VTech Telecommunications 80-5750-01 Cordless Telephone Remote Transceiver User Manual T2326 manual file new FCC part indd

VTech Telecommunications Ltd Cordless Telephone Remote Transceiver T2326 manual file new FCC part indd

Warning statements

27FCC, ACTA and IC RegulationsFCC Part 15This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules.  These require-ments are intended to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular in-stallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is    connected. •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander according to the intended usage of the product. This product has been tested and found to comply with the FCC  criteria. The handset may be safely held  against the ear of the user. The base unit shall be  installed and used such that parts of the user’s body other than the hands are maintained at a distance of approximately 20 cm (8 inches) or more.FCC Part 68 and ACTAThis equipment complies with  Part 68 of the FCC rules and  with technical requirements adopt-ed  by  the  Administrative  Council  for Terminal  Attachments (ACTA).  The label  on the  back or bottom  of  this  equipment  contains,  among  other  things,  a  product  identifier  in the  format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX.  This  identifier  must  be  provided  to  your  local  telephone  company  upon  re-quest.The  plug  and  jack  used  to  connect  this equipment  to  premises  wiring and  the  telephone  net-work must  comply with  applicable  Part 68  rules and technical  requirements adopted by  ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant. An RJ11 jack should normally be used for connecting to a single line and an RJ14 jack for two lines. See Installation Instructions in the user’s manual.The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine how many devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have them ring when you are called. The REN for this product is encoded as the 6th and 7th characters following the US: in the product identifier (e.g., if ## is 03, the REN is 0.3). In most, but not all areas, the sum of all RENs should be five (5.0) or less. For more information, please contact your local telephone company.This equipment may not be used with Party Lines. If you have specially wired alarm dialing equip-ment connected to your telephone line, ensure the connection of this equipment does not disable your alarm equipment.  If you have questions about what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualified installer.If this equipment is malfunctioning, it must be unplugged from the modular jack until the problem has been corrected. Repairs to this telephone equipment can only be made by the manufacturer or its authorized agents. For repair procedures, follow the instructions outlined under the Limited Warranty.If this equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporar-ily discontinue your  telephone service.  The telephone company is required to notify  you before interrupting service.  If advance notice  is not practical,  you will be  notified as soon  as possible.
28FCC, ACTA and IC RegulationsYou will be given the opportunity to correct the problem and the telephone company is required to inform you of your right to file a complaint with the FCC. Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operation, or procedures that could affect the proper function-ing of this product. The telephone company is required to notify you if such changes are planned.If this product is equipped with a corded or cordless handset, it is hearing aid compatible.If this product has memory dialing locations, you may choose to store emergency telephone num-bers (e.g.,  police,  fire, medical)  in  these locations. If  you  do store  or  test emergency numbers, please:•  Remain on the line and briefly explain the reason for the call before hanging up.•  Perform such activities in off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening.Industry CanadaThis equipment complies with regulations RSS210 and CS-03 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following  two conditions:  (1) this  device may not cause interference,  and (2)  this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.The term ‘’IC: ‘’ before the certification/registration number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications were met.The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this terminal equipment is 0.1. The REN is an indica-tion of the maximum number of  devices allowed to be connected  to a telephone  interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the RENs of all the devices does not exceed five.The RBRC SealThe  RBRC  Seal  on  the nickel-cadmium  battery indicates  that  VTech Communications, Inc. is voluntarily participating in an industry program to collect and recycle these batteries at the end of their useful lives, when taken out of service within the United States and Canada. The RBRC program provides a convenient alternative to placing used nickel-cadmium batteries into the trash or municipal waste, which may be illegal in your area.VTech’s participation in RBRC makes it easy for you to drop off the spent battery at local retailers participating in the RBRC program or at authorized VTech product service centers. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY™ for information on Ni-Cd battery recycling and disposal bans/restrictions in your area. VTech’s involvement in this program is part of its commitment to protecting our environment and conserving natural resources.RBRC is a registered trademark of Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation.

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