Verbatim 49160 Wi-Fi microSD Card Reader User Manual
Verbatim Wi-Fi microSD Card Reader Users Manual
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Users Manual
Wi-Fi SD D Card d read der (Med diaSh hare Wirele W ess Miini,49160) Da atashe eet Table of Con ntent Introducction ........................................................................................................................... 2 Target Users/Markets s ........................................................................................................... 2 Featuress ................................................................................................................................ 3 Applicattions ........................................................................................................................... 3 Hardware Specifications ...................................................................................................... 4 e illustration ............................................................................................................... 5 Interface Software e Specificatio ons ........................................................................................................ 6 File & System Manag ger App ................................................................................................ 7 System Requirementts .......................................................................................................... 8 ools ........................................................................................................................... 8 Client To It Unifiess Your Familyy with Recrea ation ................................................................................. 9 Version 0.1 Last Up pdated: Oct. 24, 2 2014 Author: Po ower 7 PM Department pm@p power7tech.c Inttroductio on Pow wer 7 WiFi Micro SD devicce (Model Name: MediaS Share Wirele ess mini,4916 60) is a porta able wire eless storage e device with one Micro SD S slot. MediiaShare Wire eless mini allows you to convvert Micro SD D memory ca ard into a WiiFi accessible e media. Pow wered by build in 740mA AH batte ery, you can now wirelesssly access your videos, music, photo os, data and stream it to your iPad d®, iPhone® ®, tablets, smartphones, and a notebook ks upto 3 hou urs. There is no need to worry abou ut running ou ut of space on o your mobile devices. Without the wired limitatio on, you can enjoy listening to music while trave elling with Me ediaShare Wireless mini in your backkpack, share by pla acing it at anyy house corn ner or lay bacck watching movies in the photto with your family beacch – with a ra ange of up to o 150ft you’ll never feel te ethered to yo our MediaSha are Wireless s mini. Bestt of all, the MediaShare Wireless min ni can bridge the Internet connection tto your existiing wire eless router, so s you may access the data in the sto orage while surfing the In nternet simu ultaneously. Also it can work as a USB micro SD card reader to t accessing g on compute er. Share Wirele ess mini MediaS Tarrget Users/Markkets Mobile Device User iPho one®, iPad® ®, smartphone e, tablet or notebook use er may unleash from veryy limited stora age capa acity by throw wing large files such as movies, music or PowerP Point files to MediaShare Wire eless mini. Trraveler Frequent Business Businessman may show cusstomer the prroduct datash heet, contracct or quotatio on in MediaS Share eless mini an nytime in the coffee shop, meeting roo om or hotel. Wire Movies & Music Down nload Mania Havve already do ownloaded hu undreds or th housands of movies, mussic by BitTorrent at home e but you cannot enjoyy watching or o listening to o them while you are outsside? MediaS Share Wirele ess minii is the solution for you. Salesman Med diaShare Wirreless mini may m save mobile sales pe erson like inssurance broke er, realty bro oker from m carrying bu ulky brochure e or flyers. Feaatures File and System Mana ager App Two o way file trransferring between Med diaShare Wireless mini and your iPhone®, iPad®, sma artphone, tab blet or comp puter with Wi-Fi connec ctivity (802.11 b/g/n). Avvailable iOS and Android mobile app a with sea arch utility fun nction to find and locate specific data file. Bridge to Internet Acc cess your Intternet access to your exiisting WiFi ro outer, so you u may access any data in n the By pass SD while surfing g the Internett simultaneou usly. USB Card Reader or Wireless Ca ard Reader Simply insert Me ediaShare Wireless mini into USB Porrt of PC, and d then it will fu unction as a USB d Reader, po owered by bu ulid in batteryy, it will functtion as a porttable wirelesss card reade er Card Share with h Friends & Family Allow w 5 maximum m concurrent connection ns for sharing g videos, aud dios, photos a and data. Extended Battery Life Up to t 3 hours off continuous use battery life l for maxim mum portability. onfigure and d Operate Easy to Co Friendly user intterface desig gn with wizard d guide to as ssure even th he novice ca an get AirPoc cket+ i minutes. startt to operate in Ap pplication ns Connect to the USB Port ect to the US SB port of notebook, Me ediaShare W Wireless min ni Scenario 1 – Simply conne s an Micro SD S reader when you sw witch MediaS Share Wirele ess mini to worrks solely as Card d-reader Mo ode. MediaSha are Wireless mini works as a a USB Ca ard Reader orks solely as a wireles ss Card Rea ader while yo ou switch Scenario 2 – AirPocket+ wo diaShare Wireless mini to WiFi mod de. Med MediaSh hare Wireless mini works s as a Wirele ess Card Rea ader Bridge to Internet Acc cess ou got an existing WiFi router for In nternet acce ess Scenario - If yo Wirelessly Bridge to Inte ernet Accesss Hardware Specifica ations Prod duct name Wi-F Fi SD Card Reader Mod del name MediiaShare Wire eless Mini,49 9160 CPU Flassh SDR RAM WiFi Mode el MT M 7688AN Frequency MIPS24KEc 580MHZ Mode el EN25Q64 Capa acity 8MByte SPI flash Capa acity DDRII 64MB (512Mbit) stand dard 802.11 b/g/n Frequency 2.4GHz Antenna Array 1T1R Signa al strength Spee ed Batttery LED(Gre een/Red) 0.5dBi (WiFi component) 14dBm (Main n chip) 72Mbps for 20MHz 150Mbps for 40MHz Green on: Ch harging Red R on: Low battery WiFi LED (Blue)// Internet In WiFi mode e, LED showss the system LED (Green) state: Blue blinking: Kernel load ding in process Interrface Blue on: Systtem initiation n completes Green on : In nternet is con nnected successfully Micro o SD card slo ot Support MicrroSD/SDHC,SDXC upto 2TB Rese et button Factory defau ult reset buttton Environmental Operating Temperature: 5°C to 35°C uirements requ Non-Operatiing Temperatture: 0°C to 60°C Operating Humidity: 5% to t 90% (Non--condensing) Non-operatin ng Humidity: 5% ~ 90 % (N Non-condenssing) Prod duct dimension 78mm m L x 27mm W x 14.2mm mH Emission (EMI), FCC Class B ety & Other Safe CE Certtifications Intterface illustratio on MediiaShare Wire eless mini Intterface Illustration Sofftware Specificattions Systtem setting Lang guage selectiion To select your nattive language es Firmw ware upgrad de Conffiguration settting Auto omatically up pgrade firmwa are To ba ackup and rettrieve system config guration settiing File system Facto ory default To res store default system setting settin ng restore origin nated in facctory production FAT1 16/FAT32 A) Support Microso oft Windows 6/FAT32/exFA AT file system FAT16 B) Application toolss: FAT file system insspection and repair tool exFA AT(Optional) Both support Micro osoft and Mac c® OS file system File service CIFS S protocol Provid de shared se ervices to file es and printe ers for clientss on Microsofft Windows Netwo ork Samba service Provid de shared se ervices to file es and printe ers for clientss on Microsofft Windows Netwo ork and Unixx-Like Netwo ork HTT TP(S) service DLNA Provid de DLNA serrver (DMS) OS A builld-in browserr which supp port comm mon operation system succh as Windo ows, Linux, Mac® OS an nd smart termin nal for easy managemen nt WebDAV protoco ol Make es the Web a readable an nd writable mediu um which allo ow users to e edit and mana age documen nts and files sstored on World d Wide Web servers Acce ess control Passsword protecction A) WiiFi access co ontrol: None WPA WPA2 WPA&WPA2 EB access control B) WE ogin Password lo amba accesss control C) Sa Password lo ogin ult security: Defau A) Authentication n needed witth password 11 1111111 N authentica ation B) No C) No N authentica ation Connecting Wayss(Optional): A) NFC N authenticaation B) QR Q Code auth hentication Netw work WiFi setting Man nagement A) WiFi W login history cache B) WiFi W auto logiin A) Available wire eless networkks display LAN side setting A) IP P setting B) Subnet mask setting C) DHCP server setting D) Default gatew way setting E) Default DNS setting Application softw ware Clien nt A) Windows XP//2003/Vista/7 7/8, Linux, Unix, Mac® B) Android: table et, smartpho one C) iO OS: iPad®, iPhone® D) WP: W Window Phone File Formats iOS Client A) Audio: Suppo ort formats off MP3、 AAC A 、m4a、wav、aiff B) Video: Suppo ort formats off AVI A ,M4V,MKV V,MP4,MPG,R RMVB,RM, WMV,3GP,MO OV,TS C) Photo: Suppo ort formats of jpg、tiff、 bmp,gif(imag ge) D) Document : Support forma ats of keynote 、num mbers、page e、excel、 word 、pdf、txt t 、ppt Andrroid Client A) Audio: Suppo ort formats off MP3 only at a present B) Video: AVI A ,M4V,MK KV,MP4,MPG,RMVB,RM, WMV,3GP,MO OV,TS C) Photo: Suppo ort formats of.jpg、.png D) Document: Support formats of txt、 word 、excell、ppt and p pdf File e & Syste em Manaager App Support remote accesss for controlling and docu uments accesssing. hoto,music and documen nts The main interface havve Media sortt by video,ph earch function n based on media type Support se File manag gement interfface supports list / thumb bnail view , support picturres and documentss sharing Support co opy/delete/cre eate function n and supporrt local/Wi-Fi Storage datta transmission in /between usic/video/ph hotos by iPho one®, iPad® ® and tablet and a smartpho one (JPG, mp3, Playing mu mp4, decod ding ability more depend dent on the sy ystem, file fo ormat depend d on the play yer software in nstalled on yo ou device, Po ower7 sugge est to use Ro ockPlayer/Mo obo Player on the Android an nd Oplayer/G GoodPlayer on o iOS). Support the e operation of o long-presssing the file to o invoke the third-party p player Support to play the pho otos by filmsttrip mode and support ba ackground m music playing deo drag and d play Support vid Support mu usic artwork shows, circu ulation play set, s drag ope eration Support em mail to send out o pictures/documents Support ne etwork and device’s param meters settin ng Transfer videos and ph hotos from an nd to the iPhone®, iPad® ® to Stone LNA/ Chrome ecast and Airsplay(iOS only) for push hing screen tto TV. Support DL Support NF FC Tag (And droid only) Support QR R code scanning to conn nect wifi (And droid only) Support follder sync witth dropbox Sysstem Req quirements iPhone®, iP Pad®, smarttphone, table et or compute er with Wi-Fi connectivityy (802.11 b/g g/n) Mac® or PC computer running Windows 8, Win ndows 7, Win ndows Vista, Windows XP P or ocket+ via USB Mac OS X 10.6.0 or latter operating system for loading media on to AirPo Clie ent Tools Computerr Client Tool Auto searcch and accesss the MediaS Share Wirele ess mini on WLAN Supports Windows XP//2003Vista/7/8 and Mac® ® iOS operattion system Mobile Application To ool Supports iO OS (iPhone® ® and iPad®)) and Android (smartphon ne and table et) Stream aud dios and vide eos and view w photos from m the MediaS Share Wirele ess mini It Unifies Your Fam mily with Recreatiion FCC C Statementt Thiss equipment has been tessted and foun nd to comply y with the limits for a Classs B digital de evice, purssuant to part 15 of the FC CC Rules. Th hese limits arre designed to t provide re easonable protection against harmful interference in n a residentia al installation n. This equipment genera ates, n installed and used in accordance with usess and can radiate radio frrequency energy and, if not the instructions, may cause harmful interrference to ra adio commun nications. Ho owever, there e is no guarantee tha at interferencce will not occcur in a partticular installa ation. If this e equipment does causse harmful in nterference to o radio or tele evision recep ption, which can be deterrmined by turrning the equipment o and on, the off e user is enccouraged to try t to correctt the interfere ence by one or more of the follo owing measures: eceiving ante enna. —Reorient or relocate the re ncrease the separation be etween the equipment an nd receiver. —In —Connect the equipment intto an outlet on o a circuit different from that to which the receive er is nected. conn —Consult the de ealer or an experienced radio/TV tech hnician for he elp. FCC C Radiation Exposure Statement Thiss device com mplies with FC CC SAR exposure limits set forth for an a uncontrollled environm ment. Thiss device com mplies with Pa art 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation iss subject to th he following two cond ditions: (1) this device may m not causse harmful interference, and a (2) this d device must acce ept any interfference rece eived, including interferen nce that may cause unde esired operation. Cau ution! Any changes or modifications not expresssly approved d by the partty responsible for complia ance e the equipme ent. coulld void the usser's authoritty to operate Can nada Statem ment Thiss device com mplies with Ind dustry Canad da’s licence--exempt RSS Ss. Operation n is subject to o the follo owing two conditions: (1) This device may m not causse interference; and (2) This device must accept any interfere ence, includin ng interference that may cause undes sired operration of the device. Le présent appa areil est confo orme aux CN NR d’Industrie Canada ap pplicables au ux appareils radio exem mpts de licen nce. L’exploitation est au utorisée aux deux conditio ons suivante es : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas prod duire de brou uillage; e l’appareil doit d accepterr tout brouilla age radioélecctrique subi, même si le (2) l’utilisateur de uillage est su usceptible d’e en compromettre le foncttionnement. brou 10
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : User Create Date : 2016:03:18 15:05:11+08:00 Modify Date : 2016:03:18 15:05:11+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Format : application/pdf Title : Microsoft Word - Power 7 WiFi SD Device_AIR+_ Datasheet 20160318更新 Creator : User Producer : Acrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows) Document ID : uuid:fbc3d1c3-5416-4422-b14b-295d55929a26 Instance ID : uuid:70d7dae1-92d3-479f-9a96-4d3ab96b9c64 Page Count : 10EXIF Metadata provided by