ViewSonic 15018 User Manual 45522
ViewSonic Corporation 45522
N\"\,;\[’ LAB UHIJIJ ZHMSHi COSMOS [My 22 M 22 TM! Humrl Nu “HMS-3 8A Attachment Usm' Manual Farr-rifle f‘nrnnrnfinn FACTORY CONTROL N0. : FVD—QS—FOIS FCC ID 168815018 with Plug & Play? 15" (Viewable Diagonal) VLCDSZI434-l film mm hm 769i mg pmfi Copynghl© Vlwamllt' Corporalion. 1993. All right reserved. IBM XT, AT, 386. 486. and P512 are rcglslered Imdemnrks and/m iriulemllrks cf lniemaiiomll Busllless Machines Corplmrlon. Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation Mminmsh and Power Mncmmsh an: regrslmd trademarks and lenTnlk la n iradcmark or Apple Compulcr, Inc Windows is a registered lmdemark of Mlcmsuft Curpmr'llion. Vrewsunn, the dire: bild< logo, OllVlew. VlcwMalch. and View/Meier are mglsleled trademarks of Viewsonlc Corporalmn ENEnGv Sun is a reglsicyed undemclrk nf lhe u 5. Environmental Pturecilon Agency (EPA) VESA ls a registered lmdemark oilnc Video Elecimnics Smnl‘klrds Associallon. DPMS and BBC are lradcmalks of VESA. Disclaimer VlewSol'lic Corporation shall no! be liable for lEChliiiill m editorial] trrurs or nmissinns coninined herein. nor fur incldnmal or cansequunllul damages rcsulling lrnnr furnishing rlrls marenal, Dr Inc performance or use llrls pmdllcl . Vlchonlc Corpornlron rescrvcs Ihe nghl 10 change produci specrncnlmn wlihour ncrioc. Information in rhis documenl may change wllilollr notice. No pan of this documcnl may be copied. reproduced, or (mnsmlncd by uny mulls. fur any purpose wlihoul pnur wnllen permission rmrn ViewSmlic Curporailnn. As an Emu Sm- partner, Vicholllc Cnr‘p has delermillded Lhal lhlx product mccis the 5mm 5m- guldchnes for Energy efficiency. mmdmwmhmwmuhmmmh muffin u ”Wand “him ' ” ‘mmnlnmm and-nan" V ~ ' mm: wmwmvwm"? _ , Electronic Warranty Registration Reg m your ViewPanel'“ ai It‘s Vast, easy and will simpiiry fmurs suppon needs. Power Cord Safety Guidelines Cauflon : Use a power cable mat is properly grounded. Always use me AC curds lislecl below var each area . USA .. .. Canada Germany . SWllzelIand SEV Britain BASES/BS Japan Elecivic Appliance Oomroi Act In other areas, use AC card which meeis iocai safety standards. Viewscnlc VP1541 i 6“ seszmwm ena pine Power Cord Safety Guidelines (continued) AC PLUG CORD PRECAUTIIONS FOR THE UNITED KlNGDOM TV L HE L T F IF THE FITTED MOULDED PLUG IS UNSUITAELE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET THEN THE PLUG SHOULD BE CUT OFF AND DISPOSED OF SAFELY THERE is A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTRICAL SHOCK IF THE ctrr OFF PLUG is INSERTED INTO AN APPROPRIATE SOCKET tl a new plug IS lo be llfledi please nbseme me wlling code as shown below. if in any doubl. please consul! a qufllllled Electrician. . T AP M T a T . mm The was In Il’lls mains lead are coloured lfl accordance wtth the lellowtng code GMn-and-VOIIW: Earth Blue: Neutral Brown: me It Ihe coloured wiles ml the mains lead OI ll'lls appliance do not musspcnd with the Ddourad markings idenmying tne terminals in your plug, proceed as lollows: The wire which is colouree GREEN-AND-VELLOW must be connected to the terminal in the filfl théctl is marked by the letter E or by the Earth symbol EL or coloured GREEN or GREEN- - LOW. The wtre whlch ls coluurefl BLUE musl be connected to the termlnal in lha plug whlch ls marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK.Ttle wire which ls coloured BROWN must be connected to the lemltnal in the plug Much is marked with lne letter L or coloured RED. IMPORTANT NOTICE CONCERNING POWER CORD SELECTION The power cord for this unit has been packed separately and has bsen selected according lo the country ol destlnafion and must be used to prevent electric shock. Use me tollmrvlng guidallnes tr ll is necessary to replace lhe origlnill cord set, The Ismale receptacle 01 the cord Set mus1 meet GEE-22 requirements and will look Ilke Flgure 1 below ”gm 1 E For the United State: and Canada In the United States and Canada the male plug is e NEMAsris style trigure 2) UL Listed and CSA Labelled For units which are mounted on a desk or table, type SVT or SJT cord sets may be used. For unis which sil on the floor, only SJT type cord sets may be used The cord set must be selected according to the current rating loi your unll Please consult Table A below IOr the selection crllella IDr power cords used In Ihe United States and Canada. @ Flgure 2 Fer Europun countries in Europa you must use a cord set which ls appropriate lor ltle receptacles in your country. The cord set is HAR-Canifled‘ and the mark 4 MAR > will appear on Ihe outer sheath, or on the insulatton OI one OI the lnnel wndwlors If you have any questions concerning the proper power cord to use, please consult with the dealer lrom whom you have purchased your monilol Table A Card Type Slze el Conduclors In Cold Maxlmum Current Rating or Unit 4 5.11 lBAWG 1mtmps 15AWG lernps MAWG lZAmps svr teAwG lOAmps 17Awe tzAmps Viewsoflic VP150 2 © 58522.604F'M enwma FCC Informallon Tns emprnenr nos been issued and hum lo oomply winr ine lrrnlis lor a Class B dlgflal dsvloe, pursuam lo pan is or me FCC Rules These limits are designer: ie provide reasoneolo molecuon ageinsi narmlul lnierlerenoe in a residaniral insrallaii‘on Tnis equipmenr gsneraies, uses, and can rsdiare radio lreoueney energy and ii nor insralled and used in eooordance with me insirocrions, may cause narmlul inierierence lo radio uommunlcalmns However. mere is no guaraniee inei inierleronoe will nor occur in a parlroular insielleiion. ii rlris equipmenr does cause narmiul inrenerenee io rodlo or television recepuon, which can be derermined oy lummg ine eourpmenr on and on, me user rs encouraged lo my {0 culvect lire inrerlerenee by fine or more ol ins lollowrng measures: - Flscrlanl or relocate me reeeruinp anlenna. - increase lne sopaiarldn oerween me eouimm and recewer - mmwmmmoinlerdriooncmidnreremlromileniowmmersoensreeormed ~ consull irie dealer or an expeneneed radien'v (echrllman lor nelp. Power Supply Cord USA For unrls with ma - |20V inpui ucllege in the USA, use me lollowrng : UL Lisied and CSA Cerimed Type svT or SJT No. 19/3 AWE ramd lstac 7A min. One end iennlneted rn a molded on parallel blade, grounding adaonmeni up or hooded anacrlmenr cap (15A. 125V conligureilon), olner end terminated in a moldron appliance coupler. Nollee ior Germany For ergonomic reasons, we recommend mar you do nor display olue onaraoiars on a dark backgmurlfl Doing so may produce insulircisnr conrrasi inei could lead 10 eye sireln Malice lor Japan This equipment lalls under lne class a inlormauonTeonnology Equromenr based on me slendard esiaolrsned by ins sell—imposed Coniroi council lor asdio inierlerence irrrougri lnlolmailun— prooessr Equipment (VCCl) ans equipmeni Is designed ro be used in a nousenold emironmem, However. i ll rs used near radio and relouislon vecelver uniis, radio drsluroences can occur. Use We equipmenr appropriately according io ine rnsirucuon manual CE Conformlty The devrce complies wllh the requiremenls ol the EEC dlféCfiVe 9913351550 as amended by swat/EEC and salsa/EEC An.5 Wlilr regard lo ‘Elecimmagnelic compatibility: and mix/EEC as amended dry wad/EEC An is with regard to "Salety". Required iiem Relative id standard value Relaliue no "loss Exceeding Siendard value EMI‘ ll 1 e A ESD' ii 2 lo 3 RAD‘ATED RF‘ ”1 k 3 msrem F/B' ii i ll 3 UNE mummies n 1 ti 1 n i Sahshfis ine slmflalds min no prom-ms in perhlmullba mid reliaorlriy e 2 Ellecls may appear remporenry on me screen our mere will be no oroolenr in rsllaolliry u 3 Tlrere is leer olme orcducl blezklnq down ii 4- ii a segrlal cools 0mm innn inai epscrlled ll used. ir may oe me cause 01 oleerromaonelio wave lnlfllmpllm ol weneul devices reassure oonunued cs complianceme user mun useirie prorldedl am sbleided need signal caeie Nilh bonded rerme cone or bath ends ol ins eade Handle ecrlecfly in aoeordance min rne insuudon manual ‘EM! elaciromagnericlnienerence 'ESD arm-osmicoisoneros w Rad-e troeuency we Fasieursr ViewSom'l: W150 a saszmmm CONTENTS Getting Started Package Contents ..... . Precautions . Quick Installation i 4 . . Connecting the Vicwl’ainelTM , . . Operation From Contml Panel ............. OnViewW Main Menu ......... Adjusting the Screen ...... Helpful Hints . Other Information Specifications ....... Preset Timing Modes . . Troubleshooting ........ Cleaning the Viewl’anel . . Security Pon .................... Wall Mounting Kit (Optional) . . Limited Warranty ........... Customer Support . . . .............................. back cover 'To meet your mm needs. and to waive any additional pmnuu Infnmuiion a it becomes xvailnbk. please register your Vlewl’lnel‘“ warranty an the lniemel at. hllpdlwwwfliewwnincm VimSonlc W150 mama A seszmwm any pins Getting Started Congratulations on your purchase of a ViewSonic VP150 ViewPanelTM monitor, Impurmnt.’ Save the original box and all packing material for future shipping needs The word "Windows” in this user guide refers to the followmg Microsoft69 operating systems: Windows '95, Windows '98, Windows NT (5.0). Package Contents Your ViewSonir: VP150 package includes : ' ViewSonic VI‘150 ViewPanelm ' Video cable with 15 pin high density mini D-Sub connector ' Power cords { US. PC Type ) ' User's Guide ' Software diskette or CD—ROM with Windows '95 driver ("if file) ' Macintosh adapter Precautions the skin are difficult to remove and televisions. continue using the monitor. For the hcsr viewing conditions. sit at least I8" [mm the monitor, AVOID TOUCHING THE SCREEN WITH YOUR FINGERS, Oils from NEVER REMOVE THE REAR COVER. The monitor contains high— Voltage parts. You may suffer serious injury if you touch these parts, Avoid exposing the monitor to direct sunlight or another heat source. The monitor should be facing away from direct sunlight to reduce glare. Choose a well ventilated area to position your monitor, Do not place anything on the monitor that prevents adequate dissipation of heat. Ensure the area around the monitor is clean and free of moisture. Keep the monitor away from magnets, motors transformers. speakers, Do not place heavy ObjBClS on the monitor, video cable, or power cord. It" smoke, abnormal noise‘ or strange odor is present, immediately switch the monitor off and call your dealer or VchSOfliCfi. It is dangerous [0 Always handle your monitor with care when moving it VlawSDrlt'b W150 Getting Started‘ ' ' 93522. 304 PM Quick Installation 1 Write the serial number printed on the back of the monitor in the space provided in “For Your Records" on page 1. 2 Read the Precautions section thoroughly (page 5) before installing the monitor. Make sure the ggmputet and the monitor are bmh tumegl gff before connecting any cables, 3a FC userr: Attach the video cable to the computer. at: Macintosh urem: Attach the video cable [0 the computer using the supplied Macintosh adapter 4 Attach the appropriate newer cord to the back of the monitor, then plug the other end of the power cord lnlt) the power source (wall socket or PC). 5 Turn the computer on. 6 Press the POWER button on the right side of the monitor ON (The Power light wtll turn green.) 7 Adjust the user controls to suit your personal preference. See Operation, and if there are any problems see Troubleshooting. For the recommended screen resolution. sec Prescl Timing Modes in Other Informatiun, as well as your graphics card user guide for more detail, Installation is complete! Enjoy your new VPISfl Color LCD Monitor! Connecting theViewPaameITM A. Remove cover I. Grasp the bottom of the cover Wllh both hands. 2. Carefully pull away mm the Viewl’anel. 3. L|fl a“ cover. B. Remove cover it Turn the computer off. 2. Connect the computcr cable to the Viewl’anel and the Computer, 3, Carmen the power cord to a grounded, sprang wall mcket. l t Power cord c. Replace cover 1. Postlton the top tabs at the back cover mm the back of the Vieannel. 2 Snap the cover into place. View/Sonic VP150 s magnum ln7.pm5 To adjust the View/Panel”, follow the numbered steps in sequence as shown below. Front Control Panel - Displays the menu, - Decreases or increases the value ol the selected Exits the menu or option flom (ha oontrol screen tor that option control screen. with no menu on screen, this displays the contrast control screen and decreases or increases the value ol contrast. ~ Selects one option to the left or right on Powerllght: the menu with me menu on screen. Green — on With no menu on screen this disuieys the Yellow : power SBVIng made brightness control screen and decreases or increases value at brightness. ¢ OnView" Main Menu Press [MENU] bullnn to display the Main Menu shown below. Pres the I <1] at [D 1 buttons to selun : control option to adjust. At each individual control screen1 press the [- ] nr [ + ] to make adjnslmenm Press [MENU] button In save changes and exit the screen. The Main Menu lllsn clears nummalimlly approximately 20 secnnds arm pressing nny button. Main Menu Setup fol 1024 x 76! resolmlnn only For ruolution other than 1024 x 768 N) {a B llil 9 Horizontal Size g E! 56} E K Vertlcd Size— 50mm bun.- o 0 lo 0 _ IENU | IEHU CONTRAST The pcimst shows which Names 0! icon Control screen to! Ine icon is selected. selected selected icon, Control bar ViewSflnic VP15IJ Operation 7 955223005»! To exit a screen and save changes. press [MENU] button. O CONTRAST This comm] adjusts the contrast between the background (black level) and the foreground (white level) or the screen image. 7 Decreases the Contlasl of the screen image, e Increases the contrast ofthe screen image. ShortcutzTo display the contrast control screen wnhnut using the menu. press the minus [ » J at plus [ + ] button. Press [ — ] ur [ + J again to adjust, To return contrast to the factory settings, press the [ — | and [+ lhuttons simultaneously. To exit the control screen. press MENU. BRIGHTNESS The Bnghtnoss control is not on the menu. This control adjusts the backgrcund hrtghtness ot’the screen image. To display the brightness control screen. press the Iel'tI 4 ler righil l> 1 arrow. Then press minus H or plus is] m adjust brightness. — Decreases the brightness of the image + increases the brightness of the image. ShcnculTo return brightness to the factory setting. press the left [<1 ] and right [ D | arrows simultaneously. Tti exit the control screen, press MENU. BACKLIGHT This control adjusts the light suurce hehind the LCD panel, 7 Darkcns the backllght of the screen image. + Lightens the backlight of the screen image To return backlight to the maximum level that was set at the factory. press the minus [ 7 land plus[ + ] buttons simultaneously, To extl the control screen, press MENU III: HORIZONTAL POSITION This control moves the screen image left or right — Moves the screen to the left + Moves the screen in the right. E HORIZONTAL SIZE This control adjusts the honmntal size (width) of the screen image. — Decreases the width ofthe screen image 4» increases the width of the screen image. IHIII VERTICAL FINETUNE (only 1024 x 768 rssolutlon) This control adjusts the vertical timing for 1024 x 768 resolution. See page It for more detatls. — Decreases the horizontal stripes in the sereen image. + increases the horizontal stripes tn the screen image. [5 VERTICAL POSITION This control adjusts the ventcal position of the screen image up or down. 7 Moves the screen image down. + Moves the screen image up. Settings that turn pink are beyond the calibrated range and are not effective. Operation viewsorilc VP15I7 eng arts 3 © so 5 22. a 04 PM l - Q Tu exit a screen and save changes, press [MENU] button, [fl VERTICAL SIZE This control adjusts the venieai size (height) of the screen image. — Decreases the herghr oi the Screen image + increases the neighr orihe screen image HORIZONTAL FINETUNE (only 1024 x 768 resolution) This conlrol adjusts the horizontal timing only for 1024 x 768 resolution. See page I l for rnere details. Press the minus [ 7 J or plus [+1 butmn unlll the hnnzental stripes disappear from the screen image COLOR TEMP This control is for adjusung color. With the color icon on the menu selected, press the minus [ - l or plus [ e 1 button (0 select option 1 for standard 6500 K, or option 2 for bluish color at 9300 K The screen image automatically changes when you select option 1 or Z I To adjust the individual tnlenstly of red {R}. green (G), or blue (B) in |he screen image select [Am] 2 To show the control screen press the plus [4] button. 3 To select R,G, nr 5. press the right [D] arrow, 4 To adjust the color selecleda press the minus I m ] or the plus [.| button. — Decreases Ihe temperature of the color selected, f Increases the temperature with: color selected 5 To ext! the R, G‘ B control screen, press the MENU hullon. Q 26 VIDEO LEVEL The video lnput signal level of your computer is adjusted autumatically to 0 7 v — 1.0 v. Tn automatically adjust all functions ln factory presets. press the W“ key. DISPLAY FREQUENCY This control displays the current honmnlal and vertical irequeneies for the Viewl’nnelm. I. Set your computer resolution at 1024 x 763 a! 75 Hz refresh mic for the best performance at your ViewPanel‘“. See the user guide Lhal came with your computer for instructions Other timings degrade product performance 2. Ser your Viewl’anelm according to the inslmclions on page 1 l. The screen may appear yellow if the frequencies cxceed the calibrated range. K LANGUAGE This control allows yen to choose the language used [11th menus and control screens l When the language |COn selected. press the minus [ 7 1 or plus t +1 bulltm to select one ofthe fallowmg languages DEU Spmche. German FRA Langue, Freneh ENG Language, English ITA Lingua. Italian ESP Lenguaje, Spanish 2. To exit the language contml screen, press rhe MENU button. ViawSom'c W150 Operation saszziampm Inn m5 9 To exit a screen and save changes. press [MENU] button. r‘j" AUTO SIZE This control automattcnlly centers and sizes the screen for you. Press the minus (7 1 or plus i e no select Auto Size ON The screen image automancally scls tlseif. oi) RECALL If Ihc Viewl’anelm is uperating in t factory prescl mode (See page 12). this conlmI resets the image to the faclory settings. trrhe VieannelW is upemltng tn 3 user defined mode (See page 12), [Int cummt has no effect. ESE osn POSITION Use this control to adjust the positron or the Onvicw‘” comm] screen that 15 displayed. PICTURE Image quality can be set in four dtfferent modes to match the type of inpul. I ) OFFICE MODE Lowers the brtghtness when the monitor is to be used for an extended time. 2) STANDARD MODE The factury setting 3) DYNAMIC MODE Emphasizes the outlines of imagEs to make them sharper and easier tn vtcw. 4) ENTERTAINMENT MODE Emphasizes the outlines of images even more than the Dynamic mud: ERROR SCREENS The screen appears a few seconds after pressing a bunon when : - The Viewrarret is not connected properly to a computer - The computer is turned on - The Viewl’anel is in power savtng mode (See page I 1 for more tnfonnahon on the pewer savtng mode.) To ext! the screen, press the MENU button Tum off the Viewl’anel and connect it In your compulcr Restart ynur enmputer and the Vieannel. (See also the Troubleshooting and the tnstallatiun section in this guide ) The SIGNAL ERROR screen appears a few seermds after pressing a buttnn when the input signal exceeds the spectfied range, To exit Ihe screen, press the MENU button. Turn off the Visztmel Connect the VrewPanel to your computer Rcslan the computer. him on the Viewhnel, (See also the Troublechooting and the Installation section in this guide) Operah'on VimSonic VP150 |D seszz 3mm are me Adjusting the Screen The [allowing sclup is required for your Viewrnnelw. 1. For hesi perfprmancm Sc! yuur eompuler Or video card In 1024 x 768 Resolunon 2. Ser your eenpuier or video card (0 2 Refresh rale efeilher 60 or 75H7 3. Press Ihe MENU button (See pages 7.10 fer more deiails on each adjuslrnenl). 4. Seleci AUTO SIZE by pressing ihe 1cfl[ 4 lurrighr| D larmw. To acuvale, press the plus [ + 1 ur | _ | blmon. 5. Selecl HORIZONTAL FINETUNE by pressing the lefi [ <1 1 or nghi [ D ] anow Then adjust fer ihe sharpesr imagc possible by pressing ihe [ + l and [ e 1 hullons. 6. To Save changes and Exit ihe screen, press lhe MENU hurwn. Iflhe Image Is Mil] unstable. unfocused. or fuzzy after adjuslmenl check Ihc Helpful Hints and/or [he Troubleghculing sections Helpful Hints Problem Helpful Hints The image is unsmble. unlocused or Fine fldjusmk‘nls rm: mere Caslly nude in l Dnt ON. fuzzy, 1 Del OFF pallem is dlsplaycd To do so in Windows 95° m 93“, Click on the Start 8mm and sclccl ShulDOwn. NOW fldjllSl lhc momlor using flit HORIZONTAL HNETUNE and VERTICAL FINETUNE controls lmagé 15 gm] unloiused or unflablc Change you! graphic card refresh mic lo eilhcr 60 Or 75H7. wiih LCD Technology sol-IL flicker is nei n pmblcm. Two 10mm. mm m pm," The VP] so view Panel is not compatible wnh lnlerlaced Signals Sel your graphic card refresh me (0 euher so or 7511: AUTOS,“ mm, mm "m wmk when acuvilulng (he AUTOSIZE lunclien, be sure ihel n whole image is being dlsplaycd Viewsom'c W150 cperahon f n suzz 304W Specifica ions ther information LCD Type 15" LuCld'“, TFI' (Thln Film TranSIStM), Active Matrix Panel, 0.297 mm pixel pilcn HGB vsrlical stripe, Ami-Glare. hard coat Input Signal Video Separate Composite, Syneronrgreerl, Sync i" an - 51 kHz, f, so - 77 Hz Comp-lib ity PC Up 10 1024 x 755 M Macintosh“ Power Mac“ Maximum Refresh 1024 X 768 NI «7 75 Hz Rater 800 X 600 NI G 77 Hz 640 x 480 NI 0 77 Hz PW" Voltage 100 , 240 V AC (auto switch) 50 l 60 Hz Dllpluy Arel Dsiauit 304 mm (H) x 223 mm (v) Typical Full Scan 804 mm (H) X 228 mm W) Depends on signal timing Opemting Temperature 32 ”F to 95 “F (0 “C to 35 (’0) Conditions Humidity 5 7» to 90 % (no condensation) Altitude To 10,000 test Slorage Temperature 4 “F to ”40 "F (40 °c to 460 °C) Conditionl Humidity 5 °/o to 90 % (no condensation) Altitude 70 40,000 isst Dimensions Physical 335 mm (W) x 391 mm (H) x 150 mm (D) 15.1" (WI x 15,4“ (H) x 7.l' (D) Weight Nel 5.9 kgs (15.2 lbs) Regulations UL, CSA, TUV/GS, NORDIC. FCC-B, lC—B, CE/CISPR 22-5, VCCl~Bl MFR-ll. TCO'QS/NUTEK, ISOSEM-G (Ergonomics), ENERGY STAR’" ECIQ. C'Tick Power saving On 40 w typical (green LED) modes DPMS'“ Stand By< 15 W (yellow LED) DPMS Suspend DPMS Ofl other Feature: <15 W (yellow LED] < 5 w (yellow LED) Compatible with the display can channel standards BBC“! and names, Plug 5 Play . ' Warning: Do not set the graphics card in your computer to exceed mesa maxlmum refresh rates. being so may result in perfume"! damage to the monitor. Nl= Non Interlaced. Preset Timing Modes (VESA° 1024 x 768 Q 75Hz Is recommanded) NEC 640 X 400 @ 56H1 VGA 650 X 350 Q 7OHZ VGA 540 X 480 @ WHZ VGA 640 X 400 @ 70Hz VESA 640 X 480 @ 72H1, 75H1 VESA 800 X 600 @ 5GHZ,60H1, 72HZ, 75HZ VESA I024 X 758 @ 60HZ,70H1, 72Hl, 75Hz Macintosh 640 X 480 G 67Hz Macintosh 832 X 624 @ 75Hz Macintosh 1024 X 755 @ 75HZ Other lniormaticrl en; pms lz View/Sonic VP150 95522 3mm ennpnrs Troubleshooting No power - Press Power button ON. - Make sure AC power cord is securely connected to the back ol the monitor and to a power outlet . Plug another electrical device (like a radio) into the power outlet to verity that the outlet is supplying proper voltage. Power on but no screen image - Make sure the video ceoie supplied With the monitor is tightly secured to the video output port on the back oi the computer. ll the other end of the video cable is not attached permanently to the monitor, tightly secure lt to the monltor, - Adlusl brightness and contrast - Check this user‘s guide to see it an adapter is required lor proper signal continuity between graphics card and monitor, Flickering - Not enough power supplied Connect the monitor to e drflerent outtet, ll using a surge protector, reduce the number ol‘ devices plugged in ' Select lhe ViewMeter‘ lrom the main menu (page 12) to verily the refresh rate (vertical lrequency) is 60 H1 or higher. See Specifications on page 12. - Make sure the graphics card in your computer can use non-interlaced mode at the desired rrequencies. ' Remove any devices irom the area around the monitor that emits magnetic lields such as radios, surge protectors unshielded speakers. fluorescent lights. Ac power converters, desk lans, etc. Wrong orabnormal colors - it any colors tied, green, or blue) are missing, check the video cable to make sure it is securely connected Loose or broken pins ln the cable connector could cause an improper connection. - Connect the monitor to another computer. - Check your graphics card lor proper sync scheme (or sync poierities) lo match the monitor's specifications. - Turn monitor OFF, wait. one minute, then turn ON again, Do this only once, Entire screen Image scmlls(rolls) vertically - Make sure video inpul signals are wilhin the monitors specilieo rrequency tango. ~ Try lhe monitor With another power source, graphics card, or computer system. 0 Connect the video cable securely. Control bullonsda notwork - Press only one button at a time Image is unstable, unfocused, luzzy, or swimming ls present - Adjust the VieerneiW eccordimg to the directions on page it. - Check the monitor and signal source wiIh respect to compatibility and recommended elgnei timings. Image persistence or ‘Burn-In" - Unlike CRT monitors. image persistence or “Burn-In“ is not permanehl on your ViewPanel. To recover from "Burn-In", leave the ViewPanel OFF lor an extended time ViewSonic recommends lhe use at a screen saver when the screen is not in use. Viewsanic VP150 Other lnlOrmfillDl’l rs sumac/4PM eng urns Cleaning the ViewPaneI ' MAKE SURE THE MONITOR IS TURNED OFFA - DO NOT APPLY PRESSURE TO THE SCREEN - NEVER POUR OR SPRAY ANY LIQUID DIRECTLY ONTO THE SCREEN OR CASE OF THE VIEWPANEL. To clean the screen: 1 Gently wrpe the screen wnh a clean camel hair lens brush, or a soft. clean. lint—free clmh ThlS removes dusi and other paniclcs that can scratch the screen 2 If sllll nm clean, blow on the screen and gently wipe with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth DISCLAIMER View50nic does not recommend the use of ervy Ilquid cleaners on me ViswPaneI screen or cue. Chemical cleaners have been reporued to damage me screen end/or tea 0! me ViewPaneI. FunnenviewSonic does not recommend applylng pressure when wipi g lhe VIewPaneI screen clean. ewSonic will not be liable for damage multlng Irom lhe uee cl liquid cleaners or resulting from applying pressure to the screen. Other inIormalicn Viewsonic VP|50 u 99 522 am PM Security Port A security pan can be inslalled to prevent men of me LCD monitor and main unit, A wire cable manufmured by Kcnsingmn can be connected to the Security pm on the rear panel of [he mam unil. y “I my lrm- ML all ll For details, please refer lo the Kensington inslrucllon manual < lnqulries> Kenslngmn 2855 Campus Dnve San Mateo, CA USA 94403 800-535-42A2, x3348 Inlrl. 415-572—2700. x3348 Fax: 415-572-9675 Q Wall Mounting Kit (Optional) Thls VPI50 LCD monilor provides a detachable have that allows lhe View/Panel [0 be configured fur desktop or slim linc wall displays with the oplional Wall Mnumlng Kn. To learn more about this Wall Mounling opllon. please cofllacl VlewSonlc's Customer Suppon Group a! 1-800-6886688. VIMSonk: VP150 Other lnlcrmalion engvms 15 ssszz‘szM one we LIMITED WARRANTY VIEWSONIC VP150VIEWPANEL’“ what the wmamy coll-OI: Vlowsonlc' wanams Its products to be tree from detects in material and mrltrnanshlp during the warranty pence ll a product proves to oe detective tn material or workmanship during the warranty period. VlulSonlc will at its sore optron reparr or replace the product mm a Ilka product. Replacement product Dr parts may lnclude remanuteetured pr retutolstret pans or components Haw long the win-my is elfecfive: The Vimsunic W150 vtewPahelm ls warranled tor three (3) years lpr all parts excluerng lne rm source. three 13) years Ior all lawn and one (1) year for me by?“ source tram the 08‘s at me lust consumer purchase. Who the warranty prom: The warranty ls valld only tor the trrsl oorrsumer purchaser What the wan-m7 do" not emr: t, Any pruducl on whlch the serral number has Dean deleced, modified or removed. 2 Damage, deleneratren ormaltunclron resulting lrom: a Aocrdent. mrsuse. neglect, lrre. water. lrghtnlng. or other eats ol nature, unauthorrzed product "malhcahon, or larture Io tollow lrlElmDIans supptleo wlth me product. Return or attempted reparr by anyone not authorized oy vt-wsonlc. Any damage at the product due to shlpmenl. Removal or lnslallalion ot the product. Causes external to the product. such as electric power lluotuatrorrs Drlallum. uee ol supplies or parts not meeting Vl-wSonlee spflcfllcaborls Normal wear and tear. Any other cause which does ml relate to a product detect 3. Removal. mswllerlon, and setup service charges. “law to get “rt/Ic- t. For lntormetlph on oblalning warranty servrce. can vlevsonic The customer support telephone numbers are us. and Canada only: t-aoo-saaosae: Irorn outerue the us and canada see 8694976, trom Europe mt trustees—sop. rrem ASlan r Pacrtre Rim countries ass (2) 2l8-4072. lntemet Email address: vstechovrewsonrocom erWorlo Wide Wehznhpdrwww yrewsonlc corn 2 To ootarn warranty servloe. you will be required to prpvtee (a) the nnginal dated sales sllp, (h) ynul name. to) your address, to) a desenptron or the proelem, and la) the serial number at the product. 3. Take or ship the pmducl prepard tn the Orlglnal centainerto your vlowSonle dealer. any Vmonic service center or vl-wsonlc. 4 For addrhorral tnrormatton or the heme or the nearest Vlewsonlc service center, contam your ersonlc dealer or Vlewsenic, Limilmirm of tmpllod win-mien: THERE ARE NO WARRANTtEs. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WHICH ExTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION CONTAINED HERElht lNCLUDING THE IMPLlED WARRANTV OF MERCHANTAmuTv AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Exclullon oi dam-g. VIEWSONIC‘S LIABIL TV ls uMlTED To THE COST OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT or THE PRODUCT. lewsOmt: SHALL NOT BE LlAsLE FOR: t. DAMAGE TO OTHER PHOPERTV CAUSED rev ANv DEFECTS IN THE PRODUCT, DAMAGES BASED UPON lNcONVENlEMCE, LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT. LOSS oFTlME, LOSS or PROFITS, Loss OF EuSlNEss OPPORTUNITY [058 OF stthL. INTERFERENCE WITH EuslNEss RELATlONsr-ths. OR OTHER COMMERclAL Loss. EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE FOSS|BILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES 2. ANV OTHER DAMAGES. WHETHER lNClDENTAi, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHERWlsE. 3. Am CLAIM AGAINST THE CUSTOMER BY ANY OTHER PAHTV. Ethel or net- lwr: ms warranty gtves you speoillc legal nghls, and you may also have other rights whtcn vary tram state to state. Some states do not allow limttatlons on Implied warmnlies and/or do not allow the seal n at tnctdentsl or consequential damages. so the above lrrnttahons and excluslons may not apply to you. sat.- ouuluo mo u.stA.: For vlewScrnlc products sold outsrde ol the US A.. contact your VIeutSonlc dealer lorvarramy lnlnrmallrm and setvrco. museums REV 12/31/96 other inlolmalion Viewsam'c VP150 to 55522 3mm fig} m L For ViewSonic“ Customer Suppon: US. and Canada only 1—800-68846685 From outside US. and Canada 909-869—7976 From Europe +44 0293) 643-900 From Asian/Pacific Rim countries 386 (2) 248-4072 Technical Support Questions Product or Dealer Questions prodinfo®viewsonicncom World Wide Web hup:// ViewSonic" Corporation 381 Brea Canyon Road, Walnut, CA 91789 Tel (909) 869-7976 Tel (800) 688-6688 Fax (909) 468-1202 TQBE 0281 ‘ cw ums Page 2 (97 ,, 98.5 21305 PM Mobs PflwMalul 5 MPH: ‘7
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