VTech Telecommunications 80-1375-00 DECT 6.0 Cordless Phone - Base Unit User Manual
VTech Telecommunications Ltd DECT 6.0 Cordless Phone - Base Unit manual 1
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User Manual
![Page 1Go to www.vtechphones.com to register your product for enhanced warranty support and the latest VTech product news.Quick start guide%&DS6251 DS6251-2 DS6251-3 DS6251-42-Line Cordless Answering System with Smart Call Blocker What’s in the box1 set for DS6251-22 sets for DS6251-33 sets for DS6251-4Connect the telephone baseTHIS SIDE UPInstall the batteryConnect the chargerCharge the batteryThe battery is low and needs charging.The battery is charging.The battery is fully charged.1 / 2Line 1 or line 2 is in use.112Handset ringer on line 1 and/or line 2 is off. 12New voicemail received on line 1 and/or line 2 from your telephone service provider.12There are new answering system message(s) on line 1 and/or line 2.AnS1ON2Answering system of line 1 and/or line 2 is on.MUTE The microphone is muted.NEW New caller ID log entries.You can perform 3-character alphabetical search.After you install your telephone or power returns following a power outage and battery depletion, the handset and telephone base will prompt you to set the date and time, Smart call blocker, and to configure the answering system through voice guide.Date and timeFollow the steps below to set the date and time. For example, if the date is 25 July, 2018, and the time is 12:05 PM:Voice guide for answering systemAfter setting the Smart call blocker, the handset and telephone base will display Start voice guide to set up Answering system now?.This feature assists you to do the basic setup of the answering system. You can follow the voice guide to record your own announcement, set the number of rings and the message alert tone.Setup your answering system by inputting the designated numbers as instructed in the voice guide.1 YESMake a callFor detailed instructions, read the online user’s manual or frequently asked questions at www.vtechphones.com.Handset: Telephone base:Volume6SHFLILFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH97HFK&RPPXQLFDWLRQV,QF$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG'6;B46*B9'RFXPHQWRUGHUQXPEHU7HOHSKRQHVLGHQWLILHGZLWKWKLVORJRKDYHUHGXFHGQRLVHDQGLQWHUIHUHQFHZKHQXVHGZLWKPRVW7FRLOHTXLSSHGKHDULQJDLGVDQGFRFKOHDULPSODQWV7KH7,$&RPSOLDQW/RJRLVDWUDGHPDUNRIWKH7HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQV,QGXVWU\$VVRFLDWLRQ8VHGXQGHUOLFHQVHTCompatible withHearing Aid T-CoilTIA-10837KH(1(5*<67$5SURJUDPZZZHQHUJ\VWDUJRYUHFRJQL]HVDQGHQFRXUDJHVWKHXVHRISURGXFWVWKDWVDYHHQHUJ\DQGKHOSSURWHFWRXUHQYLURQPHQW:HDUHSURXGWRPDUNWKLVSURGXFWZLWKWKH(1(5*<67$5ODEHOLQGLFDWLQJLWPHHWVWKHODWHVWHQHUJ\HIILFLHQF\JXLGHOLQHV1 Enter the phone numberAnswer a callPress any dialing keys to answer1 2 NEXT 3 4 SAVEDisplay12 hrs“Hello! This voice guide will assist you with the basic setup of your answering system“Technical specifications)UHTXHQF\FRQWURO&U\VWDOFRQWUROOHG3//V\QWKHVL]HU7UDQVPLWIUHTXHQF\+DQGVHW0+]7HOHSKRQHEDVH0+]&KDQQHOV 1RPLQDOHIIHFWLYHUDQJH0D[LPXPSRZHUDOORZHGE\)&&DQG,&$FWXDORSHUDWLQJUDQJHPD\YDU\DFFRUGLQJWRHQYLURQPHQWDOFRQGLWLRQVDWWKHWLPHRIXVH3RZHUUHTXLUHPHQW+DQGVHW91L0+EDWWHU\7HOHSKRQHEDVH9'&#P$&KDUJHU9'&#P$0HPRU\ 3KRQHERRNPHPRU\ORFDWLRQVXSWRGLJLWVDQGFKDUDFWHUV&DOOHU,'ORJPHPRU\ORFDWLRQVXSWRGLJLWVDQGFKDUDFWHUV&DOOEORFNHQWULHVIf you subscribe to digital subscriber line (DSL) high-speed Internet service through your telephone line, make sure you connect a DSL filter (not included) to the telephone wall jack.1 set for DS62512 sets for DS6251-23 sets for DS6251-34 sets for DS6251-421When the handset and telephone base prompts you to set the date and timeEnter the date Enter the timeWhen the handset and telephone base prompt you to set up the answering system via voice guide2 Connect and installSetup Operate123Voice guide for Smart call blockerAfter setting the date and time, the handset and telephone base will prompt if you want to set Smart call blocker. For more details, see Use voice guide to set Smart call blocker in the Smart call blocker leaflet.Setup your Smart call blocker by inputting the designated numbers as instructed in the voice guide.1 YES 2 SELECT“Hello! This voice guide will assist you with the basic setup of Smart call blocker“When the handset and telephone base prompt you to set up the Smart call blocker via voice guideHandset: - OR - - OR - Telephone base: - OR - Handset: - OR - - OR -Telephone base: - OR - - OR -2 SELECTHandset: Telephone base:112 12:05 pm 7/25 MENU HANDSETAnS1ON21221211 / 2Line 1 or line 2 is in use.112Telephone base ringer on line 1 and/or line 2 is off.1 2 New voicemail received on line 1 and/or line 2 from your telephone service provider.1 2 There are new answering system message(s) on line 1 and/or line 2.MUTE The microphone is muted.NEW New caller ID log entries.You can perform 3-character alphabetical search.1REDIAL MENUBASE12:05PM 7/2512121212SMART CALL BLK Line 1 Line 2 NO SELECTEnd a callHandset:Telephone base: - OR - Quick start guideSmart call blocker leafletImportant safety informationChoose to set for all lines or a specific lineChoose to set for a specific lineSET DATE--/--/--MM/DD/YY BACK NEXTSET DATE07/2?/--MM/DD/YY BACK NEXTSET DATE07/25/18MM/DD/YY BACK NEXTSET TIMEHH:MM -- BACK SAVESET TIME12:05 PM BACK SAVEStart voiceguide to setup Smart call bloc ker no w? NO YESStart voiceguide to setup Answering system now? NO YESAll lines ANSWERING SYS Line 2 BACK SELECTLine 1](https://usermanual.wiki/VTech-Telecommunications/80-1375-00/User-Guide-3869872-Page-1.png)
![Page 2About the built-in answering system and voicemail serviceFor message recording, your telephone has a built-in answering system, and it also supports voicemail service offered by your telephone service provider (subscription is required, and fee may apply).Built-in answering system VS Voicemail serviceTurn the built-in answering system on or off 25On the telephone baseMessage playback on the telephone baseDelete all messagesSkip a message Repeat the playing messagePlay the previous messagePress to turn on; press again to turn off.Built-in answering system Voicemail serviceSupported by Telephone system Telephone service providerSubscription No YesFees No May applyAnswer incoming calls• After 4 rings by default.• It can be changed in the handset or the telephone base menu.• Usually after 2 rings.• It can be changed by contacting your telephone service provider.Storage Telephone base Server or SystemDisplay new messages • Handset - and XX New Msg• Telephone base - and XX New Msg• Handset - • Telephone base - Retrieve messages• Press on the telephone base; OR• Press MENU, and then select Play messages on the handset; OR• Access remotely with an access code.• Press on the dialpad, and enter an access number and/or passcode from your telephone service provider. Answering systemPhonebookThe phonebook can store up to 50 entries, which are shared by all handsets. Each entry may consist of a telephone number up to 30 digits, and a name up to 15 characters.Add a phonebook entry1 2 SAVE3 NEXT4 5 SAVEReview phonebook entriesDelete a phonebook entry1 DELETE 2 YESEnter the phone numberEnter the name1 2 Browse the entriesPhonebookCaller IDIf you subscribe to caller ID service, information about each caller appears after the first or second ring.The caller ID log stores up to 50 entries. Each entry has up to 24 digits for the phone number and 15 characters for the name.Review caller ID log entries1 2Dial a caller ID log entryBrowse the entriesCaller ID3 4 NEXT 5 SAVE1 SAVE 2 SELECTSave a caller ID log entry to the phonebookDelete a caller ID log entryWhen your desired caller ID entry displays on the handset or telephone base screenWhen your desired caller ID entry displays on the handset or telephone base screenWhen your desired caller ID entry displays on the handset or telephone base screenWhen your desired phonebook entry displays on the handset or telephone base screen Smart Call Blocker SAVE TO PhonebookAllow listBloc k list BACK SELECT EDIT NAME Mike Smith _ [#]-OrderBACKSP SAVE- OR - 1 21 2 595-9511 BACK SAVESmart call blockerIf you have subscribed to caller ID service, you can use the Smart call blocker feature to screen incoming calls. Smart call blocker is on, and to allow all incoming calls by default.Turn the smart call blocker on or off1 2SELECT3 SELECTSMART CALL BLK Line 2 BACK SELECTChoose to set for a specific line4SELECT5 SELECTFor more details, refer to the Smart call blocker leaflet. Handset: - OR - - OR - Telephone base: - OR - Choose a specific lineSELECT DELETE OLD MSGS Line 2 BACK SELECTLine 1 Delete all old messages? NO YESYES3 1 NEW 800-595-9511 5:32am 8/17 BACK SAVE 1 NEW 800-595-9511 5:32am 8/17 BACK SAVEPhonebook EDIT NUMBER 595-9511BACKSP NEXT EDIT NUMBER 800-95-9511 _BACKSP NEXT 1 NEW 800-595-95115:32am 8/17 BACK SAVE 1 NEWMike Smith 888-883-24457:05pm 10/25 BACK SAVE HANDSET 5:32am 8/17 BACK MENU EDIT NUMBER 595-9511 _BACKSP NEXT ENTER NAME _BACKSP SAVE ENTER NAME Mike Smith _BACKSP SAVE HANDSET 5:32am 8/17 BACK MENU HANDSET 5:32am 8/17 BACK MENU _ 1/4 Mike Smith 800-595-9511 DELETE EDIT HANDSET 5:32am 8/17 BACK MENU Delete contact? Mike Smith NO YES 1 SCB ON/OFF Off BACK SELECT√OnLine 1 SMART CALL BLK Allow list Star name list BACK SELECTSCB Setup 1 SCB SETUPSCB On/OffCalls w/o numUncategorized BACK SELECTSCB On/OffSpeed dialSpeed dialThe telephone system has 10 speed dial locations where you can store the telephone numbers you wish to dial more quickily. All speed dial assignments can only be selected from the existing phonebook entries.Assign a speed dial entry1 MENU2SELECT3 SELECT4ASSIGNDial a speed dial entry5 ASSIGN HANDSET 5:32am 8/17 BACK MENU PHONEBOOK Review Add contact BACK SELECTSpeed dial Play messages Answering sys Smart call blk BACK SELECTPhonebook 1 SCB SETUP2:EmptyB On/Off3:Empty4:EmptyDELETE ASSIGN1:E m p t y _ 1/4 Mike Smith 800-595-9511 DELETE EDITPress the corresponding speed dial key* on the telephone base to dial via the first available line. Choose a speed dial location _ 1/4 Mike Smith 800-595-9511 BACK ASSIGNWhen your desired phonebook entry displays on the handset or telephone base screen*The 10 speed dial keys represents speed dial locations, 1-9 and 0, from top to bottom.- OR - ](https://usermanual.wiki/VTech-Telecommunications/80-1375-00/User-Guide-3869872-Page-2.png)