ViewSonic 17029 User Manual 43973
ViewSonic Corporation 43973
FAFTOHY CONTROL NOA: EVE—984010 FCC ID : GSS1'7029 with Plug &Play«|’ 17" (16.0" Viewable Diagonal) l u M-7FZ\QLLM,E cvn 1 13,7 l rcscrvcd Copynghvfi Opuqucsl'Jnc 1993 All Macmmsm Quadr: and Pam animosh m «gamed mdcmam omppwc Compulcr. Inc, Wmdous |s a regwshzrcd mdemmk o! Minosofi Corporzuon. Optiqucsl. ViewSomc. Om W m rcgisltrtd lmdtmarks oere\\Somc Corpcmvmn Exsmw’ Sm vi a regmmd Imdtnmrk oflh: us Environmental Prmeniun Agmcy (EPA) VEA IS a ragislrrsd mdemark oflhc Vldeo Electronics Slandards Assocmlion. DF’MS and DDC are lmdcmmks of ”BSA Disclaimer. OphquelenC. shall not be new: for mhmca] or edimrial errors or omlsmns cnmamzd herein not far mcvdcnlal m mmquemm damngcs rcsuhmg from fumishmg, m1; malarial. or m: ptrfnrmance or us: mm producl Opliquesl m. menu m: nghl m Chang: producl specifimuon whom “mite lnfmrmalion in this document may change wllhom notice. No pm a! mi; document may be towed. "produced or uansmmtd by my means. (or any purpose wilhom pnor wmlen permission from Opliqucsl, Inc. As an Bucr Svan‘ panneh Opuquesl. inc, has dflcrmmded mm m product mans the 5mm Suu' guidelines for energy cfficwncy Electronic Warranty Registration ngmmnu: manual a\ W» opxiquechom. l|'s fasx,easy. and “A” simplify {mun suppcn nceds I ‘ “rm minim-us; (this pmucz is amt-e swim m4 monitor. Wn'te the serial numurovmls unix in me space new“: mp this eoomus a permanent ~ mm m‘ your m m shun Ldonflflcaflnn m m. ever-(o! Mafia“. Nodal Nam: Power Cord Safety Guidelines Cautinn : Use a power came that is pvoperly grounded Awways use me AC covds hsled below [or each avea : USA Canada , Germany , Swwuerland Enlain .. BASECIBS Japan Beanie App‘iance Control Act ‘n otheraleas, use AC cord which meets ‘ocal 53!er Slandards. Opaques: v7.1 242 £45 \ A as A z u a: AM TCBEUZA’I-EJB 2 flee Power Cord Safety Guidelines (continued) AC PLUG CORD PRECAUTHONS FORTHE UNTTED KINGDOM F v AF P A A T WTN T AR (F THE FTTYED MOULDED PLUG [S UNSUlTABLE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET THEN THE PLUG SHOULD BE CUT OFF AND DISPOSED OF SAFELV THERE IS A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTRlCAL SHOCK lF THE CUT OFF PLUG ls TNSERTED lNTo AN APPROPRIATE SOCKET ll a new plug is lo be fined. please obsenre lrle wiring code as shown below. ll in any doubl, please oonsull a qualified eleclrioran, A lN - T P lA MPQETANI- Trre wiles rn irris mains lead are coloureo in accordance wlih lne lollwmg caaa. Green~andAYerwz Earth Blue: Neutral Brown: Live ll lne calcined wires ol lhe mains leaa ollllis appharloe dc nolconespano will line calcined markings idenuMng lne terminals in your plug. proceed as lallows: The wire which is coloured GREEN-ANDVELLOW must be oonneclea in me lerminal lrl he olu whécrl is marked oy Ihe leflar E or by me Eam‘l syrnoo ‘ or coloured GREEN or GREEN- AN Y LLOW The wire which is coloured BLUE musl be connected in we lermrnal in lhe plug which is marked willl lhe lener N or coloured BLACK.Tha wire which is wloured BROWN musl be connecled (a me lermlnal in lhe plug which is marked willl lrre letter L or coloured RED, lMPOFlTANT NOTlcE CONCERNING rowan cons SELECTION The power cord lor mls unir has been packed separalely and has been selecled according to (he cuuniry OT desimallurl and must be used (0 prevenl electric Shock. Use the {allowing guidelines ll ii is necessary In replace rne Original cord sel The lemale reoeplaele ol me curd sel rnusl meel 055722 lequlremenls and will look like Figure l below; Figure ‘ @ For (he Uniled Slams and Canada in (he Urllled Slales and Canada lhe rnale plug is a NEMAS-is slyle [Figure 2) UL Llsted and CSA Laoelled For unils which are mounrea on a desk or laole. lype SVT or arr cold sels may be used. For Units which sit on me ”can only SJT type cord sels may be used. The card sel rnusr oe seleoled according lo me currenl ralmg lor your unil. please cansull Table A below lor lne selecllan cr‘rlerla lo! power cords used in me United Slales and Canada Figure 2 ® 1 ET}; For European Counrries In Europe you rnusl use a cord sel which is approprialg lor me receptacles in your caunlry The cold sells HAR-Cenifled, and me marry HAF will appear on me ouler shezm, or on me insulal‘lon oi one ol lne inner conduclurs \/ , 1A” 7‘ mfi \‘ ll you have any questions concelnlng which proper power cord is use, please consult wilrl me dealer lram whom you have purchased your unrl. Table A Card Type Size oi Cunnuclors In Cord Maximum Currenl Rating ol Unil SJT 18AWG loAmps 16AWG lemps MAWG 12Amps SVT laAWG loAmps UAWG \2Amps apriquesl v73 maximum \ w FCC Information Tms tqwamtm has been vesm m: mc Rules. ms, mus as designed in pwwde vsasonws prwac mstflflaxmfl. ms gquvpmenl mars-es. uses, and can 1cmleridmwequzflfl en narmim mimic/en“ \a mum wmmuncanuvs Mmmv. were u no assucanss mm me msirumons may cause qua meg max mveflevuce mu Am mm m a pan mm W meme" teceohun. mm m be dewvm and mung «b znmply mh me hrmls 1m | 0555 5 mm dawns. Dulsuam m can 5 e: hon eqams| ww msensrense m a resber. erqy and 4 (vol msmlled and use m Acuval msuhahafl. 11 ms equupme'u does cause hanrwl wenermc men by Aulmnq (he eqmpmefll an and on me use! ‘5 encuuvage’: :o. w mm the means by W or move D( we VMflMng mnmws: - fissum o: le‘wa'l me [Keflnflg amen“. damage the savanna“ between me mmprlefll and lace . 4 Comm me equmem mu; an cum on a c-v:un amemm 1mm mm m w. .r.n'he vacewevvsconna: >d. . Consume beam or an ensue/med rzmu'N vscnmman «a, hem. Teas-Ara awl-med FCC arm. the usuws' use vanish pone! supdy mid and me waived shlnldeovideo Menace mew“ banned (errfie eaves, mo, any anammmaflmvges or warms to us mi'mum me nsm‘s msnomyto ,,ow.axsms new“. Pdwer Supply Cord USA W mus win me . 120V mpm mags in m. use. use my idlwing‘ us hsved and CSA Camflsfl Type SW at SJY no 150 we mm wzsv-c 7A mm. on me Irvminaled m n maimed all pal-1m mad e gmunqu mum-Aer“ can at Hooded azabbmsm as use. 125v mfiquriuofl]. mum (arm-mien m a field-on anvil-AC! coupler. Nutice1or Germany REFERENCE . The Xerays generaled m lms um! ale sh-emed smllmermy. High voltage Max 27.0 w ~ Fay evgonomic reasons. u 15 lecbmmsnaed no! m use mue chala Doing so may ptoducs msuficlenl commsl man could lead m eye swam. Notice for Japan clers on a dark backgmund ms equipmem (ans undel me mass 5 accessing Equipmem (v Howevev, u u 15 used near {awe and le‘ Ams squxpmem apolopflahaly awudmg cempaub-W, and 73/23/5 estabhshed by me sulsimposed Comic! Council [or name inxeflerence mmugh mtuvmamn» so» This squ-pment is destgned m be used in a hausehwd em-mnmem. inlormanon Technology Equipmenl based on me smuam ewslon receiver urns. lad“) dvslumances can occur. Use ID me msnuclion manual CE Conformity at «he EEC mecuve amass/EEC as The aeuics comphes whh me requwemems C E aménded by gem/sec and wee/sec ms wun vegard lo ‘Electvomagrvzhc EC as amended by Qa/sa/EEC A" 13 mm regard w “SEEM. Required uem Relahve xb 515mm Vame newauvs lo mesa Exceecmg Smodavd Value Remarks cw x: 1 s 4 ESD‘ = 2 n 3 / HADIATED RF“ in a : TRANSWENT F/B' a 1 at 3 / \ we manomcs a 1 l / y v v Saflsnesmesiancmswhnn mums." uflflrmuce ans Mam u z. Eflecls mzy wow Yempmirw bu me scletn um meve mu be no gyms-n m "man-my u 3 there u m: or In! proaun hveumg awn. s 1. n a guru! came murman mm sgxmsd s penpnsfix nave wim mm «em cures m bum end dew-(es. TD assuvs com-mud cs mmphaue me use: mus| use me alownedi used. u may a. 1M cause a enearsmagme wave wenupmon br 33m snmwuee um ygnaw s (71 me can; Ham. caneflly in awn-dance ma ma msuuchon manual. <9.“ - aemmagnbm Immereflce Opquues! v7: Tcasuuz E JE 3 'ESD ElectrusiamD‘schavqe ms ’RamuF'equem:y we FasABum é 9642Hn3r-M ev. ‘dP' r- rm ‘: 705E02A2»E JG 4 (} CONTENTS Getting Started Package Conlenls ............... Precautions ........ Quick Insiallafion .............. Operation Front Control Panel .......... OnView“7 Main Menu ...... OnView’ Controls ................ Other Information Specificalions ...................................... 11 Troubleshuoling . Cleaning the: Monnor Limilcd Wmamy A Cuslomcr Support ................................. back cover Dpfiquest vn . sa 4.2‘ mm AM Congratulations on your purchase ofa Optiquest V7} monitor. Important,l Save the original box and all packing material (or futurt: shipping needs, Also, the word “Windows“ in this user guide refers to the following Microsoft’ operating systems: Windows ‘95, Windows ‘93, Windows N1“ (5.0). NOTE: This product was designed for operation in the hemisphere where purchased. Package Contents Your Optiquest V73 package includes: ~ Optiquest V73 monitor ~ Video cable with 15 pin high density mini D-sub connecror - Power cord ~ User's Guide - OQ‘JNF INSTALLATION file on diskette or CDROM. Precautions - For the best viewmg conditions, sit at leaSl 18“ from the monitor. ~ AVOID TOUCHING THE SCREEN WTTH YOUR FINGERS. Oils from the skin are difficult to remove. ~ Never rcmuve Lhe rear cover. The monitor contains high'voltagc parts. You may suffer SCnDUS injury if you touch these parts. - Avoid exposing the monitor to direct sunlight or another heat source. The monitor should be facing away from direct sunlight to reduce glare . Choose a well ventilated area to position your monitor Do not place anything on tht monitor lhal prevents adequate dissipation of heat. ' Ensure the area around the monitor is clean and free of moisture. - Keep the monitor away from magnets, motors, transformers, speakers, and tclevisrons, - Do not place heavy objects on the monitor, Video cable, or power cord. - lf smoke, abnormal noise, or strange odor |S present, immediately switch the monitor off and call your dealer or Optiquest It is dangerous to continue using the monitor. . Always handle your monitor with care when movrng it. YoBEozAz-E JS 5 Optiquesl v7: ‘ saga HD3AM A . ‘r’ Quick Installation 1 Wn‘te the serial number printed on the back of the monitor in the space provided on page 1 labeled “For Your Records" and monitor‘s warranty on tho lntemet at: hIIp/l‘\v\vw.0ptique§l,c0m, 2 Read the Precautions section thoroughly (page 5) before installing the monitor Make sure the comflter and the monitor are both turned off before connectino anV cables 3a PC users: Attach the video cable to the computer. so Macintosh users: A Macintosh computer requires a Macintosh adapter. To order an adapter, contact Optiquest Customer Support. See the back cover of this manual for a telephone number in your area 4 Attach the poWercord to the back of the monitor, then plug the other end of the power cord into the power source (wall socket) Turn the computer (in Be sure that the power switch located at the rear ofthc monitor ts turned ON. Press the POWER button on the front of the monitor ON. (The Power light wtll tum green.) Adjust the user controls to suit your personal preference. See the Opcmtion section (page 7). and if there are any problems see Troubleshooting. For the recommended screen resolution. see Factory Preset Timings inTechnical Data, as well as your graphics card user guide for more detail, denu- Installation is complete! Enjoy your new Monitor! Rear Power switch Video cable Dptt'quest v7.7 103mm? we 5 can. H mm 105mm 5 Jl3 7 a» 00‘. 0 Adjust your Optiquest V73 monitor using the buttons on the front control panel {is shotvn below. From Control Panel To adjust the monitor, follow the numbered steps in sequence as shown below. 0 9 9 Press buttun Frcss me I 41 or [1] (or the l) l arrow to Press button [2] main mcnu select an cptton (or an individual Power shown below to adjust control screen onlofl‘ I /\ ®® lv 6 Power I'lghl: Pressbuttontllto Prcsstttclflor Gm" _ an savechangcsand [Hanan to make Druwc . powersavirw exttthcscrcen adjustments ° mo“ : ‘Th: monitor will autommicnlly degauss whzn m "J"! on the monitor. chaussing rcmm t) magncuc mitt buildup Lhal can zfl'tcl color pufil) and convergzncc. Homo/er turning the monitor on ma offrzptattdly may cause damage. Wail 10 minutes bcfurt' luming the unit on and offugntrl. To mutually dcgfluss me manilor from the menu. 55: page ll). OnViewQB Main Menu The menu below shous the various controls for adjusting the monitor Main Menu Each contrcl ———+——|| 1 a 0:0 2 4 option is Button [2] displays represented C1 m“ 0 £0 tne indtvlduai by an icon. , nun conlrcl screen cl 7 i 2&2 m the selected control Status line deltnes —— C O n t l’ a 5 T Dptlomo amusi- the hlghlighled option. Opllquesl v73 seazntmw _x .u f‘. "v?“ To ml the Othew3 menu St save changes, press button [1 ], OnViev‘f9 Controls 0 Contrast/Brightness Press button [21 to toggle between Contrast and Brightness as shown below Met-torts Contrast adjusts foreground white level of screen image NOTE' Pressing the [ 4] and [P] buttons simultaneously increases Contrast to its maximum, NOTE You can also access the Contrast control by pressing either [4] or [P 1 before accessing the Main Menu. Q Brightness adjusts background black level of screen image. Press [11 or [P l to adjust. NOTE Pressing the [4] and [P ] buttons simultaneously returns Brightness to its factory preset level. Shortcut. Before displaying the OnVicw menu, press the [4] or [P button. Press [ 1] or [P 1 to adjust Press button [21 to toggle between Brightness and Contrast. ~2~ Size 3 Position Press button 12] to select one of the following , controls to adjust. (£3 Horizontal Position adjusts the horizontal position of the screen image [4] moves screen image left, [P ] moves screen image right. H. Position From thls screen, press button [2 1m display the adjustment screen for the required control. then press [4] or [ r 1 to adjust. o—a Horizontal Size adjusts the width of the screen image. [4 ] decreases width, [ P] increases width. _J Vertical Position adjusts the vertical position of the screen image [4] moves screen image down, [k] moves screen image up. 1 Vertical Size adjusts the height ofthc screen, [4] decreases screen height [P ] increases screen height. B Geometry Press button [2] to select one ofthe following controls to adjust. Opt/quest v73 roecazaz E as a gs u. t\ u.- AM To exit the OnVicw" menu & 13 Vertical Plncushion straightens vertical sides of the screen. [4 ] curves vertical edges inward. [P 1 curves vertical edges outward. From this screen, p Screen for lhe requi save changes, press button [1]. V. Plncushion ress button [ 2 l to display the adjustment red control, then press ( <1 or» 1 to adjust. G Side Plncushlon Balance curves the screen's vertical edges to me left or right. [4 curves vertical edges 1 curves vertical edges lo left, [F] to right. D Trapezoid makes vertical edges of the screen image parallel. [( ] narrows lop and widens bottom, [}1 widens top and narrows bottom. [7 Parallelogram slants vertical edges of the screen to Lhe left or right. (41 slams vertical edges to the left, [b] slams vertical edges [0 the right, TDL Tilt rotates entire screen image, [4] rotates screen counter- é» clockwise, [P ] rotates screen clockwise. {3} NOTE: Pressing the ( 4 ] an rotation to its factory preset VitewMatch3 Color adjust 1)Usethe[4]and [V1bu (7. ) 7500K, (3 )t 6500 El User» C° [CV &‘ User Color adjusts the col decreases thc amount of col amount of color in the imag NOTE: Pressing (hi: [2] button tog controls. ColorTernp. 2 3 4 From (his screen, press button \ 2 l to select one of the color temperatures. When you select User, Ihc screen below appears. Opliquesr we 1056024275 JS 9 d [P] buttons simultaneously adjuSts level. 5 the color temperature. trons to select (1 ): 9300 K + S MPCD. K, (4 ): 5000 K or (5 ): User Color. 2 ) lfyou select (5 )'. User Color. press button [2] to display the NW adju5tmcnt screen. or intensity of individual colors. [4] or in the image, [P] increases the e. vies to the red cream and blue s / , 511353 tr“? . the fit 0_ 71 From this screen, pmss button [ 2 1 to select Red, Green. or Blue. Press [4] or [P l to fldJuSl. é sanzrtusm To exit the OnView‘ menu 81. save changes, press button [1]. 0 Memory Recall returns adjustments back to factory settings only non own man if the monitor 15 operating in a factory preset mode (page 11). Exception: This control does not affect changes made with the User color control where you adjust the reds. greens. and blues. Video Level allows you to change the video input signal level to match the signal coming from your computer. Typically. 0.7V is used. For more information. see your computer user guide, OSD Language allows you to choose from among satin-ea languages for the OnView menus and adjustment screenszflmm? French, Englishjszis'meand Spanish. in HI‘VX OSD Position Press the [2] button to re-positicm the OSD. Degauss Removes the buildup of magnetic fields that can affect color purity and convergence. Press the [2] button to degauss. Important: Do not degauss repeatedly. Doing so can be harmful to the monitor. Wait at least 20 minutes (before selecting this control again). ViewMeter‘sDisplays the monitor's current horizontal and vertical synchronization signal. NOTE: Pressing the [2] button before entering the main menu will also display the ViewMeter. fH 80.0 kHz fV 75.0 Hz Self-Test When there is no signal input (because the cable is not connected or no vtdeo signal is coming from the computer). or the monitor is in power saving mode, the self-test screen can be called by pressing the l], [1], [P ], or [2] buttons An error message screen appears when the horizontal or vertical sync signals are outside of the permitted range. reason: E 15 DpI/quest v73 16 r 9542 “t PM O ' l . o , t . A . m Specmcations 5 cm’ Type \7 “ [tstu “1406 cm Viewable channel) 2 0.25 mm (0.22 mm H x 0 M mmV dot pitch) ‘m' 90° deflection ‘ Input Signal Video Separate, Composite Sync” I”: 30 7 70 kHz, (u: so 460 Hz Compatibility PC Up to 1250 x t024 Nt Macintosh” Power Macintosh (1152 x 570) Maximum Reiresti t280 x1024 NI @ 66 H1 Rates" 1152 x B70 NI @ 77 Hz 1024x 768 N @ 87 HZ BDOX 500Ni©110Hz BADx 480N1@135 Hz 640 x d80 Nt@160 Hz Power Voitage AC too - 240 VAC (auto switch) 50 1 60 Hz utsptay Area Detautt 300 mm (H) x 225 mm (V)Typit:ai Full Scan 324 mm (H) x 243 mm (V)Depends on signai timing Operaung Tempeiatuie 32 °F to 95 °F (0 no to 35 =C) Conflttians Humidity 5% to 90% t no condensation) Altitude To “moo leet Storage Temperature .4 “F to +140 “F wave to ¢60°C) Condttions Humtatty 5% to sou/r ( no condensation) Aititude To 40.000 |€Et nutter-starts Physmal 405 mm (W) x 404 5 mm (H) x 425 mm (D) |5.9 ~ (W) x \5.9 ~ (H) x 15.7 " (D) Welght Net tsto kgs t 35.3 lbs) Regulations UL, CSA. TUWGS, NORDIC. DHHS. HC Fccr ,ic-s, CE/CISPH 22's. VCCi-B. MPH ILTC 2,i 0924t—3tErgommics), Ema Suna , Puwer sailing On 95 Wt icai (‘ een LED) modes opt/ism Stand By <|5 w Ilow L DPMS Suspend <\5W liow LED\ fiéfg DPMS on < EW ow LED) Other Features Compatible wim the display data channel standards Doom and DDcwza, Plug & Piay 4 Prese| Timing Modes (VESAz‘ 1024 x 763 @ 75Hz is recommended) VGA MDX Ass @ sort: VEGA tzsn xtozn @ 50m VESA 540 x 480 @ 75m Macrntosrt 532 x 524 @ 7st VESA acnx 600 @ 75m Macintosh "324 x 7GB @ 75m VESA102A x 7584? 70m 5. 75Hz ., Warning: an m7! at rm gmphtcx mm in you/ tompuler m mad that maximum rzjmh nun. Doing 517 may mun in pgrmanenldflmagt 10 1h: mamwr. NI- Non lmerlaud, " Macmmxh uxer: 1c: pagf 6. Mammoth ranipulu; mqutre Marirtrgtit adaplmx' Mammoth system] tquippzdhi'lh Plain'fillfl“ nlw rcqwrc fl nilcmplianc ndnplcr To wdcr til/1c! or baih ndrrprrrtt [arimu ruxlumer tuppnrr SE: lltc bark mm. Opli'qusst v73 1 1 TOBEVQAQ—EYJS it 5 as ta H as Au Troubleshooting No power - P723; Power hulmn (frunl milch and back swilch) ON HsnoNa pmper vollagc. Power on but no screen image - Blake sure AC pour-r curd ls sccurrly canncclcd in back cfnlomlol and lo a power ourlcr, - Plug anolhcr elcmical dcvicc (like a 11le) inlo power oullcl ro vcn'fy mar sullcl is supplying r Make sum video cable supplled wrm monlmr is llghlly srcnrtd lo vidco oulpul pen on back oi compuler. lrumcr end nf video table is nol aliached pcmianemly lo monllcr. Iighlly sature it re monitor. - Adjusl brightness and cnnlrasl - Check mis user‘s guidc lo sec ifan adaprer ls mqulrzd rm proper signal coniinuily between graphics card and monilor. Flickering - N0! tnough power supplied, Carmen monirur ID drffmrrl curler lfusing surge prelerxor. mducc number oldcviccs plugged arr . Check VicwMeler lo rmly rurresn mu (veniczl l’rtquenty) is 75 Hz or hlgher. See Faclory mm Tlmlngs on peg: I] wilh r llsl cfm‘msh rales and frrqutncy mung; showing me besl selling for mi; muulmr ~ Max: sur: graphics card m your computer can ullhz: nun—inlcrlaczd modc m desired lrcquencits To enable your graphics ma lo suppon hightr rcl'rcsh mics, lry scltcllng (we: colors or mnmng lawn vesolurions - Remnvc an) dzvitcs (mm alga around monilur lhal cmil magnelic ficlds such as radio; surgt prolcclors, unshieldzd sperms. flounscem llgllls. AC pow cummm um (ansu etc. Wrong or abnormal colors r Chetk Lhe Signals from lb: cnmpuler. Th: Display urur docs no. work coneclly mm s)“: , on - Green Video srgnal, 4 if any Colors (ltd. gram or blue) arc missing. check video cable is make sum ll ls strumly conncclcd, Loose or broken pins in are (able conneclor could cause an improptr conneclion. . Carmenmnnilormanolhcrcompultl. . Check your graphics card for propur sync scheme (or sync pol specificalions. as) m malch mollllor's ‘ Tum manila! OFF, Wzii one mlnult. lhcn lum ON again. Do "Us only Uncc ~ lr yuu have an oldcr graphlcs card. camacl our-queu Cuslonlcr Supper! for a uuruDDc aazplur. (Sec lb: hack Cover.) Entire screen image scrolls (rolls) vertically - Mak: surc video inpul Signals arc wllhin monimr's specificd lrcqutncy rangc. r Try momlor uun anulhn pm tr source. grzpmcs cardr or compuler syslum. - Carmen vldcu tabla Samuel): Conlrol humans do not work - Puss only uric human al a lime. ransom-e Js l2 ' Cpl/ques! v7: geezllusAM me 46? fib Cleaning the Monitor ~ MAKE SURE THE MONITOR IS TURNED OFF ~ To clean the screen. i Wipe the screen with a clean, sofi, lini»frce cloth. This removes dust and other particles. t It still not clean, apply a small amount ofnon-ammoma, non—alchuhol based glass cleaner onto a clean. soft, linivfree cloth, and wipe the screen . Never spray or pour any liquid directly onto the screen or case - Toclean the case, use ihe same procedure as cleaning lhc screen, ~ Amid spilling liquids of any kind on the monitor. DISCLAIMER Optiquest doesloi recommend the use of any ammonia or alchoholAbascd c eanets on the monitor screen or case Some chemical cleaners have been reported to damage the screen and/or case of the moniiori Opiiquest will no! be liable for damage resulting from me use of any ammonia or alchohol-based cleaners. Opriquest v7: “155024er JE is 954 z u as AM Limited Warranty OpliquestV73 Monitors wnar Ihe war-nary covers: Opl'iquesr’ warranrs its producrs (D be free Imm aeiecis in marerrai and workmanship during me warramy period; I! a vaduct pmves m be neiecirve rn matenal or workmanship During (he warramy period, Oprrquesr mi 51 ris solz uplmn‘ reparr m Tepiace (he pmducl wrur a We praduci, Reruacemeni pruduci ur pads may include remanulamumd or lelumished pans ar Components Haw Tong me warranty ls efiecflve: The OPYIQUEST v7: Color Morriior. rnciucrrrg The display mm. are wamnrea 1m mree T3) years is, an pans and me in year term Iabolhcm (he Gain D1 lhe firslccnsumel purchase wno Tm warranty prereeu: This warramy is weird omy ior me nrsi Consumer purchase! wnai me warranty dues rim cover \. Any mum on which «he serra» number has been aeiaaea. modified DI removed, 2, Damage aeiariorairan or mammcmn resuirrrrg horn» a. Accuem suse. negian, five. mien lighlmng or amer ads pl narurzr unamhulixed producr modvficahom Dr ranare to lollw inslmcliens supplied wim me plodud Repa;r or anempied repair by anyane no! aulhon’zed by omiquesx Any damage oi me pmducl due to srrrpmem Rzmwal nr rnsiallauon m The pmduci. Causes mama: xo (he produci, such as eleclm: mwer iiucruarrarrs or iariure Us: or supplies or pans nor meefing Opilquasrs speuhcahuns. Narrrrar wear and near n. Any mar Cause which does mr main in a product deleci. 3. Removal. iAsiallmion, and sex-up senrrce charges earners." Haw In gel service: I For inbrmabon on obtaining warranty service, can Opaquesmne customer supmfl |e|ephune numbers are: U.S and Canada only: r-amaaysne llom Msbde The US. and Canada: gas-aswws: from Eurape .u(\293)641900;1rom Asrarrr Faun: Rim countries 855 (z) 249-4072091iqne5l1echnrml Support ischhelp®whques| .com .omrquesi Pruduci irrrarmaliun prodinra @ apiraaasr mm Worra Wm w=b~ hum/Iwwwmpllquesxrcom 2 To auxin warranty service, ynu will be required In pmvloe (a) ma angrnar daied sales 5 (a) your name (c) your addvess, (a) a aescnpirnrr oi Ihe probiem and (91 me serial number DI me pmducl 3. Take 07 snip me pmfluc! prepaid irr The orrgm-x cemainer in yum OPTIQUEST Desist. any 07TIQUEST seryree semer D! Opllquesl 4 For nfldihonal rrriormarinrr or me rrarrra or Inn Males! OPTlclJEST service carrier. Contact your OPTIDUEST dealer m Opllquoll. Limihllon ox implied waninlles‘ 1HERE ARE NO WARRANTlEs, EXPRESS OR iMPuED. WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRTRTTON CoNTAiNED RERETN iNCLUDTNG THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Exoluslon olmmages' oPTiQUEST‘S UARiuTV is UMWED TO THE cosT or REPAlR oR REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT. OPTIQUEST SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR; 1 DAMAGE To OTHER PROPERTY CAUSED BY ANv DEFECTS INTHE PRODUCT DAMAGES RAsED UPON iNcoNvENiENCE, LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCTr LOSS or TiMEr LOSS OF PRoFiTs LOSS OF aUerEss OPPORTUNITY Loss OF Goouwm, TNTEREERENCE WiTH Busmsss RELATTONSHTPS, oR OTHER COMMERCIAL LOSS. EVEN IF ADVTsED OF THE PossisruTv OF SUCN DAMAGES 2 AW OYHER DAMAGES, WHETHER iNchENTAL. CONSECUENTTAL OR OTHERWisE 3 ANY CLNM ACATNSTTHE CUSTOMER BY ANY OTHER PARTY Eflem 01 sure in: This wansnry gives you spear-c legal rrgnis. and you my arm: have other rights which vary Tram slale |i7 srane. Some stale; do nal anew |rmriairarrs an implied warrarriies and/m do not allow me excmsmn a] rncrdenial m umsequeniial carriages. so The abaye Iimilzlm R5 and exdusiuns may nor apply (D youv saiee outside me us A.: For oPTmuEsT pvoducls said au\side or the USA . eomaci you OPTIQUEST flame: «or warm-Ty ininrmaiiarr and seryrce Opriquesr wa TQEED’HE-EJG u as 3.2 r r 05 AM Q I I E3 III For Vichonic” Customer Support: U.S. and Canada only 1-800784376784 From outside US. and Canada 909-869-7976 From Europe +44 (1293) 643-900 me Asian/Pacific Rim countries 886 (2) 248-4072 Optiquest Technical Support: lechhclp@ cpliquesl£0m Opliquest Prnducl Information: “’or|d \V1de \Veb: h[lpi//WW\V.0pllunSLCOm ViewSonic® Corporation 438 Cheryl Lane, Walnut, CA 91789 Tel (909) 869-7976 Tel (300) 843-6784 Fax (909) 4686-1202 TOE E0242 ‘ 9542.|L05AM
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:22 14:19:38 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : jsoscia Title : 43973.pdf Modify Date : 2001:06:22 14:19:40-04:00 Page Count : 16EXIF Metadata provided by