN I): llllfl HInoulpMnumlm Dllvdly FLEX Paglrunr Mllwal
3 Locate vhe highlight bar to E‘—;°N“ “ah”
‘MESSAGE UTILITV' by pressing
the Down key (7).
1 V key
‘ x n u
4. I’lcss Lhc Conlinn key (—) lo ' ' " "
invoke the “mud-level snb-mcnu
l ._ h,
5. Locale the hiylhghl bar 14 ‘ST‘ORE
MESSAGE‘ by pressing the Down
Pres: Ole Confilm kcy P) 10
wcuxs the confirmation screen.
has me Confirm key (—) umlcr
‘YES' to copy lhc mcssugc imo the
personal memory bunk.
Ol prcss |l|c Mum kcy (I) undur
’N()' m aborl (he operation.
A warning message will be
displayed if [he personal lutmury
bank 2: MIL The copying overalls"
wi ll be nhnrtud,
Mcssdgl: on
Pcrmnnl mummy 1an
cmmsvs ELEc‘moulcs LTD.
we no caewnw-summnm n
venslou o a
3.4. 7 Individual Message Removal
m- 160145
can u uln. llphlnumnfi nmlnynnng-ruurmmn
[Aw-1c me nun/map message 10
be deleted by canlmuously pressing
the Confirm key (—').
Pwss lhg Menu key m] to invoke
m usar memory hank sub-menu
locale ' we highlighl liar to
“MESSAGE unu-rv- by pressing
1hc Down key (7)
ms we confirm key (—) m
inwkc the sammI-Igvel m aim
The ‘DELE'IE MESSAGE ilnm is
1mm: Ammednuly.
Pmsx the Confirm key P) 1»
access the confirmation screen
I’rass me Confirm key P) undcr
‘YES’ to dclclc zh: mussagc.
Nun; m mccwaing mmsage
will subnimw the removal on»: (m
this “ample Mcssngc 05 hummus
Manage my,
Or nmss the Menu key «in under
“NO' In nbnrl the upunllinm
chnsvs ELEcmoulcs LID. _
new: man:
1 m: e» a
.. an». n to m
w m um rtwrn _
1 um m. n
"w w.‘ ..
m. < w-
Doc nu-cmwnumsnmemu
venslou o s
m- nous
mm Hlmllnh-numllfi: mun, us: Fug-1 nurmn I
34.8 Memory Bank Erasure
Loom u narficulur memory bank
[mm lho mlin incl-u (plans: role: In
Section 3.3). The example here
voters in the use: memory bank.
Press the Menu key i!) to invoke
we use: melllory blink snb-llwnu.
Locate ltw highlight bur w
‘MESSAGE UTELITY' by prcasing
me mm: key (7)
Plus llln Confirm key (—) lo
invoke lheucoIld-Icvcl slab-menu.
low: the higllllghl bar to
pressing 1112 Down key (7).
Prtss mu Col-rm" key (--) (0
access llle confirmation screen
Pics: the Confiml key Pl under
‘VES' tn was: the mummy bank
Now: A message will be displayed
to naufy lhe user that the memory
bank 15 emply
m... ..
fix a m.
I| - nu
I n mm m
E m m {was
mm or ISSUE mm.“ m
Dov; no nwmnunusnmwr u
3.5 Function Setup Handling
mm umu-mnumm OIuI-y rm
9, Or was (he Menu lwy (I) u-ldcr
mm" 10 who" ll n: opunnimi.
3.5,1 Alert Mode Selection
I, Press rhc Mcllu key F) u- invnkc
ll“: main menu I'mm lllu xlflllllfi
sew-tn or the standby screen.
2. Loci“: ll“: lllghlim Inn 10 ‘ALERT
- VI mom? by pmslllg me Down
by (V),
3 Press ill: Confirm kcy (HF) lo
ioggle hem-er." audio or vibration
alm mode.
4, Note: If the vibmliou alcrl made
has bub-n actual-d previously, the
“ALERT - AUDIO’ item would be
dlsnlaycd instead.
5 II mldio alufl mode is xclnclcd. llll:
pager will gclmmlc . shun (0.5
sncund) burping lollc for
flolificafionl Tim "1' Icon will
appeal- on the stains 5: "on.
6, If vibnllion ales mode is salami,
Ihl: pager will vibmu; 2 seconds for
llmificaflon. Th: ‘fl' icon will
Pm 1064 As
' immune fifiEFHTsD'E: Mum Pip mum
l " mlaofilssum'uupn
DOC,NO,CSGQHUMastoom10 000,710 cmmnumasnmwo
. vsnsm n: mm «m- mnummnc mm" rm o-w UllrMMull VERSION n: m m ummpn-nm-m nlwyfltx Pun-u... u......|
3.5.2 Melody Selection 7, Puss m arrow kry (A or ') to rum...
select a melody or the standard
- — beeping lane for a call lype. The
I. Pres: the Menu key i!) In mvoke HHU1CH150N ‘ .
lhc main mcnu from the smus 1g 1:5: -w1_1l 0” P1” (he metody or
smelt or lhu slunllhy wmcn. 1 I: upmg mm.
1 I kcy 3 Press me Menu key (I) to confirm nNUICHISOH
(he sellings and mum to tile slams
2, locum due highlighlbar to “AUDIO
smur‘ by pressing the Down key 3.5.3 Real Time Clock Adjustment
5 (V),
l. Pm: “1: Menu key F) to invoke flumcumu
lhe main menu From me sum: g g
semen of (In umdhy scream
mvokc the submenu.
1.1mm m: lughlnglll bar to
‘ACCESSORIES‘ by pmmng the
| 3, Puss lhc Confirm kcy <—) m
Down key (V),
4, Locals (he hnghligjn bar [a
‘MEDODY’ by pressing the Down
3. Press rho Confirm key (—) m
mum lln‘. sub-menu
5, Press lhe Cnnlirm key (—l) For 4 ;
malady selection sis _ n E z _ ‘ ; I
6, Puss the Confirm key (—I) no m ‘
move me culsor between the 531," _
, adjustable fieldsA
> 1.
= m 1
as: . 1 me . n
ISA—YE OFTE—SGE umb- ' Pain 51 m A; ' 0472 6; ms’u'é'z'mupw finfinafiua
mono cnamuuasumaom mun-cmwuumwumwm
vsnslouu 3 (MM amalgam-mm Bllplly us: Pig-ruurllllmm VERSION as mm unn- Alpllummwlc olwy rLex v-muurmnm
4. Locate the highlight bar In ' K . 3.5.4 Auto Timer Setup
'cwcx' by pressing the Down "
key (v, then press m; Confirm 1. Press me Menu key M) to invoke "ll—“Hulcursnu
“Y (-) for real um: doc“ iv kcy me main menu from (he status 9—4.
adjuttment. mean or vile sland'hy scram
M [W
1_ key W
2. Locale the highlight bar to M
m— ‘ACCESSORIE. ' by naming the
Down kcy (v).
5, Press an arrow key (A or V) to E E E5; chy
' move ‘he mm! between vhe m 1
“Humble fieldsA
l A kcy or' kcy
3. Press the Confirm kty e—) to
m immlzc um ‘uh—mullu,
6 Press the Confirm key (-) In 25; GE; _ kfi)‘
adjust the dale and (inw, Mm ‘
j _ kc, M
C lAlwk: lhi: highlighl bur ln “AU'I'U x
' ONIOI’I I‘IMER' by pmsing Ihc " ' m
,' m Down by (V), llwu pm (In:
' ' ' Confirm key (—) for mun llmer V
7. Plus the Menu km.) u. confirm “HUICHISDN W, k”
g the selling: and mum to the mm; 9.4. '
i screw.
5 a "
\ ____________
_' 6407270? léfis’nwmrw Him 31 a! m mm or lssui mmw um 34 null
Docno cmsmwmsuoommm wcuochquuMuSNmmomn
: venalon u 3 sum: um. Alumni-mat mlplly um um mum-mm vsnsm 03 mm m... A|pmummc nlwuyflzx ma Um Illmul
5, Press an arrow key (A or V} to 3 I’m; the Confirm key Q—) In W
move Ulc cursor bulwcen the invoke the sub-man“. :
udjuslnble fields.
r a‘
6. Press the Confirm key P) In 4. Locate lhc Iaiynighl bar m ”6”
‘SILENT 11mm by pressing lhe
Down kuy (7), than press the
Confirm kcy (—) [or silam timer
udjusl the on (me and offlimz, and
mint; or damn-m flu timer (by
selecting belwnn ‘w and ‘1 ’)‘
7. Pm: the Menu key (I) w confilm HHUTMZSON
the mung: and relum ID the slums _Q.___i
semen The ‘0‘ man will wpur
lo indiule flu! Ille nun limlr
‘ rm been set,
s. Pms an mow key (A or V) lo
, , move the cursor between (h:
15.5 Silent Timer Setup adjumbh fit,“
2 l, Press the Menu key M) u. “won Emma" l A key m‘ ksy
lhc main mcnu from lhc slams '4
scwcn orllw mmlhy ween , ,.
(iv Press lln: Canl‘m“ key (UN) to L’ ’ ’
aujusuheonlimeand offlllnc.and ' '
1 . . , — ..
W mime or dcaclivalc the timer (by
selecting bclwwn "' and W ').
1, Locate the highlight bar to W — hay
“ACCESSORIES' by pwsaiug the
Down key (V),
- , v clams“ Etgcvlounps nu, Elms“ ELECTRON“ I-m- v ,. _._
one orlssus slams-
Doc no cscwnumesumoamlu
7. Press the Menu key (I) w wnl'lrm
the swings and rel-ml la the status
smell. Either ‘5‘ or “W icon
will nppelr to indicate that tile
silenr timer In: been at.
3.5.6 Appointment Alarm Setup
, I. Puss um Menu key C) to invoke
the main menu from the $lalus
mean or file slmldby meell,
2, Lon-Kc llllc highlight lur lo
v ‘ACCESSORIES’ by messing the
Down key (V),
he» (he Cunlil'ln key i—l lu
. invakc [he subvlllenu. The
is located immediately. Press llle
Confirm key (—) for uppomlmnlll
alarm wen-p.
vvvvvv c lnxlllvs ELEcrmmcl cm.
noun own-Aun-nlun-m Nlplly‘LEKPlglr um Mull-l
& <1
‘lhe silenl mceplion pcrlod ‘ls nol ycl
' d
‘llls now the silenl mplion periodr r r'
one or lss'n'é' 55 Turns'
Doc mo CBGflNIuMniNmoomlo
vsnwno: mm um- Alphanumeric mun-y uzx n-gu umunm-l
4. Press lhc Confirm key 4_) I»
move lllc cursor between Illa
ndjuslabln fields.
5, Pies; an arrow My [A or V) m
select the lllEn’lI numbct (‘l’ m ‘2')
and llle nlnnn mode lone-off ‘0‘,
daily "’ and disabled ‘K ’),
6, ane: The alum) lime field will be
pwmpled 10 die llser «nee the one- 1 Akey "vk‘y
«IT or me daily alarm mode is
selecled. "W"
7. Press rm nrrow key (A or V) m m
nlovc lllc cursor helwecll llle . . .
Idillslnble fields.
1 A key orvkcy
Hg! . . mm,
a. Press lllc Confirm kw (—) lo m
udjusk lhe lune,
l'NaS the Menu key (I) lu wufilln
llle Selling! md mlum ID llw slams
semen. Either “fr. lull or “5'
icon will lppcil' to indicalc that
(he appoimnrml aim-rm
llasfllxezl hm. m.
‘Alumll has been scl '
unnllUlCHISON ' '
“Alarm 2 has been set. . .'
a 4
‘Alzlnll I and Alarm 2 have been gel. ’
clam“ seecrllpmg; Hg,
bus or mm zsmwo
we no cscwuuumnmomn
15,7 Unread Message Alarm Period Adjustment
mm unr- Alph‘mlneflz Dam-y nu Fug-r um mum-l
I’mss "Iv Mm key H) (0 invoke
the main menu from the smus
screen or the standby wreen
Imam llle highlight bar to ‘AUDIO
SE'I‘UI" by pressing the Down key
fits» (hr.- Confirm kzy (—1 m
invoke flu sub-menu.
Imam the highlight bar (a
pretsing lhe Down key (V).
has the Confirm Luy l—l lm
“mud mrmgu alarm period
cmqsgggggggmcs up.
3 25?
.,.rr, a; 19m mum fig- :- at 1:1
IXXLMO umonumsnwwwm
VEQGIOMD 3 W1|N4rllnollvhlnumm1 Dllpl-y Fl“ Pluruni MAMAI
6. Press an arrow key (A «I V) to 545: 5 'i)
select a time period among lln: mev:
options an. 3. d and 5 mixmws.
1 A key or v kcy
7 Press me Mcuu key (I) in oolll'lml “SEHUTCHISDN
d|c sailing and rclurn lo the status
3.5.8 Personal Message Alarm Setup
1 Luau: lllc manage in lhw pt: nl
|\ nary bank (plume m 1»
Section 3.3 for acccning r mrmory
bank) by comimmurly pm 1, (In:
ponnrm kxy(—).
2. Pm: me Menu key (I) to invoke mw—ww;
are personal memory bunk sub—
1 Locate flu: highlight 1m (0
‘MESSAGE UTILITY" by pmssing
the Down key (V).
ll I'm»! llk: L‘nllfilln key (—) I0
inmkc lhc «mad-level subrmcmn
cmmsvs ELECTRONICS L'ru.
uus or nssus Mug-w 9m am all was 0, ISMJE an my» mg. nuns
{$5731 03mm" W “Noam“ ° wunuluA‘pl-numnk mun-mix p...” u.“ mm $552 53,596" m “N mom “ mm «in. "annual” mum tLEx hum-crumm-
5. Lame the magma. bar «a AVE 3.5.9 News Message Alarm Setup
Pressmz flw Down kw (7) PM“ I. Loclil: ow mws mailbox in the
“W an“? “Y P) f“ WSW" v kcy news. memory but (Fleas: nets: to
message arm WWP- v Semen 3.3 for smmng l mrmm'y
_ . bank) by Dnnfinuously praising the
M any...“ kg, (—),
2. Puss I)“: Menu key (I) to invoke
_. “y Ilic news mcnmry hunk sub-menu.
' 3. Locate um highlight but (0
L512?- ‘MESSAGE UTILITY' by prcssing
‘ “u" we Down mm“,
6 Press an arrow key (A or V) to M
enable or ditable in: alarm. m m m."
7 Note: ‘I he alarm time field will be _
pmmpted w the user once the alum ' A kc, "v kuy
isuublcd, it. PM.“ the Confirm key (—) IA)
' ""' "w “ invoke dwuwmlflevtl sub—menu,
8, Pics an arrow key (A or 7) lo w
move on cum between dig ’ .
adjustable fields.
A key or V key
: v 5. blank: (helughhyn harm ‘NEWS
’ ‘ "W "W " " ALAKM‘ by pressing flle Down
- a - key (1). I’rcss [he Confimi key
9 Press “m Confimi key (_) m r u nun! r v: (—) [04 aluclz 1h: ulurm I» lhc Vlzcy
mumm- dale and nme. . . . new» mailbox,
b. Nolc: m ‘a‘ icon will flppcurto M
"' W indicate llur um news nu... l.“ EM
' bun m, I'he w ion“ wiil
; i no"! mm in dwnppfinr after lhe alarm time is .
_ i . 11 mar - k“)
[Oi PM: the Menu key (I) In confirm El m j _ I '
the seflings. The ‘r icon will " "m" ’ . . . is}. 5
n n
appear (0 indialc ihul the personal
ullrm Inn been set.
; 11. Note: The ”V icon Will disappear
afler the alarm time is war,
clfixisvs ELEcmoNlcs LYD. cmmsvs ELEC'IRDNlcs L'I'D.
inhumane muow nqmuuu
we Nu cacao" umwmm-u
VERSIONUS wquum-Aununummmuurnup UltrM-nl
3.5.10 Message Display Duration Adjustment
|. Press me Menu key M) m invoke
m main menu from m: stulus
screen nr um mmmy “wen.
i I key
2‘ Inc-IA the higllhghl bar lo
“DISPLAY suruw by pressing
“14: Down key (7;
3. Fresh the Cur-I'm“ km, 1—; m
inwkc Ike sub—menu
4. Walt the highlign Inn to ‘Msc
msmv DURAI'KON' by “” '
pmsiug (he new" key (V).
5. Pros! lhc Confirm key (—) for
mcmgc display durum-n
cmmsvs suepmamcswuu.
was or lssus 25 nun-w
me no cassonumsnowoom u
vznslon o a m 1 num- Alnnllluml'le al-nlq FLEI a.“ um mum
a Press m nnvw key (A or V) to
select a lime pcrmd among lh:
7, Press mc Menu key 1.) w wufimx
lllc scm'ng and mum to ma sums
3.5.11 Audio Alert Duration Adjustment
1. Press the Menu key M to invoke Euurcmou
lhc main menu (mm ll“: slam '
sen norllncswndbywrwn,
2. Local: lhc highlight burn) ‘AUDIO
smur' by messing the Down key
3. Plus: (he Cnnfinn key (—) us
invoke Illc sub-mum.
cmmsvs EtEC’THONICs L'm.
’ “5.5.1; at]? '
mreonssus mum Panama mrzorrssur ismnm ' ' "fihnum
occuo cwmrruumnmmo Docno CSGEDHUMOGNWmmm
vsnsono 3 mm "an mum-rum mum not "Mr um anll vsnsrou n a sum! urn-Alphanumeac ran-pm rm; Pmrunl rum-u
4 mm the highlight bar to ‘MSG
ALARM DURA'l’ION’ by pressing
the Down key (7).
2. Locate the h‘ghhgm bar In
‘DISPLAV UI" by pressing
the Down kuy (V),
3, Pm: (he Cnnfim key (—) to
invukc (In: submcnu.
5. Press lire Confirm kay (—) for
audio alerl dumlion adjustment
6. Press an mow key (A or V) to
select a lime period among the
option: of 2, 4, 6 and 1! pounds.
1A kuy orV k=y
o, bonulu me highlight bar to
_ premiug llw Ilnwu key (7)
7 Press the Menu Imy (I) m confirm
|||c gelling um] mum in rlu: mm; v 4
.' a. Note: This function only applies!»
melody don. the duration-pr glue 5, Press rhe Confirm kcy (—) for
standard beeping Inns and Vllmmm LCD contrast Icvcl udiualrncnl.
film are fixed.
5. Puss an arrow key (A or V) lo “HUTCHISON
_ _ _ _ ' _ ‘ , ' adjllsl l||c LCD comma. ljrws ll“: 4
3.5.12 LCD Contrast Level Adjustment M“ “Y "’ ‘° “""“‘“ "‘°
3¢llil|g uud return in the slams
1. Pres! the Menu key ql) w invoke HKUItklan
the main mcnll from (hr: mm;
serum or zhc standby scrcuu _ .
in“ 3.5.13 Key Beep Enabling/Drsabflng
1, Pms llw Mum key fl) m im'okn HUICHISDN
M the main menu from the status 41
screen or the sllndby semen.
' magma DATEOFISSUE 15m“: '"" " ' ' "' _" ' " _" "' ' Pug-mold:
we no canol-uuusnoooomm
| ' ' maorlsw—s'zwm—"
mc Novcmwnuuesnmmmm
mm an. nnmmnn hl-plly rm; Pworuuflunnl
um: um. alphanum'rk wally nsx paw Hum-mun vsnsaon n a
2. anme me lawllighl bu to 'AUDIO
SETUE" by pressing the Dov-n key
3, Puss d“: Confirm key (—) (0
invnkr lh: sub-menu The ‘MSG
Inutcd immediately. l‘nets lhe
Confirm kcy (—) (0 change the
3. Press tho Confirm key (—) lo
invoke the sub-menu The ‘KEY — kry
BEEP - YES‘ ilem 15 located
lmmpdiawly. Press the Confirm .- HREK SIX“ 1
key (—) to enable {or disable) me 15, 24,25, 25: 35, ‘
3.5. 14 Character Font Size Adjustment
key beep funen'om
Note: If me key ueep function has
been enabled previously, the ‘KEY
BEEP ~ NO’ item would be
dwpllyed mslcmd,
PM; Ihc Mcnu key (I) in invoke
m: main mtnu From the slnlus
scream or the slandby screen.
(mule |I|c highlighl hul 14>
‘msvulv s “I" by pressing
nw Down key (V).
New: ll“ the half tom size has been
selected previously, the ‘MSG
Hm I‘ Sm: - SMALL' item would
be displayed inslcw.
mfiorlsrwe 1Mufl9_ Fungi?) "
Doc mvcmwnuulfinmfinmm
VERSION n a m | "44m Alplllnullllflc mull-y FLE! rmr um Hill'lull
4. Call Types
4.1 Message Call
Messages orlhis lypc can be displayed on lhe pager awn.
Burlichaeuldhan will
youfiome back to the
o hog? Don’t. for-sec
to brms the files i
Figun 4.1 A uungrwp nun-gs cnli
4.2 Tone Call
Mcssagu ol'this lypc are uauully loo long or quite confusing For saun display,
The words ‘TONE ONLY' Will be displayed and the user should check mu the
min mcssugub rm. lllc paging opening,
l4—FEB—98 I3: 13Pl‘l
Figuu u A ‘Tont Only' mus-go
4.3 Second Call (Duplicate Call)
This iypc ormemge u lramlnilleil for runindiug purpas:
61. 3 Michael: When
1 you come back Cl
quun 44 A dupllcala mmign
R195“ FEEPTEQN'“. m.
all? a m a
Doc.uo..casmn unasnmmi u
vs nsloN in mm LlanAI'QlllImM Dual-1 FLEK'uuvlll" uwul
Win-mug: Changes or modlfiuulmns no this unit not expressly apuroved by the puny
responsible for compliance cauld void the user‘s audioriiy m opeflle the equipmcnn
NOTE: This nquipmnnl has bccn icstrd mid luund to comply with lhe limits l‘nr aClass l!
digilnl dcvicg pursuunno Pm I5 ofth: FCC Rules. Time: Iim s run-designed to provide
reasonable prormion flyinfi humliil imcrfczcnu: in a mlddmlldl insinllnioni This
cquipmcnl gmmm, um and can mam rm‘lin l'rcqucncy Energy and, if no! insullod and
accordance mm the inslmclinm, my mum harmful intnrrcmuoc to radio
However, mm is no guinnlee um inurleunce will not occur in a panicqu lnsla|laliuni
n- um equipmem dog: nol cause hannful inlerl’crenoc in radio or lclnlsion mccplinn.
which can be determined by turning the equipmcnl 0” and on. ll“: use: is cnommigcd I»
try lo com! iii: imcrrmno: by nn: nr mun: ul'lhc following muasutus:
- Ilcnricm or (clocaie lllc recciving Illltllllfl.
~ lnclww the sum-ration bulwaen 1h: equipment and receiver
0 Comma the equipment into an oudei on a circuit diffeum from that (0 which the
receiver is nuded.
- Consllll lhi: duiilcr or an cxpciicnoud radio/I v inclinician for help
This dEVJDE compiles wilh Par! IS of the FCC Rules. Opemiun is subjcet lo 1h:
following two wiidilions. (1) this device may "01 cut-w harmful inlcrfewncc. and (1) this
device must lcwpl any inlcrl'crcnw received. including inwl‘enncg um may came
umlcsimd (location.

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