Operating Manual
prOgraMMable FunctiOns/Features
 6ProgrammableFunctionKeys
 2-ToneEncode/Decodeø1
 5-ToneEncode/Decodeø1
 MDC-1200®Encode/Decodeø1
 HornAlert
 PA(PublicAddress)
 Scan
 GroupScanø2
 DualWatch
 FM-Scan(Follow-MeScan)
 TAScan
 Encryptionø1
 Privacy
 TalkAround
 Emergency
 LoneWorker
 TXSaveDisable
 DirectChannelEntryø2,3
 CodeUp/Downø2
 CodeSetø2
 SpeedDialø2,3
 DTMFCodeSetø2,3
 IDCheckø2
eVX-5300 eVX-5400
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
Unsafe Radiation Distance
You now have at your ngertips a valuable communications tool: a Vertex Stan-
dard two-way radio! Rugged, reliable and easy to use, your Vertex Standard radio
will keep you in constant touch with your colleagues for years to come, with negli-
gible maintenance downtime.
Please take a few minutes to read this manual carefully. The information presented
here will allow you to derive maximum performance from your radio.
We’re glad you joined the Vertex Standard team. Call on us anytime, because com-
munications is our business. Let us help you get your message across.
Notice !
There are no owner-serviceable parts inside the transceiver. All service jobs
must be referred to an authorized Vertex Standard Service Representative.
Consult your Authorized Vertex Standard dealer for installation of optional
Safety/WarNiNg iNformatioN
WARNING - DO NOT operate the EVX-5300/-5400 radio when any
person(s) (bystanders) outside the vehicle are within the distances shown in
the chart at the bottom of this section.
Safety Training information:
Antennas used for this transmitter must not exceed an antenna gain of
0 dBi. The radio must be used in vehicle-mount congurations with a maxi-
mum operating duty cycle not exceeding 50 %, in typical Push-to-Talk con-
This radio is restricted to occupational use, work related operations only
where the radio operator must have the knowledge to control the exposure
limits of passengers and bystanders by maintaining the minimum separa-
tion distance shown below.
Failure to observe these restrictions will result in exceeding the FCC RF
exposure limits.
Antenna Installation:
For rear deck trunk installation, the antenna must be located at least the fol-
lowing distance away from rear-seat passengers in order to comply with the
FCC RF exposure requirements.
For roof top installations, the antenna must be placed in the center of the
VHF Model UHF Model
2.9 Feet (0.89 m)2.1 Feet (0.64 m)
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual 1
The EVX-5300/-5400 series are full-featured Digital/Analog transceiver designed
for exible mobile and base station business communications in the VHF/UHF
Land Mobile bands. This transceiver designed for reliable business communica-
tions in a wide variety of applications with a wide range of operating capability
provided by their leading-edge design.
The EVX-5300/-5400 operates using the TDMA protocol for spectrum and power
efciency and lower total equipment cost compared to FDMA. Digital eliminates
noise and static from voice transmit to only deliver the intended voice message
crisply and clearly. The EVX-5300/-5400 feature the AMBE+2™ vocoder for en-
hanced voice quality.
This transceiver allows up to 8 memory channels. Important channel frequency
data is stored in the ash memory on the CPU, and is easily programmable by a
Vertex Standard licensed dealers using a personal computer with Vertex Standard
Programming equipment FIF-12 USB Programming Interface and CT-104A Con-
nection Cable for FIF-12 and CE142 Software. Or, once programmed, cloning
cable CT-4 can be used to program portable to portable directly.
The pages which follow will detail the many advanced features provided in the
EVX-5300/-5400 series transceiver. After reading this manual, you may wish to
consult with your Network Administrator regarding precise details of the congu-
ration of this equipment for use in your application.
For North American Users Regarding 406 MHz Guard Band
The U.S. Coast Guard and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration have requested the cooperation of the U.S. Federal
Communications Commission in preserving the integrity of the protected
frequency range 406.0 to 406.1 MHz, which is reserved for use by
distress beacons. Do not attempt to program this apparatus, under any
circumstances, for operation in the frequency range 406.0 - 406.1 MHz if
the apparatus is to be used in or near North America.
EVX-5300 EVX-5400
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
WarnIng! Fcc rF ExposurE rEquIrEmEnts
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-
tion. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that inter-
ference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the inter-
ference by one or more of the following measures:
r Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
r Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
r Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
r Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
WarnIng! Ic rss gEnEral rEquIrEmEnts
r This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
r Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate
using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the
transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other
users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent
isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for suc-
cessful communication.
r Antennas used for this transmitter (identify the device by certication number,
or model number if Category II) must not exceed an antenna gain of 0 dBi.
The radio must be used in vehicle-mount congurations with a maximum op-
erating duty cycle not exceeding 50 %, in typical Push-to-Talk congurations.
Antenna types having a gain greater than 0 dBi are strictly prohibited for use
with this device.
r Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables
aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux
conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2)
l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
r Conformément à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur ra-
dio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et d’un gain maximal (ou in-
férieur) approuvé pour l’émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire
les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l’intention des autres utilisateurs,
il faut choisir le type d’antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope
rayonnée quivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépassepas l’intensité nécessaire à l’établisse-
ment d’une communication satisfaisante.
r Antennes utilisées pour cet émetteur (identier le dispositif par son numéro de
certication ou son numéro de modèle s’il fait partie du matériel de catégorie
II) ne doit pas dépasser un gain de l’antenne de 0 dBi. La radio doit être utili-
sée dans des congurations de montage en véhicule avec un maximum d’uti-
lisation en fonctionnement n’excédant ne pas 50 %, dans des congurations
typiques de Push-to-Talk. Types d’antenne ayant un gain supérieur à 0 dBi
sont strictement interdits pour une tilisation avec cet appareil.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
controls & connEctors (EVx-5300)
Front Panel
Important! - All buttons located on the Front Panel are Programmable Function
(PF) keys, congured according to your network requirements and programmed
by your Vertex Standard dealer. The instructions below describe a typically-cong-
ured radio.
PWR () Button
Press and hold in this button for 2 seconds to toggle the transceivers power
“on” and “off”.
VOL Knob
Turn this control clockwise to increase the volume.
Microphone Jack
Connect the microphone plug to this jack.
TX/BUSY Indicator
Indicates transceivers Transmit/Receive Status.
[P1] - [P4] Keys (Programmable Function Keys)
These keys can be set up for special applications, such as High/Low power
selection, Monitor, Talk-Around, etc., as determined by your network require-
ments and programmed by your Vertex Standard dealer.
[]/[] Keys (Programmable Function Keys)
In the factory default, pressing either key changes the current channel.
 
 
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
controls & connEctors (EVx-5300)
transcEIVEr status IndIcator
Channel Number Indicator
Indicates the operating channel.
Transceiver Status Indicator
The A”, B”, and Cindicators show current transceiver status, which can
be customized via programming by your Vertex Standard dealer to meet your
communications/network requirements. The possible these indicators are ex-
plained below.
IndIcator dEscrIptIon
MONI This indicator is illuminated constantly when the
signaling feature is disabled. The indicator blinks
while the audio is passing normally.
SCAN CH Illuminates the indicator when the scan enabled
channel is recalled
PRI-1 Illuminates the indicator when the Priority-1 channel
is activated
Low Power Illuminates the indicator when the radio’s transmit-
ter is set to the “Low Power” mode
TA (Talk Around)Illuminates the indicator when the “Talk Around”
function is activated.
Privacy/Encryption Illuminates the indicator when the “Voice Scram-
bler” function is enabled.
Emergency Illuminates the indicator when the “Emergency” fea-
ture is activated.
Horn Alert Illuminates the indicator when the “Horn Alert” fea-
ture is activated.
PA (Public Address)Illuminates the indicator when the radio is turned to
a PA amplier.
Lock Illuminates the indicator when the “Lock” feature is
RFC Illuminates the indicator when the radio is in the
“Ready for Communication” condition while operat-
ing with the 2-Tone or 5-Tone signaling.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
controls & connEctors (EVx-5400)
Front Panel
Important! - All buttons located on the Front Panel are Programmable Function
(PF) keys, congured according to your network requirements and programmed
by your Vertex Standard dealer. The instructions below describe a typically-cong-
ured radio.
PWR () Button
Press and hold in this button for 2 seconds to toggle the transceivers power
“on” and “off”.
VOL Knob
Turn this control clockwise to increase the volume.
Microphone Jack
Connect the microphone plug to this jack.
TX/BUSY Indicator
Indicates transceivers Transmit/Receive Status.
[P1] - [P4] Keys (Programmable Function Keys)
These keys can be set up for special applications, such as High/Low power
selection, Monitor, Talk-Around, etc., as determined by your network require-
ments and programmed by your Vertex Standard dealer.
[]/[] Keys (Programmable Function Keys)
In the factory default, pressing either key changes the current channel.
 
 
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
The display includes a 8-character alpha-numeric section showing Channel
nametags/identity information and error messages, and an upper icon row dis-
playing feature status (see below).
controls & connEctors (EVx-5400)
Call” indicator
Dual Watch” is activated
Low Transmit Power Mode “ON
: “Scan” is enabled
: “Priority Scan” is activated
Talk-Around” is enabled
Receiver Monitor
Group Scan” is enabled
AUX A” Port is activated
8 Character Alpha-numeric Display
Privacy” or
Encryption” is enabled Group Number
Priority-2 Channel
Audio Compander” is activated
RSSI Indicator (four steps)
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
Rear Panel
controls & connEctors
Antenna Jack
The 50-Ohm coaxial feedline to the antenna must be connected here, using a
mini-UHF plug.
13.6V DC Cable Pigtail with Connector
The supplied DC power cable must be connected to this 2-pin connector. Use
only the supplied fused cable, extended if necessary, for power connection.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type fuse.
External Speaker Jack
An external loudspeaker may be connected to this 2-contact, 3.5-mm mini-
phone jack.
Caution: Do not connect either wire of this line to ground, and be certain that
the speaker has adequate capability to handle the audio output (12 W) from
the radio.
D-Sub 15-Pin Accessory Connector
External TX audio line input, PTT (Push To Talk), Squelch, and external RX
audio line output signals may be obtained from this connector for use with ac-
cessories such as data transmission/reception modems, and external Channel
control input etc.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
BasIc opEratIon oF thE transcEIVEr
Important! - Before turning on the radio the rst time, conrm that the power con-
nections have been made correctly and that a proper antenna is connected to the
antenna jack.
Switching Power ON/OFF
r Press and hold in the PWR() button for 2 seconds to turn the radio on. The
display will become illuminated.
r Press the []/[] key to choose the desired operating channel. In the EVX-
5400, a channel name will appear on the display.
The radio announces the channel number, if the Channel Announcement Fea-
ture is enabled via the clone editor software.
r In the EVX-5400, if you want to select an operating channel from a different
group, press the PF key which is programmed to the Group Up/Down feature
to select the group you want before selecting the operating channel. See page
9 for more information on the Programmable Function keys.
Setting the Volume
r Turn the VOL knob clockwise to increase the volume, and counterclockwise
to decrease it.
r To transmit, monitor the channel and make sure it is clear.
r Press the PF key which is programmed to the Monitor feature to listen for
channel activity.
r When receiving a call, transmit only after the incoming call ends. The radio
cannot receive a call and transmit simultaneously.
The Channel Announcement Feature works as described below.
In the EVX-5300:
The maximum number of channels is 8.
The radio announces the channel number digit by digit.
In the EVX-5400:
The maximum number of channels is 512 (16 channels maximum per
group). The radio announces Channels 1 - 9 by digit, while Channels 10 -
16 are announced by number.
For example, “Channel 1” is announced as “one” and “Channel 10” is
announced as “one zero”.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
r Press the PTT switch.
If the channel is clear, the TX/BUSY indicator will glow red. The radio is now
transmitting. While holding in the PTT switch, speak across the face of the
microphone in a clear and normal voice. For best transmission, hold the mi-
crophone about 1-1/2 to 2 inches (4 ~ 5 cm) away from your mouth. Release
the PTT switch to receive.
r If the BCLO (Busy Channel Lockout) feature has been programmed on an
analog channel, the radio will not transmit when a carrier is present. Instead,
the radio will generate short beep three times and the EVX-5400 indicates “CH
BUSY” on the display.
Release the PTT switch and wait for the channel to be clear of activity.
r If the BTLO (Busy Tone Lockout) feature has been programmed on an analog
channel or CCLO (Color Code Lockout) feature has been programmed on
a digital channel, the radio can transmit only when there is no carrier being
received or when the carrier being received includes the correct tone (CTCSS
tone or DCS code) on an analog channel or correct code on a digital channel.
Transmit Time-Out Timer
If the selected channel has been programmed for automatic time-out, you must
limit the length of each transmission. While transmitting, a beep will sound 10
seconds before time-out. Another beep will sound just before the deadline; the red
TXindicator will disappear and transmission will cease soon thereafter. On the
EVX-5400, TIME OUT” will be indicated on the display. To resume transmitting,
you must release the PTT switch and wait for the “penalty timer” to expire (if you
press the PTT switch before this timer expires, the timer restarts, and you will
have to wait another “penalty” period)
Key Lock
In order to prevent accidental operating function/feature change or inadvertent
transmission, various aspects of the front panel’s keys may be locked out.
To activate the Locking feature, press and hold in the [P1] key while turning the
radio on. To disable the Locking feature, repeat this power-on procedure.
BasIc opEratIon oF thE transcEIVEr
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
adVancEd opEratIon
Programmable Function (PF) Keys
The EVX-5300/-5400 includes six Programmable Function (PF) keys. These PF
keys can be customized, via programming by your Vertex Standard dealer, to meet
your communications/network requirements.
The possible PF key programming features are illustrated on the next page, and
these functions are explained beginning after page 12. For further details, contact
your Vertex Standard dealer.
In this chapter, the following icons are used to indicate features supported in either
the “Analog” mode or “Digital” mode:
: Indicates a “Analog” mode only feature.
: Indicates a “Digital” mode only feature.
For features that are available in both “Analog” and “Digital” modes, no icon is
For future reference, check the box next to each function that has been assigned to
the PF key on your particular radio, and keep it handy.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
adVancEd opEratIon
1: This function cannot assign to EVX-5300.
programmaBlE KEy
(prEss KEy/prEss & hold KEy)
mIcrophonE KEy
(prEss KEy/prEss & hold KEy)
P1 P2 P3 P4   A B C D Ü#
None ////////////
Monitor ////////////
Monitor -Momentarily- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /--
Dimmer/Lamp ////////////
Low Power ////////////
Privacy/Encryption ////////////
SQL OFF ////////////
SQL OFF -Momentarily- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /--
SQL Set1////////////
Beep OFF ////////////
VOX ////////////
VOX Set1////////////
AF Min Volume ////////////
Horn Alert ////////////
PA (Public Address) ////////////
EXT ACC 1 /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /--
EXT ACC 2 ////////////
Emergency /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /-- /--
Lone Worker ////////////
Group Up1////////////
Group Down1////////////
Channel Up ////////////
Channel Down ////////////
Speed CH Up1--/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/
Speed CH Down1--/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/ --/
PRI-1 ////////////
PRI-2 ////////////
PRI-2 Set ////////////
PRI-2 Disable ////////////
Direct CH 1 ////////////
Direct CH 2 ////////////
Direct CH 3 ////////////
Direct CH 4 ////////////
Direct CH Entry1--/-- --/-- --/-- --/-- --/-- --/-- / / / / / /
Scan ////////////
Group Scan1////////////
Dual Watch ////////////
FM-Scan ////////////
Scan Set ////////////
Group Scan Set1////////////
TA Scan ////////////
Talk Around ////////////
Reset ////////////
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
adVancEd opEratIon
1: This function cannot assign to EVX-5300.
2: Requires the optional MH-75A8J.
programmaBlE KEy
(prEss KEy/prEss & hold KEy)
mIcrophonE KEy
(prEss KEy/prEss & hold KEy)
P1 P2 P3 P4   A B C D Ü#
CALL 1 ////////////
CALL 2 ////////////
CALL 3 ////////////
CALL 4 ////////////
CALL 5 ////////////
Code Up1////////////
Code Down1////////////
Code Set1, 2 ////////////
Speed Dial1, 2 ////////////
DTMF Code Set1, 2 --/-- --/-- --/-- --/-- --/-- --/-- / / / / / /
Call ////////////
Status Set1////////////
Status Up1////////////
Status Down1////////////
Status Check1////////////
Duty ////////////
ID Check1////////////
ARTS Login1////////////
TX Save Disable ////////////
Lock ////////////
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
Description of Operating Functions
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to cancel any signaling features.
Monitor -MoMEntarily-
Cancel any signaling features while pressing the assigned PF key.
In the EVX-5400, press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to select the
brightness level of the display and keypad (“Dimmer” function). Available selec-
tions are four levels.
In the EVX-5300, press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to toggle the back
light of the display and keypad “On” and “Off” (“Lamp” function).
low powEr
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to set the radio’s transmitter to the
“Low Power” mode. Press (or press and hold) the PF key again to return to “High
Power” operation when in difcult terrain.
In the EVX-5300, when the radio’s transmitter is set to “Low Power” mode, the
Transceiver Status Indicator (“A”, Bor C”) will illuminate, if the Low Pow-
er” status is assigned to one of the Transceiver Status Indicator.
In the EVX-5400, when the radio’s transmitter is set to “Low Power” mode, the L
icon will be indicated on the display.
privacy / Encryption
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to toggle the Privacy (analog mode)/
Encryption (digital mode) feature “On” and “Off”. The Privacy/Encryption feature
initiates an encryption algorithm that will protect your communication from unau-
thorized eavesdropping.
In the EVX-5300, when the Privacy feature is activated, the Transceiver Status
Indicator (“A”, Bor C”) will illuminate, if the Privacystatus is assigned to
one of the Transceiver Status Indicator.
In the EVX-5400, when the Privacy feature is activated, the “ ” icon will be indi-
cated on the display.
adVancEd opEratIon
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
sEt (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to activate the “User Set” (Menu)
sQl oFF
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to open the SQL to hear background
noise (unmute the audio).
sQl oFF -MoMEntarily-
Opens the SQL to hear background noise (unmute the audio) while pressing the
assigned PF key.
sQl sEt
You can manually adjust the squelch level using this function:
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key. A tone will sound, and the cur-
rent squelch level will appear on the display.
r Press the []/[] key to select the desired squelch level.
Press the [P4] key (or MH-75A8Js [D] key) to store the new setting. The dis-
play indicates “- SET -” briey, then reverts to the normal channel indication.
You may cancel the new setting by pressing the [P3] key (or MH-75A8Js [C]
key). In this case, the display indicates “- CANCEL -” briey.
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to toggle the beeper “On” and “Off”.
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to turn the VOX function On”
or “Off”. You may disable the VOX function temporarily by pressing the PTT
voX sEt (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
You can manually adjust the VOX Gain using this function:
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key. A tone will sound, and the cur-
rent VOX Gain level will appear on the display.
r Press the []/[] button to select the desired VOX Gain level.
Press the [P4] key (or MH-75A8Js [D] key) to store the new setting. The dis-
play indicates “- SET -” briey, then reverts to the normal channel indication.
You may cancel the new setting by pressing the [P3] key (or MH-75A8Js [C]
key). In this case, the display indicates “- CANCEL -” briey.
adVancEd opEratIon
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
adVancEd opEratIon
aF Min voluME
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to reduce the audio output to the
(lower) level programmed by your Vertex Standard dealer.
horn alErt
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to turn the Horn Alert function “On”
or “Off”. If you receive a call from the base station with the signaling, horn alert
will be activated and your vehicles horn will sound.
In the EVX-5300, when the Horn Alert function is activated, the Transceiver Sta-
tus Indicator (“A”, Bor C”) will illuminate, if the Horn Alertstatus is as-
signed to one of the Transceiver Status Indicator.
In the EVX-5400, when the Horn Alert function is activated, - HA -” will be indi-
cated on the display.
pa (puBlic aDDrEss)
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to use the transceiver as a PA ampli-
er. The public address can be used even while scanning and receiving a call.
In the EVX-5300, when the Public Address function is activated, the Transceiver
Status Indicator (“A”, Bor C”) will illuminate, if the Public Address” status
is assigned to one of the Transceiver Status Indicator.
In the EVX-5400, when the Public Address function is activated, - PA -will be
indicated on the display.
Activates the output port “1” of the D-Sub 15-pin Accessory Connector while
pressing the assigned PF key.
EXt acc 2
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to toggle the output port “2” of the
D-Sub 15-pin Accessory Connector “On” and “Off”.
The EVX-5300/-5400 includes an “Emergency” feature which may be useful if
you have someone monitoring on the same frequency as your transceivers channel.
Press the assigned PF key to initiate an emergency call. For further details contact
your Vertex Standard dealer.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
lonE workEr
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to toggle the Lone Worker feature
“On” and “Off”.
The Lone Worker feature is designed to emit an alarm for 30 seconds when the
Lone Worker Timer (programmed by your Vertex Standard dealer) has expired. If
the user does not reset the timer by pressing the PTT switch, the radio switches to
the Emergency mode.
To revive the radio from the Emergency mode, just press (or press and hold) the
PF key which is assigned the Emergency feature or turn off the radio.
group up/Down (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to select a different group of chan-
channEl up/Down
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key (generally the []/[] key) to se-
lect a different channel within the current group.
spEED ch up/Down (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
Press and hold the assigned PF key causes the radio to begin stepping (repeatedly)
upward or downward through the channels.
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to recall the pre-programmed prior-
ity channel directly. This is pre-programmed by your Vertex Standard dealer.
pri-2 sEt
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to toggle the current channel to the
priority channel 2 “enable” and “disable”.
pri-2 DisaBlE
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to disable the priority channel 2 of
the group temporarily.
DirEct ch 1 to DirEct ch 4
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to recall the pre-programmed chan-
nel directly. This is pre-programmed by your Vertex Standard dealer.
adVancEd opEratIon
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
adVancEd opEratIon
DirEct ch Entry
(This function is only available in the EVX-5400 and requires the Optional MH-75A8J 16-Keypad Microphone)
You can recall the desired channel directly using this function:
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key. A tone will sound, and the cur-
rent group/channel number will appear on the display.
r Enter the desired group number (two digits) and channel number (two digits)
on the MH-75A8Js keypad.
Press the [P4] key (or MH-75A8Js [D] key) to store the new setting. The dis-
play indicates “- SET -” briey, then reverts to the normal channel indication.
You may cancel the new setting by pressing the [P3] key (or MH-75A8Js [C]
key). In this case, the display indicates “- CANCEL -” briey.
The Scanning feature is used to monitor multiple channels programmed into the
transceiver. While scanning, the transceiver will check each channel for the pres-
ence of a signal, and will stop on a channel if a signal is present. EVX-5300/-
5400 can scan both digital and analog frequency programmed channels simultane-
To activate scanning:
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to activate scanning on the chan-
nel which is pre-programmed into the scan list by your Vertex Standard dealer.
r The scanner will search the programmed channels, looking for active ones; it
will pause each time it nds a channel on which someone is speaking.
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key again to disable scanning. Op-
eration will revert to the programmed revert channel.
Note: Your Vertex Standard dealer may have programmed your radio to stay on
one of the following channels if you press the PTT switch during the scanning
“Scan Pause” channel (“Talk Back”)
“Last Busy” channel
“Priority-1/-2” channel
“User Programmed” channel (“Select Channel”)
“Scan Start” channel
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
group scan (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
The Scanning feature is used to monitor multiple channels programmed into the
transceiver. While scanning, the transceiver will check each channel of the pro-
grammed group for the presence of the signal, and will stop on a channel if a sig-
nal is present.
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to activate the scanning on the se-
lected groups.
Dual watch
The Dual Watch feature is similar to the SCAN feature, except that only two chan-
nels are monitored:
The current operating channel; and
The Priority-1/-2 channel.
To activate Dual Watch:
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key.
r The scanner will search the two channels; it will pause each time it nds a
channel on which someone is speaking.
To stop Dual Watch:
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key.
r Operation will revert to the “Dual Watch Start” channel.
FM-scan (Follow-ME scan)
FM-Scan (Follow-Me Scan) feature checks a User-assigned Priority Channel regu-
larly as you scan the other channels. Thus, if only Channels 1, 3, and 5 (of the 8
available channels) are designated for “Scanning,” the user may nonetheless assign
Channel 2 as the “User-assigned” Priority Channel via the FM-Scan (Follow-Me
To activate the FM-Scan (Follow-Me Scan), rst select the channel you want to
designate as the “User-Assigned Priority Channel” and press (or press and hold)
the assigned programmable key. Then press (or press and hold) the Channel Up/
Down key (generally the []/[] key) to recall to the “Scanning Start” chan-
nel which has been programmed by your dealer to activate the scanner. When the
scanner stops on an “Active” channel, the User-assigned Priority Channel will
automatically be checked every few seconds; if activity is found on the User-as-
signed Priority Channel, the radio will switch between it and the Dealer-Assigned
Priority Channel, if any.
adVancEd opEratIon
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
adVancEd opEratIon
scan sEt
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to add/delete the current channel to/
from your scanning list.
In the EVX-5300, when you delete channel, the Transceiver Status Indicator
(“A”, “B” or C”) will turn off, if the “SCAN CH” status is assigned to one of the
Transceiver Status Indicator. To restore a particular channel to your scanning list,
press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key again; the Transceiver Status Indica-
tor (“A”, “B” or “C”) will illuminates.
In the EVX-5400, when you delete channel, the display indicates - SCN SKIP
-briey and the “ icon will disappear from the display. To restore a particular
channel to your scanning list, press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key again;
the display indicates - SCN SET -briey and icon will appear on the dis-
Furthermore, press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key while the scanner is
paused, this removes the channel from the scan list temporarily.
group scan sEt (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
You may wish to have the Scanner pass through more than one Group during the
scanning process (normally, scanning is performed within the current group only).
To include the current Group in the scanning loop, press (or press and hold) the
assigned programmable key (the ” icon will appear on the display). To remove
a current Group from Group Scan, press (or press and hold) the assigned pro-
grammable key again (the “” icon will disappear from the display).
ta scan
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to toggle the TA (Talk Around) scan
feature “On” and “Off.”
While TA scan is enabled, the transceiver will search both the transmit and receive
frequencies (In the EVX-5400, the icon will blink on the display). When a
signal is encountered on the receive frequency, the transceiver will pause until the
signal disappears (In the EVX-5400, icon will appear but not blink). When
a signal is encountered on the transmit frequency, the transceiver will check for
activity on the receive frequency every few seconds (interval programmed by your
Vertex Standard dealer).
Note: The TA Scan feature does not activate on the Simplex Channel.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
talk arounD
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to activate the Talk Around feature
when you are operating on duplex channel systems (separate receive and transmit
frequencies, utilizing a “repeater” station). The Talk Around feature allows you to
bypass the repeater station and talk directly to a station that is nearby. This feature
has no effect when you are operating on “simplex” channels, where the receive
and transmit frequencies are already the same.
In the EVX-5300, when the “TA” function is activated, the Transceiver Status In-
dicator (“A”, “Bor C”) will illuminate, if the “Talk Around” status is assigned
to one of the Transceiver Status Indicator.
In the EVX-5400, when the “TA” function is activated, the “ ” icon will be indi-
cated on the display.
Note that your Vertex Standard may have made provision for “Talk Around” chan-
nels by programming “repeater” and “Talk Around” frequencies on two adjacent
channels. If so, the key may be used for one of the other Pre-Programmed Func-
Note: The Talk Around feature does not activate on the Simplex Channel.
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to reset the RFC (Ready for Com-
munication) condition.
call 1 to call 5
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to send a 2-Tone or 5-Tone sequen-
tial burst which is pre-programmed.
coDE up/Down (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to select a 2-Tone or 5-Tone encode
code from the pre-programmed encode list.
adVancEd opEratIon
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
adVancEd opEratIon
coDE sEt (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to change the 5-Tone encoding
To change the tones, select the desired digit using the [P1]/[P2] keys (or MH-
75A8Js [A]/[B] keys), then change the number using the []/[] keys.
Press the [P4] key (or MH-75A8Js [D] key) to store the new setting. The dis-
play indicates “- SET -” briey, then reverts to the normal channel indication.
You may cancel the new setting by pressing the [P3] key (or MH-75A8Js [C]
key). In this case, the display indicates “- CANCEL -” briey.
You may enter the 5-Tone encoding code directly from the microphone’s numeric
key ([0] - [9]) and [] key (wild card), if the optional MH-75A8J microphone is
spEED Dial (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
Your Vertex Standard dealer may have pre-programmed Auto-Dial telephone num-
ber memories into your radio.
To dial a number:
r If the optional MH-75A8J microphone is used, press (or press and hold) the
assigned PF key, then press the microphone’s numeric key ([0] - [9]) corre-
sponding to the Auto-Dial memory number which is provided by your Vertex
Standard Dealer, then press the PTT switch. The DTMF tones sent during the
dialing sequence will be heard in the speaker.
r If the normal (without keypad) microphone is used, press the []/[] keys to
select the Auto-Dial memory number which is pre-programmed by your Vertex
Standard dealer, then press the PTT switch. The DTMF tones sent during the
dialing sequence will be heard in the speaker.
DtMF coDE sEt
(This function is only available in the EVX-5400 and requires the Optional MH-75A8J 16-Keypad Microphone)
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to start storing the DTMF dialing
sequence. After entering to enter all DTMF digits from the MH-75A8Js keypad,
you can transmit the code by pressing the PTT switch.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
When using the DTMF Paging System
This feature, if enabled, allows the user to change the 3-digit Page Call code, used
to call other similarly-equipped stations. Press (or press and hold) the assigned
programmable key, followed by the three digits representing the Page Call code of
the station you wish to call. Three tones will be heard after the last key is pressed (the
new code will now be transmitted).
The receiver squelch of the other station will be opened, and you can begin com-
When using the 2-tone/5-tone Signaling System
This feature, if enabled, press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to send a
2-tone/5-tone sequential tone.
When using the MDC1200 System
This feature, if enabled, press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to send an
MDC1200 code.
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to enter the “Call Menu” mode.
r Press the []/[] keys (or [P1]/[P2] keys) to select the desired Call mode,
then press the [P4] key to accept the selection. (You may cancel the selection
by pressing the [P3] key).
r Press the []/[] (or [P1]/[P2] keys) to select the station to be called.
You may enter the station’s ID number (four digits) directly from the micro-
phone’s key ([0] - [9], [A] - [D], [#]: substitute for “E”, and []: wild card), if
the optional MH-75A8J microphone is used.
r Press the PTT switch to send an MDC1200 call.
status sEt (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to change the 5-tone status code.
To change the status code, select the desired digit by pressing the [P1] key, then
change the number by pressing the [P2]/[P3] key, and store the number by press-
ing the [P4] key.
You may enter the 5-tone status code directory from the microphone’s numeric key
([0] - [9]), if the optional MH-75A8J microphone is used.
adVancEd opEratIon
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
adVancEd opEratIon
status up/Down (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to select a 5-tone status code from
the pre-dened status list.
status chEck (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to check the 5-tone receive status
code. When you press this key, the display will indicate the “Message” corre-
sponding to the receive status condition per the pre-dened status list.
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to toggle the Duty function of the
2-tone/5-tone decoder “On” and “Off”.
When the Duty function is set to “On”, the user will always hear (depending on
the sub-audio signaling) all trafc on the paging channel. The radio will sound the
paging alert when it receives the programmed 2-tone/5-tone code.
When the Duty function is set to “Off”, the user will NOT hear normal radio traf-
c on the paging channel. The radio will sound the paging alert and unmute only
when it receives the programmed 2-tone/5-tone code.
iD chEck (This function is only available in the EVX-5400)
This function allows logged ID of the DTMF Signaling and 5-tone Signaling to be
reviewed and relayed (5-tone Signaling only) to a specic station:
r Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to display the logged ID of the
DTMF Signaling and 5-tone Signaling.
Press the [P4] key to select the category (“DTMF Signaling” or “5-tone Sig-
naling”) to be reviewed, then press the []/[] keys to select the ID.
r Press the [P2] key to toggle the display between the “ID code display” and “Tag
Press the [P1] key to send the Call back, when recalling the ID of the “5-tone
Signaling”, if desired.
tX savE DisaBlE
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to disable the Transmit Saver, if you
are operating in a location where high power is almost always needed.
The Transmit Saver reduces the transmit power when a very strong signal from an
apparently nearby station is being received.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
adVancEd opEratIon
Press (or press and hold) the assigned PF key to lock the various aspects of the
front panel’s keys. The precise lockout conguration must be programmed by your
Vertex Standard dealer.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
artstm (auto rangE transpond systEm)
This system is designed to inform you when you and another ARTSTM-equipped
station are within communication range.
During ARTSTM operation, when the radio receives an incoming ARTSTM signal,
a short beep will sound, and IN SERV (“In Service”) will be indicated on the
display for 2 seconds. If you move out of range for more than two minutes, your
radio senses that no signal has been received; a short triple-beep will sound, and
OUT SERV” (“Out of Service”) will be displayed on the display for 2 seconds. If
you subsequently move back into communication range, as soon as the other sta-
tion transmits, a short beep will sound and IN SERVwill be indicated again on
the display for 2 seconds.
: EVX-5400 only.
(auto rangE transpond systEm)
The ARTSIITM system is enhanced feature of the ARTSIITM which can be nding
out the communication range of the radio individually by using the MDC-1200®
Note: EVX-5300 will be able to be decoded by display radios with ARTSIITM en-
abled, but will not be able to decode the other radios encode signals.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual
usEr sEt modE
The EVX-5400 includes a “User Set” (Menu) Mode which allows the user to de-
ne or congure various settings, such as Squelch, Display contrast, etc. To acti-
vate the “User Set” (Menu) Mode:
r Press the PF key assigned to the “SET” function.
Select the User Set Mode item you wish to change using the [P1]/[P2] keys,
then use the []/[] keys to adjust the setting of the selected item.
r Press the [P4] key to store the new conguration.
You may cancel the selection by pressing the [P3] key.
Press the programmable key assigned to the SET” function to exit to normal
SQL Sets the Squelch level.
Beep Enables/Disables the Key Beeper.
Bell Enables/Disables the Bell function.
(alert tone activated by incoming signaling)
Light Enables/Disables the back light of the display and keypad.
Key Enables/Disables the Key Lock function.
PTT Enables/Disables the PTT Lock function.
DIMMER Sets the LCD Brightness level.
Scan Engages/Disengages Scanning.
DW Engages/Disengages Dual Watch.
AF Sets the minimum Audio Volume level.
CONTRAST Sets the LCD Contrast level.
VOX Sets the VOX Gain level.
Enables/Disables the disabling the Encryption Unit temporarily.
ENB: Enables the disabling the Encryption Unit.
DIS: Disables the disabling the Encryption Unit.
TX Save Enables/Disables the TX Save function.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
EVX-5300/-5400 OpErating Manual28
optIonal accEssorIEs
MH-67A8J Standard Microphone
MH-75A8J 16-Keypad Microphone
MD-12A8J Desktop Microphone
MLS-100 External Speaker (12 W Peak Power)
LF-6 Line Filter
CE142 PC Programming Software
CT-4 Programming Cable (Radio to Radio Clone Cable)
FIF-12 USB Programming Interface
CT-104A Connection Cable for FIF-12 (8-pin DIN 8-pin Modular)
Availability of accessories may vary; some accessories are supplied standard per
local requirements, others may be unavailable in some regions.
Check with your Vertex Standard Dealer for changes to this list.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
DiSpoSal of your electroNic aND electric equipmeNt
Products with the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) cannot be disposed as
household waste.
Electronic and Electric Equipment should be recycled at a facility
capable of handling these items and their waste by products.
In EU countries, please contact your local equipment supplier representative
or service center for information about the waste collection system in your
Part 15.21:  Changes or modications to this device not expressly
approvedby VertexStandardcouldvoidtheuser’sauthorization to
Notice !
There are no owner-serviceable parts inside the transceiver. All service jobs
must be referred to an authorized Vertex Standard Service Representative.
Consult your Authorized Vertex Standard Dealer for installation of optional
The AMBE+2TM voice coding Technology embodied in this product
is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights,
copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. This voice
coding Technology is licensed solely for use within this Communications
Equipment. The user of this Technology is explicitly prohibited from
attempting to decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object Code,
or in any other way convert the Object Code into a human-readable form.
U.S. Pat. Nos. #5,870,405, #5,826,222, #5,754,974, #5,701,390,
#5,715,365, #5,649,050, #5,630,011, #5,581,656, #5,517,511, #5,491,772,
#5,247,579, #5,226,084 and #5,195,166.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
Copyright 2013
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
All rights reserved.
No portion of this manual
may be reproduced
without the permission of
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.
FCC ID: AXI11144640
IC: 10239A-11144640
Vertex Standard LMR, Inc.

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