Verifone Payware Mobile 1 0004 Users Manual

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PAYware Mobile User Guide
Version 1.0004


Copyright June 2010, VeriFone Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. VeriFone, the VeriFone logo,
PAYware®, PAYware Mobile™, PAYware Connect™, and VeriShield Protect are either trademarks or
registered trademarks of VeriFone in the United States and/or other countries.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone 3G®, iPhone 3GS®, iPhone 4G®, and iPod touch® are registered
trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App StoreSM is a service mark of
Apple Inc.
PAYware Mobile Sales: (866) 853-7600
PAYware Mobile Support: (800) 839-0947

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Table of Contents
Notice .................................................................................... 1
O ver view................................................................................ 3
Why PAYware Mobile
G e t ti ng S tar te d ....................................................................... 4
D ow nl oa din g PAYw are Mo bi le Ap p fro m A pp S to r e ..................... 4
L aunc h PAYwar e Mobile .......................................................... 5
Setting Up PAYware Mobile ..................................................... 6
I n i t ia l Se tup Ass is ta n t ............................................................. 7
S e t up Ac c ou n t ........................................................................ 7
Ac ti vate Account ..................................................................... 7
L ear n Mo re ............................................................................ 7
T es t D r i ve .............................................................................. 8
M er c h an t Se t t in gs ................................................................... 8
Registering your iPhone with PAYware Connect
Registering your iPhone with PAYware Connect (UDID Method)
Clear Account From iPhone 11
Live Mode 11
Test Drive Mode 11
Demo Mode
Device Fields
Accepted Cards and Available Transactions 12
Email Device ID
Ap plica tio n Se ttings .............................................................. 12
Sec ure Ca rd R ead er Se ttin gs ................................................. 14
Secure Card Reader Diagnostics 15
PAYware Mobile Help Files ....................................................
Proc essing T rans ac tions w i th PAYwar e Mobile .........................
Sta ndar d Tr ansac tio n Proc essing .........................................
Transaction Info
VSP Status/Responses
Additional Features of the Transaction Info Screen 22
PAYware Mobile Reports .......................................................
Ad ditio na l In forma tion O p tions ...............................................
Da ily Summar y Re por t ...........................................................
Transaction Search 26
Last Transaction Search
Transaction Log
M er c h an t Po r t a l ....................................................................
User Management 30
Settlement 31
C o n tac t In fo r ma t io n ...............................................................
Telephone 33
Web Site 33





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PAYware Mobile is VeriFone’s mobile payment solution that works with iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS,
iPhone 4G, and iPod touch running OS 3.1.2 or higher. PAYware Mobile is the perfect complement to
a total business operations solution by consolidating all payments in one centralized portal. For
merchants who have multiple points of payment—storefront, remote sales, and telephone orders—
adding the ability to take payments wherever the need arises enables increased sales by offering
the payment option of credit cards at any time. Expand your customer base by serving merchants on
the go who previously have not wanted to invest in a full-blown Point of Sale (POS) solution or
mobile payment terminal.
PAYware Mobile works in conjunction with PAYware Connect, our hosted payment gateway solution
that routes transactions to various U.S. payment processing companies. One of the benefits of using
our gateway is that data is encrypted with VeriShield Protect at the card swipe, giving you the
peace of mind that your customers’ data is secure.
The PAYware Mobile Secure Card Reader is only compatible with the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS.
It is not compatible with the iPod touch. However, you may perform manually keyed transactions
using the PAYware Mobile application on the iPod touch.

Why PAYware Mobile
All merchants who accept credit cards for payments know that in doing so, consumers tend to spend
more and shop more often when paying with credit cards. Many smaller businesses, such as home
services and delivery, have not yet had the ease to accept electronic payments. PAYware Mobile is
ideal for small businesses—such as cafes, door-to-door sales, and home repair services—that
typically haven’t been able to access payment applications.
Credit cards can be accepted by manually keying the card number into the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS,
iPhone 4Gor iPod touch, or by swiping the card through the attached PAYware Mobile Secure Card
Reader. When the card is swiped, the card data is automatically encrypted with VeriShield Protect.
PAYware Mobile is PA-DSS 1.2 validated by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council
(PCI SSC) therefore ensuring the highest security standards for payment applications.

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Getting Started

Downloading PAYware Mobile App from App Store
The App Store contains many credit card applications, but none like the PAYware Mobile. PAYware
Mobile supports VeriShield Protect's End-to-End Encryption through the PAYware Mobile Card
Encryption Sleeve, encrypting the transaction data at the time the card is swipe. PAYware Mobile is
a free download and can be downloaded directly to your iPhone or iPod touch from the App Store.

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Launch PAYware Mobile
Once the PAYware Mobile App has been installed on your iPhone, you may start the application by
touching the “PAYware” icon on the iPhone home screen.

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After PAYware Mobile displays its splash screen, you will be asked to create a Security PIN (prior to
accessing the main transaction screen).

Setting Up PAYware Mobile
Once you have set up your PIN, you will be directed to the Initial Setup Assistant to configure the
PAYware Mobile application.

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Initial Setup Assistant
PAYware Mobile includes a simple-to-use setup screen that helps merchants to learn more about the
app before actually using it as well as offering assistance in setting up the application. Each of the
four options has an explanation describing its functions.

Setup Account
When you're ready to set up a live, ready-to-process merchant account, touch this button. PAYware
Mobile will guide you through all the necessary steps. It's recommend that you touch the Learn
More and Test Drive buttons before setting up your account.

Activate Account
Once you've touched the Setup Account button and completed setup process, you'll receive an
Activation email confirming your live account status on PAYware Connect. You should touch the
Activate Account button after you receive that email.

Learn More
Our PAYware Mobile website ( has an abundance of information to help
merchants learn more about PAYware mobile, its processes, and our partners.
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Test Drive
PAYware Mobile's Test Drive Mode can be used to familiarize individual merchants with the use of
PAYware Mobile and transaction processing in general. Consult the section Test Drive Mode (see
page 11) for more details.

Merchant Settings
Prior to processing transactions, you must configure your merchant settings. To access this screen
from PAYware Mobile's main screen, touch the Menu button. You should now see the Menu screen.
Scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words Merchant Settings. You should now see the
Merchant Settings screen.

Client ID – The Client ID is assigned by VeriFone and is your PAYware Connect account number. It
can be obtained from your PAYware Connect administrator and must be entered into the Merchant
Settings screen. To authorize your phone, complete the following steps. Note: There are two ways
of registering your iPhone, and the first method shown below is the way that most users will

Registering your iPhone with PAYware Connect
1. Obtain your Client ID, User ID, and Password from your PAYware Connect administrator and
write them down.
2. Choose Live or Demo mode based on the instructions given to you by your PAYware Connect
3. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main screen, touch the Menu button.
4. You should now see the Menu screen. Scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words
Merchant Settings.
5. You should now see the Merchant Settings screen. Touch the top box labeled Client ID and
enter the Client ID you received from your PAYware Connect administrator.
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6. Touch the Register iPhone button. Enter the User ID and Password you received from your
PAYware Connect administrator. Touch the Continue button.

7. If your phone is successfully authorized, your phone will receive a Device Key. The Device
Key authorizes the mobile device, and is automatically transferred to your phone (you don't
need to manually enter it). PAYware Mobile will display your successful Sync/Resync to the
PAYware Connect system to confirm that it has been registered.

Registering your iPhone with PAYware Connect (UDID Method)
This is the secondary way of registering your iPhone with PAYware Connect. For example, this
method could be used by a business that has multiple copies of PAYware Mobile on phones that have
been distributed to employees. By using this method, the PAYware Connect administrator can track
which employee has which phone (useful in case of phone theft, or if only a single copy of PAYware
Mobile needs to be deactivated).
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words
Merchant Settings.
3. You should now see the Merchant Settings screen. Touch the words EMAIL DEVICE ID in the
bottom-right corner of the screen.

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4. You should now see a standard email screen that already contains your PAYware UDID. Fill
out the To: address box with your intended recipient (should be your PAYware Connect
administrator) and touch the Send button. Your phone will deliver your PAYware UDID and
return you to the Merchant Settings screen.

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5. Touch the Back button to return to the Menu screen.

Clear Account From iPhone
WARNING: This will erase your PAYware Mobile Client ID and Device Key. Use this function if you
need to deactivate your phone's access to your PAYware Connect account. You will not be able to
use the deactivated phone unless your PAYware Connect administrator authorizes a re-sync to the
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words
Merchant Settings.
3. You should now see the Merchant Settings screen. Touch the Clear Account from iPhone
4. PAYware Mobile will prompt you for confirmation. This operation cannot be undone.

Live Mode
PAYware Mobile's Live Mode is the primary, fully-functioning mode of operation. Live Mode is a live
processing environment; all transactions are sent to the PAYware Connect gateway for actual
processing through your active merchant account. To turn on Live Mode:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words
Merchant Settings.
3. You should now see the Merchant Settings screen. To activate Live Mode, touch the Live
button. You will still need to register your iPhone, as described in the help section
Merchant Settings.
4. Touch the Back button to return to the Menu screen, and touch the Back button to return
to the main transaction screen.
5. To turn Live Mode off, simply return to the Merchant Settings screen and select a different

Test Drive Mode
PAYware Mobile's Test Drive Mode can be used to familiarize individual merchants with the use of
PAYware Mobile and transaction processing in general. Test Drive Mode includes a preconfigured
test merchant account and test credit card to communicate to the PAYware Connect Demo system.
The Amount, Credit Card Number, and Expiration Date are hard-coded and cannot be changed.
Actual “live” transactions cannot be processed in Test Drive Mode. To turn on Test Drive Mode:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. From the Menu screen scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words Merchant
3. On the Merchant Settings screen touch the Test Drive button. In Test Drive Mode you will
be able to review the functionality without the need for a live account. Touch the Back
button to return to the Menu screen. From the Menu touch the Back button to return to the
main transaction screen.
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4. To disable Test Drive Mode, simply return to the Merchant Settings screen and select a
different mode.

Demo Mode
PAYware Mobile's Demo Mode is currently only available to specific VeriFone Partners (Test Drive
Mode is available to individual users). Demo Mode can be used to familiarize those merchants with
the use of PAYware Mobile and transaction processing in general. Demo Mode can also be used to
test the connectivity between those merchants' phones and the PAYware Connect gateway. To turn
on Demo Mode:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words
Merchant Settings.
3. You should now see the Merchant Settings screen. To turn Demo Mode on, touch the Demo
button. You will still need to register your cell phone, as described in the help section
Merchant Settings.
4. In Demo Mode, all transactions will be processed through the PAYware Connect Demo
system through a test merchant account and test credit cards. Touch the Back button to
return to the Menu screen. From the Menu touch the Back button to return to the main
transaction screen.
5. To disable Demo Mode, simply return to the Merchant Settings screen and select a different

Device Fields

Device Key – This will be populated when your phone has been registered with the PAYware
Connect gateway.
Device ID – This is also known as your UDID. This will be populated when your phone has
been registered with the PAYware Connect gateway.
Last Resync – This is the date of the last sync to the PAYware Connect gateway
Last Key Change – If you perform a key change (for security reasons) in the PAYware
Connect console, this shows the date of that last key change.

Accepted Cards and Available Transactions
When you register your phone with the PAYware Connect gateway, the allowed card types and
transaction types set up for your account will be shown in this area.

Email Device ID
Explained above in the section Registering your iPhone with PAYware Connect (UDID Method).

Application Settings
Multiple settings can be configured from the Application Settings menu. To access this information:

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1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words
Application Settings.
3. You should now see the Application Settings screen. You may modify any of the following





Tip % -- If you enter a tip percentage (example: 20.00 for 20%) into this field, it will be
applied to all applicable transactions (Sale, Pre-Auth, etc.). If you configure a Tip %
here, you won't need to manually specify one when processing transactions. PAYware
Mobile will automatically add the Tip % that you have specified in this field and send
the total amount of sale + tip to the processor for authorization.
Sales Tax % -- If you enter a sales tax percentage (example: 6.00 for 6%) into this field,
it will be applied to all applicable transactions (Sale, Pre-Auth, etc.). If you configure a
Sales Tax % here, you won't need to manually specify one when processing transactions.
PAYware Mobile will automatically add the Sales Tax % that you have specified in this
field and send the total amount of sale + tip to the processor for authorization.
PIN Entry Grace Period (minutes) -- (default: 3) -- This how long (in minutes) you have
the ability to re-enter PAYware Mobile without keying your Security PIN. If you exit
PAYware Mobile and re-enter after this time has passed, you'll need to enter your
Security PIN. Note: If you exit PAYware Mobile and do not re-enter within the time
shown here, any unprocessed transaction information shown on the main Transaction
Screen will be cleared.
Reverse Keyboard -- Reverses the keypad numbers.
Show Info Screen After Swipe/Zip -- If this is enabled, the Additional Info screen will
prompt for additional information to be included on a transaction after a Swipe or Zip
field is tabbed through.
Prompt for Tip on Completion -- If this is enabled, PAYware Mobile will prompt you for
a Tip Amount during a Completion transaction. The amount sent to the processor for
authorization will be the total amount of sale + tip.
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Prompt for Email on Submit -- If this is enabled, PAYware Mobile will prompt you for an
Email Address during transaction. A receipt will be emailed to the address you enter.

Clear Log -- Touch this button to erase all the PAYware Mobile Transaction Log entries stored on
your phone. This will not affect the data stored at the PAYware Connect gateway.
Change PIN -- Touch this button to change your PAYware Mobile Security PIN.

Secure Card Reader Settings
The Secure Card Reader screen is used to configure settings for both the PAYware Mobile Card
Encryption Sleeve and VeriShield Protect. The PAYware Mobile Secure Card Reader is only
compatible with the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS. It is not compatible with the iPod touch.
However, you may perform manually keyed transactions using the PAYware Mobile application on
the iPod touch.
Note: Most users will not need to modify the Secure Card Reader settings unless advised to do so by
a Support Representative or your PAYware Connect administrator. To access this screen:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words
Secure Card Reader.
3. You should now see the Secure Card Reader screen. Explanations for this screen's buttons a
and information follow:



Slide Timeout -- When swiping a card, there may be a situation where you cannot
successfully read the credit card track data. The Slide Timeout value is the amount of time
PAYware Mobile will wait for a card to be swiped. This value should be kept at a reasonable
value to conserve battery life; the default time is 30 seconds. VeriFone recommends that
you not exceed that value.
Submit After Card Slide -- When this feature is turned on, the transaction will
automatically be transmitted to PAYware Connect for authorization after the card has been
swiped through the Secure Card Reader. This removes the need to touch the Submit button
on PAYware Mobile's main screen after swiping a card.
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Firmware Updates

Update/Restore Bootloader -- Touch this button to update the bootloader for your Secure
Card Reader. If your bootloader requires updating, this button will be colored green.
Otherwise, this button will be colored blue.
Update/Restore Firmware -- Touch this button to update your firmware for the Secure Card
Reader. If your firmware requires updating, this button will be colored green. Otherwise,
this button will be colored blue.
Update/Restore VSP Firmware -- Touch this button to update your VSP (VeriShield Protect)
firmware for the Secure Card Reader. If your firmware requires updating, this button will be
colored green. Otherwise, this button will be colored blue.
Update Reader Encryption -- Touch this button to update your encryption for the Secure
Card Reader.
o Note: Most users will not need to use this function unless advised to do so by a
Support Representative or your PAYware Connect administrator. The PAYware
Mobile Service Card (included with the Card Encryption Sleeve) should only be used
during an Update Reader Encryption session if you have been advised to do so by a
Support Representative or PAYware Connect administrator.

Secure Card Reader Diagnostics
The Diagnostics function is used to view diagnostic information about your Secure Card Reader (if
attached) and send that information to the PAYware Mobile support department. Note: Most users
will not need to use this function unless advised to do so by a Support Representative or your
PAYware Connect administrator. To access this screen:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Scroll down to the Setup section and touch the words
Secure Card Reader.

3. You should now see the Secure Card Reader screen. Touch the Diagnostics button.
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4. You should now see the Diagnostics screen, showing information for the attached Secure
Card Reader.
5. Touch the Run Diagnostics button if you have been advised to do so by a Support
Representative or your PAYware Connect administrator. PAYware Mobile will prompt you for
confirmation. Note: This will reset the PAYware Mobile Transaction Log. This operation
cannot be undone.
6. You should now see a standard email screen that already contains your diagnostic
information. Touch the Send button.
7. Your phone will deliver your diagnostic information to the PAYware Mobile support
8. Touch the Back button to return to the Diagnostics screen. From there touch the Back
button to return to PAYware Mobile's Menu screen.

PAYware Mobile Help Files
PAYware Mobile has help files built into it for easy access to helpful knowledge. To access these
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Touch the Help button at the top-right of this screen.
3. You should now see the Help screen. Touch any topic to view its information.

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Processing Transactions with PAYware Mobile
Now that you have set up PAYware Mobile, you are ready to process transactions.

Best Practice Note: The following instructions will provide you with steps for processing
transactions with the PAYware Mobile application. However, before using PAYware Mobile to do
actual "live" business, we highly recommend that you process a $1.00 transaction using a real credit
card number. Settle this transaction through PAYware Connect and check your bank account to
ensure the funds have been applied correctly. This recommendation applies to all new PAYware
Connect merchant accounts.
Note: Remember that the actual transfer of funds can take several business days (depending on
processing company, merchant bank, etc.).

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Standard Transaction Processing
1. The first thing you'll need to do is select the type of transaction you would like to process. This
can be done by touching the transaction type button at the top-left of the main transaction
screen (shown as Sale in the screenshot above). The following list details each type of
transaction available in PAYware Mobile.



Sale– A Sale transaction decreases the cardholder's open to buy. It authorizes a transfer of
funds from the cardholder's account to your account through your credit card processor.
Pre-Auth – A Pre-Auth reduces a cardholder's account's limit to buy for a predetermined
amount of time based in on the cardholder’s issuer. A Pre-Auth is the first half of a sale. A
Pre-Auth specifies that amount to be set aside for a potential transfer of funds. The funds
are not transferred at batch settlement/close unless a Completion is performed. As
previously mentioned, there is a time limit on a Pre-Auth's usability. The processor
determines the time limit, which is around 7 days, for honoring the authorization. You
should contact your merchant service provider/credit card processing company for the
exact time. Pre-Auth transactions can be used if you are ready to authorize the card, but
will be shipping it the product at a later time. When you actually ship the product, you
would then perform a Completion transaction.
Voice-Auth – There may be times when you will not be able to receive an authorization (due
to connectivity issues). Your merchant account provider will give you a number to call to
receive verbal authorizations during those times. Even though your merchant account
provider has verbally authorized your transaction, you still must enter it into PAYware
Mobile to mark it for settlement. Use the Voice-Auth transaction type to enter the
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customer's card number, transaction amount, and the authorization code you received from
your merchant account provider.
Refund – Use this transaction type to perform a “return,” by crediting funds back to the
cardholder’s account.
Clear All Transaction Data Fields – Selecting this option will clear all the data from the
Transaction Screen of the transaction screen.

2. After you have selected a transaction type, you can specify the amount of the transaction.
Touch the Amount field (if the blinking cursor isn't already in that field) and enter the
transaction amount using the keypad.
3. Next, you must input the customer's card data. There are two ways of doing this: you can either
enter it manually via the keypad or you can simply swipe the card through the Secure Card

Processing Transactions without the Secure Card Reader – If the Secure Card Reader is
not connected to your phone, use the Tab button at the bottom-left of the main
transaction screen. This button allows you to easily navigate through the transaction
fields. Touch the Submit button to complete the transaction.


Processing Transactions with the Secure Card Reader – If the Secure Card Reader is
connected to your phone and you have already entered the amount to be processed,
simply swipe the card through your reader. Based on your Submit setting on the Secure
Card Reader Settings screen. The transaction will either go out for authorization or you
will need to touch the Submit button to complete the transaction.

4. If the Secure Card Reader is not connected to your phone, you'll need to fill out the rest of the
transaction fields. The following list details the transaction fields available on the main
transaction screen.





Amount – This is the dollar amount that PAYware Mobile will use to process the transaction.
Credit Card Number – Use this field to manually enter the credit card number. Manually
entering this data is not necessary when swiping the card using the Secure Card Reader.
After you enter the credit card number and move to the next field, PAYware Mobile will
mask this data (for security reasons).
Exp. MM\YY – Use this field to manually enter the credit card's expiration date. Manually
entering this data is not necessary when swiping the card using the Secure Card Reader.
After you enter the expiration date and move to the next field, PAYware Mobile will mask
this data (for security reasons).
CVC/CVV – Use this field to manually enter the credit card's CVC/CVV. This is three-digit
number on the back of a credit card (four-digits on the front of AMEX cards). This code,
sometimes called a security code, validates that the card is in the cardholder’s hand.
Manually entering this data is not necessary when swiping the card using the Secure Card
Reader. After you enter the security code and move to the next field, PAYware Mobile will
mask this data (for security reasons).
ZIP Code – Use this field to manually enter the cardholder's billing ZIP code. Providing the
ZIP code during a manually keyed transaction may help you to achieve the lowest possible
rate for a manually enter transaction. This field also supports alpha-numeric entry for
Canadian Postal Codes. Manually entering this data is not necessary when swiping the card
using the Secure Card Reader.
Submit – Once all data has been entered, touch the submit button to transmit the
transaction to PAYware Connect for authorization.
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Transaction Info
Once PAYware Connect has processed your transaction, PAYware Mobile will display the results in
the Transaction Info window.



VeriShield Protect Status – on the Transaction Info Bar, either a Green or a Red shield icon
will depict whether or not the transaction was encrypted by VSP. Only transactions swiped
through the PAYware Mobile Secure Card Reader will have a green shield icon. Manually
keyed transactions will show the red shield icon. If you have swiped a transaction through
the Secure Card Reader and a red shield icon is displayed, please call Tech Support to
determine the status of VSP on your Secure Card Reader.
CTROUTD - The CTROUTD is a unique identifier in PAYware Connect for each transaction
processed through your PAYware Mobile application. You may use this number to perform
Void transactions, add signatures, add tips, and perform transaction searches.
Auth. Code - This is the authorization code issued by your credit card processing company.
Type - This is the type of transaction that was processed
Status - This is the approval status of the transaction
AVS Response – This is the exact AVS response from your credit card processing company.

Additional Data Fields – The following additional data fields show the Total Charge, Card Type,
and other pertinent data for the transaction.

Add Tip - Touch the Add Tip button if you want to add a tip to the transaction that was just
Refund - Touch the Refund button if you want to refund an amount to the transaction that
was just processed.
Void - Touch the Void button if you want to void the transaction that was just processed.

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VSP – If you swiped the card through the PAYware Mobile reader, VeriShield Protect (VSP) is
applicable and the card data is encrypted. Applicable Transaction Types are Swiped Sales,
Pre Auths, and Refunds (if swiped). VSP is NOT applicable on follow-on transaction types for
example Voids, Add tips, Signatures, Completions, and Refunds all of which can be
processed as a follow on of a previous Captured transaction. In the Top Right corner shows
the VSP indicator (see above Transaction Info response screen shots) – A Red Shield
indicates VSP was not applicable or error. A Green Shield indicates a VSP encrypted

VSP Status/Responses:



Approval Reason


VSP working properly
VSP could not decrypt the Track
Data. Problem with Reader


000: No Action Taken

Encryption or VSP – please
contact PAYware Mobile

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VSP does not recognize

909: Unknown Command

Command Card – please contact


PAYware Mobile Support
VSP could not decrypt the Track

Unable to process




Data. Problem with Reader

Encryption or VSP - please
contact PAYware Mobile
Not an Error, Transaction was

910: VSP Not Applicable

not eligible for VSP (Signature,
Completion, Add Tip, etc…)

Unable to process



Contact PAYware Mobile



Additional Features of the Transaction Info Screen

Map - Touch the Map button if you want to see where the transaction was processed.
Signature - Touch the Signature button if you want to add a signature to a transaction. This
signature will be submitted to PAYware Connect for retrieval at a later time.

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PAYware Mobile Reports
There are multiple reporting options available within PAYware Mobile application.

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Additional Information Options
Additional transaction information can be included with the transaction information sent to the
gateway. The information that you enter here will only be used for the active transaction and will
be cleared from the Additional Info screen after it has been submitted. To enter additional
transaction information:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Touch the words Additional Info (in the Reports
3. You should now see the Additional Info screen. Enter any available information that applies
to this transaction. Note: The information that you enter here will only be used for the
active transaction and will be cleared after it has been submitted.

4. After you've entered all applicable information, touch the Back button to return to the main
transaction screen and Submit the transaction. Note: The Clear button clears the
information from the active screen

Invoice # -- Invoice number of transaction (optional and assigned by you, the merchant)
Email Address -- Enter the cardholder's email address.
Employee ID -- Used to record which employee processed the transaction.


Enter Percent (Tip) -- If you enter a tip percentage (example: 20.00 for 20%) into this field,
it will be applied to the active transaction. You may use either this field OR the Enter
Amount (Tip) field.
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Enter Amount (Tip) -- If you enter a tip amount (example: 2.00 for $2) into this field, it will
be applied to the active transaction. You may use either this field OR the Enter Percent
(Tip) field.
Enter Percent (Sales Tax) -- If you enter a sales tax percentage (example: 8.00 for 8%) into
this field, it will be applied to the active transaction. You may use either this field OR the
Enter Amount (Sales Tax) field.
Enter Amount (Sales Tax) -- If you enter a sales tax amount (example: 1.00 for $1) into this
field, it will be applied to the active transaction. You may use either this field OR the Enter
Percent (Sales Tax) field.

Daily Summary Report
The Daily Summary is a summary of the current days' transactions. No follow-on transactions
(Completion, Add Tip, etc.) may be performed from the Daily Summary listing screen. Instead, use
a listing generated by either the Device Log or Transaction Search functions to perform follow-on
transactions. The Daily Summary can be emailed (as a plain text file) directly from PAYware Mobile
to the recipient of your choice. To access the Daily Summary:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. You should now see the Menu screen. Touch the words Daily Summary (in the Reports
section). PAYware Mobile will ask you to confirm.
3. You should now see the Daily Results screen. This is a scrollable list of all of the
transactions performed through your phone, ordered by when they were last processed.

4. If you want to send the Daily Summary to an email address, touch the Email button. You
should now see a standard email screen. Fill out the To: address box with your intended
recipient and touch the Send button. Your phone will deliver your Daily Summary and
return you to the Daily Results screen.
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5. Touch the Back button to return to the main transaction screen.

Transaction Search
The Transaction Search feature allows you to search for previously completed transactions that
reside on the PAYware Connect gateway. It does not search the local log (on your phone). Only
those fields that you fill out will be used to generate the search. The application will retrieve the
results from PAYware Connect and display your search in list format. This data may be exported (as
a plain text file) and emailed to a recipient of your choice. Individual table cells can be selected
and used to perform follow-on transactions (Add Tip, Completion, etc.).
The search criteria options are:

CTROUTD -- This is a unique identification number for each transaction performed. The
CTROUTD can be found in the detailed information for each transaction.
Date -- The first field is the starting date and the second field is the ending date. Specify
the range of transaction dates you wish to search. The dates must be in the format of
YYYY.MM.DD (example: April 26, 2009 should be entered as 2009.04.26).
Amount -- The first field is the lowest amount and the second field is the highest amount.
Specify the range of transaction amounts you wish to search. The amounts must be in the
format of DDDD.CC, no symbols (example: $19.56 should be entered as 19.56).
Invoice -- This optional search field allows you to search for transactions with a specific
invoice number.

To perform a transaction search:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. From the Menu screen, touch the words Transaction Search (in the Reports section).
3. The Transaction Search screen will display. Fill out the search criteria for your Transaction
Search. Only those fields that you fill out will be used to generate the search. PAYware
Mobile will display the transaction that matched your search in the Search Results window.

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Transaction Search screen

Transaction Search results

4. If you want to send the Search Results to an email address, touch the Email button to open
a new email screen. Fill out the To: address box with your intended recipient and touch the
Send button. Your phone will deliver your Search Results and return to the Transaction
Search screen.
5. Touch the Back button to return to the main transaction screen.

Last Transaction Search
You may use the Last Transaction feature to connect to the PAYware Connect gateway and retrieve
information about the most recently submitted transaction (status, result, etc.). To access the Last
Transaction feature:
1. On the main PAYware Mobile main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. From Menu screen touch the words Last Transaction (in the Reports section). PAYware
Mobile will ask you to confirm this action.
3. Once the data has been retrieved from PAYware Connect, the Last Transaction window will
display detailed information about recently submitted transaction (status, result, etc.).

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4. Touch the OK button to return to the Menu screen.

Transaction Log
The Transaction Log is a local listing of all transactions (successful and unsuccessful) processed
through your device and includes comprehensive information about each transaction. This report
also allows for follow-on transactions to be performed on existing transactions (Sale/Void, PreAuth/Completion, etc.). The Transaction Log can be used to:

Add a signature to an existing transaction already processed through PAYware Mobile
Show transaction location on a map (where the transaction was processed)
Perform a Completion transaction
Perform an Add Tip transaction
Perform a Refund transaction
Perform a Void transaction

To access the Transaction Log:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. From the Menu screen, touch the words Transaction Log (in the Reports section). PAYware
Mobile will ask you to confirm this action.
3. The Transaction Log screen will display a scrollable list of all of the transactions performed
through your phone, ordered by when they were last processed.

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4. To remove a transaction from the log, touch the Edit button. Next, touch the delete symbol
next to the transaction(s) you wish to delete. Touch the Delete button to remove the
selected transactions from the log. Note: This does not financially delete the transaction; it
is simply removed from the Transaction Log locally stored on your device. Use the Void
and Refund transaction types to balance your account.
5. Touch the Back button to return to the main transaction screen.

Merchant Portal
PAYware Mobile's Merchant Portal allows you to access—via your iPhone—some of the same PAYware
Connect information that you normally have to access using a PC-based Internet connection. You
must have PAYware Connect login credentials before you can log into the Merchant Portal. These
credentials are available from your PAYware Connection Administrator.
To access the Merchant Portal:
1. Starting from PAYware Mobile's main transaction screen, touch the Menu button.
2. From the Menu screen touch the words Merchant Portal (in the Setup section).
3. Enter your PAYware Connect Merchant Code (Client ID), Username, and Password into the
Login Credentials fields. Touch the Login button.

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4. PAYware Mobile will present the Merchant Portal Menu screen. From this window, you can
manage your PAYware Connect users or administer your account's settlement.

User Management
The User Management section of the Merchant Portal allows you to create and edit users who will
have configurable degrees of access to the PAYware Connect gateway, accessible either via a PCbased Internet connection or an Internet-enabled cell phone. The two main functions are Create
New User and Edit User:

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To create a New User, simply enter a User Name and a Full Name. Specify the Role that you want
the user to have (Multi-tiered Roles can be created by accessing the full Merchant Portal from a PCBased Internet connection). Enter (then re-key) a Password that meets the specifications shown
onscreen. The red X's will turn to green checks as each requirement is met.
To Edit a User, select the user you want to edit and PAYware Mobile will display the Edit User
screen. You can use this window to deactivate a user, modify his personal settings, edit allowable
payment type(s), or edit allowable transaction type(s).

The Settlement section of the Merchant Portal allows you to initiate a settlement for an open batch
and/or configure settlement settings related your account. The two main functions are Settlement
Submit and Settlement Setup:

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The Settlement Setup screen lets you specify whether you want your batch to be automatically
settled at a specific time each date. You can use the two Settle Email addresses to specify who
should receive emails indicating the statuses of attempted batch settlements.
Note: Some payment processors have “host-initiated” settlement. When you are using a
payment processor with this capability, you will not need to manually settle your
transactions each day. “Terminal” based processors require end-of-day settlement and you
will have to either manually settle your transactions each day or use PAYware Connect’s
time-initiated function to settle your transactions. Check with your Merchant Services
Provider to determine what type of payment processor you are using to determine the
settlement method you will need to make.
The Settlement Submit screen allows you to submit your open batch for settlement.

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Contact Information

PAYware Mobile Sales: (866) 853-7600
PAYware Mobile Support: (800) 839-0947

Web Site

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