Vanderbilt NGCR MIFARE card reader User Manual

Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd MIFARE card reader

User manual

AR40S-MF AR10S-MFAR10S-MF  AR40S-MF Installation and MountingVersion 9.0Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Data and design subject to change without notice. / Supply subject to availability.© 2017 Copyright by Siemens Switzerland LtdWe reserve all rights in this document and in the subject thereof. By acceptance of the document the recipient acknowledges these rights andundertakes not to publish the document nor the subject thereof in full or in part, nor to make them available to any third party without our priorexpress written authorization, nor to use it for any purpose other than for which it was delivered to him.Document nr: A-100010-9
ContentContent 31 Introduction 42 Technical data 53 Safety regulations 63.1 Standards and guidelines 63.2 FCC statements 64 Reader components 75 Mounting and connecting 95.1 Surface mounted reader 105.2 Surface mounted reader with cables fed from outside 115.3 Back box mounted reader 135.4 Back box mounted reader with adapter plate 145.5 Connecting the cables 155.6 Disassembling the reader 176 Default settings 187 Connecting card reader to SiPass integrated 197.1 Setting the card reader address 198 Disposal 21
1 Introduction1 IntroductionThe AR10S-MF and AR40S-MF are executively designed card readers for modern security. The encryption*) is conducted via a protocol which ensures a high level of security, providing that the card reader and system are set to the secure mode. When the secure mode is activated, the communication from neither the reader nor the system they are connected to can be extracted. They are made of hardwearing materials and will endure most weather conditions. The readers are easy to mount and connect, and can be mounted on a flat surface or partly inside a back box. They can be cleaned with most kinds of domestic detergents. Both readers have a multicolour light frame. The AR40S-MF has a keypad and a high contrast display.*) Only valid for SiPass integrated MP2.65 – or later4Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
2 Technical data2 Technical dataAR10S-MF Mifare card reader standardAR40S-MF Mifare card reader standard with keypad and display Protocol OSDP OSDPInterface to controller RS485 RS485Operating voltage 8.5 – 30.0 VDC 8.5 – 30.0 VDCPower consumption DC 12V 43mA Peak 168mADC 24V 26mA Peak 100mADC 12V 60mA Peak 220mADC 24V 40mA Peak 125mATamper protection Yes YesCard technology Mifare MifareCard compatibility Mifare ClassicMifare PlusMifare DESfire EV1Mifare ClassicMifare PlusMifare DESfire EV1Reading distance Up to 6 cm Up to 6 cmIndicators 3 x LED (red/yellow/green)1 x BuzzerMulticolor light frame3 x LED (red/yellow/green)1 x BuzzerMulticolor light frameKeypad No YesDisplay No Yes, graphic monochrome OLEDOperating temperature - 40°C to + 55°C* - 40°C to + 55°C*IP rating IP55** IP55**IK class 08 08Housing Zinc casted metal bezel withpolycarbonate plastic frontZinc casted metal bezel withpolycarbonate plastic frontColor Black, matt chrome Black, matt chromeDimensions (W x H x D) Surface mounted: 85 x 114 x 22Back box mounted: 85 x 114 x 14Surface mounted: 85 x 114 x 22Back box mounted: 85 x 114 x 14Approvals CE according to Radio Equipment Directives, FCC Certified* Only applicable for surface mounted readers. Back box mounted readers are specified from -10°C to +55°C.** Only applicable for surface mounted readers. Back box mounted readers are specified to IP3X.5Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14CE according to Radio Equipment Directives, FCC Certified
3 Safety regulations3 Safety regulationsGenerallFollow all warnings and instructions marked on the device.lKeep this document for reference purposes.lPlease take into account any additional country-specific, local laws, safetystandards or regulations concerning installation, operation and disposal of theproduct.Liability claimlDo not make any changes or modifications to the device.lUse only spare parts and accessories that have been approved by themanufacturer.3.1 Standards and guidelinesEuropean directivesSiemens Switzerland Ltd hereby declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU.The EC Declaration of Conformity is available from your Siemens sales office or: Siemens Switzerland LtdGubelstrasse 226300 ZugSwitzerland3.2 FCC statements6Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14Model No. AR10S-MF  AR40S-MF FCC ID  2AHDLNGCR 2AHDLNGCR This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the User`s authority to operate the equipment.
4 Reader components4 Reader components1. Hinge6. Screw for removal from walltamper protection2. Base7Front3. Cord gasket8. Back box plate4. Knock outs x 45Tamper base7Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
4 Reader components1. Screws for back box plate2. Connector3. Opening tool – please note that this is a symbolic depiction of the opening tool8Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5 Mounting and connectingThe reader enables two different mounting alternatives: surface mounted and back boxmounted. Those come in two different varieties, depending on how the wires are fed orwhich kind of back box is used. The reader is delivered with components to supportthe two mounting alternatives. Please note that the alternatives only require some ofthe different components. Before mounting the reader, identify the parts which areneeded for the appropriate alternative.Please refer to respective page for:l"Surface mounted reader" on the next page– the reader is mounted on the base,which first is fastened on a wall.l"Surface mounted reader with cables fed from outside" on page11 – the reader ismounted on the base and the cables are connected via one of the knock outs.l"Back box mounted reader " on page13 – the reader is partly mounted inside aback box in a wall. The two extra screws prevent the reader from rotating.For connecting the cables to the reader, please refer to: "Connecting the cables" on page 14.9Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.1 Surface mounted readerUse drills and screws appropriate for the surface which the reader is to be mountedupon. The surface should be flat to ensure a close fit. To attach the base to the wall:1. Make a small hole in the base gasket. The cables will be pushed through this hole.2. Attach the base to the wall with three screws: one in the middle at the top of thebase, and two in the corners at the bottom of the base.3. In case that the removal from wall tamper protection is required, fix the screw intothe hole under the tamper base. Ensure to not use excessive force since this candamage the tamper base.4. Continue to follow the instructions "Connecting the cables" on page14.10Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.2 Surface mounted reader with cables fed from outsideShould the cables be fed from outside:1. Remove the cord gasket from the base.2. Identify which of the knock outs the cables should be fed through.3. Insert the flat head screw driver in the pocket of the knock out.4. Hammer the screw driver handle. This will create enough pressure to crack theexact area of the base which will release the knock out.5. Tilt the knock out with the screwdriver.6. Pull the knock out away from the base.11Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting7. Attach the base to the wall with three screws: one in the middle at the top of thebase and two in corners at the bottom of the base.8. In case that the removal from wall tamper protection is required, fix the screw intothe hole under the tamper base. Ensure to not use excessive force since this candamage the tamper base.9. Feed the cables through the opening and reinsert the cord gasket. Proceed to theinstructions for "Connecting the cables" on page15.It is recommended to seal the gap which the knock out creates. Please note that areader with a removed knock out is not IP 55.12Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.3 Back box mounted readerThe reader is mounted on a back box which is attached with two extra screws.1. Mount the back box plate on to the back box.2. Attach the extra screws at the lower part of the back box plate in order to preventrotation.Use only the screws included in the packet for the lower part of the base sincethose ensure that the reader front will fit perfectly to be securely fitted over theback box.3. Continue to follow the instructions for "Connecting the cables" on page1513Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.4 Connecting the cablesUse a pair twisted screened cable (2 pairs + screen), such as Belden 9502. The cablesare connected on the respective indicators. Should an extension cable be used, thecables are already attached to the connector.1. Attach the cables according to the respective indicators on the connector and thebase: A B - +2. Snap the connector in place.3. Push the cables back.4. On the backside of the front there is an EOL jumper used for RS485 bus ter-mination (see illustration). By default the reader has the termination ON and actsas thelastreader on the bus. But if it is anintermediatereader on the bus, thejumper must be removed (or placed in OFF position).5. Place the front of the reader with an angle to the hinges at the top of the base.14Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting6. Fold the front down until the snap lock confirms a secure attachment.15Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.5 Disassembling the readerShould the reader need to be taken apart:1. Carefully insert the opening tool in the slot between the base and the front.2. Push gently and lift the front of the base.To remove the connector:1. Insert the opening tool as indicated on the picture.2. Push down gently and tilt the connector away from the base.16Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
6 Default settings6 Default settingsTime-out for configuration card 3 secondsTime-out for display messages 7 secondsActivation time-out 30 secondsHold-off time for cardread 100 millisecondsReception for card InactiveCharacter set Windows 1252Min background illumination 12Max background illumination 255Bus address 0 (Up to eight are supported)Off-line indication YesBacklight Always active (Never and Timed activation are possible)Buzzer volume for key press 2Buzzer volume for card read 2System sound 10Light frame follows LED indicators Red, yellow, greenReading MIFARE Classic UIDReading MIFARE Plus SL1 – SL3 UIDReading MIFARE DESFire EV1 UIDThe card readers are delivered in this default mode. This mode can be altered with theConfiguration Card Creation Tool (3CT), which enables for required settings to be usedfor the card readers. For further information, please contact the supplier of this reader.The readers use FreeRTOS. For further information, please visit Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
7 Connecting card reader to SiPass integrated7 Connecting card reader to SiPass integratedThe connection between a card reader and a Reader Interface Module (RIM) is asfollows:RIM (DRI/ERI) ARxx-MF12 V ⃡+0V ⃡-Tx/+ ⃡ARx/- ⃡B7.1 Setting the card reader addressThe card readers are delivered in the default mode which is stated in "Default settings"on page18. The bus address for card readers with default settings is 0. Ensure topower up the card readers one at the time – this in order to establish the bus addressesin correct order. When connecting a card reader to a RIM (DRI/ERI), the card readerand bus address is automatically configured as follows:1. The first powered up card reader gets bus address 1.2. The secondly powered up card reader gets bus address 2 and so forth.When the card reader is first powered, the yellow LED flashes. The flashing lights stopwhen it is correctly configured to SiPass integrated. This can be tested by holding acard in close proximity. A correctly configured card reader acknowledges the cardaccording to the SiPass integrated settings.Please note that a new card reader will always get the next free bus address. Should acard reader with bus address 5 be removed and a new card reader be installed, thenew card reader will get address 5.18Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
7 Connecting card reader to SiPass integrated19Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
8 Disposal8 DisposalAll electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal wastestream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities.This crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on the product means the product is covered by theEuropean Directive 2002/96/EC.The correct disposal and separate collection of your old appliance will help prevent potentialnegative consequences for the environment and human health. It is a precondition for reuse andrecycling of used electrical and electronic equipment. For more detailed information aboutdisposal of your old appliance, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or theshop where you purchased the product.20Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2017-07-14
184951146016858612.51214 42.542.2 55Scale 1:1Units: mm
Issued bySiemens Switzerland LtdGubelstrasse 226300© 2017 Copyright by Siemens Switzerland LtdData and design subject to change without notice.Supply subject to availability.Document Nr A-100010-9Edition Date 2017-07-14
VR40S-MF VR10S-MFVR10S-MF VR40S-MFInstallation and MountingVersion 9.0Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd.
Data and design subject to change without notice. / Supply subject to availability.© 2017 Copyright by Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject thereof. By acceptance of the document the recipient acknowledges these rights andundertakes not to publish the document nor the subject thereof in full or in part, nor to make them available to any third party without our priorexpress written authorization, nor to use it for any purpose other than for which it was delivered to him.Document nr: A-100224-9
ContentContent 31 Introduction 42 Technical data 53 Safety regulations 63.1 Standards and guidelines 63.2 FCC statements 64 Reader components 75 Mounting and connecting 95.1 Surface mounted reader 105.2 Surface mounted reader with cables fed from outside 115.3 Back box mounted reader 135.4 Back box mounted reader with adapter plate 145.5 Connecting the cables 155.6 Disassembling the reader 176 Default settings 187 Connecting card reader to SiPass integrated 197.1 Setting the card reader address 198 Disposal 21
1 Introduction1 IntroductionThe VR10S-MF and VR40S-MF are executively designed card readers for modern security. The encryption*) is conducted via a protocol which ensures a high level of security, providing that the card reader and system are set to the secure mode. When the secure mode is activated, the communication from neither the reader nor the system they are connected to can be extracted. They are made of hardwearing materials and will endure most weather conditions. The readers are easy to mount and connect, and can be mounted on a flat surface or partly inside a back box. They can be cleaned with most kind of domestic detergents. Both readers have a multicolour light frame. The VR40S-MF has a keypad and a high contrast display.*) Only valid for SiPass integrated MP2.65 – or later4Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
2 Technical data2 Technical dataVR10S-MF Mifare card reader standardVR40S-MF Mifare card reader standard with keypad and display Protocol OSDP OSDPInterface to controller RS485 RS485Operating voltage 8.5 – 30.0 VDC 8.5 – 30.0 VDCPower consumption DC 12V 43mA Peak 168mADC 24V 26mA Peak 100mADC 12V 60mA Peak 220mADC 24V 40mA Peak 125mATamper protection Yes YesCard technology Mifare MifareCard compatibility Mifare ClassicMifare PlusMifare DESfire EV1Mifare ClassicMifare PlusMifare DESfire EV1Reading distance Up to 6 cm Up to 6 cmIndicators 3 x LED (red/yellow/green)1 x BuzzerMulticolor light frame3 x LED (red/yellow/green)1 x BuzzerMulticolor light frameKeypad No YesDisplay No Yes, graphic monochrome OLEDOperating temperature - 40°C to + 55°C* - 40°C to + 55°C*IP rating IP55** IP55**IK class 08 08Housing Zinc casted metal bezel withpolycarbonate plastic frontZinc casted metal bezel withpolycarbonate plastic frontColor Black, matt chrome Black, matt chromeDimensions (W x H x D) Surface mounted: 85 x 114 x 22Back box mounted: 85 x 114 x 14Surface mounted: 85 x 114 x 22Back box mounted: 85 x 114 x 14Approvals CE according to Radio Equipment Directives, FCC Certified* Only applicable for surface mounted readers. Back box mounted readers are specified from -10°C to +55°C.** Only applicable for surface mounted readers. Back box mounted readers are specified to IP3X.5Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14CE according to Radio Equipment Directives, FCC Certified
3 Safety regulations3 Safety regulationsGenerallFollow all warnings and instructions marked on the device.lKeep this document for reference purposes.lPlease take into account any additional country-specific, local laws, safetystandards or regulations concerning installation, operation and disposal of theproduct.Liability claimlDo not make any changes or modifications to the device.lUse only spare parts and accessories that have been approved by themanufacturer.3.1 Standards and guidelinesEuropean directivesVanderbilt hereby declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU.The EC Declaration of Conformity is available from your Vanderbilt sales office or:Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd.Clonshaugh Business and Technology ParkClonshaughDublin 17Ireland.3.2 FCC statements6Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14Model No. VR10S-MF  VR40S-MF FCC ID  2AHDLNGCR 2AHDLNGCR This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the User`s authority to operate the equipment.
4 Reader components4 Reader components1. Hinge6. Screw for removal from wall tamper protection2. Base7Front3. Cord gasket8. Back box plate4. Knock outs x 45Tamper base7Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
4 Reader components1. Screws for back box plate2. Connector3. Opening tool – please note that this is a symbolic depiction of the opening tool8Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5 Mounting and connectingThe reader enables two different mounting alternatives: surface mounted and back boxmounted. Those come in two different varieties, depending on how the wires are fed orwhich kind of back box is used. The reader is delivered with components to supportthe two mounting alternatives. Please note that the alternatives only require some ofthe different components. Before mounting the reader, identify the parts which areneeded for the appropriate alternative.Please refer to respective page for:l"Surface mounted reader" on the next page– the reader is mounted on the base,which first is fastened on a wall.l"Surface mounted reader with cables fed from outside" on page11 – the reader ismounted on the base and the cables are connected via one of the knock outs.l"Back box mounted reader " on page13 – the reader is partly mounted inside aback box in a wall. The two extra screws prevent the reader from rotating.For connecting the cables to the reader, please refer to:"Connecting the cables" on page14.9Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.1 Surface mounted readerUse drills and screws appropriate for the surface which the reader is to be mountedupon. The surface should be flat to ensure a close fit. To attach the base to the wall:1. Make a small hole in the base gasket. The cables will be pushed through this hole.2. Attach the base to the wall with three screws: one in the middle at the top of thebase, and two in the corners at the bottom of the base.3. In case that the removal from wall tamper protection is required, fix the screw intothe hole under the tamper base. Ensure to not use excessive force since this candamage the tamper base.4. Continue to follow the instructions "Connecting the cables" on page15.10Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.2 Surface mounted reader with cables fed from outsideShould the cables be fed from outside:1. Remove the cord gasket from the base.2. Identify which of the knock outs the cables should be fed through.3. Insert the flat head screw driver in the pocket of the knock out.4. Hammer the screw driver handle. This will create enough pressure to crack theexact area of the base which will release the knock out.5. Tilt the knock out with the screwdriver.6. Pull the knock out away from the base.11Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting7. Attach the base to the wall with three screws: one in the middle at the top of thebase and two in corners at the bottom of the base.8. In case that the removal from wall tamper protection is required, fix the screw intothe hole under the tamper base. Ensure to not use excessive force since this candamage the tamper base.9. Feed the cables through the opening and reinsert the cord gasket. Proceed to theinstructions for "Connecting the cables" on page15.It is recommended to seal the gap which the knock out creates. Please note that areader with a removed knock out is not IP 55.12Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.3 Back box mounted readerThe reader is mounted on a back box which is attached with two extra screws.1. Mount the back box plate on to the back box.2. Attach the extra screws at the lower part of the back box plate in order to preventrotation.Use only the screws included in the packet for the lower part of the base sincethose ensure that the reader front will fit perfectly to be securely fitted over theback box.3. Continue to follow the instructions for "Connecting the cables" on page1413Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.4 Connecting the cablesUse a pair twisted screened cable (2 pairs + screen), such as Belden 9502. The cablesare connected on the respective indicators. Should an extension cable be used, thecables are already attached to the connector.1. Attach the cables according to the respective indicators on the connector and thebase: A B - +2. Snap the connector in place.3. Push the cables back.4. On the backside of the front there is an EOL jumper used for RS485 bus ter-mination (see illustration). By default the reader has the termination ON and actsas thelastreader on the bus. But if it is anintermediatereader on the bus, thejumper must be removed (or placed in OFF position).5. Place the front of the reader with an angle to the hinges at the top of the base.14Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting6. Fold the front down until the snap lock confirms a secure attachment.15Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
5 Mounting and connecting5.5 Disassembling the readerShould the reader need to be taken apart:1. Carefully insert the opening tool in the slot between the base and the front.2. Push gently and lift the front of the base.To remove the connector:1. Insert the opening tool as indicated on the picture.2. Push down gently and tilt the connector away from the base.16Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
6 Default settings6 Default settingsTime-out for configuration card 3 secondsTime-out for display messages 7 secondsActivation time-out 30 secondsHold-off time for cardread 100 millisecondsReception for card InactiveCharacter set Windows 1252Min background illumination 12Max background illumination 255Bus address 0 (Up to eight are supported)Off-line indication YesBacklight Always active (Never and Timed activation are possible)Buzzer volume for key press 2Buzzer volume for card read 2System sound 10Light frame follows LED indicators Red, yellow, greenReading MIFARE Classic UIDReading MIFARE Plus SL1 – SL3 UIDReading MIFARE DESFire EV1 UIDThe card readers are delivered in this default mode. This mode can be altered with theConfiguration Card Creation Tool (3CT), which enables for required settings to be usedfor the card readers. For further information, please contact the supplier of this reader.The readers use FreeRTOS. For further information, please visit International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
7 Connecting card reader to SiPass integrated7 Connecting card reader to SiPass integratedThe connection between a card reader and a Reader Interface Module (RIM) is asfollows:RIM (DRI/ERI) VRxx-MF12 V ⃡+0V ⃡-Tx/+ ⃡ARx/- ⃡B7.1 Setting the card reader addressThe card readers are delivered in the default mode which is stated in "Default settings"on page18. The bus address for card readers with default settings is 0. Ensure topower up the card readers one at the time – this in order to establish the bus addressesin correct order. When connecting a card reader to a RIM (DRI/ERI), the card readerand bus address is automatically configured as follows:1. The first powered up card reader gets bus address 1.2. The secondly powered up card reader gets bus address 2 and so forth.When the card reader is first powered, the yellow LED flashes. The flashing lights stopwhen it is correctly configured to SiPass integrated. This can be tested by holding acard in close proximity. A correctly configured card reader acknowledges the cardaccording to the SiPass integrated settings.Please note that a new card reader will always get the next free bus address. Should acard reader with bus address 5 be removed and a new card reader be installed, thenew card reader will get address 5.18Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
7 Connecting card reader to SiPass integrated19Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
8 Disposal8 DisposalAll electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal wastestream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities.This crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on the product means the product is covered by theEuropean Directive 2002/96/EC.The correct disposal and separate collection of your old appliance will help prevent potentialnegative consequences for the environment and human health. It is a precondition for reuse andrecycling of used electrical and electronic equipment. For more detailed information aboutdisposal of your old appliance, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or theshop where you purchased the product.20Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd. 2017-07-14
184951146016858612.51214 42.542.2 55Scale 1:1Units: mm
Issued byVanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd.Clonshaugh Business and Technology ParkClonshaughDublin© 2017 Copyright by Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd.Data and design subject to change without notice.Supply subject to availability.Document Nr A-100224-9Edition Date 2017-07-14

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