VTech Telecommunications 80-5675-00 C ordless Telephone User Manual Pages from t2101

VTech Telecommunications Ltd C ordless Telephone Pages from t2101


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14SPECIFICATIONS ARETYPICAL AND MAY CHANGEWITHOUT NOTICE.This equipment complies with Parts15 of the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) rules for theUnited States.  It also complies withregulations RSS210 and CS-03 ofIndustry and Science Canada.Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: (1) this device maynot cause interference, and (2) thisdevice must accept any interference,including interference that may causeundesired operation of the device.A label is located on the undersideof the Base Unit containing either theFCC registration number and RingerEquivalence Number (REN) or theIC registration number and LoadNumber.  You must, upon request,provide this information to your localtelephone company.This equipment is compatible withinductively coupled hearing aids.Should you experience trouble withthis telephone equipment, pleasecontact:VTech Communications Inc.Customer Service at 1-800-595-9511. In Canada, call VTechTelecommunications CanadaLtd. at 1-800-267-7377.For repair/warranty information. Thetelephone company may ask you todisconnect this equipment from theline network until the problem hasbeen corrected.FCC Part 15Warning: Changes or modifica-tions to this unit not expresslyapproved by the party responsiblefor compliance could void theuser's authority to operate theequipment.The equipment has been tested andfound to comply with part 15 of theFCC rules. These limits are designedto provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordancewith the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there isno guarantee that interference willnot occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try andcorrect the  interference by one ormore of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.•Increase the separation betweenthe equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into anoutlet or on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiveris connected.•Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TV technicianfor help.FCC Part 68 and ACTAinformationIf this equipment was approved forconnection to the telephone networkprior to July 23, 2001, it complies withPart 68 of the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) rules. If theequipment was approved after thatdate, it complies with the Part 68 rulesand with Technical Requirements forConnection of Equipment to theTelephone Network adopted by theAdministrative Council for TerminalAttachments (ACTA). We are requiredto provide you with the followinginformation.1. Product identifier and RENinformation     The label on the back or bottomof this equipment contains,among other things, an identifierindicating product approval andthe Ringer Equivalence Number(REN).  This information mustbe provided to your localtelephone company uponrequest. For equipmentapproved prior to July 23, 2001,the product identifier is precededby the phrase “FCC Reg No.”and the REN is listed separately.For equipment approved afterthat date, the product identifieris preceded by “US” and acolon (:), and the REN isencoded in the product identifierwithout a decimal point as thesixth and seventh charactersfollowing the colon. For example,the product identifier US:AAAEQ03T123XYZ wouldindicate an REN of 0.3. T h eREN is used to determine howmany devices you may connectto your telephone line and stillhave them ring when you arecalled. In most, but not all areas,the sum of all RENs should befive (5.0) or less. You may wantto contact your local telephonecompany for more information.2. Connection and use withthe nationwide telephonenetworkThe plug and jack used toconnect this equipment to thepremises wiring and thetelephone network must complywith the applicable Part 68 rulesand technical requirementsadopted by ACTA. A complianttelephone cord and modular plugis provided with this product. Itis designed to be connected toa compatible modular jack thatis also compliant. An RJ11 jackshould normally be used forconnecting to a single line andan RJ14 jack for two lines. SeeInstallation Instructions in theuser manual. This equipmentmay not be used with CoinTelephone Lines or with PartyLines. If you have speciallywired alarm dialing equipmentconnected to your telephoneline, ensure the connection ofthis equipment does not disableyour alarm equipment.  If youhave questions about what willFCC, ACTA and IC Regulations16 17FCC, ACTA and IC Regulationst2101Eng.p65 2004/12/23, ¤U¤È 04:243
disable alarm equipment, consultyour telephone company or aqualified installer.3.   Repair instructionsIf this equipment is malfunctioning,it must be unplugged from themodular jack until the problem hasbeen corrected. Repairs to thistelephone equipment can only bemade by the manufacturer or itsauthorized agents. For repairprocedures, follow the instructionsoutlined under the Limited Warranty.4. Rights of the telephonecom panyIf this equipment is causingharm to the telephone network,the telephone company maytemporarily discontinue yourtelephone service. Thetelephone company is requiredto notify you before interruptingservice. If advance notice is notpractical, you will be notified assoon as possible. You will begiven the opportunity to correctthe problem and the telephonecompany is required to informyou of your right to file acomplaint with the FCC. Yourtelephone company may makechanges in its facilities,equipment, operation, orprocedures that could affect theproper functioning of this product.The telephone company isrequired to notify you if suchchanges are planned.5. Hearing aid compatibilityIf this product is equipped witha corded or cordless handset,it is hearing aid compatible.6. Programming/testing ofemergency numbersIf this product has memorydialing locations, you may chooseto store police, fire departmentand emergency medical servicetelephone numbers in theselocations. If you do, please keepthree things in mind:a We recommend that you alsowrite the telephone number on thedirectory card, so that you canstill dial the emergency numbermanually if the memory dialingfeature doesn work.b This feature is provided only as aconvenience, and the manufac-turer assumes no responsibil-ity for customer reliance uponthe memory feature.c  Testing the emergency tele-phone numbers you havestored is not recommended.However, if you do make a call toan emergency number:•  You must remain on the lineand briefly explain the rea-son for the call before hang-ing up.• Programming/testing ofemergency numbers shouldbe performed during off-peakhours, such as in the earlymorning or late evening,when the emergency ser-vices tend to be less busy.IC (Industry Canada)This telephone is registered foruse in Canada.The term “IC:” before the radio cer-tification number only signifies thatIndustry Canada technical specifi-cations were met.Notice:This equipment meets the applicableIndustry Canada Terminal EquipmentTechnical Specifications. This isconfirmed by the registrationnumber. The abbreviation, IC,before the registration numbersignifies that registration wasperformed based on a Declarationof Conformity indicating that IndustryCanada technical specificationswere met. It does not imply thatIndustry Canada approved theequipment.Notice:The Ringer Equivalence Number(REN) for this terminal equipment is0.1. The REN assigned to eachterminal equipment provides anindication of the maximum numberof terminals allowed to be connectedto a telephone interface. Thetermination on an interface mayconsist of any combination of devicessubject only to the requirement thatthe sum of the Ringer EquivalenceNumbers of all the devices does notexceed five.Before installing this equipment,users should ensure that it ispermissible to be connected to thefacilities of the local telecommuni-cations company. The equipmentmust also be installed using anacceptable method of connection.The customer should be aware thatcompliance with the above conditionsmay not prevent degradation ofservices in some situations.Repairs to certified equipment shouldbe made by an authorized Canadianmaintenance facility designated bythe supplier. Any repairs oralterations made by the user to thisequipment, or equipmentmalfunctions, may give theFCC, ACTA and IC Regulations FCC, ACTA and IC Regulations1819telecommunications companycause to request the user todisconnect the equipment.Users should ensure for their ownprotection that the electrical groundconnections of the power utility,telephone lines and internal metallicwater pipe system, if present, areconnected together. This precautionmay be particularly important inrural areas.Caution:Users should not attempt to makesuch connections themselves, butshould contact the appropriateelectrical inspection authority, orelectrician, as appropriate.Your 2101 is designed to operateat the maximum power allowed bythe FCC and IC. This means yourHandset and Base Unit cancommunicate only over a certaindistance - which will depend on thelocation of the Base Unit andHandset, weather, and theconstruction and layout of yourhome or office.

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