VTech Telecommunications DVD15 User Manual
VTech Telecommunications Ltd
User Manual
The Parts of 2 fhe System THE RECEIVER THE RECEIVER FRONT PQNEL CONTROL But—tons The from mine humans give you some antral evet the reeeiver. These buttons work me same My as the matching remote zunttnl butlDfls described in Chapter J‘ - Using the SareHue System and Chapter 4 - twig lite DVD Pia, _ . MODE lNDICATGHS .-\ green lighl met the SATlattI lights SkT DISC u; when the re ..ver it turned -. ON and is ill satellite receiver made, and out When the receiver is turned OFF. A re ever the DISC label Eights up when the rece er is in DVD mode and : mnges to orange when its audio CD mode. FRONT CA RD SLOT The Card slot behind the left eetess doomquires l special e-commerce card.Dn rm! insen the D15}! Nmnrlt smart card in to this SlOLYOH do nU! nude cwd-nserred m fhrs card slot THE REGEIVER BACK PANEL Ghée' “so ‘ a :i 2. 3.2.5 mar—£39 B on i The back panel ufthe receiver pmvldes the connections that yet. use to wire the receiver :c is]! the stile. Iecttdmt: devices that you use. it also prnwdes the teceiter power cord and telephonejeck. Depending on she Wirmg srtup that you use. you may not use some et‘rhes: connections. sit: they are provtdee' I0 supper: any desired setup, The DVD Player doesnat require any special wiring. See Clmpuvj , Reference. or the fusfal'z'aumt instruction: for more informative. SMART CARD SLOT The DISH Nzrwork _ smncarashwm already 5: inserted in dye receiver back panel slat THE REMQTE CONTROL FOI mfurmxlicri on using the remote come]. see Simmer 3 . Using the Sauifire Syn-amend Chapter 4 . airing the DVD Player Note: It‘yeu lose or dying: me remote tunnel jmu Will not be fully able to mun-ml the receiver. lfthis happms.uli1he Smite Center at 1-800— 333-DISH (347-1) rd erder a replacement. Yeu will be abused the sale price cfthe remme control, plus shipping and handling. UH]? remote cflflBDl5(WiEl1iile UHF symbol ct: Lhe from side) can epicure the receiver thmugi-t the walis offynur building. To us: such a mum. Page 2—1 Satellite System User Guide you must attach a UHF antenna in tzie receiver back panel UHF Remote Antenna connection. IR. remote controls {With “INFRARED REMOTE” on the back side) must he dointed directly at the receiver. with no objects blocking the line nt‘ Sign You m.“ use such a remote only within 40 feet dfthe receiver INSTALLING BATTERIES lN tt-tE REMOTE e; The remote control is shipped with AAA batteries. packaged separately When you replace old bat'tenezs, you shoule' replace all at die batteries. Use batteries at the same grade, for example alkaline at carbon zinc. and do rm! mix batteries cit different grades Alkaline barteries provide longer battery life Press dob-n on the slot in the battery never (on the back or the rembte eentrni) and slide the cover off lnserl the new batteries. malmg sure to match me plus (“+"J ends With the pans markings on die battery case, Replace die hatter} enter by sliding ‘Jte cover back up into place, THE REMOTE CONTROL Butmns MODE BUTFUNS The SAT (satellite receiver)‘ TV= VC R, and AUX (auxiliary) mud: buttons indicate which device the remote Will control. Tu change modes. press the appropriate button, The corresponding huttcn background light warns on. For DVD 129. 2—2 bperiitidn, make sure the remote ism IheSAT mode. TVNDEO TVNioeo if'you cannec: the recelVer using ml}; the RI 0.- VHF connections. use this butLon, inSAT mode, to switch between the receiver and an alternate video source such as cattle or broadcast TV antenna input. It Will Mitch tn the devtce routed mm the TV Antenna Ca ble In connection in TV mode, :h~.s button will switch between Video inputs an some TVs (cheek your television ownefs manual for more details] MENU Menu ® in SAT mode press the Menu hum lc open me Main Menu Wile-3 using the DVD Play-ere this btmon will bring up the DVD disc menu. ,unr,, POWER In SAT mode press the Power hunch is turn the recetvei' ON or OFF‘ The green Power light over the SAT label on the receiver front panel lights up Lo indicate the receiver is ON For each mode= the Power button will turn (ha: device ON and OFF. il'the remote has been emyammed fordiat device‘s“ Programmmg the Digital Remote m Cami—pt on.” Devices an page 3-7, Nate: if mu program ‘he T’V made in control a television and do net pregnant the AUX mode= the AU): mode button Will mm the television ON and 01731155 allbws you in turn the television ON cr OFF without leaving SAT mode. "as PAGE UP ANB PAGE Down as 03 In SAT mode press the Page LI; nr Page Down straw button to sun. by page thrdugh the listing ofehannels When you have open the Prngmm Guide or, ifthe neceiver supports Themes, the Theme Categories menu. ln VCR mode, these buttons scan up or down through the television channels. £4 MLITE In any mcde, press the Mute button to temporarily turn off d’l: sound. Press it again to restore the sound TheMute button works only if you have programmed the remote. See e-egmmmg pi! Digital Ramon m Conrrot‘ owi- 0mm on page 3—7. VOLUME u DUI-u In any mode, ptess the pius (4) Side or“ the volume button [0 increase the sound uDiume. Press the minus H side ofthevolume burton to refine: the sound wlume. This button works uni) ii'yeu have programmed InE remote. See F'ogrammmg the. Digira.’ Remote as central 00m Deweei on page 5-7 c GUIDE Q}. in SAT mode, press the Guiue option to cpen the Program Guide. when the ngram Guiere is npen. press the Guide button to swi:ch among. Favorites Lists % SELECT lii SAY mode, press the Select human to switch to DVD mode or press the Select button to select the highlighted option in a. menu and perform the function. in VCR mode, this human functions as theFiay huunn. Press this button we play the ‘idco tape. En TV or Aux mode, this button Functions as an Ent‘er button Press the Select human to go to DVD mode The Parts of the System The Remote Control or to select an upunn flew a DVD disc menu UPI'DDWNILEFURiGHT g? ' In SAT mode: - When using a menu. press these Eunons to move the highlight ID tn: desired option - W en watching a proyam press the Right onto open the Browse Bannerer the Up or Down button to change than neis. - When the Browse Banner is npen, press tn: up or Down butter. to new the Browse Banner for the next cqennel. - When a menu offers axis: of choices. press the Up or Down button to bring more ehoiees into VlN. - When the Prngrnm Guide is open. press the Up or Down button to move the hignitght threugti the channels. - When a number must be entered in a menu. press the Up or Down button to increase or occrense the htghlightee numcet. - When the Browse Banner or Program Guide is open, press the Left pr Right button Le display programs in difierertl rne periods (“nut not a time period €5,|te-’ than the presentj. - ifzhe receiver supports Theme Calegnries, wnen watching a proynm press the Left tunonto open the Them. Categories menu. In VCR made: - The Up button functions 5 the Stop bunch. ress mis bunon to stop me videt: tape. - The Down human functions as the Pause burten. Press this button to tm'iporarily stop the rides tape during recording or piity. Press ihi's bunon or the Seine! button (Play) In rEmfl the tape. - The Left button functiuns a the Rewind button. Press this bunnn £0 rewind the video tape. Dining tape play, press this button :0 rapidly view the video tape as a reverse Page 2—3 Sate-line System User Guide Visual Search. - The: Rtght button functions as the Fast. Forward button Press this buoon to rapidly advance the video tape. During tape slag. press this button to rapidly view the video 5 a forward Visual search. In TV or AUX mode: Use the Up or Down button to enarge channels up or down. In DVD mode: - When using a menu. press these buttons to move the highlight to tn: desired option. REE ALL in SAT. TV. (MALI! mode (For cable TV DDXCS sniy]. press the Rue-II button It! g: back (0 the last channel you were watching Pmss repeatedly to alternate between the last two channeis that _\'0u viewed, Note: You must first program the rsmcle ts contro. the devtc: See Pro'gr'crmmmg the Drgiml female is Conn-oi Other Device] “on page 3—7 INFORMlTiUN ”(In In SAT mode: - Press this button for more information when the Program Guide, Browse Banner. Cr Theme Categories menu is open. or you are watching a program. - Mien a menu is open that meltides aHelp option. press this button to see help information for that menu. - If the receiver supports Th-m- Categories, highlight a program in aTheme Categories list and then pm; this button for more information cm that program. - When rite receiver is OFF, press fins button to display the Important System Information menu. Page 2—4 VIEW “so In SAT mode; - Fiess this button to return to watching a program. - If ahead} watching a program, press this button to briefly dispia}: the Program Banner. - From any menu. pressllhii buxom to cancel the procedure and immediateiy go back to watching the program. In DVD mode: Press this button [0 return In Satellite TV viewing. CANCEL In Sat mode: Press the Cancel button [a mneel "he eurren: procedure and to return to the previous menu sr to watehin_ a program. In DVD mode: If the View be nne on, press theCanceI bunon to return to watching a progmn. @ SYSTEM INFORMATION av; we in SAT mode. press this button to display I .e Important System Intermatinn menu. @ Recount new In VCR mode. press this button to star. retarding on the VCR. NUMBER PAD g. a. $000 $000 in artir mode: - “(hen wat:htng a program or with the Program Guide opt-n. enter the s—dtgil channel number in strange immediateiv to thatchsnrtel Use the number pad buttons to enter menu option numbers . Use these buttons to enter a number su:h as a ZIP code or passwnr: it. a menu - When the Program Guide is open. enter a number of hours using tne number pad buttons= and then press the Lelt ur Right arrow to dispifly programs in the ttrne period offset by that number of hours The receiver cannot dispiay s lime permd =srlier than the present. In DVD mode: The 2 button functions as the Title button Press this button to cy:le through the at’siisble DVD disc titles - The 4 button functions as the Audio button Press this button to cyeie through the arrailabl: DVD audio options ' The 5 button funmzuns as the Angle button. Press. this button to :ycle through he avariabie angles on a DVD disc - The E huncn functions as the Subtitle button. Press this button to cycle through the usilabk DVD subtitles. The 8 button functions as the Chapter button, Press this button to skip ahead one chapter on the DVD disc. 5K”:- STAR (‘)i$tttt= BACK we The Parts of the System The Remote Control £27 Note: When you are inthe Disc menu, these bunons function as standard number bmuns. In AUX mode: Use this button In program the'rernnt: cunwot. In DVD mode: Press this buztcn when midway th oug'fl a chapter. Jack and play will return to the start of that chapter/track. Press it again to skip hack to e prevtuus chapterrzracit Sm? POUND WISH? AHEAD M . in SAT mods: Ls: this button to set and I0 checx the emote control address In DVD mode: Press this button to sit-m ahead Tn til! new cnttpterr‘traclt (35 PLAY iv in DVD mode; FreL this button to begin playhxzk at‘s zisc @ STOP In DVD mode: Press this button 20 stop ptaybaclt of a disc @ PAUSE In DVD mode: ' Press this button to {rendmli a picture or parts: a chapterrxfick, v ?r=ss this button repeatedly to advance suit pictures from: by fnu'ne ' Press Futward or Rants! when in Pause Pagl 2-5 Satellite System User Guide mode for Show FOWaId or Slow Rcvzrse‘ Q FAST FORWARD In DVD mode: - Pmss lhis button m fast forwarci scant through I i5<, Page 2—6 - Press the button repeatedly anal the Re Step 4. @ REWIND to DVD mode: - Press this button to rewmd search througn a dis: - Press the button repeatedty and the remind speed wl“ increase to Step 4. the maxrmum. CHANGING rue DIGITAL REMOTE Aonhass Do not change the address cf tlze remote unless absolutely necessary. Note: ”you s:ar. Ihls oroeefiure and at any '.:me do not press a button within 20 seconds. the remote will end the procedure autmmazieatit, Simpty start over again 1. Press the Menu button. Sale:r the system Setup option. a. Sales: the instauatian option. 4 Select thesystem into DpUUn This displays the Important Wetem Inform an menu. Note the Remote Audrase shown on this menu ®®®® tn Press and hold the SAT mode button about three saunas. until all the mode button hackiigh‘s came on. then release. theSAf button. 6. Use the number pad buttons to enter a number from i no 15. The SAT mode but-ten bacxllght Will blink off afier you enter each digit. and that. come on again. 7. Press the Pound ft!) human, Ifth-e address you entered is Valid for the remote control, the SAT mode button backiight flashes three firms. - 8. Press the Record button. The number in the Remote Address field on the Jmpuflanl System Informalibn menu snoutd match “he one you entered. 9. To verify the ende, press and held theSAT mode button for three seconds. Then. press thePuund The Parts of the System The Remote Control 627 (a!) button twice. The SAT mode button backltght flashes the same number of tunes as the address. It). Select the Cancel option repeatedly to exit the menus. INSTALLING AN ATTENUATOR (UHF REMGTE ONLY} Other UHF signais may bioek signals sent from a L'i-i ‘emot? control to the receiver To prevent such interference, you cart install a in dB attenuator. Thrs will reduce the sensitivity uFehe [CEEWET t: othe:.UHF Signals bu: sis: altbstantially renuce the operating range ofthe remote control. I. Remove the UH? ntenna Frnrn tneUHF Remote Antenna conncetion on the rear - back panel Attach a in dB attenuator to the UHF Remote Antenna connection. 3 Attach the UHF antenna ID the attenuator. PROGRAMMING THE DIGl'I’AL REMOTE To CONTROL OTHER Devtces Note. If you Want to program ::|eAUX mOEE program i: berm you Frugal?) the TV mode it“ you already have programmed the TV mode, do the following: (a; write down the TV code. (b) reprogram the TV mode using nude 222 (a) program the AUX mode. and (d) reprogram the TV mode using the code that you Wrote down. l Tum ON the time: you want the remote to CCfllrnt. You must tore: ON the flaw“ test. its buttons at the remote control that some thh Find ‘Jte brand name afthe device in the detiee code tables stating on page 5—13. 11“ the brand is not listed, see the Doing rite Remote Cannot Dawn Code Scan procedure on page 3-3. Press and hotd the mode human for the device that you want (It: remote to control, for about three seconds. When all the other mode bunon backlights some on, release the mode button. 4. Use the number pad buttons to enter the code for the device. If you are pmgmmmmg in theAUX mode, you must enter a d-digi: code. The first dtgtt is the code for the device. as fntlows: O s for a second “(VJ is for a second VCR, and 2 is for an amplifier or cable TV beat. Page 2-7 Satellite System User-“Guide o. Press and release thePound (a) button. 15th: code is Vaud. the mode button hacklight blinks three times. Test lithe code works for the devtce by pressing thePttwurhurton lfrhe code works. the device should tern OFF Tor-u Lit! device heck ON and try some other functions to make sure they worlt Occasionally, thPower button mey work when other buttons do not lfthe code works For othe: functions. stop here. lr‘thc zodetou entered does not work repeat steps 3 through 7 using another case from the tables lfyou have tried all ufthe cuoes Eistec‘ for the dense without success. or zfycu can not fine the cement brand name in the tables, use 1L eDew'ce Code Seem procedure as follows DotNo me REMOTE CONTROL \.| tr. Dewce Coos SCAN If; device brand is nor listed in the code tables or il'the listed codes do not wor' w :an scan through ail the codes. testing each one The remote may not control some brands or models of e'evraes Press and hold ihe mode outrun For the dense that you want the remote to eantrel. {or amour three saecrds When till the otner mooe button beeklrghts come GI'.. rerease the button.'it Wili Fash to indicate it is in the address programming format For AUX mode only. use zhe number pad buttons to enter the number or” the dense. Then. press tnfitar ['3 button. This defines the de\- me for Which you ere scanning. 0 is for a seeuné ‘.‘\t. 1 £5 for a second VCR, and 2 is For an amplifier or :able TV box. Pres: zhe Power but-on, Press the Up or Down Arrow button to set the remote :o the next eode TheDown arrow button scans backward, and the Up armw button scans forward. Press the arrow burtor. repeatedly to continue scanning When the eorrect code is reached. the uevtce terns OFF. Ifthis heooens, press Ute Found (a: button :o Start the code in the remote. lithe code is valid, me appropriate mode light blinks three ilfl’lES Press the Power button to turn the device haet‘t ON. Try some other remote control buttons to make sure that you have the some: code. DETERMINING THE REMOTE CONTROL i.» DEVICE CODES You can find out who: device code is currently set for each remote control mace, Do the foliowing Press and hold the mode burden for the device that you want dte remote to control, for about three seconds. When all the other mode huttot; haeldights some on, release lite mode buflun Press the Pound (a!) button twice. The mode light flashes dte number or" times to indicate each digit ofrhte current mode, with i pause bet-Ween the flash sequmoeefor exampt’e, for on AUX code of also, the mode light flashes once quickly (for mo), than once, three times, and six times. Page 2-4! Reference Device Codes for Programming the Digital Remote Central 5 DEVICE CODES FOR PROGRAMMING THE DIGITAL REMOTE CONTROL Des: tables conlain the device codes for programming the remote to comm cm H dances. Every arternp: ha been made to include all dzwcz zodas. If a d=Vice [5 no: llslzd arm: codes do no: work, the remote mzynut control the davice Note: For some raceway” use code 222 m 1h: Prngrmmmg Mt Rentals 30 Comm? 0m" Deuces proc=dure it“. SAT. TV, or VCR mode to program the remote 1c control the receivzr sound volume. TELE VISIONS —r-'. s, 515 no 91 m m m a m: J“. I»: along; “W, 51 570.54 4m; .fi 5' 3- . .. 15 ml "13 59: mp...“ - mm.“ . Sim-m _ e$< ,, 5.4 .m_=;| . ' A ‘ 5“ Sm 11m»- nos man.‘ 1 WI. 511629 gm ! 5:7!!qu m | Emu \ 173 ! Say . My! | 1 3,5! 69} imam \ SSS—"715i 5,541,5-1 49m: unn- m DwM-w: “517 5011. . Him-us mm |Fufl : Tm ans-n bfi‘ Fame in —| rNrm '_Lb_|f | on. m. \ sum“. ; m {31—95 Dun-m: mam: mi 1337341. an. 55 fig— Isa- nun-m 54—1191, an 1 - Exam-wan!“ 525343. Sued _ 21mm (an Mafia pumdsumk m—u—-_-—- , m. in. 3:5“. 5m mm: m, m “th m 54; 55| AW“? W. m."- L—i Figs 5—1] Iatemte System User Guide ‘Mm kill. all ‘ sum saw: us, ‘ TUNERSIAMFuFIERS no mm ”mm ‘ '. m. ml Sm.5c|,man1:w “an m m m i mun -su. , ‘_.m “ fins-1.36.“- —| In; Jihm | m ew‘esw u; an,» x 1 152}?! m ”LEW | mm a E Fat-rt m w: ‘ - m an. "I W ‘m, L , ; “EH-1...- m m . fl u..u.s!r in r , m sw1.1:2.19!.1u._'u m rrflfim issflsil.sfl.!§.s'{3fiz.m y | w | 3’ml!3.mrn_,a mm. | 55,3 . n- ssn. m ME 524! an; 55:
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