VTech Connect 8003N-930 Wireless Email Unit User Manual 1

VTech Connect Limited Wireless Email Unit 1


User Manual 1

Download: VTech Connect 8003N-930 Wireless Email Unit User Manual 1
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]VTech Connect 8003N-930 Wireless Email Unit User Manual 1
Document ID83675
Application IDfR4sLAae3HcW8pchF8iStQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize103.02kB (1287688 bits)
Date Submitted2000-01-27 00:00:00
Date Available2000-03-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-01-22 10:10:08
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2000-01-22 10:10:44
Document TitleUser Manual 1
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

Basklnnoducdonfiomifl'odfiemfi mm“
Welcome to a whole new way to stay in touch with your
friends andfiimily! TheVTedPe—Mail Express" isdesigned
to make sending. receivingreading and writing e-mail as easy
as 1,2. , Allhere isn‘ta mud stepi). It‘s that easy!
What VTech has created is a product that focuses almost
completely on using email to communicate with people all
over the world. Our objective was to make wrin'ng email.
reading emaiL sending email and receiving e—mail quick and
simple. With your Wedi‘ e-Mall Expats", you don‘t need
to wait for a computerm‘boat-upiorleam how to configure
a modem to connect It) the interner, or even learn how in
use a mouse and keyboard to write email.We undemand
mat communicating with email is easy and fun so we have
designed an easy and fun pioductjust for you to send and
receive e—mail,
VTech has also launched an e-mail service called
wed'iwotldmm. W Iaunchi ng th is service, we’ve ell minaled
all oithe headaches of sending and receiving email with a
computer.EecauseyouareusingaVTech e-mail product with
[he VTech email service, connecting to wechworldccm
requires only a single push of a button!
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Inserting aTeIephone Cord into the Telephone
Li ne Jack
Before you can connect to vtechworldmm, you need ro
connect your VTech' e—Mail Express?" to a working
telephonelrnejodc sobesureyourvrethWe-MailExpressW
is turned offllnsert the telephone cord (included) mm thejack
labeled lTelephone Line:
Power Supply
The VTedl’eMalI Express” runs on only Z’AA’srze batteries
It‘s rmportant to more that you must replace the banenes in
your VTech' e—Mail Express“ within one rnlnute, or the
information stored msrde may be permanently lost.
Two (2) ’AA’size battenes pcweryourVTedrOeMail Express”.
Hews howto insrall them-
I. Be sure your Wech" e—Mail Express" is lumed ofi‘.
2. Open the battery door on the product’s bottom.
3. Insert two 12) new ’AA’ size batteries.
4 Close the battery door
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Please note that if the product stops working or the screen
appears very dim, be sure the batteries are instailed properly
and are fresh.
WARNING You must repiace the batteries in your
VTech' e-Mail Express“ within one minute, or the
information stored inside may be permanentiy lost
Adjusting the Clock after Changing the Batteries
When you rephcethe baflerlesonyourVTedi‘eMail m7",
since the internai ciockstops when the batteries are removed,
you might need to adjust the time
I if you need to adj usr the dock, choose (HANGE CLOCK'
on the screen to adjust the dock
Clack Sump“ mm Baum
a pregnant. mm mm and be mange
3 Afleryou have adjusted the time, press the Done'key and
the ’V' key to save the cha nges and Ieave‘Ciock Setup‘,
Auto shut-Off
If your VTech° e-Mail Express” is turned on and left
untouched for a specific amount oftime, it Wili automaticaliy
shut itself of? 10 conserve powerYou can adJLISTThE amount
Maw»,.w.-r...v an, Wm.“
oftime required for the product to automatically shut ltself
off m Screen Setup. See the ‘Screen Setup’ secu’on of the
manual for more lnformanon on customlzlng Auto Shur-Ol’f
Turning the Product OnIOff
To turn your Wuh‘ e-Mail Expresw' on and off, presg the
red ‘ON/OFF' bunch Ionated at the lower left corner of the
B Resetting the Ptoduct
IF you want to erase all of [he informatrorr on your
VTech° e-Mail Express”, msen the end of a paper Cllp
H mto me small hole labeled ’RESFr' on the bonom of (he
producthhe next trme you turn on the product, you will be
asked to confirm the‘RESEF’opevarlon. lf you select‘v‘for’yesi
U all of the informanon on your VTe for
overwrite typlng.
Here in Iistof symbols that can be inserted by using the
‘Shih’key in conjunction with the number keys:
- Shift + 0 inserts a ’(' wherever the cursor IS located.
- Shift + inserts a ’)‘ wherever the cursor rs located.
‘ Shift + l inserts a’l'whereverthe cursor is located.
- 5m + 2 inserts a‘@'wherever the cursor is located.
- Shlft + 3 rnsertsa‘li’whereverlhe cursor ls located.
‘ Shlfi + 4 inserts a ‘S’whereverthe cursor rs located,
~ Shlfl + 5 inserts a '%' wherever the cursor is located.
~ Shift +6 inserts a’A‘whereverthecursor rs located.
- Shift + 7 inserts a‘&’ wherever the cursor is Iotated
- Shift + 8 inserts a'f'wherever the cursor is located
- Shift + 9 in serts a‘/ ‘ whereVEr the cursor is located.
QflLQfE: press this button to turn yourVTech'eMailExpress‘“
on or off.
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[1 53mm press this buttontomnnect to vtechworld.com
to send a nd receive e—mail messages. Make su re your
VTech' e—Mail Express“ is connected to a telephone line
Q . press this key toinsen an'@‘whereverthe cursor is located.
u Mam? press this key to quickly return to the main menu of
your VTech" e-M ail Express“.
mgwhefl you are writing a message press this horkey
I] to open the Address Book and insert an em ail address into
the messagetYou can also press this hotkey to quickly view a
telephone number or home address for an individual,
MM. press this button to quickly'cycle’through and View
U the contents of your Inbox Outbox, Sent Messa ge Log, Drafts
folder and Message Archive folder.
merpress this key roinserta space between words or letters.
H AlsotheSpace Barcan be used to mark multiple messages or
records. Multiple messages or records that are marked can
be deleted or moved all at once,
M'press this key to begin writing a new email message
u or record.
mag: press lhlS key after you have finished writing a new 6
mail message and want to place it in yourOutbox. Messages
u in your outbox W|il be sent the nexr time you connect to
vtechworldvcorn Also, you can press the Done’ key after you
have edited or created an event. or Address Book record.
Events, tasks and Address Book records are explained later in
u the User Guide.
gem: press this key to delere a message you are reading, a
message in your mailbox or to deletean event,lask or Address
E Book record.
7 if
mum-mung: 9 er/ss.azaPM
mien-press this key to open the action menuvThe amen men u
contatns addttronat features of your Vl'ech" e—Mail Expresswt
gagspress this key if you want to type in aH capital letters
Press this key again to ccnttnue typing in lower case letters
M: press this key to delete any character to the rtght of the
cursor. Please note that pressing the ’Shtft'+ ’De|.’ key begins
the ’lnsen'featu rewtth the‘tnsert'faature,you can switch the
cursor from rt 0 rmat typing to typing over characters
(overwrtteflhe cursor shape er change from < ,> For normal
typtng and < l > foreverwrite typing.
Ammress these keys to move the cursor up, down,
left orright on the screenAlsthe Arrow Keyscan be used to
adjust some settings on your VTechW eMaiI Express“!
Euletzpress this key to move the Cursor to the next line or to
confirm an action
6 pressthis key to detete any character to the teft of the
ESQ: press this key to return (0 the previous screen you were
t it
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Viewing Messages on Your Wedw e-Mail Express"M
irhelps to understand the way messages in your mail box are
displayed on the screen of your VTech" email Express“.
Here's an explanation of each of the ways messages are
list View
The email List View displays a list ofall the messages in your
My Mailbox folders. In the List View of your Outbox, you will
see the first email address of the person receiving your
message. In the List View of your inbox, you Will see the e-
mail address of the person who sent you a message.
On the left side of the screen in the List View of your lnbox,
you will see three different status pictures, These status
pictures communicate the following about each message:
4‘ :the e-mail message has not been opened or read bythe
a :the e—mail message is |O(ked and requiresapproval (usual iy
by a parent or guardian) before it can be opened and read
The message is locked because the sender is not on the User‘s
Allow List For more information on the Allow List, please see
Turn On/Oft Allow List’ and’Edit Allow List’ in the Nlow List
Manager'section of the User Guide.
You can also use the Mark’ feature of your VTezh° e—Mail
Express“ while in the ListView to delete multiple messages.
To ’Mark’ a message, use the ‘Up‘ and Down’ arrow keys to
highlight a messageand press the‘Space Bar'lo place a‘check
mark' next to it,
You can always quickly access the List View ofall your My
Mailbox folders by pressing the Mail Box key located to the
umwinwwr» it mumsam
left of the 'Space' on your VTech° eMail Express“.
Message Vi ew
The e-mail Message View is very straight forward: it shows
you the content ofa messageio access the Message View,
simply highiight a message in the Ust View and press the
Edit View
The emaii EditView aliows you to wrrte or change an e-maii
For example, if you have highiighted a message in the List
View of your Outbox, you can select ’Edir’ from the action
menu to make a change to the message.
Common Menu Actions
As mentioned earlier, there are a number of different actions
that enhance the features of your VTech' e-Mail Express“.
These actions can be launched usrng a keyboard shortcut or
by pressing the ‘Actio n' key on the keyboard. Piease see the
Keyboard Layout chapter of the User Guide for more
information on keyboard shortcuts.
Here’s how you can use the ‘Actlon' key to access the
action menu:
i. After you have opened one of the programs in the ’Main
Menu: press the ‘Action‘key ro drspiay the action menu.
2. Highlight one of the actions using the 'U "DownZ'Left’
and ‘Right’ arrow keys and press the'Enter'key.
3. You havejusr launched an action from the action menu.
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Once you get good at using the action men u. maybe you
can try this easy shortcut: instead of highlighting an action
using the arrow keysqu press the letter on the keyboard
that matches the underlined letter of the action you want
to launch
For example, if you are typing an e-rnall messageand want to
insert a commonly used phrase or sentence, just press the
‘Action‘ key and the'w’ key to launch the sentence message
Don't forget thatyou can also launch a few of the actions by
using a keyboard shortcut As you may have noticed, there
are yellow words and symbols above some of the keyboard
keys Ifyou hold down the yellow'Ctrl'key and press one of
the keys witha yellow word or symbol above it, you will launch
the action that corresponds to that key.
For example, if you hold down the ‘Ctrl'key and press the'H‘
keyyou wrll launch the list ofthe Tutor Topics associated with
the program ortml you are currently using
Marklng and Unmarking Messages and Records
Using the arrow keys and Space’ key, you can place a theck
mark' next to several messages or reco rds.Multiple messages
or records that are marked can be deleted or moved all at
Here's how to mark or u nmark messages and records:
1, Use the ’Up’ or ‘Down’ arrow key to highlight a message
you want to mark,
2, Once you have highlighted the messagepress the'Space’
key to place a check mark'next to it
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U you want to unmark a marked message or record,srmp\y
highl rghr that message and pre s; the Space key agam.
After you have marked multiple messages or records you can
press the‘De‘ete’ key to delete them.
Find a Specific Strlng
The ’Find' action IS a quick and easy way to \ocare a specific
record or piece of text in you VTech' e-Mall Express”.
Here‘s how to use the’Find'anicn:
1 .
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Press the ’Acrion‘ key to hunch the action menu.
Select‘Fr‘nd'from the amen menu.
The next screen contains a box foryou [0 type rn a clue
forthe record ortext for which you are searching. After
(ypmg m the clue, press the‘Enter' key.
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If the record orlext you are search ing for has been foun d,
it le be displayed an the screen
Another box will appear asking if you would like your
Weth‘ e—Maii Express“ to find anotherrecord or piece
oftext that matches your clue.
Press the’Enrer'key (O conlinue searching or rhe’ESCkey
to am the ‘Fmd’ amen.
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Deleting a Message or Record
The 'Delete'action can be used in three dlfierent ways. It is
important to understand the thfee different delete actions
50 you do not erase something from your V'I'eth‘ e-Mail
Express” that you wanted to keep.
Here‘s howto use the three Delete’ actions:
D l ll M :As an exampleityou are
viewmg the list ate-mail messages in your Sent Message
Log, you can delete all of the messages in the log by
selecting‘Delete Messages. ‘All Messages from th e action
menulFIease note that once you select and confirm the
Delete Messages ...All Messages’ action, you can not
retrieve the deleted messages or records,
MWQE As an example, you
can delete all of the events in your electronic Calendar
that occurred pllol’ to May 11001 using the ‘Delete
Messages ”By Date Range’ action.The dates that you
want to use as ’the date range'can be typed lnlO the box
that appears after you have launched this action Please
note that once you select and confirm the ‘Delete
Messages ...By Date Range’ action, you cannot retrieve
the deleted messages or records,
WM; select Delete
Messages. ,ThisMessage‘ Frumtheaction menu to delete
a single, highlighted message or recordtThis command
can also be used to delete multiple ma rked messages (see
the ‘Marking and Unmarklng Messages and Records'
chapter). Please note that once you select and confirm
the Delete Messages .. ,This Message’ actlom/ou can not
retrieve the deleted messages or records
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Inserting a Symbol
You can use the Insert Symbol acttcn to tnsen a symbol into
an email message or record,
Here‘s hvw to use the insert Symbol aalon:
1. Select ’Insert Symbol’ from the action menu (or use the
‘Crrl’ +'S' keyboard shortcut) to men a symbol into the
message or record you are currently creating
2, The next screen will display a list of symbols that can be
3, Use the arrow keys and‘Enter‘ key to highlight and select
the symbol you want to insert.
4, After you press the ’E nter‘key.the symbol Wlll be inserted
into the message or record where the cursor is located
on the screens
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My Mail Box : What is it?
e»Mai| is a slmplejast and inexpensive way to communicate
with people from around the world. My Mail Box on your
VTecM e~Mail Express” contains the lnbox,0utbox, Drafts
folder, Sent Message Log and Message Archive folders to
manage your e—mail messages easily.
Where Is It?
My Mailbox is located in the ‘Main Menu’ on your
VTech' e-Mail apress‘flXou can also press Ihe'MalI Box’
key located to the left of the ‘Space‘ key to quickly access your
e—mail marl box.
When do I use it?
You can use My Mailbox whenever you want to view the
messages in the different mail box folders
Vow VTech‘” e-Mail Express“ Mail Box Folders
There are five folders in your mail box. Each folder serves a
separate purpose. Here'san introduction to each ofthe folders:
mix. all of the email messages you receive are stored in
your lnbox.To read a message in your inbox, use the ’Up’ and
‘Down'arrow keys to highlight one message in the list and
press TJ’ie’lEmer’keyWhen you are 11 nished reading a message,
you can press the‘ESC' key to return to your In box.
Qumx all of the messages that you have written, but not
sentyeure stored in your OutboxFor exampleafleryou finish
typing a new message,you can press the‘Done' key to place
the new message in your Outbox The next time you press
the Send 8: Receive’ key. the message in your Outhox Will be
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D You can yrew the list of messages in your Outbox,and even
‘ read or edit item before they are sent using the'Up’and Down'
arrow keys and 'Enter’ key to highlight and open an Outbox
MM: you can save a message that you have not
finished in the Drafts folder.
For example, if you begin a new message and for some
reasons cannot finish it (the phone ri ngs, the doorbell rings
etc), you ca n select “Save”frcm the action menu to place
the drafted message in the Drafts folderwhen you return
to your VTech' e-Mail Express1M to resume typing the
drafted message, Just press the Mail Box key until you seeyour
Drafts folderlfyou have morethan one message in your Drafts
folder. use the Up’ and ’Down'arrow keys and ‘Enrer’ key to
highlight and open the message you want refinish.
W3 copy of all the messages that you have
sent are stored in the Sent Message Log. If you want to refer
to a message you sent, you could always check the Sent
Message Log, lt's a good idea to delete several of rhe older
messages in your Sent Message Log to create additional space
for new messages.
Messagefimbiye: you can use the Message Archive folder to
store your favorite or important email messages Messages
stored in your Message Archive folder will not appear in your
lnbox,so it‘s a good way to keep your Inbox ‘neat and tidyi
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Sending and Receiving e-Mail Messages
As was mentioned in the Basic Introduction chapter of the
User Guide, sending and receiving email requires only one
touch ofrhe yellow ‘Send Se Receive'keyThe'Send & Receive’
key is located to the left of the screen on yourVTnch" e—Mall
Make sure you have the telephone cord connected to your
Wedl'eMaiIWasmwhen you pressthe’SendBiReceive key,
Writing a New e-Mail Message
To write a new e-mail messageall you need to do is press the
‘New’keycr select‘Wrire Message”frorn the action menu .
Saving an e-Mail Message to the Drafts Folder
(see the explanation of'Dmfts lolder”in theYourVTech'
eMail Expressw Mail Box Folders section of the User
Sending an e-Mail Message to the Outbox
(See the explanation of‘Outbox” in the YourVTecli' e-
Mail Express“ Mail de Folders section of the User
Adding an Address to an e-Mail Message
Before we explain how to add an e—mail address to a message,
it would be h elpfiJl to explain the difference between the”T0'
and'CC"blanks at the lop of a new message
Usuallye-mail addresses are inserted Into the 'TO"blank ifthe
sender is directing (he message to a specific person If you
receive a message and your e—mail address appears in the
”TO” blank, rh en the sender is directing that message to you.
The “CC‘ blank, which means "carbon copy”, iS typically used if
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the sender is not directing the message to a specific person.
If you receive a message and your e-marl address ap pears in
the ‘CC' blank then the sender just wants you to receive a
copy ofthe messageThis is usually done out of cou nesy,
Now, back to addressing a messageWhen you are writing a
new message, you can address the message in two ways:
- You cantypeineach email address that you want to send
your message to one at a time. if you type in multiple
addresses, be sure to put a comma 0 between each
Oryou canquickly address the message to someone using
the Address Book on your VTecI'r' e-Mail Express“.
Here's how to use the Address Book to add an email
address intoa message:
. When you are writing a new message, press the Address“
key or select 'Add Address" from the action men u to open
your Address Book
You can scroll through the list of Address Book records
until you find the address you want to add.
3. To add multiple email addresses to a message use the
Space' key to mark each address to be included,
4 when you are finished selecting e-mail addresses, press
the ‘Enter'Key.
Please note that if you want to add some addresses to the
”TO' blank and some to the ‘CC' blank, simply position the
cursor on the appropriate blank and follow the proper steps
[0 address an e—mail message
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Adding a Sender to the Address Book
A nice feature of your VTech' e-Mail Express“ ls the ability
to add the sender of an e—mail message directly to your
Address Book
Here’s how to add a sender to your Address Book:
I. Whlle in the Llst View of your Inbox, press the ’Act lcn' key
and select 'Add to Add ress"from the action menu.
2. On the next screen, you can type in the name of the
3. When you press the ‘Enter'key the e—mail address will
automatically be added to the Address Book under the
name that you typed.
Viewing the Previous or Next e-Mail Message in a
List of Messages
Once you have opened a message to read m you can read
another message without returning to the List View, Once
you have opened a message in your Inbox, you can use a
keyboard shortcut to open the message that ls above or
below (Previous or Next) the one you are currently reading,
Here's howto read the Next or Previous message in a list;
1) Open an email message that is in your lnbox.
2) When you are finished reading it, press and hold the ’Ctrl'
key and press the ’Dowrr‘arrow key once.
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3) On the next screen you will see the nexr message that
was listed below the message you werejusr reading.
4) If you press and hold the‘czrl'key and press the Up’arraw
key once, you will see me "Previous‘ message that was
listed above the message yuu were Just reading.
S) Van can return to the Llsr View by pressing the’ESC’ke'y or
the Mail Box‘key.
Replying to an e-Mail Message
When you receive e—mail messages, you can reply to lhe
message wilhoul re—ryping what the sender wrote and
withoul addressing the message all over again.This can save
you a great deal of time, especially when there are multiple
recipients (0 a message.
Here’s how to reply to an email message:
l) Open an e—marl message that isln your Inbox
2) Press the ‘Actlon‘ key (0 disply the action menu.
3) Then,you can selecr“Reply to Sender“ which will send a
reply ONLV to the person lhal sent you the message, or
you can select ‘Reply to All' which will send a reply to
EVERYONE that received (he original message. Hrghlighr
eirher action and press the‘Emer'key
4) Your VTech° e—Mail Expness'" will auromaticallyaddress
the message and copy the contents of the original
message to the bottom of your reply
5) if you wish, you can add more email addresses to your
seen-1m MMI min] 22 mm. mum
fl l
6) When you havefinished typing yourreuly, press the‘Done'
key to place it in the Outhcx
Forwarding an e—Mall Message
You can easily forward a message you have received to
someone that did not receive it.This is slightly different from
replying to a message because you are sending it tosomeone
that did not originally receive it
Here; how to forward an email message:
1) Open an e-mail message that IS in yourlnbux,
2) Press the‘Action’ key and select 'Fotward Message' from
the action menu,
3) VourVTech‘eMail Express?“ will automatically copy the
cuntents dfthe original message to the bottom of your
forwarded message.
¢J Add an e—mail address to the 'TO“or ‘CC'blank and type
your message.
5) When you havefinished typing yourreply, press the’Dune’
key to place it in the Outbox.
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Copying an e-Mall Message to the Message
Archive Folder
You can use the Message Archive Folder to store your favorite
or important e—mail messages.
Here’s how to copy an e—maii message to the Message
Amhive folder:
1) Select a messa ge you want to copy to the Message
Archive foldeni'his message can be highlighted in the
List View ofanorher folder or it can be a message you
are currently reading
2) Press the Actio n‘ key and selecl'Copry [0 Archive” From
the action menu
5) Press rhe’Enter’key and the selected e—mail message
will be copied to (he Message Archive folder.
Vie-wing More e—Mail Message Information
when you open a new messagexhe information in the'FROM',
‘TO’,“‘CC‘and SUBJECT blanks temporariiy appears on the
screen Ahhough this information appears temporarily, it is
possible to view it after you begin to read the contents ofthe
mes sage
Here’s how tnview mall massage information:
i Open an email message that is in wur inbox
2, After the “FROMf'TO”, ‘C ‘ and "SUBJECT” information
disappear from the screen. select'v’rew info Box"from me
action menu and press Ihe'Enter’key.
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3. The email message information will appear on the screen
again until you press any key to remove it.
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Inserting 'My signmure'into an e-Mall Message
Many people like to add a unique touch to the bottom of
every email messagethey sendvThis can be a iamous quote,
a designorjust the sender's contact informationlhe text that
is added to the bottom of a message is called a ’5ignature’,
Instead of typing your 'signature’ every time you send a
message, you can easily insert it using a quick action.
Here’s how to insert your’signature’:
I) Press the “Write Message‘ key to begin a new e-mail
2) Press the ‘Action'key and select insert Jfrorn the action
3) On the next screen, select‘My Signature'from the Iistof
insert options.
4) Press the ‘Enter‘ key to insert your 'signature:
Please note that before you can insert your 'signature' you
need to first create it in My eMaii Profile‘ You can aiso setup
your Wech' eMaiI Express“ to automatically insert your
signature in every message you write 5ee the ’My evMaiI
Profile'sectron in the Toolfchapter oftheUser Guidefor more
information on creating your‘signatuief
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Inserting a Pre-typed Sentence into an e-Mail
Your Wed-0 eMaiI Express”l has a library of commonly
used sentences and phrases that you can quickly men into
an e-mail message wrthcur typrng them. These phrases
mcludeflt was a pleasure to meet you'and ”Please feel free to
contact mefetc.
Here's how to insert a pro-typed sentence into an e-mail
l) Press the Write Message’ key to begin a new email
2) Pressthe’Acflun’keyand selecr”lnsen Jirom the action
3) On the next screen,selecr‘5enten ce'fl’om the list of insert
4] Scroll through the list of pre-typed sentences and
highlrght the one you want to insert into your message
5) Press the‘Enter‘key to men the rare-typed sentence
Inserting in e-Clrd Into an e-Mail Mom 9:
If someone you know also uses the vtechworldmm e-mail
service, you can send him or her an animated greeting card
ln an email message, For an e—Card to work properly, the
rempient must also have "vtechwcrldcom' after the ‘@”slgn
ii’l hls or her e~rnall address.
There lS an e{ard for Just about any occasion.Ycu can send
a 'Happv Birthday'e-card ora ‘Thlnking of You‘ e—card,
Here’s haw to Insert an e-card into an email message:
1) Press the New'key to begin a new e-mail message.
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2) Press the'Actinn'ke-y and selea“insert .,'from the mien
3) On the next screen, select'e-Card'irom the list of insert
4) Scroll through the list of e—Card titles and highlight the
one you want to insert into your message.
5) Press the ‘Emer' key to insert the e—Card.
Please note that if you send an e~Card to someone that does
not use the vtechworldcom e-mail servinemhey wrll only see
a line of lettersmurnbers or symbols atthe topof your e—mail
message. Like they say, however, it's the thought that counts!
Inserting a Smiley Symbol into an e-Mail Message
Your VTedl' e-Mail Express“ has a library of expressive
symbols, or smileys, that can be inserted into an e-mail
messageA smiley symbol can convey your current mood or
how you feel about something
Here‘s how to insert a smiley symbol into an email
1) Press the New‘ key to begin a new e-mail message.
2) Press the ’Actron‘key and select ”Insert. 'frorn the action
men u.
3) On the next screen, select'Srniley'irom the list of insert
option 1
4) Scroll through the list ofsm lley symbols and hith ig ht the
one you want to insert into your message.
5) Press the Enter key to m sen the smiley symbol.
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Calendarmhah it?
The Calendar helps you keep track cf events, blrrhdays,
anniversaries and appol ntments You can View your sched u le
in da|ly or monthly formats
Whereis it?
The Calendar is located in the ‘Main Menu’ on your
Wech' e»MaiI Express“.
when do I use It?
Youoan use theCaIendar any time you want to vieworcreate
an event that you need to remember.
Using the Calendar
1. nghlight 'Ca|endar'in the'Marn Menu‘using the‘Up‘and
Down’armw keys and press the ‘Enter‘ key,
1 The next screen isthe”Dain Vlew'of the current day‘lou
can select ”Munrhly View' from the action menu by
pressing the Mlon’ key, scrolling to ”Monthly Vlew"and
prE'SSl n g the 'Entel' key
3. lfyuu select'MontthViewfycu will see a dot next to the
date on any daythat has a scheduled eventUse the arrow
keys and the Enter key to highlight and view all of the
events on a specific day.
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4. To add an event to a specrfic day in‘Daily View7highlighz
a time of the day and press the ‘Enler' key.Vou can also
select‘New Event'or'EdltEvenr’from the action menu to
create or edit an EVent.
flee-KW revleo
=W- 23” Lunch with
5. When you are finished creating or editing an event press
the'Done‘ key to save your changes
Please note that if the small dot seen on ~Monthly View~ is
near the top of the date box, then the event on that day is
scheduled before 12:00pm,lf the small do! is near the bottom
of the date bouhenlheevent on that clay is scheduled after
l 2:00pm.
Calendarview Shorkuts
When you are viewrng the Calendar in “Monthly View? there
are some shortcuts that can be raken using the keyboard to
change what day or month you are viewing.
Try these quick Calendar keyboard shortcuts:
Mmjumps to the previous month,
Mmjumps to th e next month
1 121th km: moves the cursor to the same day of the
previous week.
Mamas/es (hecursor [0 same day ofnexl week.
Leiamlsex moves the cursor to the previous day
MMmoves the cursor to the next day.
mflisplays Ihe'DailyView”0flhe day selected by the
mm [final mm) a Ill/I‘M. man m
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3 l
assoc m4 (mm mm) an m vw, am PM
Viewing a Specific Date
Here's how you can quickly viewthe events on a specific
1. ln the Calendar, selecl”GoTo Date"from the action menu
and press the 'Enter'key,
2 On the next screentype in the date that you would llke
to view.
3 Press lhe’Entei‘ key and you will see the specified date.
Deleting All the Events on a Specific Day
Here’s how you can delete all of the events on a specifi:
1. Whlle m a‘DainVlew'seIect”DelElE Events’fiomthe action
2. Hughllght ~Full Day Events” and press the 'Enter’ key to
delete all of the events on that day.
Copying an Event to Another Date
lnstead ofretyping a repeated event on several different dates,
ta ke the followmg steps to copy an event to a n other date‘
1. While ln a'Dally Vlew‘,’ highlight the event you would like
to copy to another date
2. Select "Copy Event to” from the action menu and press
the Enter’ key.
3, On the next screenyou can select the date (0 which you
want to copy the highlighted event.
4. Press the’Ermeflkey to copythe even: to the maimed date.
l |
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Address Bookzwh a! is it?
The Address Book on yourVTech° email Expressm helps
you organize and stureallofyour home addressestelephone
numbers a nd e-ma rI addresses. e lther by indrvid ual (Personal
records) or by group malling IlSl (Group records)
where is it?
You can find the Address Bock m the ‘Maln Menu’ of your
VTech° e-Mail Express”. You can also open the Address
Book by pressing the 'Address’ key.
when do I use it“!
You can use the Address Book to quickly access a relephone
number of a friend or family member you would like to write
mail to. Also,you can use the ‘Addresf key to quickly aczess a
list dfe-mail addresses and insert them into an em l| message.
Using the Address Book
1. Hrghlrght'Address Book“in the Main Menu using lhe Up’
and ‘Down’ arrow keys, Once ll lS highlighted, press the
’Enrer’l leally happy
:-) winky smile
:-( sad
‘»l not good
.-P silly face
:-& tongue tied
E—) wears glasses
{5} wears a toupee
i-il wears braces
[‘—) wears headphones
\-o bored
:-9 yum my
_| i
56600 W (Inll "1101 39 1M "93.114 PM
I l
3 \
um w (an u/w)
left handed
cryi n 9
la ughw'ng
sunglasses on head
have cold
Santa Gaus
girl with how
man wwth bow-tie
punk rocker
big nose
double chin
mums, 324 an

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