Vaultek Safe PRO-VTI01 PRO VT/PRO VTi safe User Manual 15 PRO VTi BK UserMan part1 r1
Vaultek Safe, Inc. PRO VT/PRO VTi safe 15 PRO VTi BK UserMan part1 r1
- 1. 15_PRO VTi-BK UserMan part1 r1
- 2. 15_PRO VTi-BK UserMan_part2 r1
15_PRO VTi-BK UserMan part1 r1
—\—\/-\ — - /\p \/ INSTRUCTION MANUAL Thank You For Your Recent Purchase At Vaultekm we stand behind our product and you our customer On behalf of the entire team thank you for your purchase We believe personal defense should be handled seriously and we‘re excited for you to experience the ultimate performance in smart—security. STAY SAFE. VAULTEK'" SAFE. TUTORIAL VIDEOS ONLINE VAULTEKSAFECOM Table of Contents Product Overview ........................................................................... 01/01 lntroduction I Warnings ............................... 03 101. Battery Operation / Battery Maintenance Battery mSldllleOfl ,,,,,, Charging the Botlc'yA-r Master Code Programming ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Remote Key Fob Operation I Warnings ,,,,,, Remote Key Fob Pairing ........ Toggle Key F0:- Access Moces To Unpalr Remote l(ey Fob ______ Mulliple Sale Mdr'dgervmn' vvvvv Hot Keys ............... Tamper Detection v Toggle Sloan Mose - Toggle Trave. Mods View Baltcry Status Tagglc lr‘lc'rav Ling H Tugglc Blumooln 444444 M Toggle Key Fan Mm“ >>>>> M Toggle DMl Sensitiww A— Vaultek" App I App Features Securing Your Safe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Product Registration ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 FAQ ................... - 19 Troubleshooting H ,. , 20 Customer Support I Warranty ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 Box Contents Vaultek’“ Pro VT Safe High Strength Steel Security Cable Remote Key Fob and Battery Hardware Mounting Kit Ac Power Adapter Owner's Manual I Quick Start Guide Micro-USE Charging Cable Backup Keys (2) Tutorial Videos Listed below are some of the variOLs tutor'els available at vaulteksa‘e cum Installing Your Battery How to Register Your Safe Change Your Master Pin Code Overview of the Bluetooth App How to Anchor Your Safe Hot Keys Available + More videos online. Product Overview Get to know yum Vaulrek‘" sale 0A, PreDnHec Modntmg Holes 07 LED Light Butter 05 BaTtery Comoanmem Door OE LED nghr 06, PROGMM Button {Located Beneath Protectwe [cvevi 0151wa key Hole-(ovw 05 wms'am Bar 07. MR ru~USB (barging Par: Vaultek'" App! We VauueIC" app us avauAMe {or Andrmd and Us cevkes. Ins app shows you to remotew ur-Iozk save (New hallsrv weveL mggls sound UNIUH, Admsr the interior lvgm, plus mmh move See pages 15 to 16 my more w‘rmmanm‘ m VrmHH‘W w ‘v-rnl'iw'” Introductio Ihe Vaultel<"‘ Pro VI is a PIN access I B.uetooih access sa‘e. Its solid structure and penetration resistant ces’gn makes it ideal for storing valcabes such as firearms, Jewelry, cash, anc other personal items Powered by a rechargeable l‘thium-ion battery, the safe combines high security with complete access control. Secure Access: -Iow to open you Vaultek'M Safer Keypad: Tne numeric keypac responds quickly for rapid access and nas a ou'lt-in proximity sensor that lights up wnen your hand brushes aga'nst the safe, See page 08 for more In‘ormation. Key Fob: Remote for on dcmanc access. See pages 09 am: 12 for more information Vaultek" App: Open the safe witn the aluetooth app See pages 15 and 16 for more in‘ormalion. Key: Two keys are provided for manual access to the safe in the event the battery dies. Secure Defense: How your Vaultek‘M Safe «eeps people out. Anti-Impact Latches: BLilt to Withstand forcele impacts and heavy slams, Unibody Construction10iir unibody design is extremely stror‘g without welds or weak poirts, No EnternalAccess Points: A combination of interior mounted hinges and anti-pn/ reinforcement bars help prevent unwanted tools ‘rom attempting to break tne safe open. Security Sleep Mode: Activates when six (6) consecutive incorrect keypac entries are entered and does not accept any entries ‘or ‘oLr minutes. A backup key or programmed fingerprint may be used to open the safer DMT (Dynamic Motion Tracking): Motior activated alarm can be disabled o' enabled with three levels of sensitivny (Low, Medium, and High) using the Vaultelr“4 app or hot key furctions. See page 11. for information 03 Vatl.€ek“‘ Wa gs Io prevent damage to your Vaultek’“ unit or irjury to yoursel‘ or to others, iead the following safety precautions before using this unit DO NOT PLACE OR STORE THE BACKUP KEVS INSIDE THE SAFE AT ANY TIME. IF THE BATI'ERV FAILS. VOU WILL BE UNABLE TO OPEN THE SAFE no NOT expose to extreme heat or cold. Battery power may be affected. ALWAYS check to make sure door has latched when closing lId requires: firm press and Indisammadcally. DO NOT store loaded guns in this unit DISCLAIMERS NEITHER SELLER NOR MANUFACTURER SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INJURY. LOSS OR DAMAGE. DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE VAULTEK‘“ SAFE THE USER SHALL DETERMINE THE SUITABILITY OF THE VAULTEK'“ SAFE BEFORE THE INTENDED USE AND USER ASSUMES ALL RISK AND LIABILITY WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. IMPORTANT Check page 12 for remote key fob warnings. TUTORIALS ONLINE AT VAULTEKSAFE.COM 04 Vaultck" Battery Operation tfwr'r'rwr‘ ”run {mgr mt mm,- ”mm“. m. Arum up wlw Your safe uses a srv tafisc 'echargeable t-rhrum-ron mm 3 Her Charging the Battery top A mmrmum 2000 mAh capaoty rs VEQuIrEd, however 2200 with or htgher can be used to ncrease operation trme, Your Vaultek'“ safe rs powered by a rechargeable .lthium—'on battery and comes With a chargrng tut wn‘ch ‘ncludes an AC power adapter (suitable for 120 volt power outleLs] anc a mrc'or'JSB cable Safe and "titre—USE cable can be used wrtn all 'nterr~anonat Dower adapters Battery Installation 1 To get started rnsert are 0! your barium (eys tt‘ln 'he keynote al ‘he front of the sale (see Frgl re A) Push key in and tome lrre'| matte-y (rncluded tn accessory box) trim the bakery compartment. Note Ittal your as below: IMPORTANT t/auttekT" sale automatrcatly detects the polarlty 0' we hauery A ltghts glaw‘ Fully rec’rarged Aflerinstalling the battery, useme chargrngktt arm can tre lrrstarled m Eithe' dtrernon 311ght5 glow‘ 1 light bltnks 80%-100% pmwdzd to charge the mm. 1009.» 2 lrghts glaw‘ 1 lrght trunks. bo%-80% 1 ltght glows. 1 .rght sl‘nks’ AO%--60% 1 lrght nhrks, less than 20°10 5 When the Battery rs mserten volr wrll hear a short welcorrre tone Leavrng your safe Mugged in continually will not anu the keypad wtlt llghl up harm the safe or battery, 6 Once you hear the tone- arrd see the keynac ugh. t.p_ replare the rrazterv (over Yul. are nuw ready 1: program yum sale The charging kn can also functtnn as an external power supply, which means you car- ouen your safe w'te-r the IMPORTANT Battery 15 depleted, Your Vaultek’“ sale willrautomatlcally leak when you fully close the lid TU ORlALS ONLINE AT VAULTEK FEC us Vaumlr'" ob Vauuu" Battery Maintenance Testing the Battery Power Io (neck me battery level press ai‘cl hold the “6 and ‘E key together on the keypad for 5 secoi‘ds the status bar trorn lett to tight Will glow LRLLN or YLD to indicate the cattery revel. Remaining Batte'y Capattty Level Low Battery 1‘ 5 LLDs glow greerr 80%-100% _ y, 4 LLDs glow green boDA)_80D/u l‘ the first LEI] on the status her brinxs PEI) several y: 5 LLDs glow green (ion/060.34, times anr‘, you hear several rap‘d lreens when opening y: 2 LLD glows green 1°%_LUo/q tire sate, your battery level is (riiically ow and your 1‘ 1 LLD glows red. zo/Tzun/o sate needs to tie (hargeri irtrrried'ately l' 1 LLD blinks reo, ess than 2% TI? in me event the battery die; or a sort reset ”is perfo'rrted (battery removal and installation) me safe wrrl restore default settings tor DMT. "interior tight. sound, arid the remote key ton These settings will need to be readiristed. however the master code will not be airmen. IMPORTANT Replace the battery when one or more or the followrng occurs: A) all tour or the white LEDs above the micro-USE jark are blinking or Ii) it takes more than 4 hours to remargettie battery Use a 5 N 18650 rechargeable lithium-ion battery with a that too A minimum moo mAh capacity is required, however 2200 mAh or higher can be used to increase operation time. the adapter user: to charge the cattery snoiild output SV/zooomA or above when using micro-USE OR A S ONLINE AT VAULTEKSAFECOM 01 Va Ltek’" Master Code Programming FtlSl t’rrie users sriotnd (irarige the detail; woe as soor‘ as possible to prevent tinaulhorrzec areas to your sate You Will also use this rrtaszei (ode to pair the Vaultek‘“ app on you srrrarlpnone, so it S'|Oll.d be kept confidential. f tie; coat gourmets ‘ : . Your code can be a minimum ot L and a men'mum ot 8 keypao entries . two keys rani'ol be pressed Simultaneously . - Program-ring a new code wtlr overwrite your pies-mus woe ll Lnter detault code 1‘4-‘5-4 on me keypac to open the sate 2 Wow the safe open. press anc holo the ‘1' key then the 'PROGQI\M' button together l} secondslll'gure Dl unttl al. status bar LiDs zurn RED and let go 3 Lnter you MW master code 6 Press ant: liold the ‘1‘ key then the "MOORAM" bLnorr together aga'ri (5 Seconds) until all status bar LEDS urn RED and lET go 5 Lnter you MW master code a second time 6 Press an: hold w» "l‘ key trieri the "PQOGRAM" ti..ttori together a third time (s sewndsl lJ't‘ll the sole heeps and all status bar LFDr. iurrr CRFFN arts le’ go This tore tonl'irrns that the raster (ode has beer" iese: it you make a mistake am: the new (one wtll rot works Sititpw start over wtth step z 08 Voulmk" Remote Key Fob Operation Vour Vaultek‘“ safe supports cuic< access w-th the 'riclucied 'emote key foo. Take caution when using this feature and be responsible. Security can be compromised in the event the key fob is lost or stolen. Only pair the key fob after thoroughly understanding the inherent risks. IMPORTANT Before you can pair the toy tab to your safe connccrthe p'c-installed flattery by removing the DUIA tab from the SlCC of tne key fob (Figure E) Remote Key Fob Pairing Note: As a security measure to prevent acCidental access. you most Dress both sides or" the fob simultaneously to acts/ate referrer: to as a dual press This dual press is required for the pairing process as well as anytime tne key fob is used to open the safe Followrrig this orocedure will pair the key tab to your safe 1 Press and hold the ’5' key then "°ROGRI\M" button together (3 seconds) until al. status oar LEDs blink GREEN, 1 Aim the fun toward the safe and press both sices o‘ the fob together (Figure F) If all the lights or tne status bar glow GREEN, the fob is Da‘red successfully if all lights on the status oar blink REDT the fob failed to pair r (its case, simply start over With step one IMPORTANT The key fol: functions in tlose proximity to safe and has a short range of approximately 5 feet (Figure Fl. After pairing the xey foo will be immediately active to test functionality and then turn 6". Key fob will need to be set to either On Demand or Progressive mode see page 10 for more information. liv Vau‘iek'“ lillllll‘ ’|l. lilii'ltll i—l Toggle Key Fob Access Modes After pairing you tan toggle between atcess modes from the keypad or Bluetooth app. To toggle ‘rom the keypad press arid hold the ‘6 Irey then "PROGRAM" button together, The status bar will communicate as directed below. 0FF~ Status Bar LEDs [urn Solid RED Progressive Entry Mode - Status Bar LEDs Blink GREEN Sate goes into sleep mode and will require you to wake up the sale netore using Itey rob Von can wake up the sate by pressing any key or brushing your hand across the keypad of the sate (bandit keys wili tl.rr| IlkD) On Demand Entry Mode 7 Status Bar lEDs Solid GREEN This mode grants immediate vi((i35$ lo your sate Wilhotii havrng to wake ii up Warning: On Demand Entry Mode can open a safe in another room and/or out oi Slghl. To reduce visit o' an unattended open sale we recommend using Progressive Entry Mode. On Demand Entry Mode requires significant power usage and can greaisv redwe operation lime, We suggest setting the key for: to Progressive Entry Mode to conserve battery. To Unpair Remote Key Fob NOTE Disablmg lhe remote |rt arteletomeier and iorresoonding alarm that alerts of any attatk’ng to your sale iiitlltd‘iig Drums and impatts, DMT (Dynamic Motion Tracking). GMT 6 enahled try delatrlt and its serrsrtivitv has t'rree sen-rigs, low, Meditm, and High Vou (an toggle throiigri these settings by pressing and holding the '7' key then 'PROGRAM ' button together for 3 seconos If all FIVE lights on the status bar glow solicl CRFFN. the High setting is enabled, |r FOUR lights on the status bar glow sol‘o GRFFN, the Medium setting is enabled, i' THRFF lights on the status bar giow GRFFN, the low setting is enahteo it all lights on the status oat glow RFD, DMT is disabled (OFF). r/l Vitrlte'h'“ Vaultek" App The Vau.tek"‘ app Lets you get the most GM 0‘ your VaoltekN safe Usmg tl‘E app gives you access and control over featues that are not poss'ble usmg the keypad interface alone. Get the App Download ano lflstatl the iraulrek‘M app 501 free from the Google Play Store or Aoole Store IMPORTANT Vain must be withlri Bluetooth range and connected in your Vanlltelt’“ safe before any of the tea-lures Will hint‘tion Pattern Lock The pattern in! k is an added layer of proler ”on to salegud't’ your 5-1'9 and preveril urimitl‘orileu fitness in "is even: your phone 15 mlspldlE’J To treats a pa'le'rv Iotk‘ simply drag your finger almig the Screen to toiiriecl a! least I. :iri es this unique palrrfrn WI” he requ red when opening the an: Pair with Your Vaultek‘n Safe Be sue to paw you safe to your smarlphone as soon as oosslhlr: to sync the systems Once paired ym wlll gain access to the sales settings to acjus: toggle arid track any changes mate to the safe Vote any (haflgCS mace firm! to the sore connecting to ‘ho app Will reflect the time stamp from the sales default (Lock and may not Match your phones crock 1 From the device make sure Slumooih is ON and clstoveroblc by nther dewces 2 Open the app,-1nt1lollow the steps to pair your soil: fl Vaulteh'“ App Features Remotely Unlock Safe History Log Whllf‘ in Bitieiomn range you tan erQlay open Track the lime and date (nanges were made to the the sa'e sa’e. those changes may include when someone unlocked the safe and how they unlocked the safe Check Battery Level any changes to the settings ol the sore including brigntness, soLnd, master coce changes, an: more. A battery meier shows the remainmg battery power. To le DMT Sensitivi Toggle Sound ONIOFF gg W Fri-1mm hy default DMT Will alert you to or‘y imaatis to your sale Aciusi l'lE SEVlSII‘Vily settings of the alarm hctwccn Low Medium, ant: High or toggle DMT OFF Von (rm toggle the 1\(S‘E‘m soui'da (JN/O~l>, Adjust Interior Light Toggle Key Fob Modes Vou can vary the DYlgflTflESS on the internal LED lignr from 0~100°/o [Alternate between my {on J((CSS modes OFF Progressive Entry Mode arc! On Derriard Er‘lry Mods LIN VAULTEKSAFECOM iii ‘Jilll't—h'” Securing Your Safe Product Registration Your Vau.:ek'" safe can be secured a few different ways, lncluded Is a security cable to attach your safe to larger Vaultek“ strongly enrourages you to regrster you flats as soon as you raw-v9 ’t. Reglstratrorr provrces many statlonary obtects, There are also mounting screws lnctudea to mount the safe to a flat su't'ace ustng the trenefils irrt’llrd‘rrg tethrncal support and orderrng replaterne'l! keys should yol mlsplate them VOL r Vaulted“ are»drrlled holes on the bottom sale has a umque oroducr numner on the rrside ot the battery door and a 4-01ng ID nurnoev engraved or "re . _ (sys. Von wtlr need these numbers to register your ears. Usmg the Setunty Cable 7 1 LOCJIE your produc numtrer ti '5 pnnteo on the first cage or this user manual and on we back 07 the Navy 1 loop the sccunry table around a sccu'cd objcct door (I gore IN) 2 Run the and 0! (N? (ante through the eye of the other end and poll tight around the object 2 Fi'ld your L~o|g1r lD number engraved on the lleys {Frgure K) 3 Please vrs‘t the Vaumlt‘" wchsrre a: vauttcksatctom «mu [trill Support men (HCK Rogrszrauoh "our 3 Plum the end of the senurrly cabtc inside thr: fully the availablo optrons entloscd qurnk release (able annl rns|clc you Vaultek'“ safe as shown m (Figure H) I. Entcr the recurred mlcrmat'ron rn "he 'orm and (lldt submit I. Make sure the safe closes wrth the iablo securod rnsidc the quick release cable Mount P/ N-xxxxxxxxxxxxx Using the Mounting Screws 7IP’ Make sure you nave enough cloarantc for the lid to open properly heft)": rnmnhhg thc self: 1 Posrtron the safe on a flat surface where yet want to ”W” “ mnmm 2 ‘J59 a ”NC“ to mm tre notes for orrllrng, Mounting the safe vertically so that the door flips 3 Dnll PILOT holes. upward will result in incomplete opening of the safe due to wmght,The door wrll open it the safe rs A Posrhon safe In place an: ‘nstel‘. screws through sare mounted so that the door open down or to the sitter ‘"‘° W m“ “We“ News TU RIA s 0 LINE AT VAULTEKSAFECOM Z7untttk'“ EVEU‘FK'“ Q: How do I secure the app? A‘ Tne arm has a built in security pattern lock feature to prevent someone from opening your phone and accessingthe safe. Re‘er to page 15 for more mforrnation. Q: (an I keep the safe plugged in at all times? A: seavmg you safe p.ugged in continually Will not harm the safe or battery. However. to preserve the battery life span for portability we suggest that you unplug occasionally to allow the battery to cycle down. Q: What happens to the fingerprints that are stored in my Vaultek'“ safe when the battery dies? A: The safe retains all fingerprints in the event ofbattery failure. Once the power is restorer: by inserting the AC adapter tape the unit wrll function as it die before the power loss. Q: What type of battery does my Vaultelt safe use? A: Use a 3.7l/ 18650 rechargeable litn'urn-iori flattery With a flat top A mrmmLm 2000 "Ali tapacrty is required however 2200 mAh or higher can be used to increase operatron time. This type battery '5 commonly available and in the event you do not seek Vaultekm for a replacement we recommend a brand name lixe Panasonic. Q: What happens if I lose the keys? A. first. make sure yon. registered your safe in me event you do lose you keys. Contact us at support@vau‘ Be prepare: to oroylde your order details and product number to us so we can verify ownership. 0: Can I travelwith my Vaultek'" safe through US Customs or TSA Seturity at the airport? A: Ves. there are no restrictions on carn/ing this type 0‘ item If transporting firearms make sue to check the safe or inc.uce With your checked baggage Please Be aware that yoi. may be asked to oper‘ your safe. Rather than pass it througn x-ray. an: we recommend that an enrolled user be present during the transport of this item in case such a mom“ is made by a government authority STOP! Do not return to retailer. If you have any questions about your Vaullek'" safe or need help configuring the system, please contact us a: 19 Vuulirl‘“ Troubleshooting i" you exper ence any issues wrth your sar’e. try the followmg solLtio-is. Yhe app history clock data does not match up with my phones clock. A: The safe's internalcloclt wrll sync With you phone automatically when paired All prev‘ous rifstory. before the sync. Will appear from the safe‘s deFath (loci and may not match your phone's clock The keypad is not responding. A. Rewove the battery and reinstall ‘nrs ‘s a soft reset lor the sale See if you are able to open the sale usrng the dctaur: coco 3-2-3~A or even renrogram the safe; masmr LOCE ll you are still experiencing issues tonlatt us at support@valltcksale corn The lid is not engaging. A: The Ad requires a firm press. Vou wrtl. feel the latches engage ifyou press sawly FeeUl-sten for the Clltk. Lights not working. A1To toggle tne interior light ON/OFF press and hold teys '5' and ‘7' Together for 5 seconds. With the light toggled to ON you can press the "L-GHT“ buttor insice the safe to illurriinate the light. if the light does not perform do a soft reset Re'riove the battery and reinstall lhrs is a soft reset for the safe. if yoL are still experiencing issues contatt us at scrpport®vauitcksafe torn Q: What happens ifl lose the keys? A: First make sure you registered you safe in the event yol. do lose your keys, Contact us at suppof.@yathel Aulnori1ed Dealer Name -Detailed description of problem NFITHFR SFl l FR NOR MAhUFAC‘tJRFR SHAlI BF llASl F :OR ANV INJURY, [055 OR DAMAGE DIRFCT OR CONSFQUFNTIAI, ARISING OUT OF ‘HF USF OF, OR ‘HF INABIl ITV TO USF TH: VAUlTF (W SAFF H Vaultek" REV061327-007 The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement, The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction FCC statements: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications or changes to this equipment Such modifications or changes could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. H \/A.\ULTEK® \’/ VAUL'EKSAfE (OM
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