VTech Telecommunications 80-0148-00 2.4GHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Baby Monitor - Baby Unit User Manual VM344

VTech Telecommunications Ltd 2.4GHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Baby Monitor - Baby Unit VM344


User Manual (VM344)

User’s manualVM344/VM344-2Safe & Sound® Pan & Tilt Full Color  Video Monitor Congratulationson purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this product, please read Important safety instructions. For support, shopping, and everything new at VTech, visit our website at  www.vtechphones.com.Register online to get an additional  3-month warranty!Visit www.vtechphones.com.RegistrationRegister your product online for enhanced warranty support.Product newsLearn about the latest VTech  products.What’s in the box Install the batteryYou can power up the parent unit by connecting it to AC power or to the rechargeable battery provided. Even if the parent unit is connected to  AC power, we recommend you also install the battery. This guarantees continual operation in case of a power outage.Install the battery as shown below.NOTESMake sure the label THIS SIDE UP is facing up while inserting the battery.NOTESThe operating time for using the rechargeable battery is short. If you want to monitor your baby for a long time, we recommend you connect the parent unit to AC power.If the parent unit will not be used for a long time, disconnect and remove the battery to prevent possible leakage.••Connect and charge the batteryNOTESUse only the battery supplied with this product.Use only the power adapters supplied with this product.Make sure the electrical outlets are not controlled by wall switches.The power adapters are intended to be correctly oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The prongs are not designed to hold the plug in place if they are plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table or cabinet outlet.Make sure the parent unit, the baby unit and the power adapter cords are out of reach of children.Connect the baby monitor •••••Charge the parent unit batteryWhen you have connected the parent unit and installed its battery for the first time or after power outage, the parent unit powers on automatically. The battery icon indicates the battery status (see the following table).NOTESThe parent unit battery is fully charged after  3 hours of continuous charging.It takes longer to charge the battery when the parent unit is turned on. To shorten the charging time, turn the parent unit off while charging.The standby time varies depending on the sensitivity level you set, your actual use and the age of the battery.Battery indicatorsBattery statusActionThe battery icon is off and   displays.No battery is installed but operates using AC power, or the battery has been installed incorrectly.Install the parent unit battery. Charge without interruption  (at least  30 minutes).The screen displays Battery low  at Parent Unit and  . The   lightlight flashes.The battery has very little charge and may be used for only a short time.Charge without interruption (about  30 minutes).The battery icon becomes solid  .The battery is fully charged.To keep the battery charged, connect it to AC power when not in use.•••Before useYou may test the baby monitor before initial use, and at regular times thereafter. To test your baby monitor:Place the parent unit and the baby unit in the same room to test the product. Make sure the baby unit is at least 1 meter / 3 feet away from the parent unit.Slide   on the baby unit to turn it on.Upon initial use, the parent unit powers on automatically after connecting to AC power. The screen shows   and Powering on.... NOTEIf both units are not connected, the parent unit displays  and then No link to CAM # (# represents the selected baby unit number) on the screen. The LINK light first flashes and then turns off. Move the parent unit closer to the baby unit.1.2.3.Positioning the baby monitorNOTEThis baby monitor is intended as an aid. It is not a substitute for proper adult supervision, and should not be used as such.CAUTIONKeep the baby unit out of the reach of your baby. Never place or mount the baby unit inside the baby’s crib or playpen.Place the baby unit at least 1 meter / 3 feet away from your baby. Adjust the angle of the camera to aim at your baby.At least 1 meter(3 feet) Place parent unit at least 1 meter / 3 feet away from the baby unit.At least 1 meter (3 feet) NOTEIf you experience audio feedback on either the parent unit or baby unit, move the parent unit further away until there is no more audio feedback.TIPIf you cannot hear the sounds transmitted from the baby unit, you can choose a higher sound sensitivity level and increase the speaker volume of the parent unit.Operating rangeThe operating range of the baby monitor is up to 300 meters (1,000 feet) outdoors or 50 meters (160 feet) indoors. The actual operating range may vary depending on the environmental conditions and other interferences such as walls, doors and other obstructions.1.2.OverviewBaby unit overviewabcghijkdelmfabcghijkdelmfabcghijkdelmf1Light sensor2Infrared LEDs3Camera4Microphone5-/VOL/+Press to adjust the listening volume.•6Speaker7ON/OFF LED lightOn when the baby unit is turned on and is paired to the parent unit.Flashes when the baby unit is pairing to the parent unit.••8ON/OFF switchSlide to turn on or off the baby unit.•9Antenna10 Temperature sensor11 Power jack12 Threaded socketFor wall mount installation use.•13 PAIRPress and hold to pair to the parent unit when a desired baby unit slot is chosen at the parent unit. •Parent unit overviewdeabc1LCD ON/OFFPress and hold to turn off the parent unit screen.VIEWPress to view the image of the next baby unit in SINGLE-CAM or PATROL mode.••2PATROLPress to turn on or off the PATROL mode.•3SPLITPress to turn on or off the  SPLIT-VIEW mode.•4Speaker5Standfghijkmnopqrsl6Antenna7LED lightsIndicate the different statuses of the parent unit. For details, refer to Parent unit lights. •8Microphone9 ZoomWhile viewing image, press to zoom in or out. •10 TALKWhile viewing image, press and hold to talk to the selected baby unit.•11 +/VOL/-Press to adjust the speaker volume.•12 Power jack13  BACKWhile in a menu, press to return to the main menu or idle screen.While viewing image, press and hold to move the image leftward.••14  On/offPress and hold to power on.Press and hold again to power off.••15 MENU/SELECTPress to enter the menu.While in a menu, press to choose an item, or save a setting.••16  While in a menu, press to scroll up.While viewing image, press and hold to move the image upward.••17  While in a menu, press to scroll down.While viewing image, press and hold to move the image downward.••18  While in a menu, press to select a feature.While viewing image, press and hold to move the image rightward.••19 LCD displayParent unit lightsLINK On when the parent unit is linked to the baby unit.Flashes when the link to a baby unit is lost.On when the parent unit is connected to AC power, or the battery is charging.Flashes when the parent unit battery is low and needs charging.Off when the parent unit is disconnected from AC power.TALK On when the parent unit is talking to the baby unit.On when the speaker volume of the parent unit is turned off.Parent unit display iconsConnection status displays when strong signal strength is detected between the baby unit and the parent unit. or   displays when moderate or low signal strength is detected between the baby unit and the parent unit. displays when the link between the baby unit and the parent unit  is lost.••• or  or  or Current view statusDisplays the number of the baby unit that is being viewed when in  SINGLE-CAM mode.Displays the highlighted baby unit when in SPLIT-VIEW mode.••Patrol modeDisplays when the parent unit is in PATROL mode.•Split-view modeDisplays when the parent unit is in SPLIT-VIEW mode.•Night viewingDisplays when the camera has activated the night viewing feature. •ZoomDisplays when the camera at the baby unit has zoomed in.•Temperature alertDisplays when the temperature alert is set on.•57 oF  or  14 oCReal-time temperatureDisplays the real-time temperature of the selected baby unit.•Mute alertDisplays when the speaker volume is set to off.Displays when SPLIT-VIEW mode is turned on.••orSound level indicatorsDisplays the sound level according to the scales of loudness when there is sound transmitted from the baby unit.Speaker volumeDisplays the speaker volume level while adjusting.••Battery status animates when the battery is charging. displays solid when the battery is fully charged. displays when the battery is low and needs charging.•••AC powerDisplays when the parent unit is connected to AC power without the battery.•Parent unit main menu iconsLanguageYou can select a language (English, French or Spanish) to be used in all screen displays.Alert ToneYou can set the parent unit to beep whenthe parent unit operates in low battery condition;the link between the parent unit and the baby unit is lost; orthe baby unit detects sounds while in SPLIT-VIEW mode.•••SensitivityWith this feature, you can choose to hear sounds from the baby unit all the time, or to hear sounds that exceed a certain level. You can use the parent unit to adjust the microphone sensitivity of your baby unit. The higher the sensitivity level, the more sensitive the baby unit is in detecting sounds for transmitting to the parent unit.TemperatureYou can turn on the temperature alert feature so that the parent unit beeps whenever the room temperature detected by the baby unit falls out of the desired temperature range.VibrationYou can turn on the vibration alert so that the parent unit vibrates when it receives Low battery tone, No link alert, Sound alert in split-view or Temperature alert after these alert tones are turned on.Sound-activated Screen Automatically turns on the parent unit screen when a baby unit detects a sound after the screen is turned off. When no sound is detected, the screen is off to save power.LCDYou can change the brightness of the parent unit screen, or turn on the Dim Mode to save power.RenameYou can choose a specific name for the baby unit from a pre-defined name list.Pair/UnpairThe baby unit and parent unit provided are already paired. You can add or replace baby units (VM314, purchased separately) to your baby monitor system.Parent unit display messages No link to  CAM # (# represents the selected baby unit number).The selected baby unit is out of range or is turned off. Battery low at Parent UnitThe battery level of the parent unit is very low and needs to be recharged.Battery empty. Powering off ... The battery is empty and needs to be recharged. Sound detected at CAM #  (# represents the selected baby unit number).The sound level exceeds the threshold at CAM # in SPLIT-VIEW mode.Temperature  too low  at CAM #  (# represents the selected baby unit number).The temperature detected from the selected baby unit is below the selected minimum temperature.Temperature  too high at CAM #  (# represents the selected baby unit number).The temperature detected from the selected baby unit is above the selected maximum temperature.Powering on... The parent unit is turning on. The parent unit is searching for baby units.Using the baby monitorPower on or off the baby unitSlide   upward to turn on the baby unit. The ON/OFF LED light turns on.Slide   downward to turn off the baby unit. The ON/OFF LED light turns off.Power on or off the parent unitPress and hold   to turn on the parent unit. The screen turns on.Press and hold   again to turn off the parent unit. The screen turns off.Turn on or off the parent unit screenYou can turn on or off the parent unit screen without powering off the parent unit. You can still hear sound from the baby unit.Press and hold VIEW on the parent unit to turn off the screen.Press any key on the parent unit to turn on the screen again.Adjust speaker volumeFor parent unit:Press VOL+ or VOL- on the parent unit at any time when viewing images.NOTEWhen the parent unit speaker volume is set to zero,   appears on the screen and the   light turns on.For baby unit:Press VOL+ or VOL- on the baby unit at any time.Set the languageYou can select a language (English, French or Spanish) to be used in all screen displays.Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Language, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose English, Français or Español, then press SELECT to confirm your selection. ••••••••1.2.3.Adjust screen brightnessYou can change the brightness of the parent unit screen from Level 1 to Level 5. Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose LCD, then press SELECT.Press SELECT again to choose Brightness.Press   or   to choose the desired level of brightness, then press SELECT to confirm your selection. Turn on or off the dim modeThe dim mode is preset to on to help you save the parent unit power. Whenever the parent unit has been left idle for 10 minutes while the screen is still on, the screen will be dimmed automatically to save power. You can turn on or off the dim mode by the following steps.Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose LCD, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose Dim Mode, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose On or Off, then press SELECT to confirm your selection.NOTEWhile the screen is dimmed, any keypress or alert message will trigger the screen to return to the preset brightness level. After 10 minutes of idle, it will be dimmed again.Adjust the sound sensitivity of the baby unitYou can choose to hear sounds from the baby unit all the time, or to hear sounds that exceed a certain level. You can use the parent unit to adjust the microphone sensitivity of your baby unit from Lowest to Highest. The higher the sensitivity level, the more sensitive the baby unit is in detecting sounds for transmitting to the parent unit. The sound sensitivity is preset  to Medium. sensitivity table for referenceLevel Sensitivity DescriptionHighest High sensitivityLow sensitivityThe parent unit speaker is constantly on, and you will hear all sounds (including background noises) from your baby’s room.High The parent unit speaker turns on for soft babbling and louder sounds from your baby. It remains quiet when your baby sleeps soundly.Medium The parent unit speaker turns on for loud babbling and louder sounds from your baby. It remains quiet when your baby makes soft sounds.Low The parent unit speaker turns on for crying and louder sounds from your baby. It remains quiet when your baby makes soft sounds.Lowest The parent unit speaker turns on for loud crying or screeching sounds from your baby. It remains quiet when your baby makes soft sounds.Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Sensitivity, then press SELECT. If you have more than one baby unit, the system prompts you to choose the desired baby unit or all baby units, press  or   to choose ALL CAM or CAM #, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose the desired sensitivity level, then press SELECT to confirm your selection.TIPYou can adjust the baby unit placement to improve the sound detection.1.2.•3.Turn on or off the sound activationWhen sound activation is on, as long as no sound is detected within 50 seconds, the parent unit screen will turn off automatically to save power.When your baby detects a sound, the sound activation triggers the parent unit screen to turn on automatically. When no sound is detected within 50 seconds, the screen will be off again.Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose  SOUND-ACTIVATED SCREEN,  then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose On or Off, then press SELECT to confirm your selection. The screen returns to main menu.NOTEIf you mute the speaker while sound activation is on, then you hear a beep sound whenever the screen turns on.TIPSTo save your parent unit’s power, you can  press and hold VIEW to turn off the screen after you make any changes to your parent unit.If you need to turn on the parent unit screen for a long period of time, we recommend you connect it to AC power.Monitoring modeEvery time the parent unit is turned on, it displays a baby unit in SINGLE-CAM mode. If there are more than one baby units in your system, you can also monitor your baby in PATROL or SPLIT-VIEW mode.SINGLE-CAM - The screen displays a single baby unit in full screen.PATROL   - A single cam view that transits to a different baby unit every 7 seconds.SPLIT-VIEW   - The screen displays all baby units (up to 4) on one screen.In SINGLE-CAM or PATROL mode:Press VIEW to view the next baby unit.Press PATROL to switch between  SINGLE-CAM mode and PATROL mode.Press SPLIT to enter the SPLIT-VIEW mode. 1.2.3.•••••BC1 set for VM3442 sets for VM344-2
In SPLIT-VIEW mode:Press  ,  ,   or   to select a baby unit.Press   or VIEW key to view the selected baby unit temporarily in SINGLE-CAM mode. It returns to SPLIT-VIEW mode after 10 seconds.Press PATROL to enter the PATROL mode. Press SPLIT to return to SINGLE-CAM or PATROL mode. NOTESThe parent unit is muted while in SPLIT-VIEW mode.ZoomYou can zoom in or out while viewing image from baby unit in SINGLE-CAM mode.Press   to zoom in. Press and hold  ,  ,   or   to move the zoomed image upward, downward, leftward or rightward correspondingly. Press   again to zoom out.TalkYou can use the TALK function of the parent unit to comfort your baby in SINGLE-CAM mode.Press and hold TALK on the parent unit. TheThe TALK light turns on.Speak towards the microphone on the parent unit. Your voice is broadcast to the baby unit. Release the TALK key to stop the broadcast. The TALK light goes off.Set alert toneLow battery toneYou can set the parent unit to beep when the parent unit operates in low battery condition.Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Alert Tone, then press SELECT.Press   or   choose Low Battery Tone, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose On or Off, then press SELECT to confirm your selection. ••••••• link alertYou can set the parent unit to beep when the link between the parent unit and the baby unit is lost. Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Alert Tone, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose No Link Alert, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose On or Off, then press SELECT to confirm your selection. Sound alert in split-viewYou can turn on the sound alert feature so that, while in SPLIT-VIEW mode, the parent unit beeps and displays Sound detected at CAM # whenever the baby unit detects sounds.Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Alert Tone, then press SELECT to select.Press   or   to choose Sound alert in  split-view, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose On or Off, then press SELECT to confirm your selection.Monitor the temperatureTo monitor the temperature of your baby’s room, you can turn on the temperature alert feature on the parent unit. It beeps whenever the temperature detected by the baby unit falls out of the desired temperature range.Minimum temperatureYou can set the desired minimum room temperature of the room temperature alert range. The minimum temperature can be set between 52 oF (11 oC) and 69 oF (20 oC). Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Temperature, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose Minimum, then press SELECT.If you have more than one baby unit, the system prompts you to choose the desired baby unit or all baby units, press  or   to choose ALL CAM or CAM #, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose the desired temperature, then press SELECT to confirm your selection.•4.Maximum temperatureYou can set the desired maximum room temperature of the temperature alert range. The maximum temperature can be set between  70 oF (21 oC) and 86 oF (30 oC).Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Temperature, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose Maximum, then press SELECT. If you have more than one baby unit, the system prompts you to choose the desired baby unit or all baby units, press  or   to choose ALL CAM or CAM #, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose the desired temperature, then press SELECT to confirm your selection.Temperature alertYou can set the parent unit to beep when the temperature is out of the preset temperature range. Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Temperature, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose Alert Tone, then press SELECT.If you have more than one baby unit, the system prompts you to choose the desired baby unit or all baby units, press  or   to choose ALL CAM or CAM #, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose On or Off, then press SELECT to confirm your selection.Temperature formatYou can choose to display the temperature in Fahrenheit (oF) or Celcius (oC).Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Temperature, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose Format, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose Fahrenheit or Celsius, then press SELECT to confirm your selection.1.2.3.•• can turn on the vibration feature so that the parent unit vibrates when it receives Low battery tone, No link alert, Sound alert in split-view or Temperature alert after turning on these alert tones.Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Vibration, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose Always on or Off.Always on - The parent unit vibrates regardless of the speaker volume setting.Off - The parent unit will not vibrate at all instance.Press SELECT to confirm your selection.Rename the baby unitYou can rename each baby unit. Once the baby unit is renamed, its new name together with the baby unit number will appear in the sub-menu of below options:Sensitivity• Rename•Temperature• Pair/Unpair•Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Rename, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose the desired baby unit, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose the desired name for the baby unit, then press SELECT to confirm your selection.Night visionThe baby unit has infrared LEDs that allow you to see your baby clearly at night or in a dark room. When the baby unit detects low light levels, the infrared LEDs are switched on automatically.NOTEWhen the infrared LEDs are on, the image is in black and white. This is normal due to external light sources.TIPDepending on the surroundings and other interfering factors, like lightings, objects, colors and backgrounds, the display resolution may vary. Adjust the baby unit’s angle or place the baby unit at a higher level to prevent glare and blurry display.1.2.3.•• new baby unit (VM314)The baby units and parent unit provided are already paired. You can add or replace any baby units (VM314 purchased separately) to your video and audio monitor system. You can pair a maximum of four baby units to your parent unit.For more details, refer to the user’s manual that comes with your VM314 new baby unit.General product careTo keep this product working well and looking good, follow these guidelines:Avoid putting it near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or fluorescent lamps).DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.Clean with a soft cloth.DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby unit in water and do not clean them under the tap.DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry before you connect them to the mains again.StorageWhen you are not going to use the baby monitor for some time, remove the rechargeable battery from the parent unit. Store the parent unit, the baby unit and the adapters in a cool and dry place.•••••••Frequently asked questionsBelow are the questions most frequently asked about the baby monitor. If you cannot find the answer to your question, visit our website at www.vtechphones.com, or contact 1 (800) 595-9511 for customer service.Why does the baby monitor not respond normally?Try the following (in the order listed) for common sure:1. Disconnect the power to the baby units and the parent unit.2. Remove the batteries in the parent unit. Then install the batteries again.3. Wait a few minutes before connecting power back to the baby units and the parent unit.4. Turn on the baby units and the parent unit.5. Wait for the parent unit to synchronize with the baby units. Allow up to one minute for this to take place.Why don’t the power-on light of the baby unit and parent unit go on when I switch on the units?Perhaps the parent unit is not connected to the mains. Insert the appliance plug into the parent unit and put the adapter in a wall socket. Then press   to switch on the parent unit and to establish connection with the baby unit.Perhaps the baby unit is not connected to the mains. Connect the baby unit to the mains. Then set the   switch to ON to switch on the baby unit and to establish connection with the parent unit.Why doesn’t my parent unit charge while connected to AC power?Make sure the power is not controlled by a wall switch.You may have used the battery for a long time. Replace a new battery.Why is my screen in black and white?The screen is in black and white during nighttime or in a dark room. This is normal due to external light sources.Why do I get glare or blurry display on my screen when viewing my baby at night?During nighttime or in a dark room, the surroundings and other interfering factors, like lightings, objects, colors and backgrounds may affect the image quality on your parent unit screen. Adjust the baby unit’s angle or place the baby unit at a higher level to prevent glare and blurry display.Why does the baby monitor produce a high-pitched noise?The units may be too close to each other. Make sure the parent unit and the baby unit at least  1 meter/3 feet away from each other.The ON/OFF light on the baby unit flashes and the parent unit displays  .The baby unit is unpaired from the parent unit.Make sure both parent unit and baby unit are on before pairing.Press MENU when the parent unit is not in use.Press   or   to choose Pair/Unpair CAM, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose Pair CAM, then press SELECT.Press   or   to choose an empty baby unit slot, then press SELECT. The parent unit screen displays Press and hold the pair button at the CAM for 5 seconds until the power indicator flashes..Immediately press and hold PAIR on the bottom of the baby unit with a narrow pointed object such as a pencil. The LED light flashes quickly.When pairing is successful, the screen displays the view of newly paired baby unit in SINGLE-CAM mode. The LED light on the new baby unit remains on.If pairing fails, the screen displays Pairing failed. Try the pairing process again.Only one baby unit can be paired at a time.••Why does the parent unit beep?The baby units may be out of range. Move the parent unit closer to the baby units (but not less than 3 feet).If the parent unit is powered by the provided battery, it may not have enough charge for the parent unit to perform normally. Charge the  battery in the parent unit for up to 3 hours.If your parent unit is in SPLIT-VIEW mode, some of your baby units may detect sounds. The temperature of your baby’s room may be too high or too low.Why does the parent unit beep/vibrate frequently in SPLIT-VIEW mode?You may have set the sound sensitivity level to level 5 when the sound alert (and vibration) feature are turned on. The parent unit notifies you of all sounds including background noise with beeps (or vibrations). Adjust the sound sensitivity to a lower level.Why does the parent unit react too quickly to other sounds?The baby unit also picks up other sounds than those of your baby. Adjust the sensitivity level to a lower level or adjust the speaker volume on the parent unit.Why don’t I hear a sound/Why can’t I hear my baby cry?The parent unit speaker volume may be too low or off. Press VOL+ to increase the volume. You may have set a low sound sensitivity level. See Adjust the sound sensitivity of the baby unit to change the setting.Why can’t I establish a connection? Why is the connection lost every now and then? Why are there sound interruptions?The baby units may be out of range. Move the parent unit closer to the baby units (but not less than 3 feet).Other electronic products may cause interference with your baby monitor. Try installing your baby monitor as far away from these electronic devices as possible.Important safety instructionsWhen using your equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury, including the following:Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.Adult setup is required.This product is intended as an aid. It is not a substitute for responsible and proper adult supervision and should not be used as such.This product is not intended for use as a medical monitor.Do not use this product near water. For example, do not use it next to a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub or swimming pool, or in a wet basement or shower.CAUTION: Use only the batteries indicated in this manual. There may be a risk of explosion if a wrong type of battery is used for the parent unit. Use only the supplied rechargeable battery or replacement battery pack (BT198555/BT298555) for the parent unit. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. They may explode. Dispose of used battery according to the information in The RBRC® seal.Use only the adapters included with this product. Incorrect adapter polarity or voltage can seriously damage the product.  Baby unit power adapter: Input 100-240V AC 300mA 50/60 Hz; output: 5V DC 1000mA  Parent unit power adapter: Input 100-240V AC 300mA 50/60 Hz; output: 5V DC 1000mA.The power adapters are intended to be correctly oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The prongs are not designed to hold the plug in place if it is plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table or cabinet outlet.For pluggable equipment, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible. this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.Unplug the power cords before replacing batteries.Do not cut off the power adapters to replace them with other plugs, as this causes a hazardous situation.Do not allow anything to rest on the power cords. Do not install this product where the cords may be walked on or crimped.This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply in your home, consult your dealer or local power company.Do not overload wall outlets or use an extension cord.Do not place this product on an unstable table, shelf, stand or other unstable surfaces.This product should not be placed in any area where proper ventilation is not provided. Slots and openings in the back or bottom of this product are provided for ventilation. To protect them from overheating, these openings must not be blocked by placing the product on a soft surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register.Never push objects of any kind into this product through the slots because they may touch dangerous voltage points or create a short circuit. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this product, but take it to an authorized service facility. Opening or removing parts of the product other than specified access doors may expose you to dangerous voltages or other risks. Incorrect reassembling can cause electric shock when the product is subsequently used.You should test the sound reception every time you turn on the units or move one of the components.Periodically examine all components for damage.Be aware of possible loss of privacy while using public airwaves. Conversations may be picked up by other nursery monitors, cordless phones, scanners, etc.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the product.The product is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS10. and store the product at a temperature between 32oF and 104oF.Do not expose the product to extreme cold, heat or direct sunlight. Do not put the product close to a heating source.Batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat such as bright sunshine or fire.Make sure the baby unit(s) and the adapter cord(s) are always out of reach of the baby, at least 3 feet away from the baby or crib, to avoid a possible strangulation hazard.Never place the baby unit(s) inside the baby’s crib or playpen. Never cover the baby unit(s) or parent unit with anything such as a towel or a blanket.Other electronic products may cause interference with your baby monitor. Try installing your baby monitor as far away from these electronic devices as possible: wireless routers, radios, cellular telephones, intercoms, room monitors, televisions, personal computers, kitchen appliances and cordless telephones.Precautions for users of implanted cardiac pacemakersCardiac pacemakers (applies only to digital cordless devices):Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), an independent research entity, led a multidisciplinary evaluation of the interference between portable wireless devices and implanted cardiac pacemakers. Supported by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, WTR recommends to physicians that:Pacemaker patientsShould keep wireless devices at least six inches from the pacemaker.Should NOT place wireless devices directly over the pacemaker, such as in a breast pocket, when it is turned ON.WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk to bystanders with pacemakers from other persons using wireless devices.Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This VTech product complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). If handled properly and according to the instructions in this user’s manual, the product is safe to be used based on scientific evidence available today.••The RBRC® sealThe RBRC® seal on the lithium-ion battery indicates that VTech Communications, Inc. is voluntarily participating in an industry program to collect and recycle these batteries at the end of their useful lives, when taken out of service within the United States and Canada.The RBRC® program provides a convenient alternative to placing used lithium-ion batteries into the trash or municipal waste, which may be illegal in your area.VTech’s participation in RBRC® makes it easy for you to drop off the spent battery at local retailers participating in the RBRC® program or at authorized VTech product service centers. Please call  1 (800) 8 BATTERY® for information on Li-ion battery recycling and disposal bans/restrictions in your area. VTech’s involvement in this program is part of its commitment to protecting our environment and conserving natural resources.RBRC® and 1 (800) 8 BATTERY® are registered trademarks of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation.FCC and IC regulationsFCC Part 15This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These requirements are intended to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WARNING: Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.••••This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander according to the intended usage of the product. This product has been tested and found to comply with the FCC criteria. The baby unit shall be installed and used such that parts of all persons’ body are maintained at a distance of approximately 8 in (20 cm) or more. The transmitter and antenna of the parent unit shall be held at least 1 in (2.5 cm) from your face.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian requirement: CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)Industry CanadaThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation.The term ‘’IC:‘’ before the certification/registration number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications were met.This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications.RF radiation exposure statementThe baby unit complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. The baby unit should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 8 in (20 cm) between the baby unit and all persons’ body. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This equipment complies also with Industry Canada RSS-102 with respect to Canada’s Health Code 6 for Exposure of Humans to RF Fields.California Energy Commission battery charging testing modeThis baby monitor meets the California Energy Commission (CEC) regulations for energy consumption. Your baby monitor is set up to comply with the energy-conserving standards right out of the box.Follow the instructions to install and charge the battery. The CEC battery charging testing mode is activated while charging.Even if the parent unit is paired to baby units, the CEC battery charging testing mode is activated while it is powered off and charging.For cETL compliance onlyMesures de sécurité importantesLorsque vous utilisez votre appareil, vous devriez toujours suivre certaines mesures de précaution de base afin de réduire les risques d’incendie, d’électrocution et de blessures corporelles, dont ceux qui suivent :Observez toutes les instructions et mises en garde inscrites sur l’appareil.L’installation par un adulte est requise.Ce produit a été conçu pour être un dispositif d’appoint seulement. Il n’est pas le remplacement d’une supervision responsable et adéquate par un adulte et ne devrait pas être utilisé comme telle.Ce produit n’est pas conçu pour être utilisé en tant que moniteur médical.N’utilisez pas cet appareil près de l’eau ni de toute autre source d’humidité, par exemple, près d’une baignoire, cuve à lessive, évier de cuisine, dans un sous-sol humide ni près d’une piscine, dans un soussol humide ou une douche. MISE EN GARDE: Il peut y avoir un risque d’explosion si vous utilisez le mauvais type de piles pour l’unité du parent. N’utilisez que le bloc-piles rechargeable inclus ou le bloc-piles de rechange (BT198555/BT298555). N’incinérez pas les piles. Celles-ci risqueraient d’exploser. Jetez les piles usées selon les renseignements suivant le sceau du RBRC®.N’utilisez que les adaptateurs inclus avec ce produit. L’utilisation d’un adaptateur dont la polarité ou la tension serait inadéquate risque d’endommager sérieusement le produit et mettre votre sécurité en péril. Adaptateur de l’unité du bébé : Entrée 100-240V CA 300mA 50/60 Hz; Sortie : 5V CC 1000mA Adaptateur de l’unité du parent : Entrée 100-240V CA 300mA 50/60 Hz; Sortie : 5V CC 1000mA Pour les PRODUITS À BRANCHER À UNE PRISE DE COURANT, la prise de courant doit être installée près du produit, afin d’assurer une accessibilité sécuritaire à la prise de courant.Lorsqu’ils sont branchés dans une prise de courant, les adaptateurs secteur ont été conçus pour être orientés correctement, soit à la verticale ou au plancher. Les broches n’ont pas été conçues pour supporter le poids du bloc d’alimentation et le maintenir en place si celuici est branché dans une prise au plafond, sous une table ou dans un meuble.Débranchez ce produit de la prise de courant avant de procéder au nettoyage. N’utilisez pas de nettoyants en aérosols. Utilisez un chiffon humide pour le nettoyer.Débranchez les cordons d’alimentation avant de remplacer le bloc-piles.Ne coupez pas les cordons d’alimentation pour remplacer les fiches, car ceci peut présenter un danger potentiel. laissez aucun objet reposer ni appuyer sur le cordon d’alimentation. N’installez pas cet appareil dans un endroit où l’on risque d’écraser le cordon d’alimentation ou de le piétiner.Ne faites fonctionner cet appareil qu’avec le type d’alimentation indiqué sur l’étiquette. Si vous ne connaissez pas le type d’alimentation que vous possédez à votre domicile, consultez votre marchand ou votre compagnie locale d’électricité.Ne surchargez pas les prises de courant murales ni les rallonges électriques.Ne placez pas cet appareil sur un chariot, meuble, trépied, support de montage ni table chancelants.Les trous et ouvertures du boîtier, situés à l’arrière de l’appareil ou sous celui-ci, servent à aérer l’appareil. Pour l’empêcher de surchauffer, ne bloquez sous aucun prétexte ces ouvertures et n’empêchez pas l’aération adéquate de l’appareil en le plaçant sur un lit, divan, tapis ou toute autre surface similaire. De même, ne le positionnez pas à proximité ni au-dessus d’une source de chaleur ou d’un calorifère. De plus, ne placez pas l’appareil dans un endroit avant de vous assurer qu’il y ait une bonne circulation d’air.N’enfoncez jamais d’objets à travers les ouvertures de cet appareil, car ils pourraient entrer en contact avec des points de tension dangereux ou causer des courts-circuits qui peuvent dégénérer en incendies ou en risques d’électrocution. Ne renversez jamais de liquide dans ce produit.Afin de réduire les risques d’électrocution, ne démontez pas cet appareil, mais apportez-le dans un centre de service autorisé. L’ouverture du boîtier ou le retrait de toutes pièces que contient cet appareil, à l’exception de l’accès autorisé à certaines portes ou ouvertures, risque de vous exposer à des points de tension dangereux ou d’autres dangers. Un remontage incorrect peut par la suite présenter des risques d’électrocution.Vous devriez tester la réception chaque fois que vous mettez l’appareil en fonction.Examinez les composantes afin de vérifier si celles-ci ne sont pas endommagées.Soyez avisé de la perte de la confidentialité lorsque vous utilisez les ondes publiques. Les conversations peuvent être entendues par d’autres moniteurs de bébé, des téléphones sans fil, des scanneurs, etc.Les enfants devraient être supervisés afin de vous assurer qu’ils ne jouent pas avec l’appareil.Le produit n’est pas conçu pour être utilisé par des personnes (incluant des enfants) aux capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales réduites ou qui manquent d’expérience et de connaissances, à moins qu’on leur ait donné suffisamment de supervision ou d’instructions relativement à l’utilisation de l’appareil par une personne responsable de leur sécurité.CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS12. en gardeUtilisez et entreposez le produit à une température entre 0˚ C (32˚F) et 40˚C (104˚ F).N’exposez pas cet appareil à des froids ou des chaleurs extrêmes, ainsi qu’à la lumière directe du soleil. Ne l’installez pas près d’une source de chauffage.Le bloc-piles ne doit pas être exposé à la chaleur excessive telle que la lumière du soleil ou au feu.Assurez-vous que le moniteur et le cordon de l’adaptateur sont toujours hors de portée des enfants, à au moins 1 mètre (3 pieds) de l’enfant ou du berceau, pour éviter tout risque de strangulation.Ne jamais placer le moniteur à l’intérieur du berceau ou du parc de bébé. Ne jamais couvrir le moniteur ou l’unité (s) portative avec un article tel une serviette ou une couverture.D’autres équipements électroniques peuvent produire des interférences sur votre moniteur vidéo et audio. Tentez d’installer votre moniteur vidéo ou audio à l’écart des appareils électroniques tels que des routeurs sans fil, radios, téléphones cellulaires, interphones, moniteurs, téléphones, ordinateurs personnels, électroménagers et téléphones sans fil.Stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans l’organismeLes simulateurs cardiaques (ne s’applique qu’aux dispositifs numériques sans fil) :L’organisme ‘Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR)’, une firme de recherche indépendante, a mené une évaluation pluridisciplinaire des interférences entre les téléphones sans fil portatifs et les stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans l’organisme. Appuyée par l’Administration des aliments et drogues (FDA) des États-Unis, la firme WTR recommande aux médecins:Avis aux détenteurs de stimulateurs cardiaquesVous devriez maintenir les dispositifs sans fil à au moins six pouces du simulateur cardiaque.Ils ne doivent PAS placer le téléphone sans fil directement sur le stimulateur cardiaque, tel que dans une poche de chemise, lorsque celui-ci est en marche.L’étude effectuée par l’organisme WRS n’a pas identifié de risque pour les détenteurs de simulateurs cardiaques causés par les gens qui utilisent dispositifs sans fil à proximité de ceux-ci.Champs électromagnétiques (EMF)Ce produit de VTech est conforme à toutes les normes se rapportant aux champs électromagnétiques (EMF) standard. Si vous le manipulez correctement en suivant les instructions de ce guide, son utilisation sera sécuritaire pendant de nombreuses années, selon les meilleures évidences scientifiques dont nous disposons aujourd’hui.••Limited warrantyWhat does this limited warranty cover?The manufacturer of this VTech Product warrants to the holder of a valid proof of purchase (“Consumer” or “you”) that the Product and all accessories provided in the sales package (“Product”) are free from defects in material and workmanship, pursuant to the following terms and conditions, when installed and used normally and in accordance with the Product operating instructions. This limited warranty extends only to the Consumer for Products purchased and used in the United States of America and Canada.What will VTech do if the Product is not free from defects in materials and workmanship during the limited warranty period (“Materially Defective Product”)?During the limited warranty period, VTech’s authorized service representative will repair or replace at VTech’s option, without charge, a Materially Defective Product. If we repair the Product, we may use new or refurbished replacement parts. If we choose to replace the Product, we may replace it with a new or refurbished Product of the same or similar design. We will retain defective parts, modules, or equipment. Repair or replacement of the Product, at VTech’s option, is your exclusive remedy. VTech will return the repaired or replacement Products to you in working condition. You should expect the repair or replacement to take approximately 30 days.How long is the limited warranty period?The limited warranty period for the Product extends for ONE (1) YEAR from the date of purchase. If VTech repairs or replaces a Materially Defective Product under the terms of this limited warranty, this limited warranty also applies to the repaired or replacement Product for a period of either (a) 90 days from the date the repaired or replacement Product is shipped to you or (b) the time remaining on the original one-year warranty; whichever is longer. What is not covered by this limited warranty?This limited warranty does not cover:1. Product that has been subjected to misuse, accident, shipping or other physical damage, improper installation, abnormal operation or handling, neglect, inundation, fire, water or other liquid intrusion; or2. Product that has been damaged due to repair, alteration or modification by anyone other than an authorized service representative of VTech; or3. Product to the extent that the problem experienced is caused by signal conditions, network reliability, or cable or antenna systems; or4. Product to the extent that the problem is caused by use with non-VTech accessories; or5. Product whose warranty/quality stickers, product serial number plates or electronic serial numbers have been removed, altered or rendered illegible; or6. Product purchased, used, serviced, or shipped for repair from outside the United States of America or Canada, or used for commercial or institutional purposes (including but not limited to Products used for rental purposes); or7. Product returned without a valid proof of purchase (see item 2 on the next page); or8. Charges for installation or set up, adjustment of customer controls, and installation or repair of systems outside the unit.How do you get warranty service?To obtain warranty service in the USA, please visit our website at www.vtechphones.com or  call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to  www.vtechcanada.com or call 1 (800) 267-7377.NOTE: Before calling for service, please review the user’s manual - a check of the Product’s controls and features may save you a service call.Except as provided by applicable law, you assume the risk of loss or damage during transit and transportation and are responsible for delivery or handling charges incurred in the transport of the Product(s) to the service location. VTech will return repaired or replaced Product under this limited warranty. Transportation, delivery or handling charges are prepaid. VTech assumes no risk for damage or loss of the Product in transit. If the Product failure is not covered by this limited warranty, or proof of purchase does not meet the terms of this limited warranty, VTech will notify you and will request that you authorize the cost of repair prior to any further repair activity. You must pay for the cost of repair and return shipping costs for the repair of Products that are not covered by this limited warranty.What must you return with the Product to get warranty service?Return the entire original package and contents including the Product to the VTech service location along with a description of the malfunction or difficulty; andInclude a “valid proof of purchase” (sales receipt) identifying the Product purchased (Product model) and the date of purchase or receipt; andProvide your name, complete and correct mailing address, and telephone number.Other limitationsThis warranty is the complete and exclusive agreement between you and VTech. It supersedes all other written or oral communications related to this Product. VTech provides no other warranties for this Product. The warranty exclusively describes all of VTech’s responsibilities regarding the Product. There are no other express warranties. No one is authorized to make modifications to this limited warranty and you should not rely on any such modification.State/Provincial Law Rights: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state or province to province.1.2.3.Limitations: Implied warranties, including those of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability (an unwritten warranty that the Product is fit for ordinary use) are limited to one year from the date of purchase. Some states/provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. In no event shall VTech be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or similar damages (including, but not limited to lost profits or revenue, inability to use the Product or other associated equipment, the cost of substitute equipment, and claims by third parties) resulting from the use of this Product. Some states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Please retain your original sales receipt as proof of purchase.Frequency control Crystal controlled PLL synthesizerTransmit frequency Baby unit: 2406 - 2475 MHzParent unit: 2406 - 2475 MHzChannels 24LCD 4.3” Color LCD  (WQVGA 480x272 pixel)Nominal effective range Maximum power allowed by FCC and IC. Actual operating range may vary according to environmental conditions at the time of use.Power requirements Parent unit: 3.7V Li-polymer batteryBaby unit power adapter:  Input: 100-240V AC 300mA 50/60HzOutput: 5V DC @ 1000mAParent unit power adapter:  Input: 100-240V AC 300mA 50/60HzOutput: 5V DC @ 1000mASpecifications are subject to change without notice.© 2015 for VTech Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. 11/15. VM344-X_CIB_V1.0Technical specications

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